i LYERLY. -September 41906. : We thought it was going to be dry, but we had a Bhower yester day.1 Mrs. C. L. Waltou, has been quite sick with typhoid fever, but is convalescing, J - R. C. Miller is quiet sick. Save not learned the trouble. W wiah hiui a speedy recovery,- If the fogs in August countfor the snows this winter, boys get your guns ready, for there will be a rabbit time. J. A. Boger; and family visiterd their parents last Sunday and Monday. Come again, always glad to see you. . j Many of our young people, are geing to get good, attending cthe meeting at Trading Ford, Time V W - V W W .U tV U g J A double wedding tQ report, but unable ' to give each one's name. A Miss Pepper, of one couple and a Mr. Harrison, of -the other. The nuptials were per formed by Rev. Bddie, last Sun day evening. ' W. F. Rufty is hauling logs for C. M. .Lyerly's 'new dwelling house. Look out Rufty, he will, give you your right load. Wants to try your new wagon. Gee whiz! G, A. Boger is in vited to a wedding in Franklin township. Ijbeliove he is . going Watch out Mr. Boger, and don't let the young people take your, eye. - Mrs. M. C, Parks, is critically ill, but we hope her a speedy re covery. Nat B. Drury and David M. Kesler, of Bast Salisbury Coun cil No. 38, Jr-O. U. A. M., have transferred and united with Rowan Council No. 196. We ex tend to each of, them a hearty welcome. We understand that the school committeeman hav employed ' their teachers for $his. winter, as principal, Miss Eltha Lingle and assistant, Miss Mary Barringer. We trust thky will teach a suc cessful school. Bro. Bartlette, do you mean to say that the correspondents are going to have their pictures taken? Gte J won't that be a lot of square faces together? Probably make jjur heads plentiful. A very unfavorable day, for the lag raising at Union. A right good crowd was preeent if the day was gloomy. None of the speak ers were on hand. Rev. N. D. Bodie, conducted the devotional exercises. Just before dinner an address of welcome was made by . T. Frick. At 12:30 a very sumptuous dinner wasapread and, all were invited. After all had eaten, basketfuls oi the good things remained About 1:30 the crowd re-assembled and short talks were made, then the flag and bible was presented to the school. Just about 4 o'clock, irig high in the air. The remain- pleasure out in the open air. Rufus A, Eller is sjck with ty phoid fever. A. L. Lyerly visited him last Sunday evening. We hope to see him among us soon, . A very busy time with the far mer now, cotton to pick, nay to make, tops to cut, oats to sow and a lot of other things too numer ous to mention. By the way, didn't Sam Snort fool you? But perhaps some one else more. We wish you much joy and pleasure. Well I well I I must pull to the side for this time and remember The Watchman in the future. September 10th. ! A little sunshine and a little cool weather. It won't be long until cold weather. You don't need to make any moe goo, goo, eyes, for the busy time is here to gather in-the crop, cotton and many other necessary products It seems that laborers areVery much in demand. ' : iuo uowwiui .Mite yommunity is very good at this writing. Juo. Goodman, Sr., visited' M. J. Poole last Sunday. G. A. Boger was visited by A. L. Lyerly's last Sunday evening. The Hartman-Tippett Co., have opened another new qnjarry, very fine granite, and seems to give good satisfaction in working and quality. Glad to know that they have struck the right spot. (Thousands of square yards there. ) R. A. Eller, who is sick with typhoid fever, was paid three wepks sick benefit, by Rowan Council at Union. Mr. Eller is recovering fast. Trust he will be with us soon. A Mr. Kluttz, of Florida, is visiting at G. M. Barringer's this week. Rowan Council, No. 196, will have ice cold lemonade next Satur day night for all members pres ent. Well, Bro'. Bartlette4 how are times serving you, or are you serv ing . a new business, at Spencer, N. C? Right in line. The regular fall communion will be held at Union E. L. church next Sunday, September 16th. Preparatory services on Saturday before at 2 o'clock p m. Wish to see a large- congregation -present. Rev.'N. D. Bodie, pastor. This is a cotton county, what do we care for expenses, give us another browny's worth of . crack ers, or cigars on ice. The dusTLER. Wound Will not Prove Fatal. The condition of Constable J. F. Pleasants, who was shot in such a cowardly manner by Jim Brown, a negro, yesterday, rested very well today. It is now cer tain that the wound will not cause death unless some unfor- seen complications arise. Dur ham special to Charlotte Observer. Drunken Man fatally Injured. About 8 o'clock tfiis morning, Tom Smith, a white man. was struck by a train on the East Carolina Railroad as' it rounded a curve about seven miles from here. The man's head was badly crushed and he, cmnot recover He was lying on the track under the influence of liquor.. Tarboro special to Charlotte Observer. Brotherhood Reorganized. Last week a meeting was held at the chaprer housi of St, Luke's parish, for the purpose of reorgan izing the local chapter of the Brotherhoos of St, Andrew, and getting it once more upon a work ing basis. The meeting was' well attended and much interest was manifested. Officers elected were: Hon. Jno. S. Henderson, director; S. F. Lord, secretary and treasurer. Several commit tees were appointed and work, as signed them. Ladies, read this catalogue of charms. Bjight eyes, glowing cheeks, red lips, a smooth skin without a blemish, in short, per Ceqt health. For sale with every package Mollister's Kocky Moun tain Tea. 35 cents, T. W. Grimes Drug Co. L. O. Russell has been paid for his' cow, which met. an untimely desith a few days since by coming in Collision with a live wire. The Salisbury- Spencer Electric Com pany settled the bill. . Torture by Savages. i M Speaking of the- torture to which some of the savage tribes in the Philippines subject their captives, reminds me of the in tense suffering I endured for three months from inflammation of the Kidneys," says W. M. Sherman, of Crushing, Me., "nothing helped me until I tried Electric Bitters, thrde .bottles of which cured me." Cures Liver Complaint, Dyspep sia, Blood disorders and Malaria, and jrestores the w'eak and nervous to robust health. Guaranteed by all druggists. Price 50c. at Spencer. Sunday mghii a series of meet ings commenced at Spencer in the Calvary Lutheran church, and will continue until Friday night of this week. In addition to the pastor, Rev. M, M. Kinard. of Salisbury, Rev. Geo. H. Cox, of Granite Quarry and Rev. C. I. Morgan, of Chestnut Hill, have been Piling the pulpit. Flagman Killed. James White, a flagman on pas senger train No. 12, which left Asheville for Salisbury yesterday afternoon, was killed near Point Tunnell last night about 8 o'clock by falling from the train. The accident was reported to the su perintendent's office last night. but no details of the affair were contained in the message. Ashe ville Citizen. . J. A. Shoemaker, formerly of the "Frisco'r Railway sysiem, has been anDointed eeneral vardmas- ter of the yards of the Southern at Salisbury and Spencer. To Cure a Cold In one Day Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. Druggists refuiid money if it fails to cure., E- W. Grove's signature is ion each box. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE Notice is herebv eiv en that tht un dersigned, F. M. Tarrh, has qualified as administrator oi trip, fstar,ft or Mar tha E. Cranford. All nersons having claims against said estate will exhibit same to me on or Delore the 1st day of August. 1907. or this notice will he plead in bar of their recovery. f THIS AUffUSt 1st. iy06. F M. Tarrh. 9-12 4t. Administrator. EXFCUTOR'S NOTICE. Having Qualified as executor of t.hf will of Jacob O. Brown, deceased. T hereby notify all persons having claims against his estate to present the same to me on or Delore the 7th day of. September, 1907. or this notice will be" plead in bar of their recovery. mis September' eth, 1900. J. A. Yost. Theo. F. Kluttz. Executor. 9-12 6t. Attorney. NOTICE TO CREDITORS. Having Qualified as executor nf the last will and testament of Gnre-rt fJnr- riher, dcsd.. I herebvnotifv all nevsnrs having claims against his estate to present tnem to me, on or before the 15th day of SeDtemher. 1907. or this .notice will be plead in bar of -their re covery. This September 10th, 1906. Jacob H. Corrittrr. Theo. F. Kluttz, Executor. 9-12 6t pd Attorney. Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera & Diarrhea Remedy Almost every family has need of a reliable remedy for colic or diarrhea at some time during the year. This remedy is recommended by dealers who have sold it for many years and know its value. It has received thousands of testimonials from grateful people. It has been prescribed by phy sicians with the most satisfactory results. It has often saved life before medicine could have been sent for or a physician summoned. It only costs a auarter. Can you afford to risk so much for so little? BUY IT NOW. 50 YEARS EXPERIENCE Trade Marks Designs Copyrights &c. Nona strict! vcoiitidmit.ijil. Tlandhookon Patent! sent free. Oldest agency for securing patents. Potanta talran Vi ti i i rrVi IMunn J& SVi ronolva tpecicU notice, without charge, in the Micnuuc American. year ; four months, f L Sold by all newsdealers. MUHN & U0.36,way,Hew York Branch Office. C25 F 8t Washington. IX CX There are more McCall Pattern n sold in the United States than of any other make oi patterns. This is on account of their.style, accuracy and simplicity. McCall'a Masrarfne(TheQu-en of Fashion) haf inore subscribers than any other Ladies! Mags line. One year's subscription (12 numbers) costs 50 cents. Latest .number, 5 cents. Every subscriber gets a McCall Pat tarn Free. Subscribe today. j, Xiady Agents Wanted. Handsome premiums or liberal cash commission. Pattern Catalogue ( of 600 de signs) and Premium Catalogue (showing 400 premiums) 0mUt9 44drwa THS IteCAIX CO New Yadt, Anyone sending a sketch and description may quickly ascertain our opinion free whether an inTonnnn ifl nmhohlff rviif onf nHla fVin tti 11 n 1 on. v Has Stood tte Test 25 Tears The old, original Grove's Taste- icon ksuiii jiouic. xou Know wnat you are t;aking.xIt is iron; and qui nine in a tasteless. form. No cnre, no pay.; 50o. EXECUTOR'S NOTICE. Having qualified as Executor of Nan cy Eller deceased, late of Rowan Coun ty, N; G., this is to notify all persons having fclaims against the estate of said deceased to exhibit them to the undersigned on or before the 15th day of August, 1907, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery All persons indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment. This August 15th 1906, William Littleton Caublk, tx-r TT , Executor. Walter H. Woodson, Ai torney. Furniture BejairiM. We have opened a FURNITURE- REPAIR SHOP NEAR THE PASSENGER DEPOT. Furniture repaired, refiniahed and upholstered to order. We can make your furniture look like new. Harlman & Gainer Co Loans Doubly Secured. If you have any money idle or nringiug you less than (5, list it with our Company at once. We'll lend it for you, First Mortgage on Real Estate, taking the mortgage and note in your name, and in ad dition give you the WRITTEN GUARANTEE of our Company that both princi pal and interests will be paid IN FULL . as they fall due. Yv e assume all risk and stand between you and possible loss. Our guarantee has more than $20,000 4back of it; and, loans made through our Company have DOUBLE TH SECURITY OF A BANK paying you 6 all the time. McGubbins & Harrison Go,, Paid in capital $20,000, Loans, Real Estate. Fire and Tjifo Tnsnr. ance, Salisbury, K. C. UNIVERSITY ORJSORTH CAROLINA. 1789--1906. Head of the State's Educational System. DEPARTMENTS: Collegiate, Engineering, Graduate, Law, Medicine, Pharmacy. Library contains 43,000 volumes. New water works, electric lights, central heating system. New Dormitories, gynasium, Y. M. C. A. buildiDg. 68a STUDENTS. 74 IN FACULTY. The Fall term begins Sept. 10, 1906. Address i?RANCJS P. VeNABLE, PRE3SIDENT, CHAPEL HILL, N.'C. TRINITY COLLEGE Foui' Departments Collegiate. Gradu ate, Engineering and Law. Large library facilities. Well equipped laboratories in all departments of sci ence. Gymnasium, furnished with best apparatus. Expenses very moderate. Aid for worthy; students. :: :: :: Young Men wishing to Study Law should in vestigate the superior advantages offered by the Department of Law in Trinity College : : For catalogue and further information, address I J. W. NEWSOM, Registrar, 6-20 8k , DURHAM, N. O Trinity High School, TRINITY, N. a (Old Trinity College.) Location five miles southeast of High Point, climate and water unsurpassed. Faculty of -seven Teachers. Will afford thorough preparation for Sophomore class of leading institutions of State. The coming year to be most successful r- ... . . . . in maiory oi institution, strong hnan cial backing. Rates very reasonable.' vvrne ror catalogue and other informa lion to J. T. HENRY, Principal. Rev. B..F. Hargett, Financial Agt. ! 7-18-8t . - . 6 ' ;i M0RT6AGE SALE. , ? Pursuant to the provisions contained in a Mortage Trust Deed registered in Book No. 19, page 94 in the office of me negister oi J eeds for Kowan Coun- x All a m . - ty, state oi JNorth UaroJina, madevby Henry E. Freeze for the protection and benefit of the undersigned, nn tho 22nd day of December 1900, default naving Deen maae in tne payment of ; tills ueDt wnicn saia mortgage was given 10 secure, tne unaersigneq will sell at public sale for cash at the Court nouse aoor in aaiisoury,- IN. U., on Monday, the 10th day of September, 1906, the followine described real estate Situate in Atwell Township, begin ning at a stone uatharine Freeze s cor ner and runs South 4,87 chs. to a stake, thence S. 81 deg. E. 26 chs to a cucumber bush on the east bank of the creek, thence S. 36 deg. E. 14,50 chs. to a stone, thence S. 63 deg. W. 10,50 chs. tora B. gum, thence N. 64 deg. W. 13,25 chs. to a stone, thence N. 88 deg. W. 2 chs. to a post oak, thence ft. 25. deg. E. 87 links to a stone,' thence 53 deg. W. 3.75 chs. to a stone, thence N 87 deg. W. 1,50 chs, to a stone, thence N. 52 deg. W- 2,25 chs. to a stone, thenoe N. 71 deg. W. 25,37 chs to a pine, thence W. 3.12 chs. to a stake, thence S. 12 deg. W 15T50 chs to a stake, thence W 35,50 chs. to a stake on the west side of the Buffalo road, thence N. 15 deer. E. 15.50 p.hs. to a stake on the east side of said rdad, thence N. 88 deg. E. 23,75 chs, to the beginning, containing 106 acres more or less, excepting 53 acres heretofore conveyed to S. A. Freeze. See Book 66, page 53 Register of Deeds Office for said County., conveyed by the- said Henry E. Freeze to satisfy the debt provided for in said mortage, August 7th 1906. S.-A. Freeze, JohnL. Rendleman, Trustee. Attorney. FOIEYSffOrftYTAR Cures Goldsi Prevents Pneumonia 3 3 EEFEIGEE A TORS COUCHES I AM HEADQUARTERS FOR id - Summer Furniture. OUR LINE IS MORE COMPLETE THAN EVER THE LARGEST STOCK ' AND- Most Viried Assorimeni is now ready for your inspection. Furniture Repairing: SitdfTf niture repair work and invite you to give us a trial. W. B. SUMMERSETT. MOSQUITO CANOPIES PORCH SHADES 5 M yj UK j THIS IS iNCE there was a small boy who J for hours to draw a copy on hia aamirea ine norse, wanrea it, I Ip S7 . experience to get him.i Ha therefore tried to craw one. vVher were complete, he looked first at the genuine article, then at the imitnt.i - " J J . I A V WW AXVVMV, A VUAiUl.l his failure and inability to reproduce the genuine, and he knew without "TKia is -a Horse " written below, no one would reconisa what he had tried to make. Would-be competitors ljave tried for years to imitate Grpa Tobacco. They make bla k plugs cf similar size, but of less weight, and put in it ail sort s cf various concoctions, mixtures and kind3 of Tobacco, butallfailfd (to ret the business) and finr I!y hit. upon the small boy's plan, and printed on the ta "SOMEBODY'S SUN CURED." They ail advertise and tell you that SOMEBODY'S "SUN CURED tass is valuable Cf.ccurse it is (it cost abut 15 cents per thousand) but how about the miserable imitation of Grape Tobacco the tag is on? Somebody's Sun Cured tag no more makes cood Tobacco than does THIS 13 A HORSE makes a valuable genuine horse. MORAL: CHEW GRAPE TOBACCO MADE IN, RICHMOND We Still hate a number of copies of the Galifornia Earth quake book on -hand. The. of this book is $1.60. Any one bnying one of these books will be given a year's subscription to the .Watchman, but should you be a subcriber we will make the price of the book $1.00. '''Now, if you want the most interesting book, of tho day, is the chance to get one at a reduced price. ICILLtks COUGH AND CURE the LUNGS WITH r.Eling's Hew SisGyiry forC Consumption Price 0UGKS and OLDS 50c & $1.00 Free Trial. Surest and Quickest Cure for all THROAT and LUNG. TROUB LES, or MONEY BACK. . FAITH PROPERTY TOR SALE. I hereby offer for sale mv nron- erty in Faith consisting of'ajot lo'cated on Main street in the cen ter of the village, on which is a store, an eight-room two-story dwelling, a two-room out-house. a good barn and a good well. This is a good business location and will be sold at a barerain for cash. Any one interested is in vited to write to or call on J. R. McNairy. 8-27 4t, pd. Faith, N. C. V U A HORSE" wrote "This 13 a Horse" after trying slate of a thoroughbred racer. He out naa neitner tne aDinty nor tne t his labors ! miserable

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