r - -1 P Y'- -f-:. r - 5 I'' .J-1' "'i't 15 Li 4. r -i : ';J' f s "''ri'.i-J-.'' iiiiiii6iiMiSl8 tOLDKIQB. , -. ! . January 26th, - We have received so tn very - v nice post casds of late, for which j we are very grateful. Soine are X good representatives of, the send and can be recognized ith? C out their signatures. c W havW learned: Hhat Brother ' Bartlette lias moved f rem South , Olay street to East Inniss street, (below DuphV Mountain ) Af ker getting80 close to home would be very JglacL tn hear from , rou pmetimei ... Jr ' Sidney A. Trexler, - our con- tractor.- is ' building a house iuJ . - Salisbury. '-'X. A. H. 0. Holshouser is build tug a nice residence near his fa ihor's home. Juo. S. M, Miller is clearing a lace hear his home for a site for kn electric plant; to furnich pow- t for his machinery. If his plan proves successful it will add much ; o his farm and be a treat to the antire neighborhood. John L. Waller, who lost his lam and stock from firer: at Dhriatmas, has purchased a team f goodmules. Mr. Waller will aofc build another barn, bnt will, move Ilis house near his mother's jarn for convenience. Arthur C. Lyerly, who is clerk- iug for Brittain & Campbell, in Salifbury, and who has been at" lome sick for a . few days, has re turned to wcrki iohu H. A.' Barger had a very nick horse last week. Mr. and Mrs. E. A-Goodman risited Mrs, Goodman's father, ast Saturday night. Col. A. E. Meads, of.Chicogo, ias written N. C. Park asking iim for a price on the mineral interest on his laud. It seems hrt MG. K." is soon to boom Mr. and Mrs! G W. Park visit id their daughrer, Mrs. A. L. . Cluttz, last Saturday night. ' Harvev Brown had a barn rais ing today. t ' On -last Thursday morning at kbout 10 o'oloot, the school housje it this place caught fire, and when ;he teacher, Miss Lucy Barrier, diioovired the fir it bad gained considerable headway. The chil ren made a dash for their bopkr. Some beiran to tear otft r their desks while others fougkt the fire. As quick as a flash Miss Lucy sent ior spray pumps which were close .t hand. But for the pumps and the heroic efforts of the children ihekbuilding would havei burned o f tho grouud The child ren proved -themselves heroes intry- ing to save their school building by; emptying their dinner put 61 their buckerand. carrying watf-r i o fight the fire: The schoolwas blosed tor this 'w:eekr- The pa irons of the district Tcamem Fri- day morning and made repairs, suchj as covering and placing in thetJseats. surtd ..; The building was in- Shsftp tad Others. ; ; Thrthtojthas wool The ass has hair and long ears, How hard Is my fate - - ' ,f What sorrows await '- ; Said the ass to the sheep . - My wretched "estate. Cold, naked! ill fedi -I ileep' in a shed, ' X Where the snow wind and" rain x Do come in on my' head. v ,:, JUfthii day did I pass " : In a. yard without grassv ; ?r ISurhow tad wai the fortune ; Tint xnadft the Dmcra$ic ar 'X ty aulifs, J;- rX -r ; K Ueoortbte Oaj, ; - One of the days wk. remember with pleasure as, well as with prof -it to, our health , .jis v the bnel on which we. became acquainted with , Dr, King's New IiifePilllthfe painless purifiers that cure head no h a n n A hi 14 nnanfiss . ? an A the bowel rightj 25c . 1 t. TivB 2 V - Quite a nice snow, guess , eveiyr oody enjovea tneitsieign; rides. S There'ls a movement on foot "to establish a school at Tnionjchurph schopl house wh icb wili run simi lar to ,the ;schoo t v Crescent. Stock is being , snbaprrbed fojr by different parties, the shares being $lbr Eafch share entitles the holder to one vote. The Rowan Council Jr. OU. A. M., No. 196, has voted ten shares, i This is a good showing for this lodge, as it has only about fifty 'members en rolled, butcf course weare grow ing. - V ; , - "Xk: r Some of vi the boys at No. 196 had. a lively time atlthe Junior meeting, the night of the 19th inst. Six brothers probed into the mysteries of the A. D. K. That's right brothers, live and learn. After you have learned, then pass it along, thereby keep ing the good .work going on. - On the 24th iust.5 Charles A. Frick and and Miss Essie Sink, both f of this community, were un ited in marriage by Rev. N. D. Bodie,' at the parsonage of Hhe Union E. L. church; Mr. Prick a model young man and an ar dent Junior, Miss Sink being a very estimable young ladyr We extend to the happy couple pur congratulations andjtbest wishes for.,their future welfare. Chas. A. Trexler, of Gold Knob, visited Mrs. M. J. Cauble Sunday last. Messrs Herbert Kluttz.! and Murray Trexler, of near Gold Knob, were callers at Mrs. M. J. CaubleV Well, what of it? D. M. Kesler is praparing to erect- a dwelling house for him self and has a good portion of his building material on the ground There is some talk of Cauble, Agner & Company erecting a mo Ias8es2mill next summer. This it not'definitei -however will ad vise you later. I Our, merchant,; H. A. Earn-1 hardt has purchased a mule. He must intend to farm on a large scale this year. - " The school house at this place is nearly completed. Scarcity of material has caused unavoidable delays in this work. The con tractor, W. S; Earnhardt, has done some splendid work onthis buildiDg, as an inspectioq of the same wiHhow.'; - Mrs. M.. J. Cauble is somewhat indisposed at this writing. We hope; not h i ng' serious will result from her p.esent attack. Well, as we are ba6k in our ac customed place," w& hope to be wi th you of t en Let's revive the correspondents column one and all. . ' ' ' . : Baetlettb. " X Cflj Jostpfii P. UlBiirer Oiatf.f " Wash i ngton , Jan. 25 -Col Jo seph P. Minetree, general pur chasing agent, of thej; Southern y and widely known among railroad officials a u d co n tractors, died at his residence in this city today a f ter a weeks! illness re sulting from bfo'vd poispniug He wa sat h is i CBce about a week ago when be Keca me suddenly in disp :8ed and took to. his M ed im niediately upon his Lrrival hojine Si ice then his ;jcondition;l3ad-7be; come gradual ly drsai ; A ! 1 ofchis ph ild ren were at his bedsidewheh he died, except, two soi, who were on the way here. CoL Minetree had a 'conspicuous ' war record , He j ined the 4 1st Virr gi:iia; "Regihent of Confederate troops ter ved u nd er' General - Rob ert E ; Ie air I Stouewal I Jacfe- son,- became a 1 ieutenan t-coloh "el shprtlyyafter jth bpenihg ot the wa r and wasxco mmernded f or gal- iiirsthtJattle 0GettyjsJ ...-- . .. . . OUHN'S UOUNTAIM. U; f A;, reeler,' manaeerrnt u Globe Department Store and his brother,iJ. Lv Pteler, hav ponght the bpiler, engine ;and outfit f he cat ljet: shop - here, from D. set Mr. and Mrs; Will Bame's. UThere,are8ixtytan r -TP ii-l t. K rTl w n Wirl )i T K n ri it ms'A . -J. . Caleh Hess lives in Faith. He save heohe was a boy he ' help? eA made the brick to r build the ! college building at Mount (Pleas- ant. vile wpuld; like tc know;ho aDyIper8ons are now living who Biped make those lrick. He is an oldConfederate soldier and would like to hear . through this paper.. 5 - If , the large granite quarry in cur town,that belongs to tho A. S Heilig estate, was running, it would? be bringingthousands of dollars for them. There are acres of solid, , beautif ulf'granito wait ing to be opened up, insideof the corporation.; . Faith will have a srood road to Salisbury. thii year. Ira Trexler had a corn- shuck ing Tuesday night, January 22nd. A young lady at Mr. and Mrs Boyden Letter's, January 28rd. Baxter Raney is taking a bnsi ness course at Orescent Academy. Craig Stirewalt is going to school at Crescent. - Miss Lucy Goodman is visiting at Mrs. Milas Stirewalt s. We had a snow Sunday even ing and this morning, (Monday,) the ground is covered with snow, and the sun is shining beautiful and bright. It is very cold and some of my neighbors are killing hogs v - -: : The public school here is in better condition than ever before. The teachers have praise 'from all patrons for their good school. Lawson Ludwick killed a hog Monday that weighed 480 pounds. Venus. Possesses wonderful medicinal power over the human body, re moving all disorders from your system ;is whht Hollister's Rocky Mountain' Tea will do.'' Makes yen wen, Jceeps you .well, so cents, Tea or Tablets h- T. W. Grime Drug Co. : at less turers SHOES BUM We must close out BOfrie lines of Staple SHOES at much lees than they are worth to make room for our recent purchases. - . " If you don't need Shoes now it will pay you to take ' Advantage of these prices and lay them away till you" do need. them. - Special Prices on Big LotB to mer ts. " . : - -, ... iPDPUUR PRICE FOOt WEAtfJ V ium$ sntfCTor mm gfi m C M. GMcCUR DY, Manager, North; Main street. Salisbury, N. C. We are negotiating with a firm for the purchase of a wonderful clock that -wi 11 yank-a man out of .bed in th6 morning at the riffhf minute. dress him; pull on ( y Ihis Ihoes and lace them: up ttiicuuB w jiuuu lye u. Mean wbile the?best iwe 'Which breaks i n on' y ouf lintil Vdif irttt tin arid 'Rtriri U) They cost Sl75. and arew u - :-::X ,-;N;-" ' -is. ,2XiXX' ' r:'X'X & ' - - ''': - . . . - r ' " - lM:mmm?maviXf 2Jhfcn It seems as ii the;,farmfrs-haye J2 JbeeitjiklLiieg the pretty; : weatner to prepare grpumi f6r.8Tnoth.er crop. Crescebt, visited at OX FricVa Saturday ahcT Su iM&jiXX0- ii tt 8&IIeJhej ittl ei d ifightej of Mr and'Mrs, :L. A.' Peeler, is verysick; -We wishTier a speedy" recovery. ; -;,r X i : -:v-5- MissJPar Johhsoa visited hef sister, Mrs. Lwis KI uttzj of Granite Quarry, recently. . Reyi-Murphy of Hieko ry, preached ; ar tery good sermon at St c LukVs Sunday evening. Lee Elier, an4 Httle sister, Car rie, of-near Craven, visited their uncie, C. L. Frick, Saturday and Suoday, ' ' ' ; .;. . X Ar . 'X'rX "Albert Thomas is having his residence painted. Mr. Thomas ha's a nice residence. Messrs. t George Lyerly and Murray Trexler, X of mear Gold; Kuob, passed through our neigh borhood Sunday evening. Guess they were going over about the mountains. Misses Lucy Barrier and Clara Proctor visited Miss Vida Trexler last Tuesday night. ; A- large crowd attended the spelling at the academy, last Tues day night. It was quite a success. Willis Kluttz and family, of Salisbury ,-visited at C. A. John son's recently. - Patset. Chaafierlalu's Cesgh Reoed? a Safe Uedl clae for Glililreo. In buying a oough medioine for children, never be afraid to buy Chainberlaiit's Cough Remedy. There is no danger from it, and relief is always sure to follow It , is intended especiall y for coughs, colds, croup and whopp ing cough, and there is no better medicine in the world for these diseases. It is not only a certain cure for croup, but, when given as "soon as1 the croupy cough ap pears, will prevent the . attack. Whooping cough is not danger ous when this remedy is given as dircted. It contains no opium or Other harmful'drugsud may be given as confidently to a babylas to an adult. - JTor sale by James I Plummer. Salisbury, and Spencer Pharmacy, Spencer N. 0. tliaii Maixrif ac- Oost. an d save S5cts to Sl.OO on the OPair. :.. -"' - - .- 0 while a specialLttachnient auu getuu. oreaiuaet. . cau give is a "X t,:' ' d rearoBevery twajminutes it - Then the iok iannnn- . - XX 7zX:i-- -. - 1 -. . The time has gin to make room; for ot'.r large " spring line, which will bo coming V in in a few weeks, atidy to red uce the stock withbut unnecessary de lay we; will give prices sufficient to interest every who will, visit our -I pjaoe, ,. - .'- - r :, J- 2000 yards 6c giughams per.yd 5c Good quality, heavy outing, yd 5o Yd-wide unbl'dhed sheeting yd 5c Ladies' vest heavy quality 15o $2.00 com 'orts at : , . . J. SI 50 Blankets, pr pair, . . 50o to $6 Rem nants in 5 pound- bundles, per bundle, . . . . . . .. : . . . $.100 Big discount on all Shoes and Come to see us tend to buy or 0 o SalisliiiiT Dry hooils Co., T. n. Kesler, Manager, Opposite Court House. Salisbury, N. C. 0 OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOG ooooooo o o o o o o o o o o o o o o Are Things Probably a Gift pt this Kind would be more Appreciated. - At auy late be sure,tb come in and look Over-the 9 Mammoth Stock O O O pets, Rugsf Household and Office Eurnishihgs 0 Ghinaware, a o o o s, etc., carried by me. X We have a large and varied Assortment in Qoali- ties and Prices. You to give me a call o o o o o o o mm West InniStreet. uuuuuuuuuuuoufOOOOOOOOOOOOO One, of the Best General LiheVof Furniture in the -State Van ;be foqnd at - - i. B. X'-: 1 08 We?t In nisswhereyore; - - - ' ' ' . come - for us to be whether you jo- . , not. Welcome. o o o o o o -O o o o -o o o o o o o o o o o Hie (ii I that may of of Furniture, Gar- Toilet Sets, are coidiallvL invited Very respectfully, ' a' -fa. - . ' - " --jVv-'n-'i "i."-1 i ia-,r.--r ' O o o o o o o o I-.;- i2

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