1- ' - 'A, "- - it ii iL r 111! opres LA FAITH. - - -1 Another pretty wedding in Faith today, January 30th, ly'J. Ms Sallie Raney and Luther A . TTriUhnnser were married at the home of the bride's father, -P.. A. Raney, Rev. V. Y. Booz-r officia ting. The attendants were Mar tin Shive and Miss Cora Barger, John Peeler, and Mis? Ida Julian, L. A. Raney, a brother of the bride, I came in from Bristol, Tnn,, to attend the wedding. A big dinner followed. Mr. 1L Is houser owns a house and K t u Faith, where he with his young bride will make their home. This is another family. We now have eveuty-two families living hi Faith, j. .- i I .The most granite rubble stone that we every saw' hauled at one place is beiug put down by, the oord on the side of the Mount pUaiadt big road. It would pay anyone' to drive out from Salis bury to see it and take the pic ture. It looks like an army camp ground. L. A. Raney came heme today on a visit from Bristol, Teun., where he has charge of one of the large five and ten cent stores for Si H; "Kress & Co. Mr. Raney old out his dry goods auct took a position with Messrs Krees & Cc. Since tnen he has been promoted by them to higher positions. Mr; Raney is nue of the best and most successtul merchants that ever did business in Faitn. He sailed n our office to see us and says there is plenty of snow at Bristol Venus TRADING FORD- February is here, but some of th old people say winter la not yer yet. . Muci sickness such as colds, grippe and coughs, is reported this week. Mrs J. A, Peacook has been rv sick for some weeks but is onvaWscsnt, we are glad to say, L. I. Eller has the grippe. He is ajjratty large fellow jbut the f ripps will catch large and small. Oh, hello, yes, we forgot H. A. Wilson,he is as good looking as Ttr. 1 Another wedding again last wtek. The parties united were Lester Btck, of Davidson county, and Hiss Pearl Peacock, of Rowan eounty. P, D. Linn, Esq., o5 ciated; We wish the young cpu pie much joy. They will remain tst Ihis place. u Venus, you can come op with your jweddmgs as much as you please, but you will never eaten lis now. Trading Ford has been a record breaker this winter. . .j i I Stanly Boy, are you dead or what is the matter? We don't hear from you any more. Come oa bud and be in the gang. - I i - Ground hog day was a little , tloudy. Can't say how the weath er will be but we look, for some old snaps yet. ! Rev. Davis preached his firet 5 Sermon at this place Sunday. He xi an excellent' preacher. . We heheve in all good thi,ngs but there is nothing like tr piece of pound cake on a wedding dpy. i Let all the writers do their best this year as the Carolina-Watch- man still stands in front. . Sam Skobt. Train 6oas Into River. , Raleigh, Feb. 1 .The Seaboard Air Line bridge over the Rdanoke river, near Norlina, N, C, gave way this afternoon .under a dou ble header freight J rain bound I South from Richmond. Both 16 J bo motives and 12 freight cars dropped into the river. j Eugin eer Curtis Constable; whose hojae ilwai Union Hill, J., : was so I badly injured th at he died while being brought to this city. Fire ! jaan Rififan was killed. ; ponde nee. DUNN'S4I0UNTAIN. February 2nd. The old saying, everv cloud has a silver lining," may be true, but along now the cloud is so large that we can't see'any room for liaing or anything else. Well, wo think the ground hog has bidden us farewell for six weeks, so prepare for any kind of weather, good, bad or indifferent. Bro, Lee made some remarks about receiving some postal pho tos. Well, we are in the same row or stumps we received a beautiful postal photo a fewgHays ago. We are sure it is a good likeness of some of our friends but we are somewhat indoubtas to which one, as the likeness was a rear view as if the original was in a hurrv to eo somewhere. This card was signed "yc.ur friend. 12 12, box 90.. Can some one help solve the mvstery? Help us out Bro. Les. Capt J. M." Proctor passed through our village Thursday last, eu route for Salisbury, his future hom. Well, if he don't enjoy city life ahy more than youtt truly, he v$ll be going down E, Inuiss street toward "Gold Knot In some places some people have very strange ways when it comes to correspondence, ,Jfor in stance the letters are "ceiled." We feel sorry for the one, who re ceives this missive, for it is hard work to tear down ceiling. Olah, the little daughter of L, I, Cauble accidentally swallowed a nickel a few days ago. No sen ous results, however. John H.iFricK kiHed three fine hogs a few days since. We notice that our merchant H. A. Earnhardt, has started to clear off a new ground. As Bro. Lee has expressed a de sire to near from us -as well as somo others, we will do our best to comply with said expressions or desires. Ditto Bros., all o you. Get a. hump on yourselves and see if you can't help -fill up the best paper in the county. Mrs. M. Cauble's colt, "Sallie, has been " somewhat under "the weather for a day or so, but. is as lively as ever again, we are glad to note. Some one that is capable ough to take up the veterinary Jine in this community, as on some oc casions we need a . good horse or cow doctor. Robert Miller hat quit the business for good," we are iuformed. Quite a number wil be sorry to learn of Mr.- Miller's decision. Messrs. M. A. Catvble and W A. Agner paid us a (flying-driv iug) visit a few days since. -Glad to seo you brothers, come by again. Lifo insurance is no doubt a great help to some " of the heirs but the average,man needs a fire insurance policy, for future pro tection. Guess ' Bro. Anson Cauble wil no have plenty of mail as he has purchased a new mail box for pa per?, etc. Mrs. M. J. Cauble is improving We hope to note in our next tha she has entire'y recovered. We still are, as we alwavs have been, Bartletts. Virginia Officers Get Their Man. Sheriff Broadwater, of Seott county. Va.. accompanied by another officer was - here la s fc week and took back with tifm Wes Wilkey, a, lugro arrested htre some days ago by , local officers. Wilkey broke jail where Ke was confined under sentence of death, having been convicted of murdeT. There was a reward of $200 offer ed for his arrest. , This money will be paid to -Chief Miller, who will divide with the other oira, ROCK. v - February 4tb."r The oldest dangbte r of M r. and Mrs. W. H Earnhardt hat pneumoniaV Jacob Holshouser, the oldesii man in ourcommunity, is poorly He had a very bard chill Friday morning. ' -. If our friend Dandy will kind- ly call aroundwe will visit our school. It is the dutv of every man and woman having children iu school to visit the school oc casional! 7; and those keeping their children out of school should visit frequently. Saw. Miss Gardner Thanks Tits Watchaan. ' Salislmry, N. C K January 18h, R. F. D. No. ?. Editor Watchman, Dear sir: It is with pleasuie that I take this means of thank ing you and my friends for the nice gold wafch awarded to me on Christmas day. I thank you for the impartial way in which you managed the' contest, an d 1 thank all my friends for the in terest they have taken in . me, the more so under the circumstances, havicg the sad loss of mymotber and having six little brothers and sisters to take care of. It gives me.great pleasure to know that my friends have not forgotten me. I wish f or Thk W atchman much success and ail or mv friends a happy year. Yours lincerely Beulah E. Gabdner. Strange Dlsappearann it east. ' Gastouia, Feb. .1. The disap pearance of $1,200 in currency from the Southern Express offioe at Lowell sometime Saturday night is still a mvsterv. The money iu qutbtion was shipped to the McAden Hills Saturday afternoon, on No. 12 by the Firs National Bank, of-Gastonia. '.The i The money was-received by the agent, C, C. Iuman, at Lowell and it is understood that he plac ed the packet in his pocket for safe keenintr. It could not bo found Sunday morning. O. M. Sadler, division agent o the Southern Express Company Gillespie Sadler, route agent, and a detective have been in Low ell this week, and have alao made visits to Gastonia. Mr. Inman has been agent a Lowell for two years, coming to this State from the west. He is in addition to being agent for tfct express company, tel e g r a p h operator and depot agent for tht Southern Railway. He ieatill holding these positions. It is un derstood that Mr. Inman ad yances no theory as to how the money disappeared nor voices any suspicion as to who got it. De tectives are makiug-everv effort to unravel the . mystery, but so fair without success. TfrHaagFrisiK Greensboro-, Feb. 2. Frank B- -hannon, sentenced to be hanged for the murder of Foreman S. Beachmau, at Hilltop last July, will be banged Friday, Ftb. '8, Bohannon is bearing bravely and is not nearly so much worried over the hanging as the officers of the county who -Will have go "swing him off." He is in good spirits and talks freely. A art4 of Ms life history has I eeu writ ten by a fellow prisoner and, it is understood, may be published. Special to Charlotte Observer. Transplanting an Eu, In a Vienna hospital there ha just been effected a remarkabr surgical cuie of fdtal bindus'. The surgeongrafted into the y ofa blind mm eirouiar seetkm of the cornea lobe of an ey rt moved f rom a boy. Those plant ed in the right eye had suhser quently to be taken put, becao?e they caused a painful swel ling. Those . grafted irr xthe left eye, however, have now been growing for a year, and the man can see perfectly with the aid of ordin ary jlagisy ienua dupitb; Wreck at Bar&cr "There" wae a . wreck:jtBarbtJ astrFriday nit"!cJVoar T111? collis'onfsstwe-? f reigh t tTains Some cara coiitaihing : cdftoh ; ere set on fire" and it ,is Btatpd, bat hese were destrpye3f Several othwr qar;were smashed up1 baly and tbe wreck wil I probacy .prove a u ' expen sive one.'v " -' U1UH5 Talid Pia bos. : are an abomination in sny com- munity. Most cheap piano are metallic when new or will: soon become so. The Weaver riano, Never. That's one reason why it is economy to pay more f; jr a Weaver Piano than for mopt oth ersSold only by G. W.-Frix & Co., SahsburyN. C. - 15 'Brighter' icrea$efttfr 'Prospects! I Yields Per Acr many actual of cotton . VT V BUT photogTaph seia .M7 nn whiflh no fertilizer! were mod and piotures of fields on which "other snakes" of fertilizers were used. Besults of these crops were dltmal failures. There are much 'brighter proepeota" ahead for the progressive farmers of the South. Two and three bales to the acre are ,onl7 ordinary yields where Virirdi-Cro!ina fertilizers are used with proper cultivation. Make your cotton mature early, and ' "thus escape the boll weevils and other riamAirinff inseota. You can easily do this, as well as increase the number OX DO US tana ineir size; on your piauw by r4entifully using' Virginfk-Caro-Una yertiiizers. This method will tremendously "Increase your yields vt aore." Don't be fooled into buy ing a substitute. f VlrfiJtJ-CaillnaClinrdclCe. I- Richmond. Va, Morroik. va. Durham. N. C. Charleston. 8. C Baltimore. Md. Atlanta. Ga. Savannah. Oa. Memphis, Tenm gaxsTeport. La. Loans Doubly Secured. If you have any money idle or bringing you less than 6, list it with our Company at once. We'll lend it f orTyou, First Mortgage on Real Estate, taking the mortgage and note in your name, and in ad dition give ypu the WRITTEN GUARANTEE of pur Company that both princi pal and interests will be paid ' IN FULL as they fall due. We assume all risk and stand between you and possible loss. Our guarantee has more- than $20,000" back of it; and, loans made through bur Company have DOUBLE THfc SECURITY OF A BANK paying you all the time: McCubbins & Harrison Go., - Paid in capital $20,000, Loans, Real Estate, Fire and Life Insur ance, Salisbury, - N. C. Are YouDru; Of course you're not, un less you have put in years of study. That's what we have done. That's why we can to day positively guarantee the quality of the gpoda we sell. " If you are not drug wise you'll have to depend upon a druggist's word for the qual ity of your, drug purchases. , Yoa can depend upon nsr every time formality, puri--ty, accuracy and perfect- ser vice. May we be your drag gist? - . IlISBURY DRUfilli, : ; 115 N; Main St. 1 - IsiililiY ! I COODS COMPANY We have just rqceiyed a large ship ment; of new; Qod8 to which we invite your spleeial attention: 40-ineh White Law ns, . . . . . 10c yard 40-inch White Persian Lawn 15 yard: 46-inch White Persian Lawn 18c to 25c yard Glasgow White Linen Goods for - Waists ana Suits 10c to 18c yard "India Linen in ail Grades. -Wtite Curtain Goods. .5o to 15c yard New Style Plaids for Skirls v and Suits, 25o to $1.25 50-inch Mohair in gray and blue, good quality, 50c yard We have new goods com ing in almost every day and will be glad to have you call to see lis. T. n.Kesler, Manager, Opposite Court House. Salisbury, N. C. OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO O o o o o o o o o o o o o V Are Things Probably a Gift ol this Kind would be more Appreciated. At any rate be sure to come in and look over the o Mammoth Stock O O O pets, Bugs, Household and Office Furnishings, 0 Chinaware, Lamps, Toilet Sets, etc, carried by me. We have a large and varied Assortment in Quali ties and Prices. You are cordially Jnvited to give me a call. Very respectfully, o o o o o o o. o o o o o o West Innis? Street. o OOOOOOOOOOOOOJOOOOOOOOOOOQO FOillTURE X)ne of ll;c.Best General Line of Furniture . in the State can be found at W.B. . 108 Wet Inniss.ivhere you are Invited to call when in need of such goods. )it Goods Co., o o o o o o o o o o O O b that may be of of Furniturer Car- O O o o o o o o o o o o o o o o able i lls SUMftiERSETT'S, ! 1 v '-.iSn.; mi. I..