i 1 THE CAROLINA WATCHMAN. '- Mil m IL BTfiWABT. Od. a&4 Pub. buby. N. C , Feb 20th, 1907. Btvit Wednesday at .1 WMt laaiif Street 8eeriptUm Price U pw strictly , : cash la advance - Catered as second-class matter Jaa. ttta. 1MI. at the poat oflea at Sallt tarji N. C tinder the act of Congress ef March trd. lttj. It is really wonderful how those papers which published the full disgusting details of the ha I trial are endeavoring to make it appear their readers depanded ; such stuff. Wonder how they so quickly aseertained the wishes of said readers? This is going old : Adam one better. Siuoe our friend W. T. Bost has occupied the editorial chair on the staff of our - neighbor, The Post J it hasf greatly improved, particularly in the editorial de partment. In fact it now appears to be a genuine newspaper with life, vigor, convictions, sensible' views and bright paragraphs, all of which have heretofore been en tirely foreign to its make up and habits. The Post has done well in .securing Mr. Bost. As may be seen in another col mmn, tha case of the State against the Bradys, for a murderous as sault upon John Owens, has been settled and the defendants are now1 free men. We don't want to criticise any one,- but remembering the I circumstances 6f the assault, and' calling to mind the tact that ha will never recover from his in Jmries, we feel that we must con gratulate Mr. Owens upon escap ing i a long term in the peniten tiary. ( I . ! There were no exceptions made in the application of the third term resolution upon its passage and no power on earth can now change its meaning and intent then. Men have gone in and out mnder its provisions and unless it is henceforth to be a dead letter it still refers to every office under thejcontrol of the democratic party both in the city and the county The Democrat whb is not willing to abide by this rule is not loyal to the party and cannot be trust ed to, carry out any pledge hej or the party might make. Such fel lows need watching. - Some fellow in the Legislature, who has about as much of an idea of popular government as the ty rant Nero, has offeredia bill mak ing attendance of the public schools compulsory. Too much law is worse than no law, and the continual placing of laws on the statute books that are notfthe re suit; of popular demand will soon er o)r later give trouble. While education is of great benefit to all'frho use it rightly it is not a panacea for all human woes. We stand ready to endorse most any thing that may be said favorable to popular education except com pulsion. The great trouble with our cob temporary, the Charlotte News, is thatl its egotistical' and fanatical worship of it own views obscureai its vision of higher., and nobler things. We understand and en dorse the necessity for the proper are and training of children; but because we think-this should be done by the more tender care of the childs' parents, 'instead of the cation that we oppose any worthy and helpful institution that this age oi good ieiiowsnip manes a necessary part of every humane citizens' privileges and pleasures The fact is our fight has been for such. higher ideals than these of the News that it does not realize to what depths it has fallen. In regard to the cotton-weigher mentioned in these columns last weekho one need have any j of the . present legislature j rr, Salxs doing anything of benefit. o the people. It seems the whole crowd have gone to Raleigh for the sin gle purpose of punishing its ene mies, loading the State with debt and tht people with burdensome taxes. The gentleman irom Row an are too much in the hands of our cotton-speculating boss to dare to offer a bill that would save the farmer anywhere from 10 to 50 pounds on a bale of cotton. We call attention to this matter at this time for two reasons. First: the Legislature is in session and the opportunity to do the proper thing is at hand, and sec ondly, because some of these gen tlemen will be asking the farmer for his vote two years 'hence. Their excuse, which many will wallo.w, will be that "the matter was not properly bronght before them." Watch and see. The business people of Salis bury, having grown tired of the "Colonels" (?) swagger about hav ing a new and modern depot, have decided to carry the matter be fore the Corpora ion Commission, and it is expected that some defi nite steps will soon be taken to this end. We 'have a very little time for those who are evrlast ingly hammering at the railroads for one cause and another, believ ing the Southern to be awake to its interests and the interests of the towns and cities through which it passes, and believing that it would soon recognize the need of a modern depot at Salis bury and construct one of its own volition, we have purposely failed to join in the effort to hold-up this great beneficial corporation to "the tune of $25 000 to $50,000 in the way of a depot. We be lieve, however, that Salisbury needs and ought to have a m dern depot and that if the Southern is able to erect one it will be dis creditable to itself should it fail to do so. In another column will be not' ed an article from T. H. Vander ford, which is deserving of the serious consideration of every voter of Salisbury who favors the proper and legal administration of municipal affairs. Mr. Van derford is not the man to make wild, unfounded assertions Jinfor der to further his own interests in the matter of fhis candidacy for the office of mayor. What he says in the article referred to, is said quietly : deliberately, -and withal, very plainly. He says he will make no assertion regarding city affairs which cannot be sup ported by proof which practically amounts to demonstration. True, he does not say this in bis arti cle, but he has said so publicly and those who know him will give him creditdlhe ability to do just as he promises. Moreover, Mr. Vanderford is in a position to know whereof he speaks. He calls attention in a forcible .man ner to certain irregularities which have taken place in the past, and it is the knowledge of the very things which cause so many citi zens to insist that there should be a change in the office of mayor. While there are a number of ir regularities which may not be known and understood in all their details, yet enough is known to satisfy people that there is some thing radically wrong somawnere Mr, Yanderford will make it point to supply the needed, de tails as the campaign progresses. But we must not anticipate. The matters to which Mr. Vauderford now calls' attention are of much importance and thoy cannot be thrust tci oneeide in this cam paign." These statements of Mr. Vanderford must be met aquftTPly and satisfactorily disproved,- or else citizens at large will b jus tified in the assumption that they lire . true. And if they are true, as citizens are thoroughly satis fled they are ; then it ieems a self evident preposition, that for the good of the people, -for the best f interests of the eitv. fur the sake of tiuth, honesty, justice and square dealing, "a change of ad- ministration ls an Imperative ne- cesaiiy. Ht..1 -The editor of the Watchman has always placed a very high val ue on the principles of personal liberty, one's inherent right to do whatsoever he may choose with out governmental interference, so long as. he does not becomo crimi nal or a : public uuisanc. Next to tbis-we believe in the unalloy ed, sovereignty of the citizen, the government that will guarautte these rights with the least possi ble law and burdru, and ' bouse quently the principles and ideals of a true democracy is our first choice politically. W h i 1 w e have, at times, denounced men and measures endorsed by the or ganized party so named, believ ing true democracy was bei n g wickedly tramped undo foot, we never knowingly, in any manner, opposed the principles and con victions set forth above. 'These things are sacred, the very mud sills of .our freedom and welfare as sovereign citizens of a great re public. We have continually and jealously opposed any and all ef forts that would abridge these primary and important rights. This, so far as to law and authori ty, but with only silent contempt for the auarchistical or despotic bulldozer who would endeavor to abridge another's rights or injure his business because he does npjfc think, believe and act as he would have him do, and, with amaze ment, have we observed men, who knew better, vote. for aud advo cate measures, whatever their mo tives may have been, that were der structiveof peace, law and busi ness: Having such beliefs, it was but natural for us to join with the barkeepers and distillers in their fight against the prohib i t i o n forced several years ago, then try ing, as we saw it, to regulate men's appetites and morals by law. Having no use for whiskey, nor paitence with men who make in-' temperate use of stimulating bev erages, we, tookour stand solely on the ground Of principle. We believe the bar-keepers have rights as well as other men and that as such they are entitled to due con sideration and the same protec tion of the law as is given to other people and other people's; bu?fk nesses. We are living up to these convictions to-day and shall con tinue to do so so long as we may hope to see equal and exact jus tice done unto all men. The whiskey dealers have the sam rights as other citizens and they are permitted to conduct their businesses here under certain con ditions granted them by their fel-; low citizens through duly au thorized officials. In this parties lar it - might be worth while for them to reflect upon the results of indiscreet conduct. There is such a thing as the abuse of citi- snip ana privileges ana too great a, zeal in an effort to dictate an of, control the affairs of a city; If such acts are persisted in by the bar keepers they will soon cause the jutr indignation of the citizens to arise and put them out of busi ness. When it comes to the point' that the citizens, must choose be tween the domineering influence or tne oar-roooms and the control of their own affairs, the bar-room keeper's sun will set, and that good and hard. At said abov, we bear our portion of credit, good or bad, for the continuation of the whiskey business in Salisbury, and, so long as they, do not be come too pernicious in their, ef forts to domineer the elections and affairs of the city we are will ing that they shall remain, under proper surveillance. But, when they serve notice on a business man that if . he eontinues active in his choice for mayor, or any other lawful and peaceful persuit, they are getting dangerously near an offensive position ; when they say to the people of tnis commu nity "we will not contribute to the erection of a city hospital un less you elect our choice for may or, they are then inviting the re sentment of every good citizen in the town. And when the pooplp learn that the three-term pledare of the Rowan Democracy is to be v4olated to suit theplea8ure of a whiskey ring, the party ties will not be strong enough to keep in bound the . populaf indignation and the vpters' roar, which can be summed up iu one wori: 'GET." There never has b-eu a time in the .history of tne world wneu people did not sooner or la ter throw off the bonds of tyrants and the exactions of usurpers Such events have occurred often and' they can pecurr again, tf it occurrs in this case it will be be cause the whiskey people, brine it Wpon themselves. UrT. YANDEFORO COPSES AGAIN. He Calls Attention fo Several irregularities Ib Our Municipal Affairs. Salisbury, N. C, Feb. 19, 1907 To the Citizens of Salisbury : It has been circulated that I op pose the further improvement' of the City of Salisbury, and that, unless I am. elected, I will oppose the further issue of bonds. .' ; ' I wish to say that these stffte mentare without foundation. I am now, have always neen, and expect to remain, in fayor xf anything that looks to the up building of Sslisbury I am in favbr of a bond Bsiie, to be disposed of as needed for use. TO GIVE EVERY CITIZEN ALIKE. THE BENEFIT OF GOOD STREETS, without dis crimination, in favor of one pac tion and against another ; to give the City of Salisbury a better water-supply ; to extend the sew ers to the river, and thereby re move a menace to the health of the people on whose land they. now empty, (and who are now threatening- to sue the City) to buy, for the bettermeut of our present fire-department, a steam- engine, and provide a place to keep it, and give the City an up-to-dat? fire-alarm system ; and, last but not least, to provide funds for ca rry ing out the violated pledgeg made to the people ef the S uth and East wards, that they should have a school, by purchas ing a lot on the South-East side of the Southern Railway, and on Inniss St. and erect thereon a creditable p&bhc-school building. Three lots, viz,, the Raney lotj the Blackwelder lot, and the Bea ver lot, were bought for public school purposes, on Fisher St., the three lots costing about $6,000. This money came out of a $10,000 bond issue, and the people were Hnduoed to vote the bonds upon a, the promise of this publio school for these wards. The Rarsey lot was sold by Mr. Boyden to a negro named John Mo wery"( recently deceased) and nls family still live there, and cannot be bought out, thereby re ducing the value of the surround ing property, one mau having sold his adjacent property for $200 less on thia account. Mr. Boyden was urgently requested by white citizens owning the surrounding property, not to make this vMow- ery sale. I say that the remain ing $4000 and the pmy erty on Fisher St., still owned by the City, should be made the basis of a fund for the building of th1 In niss St., school, ano the balance needed should be provided for hy a bond issue. ; To do all this work, and mike all these improvements, will ro quire considerable time and mon ey; and, while I am in favor cf issuing bonds f t thse purposes, I db not favor issuing them all at once, nor do I favor a careless ex penditure of the money. The people should know what the bonds bring when sold, and the expenditure of te money, espe cially as the work progresses. I am opposed to the pat. loose eystem of paying out the City's funds upon vouchers passed upon and "signed by the Mayor and the Clerk. If I am elected, it 'will be S" arranged that'for wvery cent of public money paid out, there will be a receipt giving the name of the payee and the pur pose for which the '-money was paid out; the books and vouchereJj will oe opeu to the inspection of the pu bl ic , a n d lwil 1 90 m p 1 y w i t h the law requiring yearly state ments to be published showing the nature and anouut of public expenditures. AuoV,, when these statements are made,, they will be fu and specific and the public can and will be able to tell from them WHERE THE MONEY WENT. My friends will Dot have to ask lenieney tor failure to make the report, nor apologize for such a statement as that made by the present Mayor, a state ment which contains little or no information. I am informed that they have now employed fn ex pert aeeouatftnt to mane a mtelli- gibT .itatemenV'aLcLI j-in 'every citizen i Salisbury in hoping that the new statement may convev much desired information. All this talk about my being opposed to the further improve ment uf Salisbury, has, I suppose, grown out of my criticism of Mr. Boyden in not inviting tht. Advi-! sory Board to assist the Board of Aldermen in . passing upon -the-bids for the contracts 1T street work, , although the Advisory Board as expressly provided for and named in the bill authorizing this issue; and, also out of my .criticism of his disregard 'of the wishes of the residents cf, the South a? id East Wards in re gard to the school, and the sale of part of the . property purchased for that purpose to a negro, and the failure (as I am reliably in formed) to require an itemized statement of the money expended in the extension of the sewer sys tem. I am reliably informed that t he sum of about . $10,000 waT placed in the hands of one cf the City officials, to be used for the extension of the sewers, and that this official has never yet riled any itemized report showing what was done with this money, al though the Chairmau of the Sew ar Committee made reppated cath fur this report. 'No such thing as this can or will happen if I am Mayor! ALd if I should be per mitted to remain iu office as May or for three terms, I promise not to violate a principle adopted by the Democratic party, and which is now conceded to be the best move ever taken for the upbuild ing of the party, upon the flimsy pretext that I have beeu petition ed to run a fourth t-me. What officer who has just retired in consequence or the third term rule, could not have gotten some of his warm personal friends to petition him to run again? Very respectfully, T. H. Vanderford. BueltJen's Arnica Salve The Best Selve 3n The World IIIIIIHIWrWHHHIIlrthWItl. HIMIMHim : SACRIFICE SALE ! We will commence closing out one of the best, newest and most up'-iodate lines of Shoes that has ever been closed out at any sale in this town oh Thursday These are not odds and ends or-Sample Shoes or odd sacck, but f verytbitg is New, Fresh and up-to-date Vg.od8, but we have mad up our minds to go out of the shoe busi ness and these Shoes must go out. Our prices on these Shoes will be the manufacturer's, plus the fright. None of these gor ds will b charged or taken back.' We want to close out this stock inside 80 days if we have to sell them1. l)ulks to some merchant. Don't wait if you want the best. Another line .we are going to close out is our Art Squares find Hugs. We have big ie of them bought direct fttm the mills. Ihese'are air new fresh goods i f the very latest make and the Newest Pattr.rng. Our 9x12 Ingrain Art Squares worth 16.00 be closed1 out at $4.25. Our 9x12 Saxon v Art Squares' worth $10.00 a '7.00. Our 9x12 Alma Art Squares wonh $!0 to 2 it"$7c0. Onr Royal Axmiusser 9x12 w,..rth $25.00 a v $f CGO Our 9x12 Shiraz t,rth $18.00 at $13.00. Our 'Oriental Art Square, worth $80.00 at $21.00. We have a big'line ot small Rug8 to m -ch tbse Art Squares that will be reduced in he; seme pre porjon We also have a lot of Hall Kunners that will go. hi ftt.Man facturer s Coat. . ' Rebhers at China Stoth. - Every now and t r en d epidemic of burglary and robbery! occurs in various secti us of -the State, and it Appears that tins portion of North Carolina is now being vis ited by an organized gang .of thieves. Reference is - marte ,iu' another column to thet-reeent at tempted burg la pes here, ' and j ust a little later, China Grove seems to have been selected as a field fo further operations: 'The home of Mrs. Cowan was entered on Thursday night but nothing was secured.' Mr. Fletcher, Station Ageut T h o m, Superintendent Ross, of the Patterson Company, the cotton mill, and other places were broken into. . An ' attempt was made to e:itr the home ot J. N. Day vault, but be bad not gore to bed when the visit -was made, aud the robbers learnii g this,-left the place. Mr. Thorn is minus a zold watch and a smll sum in cash, Mr. Ross K st a watch,! a mileage book and about $14 iu cash. It is quite probable that suspicious looking characte s will be treated rather coollv in the China Grove neighborhood for the next few weeks. Greensboro Gets StmSi.'iOi. Madam Sembrich, the worlds' most noted singer, will sing in Greensboro on Mfrch i. 18. Sh will sing at only one place in North Carolina ai;d Qr eiisboro is to be conpfratulatHd on getting this wonderful tinger Madam Sembrich uses the' Baldwin piano and this shows far . good judg ment. ' B. P. Jarrett. Salisbury, "N. C, sells the Baldwin piano. s PtOBitiie Ylctrros Better. Hich Point. Pb. 10 Two of the young children of Mr. War ner Jackson tfSv been removed to vhe Junior Ordr 'Husprtal, where they are being tr e a t e d fci ptomaine poisoning. It will be remembered that -veral days ago the wife and mot b r of this house hold end a child died from this poisoning, cansfd by eating pork, and the remain:- s thre members of the family, tun fn'hf-r tnd two children, w?r te-riously ill and wer expected to die from . the sme malady, Mr. Jackvn sepnis to-have the best chance for re covery, while th two children are making a despf ate struggle to win out in the k?tl for life. Special to Charlotte Obsnrver. Is lit i-- 16 50' will Ff' lPlI!) I'V ?