Local News Items CAROUtIA WftT5HnaniwtWomH fnilsHer Lif; 6 Midi Ralla vorKaf hf f!haf. nut Hill, committed snjcide" by. sh 7otiiig yesterday morning abfnt 6:80. Miss Everhardt had pre pared breakfast as usual for ber father and brother.' JVhen she hsd done shis she wrnt . to the . room where the to were asleep and-securing a shofgun discharged one barrel into her - stomach. .. The brother of the girljdid not hear the shot, but strange to say, did hear the sound of the gun falling to th floor after the shot was fired. He discovered his sister lying there mortally w.unded, and death jen sued in "a few minutes. No cause has been assigned for the rash act. Coroner Dorsett went out to con duct an investigation and the re sult of this is not yet known. r C. 'W. Hayes, who has been connected with the shops of the Southern at Spencer for several year's has gone to Anderson, S. C; where he takes the position of master mechanic. He will still be with the Southern. H, S. Trott came up-from New London last Friday and spent the day her?. George Finlayson, a nephew of JYN. Maxwell, of Salisbury died at Cooleemefr last Thursday night Mrs. Hannah R itz was the vie tim of a slight stroke of paralysis on Thursday Her condition is not regarded as serious. Better gt in on the buggy con test. You can be a candidate yourself or wrrkf-r s mf on el so. just as you please D n't miss it T. M- Kssier has gone to New York to purchase a Spring stock of goods for the Salisbury Dry Goods Company. J. B.. Haywortb, a former re? -dent here, has returned from a residence in Spray. Wade Barrier, who will have charge of the business here of the Donnell Manufacturing Compn . came up from Concord Sunday. Nathan Q.'Gaskell. who is con nected with the Globe Depart ment Store, was married in Dur ham Sunday to Miss M -llie I rig gers, of Keystone, West Viigi aa The remains of the late W. E Davidson, who died in BaltiaKr Monday night, passed througt A here last night en route to Ashe ville, where the interment will take place. Tablet to be Presented. Next Sunday afternoon at tht First Presbyterian church the ladies will present a tablet in memory of the late Rev. J. Rum ple, who was pastor of the church for 44 years. Rev, J. M, Wharey will conduct the presentatii n for the ladies and it will be accepted fciy Hon. Theo. F Kluttz. Instil'ailen of Pastor at Mt. Hope. The installation of the pastor elect of the Crescent charge, will tak place at Mount Hcpe Re formed church on March 10th, at 2 o'clock. Rev. Dr, Baninger, of Mt. Pleasant, will preach the sermon. Revs. Dr. Dattera and 'J. L. Bowers w 11 give charge to pastor and people. The regular service will be hld at 10:80 by pastor-elect J. M. L L erly. (DUDS- nR. IH1AKKV " is now in New York buying - We are tryii g to make room for the new stuff that will way U begin to roll iii. Wh herewith give a few prices to convince 0 you that we mean business : () Men s SI 00 -Underwear, now boO MenV50c TJidrwear, now 25c Men's 25 Und1rwear, now 19c " Lap Robes, $2 00 sort, now $1.50 Lap Robes, $2.50 sort, now $1.75 Lap Robes, $3 00 sort now $2.25 Boys' 98c to $1.25 Snits 68c Boys' $l.f,0 to $2 00 Suits 98c B'.ys' $2.00 to $2.50 Suits $1.48 Men's, Youths' and Boys' Overcoats at a -big-Redueti m. A Recent Bill. A bill has recently passed. the lower house of the legislature that provides lor the creation of the office of recorder for Salisbury But little is known here ofthe provisions of the bill, but it is presumed if it goes into. effect it ill provide a good fat job for some one, and this some one will prebidover the municipal court and try petty offenders agiinst the law. We have n t yet heard that the bill has passed the Q3ii- ate. Representative Murphy, of Rowan, introduced the bill, lhis measure docs not meet with popu ar approval, but it is not likely i h?it i his will worry those who are Ijriuianiy responsible tor the in troduction of the bill. We are particularly st ro. g in strong footgear On bargain Q counters are still left a few pairs of odds and ends that .you 8 can have for 98c to $2.48 per pair. Special attention is calhd -to the fullowiug lines of shops handled exclusively byus : Men's genuine bar? tan leather solid as a brick wall, Hick 0 ory calf shoes; MenV fin shoes made by Whitcomb " Noi e fV better for style and wear. MnN, Women's andOtuldren'SElkin shots. Women's and Chrildren's "Gadman" shoes. Every pair guaranteed 10 be tbso.utely solid leather by 0 rent Meetings. Rev. R. K. Neighbor, pastor of he First Baptist church, contem plates arranging for the purchase f a " large t-ut which is to b - s-d 1 r religious meetines. The iithich he has-in view will ac- Miim-date something over one h- uaiid people and its t stimatd cost- is BoOO. It is t be filled with benches, lights, etc. Mr. tNeigiib r win endeav r to secure some well known evaiigehst to hold the openirg mentiiig. Per- missi n has ben asked to -plae the tent on the ground formerly occuoied by the tabernacle, which was torn down by a storm iu April 1905. It is tnougrt that the member of the diffe. nt denom- inatious of Salisbury .'win be giad to assist in defraying the expense cf the undertaking. Hamilton Pianos. The Piano that won the silver medal at Paris in 1900 - - The Piano endorsed by musicians and artists. A teri years warranty goes with each Hamilton Piauo. Hamilton Pianos are not so high in price as you might think. The Hamilton Piano is veneered on the inside with Bird's eye maple. Cheap pianos are painted on the inside. The Hamilton Organsare winners. You should gst prices and look at the Hamilton Piai-os and Hamilton Organs before yuu buy any other instrument. I do not pedal organs andplanos through the com try, but if y u will call at 126 west Inniss St., Salisbury, N C, you can see these instruments, "Write for full particulars as to how to get songs enti tled: Songs of the Sunny South, Colored Aristocracy ai;d the Famous Ellington Two Step, absolutely free of charge. Yours truly, , B. P. JARRETT, 126 W. Inniss St.; Salisbury, I. C. Order by T.lail Quick ancTSatlsfaotory Sorvioo Guarantocd - WOODWARD LOTHROP, loth, i ith-Fand Q 5ts.t WASHINGTON, D. O. Opening Display This Week of Now Spring Hodols in Women's Ready-to-wear Garments. Suitable foi Local Wear or Adaptable for Southern Climates. Au authoritative presentation of high-class apparel, showing latest Parisian idas and colore, in v ' ' ' - Complete Costumes Dresses, Tailored and Dernl tailored suits, Baby Irish lace, Linen and Lingerie waists, Princess gowns in organdio, mull, batiste, nets and lawn, hand embroidered and lace trim med, wraps and traveling coats, etc. Ment.on is particularly made of the splendid collection of 44 Demi", or Fancy Tailored Suits, Princess Gowns and French ' Waists anl Blouses. The Princess Gown is pre-tminently the correct style for spring and summer, and the soft, sheer, clinging fabrics are" most wanted. Laces for trimmings are yery extensively used, th - heavy laces beii.g greatly in evidence. This stim idea is very elaborately1 carried out in the new French W -lists, heavy laced and hand embroidery beingused" in profusion.-g In the LaceWaists and Baby Irish is most wanted These are shown here in a splendid variety of new patterns, and most of them havethe German val. laces used as trimmings, the elbow sleeves predominates.- - ,In the f'Dmi,' and Full Tailored Suits the thin wool fabrics are u?ed almost exclnsively voiles, chiffon Patiamsis and the plain Panamas ar.d they are muchly trimmed with braids; laces and embroideries, in Persian effects, etc. The Eton Jacket, the Pony Coat and the Plaited Skirt are the leading styles for spring, and they are majie in a wide va riety of adaptions. Thf present display is of unusual attractiveness, embracing as it does mokt comprehensive assortments of ready-to-wear ap parel in both tropical and medium weights. An inquiry as to the spring styles will be answered same day as received. - - Descriptions of the new suite, waists, shirts, etc., sent on application. oooopoooooooQiooooooooooooo o?oa?io Died Away From Home. Miss Kate Shuford, a lady of Newton, died Thursday afteiuc on at the sanattriuuj here. Sh came here for the purpose of having en operation perf- rmed. She went through with the operati'u quite well, but soon grew worse. The remains were sent to Newton Fri day morning for interment. A Ylctlm of Pneumonia. Sidney F. Shore, who had been ill several days with pueumonia, died Sunday afternoon. There mains were shipped to Enon, in Yadkin county, for ii. torment and were accompanied by Mi and Mrs. G. W. Garland, cousins .( tne aeceaseu, uuring tne resi denc of Mr. Shoro in Salisbury he. was connected with the reve nue service.' Coal Missing. It is stated that a quiet investi gation has been in progress at Spencer, by detectives and others, in order to locate about 100 cars coalhich are reported missing and f r which there is nothing to show This coal is said to have been shipped to Spencer and re ceived there, but to whom it was delivered, or when, no one seems to know. It is rather Strang- that so much coal as this could disappear without some one know- ing the circumstances under which it took flight. Perhaps time will clear the mystery. Are Things that may be of Meal For Catarrh, 1st me send you free, iut to prove merit, a Tual size Box of Dr. Snoop's Catarrh Remedy, It i a snow white, creamy, healing antiseptic balm that gives mttant relief to Ca tarrh of the nose and throat. Mike the free test and see. Ad- diess Dr. Snoop, Racine, Wis. Largf jars 5u cents. Sld by Grimes Drug Store. A Preminent Citizan of Steele Dead. H. N. Goodnight, a good man and splendid citizen of steel t.Ottrli.hiri A in A nf hio Vi rm a rov Mill Bndaft. Mnndsv nfffht. Mr i buildings. Goodnight was a natveof Cabar rus and, came to Rowan many years ago. He had accumulated considerable property and was an officer in the Thyatira Presbyteri an church. His funeral and .in terment will take place today. Fire ar Cresent. There was a fire at the Cresent Academy early on Sunday morn ing which resulted in the burning of the boy's dormitory. The huil ling destroyed contained eight rw-ms and was valued at $800 Hal? this less is covered by iu eurance The president, Rev J. M L Lyerly, will rebuild the structure a soon as possible. The origin of the fire is not known. A xUinber of young men were oc cupvii'g the building at the time ot the fire. By their strenuous wt rk they managed to prevent the iire spreadii g to adjacent o o o o o o o o o o o o o o Q Mammoth Stock of Furniture, Car- O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOGOOGOOG Draw Your onn Conclusions Probably a Gift of this Kind would be more Appreciated. At any rate be sure to come in and look over the pets, Rugs, Household and Office Furnishings, 0 Chinaware, Lamps, Toilet Sets, etc., carried by me. We have a large and varied Assortment in Q'lalir " ties aiid Prices. You are cordially ihvittd to give me a call. Veryrespectfully, a West Inniss Street. as t our Carriages and wagons, but how are you going to know un less you see them and try them?i; TOeser few lines are meant tp' In vite you MerI' Will you come? You wilt if jrou wisli to serve' your own best interests. STYLE 1 1EIY w WirDglht a make an excellent har ZP ii ess combination. 0 Yours for the purchase y price (a moderate one) 49 if your investment in O i9 hore goods is made O iff here. Prove it? Cer- O 49 tainly first time you 9 see us. . Twenty million peasants are starving in Russia and thirty mil lion are on the verge of starvation The failure of crops caused the t .trouble. Aid ib being sought in t he-V ; j i ted States for the.st ary ing 'jBuiiianj. " Mary Dark circles under the eyes indicate a sluggish circula tion, torpid liver and .kidneys. Exercise and Huhstir's Rocky Mountain Tea will make you well and beautiful- 35 c?nts, Tea or Tablets. T. W. Grinies Drug Oo. Boarders Wanted! The Salisbury Houe, 120 South Loug Street, is priared tf) ac-i commodate a "a r d e r s. Rooms nnely furnibed, table! well suppled and prices reason a-j f) hie. 2-1BM. BIKCuER LATE AGABH, Children late for Fchcol, husband late for work. Everything twisttd. All because the Clock went wrong. H DfsrTt. tinkPT with it. Brinff it to nnr Tin 1? Hna X pital. We will diagnose its cape in frhort oidtr. Adjust it a little here and there Clean it up spick and span, and away it goes again, endowed with new life and vigor. The cost? Oh! not very much. Notning near as much as a new clock- Nothing near as much as the confusion caused by an Uncer tain Clock. Give us a trial with your work. ORRIArj & REEK, LEADING JEWELERS AND OPTICIANS, Salisbury, Spencer, " Clarion, N. C. SME1U1 you, your friends and 4tbe man in the street" is any one of our niany vehicles Carriages. Surreys, Runabouts, Mantels, etc. "They're built that way." Also built to last and run easy without running into much money. Notice our Cash Prices for the Next 30 Days. 115 E. CotmdJ. Stietr CM SON sQV( .3 s it 9. '::