LEXINGTON AND QAYiDSON COUNTY. Lexinffton Dispatch, Febmary 87th.- . The people of the town fcave had an opportunity this week to communicate with the' Solicitor ' upon the subject " of lawlessness, and they can show .next week by their works whether they want blind tigers, immoral houses and gaiuuiuig ueus. li tney aou t want a disoensarv thev -at j - J o question when -the grand jury tnoita T la nil .U f. 44 out whiskey and the dispensarv and gambling., but work talk louder than words. Monday night it was narated around that a certain gentleman who loves the click of the festive chip had "peached' on she poker population, and would appear be forethe grand 'jury and tell all he knew. He Bad been seen at mor spread. Immediately some thing was doing and excite i in-, dividnals might-have been seeu discussing animatedly the reports ea vpeacniug." As to the truth of the rumor nothing can be said, but whether truthful or not, U In the new arrangements at thi postotnce tnere will be a city car w tuuuwriuu ib is opea tn.Ht the same will be in use within ; year. Lex i n gton has a bou t rea h ea tne mace where oitv ru iiv B v . L n ii inii . a . i r. vi if. n i no u separate window for money or uBiB Buu uue iur regibnerea mail. The now nftsincr an. -I fnmifnra io 'ltn.tn.tift.tA nnH rtrmvA- ianfc anil tteome will rfet uinch easier. uggyr ivee RsttTfcSYiLlE AND IREDELL COUNTY. i Watch man's Latest and Biggest iBDroiBDiifs at DfiDOt. Remains of Dis- lU-i filler nutflt Fnnnil -"... : . MMVI Willi . I HI Will Continue till June ist. If you Want a Good Buggy Don't Fail to.Gtet Busy at Once. The biggest and best proposition in the way of a voting contest ever offered by The -Watchman Js herewith set on foot. The conditions -are brief and the prize is great. Now is your opportunity to get a splendid one-horse buggy with out thejmtlay of a di me on your part. You want a " good buggy and -wewant to increase the circulation of the Wamchman, hence we inaugurate the followingiug voting contest. Kor every cent paid on subscription one vote will be given, except subscriptions brought in by some onead ing as an agent, in which case two votes for each cent paid will be given. Voting coupons .with the number of votes to which - one is entitled theron will be issued to all who make payments. These coupons must be deposited at the office of the Watchman to be counted and credited to the proper candidates. No one connected with the Watchman force in any man ner will be allowed to enter the contest, but all others now subscribers are invited to help in any manner they can. Work for yourself or help some one else to get it. DESCRIPTION OF THE BUGGY. We haven't a suitable cut of the buggy which some lucky person will receive at the expiration of this contest, but in a general way we ban say that it is a No. 12 Bia mond buggy made by the Du rantDort Carriage Co. 1 is of the open side bar type and one of the best makes on the market, substantial and firsts class in every DarticularIt can be seen by calling at tlfel Barber Buggy and fjo to l vytruiirii fcirrci. liiwc geutiriucu win laxvo tvacuiQxiui i oi oatnn was turnea over showing it and giving any information about it tnat may be Deputr Collector Davie There has been on exhibition in the show window of tht Rmn.v. SUBSCRIPTION PRICES. ... ----- f .tflvil Landmark, March Jst. ?jf Kamsenr. supermtf iiamit ot ybhe Asheville division of the .Boathern railway, was in States- witn . Uepot Agent, Maber m re-, gard to the improvements to be )aiade at the Statesville station; The plans for the new telegraph tower, which is to be built at the station, are complete and work will begin in a few days. 'The tower will be an up-to-date struc ture and will be situated just west of the passenger station. The first floor of the building will be Tised for a baggage room and will be a great 5onveniencf compared with the preseut arrangement for handling baggage. Mack Woodward," the young man - who was accidentally shot Monday evening by the. discharge of a 38 calibre pistol in the hands of Markua Williams in North Ire dell, was brought to the sanatori um Tuesday morning for treat ment. It was found that the ball entered just below the ribs on the right side, penetrated a number of - intestines and lodcred in the muscles of the back. The patient is doing nicely and will recover. Deputy : Sheriff. J. R, Albea found m a secluded place near Hiicmony. a fw days ago. a bar rel containi: m quantity of what was supposed to be spirits, the cap arid, worm of a distillerv and a qbantitjr of ;meal , -The barrel and contents cap and worm were ugu. .o, town. . ine conteors CONCORD AND CABARRUS COUNTY. b low Cltf Officials liar Have to Refold Silirlcs Tftey Pali TittmselTes. Comco rd Times. March lat. . i . A called meeting of the city al dermen was held Tuesday night to discuss a matter which had re cently been sprung. It seems that some one had discovered that there was no authority for the al dermen receiving the sum of $100 a year each as compensation, and the matter was referred to their attorney, L. T. Hartsell, He !ooked into the matter and advis ed them Tuesday night that that there existed no authorit y t . allow them to draw a y compeu satijn whatever. The aldermen began drawing salary In 1890 and up to three years ago each mem ber drew $24 a year. Since that time they have been t?ettii)g $100 a ' year each, It seems from At torue Hartsell 's opinion that all salaries are illegal, and unless some relief is given by the Ugis lature, each man will have to re fund all that has been paid him.' It is hoped that the matter may be adjusted in this way Chief of Police Boger yesterday received a letter from the chidf of police of Maysville. Ky., saying that a man w ho gave his name as John Bogle, or Bokle, had been struck by fre i g h t t r ain thnr . Sauday night and would probably 4ie. H - said he was from (Xoncord and Had relatives here. ; T1W man had been in the; employ of railroad contractots: there. There . are noipeoplar; "irf this section by thatiame. ' The letter did not say - whether- the man is black or white; : Several ALBEUARLE AND STANLY COUNTY. Ltitberus Want Rw. UcCallcBgli Ha .Dletf on Date As - . - - ' v. - ffitanly Enterprise. February 88th. dn Jttfiuary 23rd, we addressed a request to the superintendent of railway mail service at Washing ton, asking that an additional mail clerk be put on the Yadkin railroad, and received the follow ing in reply: "It will not be practicable at this time to place an additional clerk on the Yad kin railroad, but your suggestion that the present clerk perform rvice on trains 23 and 54, in stead of ov 21 and 22 has been complied with, and the change becomas effective with this date. It is thought that the service un der this change will be. more sat isfactory " It is to be hoped that iafrron it will be wholly practi cable and the service will demand two clerks. Rev. H. A. McCullough has re- - signed the presidency of the North Carolina Collegiate Institute at Mt. Pleasant. If this is accepted he will accept the call to the pas torate of the :. Lutheran church at this place. Dr. McCullough has preached in; Albemarle several times and was moat ordiallv re. ceived and well liked. The local Lutherans will indeed be fortu nate to secure him 'and.vthe town w il 1 profit .JCowjaipjnV aa;a citizen. The ooneaplari rmrcj rthejaieaf nlu1ndrn2: rainllferrortso strengthen the work: ... The death of J. T Ramsay oc curred at bis : home in - the lower of 'the couhtvpn jtrie 19th He to m - T -sssJJM- instant. A large part of the population desireil. Remember pome one will get it without fail. If f the town and vicinity is laid von want, nne whv not. make an effort to cret it? p with colds, grippes and pneu moma. uat witn - s'u m m e r weather oneday, sleet the next, During this contest we have decided to make the most that attracted attention. They and something else the next, it is liberal prices possible tor lull year subscriptions, i ney.are are oi large aimensions, lapenng - .a i oMQ. as follows: down to shary pointed toes, the navioata 1HE W ATCHMAB, BllJglt? BUHiSUl iytiUU, UC W Ui lunwcw.. I I toeS turning OUb Hi IQ6 6QQ 1DIO a TAJ A. V V this Thomas, .the little Scarlett, who lives son of Isaac 2 years, hook which might be used to ad- a. -4 r t In clubs ot two or more, ,! year, new or renewal, eacn. -oJ vantage in a wrestline match. 1 . 1 I m. 1 J I A J. JT A. 1 J n . v 4.1,. W I eigm mnes inose WUO enter ine cumeBtiur lueuiam tuc uuggjf, Th h erdered for Dock. . . i m a m . . i r OTHER PHIZES. the colored porter at the Hotel Iredell. E. O. Crowson, who for the past few months has been running a Tne state oi tne roads now is best, expressed by "impassible." People who have had to travel any distance to get to court have had a hard time of it. Rockefeller And His $32,000,000. m i Ann rrr sss a natronaKe. ine sum oi saz.uuu mju must oe r , v... :tt;i cifir, .thi. ttt nnj DUUiSul lUOlO MAOiV j I iiiiivgu va Buiv uiiug ijli i vy ti a-a vn ttl.U Un pou- jUOIUU since. It is probable that is he. : James G,;.Andersofirei: known citizen of Enoch ville, died last Wednesday night after an ill ness of ten days of the grippe.' He was 75 years of age, and leaves his wife, who was a Miss Shoe, of No. 8, and three sons. He as a tanner by trade, and had lived in Enochville about 15 years, He was a native of Scotland, and drew a pension or recivt d a reve nue from England of $10 a month. He was a good citizen and a man .f splendid intelligence. He was liked by all who knew him and north of Lexington, was bitten will be guided by trie above, but snouia tney want otner hv a rhid dncr ift.t. Fridftv. Hft information we wiil be tflad to furnish them with same ' I . j. r i ii 111 1 4.U 4. .-. was brought to Lexington to have Subscriptions ior less man outs year win uo ai tuo rate ui ft madstone aoulied and it stuck $1.VU. tri the wnnnd for 44 honra. At,v nnp whn enda ns five subscriotions and &2.50. will RaPeP at bPnne UoPe 18 m 'OWD hH ?iven one vear's subscription free. 18 011 a oeal Wltn J- A- Uart Anv one sending us ten subscriptions and S5.00, will be ness with a view to taking charge his death is generally regretted in given a copy of the San Francisco Earthquake book. Value of the Mascot and it is undnrstood the community. ! 50. that the trade has been made and The Walchman will continue as it is with whatever im- wm go info effect today. provement we may be able to mane upon it. it asKs tne Support ui an guuvi ycupic aixvx ""' w "' v"" Qj M-.i. pnw Arfwprtlspm nf rJill JNve. tlie Humorist, once enormous indeed, 4t is so great Ljates. New candidates may be brought out at any time, had a cow to sell, the stcry goes. tnat me minas oi. men canuoi y e for wnom you wisn and as otten as possible, llie can and advertised her as follows: comprehend it. But with all of didate who gets the most votes will be awarded the prize. h'6winff to mv ill health. I will in" UU IT U1WU "3 MV . W.tI.K its immensity, it loueht not be large enough to coyer the multi tude of sins for wnicn tne man who gives it to the'"cuse of edu tbation" is responsible, and with all its power it ought not be s-trong enough to destroy the living fac that civiliztition will have fail d whenever vice cau b transformed into virtue by the contribution of money, and the habitual law- breaker is lost sight f in the Hon ized hero because he has poured into the lavs af edtreaJtqrs p irt of the enormous sums of gold he has taken-from a people whose laws he has brazenly defied and whr ee substance he has systematically plundered. Commoner. '"i . - - . I . , V Tettif, Salt Rheum and Eczema- These are diseases .for which Chamberlain's Salve is especially valuable. ' ftv quickljallays the itching and smarting and soon effects a cure. Priced ?5 cents. Fr sale by James PJnmmer, Sal isbury, and Spencer Pharmacy, Spencer, N, C. n a it r. 1 I 11 . A J .J 1 A. Tne nrst m tne neia generally stanasa goou cuaiica iu ,flH ,mfl i t.nn.hin A. 1 4X.4. X' ll. 1 I " " "'J . . , ' win, so u you are goiug to iua. au ,mo. i ior iuc uukkj- l9 ral,geM8, aepdrding to tb. goT word to the wise is sufhc.ent. Any other information tnr- - A ; . to - " Wm. H. otewart, Salisbury, N. C. Do net Crowa tile Season. . The rirst warm days of spring bring with them a desire to get ut and enjoy the exhilirating air and sunshine. Childnn that have ben housed up all winter are brought out and.you wonder where they all came from. The heavy winter clothing is thrown aside and many shed their flannels. Then a cold wave comes and peo ple say that grip is epidemic. Colds at bhis season are even more dangerous than in m;d winter, as there is more danger of pneumo niae Take Chamberlain's Cough Remedy, however, and you will have nothing to fear. It always cures, and we have never, known a cold to result in pneaflaoniaJWhen it was used. It is pleasattt and safe to take.. Children CUke-it. For sale by James Piummer Sal isbury, and Spencer' Phariptfcy'i Spencer, N. C. Must Haie a Charmed Life. Ellis Bare, of Ashe, who with his team and wagr.n. fell off the 'Jumping off Place" on the Jef- feriori road beyond the top of the Blue Ridse, last week, and was reported dead, was still alive at last accounts and it it probable he will recover. He had been to North Wilkes boro after g jbds and was returning with a load. "The bluff where the team slid off from the road is some 400 or 500 feet, almost perpendicular. One mule was killed, the otner it living. It is remarkable that Mr. Bare still lives Wilkeaboro Chronicle. berry cow, aged eight years. She. it of undoubted courage and gives milk frequently. To a man who does not fear death iu any form she would be a great boon. She is very much attached to her pres ent home with a stay chain, but she will be sold to any one who will agree to treat her right. She is One-fourth Shorthorn aud three- fourths hyena. I will also throw in a double barreled shotgun, which Roes with her. In May she usually goes away for a week or two and returns with a tall red calf with wabbly legs. She is named Rose. I would rather sell her to a non-resident." Batten's Wedge. We w: re shown this week the plan of the proposed new Metho dist church at the Gibs n mill, to be erected scon. It is a hand some small church and will cost about $1,800, It is expected that the church will beready for oc cupancy by June. Afterwards churches of the same kind will be erected at both the Brown and Young-Hartseli mills. Mrs. M. R Line died at her A iiome in Coddle Creek township, Iredell county, near the Cabarrus line, on the 19th. She was the widow of Joseph S. Lipe, a Con federate soldier who died during the war. i manifest over the day on. which? the died. JEL is father and three" brothers ar saldtcayegl led on February 19th, a nd a stfange fatality seems -to fiave surrounded, that date with the family. ; " B. A. Foreman is out again af ter the little attack of smallpox and has returned to his work as a traveling salesman. We ha r e heard of no intimation that there ' is dantrer os a spread of the dis ease. Mr. and Mrs. Q. A. WinecofT were called to China Grove last week by the news of the death of Luther Miller, an uncle cf Mrs,, Winec ff. Mr. Miller waa a high ly respected citizen of Rowan. SaowaNewTblig. A recent snow storm at the city of Mexico astonished the inhabi tants. It was the first in 50 years of any consequence, and many people had never seen any. The effect produced by snow on ba nanas, palms and other tropical growth, was wonderful indeed. Health la the Canal Zoie. The high wages paid make it a mighty temptation to our youug artisans to join the' force of skill ed workmen needed to construct the Panama Canal. Many are restrained however by the fear of fevers and : malaria. It is -the knowing ones-those who have us 3d Electric Bitters, who go there without this fear, well knowing af they are safe from malarious in rluencei with Electric Bitters op Faster and'faster the pace is set,! fValid-LCures blood poison too, n hrtionsness. weakness and all Any one in need of a first-class So if at the finish you would be stomach, liver aud Sidney troa Kaa--will drwwA.l to read oer Take Hollister's Rookv Mountain Dies, uuaranweu , ov wug our buggy proposition on thispage. I- Tea. T W. Grimes'Dru, gists. 80c The News-No Pure Drug Cough Cure Laws would be needed, if all Cough Cures were like Dr. Shoop'a Cough Cure ls-and has been for 20 years. The National Law now requires that if any poisons enter into a cough mixture it must be printed -on the lael or package. For this reason mothers and oth ers, should insist cn having Dr. S hoop's Cough Cure. No poison marks on Dr. Snoop's label -and none in the medicine, else it must by law be on the label. And it's not only safe, hut it is said to be by those that know it best, a tru ly remarkable cough remedy. Take no chance particularly with your children. Insist on having Dr. whoop's Cough Cure. Com pure carefully the Dr. Shoop pack ge wit h others and see. No pois on marks thert'J , You can always oe on the safesiaV by demanding Dr BhoopVougCure. Simply I refuse toecep4;nyother. Sold by.primes Drug Store,