LEXINGTON ANO DAVIDSON COUNTY, CONCORD AND CABARRUS COUNTY. THE SOlGNS AT RALEIGH. FOR AN INCREASE OF THE NAVY; SUTESYILLE AND IREDELL COUNTY. - ALBEMARLE AND STANLY COUNTY. A Good Roads Association. Will Strangli Oppose a Dispensary. Lexington Dispatch J&nuftry 83rd. : At the suggestion of a number of citizens interested iu the pro gress of Davidson county, a meet ing has been called for Saturday., the 2nd of February, for the pur pose of forming a Good Roads As ociutioD. Wade H. Phill i p s, Esq , . has been asked to issue, sev-i eral nundrad postals inviting a few of the leading men of each town ship to attend, but .-every citizen who can possibly come is includ ed in this invitation. yesterday R. H. Miller died uddeuly about 1 ; o'clock M his home on Depot street. Th cause of his death' was heart' failure, from which he had been a suffer er jforseveral years. Ha had been indisposed all day Mon day 3 and yesterday forenoon he spent iii bd. . A few moments be fore ber died he had transacted som business with a tenant on his large farm near Lin wood. The1 first snake story of the sea son is attributed to Jesse Tussey, who lives two miles from town. One day last week he was clean ing up a field" apd burning corn stalks, when he unearthed a nest of many stiakes. He shot at them four times and killed eight, and thinks that there must have been -something like one hundred in the colony. s, .. The manufacturers of the- town , i with others, have petitioned thr corporation commission to have the Southern enlarge the freight depot and build ' more extensive freight! sheds,, since the freight handling facilities of the station are entirely inadequate! for toe business of Lexington. N The funeral of Esq. W. H. Bad gett, which t took . place Wednes day at Cool ! Springs, was largely, attended, although 'many friends did not hear of the death in time to attend. Several people from Rqwan were presents monaay mgnt a meeting, oi tne minister and leading laymen of the town, for the pdrpose'cf op- posing i the 1 movement for a dis pensary- Sunday night - in the Methodist church there will be a mass meeting, and addresses will be made on the subject of the dis pensary. . t - Wednesdany , afterno a n V a 1 Manuey, of Salisbury, fell from a st-am shovel at Lane Brothers camp, above town and cut a se veregash in his scalp, which re- quired several stitches, it was not a serious wound. - A ; temporary organization of the Commercial Savings Bank will be effected tonight by stoek hoiUers, at a meeting to be held in Hedrick's Hall. - : Drloksl Carbotle Acid. High Point. Jan. 23. The 20- year-old daughter of Nan Steven sbn, white,' 'commuted suicide here this morning by .drinkinga bottle of carbolic acid, at her home in the 'eastern?.- part of the city. She and her mother had a quarrel an hour or so before and this is giveti as the reason of the girl's acto She was in the. throes of I death when first found and died before the doctors could ren- der any relief .---Special to Char lotte Observer. ; - l I Tbe Price ef Peace. The terrible itching and smart ing, incident to certain skin . die eases, is almost instantly allayed bjr applying Chamberlain Js Salve Price ,25 cents. For sale by Jas Plummer, Salisbury, and Spencer r&ariQAC Spencer, U. Prisoner 6ifes Officer tkt Slip , Baptist C&nrca Galls Pastor. Concord Times, January 82nd. On last Sunday the congrega ion of the First Baptist church, of Concord, extended a unani- mous call to Rev. B. Lacy&oge, of Jackson, Ga., to the pastorate of that church. It is understood hat Mrl Hoge will accept, and it seems pretty certain that he will do so, vMr. Hose was foririerly pastor of this church for three years, aim lett here nve years ago to accept the pastorate of a cburch in Macon, Qa. ' Policeman Bras well last Friday took to Albemarle a w hits' man named Charlies tMcSwaim, - whom he had arrested here ; for selling whiskey iu Albemarle. While the officer at Albemarle was 5 going around with 'MoSwaim to get up his bond, the latter gave- him the slip and got away. He has not been recaptured.' He tried to get away from Mr. Braswell, but did not succeed. Karl Johnson, who returned to Concord several months agoT from Oklahoma, where he had lived some time for his health, will re turn to that state about the first of February. Lewis Strieker, who has been here severed weeks, will return with Mr. Johnson. Geo. M, Misenheimer, a well ... "V known citizen of No. 5 township, who lived just above town, died Thursday night , of dropsy, with which he had been suffering some time, tie was i ( years oi age. Mrs. N.' L. McClelland died at uer no me tn w asmngton county, Ark :J)eomber 29th. : She was formerly of Cabarrus, .an! JWs a sister of Mr?. A. N. Herns, of Rocky River. T. C. Fisher of Salisbury, was here Sunday.' Coheord Tima, January SStb. Geo, E. Wilson, who was chair man of the stockholders' meeting of the Odeli Mills "on " the 17th has appointed the following gen tlemen as the committee to inves tigate the affairs of the company and submit a plan for reorganiza tion: S. Wittowsky. of Char- otte; Geo. W. Watts, of Durham, and Ben N. Duke, of New York. These gentlemen are all well known in the financial world, and the appointments will all no doubt meet with approval. J. W. Holt, of Greensboro, the new superintendent of tho Brown mill, has arrived and is in charge of the mill. His family will ar rive next wek. - Mr. Holt is not a stranger in Concord, as he was several years ago. Clyde Shankle, of Norwood, has arrived in Concord to accept the position of night ticket agf-nt at the, depot, succeeding John Suead, who resigned this Week. ' Laeor Meeting EBdslB Shooting Two; Two men are dead and another will probably die as a result of a shooting affray at a labor union meeting here. , Vincen zo Scata, Sr. , was killed instantly ; Tomasco Cheche died of his wounds today ; and Vincen zo Scala, Jr., who was removed to a hospital, is njt ex pected to survive. - The three men were, attending a meeting of the plasterers' and mason's union and a dispute arose over the black listing ot an applicant lor mem? bershiD. Sioatsbur. N. Y. dis-. patch. -, Olscrlalaatlig Pjano: Aitlsts ;f - Find in the use of ;-the Weaver. Piano every day new 1 charms and hew faecinatiens. ' Sold only by IG.JV, Frir CbVi Salisbury, JfrQ of the Bills Wfcicfi Hare 'Passed . Final Reading. ; To provide that no criminal ao tions shall be tried at the spring and fall term of court in Heit-" ford except when defendants aire iu jail. - . f To include Swain county in the act regarding assessment of rail road" companies, in stock law ter ritory. . To Include employes in -. the State departments, receiving less han $400 a year in the act allow- ing 15 days hoHday each eari -i To give the State two challengea for each defendant iu trials of in dictments in less tttan capital cases. : - - ; : ' To cede exclusive jurisdictiou to the United States of lands on which stand federal buildings. To empower com mittee on nub" ic service corporations to senai or persons and papers and com pel tistimcny under oath of wit nesaes summon.ed. " To include Rcwan and Ruther ford in the Landlord and Tenant Act of 1905. To make. ten years' separation of husband and wife when there no living issue, ground for di vorce. .. To authorize tjie running and marking; the State line between! his State and Virginia. To make the annuity tables competent evidence in actions for damages for death or permanent injuries. , To amend the law of 1905 with reference to trials of real aotioi s n Hertfofd. To include Alexander, county iu he a at i-jog law of 1905, Ditches. Fillsd WitaiBeen- Wmstoi, -Salem, N. C, Jan. 21, ITjvViiue fficf rs recently szed ard destroyed a blockade djstil- f ry and about 800 gallons of beer near' Uiltmow, Yadkin county The still has a capacity of 100 gallons, add was Herug operated at full speed." When the officers arrived they found eight ;.men in charge, three of whom were ar rested, but later released, theoffi- cers being convinced that the men were only visitors to the plant'. The ditobes around about were filled with "the beer. Winston- Salem dispatch. . Accepts Proposition of House. Washington, Jan. 23. The sen ate has accepted the proposition of ;he house of representative to increase the salaries of senators, members and i territorial delegates to $7,500 annually and those of the vice-president, i he speaker of the House and members- -of the President's cabinet, to $42,000. This action was taken ly a vote of 53 to 21. and followed a discussion ot nearly., ttiree hours An a- mendaaent connnniff tffe increase to cabinet officers and the pre sidihg cnlcers of ' th& 'senate anid House was votJ down as was also a proposition to' postpone the in crease until, 1913. - From tbe Antilles, Chamberlains Cough Reiedf Benefits a City; Connellinan at Kingston, Jamaica. . s : Mr. W. O'Reilly Ftgarty, who is aTmember of the City Council at Kingston, Jamaica, West In dies. . writes as follows: "One bottle. of Chamberlain's. Remedy - had good 'effect on cough, that was giving me trouble and I i- think I should - have been more quick y relieved, if I had continued the remedy. That it was ;inefic ial, and,, quick i.re 1 levin g me" there . isp p loubf jttnkl iis my i intention to obtain an other bottle; ' ' .For salr ly Jas. Plummer, Salisbury, and Span oer PharmacyV Sgeuoer, N. C;-'' Socio Bill Sgrefid toby Rsose Ctsmittee Profits for LargrAppreprlatioii." C Washington Jan . 24r. An a p- propriatiop of about $95,000,000 is provided for in the naval approria- tion bill agreed upon today by the v House commiuee on navai anair. The bill provides for an addlonal battlesh ip of the type agreed n pr n i 14 the naval appropriation bill fast year . It also makes provi ion or twef jtorpeda iboat deSyerr bd appropriates $2,000,00Q f r. bmariijiesThis $2,000,000 ilditional tahe$lt00Q.QpO for bmarines -provided m the bi t last yusar. which has not -yet oeei expended. Provision is made for out ,8,000 additional sailors, and 900 additional marines, ' The new battleship provided for ipi the bill is jtcr be a sister ship of the monster -"authorized by Con gress last year, which the bill ro- jriired;- should "be a first-clas battleship, carrying aB heavy; a r- imor and as powerful armament b any known vessel ofits class, to have the highest practicable apHp.i and greatest practicable radiu f action." The cost of the vy battleship is estimated at $10; 000,000. I Dails Once Alded'England. By a 'coincidence Admiral Davis happens to be an ofi&cer ; to whom England heretofore has felt the deepest gratitude, as his course while the American member of tbn international arbitration Court at Paris upon the sinking of the British fishing vessels iu he North Sea by the Russian fleet, practically wasiecttive in sbapittg a decision favora'-le to Qt& at Britain. Some phases of the arbitration wffre not sealed, at. i . the time, as thev might have proven irritating to Kussn. it is knou that Admiral Davis' staunch . support of the British contention turned the scales at the decisive moment. His, views were accepted oy .tne Austrian admiral and this, with the Vote of the British member. Admiral Baumont, made a majority which determined :the character of the final decision. London dispatch. For Frasdalent Use r" inlander a . r iizg e r a J ci , a wealthy attorney of this citT, w ho was indicted at the last session of the Federal grand jury on the cnrge ot. using tne mails wito in tent to defraud, appeared before Judge A. B. Anderson today and entered a plea cf guilty. He was fined $1,500' and costs. The in dictments related that the alleged fraud was in relation to the "1904 coiouy- located in tfeorgia. it was-related that this colony had been established at St; GoOrge, Gerrgia; that Mr. Fitzgerald had the town of St. George surveyed and planted aud bad sold a large uumber of lots, v From th stains so made it was alleged Mr. Fitz gerald received about $70,000 of which $35,1 00 was hot accoun - ed for. Iidianapolis dispatch. - Long Life the King! is the -popular cry throughout European countries; .while : in America, the cry of the present day i3 Long kve Dr. King's New Discovery King of Throat and Lung Remedies I ' V of which . Mrs. J u I ia Ryder Paine , Truro, Mass . , says ; ;lt never mis to give im mediate relief and to quickly Cure a cough or cold." Mrs, Pame's opinion is shared by a majority ot the inhaoitants ot tnis coun try. !4fw Discovtry cures wak lungs jind; syre u throats after all other -ieniediea- hav failed; and for coughs and colds it's the on IvdreJcureiGuaraiiteed bv- all druggists, 50o and. $1 00 bottle free. ' 1 TriaH Celebrates 40tb Wedding Anniiersarf Iji- snraneo Adjusters it Work. ': - StatesTlUe Landmark. January ttnA. .Lee, Elliott, "an aged citizen'of Shiloh township, whose "sarious illnessjwaa mentionedin Friday's Landmark, died Friday about 12 o'clock at his home in NewStir ling neigh borhod. . The insurance adjusters are ex pected to begin i tomorrow the work o f Ja J j us ti n gthe.loss by the Statbsyille Flour Mills fire.: .' Tuesday, Januaryi- 22d, 1867, just i 40 years ago today and on the ame day of the week, John ; Wes ley Nicholson and Miss Mattie 13. Cblverb'were married- This eve uiug attheirhome onBell tstreet Mr. anddrs Nicholson will cele brate the event by entertaining a number of. their friends at a 6:80 o'clock dinner. C. B.vWebb was at Newton Sat urday and sold a beautiful monu ment to- the Daughters of the Confederacy of thatv place, to be erected to the Confederate dead of L Catawba. The monument will be very much like the Iredell monu ment at the court house, except on the four sides of the cap will be crossed cannon, sabres, mus kets and flags The monument will be erected in the northeast corner of the court house yard at Newton and will cost $2,150. Frank Brumlty, late editor of the Mascot, who moved his fam ily to Concord his old homV- .. weex, is associated with Har J P- D -aton in the job-printing business. Mr. Deaton, who was for some years editor of the Mooresville Enterprise, returned toConcord, his former home, some months ago"and set up a Ijob printing plant. : - .Tl e walls left standing by $he recent fire at the Statesville Flour Mills were thrown down Saturday. Fire continued to smoulder in the grert pile of burned wheat uutil Saturday, when enough water was put on it to apparently extinguish it. Miss Mifinie Sherrill went' to Salisbury Saturday to Spend a few days. BtateiTllle Landmark, January 85th. Iredell Superior court, Judge Fred Moore presiding, will be gin Monday. The State docket has about the usual number of cases of minor importance. The case of the murderers of the Ly erly family, which i was an nounced had been moved here fmm . Stanly county, and Set for Wednesday cf the or the first week will occupy considerabe time if tried, but up to yesterday, Clerk mm - m m - w Martness had received no papers in the case. jonn iiartness, wno was so se verely injured in a runaway acci dent in Sharpsburg township Monday, is getting along as well as could be expected. He is still at the home of W. C. Johnston Where he was taken after the ac cident, and it will probably be some time'hefore he can be moved. C. W. Bo8hamer, who has been in a nospitai, in rniiadeipnia for treatment, returned home a few days go and will be here for several weeks. His friends will be glad toJknow that his health is improved. - . Wif Suffer From Rhsuoatlsp? Do you know that rheumatic pains can oe reneyear , it you doub this just, -try one applica tion of Cha in ber.l a i n 's Pain Bal var. It will make rest and sleep possi ble, and that certainly means, a great deal to any one afflicted with rheumatism. For sale by James Plummer, Salisbury, and Bptacer pharmacy, hpencer, ri Richfield Incident.! , Death of . an old Confederate Veteran. " Stanly Enterprise. January Mtn. A "would-be" rogue played a very clever trick here 4ait week. Homer L. Ritchie being manager of Richfield Livery Company, on last Monday balanced his books, r and counted the funds amounting td $43.10 and placed same in hir, safe in the drug stor, pushed the door shut but. failed to lock it. ' After a few hours he thought of it and onexamining found that -the money was not there. '.Inves tigations were made at ones but se cured no clue as to the guilty one. But to. the surprise of all,-, on Thursday' at noon the" bag con taining the money ras found be hind some wire just in front of the drug store. It was taken in and counted and found to contain all that had baen stolen and 25 cents besides. It had evidently been brought Iback and dropped there only a fewmihutes , before found. Richfield cor respond- eo.ee: With a coat of yellow paint, a 50-foot extension, and an improv ed, interior, the depot presents an air of newness. Col. John B Simpson's life went out with the ushering in of the New Year. While it is late to make , mention of this - item. ' w yet ip is one of; those cases where the newspaper man failed to learn earlier what has' been known to a great many. Col, Simpson lived with his son-in-law, Frank Mil ton, of this place, his death oc curring on January 2d, rhe Col-' onel served with" distinction in the civil wal, and was alwavs fond of meeting his comrades in their, annual gatherings. " - : '"" News reports last weekverified the f former statements that the ; 3outh-bound Railroad' will as suredly be built. We, suppose it is still coming. Thomas Love, one of the most influential and best known men of Western Stanly, died Sunday after an illness of several weeks. His remains were interred Mon day in the cemetery at Love's Grove church. Hoyle Vanderburg la . seriously ill aid not expected to live. He has been growing gradually worse for several weeks. The contract was let last week for the building of a Paesbyterian church at Porter.. The building will be. 35x45, and will cost $1, 050. The people of the commu nity are very enthusiastic in their efforts to have a church. England Regrets tke Letter. Tbe Evening Standard, summing up the prevailing sentiment says : 'Sir Alexander Sweeten harm committed the gross and uu par donable blunder of , writing a let ter to Admiral Davis whJghJJbore--- 1 1 a 1 i i r j .- suit. .Civou ii no receivea vexa tious provocation from the Amerir cans 'no shredlof justification: can be urged for his letter, London diapateh. - : ; " t; , Tbe CbarofBg Woiaai is not -necessarily one of perfect form and features. : Many a plaiu woman who could ipever serve as an artist's model, possesses those rare qualities that all the world admires ; neatness, . clear ey e s, clean smooth skin a n d th tut eprightliness 'of adtion and step, that aceompany good health. A' physically weak woman is never attractive, even to herself. Elec tric Bitters restore weak women? give strong nerves, bright eves, smooth, yelvety - skin, beautiful complexion; Guaranteed Jbj all drufssts. f we, V. '"'' sfi'-irijci' .37.;