4 t i t i" 1 .. nan i t A Home' Newspaper Published in the Interest of the People and for Honesty in Governmental Affairs. ff 1 i lOMfffMWMOTMfn sm ni astaimatmr ., ,. ' ...1 ...... ............... ....,..,,...,.,.,..m....4mi--" I inniwtj. is'gr.'risrf'',"''a'f""",g""? Vol. III. No. 8. -Salisbury, N.-C, WEC.MESD.AV.r February 6tis S907. Wm, h. Stewart, Editor. r Rt. ft 4 3; A': AlkEMABlEM STANLY GDUM1Y. A!bm3?lesr Srcwlh. Town Bonds ftf4ffipfi:mi mi sis. - YtfU EUnTy Eutgrpri-. January Mst. Oii-g to th.- continued serious iliinjes of M s.1 Dnncan Morris, her' physician. Dr. W-h it ley, deems ifc ncefsai v th-it take huspUal trea tion tnsjnt. As fir ? tit liorcondi is such tlnt si.? is unable to loave.home. An evidencH of Albemarle's growth is readily sern fr .-m thp fact ttiat from a sii gle viw-' point 110 le89 than twenty-throe new resiaenpe: that am now yt process of ' const ructiou are to be coutite.L Thiii was observed by Mr. Belk a few days aijo, tby viewpoint being Hearne Heights. This number 'perhaps represents not over one; third t-f the building fi cavity s o going on in Aibeujarle, At th- mtjug i f the town al dermen Moudliy night; it : v-as &c cidt-idto ask the L-gis!-iTuro ameiid the charter of A'. ma so ttiat the town may at a tuurt day vote upon the q .. estion .i 1 suing $50,000 irr-4)oud.i f-jr ijji proVeuiHnts r Also, to'pr ovid t i n. annoial ;t.x listter whcS.- i ui- ness it will ln3 to have a spvi list ;of all twn prop-rty ni'-d- The boad also ordered IbM the wells'" on Second u i : c i Mam atreetn be fllb d. A! P'tition has -benxsost .' ) Hon J. B. Efird .fruin the loca! j chapter U D. O's, asking f-r , increase in p ii-.ion t' thw old sol diers. Mri Efird has' responded by reciting the fact that tlv rn in now pending a bill calling f r ai. irotease 225 000Mrv: fi rd is bu the committees of appropria tions and fiance, and he assure the Danghters tht he will at aH times do anyth ng in his pvwer tc benefit th old soldiers. In referring to the little Affray between tha s1"-n cf H. H. Low der and the Wid w L-flr, we in advorteutly stated that" the Low I dj boy itabbod the L v boy ij the back. It was the Lefl-jr boy who used the knife. Both boys have recovered from the injuries sustained. Ha is Always Cold- f-; - Among ih btt arnva.s here this- waek wa Frsn.k M Bonn, traveling man f r a Michigan fur niture h ousel BHinis is to t)e piti ed, for he is ( ffiiotHd with n. v-ry strange disea.n wnich the doctors are unable t ' cure, ai d which ren ders it impossible for him to keep warm, even during the hottest 1 days of summer. ' " j The year around he is obliged to wear five suits uf undar c'oth iug, a heavy .overcoat, a p ;ir o ' large ' .boots and sweral ivairs of .socks. . Despite all .of this Iei always cold; He rarely contracts a c dd and possesses a hearty ap petite. He sleeps undr right blankets,' a number cf q it. nd does tot take (-ff his cb.--ncs N t- withstandios this lie is n ne t.e.o warm. While at home hi-? gas bill is in the neighbor hood of $90 a month, j He has been at a number of re sorts to obtain relief for hi dis- ease, but received no heip what. ever. PhyMciaus are unable t- i J ' . jdetermine the cause ot his con - New York Woild. it Everybody Should Know" says C. G. H iys, a prominent business man of Bluff, Mo., that Buckln's Arnica balve is the qu.ckest and surest "healidg salve ever applied to a s -re, burn 'wound, or to a "case of piles I've used it and Know . wnat I m tain know . what I'm talk " Gnarnot.ep.d hv t 1 ing about druggists. 25c. " COfiCORD AND CABARRUS COUNTY, Sslisbary men to JO n Mil f numcil Establisli Luiskf Plant. Concord Times. February 1st, A large quantity of cotton was" on tho market yesterday, andjt. was probably the, biggest day ot the season. Th price was 11 cents, and 1 Weigher ProjVii did not have an idle moment aH day. The trade has just been made, through W. M. Smith, f r th !-raitfcfer ff real estate, tn the Souther b r;iiiroad just above the ica plant from Morris Bros to Mo.rs. A. 'E "Davis and F. 0 N i b k ck , o f . S a I h bu r y . The lot 'jld i- 261x150 feet, and will bp u-e;l for the erection of a luir ber jjUnt Work ha already legun on it, and it is exoeetfd to be in i p ration in CO dtivs. The new; c- mpany will furisioh all k.-uds of r ugh and dressed lumber, doors, :i.hf .Winds, etc. Mr. Niblock is -irf a-jd will spUid nil bis tiun '"pu'j."rinte!:fliiig the reetioif of lb- plant and piut.ii g"i;. n opera tion, ' M. W. ALlman, of Rckwell. in Coi'Crd last Tu'-adty, .arid :i the misfortune t b- hi oocket b-k coi.t.'iuing $85 in i I is. and some other small i.a; E;iv He paid h s. bill at Can o & Fn-tzer C . ai d went at )jie to I he Sb.prirt's fp Wt j pa s -me t ixps. hn hw wnnt t iq ' in h.is p cknt b ilk. thr", it was iriwi.: Th'jb. V utuiu-d two $20 bills, three 10'p ; d three o's. Mr. Allmai lo k d,.f.r hs wallet everywhere i. hr.d l en, but did not recover! t. MissDair Johnsuu-.dahUrof "A'rTS'od JninS'di.-aiiU R Jph ander, both f,f No. 3 t wuhip, will be mar-ied February 10. George Hill, who was indicjt d for the killing of Ransom Kridt a y?ar sgo, was arraignel iu c-un inst. Wednesday, r..nd in less than an hour tne-jnry returned a ver diet not guilty under instruct i n of the court. Hill was charg ed with manslaughter, but no evidnc way produced which could incriminate himr The case has, been continued from court to court, there were no witnesses whatever of t he killiu of Krider. Ve regret to note that Dr. P. J. A Hai.ies, of Mt. Pleasant, is VHiy ill .of heart trouble Dr. Haines is 80'y.ii'a of age an'd has l.ift'U a hale and hearty mun f r his age. We hope soon to note an improvement in his condition. Lewis Boyd nud Miss Ella May Gray were married hist Wednes day night. Th". ceremony was pert' jr med by. Rev. J. XV. Long at hi.x res:der.'e. Th bride is a d -lighter of M. M.Gray, of Caiir nonville. H ;glGted Colds Tiirea-aa (From the Cticao Tribu t.) " 'Don t tr.-fl with ..a cold,' is 2o..,l adviee for p;ud-iit men and Au'ijen- It no y I. ' vital in tb cie of a chiui.. Prooer fo)d, c: O voi i'iiat ioo, ... i dry, warn! ci t-i!:g -i r-.; the )''Op -r s,-euirds ;ie n .t cot-i-. If t'-ey are main- tallica tnroiign tne cnangoaoie w- .thr of autumn, , winter and s-prn g, the chance -of a surprise fs-'on r., inarv colds will m slight. But i h ordinary light oi!d will ificome eeverefit n-i.(-ted, and a - j we:! esnib iaaed ripe old is fo trie - . 1 , . t . , J t tne bee. 1 fie grvate-it mfeu'JCe 1 (hi,d r(o nt tbl,: ,..a.5.;n (,f iht Whether it i a child r aduit, the col i slight or s-'v-'rf' treatment tint cm bo adopted, is to give Gha'mberlain's Cough Reni-dy it s sate and s-ire.i ' Th ? great p 'pu' -r sod in- -s.-e. se . saje "f thi9 pr-.'pam' so-. h-H en : attained by lis? r --i irkable c u rea 'T'of ihi ailimnt. A c!d !f vr r - ' pu'ts in pneumonia ;v Is n it . aiv-1 - 1 en. For sale by lames P utniiir, : aiiteed to tst.-ver disappoint the j Mountain Ted will d r tin? for 1 1 ulUbn'rv X r C, a i d SHiK!er.l taker, bv a;i drtiffiists. PnceiVou. - 85 -cents". Tea or Tablets.' ' j Pharniaqy, Spencer, N, C. THE NESftOES FREEDv Ha Ei'i-r.ce a'fsC OtferdMts in tSs s -Lyr:i Murder Case. : Statesviile, N. Jan. '8k The case ngaiiiBt Delta Pij ling ham, Henry Gillespie and George Irvin, was settled today when-the jidgn rendered a - verdict of libt guilty. -The case wafe practically end d yesterday evening,. and late last night the officers ook the negroes to the outskirts cf vtown, gave them enough money, to get away on and advised them to set sail fur South Carolina.- When re leased, howevtr, the three' negroes chose a different route and the last time they were seen theyTwere were iiustlin-up the railroad on fout bouud presumably for Ashe ville. ' '- , No new witnesses- were examlu- i - m ...... med today as it was .announced tbere would be: The testimony of all the wit nesses examiuud yesterday after noon' snowed that the. guilt, of. the murders of. the J.yerly - familv letted entirely on the thrHe -negroes who were lynched at Sali3 burv. and there was nothing in any of the testimony 'to implicate the thre3 negroes on trial in the nvd'ey of muislrs. :. Th judg statedjn -the crowb ed c n-t r.om this morning trjat he :xr Solicitor Hammer had een a'-d to find anything to c n vict- - it lit.T ; f the three negroes on a1 d e he would give them -.heir liberty It is thought the rral bt-guh y. st -rd Ay vs mora for the ur- iJ" .u h;'-" " implicated, th ai any t hing else. rfkeiial to Charsi -e Nti. .. - - -re. Cir) Pawns Hnr Wt; In order to get $10 withwhirh to 4P-t a ifi.-k gill f liend ir. Couici: B utTs to return to her home in this city, pi'dty bo5'ie Morgan t diy m T' g ged hi r body to v paw i'hrok' r. Her friend wrote a pitiful 1-Mt-r saying th '.t she wa in the lut -trsgo of consumption, andfdoiig"'! to return t h r home tn ppend her last h-urs, tmt she di b'not havo tbe $25 iieeded- ' Dattio hfcd $15. . She hinp: i' a -pi 4ii to get the rest., ni- rr?i; iug her own body a 'ter f-he is dead to Mose Lvich, unless she repays the monev wiih interest SI: understands that in ease she falls to p-iy her body is to be sold by T,ho pawnbroker to a medical c 1 lege ror dissecting .iirposes. Des Moines, la., di'putch. Mifis!i;pi3n Isaac W. Ksyna Dead. ' The Nnvy D-pa1 tiuf nt whs'- ad vised t'-day of the death on Sun day, Jii. i0, on b"avd h 'United States ship Ch ir e n ux -bigda-!eual).5jy, Cu'ilV-nra, d' Midship man Isaac -W. ' H. iy ne. Midhip man Hayr.e w:a npp"i;.t d-to ti;e naval academy fr.-m lis; I' n;ih S-uth Carolina disrrict oii June 8r h, 1901, nod was detached from the academy oivJan. 80 h, 1905, iii.d asignfr-d to the K:ir?nge. He later served on the Lancaster and the Fiauklin and frgin the latter ship was aligned to the Charles - ton. ,iasniugi.on .uibpai-cu. indorsed I) ths CoBBty. ' Thoxmost popular remedy ii Ots go couetv, and the brst friend of my" fumily,' wrirs Win Dieiz, editor and publisher of the t-!e very betrOtsie'jfo. Journal, Giib-rtsviH , N. i Y,, 4 is Dr. King's New Discovery, It has proved to be an infallible cii e for c -.Mitt h 9 ad cold?, making . i i- i. e i snort w v i v.d? woysr. or i nem. We alwavMkn.p a bott le in the . quul.ty, a .untiwal ton;c, cleanses house. . I b.:i-y) it to be,the rat'onr 'system- redblis the cheeks, v ; ualde pre- Tsp' ion known "for brigbj?ns th eyes, give' fl v r to Lung and T;j r-i diseases," Guhi'-IhII you "Vat Hollisjtpr's R -ckv 50c and $1 00. Tiiui bottle free, STATE NEWS. H3??ilRfs Ef timi f rem Vaticus Por- : . tioP: of North Carolina, A. Amon, l-ueiiiefs man and retiring sheriff and treasurer, : ( f Cliut i), Stimp'son county, has failed, with liabilities am ir ling t? $80 U;0, assets about $10 00 "Rev. C G. Wells, former pas toral' the Firt B iptist church of Stal-svilie, has' resigned ajs pas tor the Baptist chirch at Kiti- stofi w here he has beer: for the pas;$ two years. ' . ' TSievRS broke in a Charlotte, shojy out) night last week and stole 700ennies and 100nickles, w hich gav'p,hem plenty of small change'. -population of Durham is closto 25,000. There are 4.559 holies iu the city. Tii-I buiiditj? used for the con- fiuement of the iusane inmates of the-poor. house at Elizabetn City, svas. timed .Thursday eve iingr an4o.of the inmates were .burn-" ed tideath. : - A k naf-reh ant named R'ai u ey , fouKjpj)ej from Garyaburg, was fouiicfdead' ih?,,-iits .bed a jfew morrungi ago, witn, nis nr-adf-so shihat.th&raiif was exposed I hei; is ncLue t the criminal. Thrjias Bell, of Iredell county, whjjdriving near th railroad trrtcfs: at Statetville recently with a lojjd of lumber, lost controbof. hiuirnles and' they dashed down th!ju$'ck, A. freight train came ttlongtrom - the rar 'and struck the wagon, knocking Bell, lumber and wag u off . The team kept Hoing, and Mr.'-Bell was t:ik n to the hospital, painfully, th(ugh not: -seriously hurt. frphJ-, In tit ute 1 xjated he weeii W'Mltworth and Madis -n, Rockingham c untyv was destroy ed bv fire last week." . Il- the vicinity of Washington, N. C, . there is excitement over finding an alligator's nest with 60 eggs in it. Pocketed the Senate. fiit-gomery, Ala., Jan. 31 Tt;e House iesplution commending President Ro-sevelt fur dischar ging the. negro soldiers Hir the Brownsville incident wrvs pocket ed ioday by tho Senate when it was refe-red for the third time to the commute'--on rules, with the understanding thai, it will slay tUere. Bfforu its reference Sena tor Moody niade a sharp reply .criticising the President for his alleged ovei throw 6f the constitu tion .on many occasions. .. He as sailed tho President .sharply for his "uncDnstitutional aid to the Pai ama g vernmeift.'ii.timatiug that Washiugton supported a re volution alio" declared there was grave doubt if the President had authority " to discharge soldiers .from the army. ' " We go too far in end Tcing the acts of such an fliciai," said Senator Moody, Cigarette OsaSid It. High Point, Jan. 31. It wus learned for the first time todty that a lighted cigarette si the oil j j1USf; uflre (belong n to the hi-,.,thr., Rni!wv 'k n m,, ,Mi or n ago. "A nf gro employed about the. depot went into the Lioue and shutting the door, commenced to. i jight . a cigarette. The who! ; ,uSiui BS cuught on fire and th e grit on lire ana tue negro had "to : fist? for 'his life. Special to Charlotte Observer, 's the highest standard of i T. WvGrimeD rug Co. LEX:K3;GN AK3 DAY.D30rl C0U3TY. .a'Cpjp Sti?! at Latga. Fourteen M.org Lexingloii Dispatch, January 30th. Souk; days g a cheerful idiot or a vry e: teri-risii-g span- fi'lr ; 3 'i.t ll i. -r i y !p efffc-ct that Ovm;:o;; rr.pt ur d in WVsi Vuginii. Ii wa a fake, tiOthinV more?. Tl j pen-tenti;irv-'nuthori-ties have informed the Dispatch that, th-y-h ,ve had no v,:ord frm any odir in regard t f ie cap ture. Supt Mann, of the peni tentiary, knew nothing more oT it than w hat he saw in the papers. Crump, like Will Harris and oth er desperadoes, has heem captured several' times but has never shown up. What the Charlotte Ohserver calls a ''skift" of snow , visited the coui try Sunday afternoon, and the weather man f th" Dis patch checkfd off one of the 15 snows that George Beck prophe sied would come durieg the win ter, because of the number (rf fogs in August. There are yet H other snons to come. H.w many will bo "kilts'' is not known just at present. x .L'hn Fritts, who lives near Ty- r , in modest noto s ates in an jlT-hand manner, that he has put nway hi 19-me nths'-old hog, and idd?d t a sort of postscript that A weighed 796 p nj;d. This i ur prize hog so.far. jTt is 'M most tsidgas the biget that has been Jnlled in the State this winter. I there another Davidson farmer ho can f qnal it? -D.'ii'fc know about the David son farmer, but one i f our Row an faruiers has done slight"1; bet ter than this during the season. Ed Two! suits have been filed this iv-ek against "th Southern. In oho, Martha Carrick,'. colored, administratrix of Joseph Carrick, who was "kilied on the Swearing ere- k bridge somi weeks ago, asks for $2,000 damag-s. B. G Rob bins risks $500 damage f'T the loss of his barn by ' re on Christmas day. Several accidents rccurred- last week no thn railr d works near town. Mozell- Reed, white, a driller, vhiie -ng-.ged in hie work, was severely bruised by a small cave-in of reck and dirt, but he ras not seriously it jured, though rendered unconscious for a while. A uegrv, ' while handling . rails, dropped his'end of one, and it broke his ieg at the ankle. IViiC'Mm'n Crews, of Spencer, wus here Sunday after & negro wall ted at .-peiic-r Tor destroying h Misehodd g -ods." Jailer Johnson had arrested him and held him fertfie Spencer authorities. James F. G; anger of Coolee - mee, died suddenly at his resi- dence in that place Monday morn- mg oi he-jrt lamrro, m tne otn year of his age lie -was in nis usu-a co. -d' health ur.til the fatal attack. Ho was an ex Confeder ate so'dier and. a good citizen. Hrt leaves a wife and several chil dren Mid giandehiidr-m to mourn tiis h.3-!. His brothers W. B. and D. W. Granger are residents of this place. P-ace to his ashes. MocksviHu Courier. WliattQ sio When Tho right thing to do when yon tVel bilious i"t to take dose of Chamberlain's Stomach a;. d Liver TabVtf. They wiU clea-i89 the tom"-h and regulate the 1iy-r and bowelg; Try it. Price. 25 cpnt Samples free at J-miPS Plummer, Salisbury, an i Spen cer Pharmacy, Spencer, N. C. ?1 ATcoViLLE AND IREDELL COUNTY. Thry V i!l Imbibe. More Teliptiona Trou bles. Wedding Anniversary. tattTile Landmark. February 1st. Hon, P. Z. Lmney, who is go violently' opposed to the Appalach ian park bill, ot somebody, has impressed many of the people About Taylorsville . with the idea" that the measure is ruinous. A Taylorsville citizen who was in Statepville yesterday (ays that some people who loan money ar refusing to accept real Restate as security on account off' the park bill. They seem to think if the hill passes the government will confiscate the laud. Their fears are groundless. The land will not L be confiscated if the bill is passed and the bill isn't going to be pass ed at this session-of Coujress. Thos, T. Goodman, a well known citizen of Mooresville, died suddenly of pneumonia at his home in Moorebville Sunday, aged 58. Mr. 'Goodman was a native of Rowan county,"a.son of the late Mr. and Mrs. M. W. Good man, who kept a boarding house in Mooresville tor many years. Mr. Goodman had lived in Mooresville for nearly 80 years. At their handsome home on Da vie avenue Saturday evening, Mr, and Mis. M. O. Williams cele brated the ninth anniversary of their wedding by entertaining a number of friends and relatives. The real date f Dr the anniversary was the 27th, but this happened to be Sunday. The Bell Telephone Co, has an option on the; Taylorsville line and will buy it. The independ ent people, have expected this deal and were aware that nego tiations were in progress, but hare made qo efforts to stop the trade. Many people on the Taylorsville !in have h.eeii dissatisfied with i.he-managem.ept'of the line and have been anxious to build anoth- er line to StatesviUe, which will be done. Whether liquor is more easily obtained recently, or whether those who imbibe are just taking on a little more is not known, but more folks who were carrying a havy load have been seen boufc the streets recently than for a ' long time. They are not noisy and don't get arrested, but a num ber have been seen the past few dys who were just able to navi gate. "That horse," said T. D. Mil ler, referring to the antics of his staid and dignified bay last, week, "had beelP'a PsaJm-smger for years; apd the fact that he went back on his training is evidence,' continued Mr. Miller reluctantly, ''that you can't always depend on even a Psalm-singer." U7k;i "d t fvi- 1 -Mills a few days ago his right fiai:a came in cootat-t. with a 20- j pPnliy .pike, which penetrated the flesh t(a conaiderable depth, in- J fliotmg a painful wound ana dis- abling Mr. McNeely for a season. The Limit of Life. The most eminent medical sci entists are unanimous in the con clusion that the generally accept ed limitation of human life is many years below the attaiument possible with the advanced knowl edge of which the race is now p ussossed. The critical period, that determines . its- duration, seems to be between 50 and 60; the proper care of the body-during this decade cannot be too Wrongly urged; carelessness then beins fatal to longevity. Na-itnr'-'s het helper after 50 is Eiectric Bitters, the scientific tomei medicine that revitalizes every organ of the body. Guar anteed by all druggists. 50c. - '.Ss'--:'.- 'V- '1 f v r :':'.- '- -': 2s ll ( '' ' " - - - 'r- - - - ! --: . ----- - - -v, .- . :

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