, r TUC PAHni Hilt tllATPUMAII i in. uniivbiiin lini uniiinita W2LH. STEWART, Ed. and Pub. -BttbUihdj Drtrj WWifcidty at 120 Wtit bain Btreet Subscription Priet $1 pr rr ttrlctly r, t- eaia la advance Entered as second-class inattar Jan. 19th, ltOS, at thm post oflee at Sails burr. N. C under thi act of Gangras of March Ird. 1117. Salisbury, N. C, Oct. 3rd, 1900. generous munificence and the city should see to it that a building suitable to thw spirit and purpose for which it has been given is erected, not alone for the good such an institution will be to the public, but as a monument to the man who has made a city hospi tal possible. An egotistical ass is in nowise a statesman. - A politician's word of honor is like a bursted bubble. A man who" does not think right cannot act right. Because a man wauts an office it is not a sufficient reason to giye him one. A man may he a "good fellow and yet totally-unfit to represent a free people anywhere. A man should vote for public -officials with the same care he would select a man to be entrust ed with his own'nrivate business - The nearer starved the wolf the harder he will will fight for food, and the mere undeserving a nolitician the bieeer lies he will tell to get an office, Acknowledgement of an invita tionV attend the annual Meek len burg Fairr Jto.be held in Char lotte, October 16 to is hereby made. It goes without saying that on this occasion large crowds will attend this fair as Charlotte and Mecklenburg ngver do things by halves. They have never yet fallen down on their visitors and they,will not do it now. There are people amongst , us who do not -seem to know what hypocrisy and demagoguery are. We think they are very important matters and that all should tho roughly understand them, and hence, be able to avoid such 'as may practice them, as all honest, sincere men will, when" acquaint ance reveals those who are given to the use of such methods. It is especially important that the youth of a community should not be taught to look upon a hy pocrite and a demagogue as a man of superior virtue and unusua honor and high character. Such conditions are hurtful and in the long run will do much more harm than good. It will have a tenden by to lower the morals of the com mnnity. As such boys become older they will either adopt th detestable traits as meritorious or else their consciences will be great ly shocked when they learn the truth, and oiKe deceived they will forever view with suspicion those whose egotistical effrontery and . diabolical cusseduess leads them to profane an alter, sacred or otherwise, with an effort to ap pear different from that which they really are. But there are so many deaf, blind willing slaves to rotten society, political bosses and sordid gold, the hope for a better, nobler era seems useless, The present degenerate spawn cannot longer deceive an ihtelli gent people by labeling itself De mocacy. There is not one single feature of the once proud Democ racy exhibited in the present Rowan machine. The few good men to be found on the ticket would have long since been thrown overboard if the members of the machine had had the nerve to have done it. If, under the circumstances, no other candidates for the office of Sheriff of Rowan appear, the good people of Rowan owe it to them selves and to the county to vote for the man who is most capable and most worthy to fill the office. This is nothing short of a duty to the country and public welfare aid it is both good Democracy and good Republicanism. J. O. Houston is by many odds the more suitable one for the position. It may be good politics, but to our mind the most contemptible and most unreliable and unsafe citizen is the fellow who employs all manner of means to defeat, be fore a primary, some fellow known to be unworthy, denounces the boss and his methods, and af ter the primaries, takes the stump to help elect said unworthy and bends every effort to bring about a successful culmination of the boss' nefarious Echemes. He is not as good as the man he op -posed, he is entitled to less re spect in every way. He would sell his brother's birthright for a mess of porridge. over the majority of the people of its party in nominating its men, and the time was, especially ,? the South, when it could force its candidates so nominated on the people, but that time has passed. The people have begun to think and to act for themselves, though he wire pullers have not yet ful ly learned the lessson that is be- ine taught them, and after one or two defeats due to obnoxious bosE- isin these wirepullers will learn that it is best for the party that the masses shouldjbejgiven a hear ing in the matter or mating nominations. Wilmington Mes seuger. .Nicely said. One would almost think the writer had reference to conditions in Rowan this year This is why we speak of the pres ent Democracy as the "so-called democracy," but we would proba bly be more correct if it was call ed the "machine," a thing to be manipulated at will by a boss a thing in which there is no heart, no brain and consequently no Wanted.- by Chicago wholesale and mail order house, assistant manager (man or woman) f of this county and adjoining territory. Baiary ana expenses paia weekly ; expense money advanced. .Work pleasant ; position perma nent. No investment or experi ence required. Spare time vain a ble Write at once for full par ticulars and euclose self address ed envelope. Address, GENER AL MANAGER, 134 E;J,ake St., Chicago, ' " . 8-8 lOt. s The gift of W. F. Snider of the old Snider home place,, corner, of Main and Kerr streets, to the city of Salisbury to be used as a city hospital, was an act of unusual generosity in North Carolina. It is a gift that will grow in public value and greater appreciation as the years,come and go, it will not 'only be of great benefit to many within a few years, but it will be a blessing to generations unborn and an inspiration to all who can to make such offerings for its maintenance as their means will permit. Mr. Snider deserves the highest praise and credit for his The extravagance of the Pen rose ring in Pennsylvania in the erection of the new State capitol at Harrisburg appears to be a part of the campaign in that State. Four million dollars was appropriated a few years ago, but this was expanded by politicians into thirteen millions. It is said that the architect will receive the modest sum of over: half a mil lion for his services, whle an ar tist gets a quarter of a .million for mural decorations. Chandeliers cost only two million, and the safes were secured for a million and a half. Those who seek to deny the charge of ring rule and extravagance in Pennsylva n i a would do well to touch lightly on the capitol proposition. Char lotte Observer, Not for the purpose of drawing improper comparisons, but mere-v ly to show how politicians gener ally do things, and politicians are pretty much the same everywhere, especially those who persist in building- something known to be contrary to the wishes of a large majority of the tax-payers. Eve ry man who has ever built any thing knows full weil the original estimates are seldom sufficient to complete the work, consequently if there is any one thinking Row an will not be put to a greater ex pense than $18,000,06 for a new jail, they had just as well prepare to think different. The fact of the great . haste being made to have all the contracts made how lends strength to the idea that there is something in the build ing of a new jail more than the pretended need of such a build ing. Let the people see that a board is elected in November who will refuse to make this waste of public money, and, if any has been improperly spent see that those who commit the wrong are forced to shoulder the burden . as individuals. Let the people vote right and there will be no graft in Rowan. POWER OF THE RANK FILE. AND The London Times thinks that Mr, Bryan hasJinjured bischauces for the nomination for president on the government ownership of railroads question unless be can control the Democratic machine, and in that case "Mr. Roosevelt's name alone can be evoked on the repbublican side to secure anoth er republican Victory,' ' The Times is mistaken in its idea of the powej of the demo cratic machine to carry an election.- That machine is more pow erful in securing nominations than in carrying elections, The machine often rides roughshod principles, a merefgfinding outof voters, '..iifce a job press, simply to furnish so many printed ; slips with the names of the bosses' machine-made, candidates thereon. The final question is : Are you one of that tribe that can -be marched up to the polls, like a dog with a bone iii his mouth, to put in a vote under such conditions? Proe your patriotism and good wishes for the welfare of your country by voting for the best men regard less of parties. A MAGNIFICENT DONATION. Gift of Public Spirited Citizen Makes tiie Hospital Certain. A meeting wis held at the opera house last Thursday night to discuss ways and means to es tablish a public hospital here. The following letter, address ed to the . Mayor, was read, and this of itself is sufficient to re move t&e hpspital pla n from the realm ot doubt : My Dear Sir: I take this oc casion to inform you that I here by agree to donate to the city of Salisbury my house and lot on the east corner of the intersec tion of Main and Kerr streets. and being known as the "Snider Home Place." This property is given by me to the city of Salis bury with the only condition that it is to be used exclusively as a City Hospital, and should it ever be converted into any other use, or discontinued as a City Hospi tal, that the same shall revert to me or my heirs. x With best wishes for the suc cess of the enterprise, lam, Yours Faithfully, W. F. Snider. This is probably -the largest gift ever made to this communi ty by a citizen of Salisbury, or by any one else, for that matter, and the residents of this city, those who will profit by reason of Mr. Snider's munificence, will never cease to remember it most gratefully. A man who, makes such a princely gift for the cause of ruffering humanity does not want praise for his deed, he does not expect it, but it is hardly con sistent to spe'ak of the gift without some brief allusion to the large hearted giver. After reading the letter, which made a most profound impression upon the audience, Rev. K. J Murdoch offered prayer. The mayor spoke of the need of a hos pital and told of his observations of institutions of a similar nature in other cities. Brief talks were made by Rev. F. J. Murdoch R.-v Leo, Senator Overman, Drs. H T. Trantham; W. L. Crump, John Whitehead, J. B. Councill, J. M. Flippin, I. H, Foust, Capt. Rich ard Henderson, Jas. Moyle, H. C. Trott and others. The mayor has written to. an architect to come here and make plans for needed additions and al terations in the building. Latr a board of managers, etc., will be chosen, a canvass of the city will also be made for donations. Citizens of every class are en thusiastically in favor of the movement, and a number of the lodges of the city have already spoken for special quarters in the building. W ood's Seeds fob FALL SOWING. I Every farmer should ! have a copy of our New Fall Catalogue It gives ibest methods of seed ing) andi full information about Crimson Clover Vetches, Alfalfa Seed Oats, Rye Barley, Seed Wheat Grasses and Clovers Descriptive Fall Catalogue mailed free, and prices . quoted on request. T. 17. Wood & Sons, Seedsmen, - Richmond,1 Va. Our Trade Mark Brand Seeds'are the best and cleanest qualities obtainable. I am going to-sjell more Sewing Machines, between now and Christ mas than ever before in the same length of time. I have the New Home, New Domestic, New Stand ard, New Royal and at least a doz en other styles. I can furnish a new machine for as little as $14.50, with a 10 year guarantee. Repair work of all kinds, oil and needles, in fact anything needed for the sewing machine. Cut this out, bring along and get a prize. w. ievcttih:, 107 North Main St. ' Salisbury, N C. The ration of knowing you have purchas ed a piano that cannot, be surpassed by any Manufact urer in the world is indeed a great comfort. The time never comes to the purchaser of a Stieff piano to realize that a cheap piano has been purchased. STIEFF, Manufacturer of the piano with the sweet tone. Southern Wareroom, 5 West Trade St., Charlotte N. C. C. H. WILMOTH, Manager. Of course you're not, un less you have put in years of study. That's what we have done. That's why we can to day positively, guarantee th quality of the goods we sell. If you are not drug wise you'll have to depend upon a druggist's word for the qual ity of your drug purchases. You can depend upon us every time for quality, puri ty, acciiracy and perfect ser vice, gist? May we be your drug- SALISBURY DRUG CO., 115 N. Main St tie House That Satisfies' Customers is A. COF v We absolutely believe that we have the strongest lioe. of merchandise at right prices ever offered for sale. Hundreds of our customers have taken the trouble to as sure us of their complete sat isfaction with our immense line of goods. Our stock con sist of choicest goods, up-to date style, prices and quality , guaranteed. To our ' country friends, we give a cordial invi tation to make our house, headquarteis when in town and look through our great bargafns in white "and cold qr gaudies worth from 15 to 40 cents you can get them for 5c yd, 40 in Ahite Lawjis 10c for 5c yd, 36 in White Madros 10c for 5e yd, Canon Cloh10c for 5c yd, Pretty figured. Lawn 10c. Big lot of white goods for waists 10c, 15c, 25c. A big r line of short length Gingham 5c, 7c, 8c and 10c, the greatest bargains yet. Our pretty Silk Figured Eslines are simply dreams, don't fail to see these. We take great pleasure in showing our goods. We- call your attention to the good things, it pay you to see us before you buy elsewhere. Our line of Shoes can't be beat. Our line of Men's Hats are the proper styles Our line of Men's Shirts none better. Our line of ' Dress (roods are alL the, newest fabrics and best styles! K crcpjf lint nf Si 1 lral on fVi market bought direcU.rom the factory, can give you better prices than any . one xelse. Don't fail to call and see us when in the city. We ai yours to satisfy. In Y iBiig ! .-V WtoaiT. i i . .. j early all (Present Buyers Head straight for our Jewelry Store. The reason is plain and easy to understand. And it is but the truth to say that about all careful buyers succeed in finding here precisely what they desire. For birthdays "and weddings or any other occasion our stock reveals suitable articles. . The cost may be adjusted by the purchaser, for our range of prices accommodates all purses. At this particular time, the prices on some lines are very low, for as our buyer starts for New York and other Northern markets, on the 22nd of this month, we will give a discount of .10" on everything in our Salisbury store except Hand painted China, Cut Glass, Watches, and Diamonds, for the next Fifteen days. The remnants we have in china can be bought from us at ACTUAL COST. No goods charged at discount prices. Gorman & (Green, Leading Jewelers and Opticians, Salisbury, Spencer, Marion, II. C. HOUSEHOLD) FURHDSIHIDrJOS. We carry a full' and complete line of Household and Kitchen Furnishings, plain, substantial and ornamental, things that are Necessities in every home. We invite you to call, whether you wish to buy or not. We will take pleasure in showing you what we have. Should you wish to buy we will be pleased to have your patronage. Our prices are as low as is, consistent with the quality and finish of the goods offered. Cordially yours, SUn.irk1ER3ETT, 108 West Inneg Street. SALISBURY, N. C. UNIVERSITY COLLEGE OF MEDICINE i?&?2!k STUART McGUIRE, M. D, PpcstcrNT. This CoUcse conforms fixed by law for Medical Education. Send frw isuneun no. n, wnich tells about it. Three free catalogues -Specify Department. MEDICI HE -DEMTJSTRY - PHARMACY Always Remember the Foil Name mauve trom (CfiMniine tuores a tttia in une Way, inp in Tvo. oa Co3 25s.