tea SPENCER AND PERUNA. Query as to Whether Republican States man Prefers Parana to Corn Juice. If by any chance sundry copies of New York newspapers should float into the mountain district "where two distinguished gentle men are seeking election to Con cress, the eroose of Soencer Black- 1 f ' J1J 1 1 T J A. 'he moonshiner may balance of power He caresmoth itig for tariff or rate bills and in surance legislation so long as he is permitted to transform white and yellow grain into liquid corn. He will support the .candidate who can offer the greatest protec tion against minions who creep into the hills and valleys to de stroy the outfits that brew. But Spencer B has ruined himself. He has come forth brazenly in a display advertisement to tell of the greatness and joy in a drink of Peruna. He is right there, top of column next to reading matter, handsome ana debonnaire, in frock cqat, posing beautifully for the artist, while his silk hat roats upon his magnificent physique. "I cheerfully join my friend, Senator Pritchard," he says, "in commending Pe-iu-na as a very effective remedy for coughs, colds and catarrhal troubles. Many of friends have used it with excel lent results," -v a . mi Ut course tnev nave, inat is the popular drink in dry towns. The endorsment has a double meaning, for does not Spencer B speak of Jeter C. as his friend? Have we forgotten the exciting moment in Washington when the jurist refused to shake the proffer- ed hand of the Congressman? Perhaps they have made up. Pe runa might have been the touch of nature that made the whole world kin But if moonshiners annot read what Spencer B. says it is Dick HackettTs place to read it from the hustings. The idea ef a man from the mountains saying that there is a greater drink than Noith Carolina corn liquor is beyond and above us, and when the men holding bal ance of power realize the full ex tent and meaning of the adver tisement they will rush to the polls and Spencer B. will be un happy ever afterward. Praising Peruna in the eighth is like shak ing the, red flag before the bull of the infuriated bull. Ral eigh Times. Mexican Town Raided. A special to the Chronicle from. Eagle -Pass says that a telephone message received tnere.irom jimi nez, 30 miles up the Rio 0rande river, states that 40 armed men raided the town last night, placed the mavor. chief of police, treas urer and other officers in jail and are now in control. The tele phone ' wires were cut before the m as nacre was finished. Govern ment troops have arrived on a , ii snecial train today and are has- noia iuo . A T. . . Aj..;- fo tening to. jimiu. auywob battle are expected at Eagle Pass any hour. Houston, Tex dispatch. Human Blood Marks. A tale of horror was told by mnrlrfl of hiitnao tlood in the home Of J. W Williams a well known merchat of - Bac, Ky'. He writes : ' 4T wen ty years ago I had severe hemorrhages of the lungs, and wa? iietfr death when I began taking Dr.. King's JNew xis- covery." It completely cured me and I have remained well ever since." It cures Hemorrhages, Chronic Coughs. Settled Colds and Bronchitis, and is the only known cure for weak lungs Every bottle guaranteed by all druggists. 50c and $1.00. TnaU n bottle free. Seconal and Organ For Salfe.in good condition. Address box 505, Salisbury, N. C. ' tf: dObOOOOOCJnhnninnn ftrrrrrrrry to to to. r to to to COTTON SEED WANTED. Highest Cash Price Paid by I to to to: .1 to i V (ft M - V J.H. MgNEELY, 1 Takes Place of Jail. Buncombe county s lail and work house for, the shelter and keep of the unfortunates of the 9 city and county is. at last com plete and the inmates of the old home will next week be moved to the new quarters and the present Democratic county admistration be enabled to point with pride to the modern and up-to-date home in the State. The new county home has been 'built at a cost of $20,000. It is a thing of beauty and will result in a saving to the county of several thousand annually, In future women and boys will be sent to the home instead of being confin ed in the county or. city jail. There are several boys "and women now"1n the county under sentence of the courts for offenses and Monday all this class of inmates of the jail will be removed to the county workhouse. Ashev 1 1 re special to Charlotte Observer. A Certain Cure for Group. Used tor Ten Years Without a Failure. Mr. W. C. Bott, a Star City, Ind., hardware merchant, is en thusiastic in his praise of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. His children have all been sub ject to croup and he has used this remedy for the past j ten years , and though they much feared the croup, his wife and he always felt safe upon retiring when a bottle of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy was in the house, His oldest child was subject to! severe at tacks of croup, but this remedy nerer failed to effect a speedy cure. He has recommended it to friends and neighbors and all who have used it say that it is un equalled for croup and' whooping cough. For sale by Jas. Plum mer, Salisbury, N. C, and Spen cer Pharmacy, r Spencer, N. C, PRESCRIPTIONS COMPOUNDED FROM PURE DRUGS. We have just placed on our shelves a full line of fresh, pure drugs, especially for prescription work, and we have one of the most careful and accurate prescriptionists in the State. These insure our patrons ths best drugstore service in Salis bury. We are therefore giving SPECIAL ATTENTION TO PRESCRIPTIONS and invite you to remember us when in need of medicineB. We also handle a complete line of PATENT MEDICINES. Johnson's Chill Tonic will knock chills higher than a kite, and Vick's remedies will cure most everything else. Our prices are, reasonable, quality of service considered. Come to see us- CHESTNUT HILL DRUG COMPANY, C. M. HIGGINS, druggist. T. A. DENNISS, manager. ff "THIS IS A HORSE" ONCE there was a small boy who wrote "This Is a Horse "after trying for hours to draw a copy on his slate of a thoroughbred racer. N He admired the horse, wanted it, but had neither the ability nor the experience to get him. He therefore tried to draw one. When his labors were complete, he looked first at the genuine article, then at the miserable imitation, and after long, deep study wrote THIS IS A HORSE, realizing his failure and inability to reproduce the genuine, and he knew without This is a Horse written below, no one would recognize what he had tried to make. Would-be competitors have tried for years to imitate Grape Tobacco. They make bla k plugs of similar size, but of less weight, and put in it all sorts of various concoctions, mixtures and kinds of Tobacco, but all failed (to get the business) and finally hitiipon the small boy s plan, and printed on the tag "SOMEBODY'S SUN CURED." They all advertise and tell you that SOMEBODY S SUN CURED tag is valuable Of course it is (it cost about 15 cents per thousand) but how aboutthe miserable imitation of Urape TODacco tne rag is on s oomeuouy OUu vuim mnr makps c-ood Tobacco than does THIS 13 A HORSE makes a valuable genuine horse. more makes good Tobacco than does THIS MORAL : CHEW GRAPE TOBACCO MADE IN RICHMOND (TOUCHER'S We are now occupying our new Store rooms, just two doors north from our old stand, we shall be glad to meet, at all times, our friends from the surrounding counties. For the next few days we will make the following offer: Yard wide Sea Island Sheeting F7p worth 8i at IV 8 Fine, Skirt goods worth 25 at 19c Office at the Brown Shoe Store 107 N. Mam St., Salisbury. to HARNESS o o Now is the time to buy a new set of harness. We have them for all purposes and at all prices. Light driving from $8.50 to $25 Carriage or Surry harness from $15 to $25. Team Wagon Har ness, best in town for the money. We have a job lot of harness which we will close out at a very close price. Now is the time to get a bargain. Repairing of all kinds neatlj and promptly done at lowest prices. Cut this ad, out and bring it with you and for every $1 pur chase, or more, we will give a nice buggy whip, Hartline & Co. Phone 483, 130 East Inniss St. 4 Per Cent We pay 4 per cent. od. money in savings department, adding tne interest to the principal every 90 days, and offer every safe guard to the depositors. We also loan money on real es tate and personal security. THE PEOPLES' BANK AND TRUST CO. D. R. Julian, J. D. Norwood. President. Cashier. P. H. Thompson, J. A. Peeler. V.-President. Teller. o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o considerably less than ff fin pSIDIr3 Quite a good deal less, in fact. But we will guarantee that ev ery wearer of our shoes last win- ? ter will be aNwearer of our shoes this winter. Our thick-sole ustorm protec tors" keep the feet both warm and dry and incidentally save ever-so-many doctors' bills. It won't cost you a cent to get a look at these shoes,, and not very much more to own a pair. They are waiting to see you just inside the door. r u ain d Campbe r Salisbury, N. C. oooooooooooooooooooooooooo MMrmjrM If you buy shoes from us tjiey must be Solid Leather Shoes. We sell Star Brand Shoes and they are Solid Leather The best quality of Bleach worth 10 8c , 5 gross Mason's Fruit Jars per dozen 89c DawOes treicher. g mm I mm Try a pair from O O Ov O r o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o cx o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o 8

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