vV '.' - : '. 'y-t - yj - V A; Home Newspaper Published in the Interest of the People r-and for Honesty in Governmental Affairs. ;, :; -sr P?WliBSf NO: .40. Salisbury," N, C, Wednesday,; Serteiviber 26th, 1906. Wm, Stewart; Editors 4e . JJ--..f;- . '.. .. IF.-. K -sk r VAoseofio km cabarrus county. KllLEb AT '.SJPENC - YOURBfifEII; ;fJ)feWAR. SlATtSVILLE AND IREDELL COUNTY. "ALBEWARLE AND STANLY COUNTY 3- fc. ; --i- '-j v; 1 ' 4 , .-3.-.-. . - - T--L .- . X. 4 r jeer Iff It V4r If, 3- i ST " Boy Droops Deaa -In a store. New v;V; Caltoii ' Cta(i ia Rapidly. - 'S;i6fiAktlarhQd Monday mdiTKVromihe Isthmus of 'Panama4:;wher& be - has been for Hwo Vears - jBTe is clerk in the of- fice,f "HijeS chiQf -jnechanic iu V -bhaf5.pf ' theauaUwork there. v -.HrFioK sailed, from Colon jasa .wjeefcbetofethis arrivaLhere com- Mng, fey.way of ,iTewYirk. Jiilri - be jire ab o u t a ix 1. He likes ? 1 t !J1 woroa sne anai is going: rapiuiy -N'l'wjcotfQn is coming in pretty lbriskr3BbalesbeingB6lvhereJa8t - w-'v-V .Saturday. v;,The price is i 9 cents, and: 10, cents f or old cotton. I . The little Diue-yjpar-Qla son of : D. L. Shinn, -dropped.dead in, the store of White- Morrison-Flbwe Co. yesterday afternoon shortly after t p-clock. The bpy was ac companied by'his father and moth ferwho were doing some jbradingV Tfieytbad jitcbme down stairs,, when the little fellow droppecf to. the floor. It was thoughthat he had only fainted, and some watejf was thrown into his face; with rfo wsult: VDr. Burleyaon wa sum-j moned, and al once pronounced , bimdead. s H. "P:Deaton has purchaefed the Tribube job. office, and will move it ? f t pee , Jut. leatonnsanvoiauoncord Xrr r. s&oyj&na nasDeen inline primnig f. - MARA a1 1 Win 1 1 f A - Xf U 1 -Vf.. -- 4-. V . . - ' t . i I.E..JKI i ii-THFf At . ni..iiin... irn hihii Hint S.anbbra Map Co:, is here engaged in making a new insurance map for the town. He expects to have it ready in about a month. It has been some time siace anew map was made. Concord Times Sept. 21st. Martha Gilmer, the colored woman of Shankletown who wa&J burned by the bursting of a light ed lamp thrown at her last Sun day by Pleas Howie, is so badly burned that she is not expected to live. Professor Ingram reports that he hap enough'of Cabarrus politics for the present, and when his plantation in No, 10 is rented out he will start on his yearly lecture course, which will the next season cover South Carolina, Georgia, Florida, Cuba and Porto Rico. The Cannon Manufacturing Co., of Concord, and the Patterson Manufacturing Co., of China Grove, on Wednesday let the con tract for the erection of two new mills at Cannopohs, just above Glass. At the same time the con tract was let fr the erection of 20Q tenant houses for the mill operatives The contract was given to F. C. Thompson & Bro., of Birmingham, Ala. A re-union of the Winecoff fam ily was held last Monday at W. L. WinecoffVinNo.il. About 100 of the connection were present, several being there from Rowan. Talks were made by Rev. W.-.Y Honeycutt, J. B. White, and oth ers," A fine dinner was served and there ally. was a delightful time gener- 1 Lame Back. This is an ailment for which Chamberlain's Pain Balm has -proven especially valuable. In almost every instance it affords prompt and permanent relief Mr, Luke LaGrange, of Orange, Mich., saysorit: "Alter using ; a plaster and other remedies fori three weeks for a baa lame nacK, I purchased a bottle of Chamber " lains Pain Balm,: and two appli cations ured i me. For saleby -: James Plummer, Salisbury, N, C, ' and Spencer Pharmacy, fcpencer, wrAW-ftti Anno o i rr t hi a- n atir i tt cm r n 10 ftt?:. -V ty- JvalbeTt DuviSf representing the LfXIN6T0N AND DAVIDSON COUNTY. i - Town Rejoices Over New Clocks Burglar Alarm for Bank. Lexirtgrton Dispatch, Heptembez. 19th. The Bank of Lexington is in stalling thp costly burglar alarm apparatus this week that we men tioned nsome time ago? r" The ap pliance, is beiig?put"in by expert workmen from New York, who are in the employ of the Electric Bank Protection Company of New York, the firm that makes ' the alarm machinery. The work will probably be completed this week, and some time next week a prac tical demonstration of the appli ance will be given to the public. W. M, immerman, a well known farmer living near Arca dia, had the misfortune to lose a tobacco barn by fire- last rhurs xiay afternoon. Mr. Zimmerman had just finished curing a ; barn full of jbhe weed. No one was a the barn when th fire started. j-r. Zimmerman's loss is several hundred dollars. He has no idoa how the fire originated. Tliere is no question about the future of Denton. . It is going to be a considerable town in the near future. The Davidson In surance and Trust Company com-! oiencedl selling their lots last ! ivlonda, and as they have more Jthan .eighty hundred,- everybody liow has a chance of securing prop erty in the growing town of Den- tOn, ' ..; B; G. Gobble, of Reeds, tells us that a worm, which he. calls the army worm, is eating the grass, in his melon patch and gar den.. They ate also "destroying his tomatoes. The worms are one and one-fourth inches long, hav ing a rather dark color, with a white streat onf , eachside. They made their appearance more than a week agot; ' ! The new city clokf has been or dered and is expected to arrive within a month. " The necessary appropriation from the town and county has been made, augment ed with subscriptions from pri vate citizens. The clock will cost about $800 and will be a credit to the town in every re spect It will be installed in the court house steep'e. We learn that Elder Henry Sheets discontinued his connec tion as 'pastor of Clemmcnsville church last Sunday, where he has served seven years. He does not know now where He will take work in the place of the church just left. R.v- L. A. Peeler, who has been pastor of the Second Reformed church during the summer, left Monday for Philadelphia where ho will enter school. Mr. Peeler hopes to complete his theologi cal course next year. Monument to Robert Burns. ! ; Interesting ceremonies attend ed the unveiling here today of a monunient to Robert Burns, a tribute iof the Scotchmen of New Brunswick to the memoryaf the famous! poet. The monument oc- cupies a commanding position in the Parliament building grounds. It consists of a statue of the poet mounted on a granite base. "!fhe statue, which is of bronze, ten feet high, was cast by Brdd Stephenson, of Edin burgh Fredericton, N. B., dis patch. I A Liiely Tussle with that old enemy of the race, Constipation, often ends in Ap pendicitis. To avoid all serious troublerwith StomAoh, Liver and Bowels, take Dr. King's New Life Pills. They perfectly regulate these organs without pain or dis comfort. 25c at all druggists. Conductor Hedrick "Shoots Down Flag man Whlttaker. ; Shooter Surrenders. , - .... t - Oli last Friday afterooon! Spen cer was;in the throes of excFfce- ment on account of a killing which occured in the rear of the store of the Spencer Clothing and "Shoe Company. It is stated there was- no quar rel between the men at the time of the shootingr Whittaker was in the store purchasing some arti cles, when Conductor- Hedrick and his wife came m. When Hedrick saw the other man he at once drew his pistol, Whittaker ran through the store in order to escape by the rear en traced Hed rick followed "him and shot and killed him .just after he had got outside of the store. After the - 4 j shooting Hedrick went to his home aud stated that he wanted to sur render to the 'officers.: Sheriff Julian, j who was at once notifiec of the killing, sent out deputies Kriderand Rice to arrest Hedrick: They found the latter at his home waiting for themr &nd he was placed under arrest- and brought to Salisbury. Conductor Hed rick onlhis arrival here, retained! Overmanand Gregory and Clem ent and Clement to take charge of his -case. , It is reported that the; plea of Hedrick will be that he killed Whittaker in self defense, as the latter is said to have drawn a pistol at the time Hedrick did. The shooting was caused, so it is stated, by the attentions ot 4 Whittaker to Mrs. Hedrick, Thja-elain man, G. C. Wbitta- ker, wa? a flagm a n on the South ern between Monroe and Spencer, and was from Pilot Mountain, N. C. Conductor Hedrick is from 9 ' Davidson county, and some years ag was employed in a store in this city. While here he killed Adolphus Shaping, but he was acquitted by a jury on the ground of self defense. Coroner Dorsett held an inquest over tne remains ot VVnittaker. the jury rendering a'verdict to the effect that the deceased met his death at the hands of Hedrick. Witnesses at the inquest testified that as Hedrick fired his last shot, he remarked, "I guess you are dead." The prisoner was com mitted to jail without bond. W. P. Dorton and J. P. Biggs, who were in the Btore of the Spencar Clothing and Shoe Company when the two men met, and John H. Harris and R. B. Gobble, who saw the latter part of the affair, were the only wit nesses examined. Their testimo ny is the same in substance as the account of the killing published above. H. F. Whittaker, of Pilot Mountain, the father of the slain lit - - v 'm ' i man, will employ counsel to as sist in tue prosecution, so it is stated. The remains were ship-' ped to the former home of the deceased Saturday morning. It developed at the inquest that the deceased received several bul let jvounds. One entered the back, near the shoulder and penetrated the body, this wound of .itself be ing sufficient to cause death. One entered thet right hip, the left leg received a wound, and the chin was struck by a bullet. It seems to be settled that the killing was the result of the al leged intimacy! between Whitta ker and Mrs. Hedrick. It is &aid that soma weeks ago- Conductor Hedrick came home unexpectedly and was made aware of certain conditions, which caused him to threaten prompt, and sure ven geanceupon Whittaker if his in timacy with Mrs, Hedrick did not cease at once. Mrs. Hedrick is a daughter of var:Jlc jartmeht?repartBg 7 f o rivPosslble & -Heed of Armi M Culiar . Washington, Sept, 1 Young offierg for command Jh Cuba in' casertarmy is sent there, has practically jbeen .decided upon by the .War Department authorities, Geireral Frederick ;Fphs ton pr&ba bly.will be in command fanol his chief, lieutenants5 are likely to f; he Brigadier Generals Thomas S. Barr and William P. Duvall. Thesibwo officers have recently completed an inspection of the German mauuoevres in Europe and have notified the War Depart- mer'that they intend to saiP for thisountry on Sept. 29, but owing to the acute situation in Cuba theyhave been advised ythat their presence in this country at an earlier date will beT desirable. Preparations are going forward to meet any emergency that may in case the reconciliation of the warring elements in Cuba can not - accomplished. While the State Department has beenanformed unofficially of the arrival at Havana today of Secre tary Taf t and Assistant 'Secretary of State Bacon, no official advices had been received at the Depart ment up to the hour of closing. . It is said at the Stato Depart ment to be unlikely that either Secretary Taf tor Mr. Bacon would communieate with the Depart- ment on matters relating to their mission in Cuba. Whatever they may have to communicate will Be sen t direct to President Roosevelt, as they constitute a special presi- df ilmi88ion whicK ' yisJite. of State Of course, any complaints r e ceived by the State- Department of the destruction or imperiling of Amercian interests will go through the usual diplomatic channels and not through the presidential mission. a citizen of Thomasville, and she will return to her father and re main until the trial of her hus band. . In a statement made to the Post by E. C. Gregory, Esq., of Hedrick's counsel, he pays : , "Several weeks ago Capt. Hed rick learned that Whittaker was seeking to violate and despoil his home on Long street in Spencer, and to wean his wife from him. Oue day Hedrick returned home from a trip at an earlier hour tnan be, was expected and found Whit Saker there. He then warned( Whittaker never to come to his home again and to cease atten tions to his wife. Whittaker at that time roomed three doors die tant on the same .street. To get away from him Hedrick moved hiswife and his daughters to Newton Heights which are on the opposite side of Spencer from his former residence. Whittaker fol lowed and secured a room in the neighborhood about three doors off. He persisted in his atten tions ( aDd continued to pursue Mrs. Hedrick. Yesterday Capt. Hedrick had made his run for the Southern from Monroe, and reach ed his house about J o'clock in the afternoon. His wife ! was ab sent and his little, girl informed him that Whittaker had spent the morning therewith his wife, and that her mother and Whittaker had driven off together in a bug gy. Hedrick and his wife met shortly afterwards, and went to the store where the tragedy oc curred." ! Hudson and Kiuttz have been- retained by: Conductor (Hedrick, -in addition-to Overman & Grego ry, and Clement fe Clement. Subscribe for the Watchman $1. Almost Serious Fire, Philadelphia Man ..Wants Plctureof Water, Wheel : Statesvllle Landmark, September 18th. A serious fire ; was narrowly averted at the tV-jDharleshotei Saturday afternoon.- The'Sie place in one of the rooms&lh second flqor had been used during the summer as a waste basket and had been filled with-old papers and a screen set before it. Sat-N urday afternoon a young inan who was' stopping : there thoughtlessly threw a cigarettr in the fireplace as he left the room.- A few min utes later Mrs.' Bettie Holand, manager of the hotel, happened o go in the room and found f a roaring' fire ,on the hearth. The screen before the fireplace was ablazy and itjfcief furniture in im mediate danger. The fire- was extinguised before any damage of consequence resulted. While getting off a moving train at the depot Thursday evening, J. E. Boyd fell and received very painful injuries about the shoul ders. Mr. Boyd had accompanied some relatives to the station and went in the train with, them to help secure seats and vplace their bundles. The train began moving and before Mr. Boyd could reach the door had gained such speed as to throw him when he jumped. His injuries are not serious. ( Messrs. White Bros. W. W. and J. W. White, of Statesville, received a letter a few days ago from J. Warren, of Philadelphia, asking for photograph of the old fashioned water wheel 1 at;, their mili:neaiStaesville3& Mr, riar, said he wanieathe picture solely for the sake of "Auld Lang Syne," as the old-fashioned water-wheels have disappeared from New Jersey j and Pennsylvania. The picture j was sent him. The price paid for the-first bale of new cotton on the Statesville market last week was 10 instead of 10. The Statesville Inn, which was recently leased by E. G. Gilmer, proprietor of Hotel Iredell, was opened under Mr. Gilmer's man agement this morning. The of fice will be in charge of Z. A. Smith, of Houstonville. Mrs. DicieJarvis, aged 75 years, died "yesterday afternoon at 2 o'clock at her home on Sharpo street, and will be buried this morning at 11 o'clock at Oakwood cemetery. v The four large granite colums which are to be placed in front of the new bank building are on the ground and will be put in position as soon as a derrick can be rigged up to handle them. The columns are 23 feet 9 inches long and weigh 18,000 pounds each. They are from the granite quarries near Mt. Airy. The site for the new Methodist church on Broad staeet has been staked off and it is expected that ground will be broken this week. Messrs. J. H. McElweetmd P. 0; Carlton were in Lincoln and Catawba counties Friday and Saturday in the interest of the Statesville Air Line railroad. A very enthusiastic railroad meeting was held at Denver, Lincoln coun ty, Friday night and the States ville gentlemen state that much interest is manifeste'd in that sec tion and that the townships are arranging to vote bonds for the railroad. Ask any '"JAP" that you may see, "Why the Czar, with j Bear be--.Jiind" had to climb a tree. Ther Yanks, God bless the Yanks, sayajie, They gave us Rocky Mo untain Tea. T. W. Grimes Drug Uo. A Large stalk of Corn. Uore Wrecks : - v on the Yadkin; Road. Stanly Enterprise, September 20th & Representative Blackburn is.;! great at glorifying, the- achieve-; r". ments of the republicaijiiartv and : he dwells long and iustly oyer I ' lV its flohcitude for the wage'earner. - OJ: 5:.- - "iUs A me saKe ot argn msnf, that every tjlaim ha makes ior the republican party is found- ed on facts, his constiuents - are N anxious to know what part he has Plyed in this 'legislation enacted tjy his party since he wa& elecfH to Congress, ttns ell kn6Wr in Stanly that Mr. Sanders" has been .diligently seeking th4 nomination for some- time. It M but another stage of -the fight for, the postofBce at this place, where some of the republi can leaders of the cauntv wunt , . . . him. - T ; Columbus P. Efird came in from Asheville Sunday,, accom panied b his trained . nurse. He is contemplating going to one of the health resorts in the weft very soon. His naltn!jis mnfth proved, and there is hope for his recoyery. " The republicans keep very quiet on S,he matter of their f&ilu're to o list tbousauds of dollars worth ot property., in Harris township. it means a loss of several thous and jdollars to tfie cbuutvvif not attended to in 'the right way. Honf TiAA S Ouarmon - T n, ui me obace s giitea oena- -y.. ,' tors, will speak at Albemarle "oii ) Tl Friday, rtpteml J oX ana au jocust,.onf Saturday to ' 29th, at 2 o'clock p. m. : ' " The radical ring is planning several surprises to spring upon unsuspecting voters on the ove of election when they hope their devilment will not be found out in time to hurt. A stalk 1C feet high, bearing only one ear of corn 10 feet from the 4 -ground, is a freak shown us by F. Cooper., Mr. Cooper thinks it will head the list. The freight train carried an extra passenger coach Tuesdry morning, and many of our folks went to hear Mr. Bryan. A wreck on the freight train" yesterday derailed five cars and delayed the passenger train for several hours. Another Fool With a 6un. In Lincoln Superior court, on last Tuesday, a young man named Jones Kiser was tried for shoot ing a young girl. He thought the gun was not loaded and asked the girl to, put her ear to the muzzle and hear the sound made when he snapped the trigger. He assured her t,he gun was not loaded, but wheh he snapped the trigger the gun fired and blew the top of the girl's head off. The young man thought the gun was unloaded. ut ne was tound guiltv of man. slaughter, for criminal careless ness and sentenced to 12 months on the chain gang Newton En terprise. Doctors are Puzzled. ' The remarkable recovery of Kenneth Mclver, of Vauceboro, Me., is the subject of much inter est to the medical fraternity and a wide circle of friends. He says of his case: "Owing to severe in flammation of the Throat and congestion of the Lungs, three doctors gave me-up to die, when, as a last resort, I was induced to try Dr, King's New Discovery and I am happy to say, it saved my life," Cures the worst Coughs and Colds, Bronchitis, Tonsil; tis, .Weak. Lungs, Hoarseness and La Grippe, Guaranteed by all drug gists. 50c aud $1 00. Trial bot tle free, JL,- S J . J, cjKA - i - - 4