s-. -M, "-; - - ,.. w - 13'- THE CAROLINA WATGHMaII. WM. H. 8TEWART, DL ud Pub. Salisbury. N. C , Mar 6th, 1907 Publish Brry Wednwday at 120 Wait InmlM Street Subscription Pric l pr ytar itrictly cath la advance Entered aa aecbnd-elaai matter Jan. With. 1905. at the pott offiee at Salla bury, N. C under th act of Cosresi of March 3rd. 1S97. We nnderstand A. H. Boyden is now in Raleigh endeavoring to persuade the legislature to allow the aldermen to issue $50,000 in bonds to pay off floating in debtedness. Is it possible? We occasionally hear of some weak-minded fellow proudly ask ing t If you have a good horse, why swap it for. one whose quali ties are unknown?'" This is too silly, if applicable to th? present mayoralty contest, to receive any considerable attention. This is a plea more suitable in the do main of some despot than in Democratic America where rota tion in office from the presidency down to township guano inspect or is a cardinal virtue in all par ties, especially where service is limited to three terms. Ifwe must have a phrase of this kind applicable to the present emer gency, why not word it thus: "Being unfortunately the posess- or of an inferior broncho, why not swap it for a thoroughbred?" So little Johnny Julian in a column article tells bow he and Walter Murphy attempted to neak through the legislature "An act' to establish a R corder's court for Salisbury against the wishes of the people, without their knowledge or consent, without letting the public know what said bill contained, without the priri lege to vote for said official, limit ed to the city and with an expen sive salary attached. This he has fully and freely confessed, but further, he also confasses, that whatever virtue there is in this bill, if there is any virtue in pass ing "an'act" uncalled for by the people and merely to satisfy one or two politicians, has been put in it by our able and talented young Senator, Whitehead Kluttz, All honor to Mr. Kluttz, We have constantly, steadfastly and consistently opposed A, H. Boyden for mayor of Salisbury. His record of pomposity, indis creet financing, reckless disregard of th laws of the lancLand rights of others, his subjection to per sonal whims and petty spite, his traitorous characteristics and contempt for righteousness was so emphatic and patent to all of even slight acquaintance, that they were the factors which gave us reason to oppose his election to any position where even handed justice should be rightly expected, to a position whf re all our citizens would be compelled to go, on oc , casion for a square deal whether he had voted for or against such official. We kn9w that one who harbored malice, bitter hatred, wicked demagoguery and petty - . tyranny could not properly fill such a position without yielding to these characteristics more or less. Th.se things are as true to day as they ever were, in fact every scintilla of the above has been magnified and caused our original convictions to be strength ened in innumerable ways. With the9e things in full view and con fessed of all men, what are we to think of men who have opposed him f or-these reasons aud-are now supporting him? What are we to think of any man who wishes to see conservativeness, sagacious ness, economy and justice the dom inant features in our chief magis trate, giving their support to such a man? Are they truo to them selves and the commuuity? What pliability one's conscience must have to cry in one breath, "Save 1 the boys T Save the boysl l" and in the next :c 'Hurrah for BaM and the bars!" There migW tie something in the statement that "10X116 men have no consoienqe." - - ANOTHER VOLLEY. Mr. YanJerford Calls Attention to Some Serious Things,' Are They True? Salisbury, N. C, March 4, 1007. To the Citizens of Salisbury : The laws should be fairly and impartially enforced. There should be no distinction between the rich and the poor, between the powerful and the ob scure. Eyery , man accused of wrong doing should have a fair and im partial trial, and equal justice should be done to all. These principles will govern me if I am elected Mayor. Has Mr. Boyden violated these principles, or any of them? i propose to answer tnis ques tion, by giving a few glaring in stances, out of a great many, of bis unfairness to those he styles "his people." his mis-manage ment of City affairs, and his par tiality to the rich and strong, while careless of the rights ofthe weak and unfortunate. . A young white man, 28 years old, of good reputation, (proof of liis good character is in my pos session) a cotton spinner in his blue overalls, and perfectly sober, was arrested for vaizrancv. taken . to the calaboose, kept there all uighahd by Mr. Boyden's order, was sent to the chain gang, with out a! trial, and kept there for over 30 days, in chains and stripes. He demanded a trial, BUT NEVER GOT TO SEE MR. BOYDEN. This young man was POOR, HUMBLE, AND OBSCURE. Again, a prominent and wealthy citizen, from a neighboring town, was arrested as drunk and disor derly, and was so violent that he had to be taken, by two police men, late at night, to the City Hall. Mr. Boyden came there, and directed ono of the City fire men, (paid to stay there and an swer fire calls.) to leave his post of duty, and escort this "drunk and disorderly" home on the train. THIS MAN WAS WEALTHY, PROUD, AND PROMINENT. uncie cam is ricn ana power- tui. is retail liquor laws are respected. No one can sell whis ky in Salisbury or elsewhere with out .paying him a $25 license. Two, and perhaps three, bawdy houses in Salisbury, pay this government license. The City of Salisbury, compar ed to Uncle Sam. is poor and weak. Her laws, it seems, are vie lated with impunity. These baw dy houses pay no City license It is of common information that whisky is sold in nearly all the bawdy houses in town, every day and Sunday too, in violation of the City ordinances. The saloons pay lice.: Be These bawdy houses do not. The majority of our peo pie are in favor of high license, and want the saloon men protect ed in their business. To be con sistent, Mr. Boyden should either make the bawdy houses pay li cense, or exact no license from the saloon men, Does Mr. Boy den know this? He has been re peatedly appealed to, in person, to put a stop to the sale f liquor in these houses, and has paid no attention to these requests. Will he deny this? If so, let him name time and plac, AND THE MAN WHO MADE THESE RE QUESTS WILL CONFRONT HIM. One more instance I A locomo tive engineer, poor and unfortu nate, " who had beeu working at Whitney, was flocked up m the calabcose a fe nights ago. When searched, $31,75 was found on him, and this money the police officer carefully couuted, and placed in . t 1 . T"T tii9 prisoner s pocKet. e was then locked up in a cell, where both he and his money were pre sumably safe. The -next morn ing he was there, but thirty dol lars of his money was gone. When lie told Mr Boyden, in the police court, of his loss, the only consolation he received was : If you have been robbed, you had be ter leave town." This man was not only poor and without influenc, but he was a stranger here. SUPPOSE HE HAD BEEN ONE OF THE RICH AND PROMINENT MEN WHOM MR. BOYDEN. CALL S 'HIS FRIENDS?" , Very Respectfully, T. H. Vanderford. "P. S DO YOU THINK MR. BOYDEN SHOULD HAVE A FOURTH TBRM? OUR VOTING CONTEST. 8ig Interest Befvg Manifesto. New Is Your Chance. As may be seen by our "honor roll" published elsewhere in this paper the subscribers are coming in satisfactorily, but few are, as yet casting any votes. The con test, however, bids fair t 'be one of the liveliest we have ever cou- d acted. We hope.'to have your name in our honor roll unxtweek. Rev. H. A. Trexler, Man ning, .A... 200 Miss Carrie E Shaver, Rich field, No. 2, N. C. 200 A, Ernest Miller, city, JNo. a, 200 Wm. M. L. Fesperman, city, JNo. 8, 200 Rev. N. D. Bodie, city No. 200 T. W. Watkins, city, No. 1, 175 John C. Goodman, Cres cent, . . ., ...... nr. . . 175 J. W.Kepley, city, No. 5. 150 J. S. Blackwelder, Moores- viiie, JNo. 3 150 J. C. HoUhouser, city, ao.o, 125 Remember the race is not al ways to the swift nor the strong, out to mm who gets the most votes will the prize be given. Right Eye Removed. J. S. Wrenu, an emnlove of the Southern shops at Spencer, who had one of his eves nainfullv in jured not long since, went to his nome in Danville, Va., to rest and recover from his wound. His condition be cam a so much worse that it was found necessarv to re move the ball of the eye. Dr, R v . urawley went to Danville Sun day and performed this delicate operation. Mr. Wrenu is report ed as getting along as well as couia be expected. Bailey Won't TaSk. Washington, March 8. Senator bailey, of Texas,!who has iust re turned from that state, was in his place in the Senate today for the hret time during the present ses sion. Me received hearty wel come byjahis colleagues on both sides of the chamber. He said he would make no statement in the senate concerning his recent eventful campaign. Are you tired, fagged out, ner vous, sleepless, feel mean? Hoi listens Rocky Mountain Tea strengthens the nerves, aids di ffestion, brings refreshing sleep. 85 cents, Tea cr Tablets. T. W. Grimes Drug Co. Shaw Gets $25,000 a Year. It is reported yesterday that secretary of the Treasury Shaw will receive a salary of $25,000 a year as president of the Carnegie Trust Co. The salary is high for a new institution, but it is said that the secretaiy would not ao tent the place at a lower figure. Mr. Shaw's closest associate in 'the enterprise is R. B, Armstrong iormeriy an assistant secretary ot the treasury, and it was said yes terday that Mr. Shaw might als become connected with other com panies in which Mr. Armstrong i? interested. New York Commer cial. . Does Coffee disagree with von' Probably it dois! Then try Dr Shoop's Health Coffee. 44Heaitl Coffee" is a clever combination of parched cereals and nuts. Not a grain of real Coffee, remember in Dr. bhoop's Health Coffee, vet its flavor and tasle closely matches old Java and Mocha Coffee. II your stomach, heart or kidnevs can't stsnd Uorlee drinking, try Health Uoffee. It is wholesome nourishing and satisfying. It'f nice even for the youngest -child Sold by N P Murphy. A good looking youn? lady, giv ing her name as Miss Lvnch. o yj 7 Columbus, Ohio, went to Uppe Sandusky. Ohio, one dav last wroI k and bought the leading hotel oi tne city, - paying .cash. She the orlered everybody in the hotel t get out, and had the house shn up. Her strange action cannot be explained. ECZEMA SUFFERERS ! Get a Sample Bottle of that Refreshing Liquid D. D. D. Prescription, (Ex ternally Used)- INSTANT Relief trPKMt, poriaig, or klndied ailment who Quia read tbli n fall to take advantage f th off r? 8 A irlal bottl of that th'rouffhly proven reiatdy D. D. 1) Prescription a remedy mad P"XTERJ?ALLT and er dorsed by physi ians -trial bottle at ls than coat ot p st ag anl Packing! 1 .We. KHOW that the INSTANT you apply a fe-vr drops of D D D liquid to that awful itching akin, the agrony ia gone you a e soothed, refreshed, frea from that itch, Soon TRIAL ien cure ls not tllis worth a Send 10 cents (silver or stamps) to the D. D D Company's laboratory and get a trial bottle of this EiTaKN AL rrme3y We know you'll come to our stce after the trial and get a resrular bottle a: $i Send the dime to day to the D D D Company, Suite B. 112-120 Michigan SfctMt, Ckicago T W Grime Drug Legislators Busy. Rnlaigh, March 4 F vorish ac tivity charactenzBS the closing days of the legislature Effort- is being made to c:ear the legisla tive slate by the end of th week. The sixty Hays expire Saturday and the members aie loath tore main longer. Three sessions are being held daily, one in themorn iug, another in the afternoon and a third at night. Committee meetings ar going on all the time Delegations from . the different sections are continuously coming in and going out. Scores of bills are being passed, and many others introduced, No individuals in either chamber are worked harder than the reading clerks, wh ) are kept busy from early morning until far in the night. One view ing either house from the gallery is reminded of a moving picture show, dramatis personae and scenes being shifted with such lightning rapidity. The legislature has a heavy budget for the week. There are pending the railroad bills, the corporation commission bill, ar of the appropriation bills, the revenue aqd machinery, the anti trust bills, the bill to establish the county of Lee, the till to charter the East Training School and the Spray School of Technol ogy and others. Many of these, in fact, a major'ty ot them, have passed one house and are now be ing held up in the other. Their consideration will come this week, at which time it will be deter mined whether or not they, or a majority pf them, will be placed upon the .statute books of the State. Special to Charlotte Ob server. Chamberlain's Cough Remedy is Both Agreeable and Pleasant. Chamberlain's Cough Remedy has no superior for coughs colds and croup, and the fact that it is pleasant to take and contains no thing in any way injurious hap made it a favorite with mothers. Mr. W. S. Pelham, a merchant of Kirksville, Iowa, says; "For more than twenty years Chamber lain's Cough Remedy has been my leading remedy for all throat troubles. It is especially success ful in cases of croup. Chi.dren like it ai d my customers who have used it will not take auy oth?r." For sale by James Plummer, Sal isbury, and Spencer Pharmacy. Spencer, N. C. Pelg Pritchard, a farmer living near Elizabeth City, killed two large bald eagles list week at one shot. They were on the ground engaged in mortal combat, and their talons were fixed in each other's body. They measured eight feet from tip to tip of their wmgs. - Run-down People NeebVTNOL the modern strength creator and body builder Many people right here in this vi cinity are all run down and hardly able to drag about don't know what ails them. "Such people need Vinol, our cod liver preparation without oil, which contains in a highly concentrated form all of the medicnal and strength. creating elements of cod liver oil ac tually taken from fresh cods' livers, out from which the useless oil eliminated and tonic iron added." We ask every man, woman and child in this vicinity who is run down, tired and debilitated to try Vinol on our offer to return money if it fails., T. W. Grimes Drug Co. New Sprinfi Millinery 202 South Main Street. MRS. JNO. A. MURPHY wishes to say to her many customers and frends, and the public in general, that she has one of the largpstnd most complete lines of Spring Millinery to select from in the city and at prioa ni"8t. reasonable. Easter comes early, so do not delay buying your Easter Hat. Do not furget that I. .have mv ed acr 8s thestreet, next to Cook's drug store. Yours truly, . Mrs. J. A. flurphy, 202 S. Main Street. will b y this POSTALTYPEWR1TER It tshe very thing for ministe s, lawyers, doctors merchants, stona contractors, &. Tt is made of the bst material, made for service and to last; and will do the work of the more crstly; visible writing and universal key board. It ean b had on ! ime, and at a liberal discount to the clergr for cash. Write R. L. Brown, No. 6, Salisbury, Pi. G. 'i 2U 4t. FOR SALE! I offer my farm of 139 acres, more or less, situated near Gold Hill, for sale, and if not sold pri vately, will be sold publicly. Monday, April 8tli, Ensuing, at 12 U., at the Court House door, in Salis bury. This farm has a superb dwelling and kitchen, together with barn, wheat-house, corn-crib, work - house, blacksmith shop, smokehouse and cotton-house. There are two wells of excellent water. It is finely watered, has abundant meadows, a good pas ture enclosed with -wire fence, is timbered with uak, hickory and field pine, is easily cultivated and produces well. Terms: $ cash, balance secured by note and mortgage. L. H. ROTHROCK, Feb. 25, '07. 6t. Gold Hill, N. C. SS5 H epccu nmme apm-datc nnrviDniin f i iii-uu unuuo. Kuuun l a. uuihd uuiu il ING AND M' The Chestnut Hill Drug Store is the place to have your pre- & scriptions filled for the following good reasons; W e handle none but pure 1 TTT 1 . ... wo nave a prescription isi oi rately and promptly compounds all prescriptions sent us. vj Uur service cannot be faualled lor promptness ana general 1 71 We carry a nice line oftoilet v patent medicines, etc. ' TTT 1 m tt t t we nave just lnstaiiea a nanasrme soaa iouniain ana win dispense all kinds of soft drinks made from pureffruit syrups. Your patronage is respectfully solicited. CHESTNUT HILL DRUG CO., u C. M. HIGGINS, Druggist. Is Now but there are left a few rem nants and odd lots of various and sundry goods that we will close out during the next ten days at Almost Any Price iu the meantime our store will be set in order for the reception of the New Spring Stock. Our Mr. Kestler will spend a week in the Northern Mar kets for the purpose of ad ding to the Staple Lines al ready purchased, prior to the recent stiff advance in prices, the Newest Novelties in Dress Goods, Laces and a thousand and one little things that go to make a Dry Goods StocK Complete. lsbofy Dry Opposite Court Hcusa, Salisbury, T; C. Wanted Old r geese .f eaibwg fceft immediately. Bpstasri jirice?; address C F D'ckipgon, genual delivery. Salisbury, N C : Increase'Ybaf The farmer's money-bag and bank ac. Yield Pr Acre" count grow larger In" proportion to tho fertility of his farm, 'io supply to your f arm the elements that have been txLea from it by planting and hnrvet ug season after season, use bountiiuliy Virginia-Carolina Fertilizers (with a special formula for every crop). They lay at the root of thous ands and thousands of prosperous farms. Use these fertilizers tor aU your crops, no matter what .they may be. They will greatly "increase' your yields per acre," and mako your money-bag fuller. Af& your dealer for them, and If he can't supply you,--write us direct. Don t pay your good money, nor gije your note, for . any interior substitute. ViRGlNIA-CABGUKA CHEMICAL CO., . Richmond, Va. Atlanta, Ga. Norfolk, Va. Favflnnph,Ua. "Durham, N . Ot hi ontgom ery. A la. Charleston, S.O. Memphis. rJ eta. .Baltimore, Md. snrevoporr, SERVICE. fresh drugs. P cc - I w yearB experipnce wnt aecu articles, perfumeries, soaps, t t I 1 'II I V T. A. DENNISS, Mgr. THE. Oyer Goods I ill C m 0

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