MAYOR OF SUNBURY Says Pe-ru-na s a Good , Medicine. I Hon. C. C. Brooks, Mayor of Sunbury, Ohio, jalso Attorney for Farmers' Bank and- Sunbury Building and Loan Co., ! 'Writes: i. uave nie ULUiuet commence . m uuc virtue' of Peruna. It is a great medicine. I hare used it and I have known many of my friends who have obtained bene ficial results from its use. J canriot jtratse Peruna too highly. rrHERE are a host of petty ailments 1 which are the direct result of the weather. " This is more true of the excessive heat of summer and the intense cold of win ter, but is partly true of all seasons of the year. Whether it be a cold or a cough, catarrh of the head or bowel complaint, whether the liver be affected or the kidneys, the cause is very liable to be the same. The weather slightly deranges the mu cous membranes of t he organs and the re sult is some functional disease. Peruna has become a standby in tltousands of . homes for -minor ail ments of this sort.' Ask Your Druggist for Fre3 Peruna Almanac For 1907. Peruna is sold by your lotal drug gist. Buy a bottle today. ', So. 5-'07. ?'HICK5' CAPUDINE IMMEDIATELY CURES HEADACHES Breaks up C O UDS IN 6 TO 12 HOURS Trial Cottle 10c Al Dru&itts So Dear And Yet So' Tar. Strawberries now in Tejicas Or so the papers state, Are selling for a dime a quart , By measure or by crate ; Why are we kept so far apart By a remorseless fate? PHILIPPINE "DQBiE Itch." Itching rimplcs Covered Body Dis charged For Disability Found 0 Cure in Cuticura 'Remedies. VI enjieted in the Coris cf Engineers as a telegraph operator, and, while stationed in the Philippines. I became subject to the Dobie Itch,' as the natives call it. In this disease small.., wliite. itching pimples form under the skin, generally between the toes, on the limbs, between-the ringers and under the arms. ' I never knew of a case originating outside the Philippine Islands, but have known of many case? where it has returned in this country and invariably at the same time of the year as the original attack. The cause, so. far as I could learn, was some tropical parasite or gresm peculiar to that region. "I got so bad that I was confined to my quarters a week at a "time. The Army Surgeons applied some carbolic solution, and it would disappear for a time, when it would break out again. I was discharged from the Engineers by reason of disability contracted in line of duty, and when I had the trouble again, my druggist. Mr. V, -, of Brooklyn, recommended Cuticura Remedies. The immediate relief was mani fest with my first purchase, and the Tnsl!"fir milrViv vilrlrl tr tVif C!nf.irnra Remedies. It has never recurred fr both- I erea me since i cegan to use ana continued toi use the Cuticura Remedies. You may quot me as a believer in Cuticura Rem edies frcni personal experience. John S. Woods, 221 Sands St., Brooklvn, X. Y., Oct. 21 and 26. IPOS." The man- is a fool who when ,a?k ed for his opinion gives it. Punch. I . . i Piles Cured in 6 to 14 Days. Pazo Ointment is guaranteed to cure any case of Itchinar. Biind, Bleeding or Protruding Piles in 6 to U aays or money refunded. 50c. No thoroughly occupied man was ever miserable. Italian. If h cured in 30 minutes bv Wnnlfnrd'g Sanihirv Tiotion; nerer.fails. Sold by DmgX pifitw. Mail older promptlv flllpd bv IV. E. DetchonMed.Cb..Crawfordsville,Ind. $1. Of all men sailors suffer most from rheu matism.'; Champion Jumper of the-1 pes an. The most stupenduous of all leapers of the sea is the whale but the whale isjndt a fish. I have seen a monster weighing- hundreds of tons possibly eighty feet in length, rise slowly and deliberately but of the water until it appeared to be dancing on the " sur face, entirely clear of it, then sink slowly back. Such a leap is oa re cord1 in the annals of the British iavy. A large whale cleared a boat, g"oing completely over it, an esti mated leap of twenty feet in the ah' -how many in a lateral direction was , not known. From "The High Leaders." bv Charles F. Holder in The Outing; Magazine for February, j m. The "ossified man", has his place Vv In nature's beneficent plan. His shell is external, and so may be par doned, But the fellow whose heart and conscience are hardened r He's your true ossified man. . Chicago Tribune. Her Voice. He "A woman, I notice, always lowers her voice to ask a favor." She "Yes, and raises fc?r voice if She doesn't get it." Illustrated Bits, Youth and Love. "Johnny, what are you doing?" "Washin' my neck and ears." ''-What's her name?" Denve. Post. Or a ')uet. She "Married life should be one He "Yes; like one of Mendels sohn's without words." Eoslou Transcript. But That'c Enough. Parson "I look upon all divorced men as merely a . higher prder of beasts." Outsider "Just 'lucky dogs,' I -suppose." New Ycrk Times. Trouble Ahead. Larry "I'll niver vote f'.r'im!" Ward Heeler "What difference do you think that makes?" Larry "It makes a sphlit in-th' pairty, be Jarge!" Chicago Tribune. Foresight. "He is entertained constantly." "I suppose he has a host of friends." "Not that so much, but he's care ful to be a- friend of hosts." New York Times. Oh! Au! "That new stenographer of ours is a very stylish speller." "What on earth is a stylish spel ler?" "Well, for instance, take the word 'ioafer.' She spells it l-a-u-f-f-e-u-r.' " Judge. For Posterity. Lieutenant "When are you going to dig this treasure up again?" . Pirate Chief "Treasure, nuthin'! Thet's jest a lot of scrap Iron for my grandchildren to dig up and sell for relics." New York Journal. A Common Attitude. "She thinks her husband is a dr,ep eyed villain.'.' "Why?" "Well, she's never been able to catch him doing anything wrong." Courier-Journal. He Was Flirting. Jack "You say you feel perfectly sure thatjshe -, only flirting with me? Tom 'Perfectly." Jack "Hang the luck! Why, when I began I was only flirting with bier." Somerville Journal. ,The Plutocrats, f "What happens when an irresisti ble force meets an immovable body?" "Why, they have a drink and a smoke together, and then proceed to frame rp another scheme against the plain p'eepul." Philadelphia Bulle tin. An Exception. Knicker 'jThe child is father to the man." Eocker "Not much; the baby wh rouses the neighborhood at night be comes the man who takes, his shoes off so as not to wake his wife." New York Sun. Made No False Pretences. Country Gent (late of the city) observing countryman raise his hat as he passes, throws him a shilling. Countryman "Thank'ee, sir (with emphasis), but I warn't takin' off my 'at tp you. I wur a-scratchin' my head." Punch. The.'r Status. "They say," remarked the mere man, "that 'because' is a woman's reason and it is about all the rea son she has." t "Yes," rejoined the pretty widow, "It's about all the reason she has for marrying a nian." Chicago News. A Purpose Defined. "I understand you have perfected another great invention." "Yes," answered the scientist, mod estljr. "Is it on the market?" "Oh, it wasn't intended for tha market. It's for" ths magazines. Washington Star. DO&TORS MISTAKES Are said often to be buried six feet under ground. But many times women call on their family physicians, suffering, as they imagine, one from dyspepsia, another from heart disease, another from liver or kid nev disease, another from nervous pros tration, another with pain here and there,. and in this, way they present aiiKe to themselves and their easy-going or overj busy doctor, separate diseases, for which he, assuming them to bo such, prescribes his pills and potions.. In reality, they are all only symptoms caused by some uterine disease. Theprician,gnorant of the cause of suffermgVkeps upnitreatment until large bills are mVde. TjiHfering patient gets no betterJjJreasbaKthe wrong treatment, but probably worse: proper medicinp Hko T)r. TMprgp.'s Favorite prescription, directed to the, cause would have eiUTreiy removed the disease there by dispelling alTtnose distressing symp toms, and instituting comfort instead of prolonged misery. It has been well said, that "a disease known is half cured." . Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription is a scientific medicine, carefully devised by an experienced and skillful physician, and adapted to woman's delicate system. It is made of native American medicinal roots and is perfectly harmless in its effects in any co-nunlon or-ihe, iemnre spstem. " As a powerful invigorating tonic "Fa-, vorite. Prescription" imparts strength to the whole system and to the organs dis tinctly feminine in particular. For over worked, "worn-out" run-down." debili tated teachers, milliners, dressmakers, seamstresses, "shop-girls," ho vise-keepers, nursing mothers, and feeble women gen erally, Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription is the greatest earthly booa. being un cqualdd as an appetizing cordial and re storative tonic. As a soothing and strengthening nerv ipe "Favorite Prescription " is unequaled and is invaluable in allaying and sub duing nervous excitability, irritability,: nervous exhaustion, nervous prostration, neuralgia, hysteria, spasms, St. Vitus's dance, and other distressing, nervous symptoms commonly attendant upon" functional and organic disease of the uterus. It induces refreshing sleep and relieves mental anxiety and despondency. Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets invigorate the stomach, liver and bowels. One to three a dose. Easy to take as candy. Estimates of the country's copper production this year place the output at between 940,000,000 and 970, 000,000 pounds. Last year's produc tion was 901,000,000 pounds. There is more Catarrh in this section of the countrv than all other diseases put to gether, and until the last few years was sup posed to be incurable. For a grep.t many years doctors pronounced it a local disease and prescribed local remedies, and by con stantly failing to cure with. local-treatment, pronounced it incurable. Science has proven Catarrh to be a constitutional disease, and therefore requires constitutional treatment. Hall's Catarrh Cm?, manufactured bv F. J. Cheney & Co.. Toledo, Ohio, i the onty con stitutional cure on the market. It is taken in ternally in doses from 10 drops toateaspoon ful. It acts directly on the blood and mucous' surfaces of the system. They offer one hun dred dollars for any case it f nils to cure. Send for cireularsand testimonials. Address P. J. Che n"k y & Co.. Aoledo, O. Sold by Druggists. 75c Take Hall's Family Pills for constipation. The sea-level canal from Mar seilles to the Rhne River is to be completed in saven years at a cost of $13,73 0,00 0. AWFUTj ATTACKS OF PAIN. A Most Dreadful Case of Kidney Trouble and How It Was Cured. Thomas N. McCullough, 321 South Weber St., Colorado Springs. Colo., says: b or twelve or fifteen years I was suffering fre quent attacks of pain in the back and kidneys that lasted for three week?? at a time. 1 would be unable to turn in bed. The urine was in a terrible Condition, at times a com plete "stoppage occurring. I began with Doan'ei Kidney Pills and soon felt1 better. Keeping on, I found com plete freedom from kidney trouble. The cure has been permanent. I owe my good health to Doan's Kidney Pills." Sold by all dea'erp. 5 0 cets a bo. Foster-Milburn Co.. Huff ale. N. Y.- Vanity, that divine gift that makes a woman charming;. Lord Bacons field. To Cure a Cold in One Day Take Laxative Broino Quinine Tablets. Druggists refund money if it fails to cure. E. . Grove's signature is on each box. 5c Sympathy is the solace of the poor, but lor the rich there is consolation. Lord Beaconsfield. . . WRITE US FREELY and frankly, In strictest confidence, telling aO your troubles, and stating your age. We wCl send you FREE ADVICE, in plain sealed envelope, and a val uable 64-page Book on "Heme Treatment for Women." Address : Ladies' Advisory Department, Tte cjnattanooga Aledidae Co., Caittanooga, Tenn. - "WORLD'S TVOJTbEiJ COTTON A new species; -first sold last spring ; was planted by 100 different farmers; has pro duced from 2 to 5 bales per acre; highly prO HHr yrr Kll cmnlt tineiA ' Tfrc C t" O Tl 1 " "FV .....w , UVIl, DUiau ovu., ....... , Humphreys, Godwin & Co., Memphis, Tenn. Swindling- is the perfection of civ ilization. Voltaire. H. H. Green's Sonb. of Atlanta. Ga.. ar iho only Buccssful Dropsy Specialists In the world. See their libera offer in advertise ment in another column of this paper. Victory gives no account of her ac tions. Curtis the Bajavian. FITS, St.Vitus'Dance :Nervous Diseases per manently cured by Dr. Kline's Great Nerve Restorer. ?2 trial bottle and treatise free. Dr. H. ft. Kline, L'd.,931 Arch St., Phila., Pa. Byker I hear that young Spriggs I is getting up m the world. Eft a more potent remedy in the roots and herbs of the field than was ever produced from drugs. In the good old-fashioned days of our grandmothers few drugs were used in. medicines and Lydia E. Pinkham, of Lynn. Mass., in her 6tWdy of roots and herbs and their power over disease discovered and guve to the women of the world a remedy for their peculiar ills more potent and efficacious than any combination of drugs.' Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Cotfipound is an honest, tried arid true remedy of unquestionable thcrapf utic value. During its record of more than thirty years, its long1 list of actual cures of those serious ills peculiar to women, entitles Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound to the respect and confidence of every fair minded person and every thinking woman. When women are troubled with irregular or painful functions, weakness, displacements, ulceration or inflammation, backache, flatulency, general debility, indigestion or nervous prostration, they should remember there is bne tried and true remedy, Lydia E. Pink ham's Vegetable Comrjound. No other remedy m the country has sucn a record ot cures cu female ills, and thousands of women residing- in every part of th; United States bear willing testimony to the wonderful virtue of Lydia ki. l'lnk ham's Vegetable compound and what it has done for them. . Mrs. Pinkham invites all sick women to write her for advice. She has guided thousands to health. For twenty-five years she has been advising sick women free of charge. She is the daughter-in-law of Lydia E. Pink ham and as her assistant for years before her decease advised under her .immediate direction. Address, CABBAGE Plants, CELERY Plants m& and all kinds of garden plants. Can now furnish all kinds of cabbagrp p. cuts, gi wn in the open air and will stand f.-reat cold, urown fmin M-eus ti tlyj most reliie seedsmen. We uh the. same plantsoM our thcutaMd acre tiucK farni. Plants counted and properly paefct-d. c i-iery ready last f Dec. -Lettuce, -rion and Beet plains, same tii'i e or earlier Kedi.ped express rates promised. which, when effective will give MR to per ceijt les than n:erchn?.tie rates. Priee6: Small lots (l.LU per thousand large lot $1.(0 to $1.25 per thrusand, K. O. B. Meg itus.&. C. Ariinut- White pine Cuctnnber ticed 60 cents t er oounti. r.. l.)etpii. S. C. 'Ihe has established an' Ext crinienial Stmlon on our farms, to test all kinds of vesetables, espe cially C'alufages. ihe n'.-intK ot tltee experiments we will le pleaded to five yiu at am- time. Nouisiespectfully X. H. RlITCH COMPANY, ME6GETTS, S. C J ,:' "ow 'rei:ir'l to fill or-1p- fnr mr OlebrateJ CAUBAGE PLANTS in any iuautit.v iesireJ. EAfU.Y JERSEY AVAKEFIELD Earliest and bert 8ire header, small type. CHARLESTON WAKF.FIKI.O-Abotit ten dy later tbau Lti-iy Jersey's, also a turo header of fine size. Prices f . o. b. h;r3. packe I in light boxes: 503 for SI. 03. 1,030 to 5,0a at SI. 53 pir M. to 10.030 at SI. 33 par TH. Special price on larjor 'laantif i-M. AH or lr tii'!i I 0. O. D. wlna n"t aotomp-xniel by remittance. J CHAS. IL GIBSON, . Young's Island, S. C.1 arolina Cement Co. ATLANTA, CH RLKSTON, BIUMINGH AM, NEW ORLEANS. LIME, -;CEMENT, ETC. ' Land Plaster Supplants Fertilizer. See' Catalog. "ACME" FLINT COATED ASPHALT HQOFIXS, 1. 2 and 3 ply, for Barn. Residences. Warehouses. Better. Cheaper than Shinirles and other Hoofing. Samplo. prices, address DPT. O. LATH AND SHINGLE MACHINES SAWS AND SUPPLIES, STEAM AND GASOLINE ENGINES. Fry LOMBARD, AUESTA -t PlGARETTE HABIT I have dlc vcred si Pr.t !itf i. tup I I thiM habit-li iktflctly trnaruntcrd. Any J reference yon want. Wtit-.forjree buok vn 'Cigarettellab'.t.' Br T.S.lIlll.Oreenville, Tex So. 5-'07. GCS Light SAW MILLS USE TAY Invigorate the Digestion. To invigorate the digestion and stimii late the torpid liver and bowels there's nothing so good as that old family 'remedy, Brandreth a Pills, which has been in use for over a century." They cleanse the blood and impart new vigor to the body. One or two every night for a week will usually be all that is required. For Constipation or Dyspepsia, one or two taken every nieht will in a short time afford great re lief. Brandreth'3 Pills are the same fine lax ative tonie pill your grandparents used and being, purely vegetable are adapted to every system. Sold in every drug and medicine either plain or sugar-coated. store, All is soon ready house. German. in an orderly Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup for Children allays pain, cures wind colic, 25c a bottle How poor are they that have not patience ! Shakespeare. LYDIA NKHAM Lj-nn, Miss. Utiitert t-taten Agricultural Dei artment SUCCESSION 15 et known rnre hcmUncr variety of lnie fiat cabbage, later thun Charleston Wakefield. Those plants are from the er beet tested seed and . grown in the open air and trill stand severe cold with- ,' out injury. All orders are filled from the same beds that I am using for my extensive cabbage farms. Sat- isf.ictiou uuarauteed. ELMWOOD NUKSKRIES. Ws ttre Grower, and offer a fine assortment of APPLES, PEACHJKS, PEAKS, Plums. Apricot. Aeetm'tnes,; Clterrlet,, Orspevlae In larze assortments, i4oe.eberrie.Car rant.. Strawberries, Horse-. Jtadi.h. Asparagus "ewbtp rle. and aa extra lot rtes, Mntendll asaor intent OR- NAMENTAL and SHADE TREES, ORKAH KST A I. BIIKU - H AK SBVGK PLANTHAVrlteforCtttlocne t..I.B.WATIilN8ABUO.Mllluthlaii.Va lolin Whfto & Co LOUISVILLE. KY. Estsbliihed I8SI ' Elghwt market pries pstd for rir FURS and Hides. Too om rswmiai4m. 0,000 mink mm WANTED AT OXXJK. Hiffltest Prices ever iiiosvn will be pivirl for immntiiate ship:nent. Vddress A E Burkhardt. D. 12, Cincinnati, E. PI ism CMcVCcc& Pfrrfr1v nf Qfff " t w w for 80 carries with it the possibilities of great happiness, into the heart of a childless home. Women who wish for children, should understand that sterility is not so much of a. disease, as a' symptom of female weakness, and, that in 90 cases out of 100, wheji the female weak ness has been cured by ths lenged-f or visit of the stork comes. Dr. J. J. Livingston, of Freeman. Ind., vrites: "I prescribed Cardui to a lady patient, who had previously had three or four mishaps. She took 6 bottles and was soon made the happy mother cf a veil-grown boy, vho Is still living and doing well. I think that Wine of Cardui is the sole cause of her beirable to have this child." Whatever may be the form of your female trouble weakness, try Cardui. It is a reliable remedy for all the diseases peculiar to women. AT ALL DRUGGISTS IN $100 BOTTLES 'H' SAW MILL MACHINERY GINNING MACHINERY. GASOLINE ENGINES. STEAM ENGINES AND BOILERS GRIST MILLS, STEAM PUMPS Everything in MACHINERY AND MILL SURPPIES. HYMAN SUPPLY COMPANY OFFICES. STORKS, WAREHOUSES. Wilmington and New Bern, N.C. ADDRESS-MACH'Y DEPT. F. - Increase 'Vbtn' Yields Per Acre One Of THeKesults of liberally using our fcrtili a motta-aire zors, is to pay ot on tueoiaiarm. Bead the fol lowing; from Messrs. Wherry & son. owners ot tne x&agnoua Fruit Farm, Durant, Miss.: "We mado $000 from one aero strawborries, on which your fertilizers were used. Eight years ago wc bought this place at ?20 por acve. It was then considered to have been worn oat twenty jrears before, but by liberally using s Virginia-Carolina Fertilizers under peas and velvet beans, we can now grpw almost any thing, and have been offered $350 per acre for the place. Wo experimented with .a great; J many brands of fertilizer but find the highest per-cent. cheaper." Now don't you think Virginia-Carolina Fertilizers would enable you to pay oil a mortgage if you had one? Well, don't use any other. Virginia-Carolina ChemieeJ Co. Richmond. Va. Norfolk. Va. Durham, If. C. Charleston, S. C. Baltimore. Md. Atlanta, Ga. 'Savannah, Ga. Hontgomer Ala. Memphis, Tenn, Sbxeveport, La. Hogless Lard None anywhere near so good, so pure, so eco nomical, so satisfactory. U.S. Government Inspected. CURED Gives Quick Relief. Removes ell swelling in to day ; effects a permanent curs In 30 to 60 day. Trial treatment given free. Nothingcan be f sorer Write Dr. K. H. Green's Sons. SnocIatlsU. Box b AtUnts. G. rJiiri - i nnH Mtilloit nature's Gmt umii w.v inuiiviu Kerne dy for 1 n Wllli f .nmmi all Throat knd Lnng Troubles. Thorouehlr tesul years. All Druggists. 25c, SOc and l.OO. Woman's MM

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