Governmental Affairs, Vol. IV. No 2. Salisbury, N. O., Wednesday, January 1st, 1907. Wm, H. Stewart, Editor. 1 COSCORD AHD CABARRUS COUNTY. WOOD FOR PAPER COSTS $26,000,000 STATESVILLE AND IREDELL COUNTY. A Home Newspaper Published in the Interest of the People and ffprlHbnesty In LEXIpTON AND DAYIDSNN COUNTY. i RALIEGH YOTES PROHIBITION. CLAUD BARBER SERIOUSLY SHOT. I Tbomnsoareseated"a GoW Watch. Cracks His Wife's SKuil. Concord rimea, Ded. 24.J I At.the service of the i graded school last the pupils ghd teachers of the school presented the retiring superinten dent, Walter Thompson with a very.handsome gold watch. The i : r ,- T J 0 presentation Bpeech was made by Prof. v Jar D. Lentz which was responded I to by l&x, Thompson with much t emotion. riThat the whole school ! regrets Mr. Thrmmarn'fl lftftvinff I Vai l evidenced oy the affecting scenewhich followed his remarks, " Jnhn T.,. Ui ar. rested Sunday night charged with 'cracking his wife's skall with a poker. This happened at his - home on Depot street about seten o'clock. His Wife was unconsci- i ous tor- some time. . Her injuries are- serious and may be fatal. rlsenhour is in jail until Friday awaiting the result. Two valuable mules belonging tto the Southern Power Co. were puled by a tram: at HainsDurg ieariy Saturday morning. Farmhands on the plantation fof Tom Johnson; who lives in the 'vicinity of Harrisburg, on the 20th inst found he dead body pf ah unknown negro man. The jjeorpse was lying in a-hranch and was 'probably 100 yards' over in Meckl9nburg county. It is said that! the : negro, from ; all appear ances had been dead for a week or. ten days. Ccncord Tribune, Dec. 21. i $200 Stola From Depot at Norwood. I Norwood, Dec; 24, Last night pi. Tom Lilly had the misfortune of losing a horse by . di owning e4he river atXowder's Mill, Vr- rtasViiight robbers entered jtne "depot here and stole about $2Q0 in " money, which had been for some reason left there, and also 4 gallons of whiskey. The agent J. V. Barringer had unintention " ally left the money there for sev eral hours, and when he remem bered it at 10 o'clock and went to the deoot to take it to his home, 1 i ." found that some one " had opened the office and warehouse and stoie the money. Bloodhounds were brought from Albemarle reaching hare at 3 am. but could not strixe f a trail. The money was shipped for the bank of Norwood. "No bide as yet as to the thief. Dec. 25. Special. Delma N. Tyson was Bhot last night about $ O'clock1 by a negro named Ualson Tyson was said to have been pick ingiat the negro in a spirit of fun When the negro, rariy with Tyson following after. The ngro turn ed and fired, a bullet taking effect in the fleshy part of the left leg. La wfill.Stanlv Enterprise. . ; I; Put Stamps on Your Letters. t ia thA easiest thing in the JL, o 10 - world to drop pennies in a rural but it is mail box to pay postage mighty hard to pick those pennies np out or tne coiuwiB ui a cold frosty morning wnen nogerB are numb. The people along the rural mail rnn fees are very Kind to tne car- tiers and the exception of drop- pihg p0"ieBi m m s nnhecessary j trouble A num nm- ber of rural route carriers have gpoken to us about the dropping i!njflu into the boxes and we are requested to call attention to I tt,fl great trouble ix, is io mem. Tf von have no stamps and have Jivfl the money tapay postage - l . ' ' , . : . i in the bOX these CUiu luuxmiago, put the pennies in a little box of . : enmekind., a match box will do, Vi hv so doing you will, greatly accomodate the carrier. Monroe Enqairer. A Higher- Health Leiel. I have reached Jigher health level since , 1 oegau usmg :,- ji. irrt'a r Nflw &, a':nar nf Wfisfc Franklin. Ti7 Btomaohjive " , uia wnrtini? mst riffht." Tf these' pills disappoint you money will be refunded The Publisher Pays Much More for His Stock Than He.Did Last Year. To-day there is general com plaint among publishers that printing paper is conttantly grow ing dearer. In the middle West many! local papers are raising their subscription price 50 per cent in order to pay for the paper. From' the timewhen Gutenberg first used movable type, made of wood, to the present day of met rspolitan papers, some ot which consume the nroduct of acres of spruce in a single edition, print ing has in a very large degree de Ponded upon the forest. In the face of a threatened shortage of timber, the amount of wood-consumed each year for pulp has increased since 1899 from 2 millions to 3 million cords. The year 1906 marked an increase of 93.000 cords in the imDorts of pulp wood, the highest average value per cord for all kinds, and a consumption greater bv 469,053 cords than that of any previous year Spruce, the wood from which n ig99 three-fourths of the pulp was manufactured, is still . the leading wood, but it now produces par little less than 70 per cent of the total. How well spruce is suited to the manufacture of pulp is shown by the fact that during a period in which the total quan tity of wood used has doubled and maD,y new woods have been intro duced, the proportion of spruce pulpwood has remained nearly constant in spite of the .drains upon the spruce forests for other purposes. During this time three different woods, from widely sep arated regions, have in turn held the rank of leader in the lumber supply. Since 1899 poplar, which for ears was used in connection with spruce to, the exclusion of all oth er paper woods, has increased in total quantity less than 100,000 cords, and is now outranked by hemlock. Pine, balsam and Cot tonwood are used in much smaller amounts. New York alone consumes each year over a million and a quarter cords of wood in the manufacture ot pulp, or more than twice as much as Maine, which ranksnext. Wisconsin, New Hampshire, Penc syivama ano Michigan loiiow in the order.given. Sixty per cent of tne wood usea in is ew I ork was imported from elsewhere, and even so the supply seems to be waning, since the total consump tion for the State shows a small decrease since 1905, whereas the other States named have all in creased their consumption. Oth er States important in the pro duction . of pulp are : Massachu- . Vermont, Virgi sets, Minnesota, Ohio, Oregon, nia and West Vir ginia The average cost ot pulp -deliv ered at the mill was $7.21. The total value of the wood consumed in 1906 was $26,400,000, The cuiei item determining tne price of paper is the cost of pulp. An exaikple of he increased price of paper is iounu m tne case oi a publisher of a daily in the Middle West, who recently paid $1,200 for a carload of paper., The same quantity and-grade of paper cost a year ago but $800. Tne cnemicai process paper makiDg, which better preserve the wood noer, are gaming the me chanical process. In 1899, 65 per cent oi but? wuuu was rwuuutsu . uy j. i AT i j j i the mechanical process; in 1906j less than 50 per cent. All importations of wood for TB from nftnftdft. and com. prised, in , nearly all wmcn waa spmce. Four and & half million dollars' worth of pulp was imported 'ml 1906, a slight falling off from 1905. Circular 120 of the Forest Ser vice contains a discussion of the consumption of pulpwood in 1906, based on statistics gathered by the Bureau of the Census and the Forest can be Service. The pamphlet had upon application on j the ForesCer, United States at ! partment of Agriculture, , Dft. Wash Follows His Wife ta the Grave. Post master General Hunting Birds. Statesvllle Landmark, Deo. 21. Astronomically winter began at 7 o'olock Sunday evening, the sun and earth at that time beings at the minimum point of separation. Saturday night was the longest of the year and Sunday the shortest day. This is reversed in the southern hemisphere, where Sun day was the longest day of the year. It is learned that the killing of the negro Dave Lucky,' by Mr. Lytle, of Old Fort, on passenger train No. 12, at Biltmore Satur day afternoon, was not an acci dent as first reported, Luoky at tempted to aid the other negro rowdies, whom Lytle was helping the conductor to suppress, and Lytle killed him in self-defence, it is alleged. Hon. George Von Meyer, Post master General of the United States, arrived in Statesville on No. 11 yesterday, from Washing ton, and went at once to the Hous tonville Hunting club's quarters in north Iredell, where he will spend several days shooting quail. He is the guest of the club. The Postmaster General is accompani ed by his son, abou 16 years old. He was met at the Statesville sta tion by Postmaster J. W. C. Long and Col. H. C. Cowles, who did the honors of the occasion to the queen's taste. Ben Goodman died Sunday about noon at his home on Fred B. Phifer's place, in the edge of Rowan county, pneumonia being the cause of death. Mr. Good man was about 60 years old and is survived by a number of chil dren, all of whom were with him when he died. He was a good cit izen and was held in esteem by all who knew him. The funeral ser vices were ' conducted from the Baptist church at Cleveland, of which the deceased wafc a member, and the interment was in the graveyard at Cfeyeland yesterday. A short time, ago Mr. Goodman and his wife became ill with pneu monia. Their condition became critical in a few dayj and Mrs Goodman died Saturday a week ago. The death of the wife has tened that of the husband and he followed her to ihe grave eight days lateri AmountZof Gold in the World and the Sold and Sllier Product Last Year. The Treasury Department has just completed its final figures on the amount of gold there is in the world and on the world's product of gold and silver during the year 1906. On December 81, 1906, the world's stock of gold amounted to $6,888,900,000, of which the Uni ted States held $1,693,800,000; Germanv $1,030,000,060: France $924,400,000 ; Russia $939,400,000 and Great Britian $468,700,000. From this it will be seen that this country has vastly more gold stored away than any other nation and more tnan tnree times as much as Great Britian. The Uni ted States owns approximately one-fourth of all the gold in the world. , During 1906 the production of sold over the world amounted to $400,245,300 and the commercial Value OI vuo ii voi uiuuuwu iu that year amounted to $112,120,- KOrt WaVi inorf.nn T)iarat,ch. I "" ' o jt The Raleigh Times prints a f ul 1 statement of business done by tl e t liquor dispensary in Raleigh from Januarv 1st, 1904, to November I and this vear the sales exceeded'nf A mniinn dollars Tn the four years it has been in ex- istenoe the dispensary has taken over its counters over $900,000 in cash. It Does the Business. Mr. E. F. Chamberlain of Clin ton, Maine, says of Buoklen's Ar nica Salve. It does the business; I have' used it for piles and it cured them; used it for chapped to hands and it cured them. Ap ipiied it to an oia sore and - 1 healed without leaving a scar be ... . . -- . hind." 25c, at all druggists. THE DOCTORS AND LIQUGR. Something Worth Careful Consideration. Drug-Store Saloons Must Go Too. Dr. C. A. Misenheimer read a paper before the local medical so ciety in Charlotte a few days ago that attracted attention. In pass ing he paid his respects to the trained nurses who are not' grad uate : nurses and not, therefore, fully equipped for their business, but who are sent out as prof ession als and charge for their, services accordingly. Continuing Dr. Misenheimer thus -delivered him self concerning liquor : , , "I hope the time will soon come when the prohibitionists and the courts will take this skunk into their own confines and not leave its carcass lying in our camp. I, or one, do not think that this obnoxious responsibility Bhould be saddled upon our old and time- honored profession." The medical profession can ge rid of the skunk if it wants to. It is better organized than any other business or profession in he State and if it wants to-cut out the liquor prescription busi- ness can do it. The trouble is hat while many doctors want to be rid of it more of them do not Many druggists do not want to sell liquor but more of them do want to sell liquor for what they can get out of it Since prohibition has become effective m so large a part of the State the substitution of the drug store oarroom xor tne open saioon i i i I has become a scandal in many ocahties. Charlotte folks, for instance, boast much of the bene fits fof prohibition in that town, when as a matter of fact . they don't know what a really dry town is, for liquor is sold in great quan tities in the drug stores and the aw as to giving prescriptions violated daily. Greensboro haB become about as notorious as Charlotte in this, respect and Asheville will be like them. In Greensboro one man obtained 19 quarts of liquor in one month, on prescription. Some of the doctors there object to the examination of their prescriptions; as the law provides, They evidently want license to supply liquor to all comers. The 'Guilford county grand jury, however, was so im- pressed with the state of affairs that it handed out the following : 'Upon investigation I we find that an abnormal amount of busi ness is done in Greensboro by the drug stores in the sale of whiskey upon physicians' prescription. We find that certain practicing physicians here have issued in a short period of time many pre- scriptions for liquor and to the same parties, some of whom are known to be in good health and daily on the streets. We believe the practice is being abused. We forbear conveying to the court's attention the names of the physi cians and parties in the hope that the next grand jury will not feel called upon to do so because of a continuation of the offence." Statesville, as The Landmark has often remarked, is the- only real prohibition town. No liquor can be sold here legally, the board of alderman at the very beginning making the cost of lioonse for druggists prohibitory. This ao- tion was taken in the face Of the violent protest of some of the pro- hitionists, including Borne of the clergy, who charged that it was a scheme of the Morally fctunted to make prohibition odious. But at least some of-the Morally Stunt ed and some of the prohibitionists gets. The Indians, he says, wor wefe honest enough to want gen- Bhip the nuggets hd drop them nine prohibition or none at all not such "a play of hypocrisy Charlotte and lother towns are shining examples and those who insisted on the exclnsion of liquor .x Oioinamlln A i-i. ot. HOB , Vl n TTQ 11U1U kj tauua T liiu uiug ot; loo uoto to see their views vindicated. Statesville Landmark. Wheh you want the best, get DeWitt's Carbolized Witoh. Hazel Salve. It is good for little or big - cuts, boils or bruises, and is es- it neciaiiv recommended ior piles. ... . : Sold by James Plummer and druggists. Some Big Porkers Killed. A Big Fox Caught. Mr. CJianei's Funeral. Lexington Dispatch, rise. 25th. i It is rumored that Thorn asvile will in the near future have a first class weekly newpaper. - Capt. MjjJj. Jojues, owner of the Iola Mining Company, of Candor, arrived in Thonjiasville one day last wpek with nearly $10,000 in gdld which he deposited with the banks here. Thii amount of gold is '."the? result of work at his mine about ten days Will Sechriest, who was murr derously assaulted by the Roberts negro jseveral weks unwell as a res alt ago, is still of the blow. U. L.,Whitaker received a painful wound last grinding an axe. week while A pulley cover- ed witn sand paper the paper bursting, went wrong, and the axe as nuned in i Mr. Whitaker's face, -injuring his nose. Cicero Pinkston,ra 'negro, also sustained painful injuries to his hand at ine coitongin, .getting it caugnt inine macnmeryf J. L. Gumaer. Dave Burkhardt and John Pugh osie day last week in the lower nart of the countv I- i caught one of largest grey foxes ever seen in this section. Nine- teen hounds started to trail the fox just before day,-and followed him until 8 o'clock in the after- noon, and then for two hours there was a race that would have delighted any fexj hunter's heart. - .. . ! . The skin was brougnt bacx as a troDhv. The remains of the late R. G. Chaney, of Spencer, were brought to this place Sunday afternoon for burial in the family plot. He was at one time a citizen of this place and married Miss Annie jPqltri ft native piThpmasville, who died about two years ago. A son, R. G. Chaney, Jr., survives The remains were: buried by the Masons. Thomasville item. The scarlet iever epidemic, which has been jin Thomasville for the past six! weeks, is now thought to ne under tnorougn con rol. j Big hogs are departing this life rapidly in Davidson county these davs. As a fellow wrote in a newspaper, once, meaning of hogs : ''The squeal of the bovine may be heard on all tides these frosty mornings." Will Clodfelter, of Lexington township, killed a hog last week that tipped the Bcaies at 400 pounds. L. D Leonard killed One, seven feet iong, three feet wide, weight 526 DOunds 18 months old. This was a Black Mammoth and Essix He also butchered two six-montbs- old that weighed 482. Guy Crump, colored, of Lexington tilled a porker last week tha made 482 pounds of meat., Yarn About a Lake ot Gold. , G. Hosier is back from Alas ka with a weird tale about a lake of gold. He says he has discover- ed the lake and as proof brought of nug- back with him a pouch gets worth .over $150,000. Hos- ier went to the assay office and asked whether ii could pay on gold as well as a j mint. He said that three months ago he met an Indian north of Bellingham who had shot his sauaw after she had beaten him and was in hiding I The Indian became sick and Hos ! jer cared for hins. Out of grati tude he showed him to a lake - where there were countless nug - back into the lakb. One night ha as slipped into the lake, being care- fui to avoid the superstitious In diftris and in a few hours collected the nuggets he brought back with 1. TT. - i'l- T 3 ! . 11 him. He says the Indians cal the body of waer the Lake God. Seattle disjpatch. T. M. Bland is having a wel j dn&r at his farm near here, and o - - i since it was beguiu about 25 rab bits have been caught in it. They all i wouldiall or jump into it at night. Chatham Record. The Great Moral Institution in the Capitol City IsJIosed. The anti-dispensary people have swept the deck in to-day's elec tions here. The total vote regis tered was 1,982; that cast was 1,309, of which 928 were for pro hibition and 385 for dispensary. The dispensary did not carry a single precinct. The nearest was in tne second division of the 4th ward, where the vote was 65 to 57. n that precinct every negro vote, 21 in all. was cast against dis- pensary. Every ex-bar-keeper vo ted for prohibition, excent two. who voted for saloons. It is no secret that the expectation of the ex-saloon keepers is to get a vote two years hence and vote in sa- oons, Even if they could vote the legislature would nrobably cneckmate it, as it practically cer- w m .... . I. tain that the legislature will enact I a sweeping prohibition law for all North Carolina. It is said that doctor decided to take him to the all the city administration people hospital in Salisbury and tele except"fouroted;rordispeusary. phoned Dr. Stokes to be ready, to An ex-saloon keeper claims that ll operate upon Mr. Barber's arri thaissue had been saloons or dis- Val there. Mr. Barber at this pensary the former would have writing is resting easy and his carried, but prohibitionists deny pulse is good, and the doctor says his absolutely. The dispensary closed Tuesday I at sunset and will not re-open to- morrow. It is said that; it will not open any more. There. was a statement to-night that the dis-1 pensary people would consult law- yers as to contesting the election on the ground that it was irregu ar. Correspondence of CharlcNtte Observer TTCVT XI Short News Items. The Southern Bell Telephone Co.. which owns the telephone exchange at this place has given notice of an advance in 'phone rents the first of the vear. Resi dences when on a single fh$2 j ner month : duplex line $1.50 per month, while for business houses thev orooose to charge $2 50 and . I SB nr month, for ainirlft and da r i o plex lines respectively. As a re- suit many of our citizens are or dering the phones removed, as this rate is considered bymany excessive in a town the size of Morganton. In settling up the estate ot an aged lady who recently died in Onslow county, the vdministrators wuuu " " ""l'"""0" " " """" " considerable sum of paper money of a rather unusual date. The bills were as new and crifep as if they had never been in circulation and bore the date of the first is- sue of greenbacks having been deposited in the trunk of the de- fifiaHAn" sinm the oivil war. , . , , Monday evening of last week the Kutheriord county court house was found to be on fire, but the discovery was not made till the blaze got beyond ail control and the stately colonial structure is now nothing more than a smold ering mass of debris; only the thick brick walls remain intact The loss to the county is reckoned .i. -i i. aar o w r- auuub pw,vw, ou ini as jxiuue y goes, but tne loss in papers ana documents is irreparable. - Last night the graded school children of the town gave an entertaiment in the auditorium of, the building and it is supposed that the blaze was started by a cigar or cigarette BtnmD or the careless handline of , . . . , , matcnes. iwiy m tne nignt tne wind was high but fortunately ior cms pjaue ii uuu quiaieu uuwu by three o'clock, this- alone sav ing the business section from be ing wiped entirely out, If a cough once gets into your system it acts on every muscle and fibre of the body and makt s you ache all over. It especially affects the intestines and makes you constipated, so in lorder to get rid of a old thoroughly and without delay vou should not take anything that will tendto constipate. Kennnedy's Laxative Cough Syrup acts upon the bowels and thereby drives the cold out of the system. It contains no opiates it is pleasant' to take and is highly recommendsd for children J Sold by James Plummer and all druggists.. Subscribe to The WatchmaS. While Out Hunting the Accidental Discbarge of a Gun Wounds Him. A special to the Charlotte Ob server from Barber last Thursday says:. " . Claude Barber, the eldest son of Wm. P. Barber, a prominent farmer here, while out hunting to day with some friends was acci dentally and seriously shot with a 12-bore gun. Their dog pointed a covey of quail, and while walk ing up to flush the birds the gun carried by a friend at a distance of about nine feet was accident ally discharged by the trigger coming in contact with a button on his coat, the charge entering Mr. Barber's right breast, tearing a large hole and passing through his right lung about two inches below his heart, finally lodging in his left side. He was removed to his home and Dr. Chenault, of- Cleveland, summoned. The unless pneumonia or blood poison S6ts in he has a chance for reoov- ery. Mr. Barber is about 26 years old, of exemplary habits and one of the most nrominent vonne men hn the county. There was four men in the hunting party and strange to say Claude Barber waa th onlv man in nhnnwiin AiA. J - J - A- 1 . TT71 i "W r not have a gun. When shot Mr. Barber did not fall, but said he was shot and- it was first thoughthis wound was not' seri ous, but realizing auicklv how bad he was wounded a messenger ran to a telephone near at hand and summoned Mr. Barber, his etet? t0 8fty tne ynnS man no carried me lalaA 18 sutiering keenly u - - e :a i ueuBUBa 04 6UO serious acciaens. mr.i5ftpnep was accidentally BhOB by his brother, William. He was brought to Salisbury and an opera tion was -performed on him at the Whitehead Sanitorium,- which, ' it is believed will save his life, as the wound is not so serious as . was at first, thought. He is get ting along as well as circumstan ces will permit. I Wnn h ftnln 1 ' A Raleigh, N. C, itSm says tnat a very queer incident occurred in that-city a few days ago. A ybung man from the country came in a buggy with two girls of his neigh borhood, both young and both deeply in love with' him. He let it be known that he loved Aoth so weH that he cohld not make his choice. Raleigh was reached and of course the office of register of deeds was the first place visited. All stopped at the house of a friend and- it was suggested that the girls flip a dollar to see who got heads and who tails. The younger of the two girls got heads and won hAr mnnh nrwafad nrifcfl t . i til. Koanaa was secured and a magistrate tied the knot' and the happy couple was so good hearted as to drive by the house, pick up the loser and carry her home. The comment on this affair by yOung women is very amusing. Some declare the man was not worth L- ... naving. oecause ne could not ac- - , nn , . . ; he q the two. Some of the vomntr C7 women contend that both the girls in question had very little sense to bothe with such a man Rank Foolishness. 'When attacked by a cough or cold, or when youi throat is sore, it is rank foolishness to" take any other medicine : than Dr. King's New Discoveiy," says 0. O. Eld- ridge,v of Empire, Ga. 'I have ubbu,iiw, discovery seven yeara and I know it fc is the best remedy on earth for coughs, colds, croup axy cunoiea are BUDject to croup, but New Discovery quickly cures every attack.'' Known the world over as 'tha kinir. nf .throat anil lung remedies ' Sold under guar antee at all druggists, 50o and $1.00, Trial bottle free. 25c. i iington, u. V.