. Cortelyou Changes Offices. Washington Jtfarch4,--GojgfH Bruce Cortelyou, at a fevf naiil utes before 8 o'clock this after noon, relinquished the ffice of Postmaster General to George Von Lengorke Meyer, of Mas sachusetts, recently Ameri c a n ambassador at St. ,. Petersburg, and soon thereafter proceeded t the Treasury Department, where he took the oath of office as Sec retary, in succession to Leslie M. Shaw. Pale Thin, ? ervous t Then your blood must be in a very bad condition. You certainly know what to take, then take it Ayer's Sarsa parilla. If you doubt, then consult your doctor. 5fe know what he will say about this grand old family medicine. This U the first question yonr doctor would ask: "Are your bowels regular?" He kuows that daily action of the bowels is absolutely essential to recovery. Keep your liver active and your' bowels regular by talcing laxative doses of Ayer's Pills. Xade by J. O. Ay er Co.. XdweU. Xam. Also mannfaotarera of A HAIR VIGOR. yers AGUE CURE. CHERRY PECTORAL. We have no secrets t We publish the formulas of all our medicines. NOTICE TO CUSTOMERS. For every bushel of good No, 2 milling wheat, 401bs of flour and 141bs of bran will be given. A fine water power enable? lis to do this. Jan. 30th, 1907. 6t. Rothrock Roller Mills. be? WiOt Tdoflise you 're; less you have pat id years of study. That's what we have done. That's why we cau to day positively guarantee the quality of the goods we sell. If you are i not drag wise you'll have to depend upon a druggist's word for the qual ity of your drug purchases. You can depend upon us every time for quality, pur ty, accuracy and perfect ser vice. May we be your drag- gist? SALISBURY DRUG GO., 115 N. Main St. ' Loans Doubly Secured. If you have any money idle or bringing, you less than 6, list it with our Company at once. We'll lend it for you, First Mortgage on Real Estate, taking the' mortgage and note in your name, and in ad dition give you the WRITTEN GUARANTEE of our Company that both princi pal and interests will be paid IN FULL as they fall due. We assume all risk and stand between you and possible loss. $20,000 back of it ; and, loan6 made through our Company have DOUBLE m SECURITY OF A BANK -. n rt 1 1 , i . paying you oyc a11 we ume. McCubbins & Harrison Co., Puid in capital $20,000, Loans, Real Estate, Fire and Life Insur ance, Salisbury, N. C. Ouclden'3 Arnica Salvo Jh Best Salve fa The World, I A L. dorresponde UISENKEIUER. Tictor Ritchie has moved from the farm into his new dwelling house at Richfield. Eunice Cody got married to Miss Jessie Hedrock, of Gold Hill, last Tuesday. Mr. Cody and his new bride got married at Misenbeimer. Rev. James Matuey tied the knot for the young couple. Jeremiah Miller who had the misfortune to lose his barn by fire recently is having a new one built. Geo. W. Culp and W. A. Wag ouer have completed J. A. Ritch ie's new dwelling house at R itch field. C. A.Ridenhonr, of Copal Grove, has moved iuto Mr. Ritchie's new house at Richfield. Mr. Riden hour is miller now at . the Roller Mill of Richfield. Mrs. Mattie Uitchie visited her folks at High Point last week. W. E. Culp, a confederate soldier of the civil war, has reach ed 80th year, on Feb. 28th. His birthday was , - i Mr. Culp's genera- tion is growing very rapidly Mr. Culp and wife are the father and mother of nine children, all girls but one. All living but one girl, They have 65 grandchildren, only 8 dead. Stanly B y is one of the number in the 65. They have 41 great-grandchildren. All living but fiye. This is a pretty large crowd, isn't itt: Let us hear from you again Bro. Sam Snort. Stahly Boy. UNION CHURCH. March 4, Now is the time to get busy and quit singing "Everybody works but Father." Several of our young men from this yicinity went to the exhibi tion at Rowan Academy last Sat urday They report very nice timet " ' Mrs. Peeler, mother of W. L. Banket, was buried at Union church cemetery last Sunday. The funeral services were conduc ted dy Rev. N. D. Bodie. Joan Earnhart is very sick at present. We wish him a speedy recovery. The school at ! Union Academy will close March 8th. Several prizes will be awarded to those who make best use of their talenta Arrangements are being made for an exhibition on Saturday, March 9th. A very interesting program has been arranged. Come oat and lend your attention. Rev N. D. Bodie will deliver the ad dress of the day. Now don't for get to bring your baskets well filled. Everybody welcome, . Mr. Editor, too. Hustler No. 2. Two States Storm Swept. New Orleans, March 2. South ern Miesisssippi and Louisiana have for two days experienced the worst storm of the winter, the disturbance manifesting itself in torrental rains, 'electrical displays and cyclonic winds. At lenst one death was caused by the storm in Mississippi and thousands of dol lars damage has been done. Phil adelphia, Miss.-, reports a tornado which damaged small buildings. At Meridian, Miss., more than five inches of rain fell, making Spuwashe creek a river half a mile wfde. At McNeill, Miss,, many bridges were washed away, and in Uje vicinity of Laurel planting has been temporarily abandoned. The railroads have suffered many washouts. l Thi Joaeh That Heals is the touch of Butklen's Arnica Salve. It's the happiest combi nation of Arnica flowers and heal ing balsams ever compounded. No matter how old the s jre or ul cer is this Salve will cure it. For burns, scalds, cuts wounds or piles it's -an absolute cure. Guaran-j teed by all druggists 115c. ' nee. "Bob" Makes a Suggestion. Bob has heard of so many things of interest being done by our law makers that he wants to comment a little on some of them and make a few suggestions. . ' First, our" congressmen have in creased their salaries from five o seven thousand dollars per year, on the flimsy pretence that, they could nor. live as well as they should without the increase. Now Bob fails to see any necessity for such increase of salaries, because there hasn't been any lack of can didates seeking the offices, and in some instances unfair means have been resorted to o rescue nomina tions and after the nomination has been secured if it is necessary to victory still worse means art frequently used, thus proving that it pays to be a public servant. And there is talk of our increas ing our great, big governor's sal ary, and maybe it ought to be in creased. And it has ben hinted that there is a possibility of the leeislatureiucreasine the dav of - " m. a its members. Now if the countn has to foot these bills, while our lawmakers are at work, B b Bug- gests that they pass a law legu- lating the seasons and eucourag- iug the earth to be more produc- tive, but thinks it might not b wise to pass a law without a pen alty, as a law without a penalty is a dead letter. Bob suggests that a law to en courage local self-government be passed giving the people the right to elect a county superintendent of public instruction, also a board of education, taking superinten dent and one member of board from one political party and the other members cf board from an other political party thus making it non-partisan. Bob. Schooner's Crew Rescued. Ehzabsth City, N. C, Ma A message byi wire was rCOTSd here this morning telling of the perilous experience of Captain Quidley and Mate Balance, pf the schooner Lorena, in Paml i c o Sound yesterday. About noon the schooner, which is of 14 tons burden, and plies regularly be tween Hatteras and Elizabeth City, on her way to Elizabeth City, encountered a gale and was capsized. The captain and his mate suc ceeded in gaining a position on the bottom of the oertur n e d craft and lashed themselves to the bottom cf the boat with ropes, where they remained until mid night last night, beiag over 24 houra that they were in this peril ous position. They were finally rescued by the captain of a gaso lene boat, A considerable sum of money aud valuable papers were lost.-Special to the Charlotte Ob server. To Test Asiatic Feeling. A bill, which has for its pnr pose the expression of the people on Asiatic immigration, was in troduced in the state senate ' by Senator Keane, of San Francisco, byvunauimous consent. The bill will be rushed through the legislature. It provides that thirty days before the Presidential election in 1908, the eovernor shall issue a proclamation re questing voters to give an expres sion on the regular ballot for or against Asiatic immigration. Chinese are already excluded. Sacramento, Cal., dispatch. Cause ot Stomacb When a man has trouble with his stomach you may know tl at he is eating more than he should or of some article of food or 'drink not suited to-hiePae or occupa tion, pr that his bowels arn Ha bitually constipated. Take Cham berlain's Stomach and Liver Ta. lets to regulate the bowels and improve the digestion and ene if the trouble does not disappear. Ask for a free samnle. Snirl James Plummer. Salisbury. i,h J Spencer Pharmacy, Spencer, U. C. IUR KQN8II ROLL. A Few of the Good Peophjrf.a hate Re " csbJIi Paid. Up The Watchman is always glad to chronicle the acquisitions of good substantial people to its ever increasing subscription list, es pecially those who pay as they go. The man who pays is the one w4io counts most in anything. Actions are always worth mere and go farther than promises. There would be no need of laws toen forcb the collection of debts, if all men would "toe the mark'' square ly and promptly as the v should, and many heanesx would be made happier and brighter thereby. Tho following have recent'y paid some thing on their subscription to this paper: Mrs Catharine Rufty, W R Bean, Melton Shepherd, Abe Knox, A H Price, Henry A VVia- sol, Prof A W George, J F Ej Brown, A O Giubb, J Frank Wil-j helm, C E Miller, Lan filler, Lj Hoishouser, A C McDaniel, D i R Simpson, J C Trexler, W r! Owens, C L Brittain, J S Black-! welder, J A Morgan. J F Clinej David Gobble, J M A B ost, J L Shuping, M L Pifker, Mary I C Peeler, Jno D A Fisher, Stepnen ! Davis, L M ?eeler, Jno Pe-lr, j W L Satrit, A L Lyerly, Wm Mj McC mbs, R Lee Wright, L J ; Kluttf, Stepben Kirk, H C Kirk, j j L HartseM, C B Wblb, WDi R we, W T Braisington, Rv J C . Clapp, W T B.irber, Q o F Brown, j Henry Young, W A Brady, Long Miller C A Crowell. H C Vanhoy, J A Miller, Riley Morgan, B E Drake, L A Drake, J N Rimer, Tobias Hoishouser, W C Rose, W H Goodman, R J Hart, Myrtle Kerr, J F Good'man, John Good night, R W Owens, Mrs Robt J Blair, C W Albright, J H Misen heimer, John Shepherd, John A Hedrick, T C Correll, Peter E Swink, J W Kepley, R M Trex ler, Joseph Howard, B S Howard. - T Oilier OeJt 6it It. It has been definitely settled, thatjOliyer. the Southern man, is not to get the contract for build ing the Panama Canal after all." The government has given up the idea of giving out the work by private contract and will itself nndeVtake to construct the water way. This has been Mr. ,.Roose 1j 1 11 veil s iaea an along. He wants to boss the job ai.d is goig to do it. Oliver had given evry guar antee of his responsibility for the contract. He was turned down in his first bid to do th i wjrrk for 675 per ceiit-of the cost, b cause his partner, Mr. Brngs. was not satisfactory to the goventment. rni I a . lueunegoi up a new company with a capital s'ock of $1,500,000 m i ine guarantee was absolute, but aiter noiaing unver in suspense for several wfteks, he was finally notified that the government had decided to do the work itself. It is understood that Oiiver is to be paid $250,000 as a release tor his claim. It is now up to Rooseve't. Root and Taft to proceed with th digging of the canal. Rooeeveli . i i : - i . . uuu uiH way as ooiweeu tne sea level and the lock systen, he has had his way about the contract for the work and the American people hive now only to watch and wait for him to make good.-r-CharlottH Chronicle. H's Up to Johnson. During a dog hght m front of this office one day last week Sher man Johnson so far forgot him self as to call us a liar aud hit us on the nose. Scores of peoplo have said hat we ought to have him arrested for assault and bat tery, but we shall not do eo. Wh shall let his own conscience nun- ish him. Mometown, Cal., ner. ' s. an- Lost and Found. Lost, between 9:30 p. m. ye8 terday and noon today, a bilious attack, with nausea and sick had- ache. This loas. was occasioned3 by fiudvug at a drug store a box j of Dr. King's New Life Pills, tile -guaranteed cure for biliousness, malaria and jaundice. 25c. ' j LOOK OUT FOR IMITATIONS With Tags About the Same Color and Design As WW This The quality of the genuine sun cured tobacco used in REYNOLDS' Sun Cured and grown on soil where the best sun cured tobacco grows, has caused imitation brands to be brought out and offered as the genuine Reynolds' Sun Cured to unsuspecting dealers and chewers who do not look closely at the printing on the box and on the tag. These brands only imitate the outward appearance and do nojb possess the genuine inside quality that has been found in Reynold's Sun Cured ever since Reynolds' Sun Cured was introduced and which has so increased the chewing of sun cured tobaccos and proven so popular, that the word "Sun Cured" is now printed on tags or in the advertising of many bsands claimed to be genuine sun cured tobacco. Did you ever see the word "Sun Cured" used in any chewing tobacco advertisement, or on any chewing tobacco tag or label, or in any other way, before it was introduced and , used to identify the genuine Reynolds' Sun Cured ? You see it frequently now, because inany imitation brands are being made to appear as nearly like Reynolds' Sun Cured as they dare with tag, shape of plug and style of package so similar that experienced buyers sometimes accept these imitations as the genuine Reynolds' Sun 'Cured. Don't be deceived into taking imitation brands for the genuine. Be sure the letters on the Jag spell " R-e-y-n-o-l-d-s' Sun Cured," and you get the best value in sun cured chewing tobacco that can be produced for chewers. Sold at 50c. per pound in 5c. cuts ; strictly 10c. and 15c. plugs, with chewing qualities likh, that which was sold from COc. to $1.00 per pound before Reynolds' Sun Cured was offered to the trade. BE SURE YOU GET THE GENUINE Manufactured by R. J. REYNOLDS TOBACCO CO., Winston-Salem, N. C. PUBLIC SALE o p Real Estate and Personal Propeity. I will offer to the public for sale at my residence, 1 miles ast from Craven, the following personal property and real estuu : Om piece of land, my home plae, con taining 34 acres, more or Uss, ad joining the lauds of P. C. Lentz. H. M. Starns, Monroe Casper and others, also one piece of landon taiuiDg 33 acres more or I ss. ad joining the lands of J CvAgnor, Pool school house land, W. L Boggs aud others; and one paii mules, 1 two-horse wagon, 1 bug gy, 1 Chattanooga steel-bean; plow, 1 steel cultivator, 1-5 in terest in a threshing machine, en gme and boiler, a new two-horse wagon bed and other farmic2 im plements, 1 set double wagon bar ue8S, 1 pair buggy harness and a grnat many other thines. out. xerms oi sale, uan. JAMES M. CASPER, Feb. 25, '07. 8t. Craven, N. C Notice to Creditors. Having duly qualified as executor of the last will and testament of Miss Jennie Howard, deceased, this is to no tify -all creditors to present their claim to the undersigned for payment on or before the 27ih day of February, 19( 8 or this notice will be plead in bar cf their recovery. This February 27th, 1907, F. J. "M TTR. nOPR 6t ExefUlt.nr nf Tannm tt!P For MODERN DENTISTRY at prices in reach of all call on Philadelphia DentalAsscciation Everything Psssa. rln ia guaranteed to be up-to- date Dentist- t( extract teeth with as little nin ftt p.acticable. . Give us a u lal. Office 122i W. Main Street, Overman Building. Dr. FOX, Manager. sunset Magazine beautifully illustrated, good stories and articles about California and V 5" all the Far West. a year CAMERA CRAFT devoted each month to the ar tistic reproduction of the best )I00 work of amateur and professional m photographers'. ROAD OF A THOUSAND WONDERS a book of 75 pages, containing 120 colored photographs of Cq tjg picturesque spots ia California u K and Oregon. Total 3.25 All for ... "$T.rft Address all orders to SUNSET MAGAZINE Flood Building San Fiandsco MAGAZINE READERS Tag He-sale oi Valuable Fan lands lor Partition. By v-i-tue of a iudgme. n of the Su perior Court i f K w.iii t-ounty, in the special proceed ir g e titl u 1). Q. Mc ("lan, W. A. McClean e-t al. vs. John Miller and wife Mi. g.e Miller, John Temple ten et al , tho undersigned, Oomni--sionfv, will xpo for sale at public auction for case on Monday, ttit H tay of April, 1907, on the premiss cf the lunds herein after describ d, at the hrur ofl2M., the following lands situate in Atwell Township, Kwan our ty : Beginning a a s ake in said Mc Clean's line, th i cp . 83 deg. E 69 poles to a siake n ur'J. Daton's corn er, thence with h; 1, f Sout' iyz deg. E-148 poles to a j ke in (i. G. Me Knight's linr, thei r.- S 48 d g. W. 53 poh a' to a back oai . his corn f, thence wilh his line 6s ut-g. W. 72 poles to a stake, thence s 86 ieg. . 23 polea to sr-aeYGlcGiean''8 line, thence with his line, Is'vl.ig. W. 106 poles to the beginning, c-staining 58 acres more or less, adjoiring the lands of E. T, Goodman, Mack Rodeers, LockiJc- jmgni, ji,q ueaton . al. A second tract, adjoining the above, begin; ing at a hickory, in G. 1)7 Xc Knight's line and running E crossing creek 64 poles to an apple tree, form erly a hickory, G 8 McKnight's corn er, thence 2i. dg. W. 328 poles to a s'one, Mack Rodger's corner, thence with his corner 22 poles to maple, thence S. 19 deg. W. V poles to a stone, thence S. 75 deg. W. 20 n0l-s to a st ne, thenee S. 334 deg. E 259 poles . to the beginning, containing 119 acres more or less. A third tract, adjoinii g the above, beginning at a stom-s on Melon's corner on McClean's line and runs thence S. 36 chains to a stone on McKnight's line, thence VV 137 chains to a stone, thence N 1 deg. VV. 36, 12 chains to a stone an old line, thence E. 2 50 hains to the beginning, containing 7 acres. Bidding will begin at $7.97 per acre. This Feb. 25th, 1907. . 1). Q McCLEAN, Commissioner. John L. Eendleman, Attorney. Mortgage Saleji Valuable Feal! stale. Pursuant to the provisions contained in a Mortgage Trust Deed executed August 10th 1906 by W. A Clark ar.d wife Dannie Clark, and rppisfprpd in the office of the Register of Deeds for Kcwan County in Book of Mwt sae s No 28. Daee 23fi. to tVi nndw. signed, to secure V.e i-ayment of a ertam note described in said Mort gage Ti-ist Deed, delault haing been made in the payment of said debt which aid mortgage was given to secure, the underpinned will sell fr.r nri t. thft Court House door in Salisbury. N. C, on Friday, Macii 15th 1907, i at the hour of 12 M. the following de- iuru ifai estate: Beginning at a stnke 25 feet from the v est covner, mterr. ctun of SShaver and Andrew streets, th, nr. y 50 feet with Shaver stveet to a st:;i.-e, thence 169 eet, parallel with Anc1 ew street to a a 12lootaJjey, the e wirh line of alley, oOfeet toa v.ake. thems 169ff et,para: ie.l with Ar-drew - ent. to the begin ning being lot N .,. 17 .in Block 56 in the Henderson aid V-M:der.ord addi tion to-the town oi .Sr.p. A second tract, i.gintang at a 5 feet from tna V. est corner, stake inter- imu o .Anar. V; rnd bhaver streets, thence wish bh.aver-stret, 10 feet to a stake, thence 160 l et, parallel vWth Andrew street r0 a 12 foot alley, thence with line of ftPpv ro f. thence 169 feet parallel with Andrew ift hi 1 h- begjnnint-, being lot Kb.' riMVS"5k in- thH "endersonlnd V, n ???ald,t,' Mot,ie townoi Spin ei, the above K nd havener been Scn-y-yed ,by the said W. 4. Clark and wife, viSoS'f ' '.''c.'.-rethe debt pro-, a his Feb. 11-h. 1907 JAi- D. DORSETT, Tni.n -r -j i"4 gagee and trustee. John L. Rendk mn att rney. DR.KINO'S NEW DISCOVERY WiU Surely Stop That Cough,

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