J, 1 A Home Newspaper Published in the Interest of the People and, for Honesy;anGQvernmentar Affairs. VOL. II. Np. 41. Salisbury, N. C, Wednesday, October 3rd .1906; ' Wm. h: Stewart, Editor. I I : - , A H 'A 1 I I I 1 V W AA LEXINGTON AND DAVIDSON COUNTY. New Bom Infant In Well, Farmer Hods Spider in a Pear. Lexington Dispatch, September 26th; . W. R. Gallimore, of this place, recently visited his great-aunt, Mrs. Ruth Gallimore, of Silver Hill, who is quite a remarkable old lady. Although lacking but four years of he century mark; Mrs. Gallimore en joys fine health She insists on doing her own : washing ajad cooking, and Jier eight and hearing are a good as , can be. The First Lutheran church is rapidly being finished by Contrac tor Harbin. It is hoped to have everything ready for service some time next month, r The time de pends on the arrival of the hand some seats that have been ordered from Grand Rapids. This week the workmen will place the beau tiful art glass windows, of which there are twelve. Robert Harvey died last week and was buried Friday at Fork Church; Davie county, by Rev. Wilson Merrill. Services were held at the home by Rev. J. N. Higgins. Mr. Harvey was about 61 years old. He is survived by Mrs. Harvey and ten children, all of whom wer& present when he died. He was familiarly known "Bob Harvey" and was liked by every one. J. F. Nance, of this place, cap tured a very curious spider recent ly under unusual circumstances, and he brought the beast into the i- office TFriday, where it was in- 7"ipected with fear and tremblings! ;vHegotit out of a pear over in Randolph county. It had bored into the fruit and had eaten pretty much all there was inside. The thing had a shell on its back after the style of turtles, and traced on the shell is a beautiful design of a butterfly. It isstrong and vicious ' and no doubt poisonous.' Saturday morning a white in fant was found in a well in the mill settlement across the South ern railway from the Nokomis r cotlon mill, oh the property of Daniel Smith, who owns half a : jlozen houses" there. The child n.ad been thrown in the well at birth. It was well-developed and would have weighed probably twelve pounds. The general opin ion was that it had been in the well something like two weeks. Decomposition had partly set in, and, when taken from the water, the body began, to decompose rap idly. The first intimation that any one had that there was some thing in the water, was on Thurs day, when 0. H. Hindale, whose house is nearest the well, drew up . a small piece of skin. Six fami lies had been using the water op to then, Saturday morning the Italians who work on the railroad had gotten some water there, as was their custom. When well cleaners came to clean the well . out, the child was discovered by - means of a glass. Saturday after noon the coroner, Dr. Julian, held : his inquest and the verdict was : left open, 'there being no evidence brought out that pointed to the guilty person or persons. How ' -Ever, we understand, that a clue has been discoyeed and the po ' lice are working ondt. The feel r . ings of the people jy ho have been drinking the water, may agined. ' .;";; be im- T nnAnflrTin. 'i hvdrant this V- - A ' V Jw.,xflt..-'-. J -n J y: 'morning andlihe water that came " out-was green," declared a citizen. ' He was of the opiiiiion that the K standpipe and reservoir should be iV; inspected and thoroughly cleaned ? V but again. We pass the hint up "vfcto the powers that be. S1ATESVILLE AND IREDELL COUNTY. Capt. Carlton's Find. Dogwood Blossoms In September. Minister Resigns, Statesville Landmark, September 25th. S. 0. Irvin has placed in the First Presbyterian church a hand some memorial window in mem ory of his adopted daughter, Miss Jessie Fowler, who was so long or ganist of the church. The window shows the ,Good Shepherd caring for the lambs of the flock and contains the name Jessie FoW ler. All the: remaining win dows in the church are to be re placed by new: and handsome ones The contract offered by S. H. Garrison, one of the applicants for the position as mail carrier between the postoffice and depot to succeed Mr. Taylor, resigned, has been accepted by the Post office Department, but Mr. Gar rison has decided not to accept the position. Rev. S. H. Williamson, late pastor of Front street Presbyterian church, Statesville, and Shiloh church, Shiloh township, has ac cepted a call to the pastorate of Euphronia and Pocket Presby terian churches, in the vicinity of Sanford, Moore county. i John F. Shaver, who lives on Fourth street, lost a good horse Thursday afternoon, the animal dying soon after it was taken ill. An examination was made to as certain the cause of death and an 8 penny nail was found in the horsVs entrails. Failure to - di gest the nail caused death. While out fox hunting Satur day morning, Capt. P. C. Carlton found a dry land terrapin with the date of 1806carved on its back. The inscription may have been placed on the terrapin in recent years as a joke, but Capt Carlton says it had the appear ance of being very old and as terrapins have been I nown t? live many years there are reasons to believe that this one has reach ed its 100th year. A large tor- tois, which was overlKX) years of age, recently aiea in a Lionaon Zoo, . While out driving on the Long Island road, in Falltown town ship, one day last week, W. E. Sloau saw two dogwood bushes covered with blooms, He carried the blooms to town as an evidence of good faith and left one with the Landmark. Dogwood blooms in September are unusual. Tbey belong to the early spring. Will some one who knows tell us "how come?" A. K. Klingender, of States ville, who has been with the Row an Chair Company, at China Grove, for several months, is now located in Salisbury and is con nected with the G. W. Frix Mu sic Company. Iredell can boast of at leest one giant. Burley Wilcox, who lives in Hope township aud who is on iy 16 years old, has reached the height of 6 feet 9 inches and is still growing at a rapid rate. How to Gore a Cold. mm m -m . Mm The question ot how to cure a cold without unneceesary loss of time is one in which we are all more or less interested, for the quicker a cold is gotten rid of the less the danger of pneumonia and other serious diseases. Mr. B. W. L. Hall, of Waverly, Va., has used Chamberlain's Cough Remedv for yean, and says: 4 firmly believe Chamberlain's Cough Remedy to be absolutely the best preparation on the mar ket for colds. I have recommend ed it to my friends and they al agree with me." For sale by James Plummer, SuHsbury, and 1 Spencer Pharmacy, Spencer, N. C A SEVERE STORU. Severarof the Coast Cities are Daraag . ed to tbe Extent of Millions. The dispatches of last Friday gave an account of severe storms which raged along the southern coast Friday night. Pensacola, Florida, and Mobile, Ala., suffer ed great damage. The dispatch from Pensacola is as following : The worst hurricane to visit this city in its history and almost equaling the Galveston disaster, raged here furiously all last night and this morning, and today. with a gale still blowing, the city presents a ' wrecked appearence and the damage is estimated at $5,000,000. The loss of life will be heavy among the mariners, but so far only ope body has ben recovered, a man named George Morgan, a fisherman. Other bodies are reported along the shore, but have not been recover ed. Commencing at 7 o'clock last night the wiud blew at 50 miles or three hours, then increased to 75. From that time until 5 o'clock it remained about 80 and 90 miles an hour. The tides, rom the bay packed into the citf; for blocks, destroying homes and making rivers out of streets. When the gale was at its highest this morn iLg women and children were running frantically about the streets in darkness. Every house along the water ront for a distance of ten miles has been destroyed and the won der is that the loss of life is not greater. The tracks of the termi nal railway to the navy yard and barracks have all been destroyed, as also the trestles and bridges. The Mobile dispatch, same date is t a similar effect. Loss of lite, variously estimated at from five to 50 persons, many people injured, 5,000 houses damaged, the business quarter devastated, and a property loss of fully $3,000,000, is the effect of a tropical hurricane of the last 48 hours. on the city of Mobile. The storm struck Mobile at midnight and raged for many hourB, the wind reaching a veloci ty of 90 miles an hour. Water from Mobile Bay was blown into the- city by the gale and for a time stood seven feet deep in the wholesale quarter from Royal street to the Alabama rivr The loss of life is believed to be mainly among the negroes, al though conditions are so chaotic that information's indefinite. Mobile has been placed under control of the militia. Nobody is porrflitted in the streets except newspaper men and persons wear ing badges. . j Rochester Pape s Bolt. The Rochester Morning Herald, ever since its birth a Democratic newspaper, in this morning's is sue announce? itself as an inde pendent newspaper and advocates the election of Charier E Hughes. The Union ana Advertiser, of this city, hitherto Democratic, in its issue today, avers that "it owes no allegiance to the candi date of the Democratic conven tion at Buffalo, W. R. Hearst." -Rochester, N, Y., dispatch. Quinsy, Sprains and Swellings Cured. "In November. 1901, I caught cold and had the quinsy. iy throat was swollen sole mid hard ly breathe. I applied Chamber lain's Pain Balm and it gave me relief in a short time. In two days I was all right," says Mrs. L. -Cousins; Otterburn, Mich. Chamberlain's Pain Balui i9a" lini ment ami is especially valuable; for snrains and swellings. For sale by James Plummer, Salis bury, N. C, and Spencer Phat macy, Spencar, N. C. CONCORD ERESBYTERY 3m Hi, Tbe Session Ad)ouras After a Interest ing and Profitable Meetings ' The Concord .yresbytery .l'et in the First Presbyterian ohhEch in this city, on last Tuesday night and adjourned .Thursday night, Rev, W. Fi Collingsworth, if Morgan ton, wasVchosen modera tor, and Revs.f ( M. Richards' and A. T. Graham were selected as clerks. , St -. Rev. M. B. Porter, of the ville Presbytery was invited to situ as a corresponingperv Revs. J. H. (F-Aff$AlljB and Edgar Tufts were excused from attendance' at this meetings A call from Philadelphia church in the Mecklenburg Presbytery for the services of the Rev. John Wakefield, was, ead,.and plaoed in the hands of Mr. -Wakefield; who tendered his resignation -as pastor of theCaiinoliville audf; Whitehall churches;lty.: ": Revs. R. .E-.eighb Wvi Duttera and E. F. Tatum, were" invited to sit as visiting brethreu. The reports" of committee ap pointed to install a number . of ministers in their charges, were read and adopted. After some discussion ;the artir cles adopted 'at -Chariot t e in March 1906, were. adopted. .Tie articles, in substance, were ' for the purpose of ; amicably: ad justr ing differences existing ibetweeh the Northern and Southern Pres byterians, and it is stated ,t hat their purpose. does not contenpK. pJate actual uuioh in one body. The resolution was introduced by Rev. Geo. H, 3(?rnelisont of Con cord. He spoke in its. favor, and Rev. J. A. Scott led the debate on the other side. The. resolu tion was adopted by a large ma jority. On Thursday night Rev. Rob ert Coit preached his trial ser mon. His text was "Create in me a clean herat, O God ; and re uew a right spirit within me," Psalms 51-10. The matter of Mr, Coit's sermon proved him a close student and a deep thinker. The statement of his propositions, his arguments and his peroration were all systematically arranged and delivered in an earnest, elo quent manner. The Presbytery voted unani m6usly to accept Mr. Coit's trial sermon, It should be borne in mind that while the sermon was. all which could be expected, any sermon preached under, similar circum stances, by a beginner in the min istry, ought not to be taken as a test of the ability of the .preach er. Mr. Coit's position on this occasion was a somewhat embar rassing one, he had many disad vantages to contend with, which it is hardly needful to point out, and it is geatly to his praise that he more than met the expecta tions of his friends. A brief service iu memory of the late Dr. J. Rumple was held. Rev. J. M. Wharev read a short biographical sketch of the de ceased pastor, who was so loved by his congregation. Rev. J. C. Kennerly and Rev. W. W. Pharr both spoke briefly, tenderly and feelingly of their personal rela tions with Dr. Rumple. Rev. F. M, Beatty, of Moores ville, was ordained, and he will leave shortly for Cardenas, Cuba, where he will engage in mission ary work, J. E. Robinson, of Yancey county, read his popular lecturer, this being part of the require ments for candidates for the min istry, After some routine business, Presbytery ad j urned to meej in Hickorv in April next." Rev. W. F Holliugsworh remained over Sunday and preached at the Pres byterian churoh. ALBEUARLE AND STANLY COUNTY.' Coiernor at. Ricbfield. Uore Ataut v ' That Road 4latter;s . ' Stanly Enterprise, September 2Tth. W. . M. Ivey, of New ' London, called us up on the 'phone Tues day and said: .'Please; say to' those; people who made affidavit to the Tndex last weekTthat the piece of roadv they retarpd to was altogether a different que to triat mentioned by me. The road I "tfpoke about was the Aibemarle roail from New London to Albe martej and that part between the Junction and Kendall's creek. It has not been worked since H. S Trott was appoi' ted Supervisor. Now. Mr. Republic a n, c o m e n. .' ;As a word of gentle warning, it might be well to say to certain re publicans who, are talking too freely on matters that have ma licious origin, and are unfounded on fact, and which true gentle men would refrain from drawing even int a campaign j - that it would be well for them 6 guard their home closets: lest a more hor rid skeleton be therein concealed than they would find in their op ponents. .' .iv'v' K Chairman JV TX3an3pbell's ap pearance in1 tbwn- early Tiiesd ay morning called ;f drth the follow ing question from a wag who saw Jhim: "Wonder if his visit . had. anything to do with the dance .of the ghosts aud hobgoblins on Mon day night? . j - ''- ; The many friends of the, Rev. R. D. Sherrill will be" g!ad to know that he is again with us, having returned yesterday. His health is much improved. His congregation gave htm quite a "pounding" upon hs return. The Governor at Richfield was a red letter day for democracy. Tho.se gallantT young Democrats managed well, an immense crowd greeted the Governor and the peo ple gave him a good hearing.' Jilter Meets His Match. Some women are broad enough to be president of these United States. One of these is Miss Ma ry McDonald, of Brooklyn, N. Y. She was engaged to be married to a young man named Thober. A day or two before the date of the wedding she discovered Thober was a scamp but she kept her counsel. On the wedding day she appeared, in her bridal outfit and at the proper moment, in presence of all the guests, the she drew back the folding curtains ff the room and in walked a young woman with her mother; the young woman had been ruined and deserted by Thober. The minister was on hand. "Marry her, she does not want you, but she wants your name," said Miss McDonald, and Thober had to walk ud to the rack. When the ceremony was over Miss McDon aid took Thober by the arm, es corted him to the door and told him to go and go quickly. Then the guests had a big wedding re past; but Thober got none of it. This is the neatest and . most sen sible j )b we ever heard of. In stead ot marrying the mau to re form him, this young lady had sense; she was not even content with decliuing to wed him, but she made him atone, in so far as she could, for the wrong inflicted on another. Greensboro Record A Lucky Postmistress is Mrs. Alexander, of Caiy, Me., who has found Dr. King's New Life Pills to be the beat remedy she ever tried for keeping the Stomach, Liver ad Bowels in perfect order. You'll agree with her if you try these painless pu rifiers that infuse new life. Guar anteed by all druggists. Price 25c. CONCORD AND CABARRUS COUNTY. Four Brothers Die Within i few Months, r Candidates Will Talk.. Concord Times. Sept. 25th. " " On the 23rd of last March four " brothers, J ames, Laweon, Robert and Julius Carter, were living near neighbors in the Southern part of Cabarrus count?. Since that date airfouri of the broth ers have died. James died m March, Lawsonobn June 13th, w Robert oh June lSth and Julius on August 30th. These were el derly men and "good, citizens. Messrs. James, Robert and Law- son were veterans of the Civil War, W. L. Winecoff, of No. 11 township, tells us that he has a cotton stalk which he pulled from his field which is over 8 feet high, and has. only five or six bolls cotton on it. . He says there are a number of stalks nearlyas high as this one, but have very litUtT fruit on them. A petition has been circulated and. signed by eVery resident on - Mill street, to have the naihe of that street, changed from Mill street to Franklin Avonucv The notion will be presented to the board of alderman at their next meeting. - - . "John Bulla received Monday morning by express ; from Ala bama, four, gray foxes. They will be given their liberty in the course of a few months and then the fox ... - elub will give them a chase. f Concord Times, Sept. 28th J. B. Anderson of Albany, N. Y., was- in Concord Wednesday on business connected with his chair post factory, which is lo cated about four miles below Mt. Pleasant. The plant started up yesterday. The output at pres ent will be 1,000 posts a day, but it is expected that the capacity will soon be increased to 2,000. The posts are made from oak wood. About 25 men will be giv en employment, J. A. Lippard and family, who left Cabarrus county about a year ago for Oklahoma, to make that State their home, have' returned and will live and die in old Ca-: barrus, Mr. Lippard was not pleased with Oklahoma, hence his return. Chas. M Suther, who has been superintendent of the Er win mills at Durham since this mill was built, has resigned his position and, we learn, will re turn with his family to Concoid about the 10th of October. The county candidates are pre paring to start out with the sher iff on his tax rounds the first of October. They will speak at all points where the sheriff stops. McGlellan Bolts Hearst. Mayor McClellan gave out. a statement this afternoon in which lie said he would not vote for Hearst for Governor. "I am a Democrat and accept the action of the Democratic con vention. I will be a Democrat while my party has the name, but as a Democrat and as mayor of this town, I am unalterably op posed to Murph and to every thing ha stands for, 'I recognize the humiliation I must endure in common with other Democrats Nevertheless I will vote the ticket of my party in this State, bnt never fcr Hearst. Him I will not vote for." New York disptch. A Guaranteed Cure for Piles, Itching, blind, bleeding, protrud ing piles. Druggists are authorized to refund money if Pazo Ointment fails to cure in 6 to 14 days. 50c. 7 x 4'

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