, , l . J-JUL .L " -'-V ..imbwmmww .TiiiiwiiiiiiiimwiiiiMirriiiiiiwir-iTirT irn Ltm - , IP -K - A Horpe Newspaper Published in the 'Interest of ' tnb People and for !,Honesty in Governmental Affairs. NOL. III.,--. NO.Jt. SALISBUrV, N (Xt .WEPNESDAy . cpEBRflARYJ27Tt l&07 ! 5 f ,i Wjyr. Stewart, Editjor. , ! ! r4 4- II f-.iH- Si-.-J lUTfcSVILLE AHO IREDELL COUNTY. Frlin'ls Sarprted by a S cret Marriage. Officials Visit Salisbry.'. - tttYll Landmark, February 23d ii A seoret marriage htft'Wll tur prue many friends of the bn3e fktida groom, as inadw -kaowu to Statesville people TnedaT-night. Daring ' the Chritm& - boiidayg Frank iA.; Hampt;n; -ha Prix Manic : Cuflpaby t jof 'StateiTille andiMua Laola Moor, a popular and attractive yoahg woman, who it known to many Suteiyille peo--plej were married in Charlotte. Mra J; Hampton i"a- daughter 'of the, ilate Mr. and Mra. A -Moore, ojf FayettevilleShe ia an expert tenographer -and : some monthi ago I afjent tome time in States ile assisting.it. the offices of G E. French and'E. Q Gilmer. At the time of the marriage she held a position wHh Pharr & Bell, at torneys of Charlotte, and she con tinued with the firm until Tuis day, ; when she anti-Mr, Hampton came to Statesville. ii 'A , ' '- .-' " ; - r . .---! .'.J " '. .-' "' " fH.:i Ar Y.oant, a. prominent and well known business man of t& place, secretary -and treasarer of the Blpomfield Manufacth r i n g Company, and t Miss M. M. Alex ander, of Alexander county, were married; Sunday afternoon at ih home 6f Adolphus McLella n'd, near Stony Point, ReT, W. d Brown officiating. Major R. Ii. Flanigau aud Chief of Police Connor, members of the fire ppmpanyt went to Salisbury Tuesday to inspect the new nose wagon that! is being made for "the Statesrille firemen. The wasron is strictJy uprto:date and perfect ly satisfactory. Mrs. Connor ao oompanied ,Mr. Connor to Salis bury j - '.r- - H I - i . - ' : !a. Holler, who left States ville for San Francisco . a month ago, fexpecting toiwork therefor Awhile', has returned home. Mr. Holler stayed in San Francisco aout a week aufl he .. says,-it rain all the time he was there. He pent most iof. the time" while ab sent in points in L uieiana: - Mrs.- W . Mr Nicbol son waf ppin- j hurt , Wednesday by failing from the porch at her home on Kelly street, to the cement walk in her yard- Hr arm was badly bruised but the.it jury is not con siaered serioos. v f :- - - iWlat ipfvm Is Wwtb; A new valuation on thevlife of a ten-year-old'boy wasmade by a I jury in the Snprem Conn ye8te? day before Justice Fordi in which Mary; cNetelsky,: was i awaiedfS 958.8ftiior the kiliing; of her son Harry.; The boy was run oyer by a wagon owned by the Huda n Coal Company,' "of New Jersey, ju January 19th. 1904- Verdicts it? similar cases haye teen run trV n $1 to $i6;obo: : - -i In Ford charging the ' ju ry Just ice admonished- them- that if they found a verdict for the moth er they, could award only sucb .sum at the boy's service would b tot herup to the time of his ma- jority The jury took. 15 minutes to consider- it s verdict and then awarded: Mrs Netelsky $3,958.83. New ark .World. : ! I Thmostpopal ar remedy it Otsego county i and ihe best friend of! my:, Jfajriiiyi" writes Wm.! M. Dietz, ditQr and publisher of the. YJ, fisvDr)Kiiig'8 New Discovery'. It has' proved to' be ; an infallible cure for poughs and colds, making short -work of the worst of them. We; always keep . a bottle in J the house."' I twlievi it to be the most ralnable prescription, known .for Lung and Tatoat diseases," 'Guar- VP antwd-to 'heyer. disappoint : the 0o an-t 1 JX).: Trial bottle free; llrood b uggy riree! V" The .Watchman's Contest Will Continue If you Want CGoQd Buggy Bon't FaU to 0et at The biggest And best- proposition in the way .ol a : voting contest ever offered by The W atchm anII 9 6 Qr eit h ; ;set pjci foot. The conditions are brief abd! the prize is great. ;.;-Npw Is your opportunity, to get a splendid one-horse bii with out the outlay of a dime on your part. Yoti want a good buggy:: aud ; we ; .want- to -increase j "the circulation Ofjithe1 W AMCHMAN, hence we inaugurate the Toilowingingr voting content.: For every cent; paid on ijibBcriribnotieTot-will-be given, except subscriptions brought ?hi by -some rne:act ing as an agent, in which case two votes for iBach -CQUt paid will be .given. VptiLg. coupunB with; the number of yote&.to which one . is entitled' theron will , be, issued etq ali,whp make payments. These ' coupons must be deposited at the ofiice of the Watchman to be counted and credited to the" No oiie connected with the per wilt be allowed to outer the contest, but all others now subscribers are invited to , help in any manner . they. can. Work for yourself or Lelp some one! else to get it. ' :' A " ' DESCRIPTION Council street. "These gentlemen will 4ake pleasure iu showing it and giving, any information about it that may be (Jesired.- Remember some one will! gnt it without ; fail. , If youi want one Why ript make atf effort to get it? ; " .. : sUBSCRimc prices. , During this contest we have decided to make , the most liberal prices possible for full as follows: v - ' r" -: The Watchman single subscription, new or renewal . . , In clubs I6f. Two or moreTTyear, Those who enter the contest will Jbe guided by the above, inlormation we will be glad to subscriptions for less than $1.00. . - ' - : " ' .-: OTHER Any one who sends us' five .subscriptions and $2,50, will be given one year's subscription Any-one sending urten subscriptions and .$5.t)0r wjirbe given a copy. 7.T-WtAi!r.ill-rcdnjiinia8 it as with- whateverrim brovement we TOayDje ableTItbmakie upon it It ' askst the support of all good people and patronage. - ; :7":-r . " -' - , Subscriber have the priv.ilege of: selectipo; their own can itidates. - New ndi&ate&.mabe'ro ariyr'time Votes for: whom'yott wish and often as possible. rThe can didate. who gets the most votes x uo ui est iu mo ueiu geuemiiy -.uuiuh a t gyyu cuauce ..to wiu, so if you are going to make'an effort for ? the. ,,bqggy, a word to the wise is sufficient. Any other information: fur rushed upoii request. Send all jnOpey; andr mmuhicauons , Wm.! H. Stewart, : ? 7 "Cauiifi's Oldest j UiBuMl Tjmothy - CoUinsv ji g e d 111 years, died at Montreal yesterday. He wa txrn near Cork, JIreland, in 1795. living in the ' reigns of fiver sovereigns, G e o r g HI, George IY,Uliam,y, Victorj! born: J Washington wag president of the United States! He lived in NewiYjrtCity sfeveral Jrears marry iiyg-" there 'M iafa- B Voir ri 1 3of Queen's ' county, Ireland Later he', moved ' o Montreal;- and wens into business there "-Ottawa dis patch to New York Sun. 7:: Auytone in need pf a first-olats bugg" wil 1 do wellto read; , over lottj? HUggj proposition on tnispage, Latest aritf Biggest Now ;on. till June ist Watchman force in any an4 OF THE BTJfGGY. , We havent a suitable' cut 0f the baggy . which some lucky person, will receive at the expiration oOhig cbngsl, j uut in a gttuei-ai wjay vo can say4hat it - is A No. 12 Dlai mond buggy madeby'theDuV ,rautI3ort Carriage Cof-Ttga of the open sidebar type and, one of the. best makes on the market, substantial and first class in every particular.2 ' It?4 can: be seen by calling at the ; Barber JBuggy ahd Wagon Co.8 place of business, on year subscriptions. : They: are: .Vr ., - new ox renewal, each. .50c for the'maih prize, the buggy,' but should they want other furnish them With same. one year : Will be at the rate of . ' " ' PRIZES. f reel ; f ' 1! !i ; ! A ;i Value will; endeavor, to merit their will be awarded the prize.. ' Salisbury; NjC ' Tka 6eerc1iJSiiIs for Nswport. , Bottonv Febil.-rTheu battle ship ; Georgia tailed froia ritti Newport, R. 'Ii, - where the will take : aboard 800 aairort and ap prj9ntioea:-'Ar;Trproeediiijg' to York ; for ammnnitioni and to Savanuah -;tdr exhibition pikr poitsi :the Gtprgiail Ijmn Ad miral Evan't , ,flet inl Cuban waters. - . - It a - the ; highest standard of Quality; a natural tonic,' cleanses yourrtystem; reddens the eHeekSj f all you: .eafc Hoi lister 'Itocky oriK'iteuH iqo evJHB. eives navr-r to .MountainiTewill yo.u- 5 cents, Tea or Tablets : ffl W.IJrinies Driiff Col '1 v CONCORD AKD CABARRUS COUNTY. V. ;tB sinjrti fpiifti;5"- : J. r. Triece, of Glassy came in Jast Saturjdyaiuf ha with-him a" lemon that taxes the cate It was of 4 hit:' -own raising." Vnaweiglied 2f pouiiclsT It " wat "IB inches -in inches thVdtheT Mr J Tncce sayt h. 3htsiIemore" Of he' tame kih fob the ct'-hk home.1 ah 20"6n m The eghr pf the lrimnwin?rage Ws note, that: Cannopplisthe narae ot theie twjuU abpye t wi Ik but ttop.to, think, pi t,h g f or- tnawou jofjyiepra?ij nit. a, com- pu5atiprjt rof 3betwQrwprds, ChU?. nob: andPolifi the latter meanr ipg a citthe.4tvil f n in Can jn0a4tVopitik making, J.he correct spelling Oaunopolis. :rl t0 WZiT W terday f orV IloJbart , Qkla.homjt, where ,he spent. : several, months latt year. He. came bapk to Con-r cord the las t part of nth immejr. n accpqniVof . fhi- other'.sill nets. " Mr- Johnston yfeBSjQklaho ma and, .ill r protbaMy nmjun there. . r.r-. . . . ...... ; y J; WCannonji pretidedtT oflthe Gibson Manufacturing Co;,gsve , tiuppero at the - St. ' Cloud-Kor- mandy lask Situriday bigh. boi ihvi manatrers and oversers , p t the J .'nk Crrigan, of No. 8 town ship, died on Wednesday mc rn- jtig of last week,: hit deathrjfeerug tbe result, of old age. , Mr.. Cairi. gan was the oldest citizen of No. 3 township', and pes of tne oldest in the county. February SSnd. There were two marriages. T at Chiua" Grove latt Sun.d&y. f he first: was that o' Miss Itowena Mc Laui hlin andBlbert Deal. r Tfait took place at thtf partonage Jof the Eefqrmed " chtirch. The second was at the home of Mr. (and Mrs, Henry, Sechlet; w hen Miss Carrie Shaping became the bride of He. ry Corriher. Bth ceremcnies were .; performed by "ReT. J, X. Bowers.- - :u : On last Satnrdiy afternoou it was announced that the post flics department had selected ths Foard property - on : South siUnibn "street for ;the lite of the new govtrii ment building to ;be erected here, The1purichajaetlpritfeit $10pU0rj and foithis.; amount of rjtovn. imfvrove men tat art.j tq gfai madefon, the, ot. A t treet wil), be opened up pa-pne side leading from JIujon to dpring street ,: v ; . Mrs. P. A. Smith died Satur day at. the-home. of her son, amv el Beaver, at the, BuffaloMtll, aged 3yeart. 1 -- r One of our citizens who occa sionally -to ips the dishes for his wife,fbecame tired of the job and refused, saying that it- riot a maii't work." NoV'feeiiiig'idis possd toilose his help she; brought the Bible out to eonvine him of. his error, and read at follows from IT Eibgs 21-18 .'Aud wipe Je rusalem as li man wipett a dish; wipingL it-in;tnrhiugit upside down; . Itris needless " to say he ' . ' a a. is stiitaoing ais occasional stout ti' savs C, G. Hays, a prominent bushiest man of Bluff, Mo , that Bucklen's Arnica Salve.) it r the quickesandi surest healing sal v& Lwound. or to a case of piles Pve wvt r - idduhi wj & buitb. uum .ui U3QU I BUU. &UU W : WHB iW I A - ing5 abjout." Guaranteed r". by ail ALBA8L iso ,staSly;county. Will Erect j Brick .Budding r . Atiwp?? " . Assault elffo filrls. f ttaaly Xnterprtf e. FJruarx aoh. . tT. So' toon: as the office piw occu pied by tho AUemarfe Index jai; be"? "cleared, -f the.-'Efiterprise fwill move into it. Mr Sanders has re: ted the Marks building, adjidnir.ff cxmrt ; house fqua re and w i 1 1 coi duct bis law nd printing . c mce inhat bdildiug. We have closed a contract with L. A. Moody for thereetiou of our'3iW b-ttor brick bailding7wioliwill-4cotipy' the same location tts our present office"- It becomes - necessary t tt? tear the old, building away,-aDd . this work will begin: in a-fewrdays Tha- new ? building-wi ill 0 coyer, ; a, apace of oftQyeraUn r; A negro, supposed to bMann el Patterson, i attem pted ... to com- it. a criminal assault on two. young daughters of W. Hf Byrd," of Lilesville on Saturday, but laueu i ne, negro escapea., . ine adthoritift arrested negro0 af Albemarle on . Monday and an other at Whitney, bul neither proved to-be the right man. There: is J considerable "excitemVu t at Ijilesville over the affair" knda large, posie hat beeiv in pursnit. . I v.T We are glad to note that the . t condition of Mrs. Juncan IMorris" is ' greatly improyedri She ' ia 'ih the tan i torium at Sai isbury I cllrv morris .was rprettritea w,m P?' ftggregating nearly 5Q, fjonL tbej ibeal Woodmen .jpiL; the Wrldand the Pythian lodges,. owhich he is-aTmember. - The two orders act- ed nobly in a worthy cause- nd out. ai orris is aeepiy : gratetu i-1 or their; kindness te hiin.iV 5 1 he r cond ition of Esq. X W ostian 1 as been very . alarming for-, several days.. Inflammation nss,r the. heart, added to a severe qase. of gri ppe w ith w bib h' he has been i sufTering,' calU "forth great est fears from his friends. Hi- i a, J. R.. Boetian , uow ... in thn wett,it expected to arrive possibly today, and unless there is a chahgp fott-the better the . entire familv wilhbe assembled "Uncle Jack" Harrington, of the vicinity 4 miles, west of Albe marle, is in a-sa.d mental condi tion; and is being held ai, onr county jail for safe' rtntioni It will" be tP happy day for th4 State when, it s can promptly cafWor Sttch juniortuiiOte persons. "Beginniijg with Monday of this week the mail service oh the Yad- din train . has been greatly im preved the mail clerk' being pi ao d rXJaptaiii i Ffasier's train, pouch mail to be carried ori Cap- taitt Patterson's It is timply a reyeraal of the previous .r arrange ment.', , . -. -v . ,: ' B. A. Foreman hat been quar antined at his fnme for several days On account of what teemt to be a mild form of mall pox. No fers are en tsr taiued that the dis ease will spread. A PafUc PosltllQ. Tke British Embassy at Wah- ington : is ne w the best paid post iff the :Britisb diplomatic Service,' the salary of the ambassador hav ing b$eii raised," with' the"appoint meat : of JamesBryce, to, f5Q,(X)Q periyrt Pris," wliieb urto thel presents had ; ben considered the I best post in the service, pays only . The right thing io do when you feelbilioui it to take a dose of fcChamberlain's Stomach aid Lby&f Tablets. They will cleanse' th stomach and regulate the 'livt-r an ' bowels: Try It. 2& cents I Sam pies .: free" at "Jamei Plummer,:.Salifcburyfand aSp"en- 1 ee'r Pharmacy, Speuotr, RC? 'D. lEXiNoTON AND DAVIDSON COUNTY. Uiinor FtsRTr to get Tban Ei er.- Petition ?sr ajuispensary. -; ' Lexington Dl8path. Fetrury 0th. V '" ' : After a lull which "followed tlie tiret agitation for a dispensar K Htterett last week was revived and' ( -he- matter is DOTa subject for vry gathering, ill there be a Jjspensary, it asked on every side. . The two. petitions for and against an election ' ta decide the matter, will be Sent, to Raleigh this week, we nnderstaDd, and turn elf over to- our repreaentative for .onsid- , ." e1io"''-2lt'l-"it thought lh at vie-: r tbry wil I" be to the side that shows J ;the majority of tho qualified .yo- " tore.1 v.." .". y. -.-----.- ' Thf Danville liquor corder busi-w-UC'SSi - to use a hackneyed . express sion, is growiug -Mby .. JeAptnd . boui'ds'v If the7.e:-rhaX.bwnany.,i'..... chan ge in the situation; at d a! 1 ,: it ; is easier how to get liquor than . ever . It " is proposed to pi ace a prohibitive : tax on i the 1 business- " f? nd this has been a live subject of latreet discufsion, but " opinion is ; divided. It is not certain .that ftfbh a thing can be can be dpne.-' :;d. The alderinen will consider it, we " ulDderttahd.:'' : ' Lexington ought to ; haye more - f it m t mi . i oi tne last trains, mey can ne secured easily enough if our folks twill demand-them .. Ab mention- - - t 1 ! . ed" - before there are towns .cone- - r-; fifth the size'of Lexington' that get trains that do ntt stop here, not even hesi tie; ' Dnown:, espegUe ally, is cal-ed to mind that is not in ! Lexington's class at , that hap, had both 83 - and 37,added to the trains that stop therew f - The mayor-e docket Mohda morning was unusually heavy.. For ' some weeks past there :,rhas'. . been nothing doing in. police cir--cles, but there were a dozen Teases' d this. week. Danville- liquor must: ; be t stronger than the Salisbury J brand; and: the morally stunted didn't know i;he difference until too; late. ' . : . , Monday morning a . barn-of Ed. Green '8 was burned, causing con- ; 9iderable loss. The corn crib, d' with the corn," was saved by turn iug the crib over. The fire was , caused by one of the. children. and a match. . :, - i ' -k i " d rA- E. Sheets says the town block M hftre ready to be placed iu the isarnTt huseowrBwm f actureft .TTsWd anlanere tnit week to put it up - OUR V0TSK6 CONTEST. It is Now is Full? Blast jod Opens With f Brigbt Prospetts. : " The voting contest now being' conducted by the' Watchman seems destined to eclipse all form er rec rds. Well it may, a first- y class buggv, as we intend to give; to the lucky individual who. se- ; cures i he most votes, is not to be ' picked up. without cost at any bid; ;. time. This buggy will be one of ; the best that money can buy and' is- nice enough and strong enough fur ; any use and those who will . make an eifott to get it should-begin ! to gather in subscribe rs and votes wiihout delay, Thaa who -have thus far; been v voted for are as follows: Revt H. A. Trexler, Man-- Ai' fEroess Mille', cityi ': - "No. :5, . .1; , .,, 200 r Wm. M. h Feppurman. '. city, No 8.,. ... . Rev N. D. Bpdie, cityNoT T. y. Watkina, city, No. lt. John C. r -Good man, Cres- , ;;cen t , ...'. ;v;;,v.:;-;'. . . . i 175 175 d 150 ? v v!- (150 JL C. HolshouBer; j cityin d -Ialenir thej'race is t;ot al-.; : ways to the twii t nor.tbe strong uVto bim who gets the most votes Wi II the prpj e ,Ibe gryenT f . V hi iv i ' S 3!; . ' x i -: ; X". 'i ) f i i ! - t "4 'd wf-?' ' ' I d"7r-7k- M.1 .. .7