UV-. . . A Jlome JN ewspapef rruDiisnea r in tne mteresioi uie r eou Salisbury N.iO.v Wednesday, March 2pjHr Wm.H; Stewart, Editor. Vol.111. No. 14. s i !:te: .r: ; 2 4;" m, & ... ."'.' ' ' ' 1 -v.. : LEXINGTON AND DAVIDSON COUNTY. Building Occupied by Wholesale FJrm 61tbs : way and Goods are Uoved out. j; Lexington Dispatch, March 13th.. K' V'- X Friday afternoon the three story brick building occupied i by the Lexington Grocery Company, wholesale, near the . depot, began to crive awav. Thousands of doK lars worth of goods were stored in tha house, and to. get them out uggynreei FT. The Watchman's Latest and Biggest Contest Now on. Will Continue till June ist. without any damage to the goods XI you Want a Good Buffsy Don't Fail to Get or to tnose worKing iu iuuuu- T-rr ing, was a problem. Experts pronounced the building unsafe; liable to fall at any -time, so that it was like taking one's life in hand to go cause of the The bicreest and best proposition in the way of a voting contest ever offered by The Watchman is herewith set on foot. The conditions are brief and the prize is great. Now 1 1 mi. I . - : 111 . : T . - " 1 - - J 1 in tne nouse, une 1S y0ur opportunity to get a spienma one-norse Duggy wiui trouble was in the otit the outlay of a dime on your- part, xou want a foundation which-was not sum- buggy and we want to increase tne circulation 01 tne cient. The g'ods-t- ive been haul- Wamchman, hence we inaugurate the f ollowonging voting a nA - r xrnrfnna contest. J or every cent paid on subscription one vote. win niftCfi8. and the work of renaiiine be given, except subscriptions brought m by some one ac ., i -ii- .it :ti. i i I ii tc an au a ti ou m vyuiuu kv- avx i ine DUiiamg win go nguu aiuiig. TJi,. i-.. with b nnmKfir nf vofp tn And while it all , seriously inter- ;a Qm.V,oT. Tirill ha iaatiaR to nil whn i iru i wi i i ' i j ft a w ilu a. vvii - uv uaj. t v m. feres with the business of this bi8 make Davments. These coupons must be deposited at the i n 1 : I t , .. . . . . , , .... ofRftft'of the Watchman to be counted and credited to tne proper candidates. No one connected with the Watchman force in any man ner will be allowed to enter. the contest, but all others now subscribers are invited to help in any manner they can. Work for yourself or help some one else to get it. - ' DESCRIPTION OF THE BUGGY. vi ncern, - us anairs win u uoi ducted without interruption. The insane man N. H. Prevo, wh hhB beeu in jail for two mo. hs, and who locked up the - jailei pome time ago ai.d trifed to drown himself in the Nokomis pond, was taken to the asylum in Moreantrn on Monday. Sheriff Delap got wold Sundaythat there was room for bim. T. O. Loflin took him Mr. Loflin saw sever al Davison people while at the asylum. He says A. W. ilack ie no betttr: although the last three months h 9 has not -made any change f cr the worse. He must be fed and waited on like a child. He talks very little and refused 'V to converse with Mr. Loflin, who it his father-in-law. Mr.- Black ALBEUARtEIiSTANLpOUinW Unfortanate Accldentto Xm Unifa is Worklag for Eilocatio. Btanly Enterprise. March 15tK. - ; Geo.- Reid, ot Misenheimer, came very near being" killed hert Saturday t nighty Mr. Reid and several other parties came to Mi senheimer. to Richfield ton a lever car, and on their return the car ran into some slabs that had been placedon the track by unknown parties. Mr. Reid: was thrown from the car -and his head very Badly cut and bruised. Dr. Allen was at . once summoned and his wounds dressed. The wounds are not serious, but he. will probably carry the scars the balance of his life, Richfield correspondence. v Frank Caspar, the young man who was injured at Canton last is now at the hospital at CONCORD AND CABARRUS COUNTY. I SI ATESYILLE AND IREDELL COUNTY. Nigra HigftwayaeB Boaii Oter it Court. Ox Teams amd , AotoDObllas. Aaotlisr Several Deaths Repqrtiil. : New Telephooe CAKeoraTlme Ifartli IKK " ' . Statiirlle Lau4inrk. March 18th rr Chief of Police Boger left yes- . -Miss Clide Linney, who has been terday for Warsaw, W. Va., ta in school atrtbe college, has been bring back Linn O.. Dry, formerly very ill at the home of her sister, of Forest Hill, who is charged with Mrs . E. A Frye, on Mulberry misappropriating-about $140 be- street, but is very much improved, longing to the Junior Order Coun- The freight blockade, which cil No. 25, of which he was treas- haB exi8ted on the Southern dur- urer. He left here suddenly about, ing the winter, has been broken tbres months ago, and recently aQd f reight is now moving in and he was' located at Warsaw and out at the Statesville station in a placed in - custody. Requisition gysfcematic:manner. . Agent Maher papers naa to ne securea ana these were recently completed. Mr. Dry's family, consisting of his wife and thrae children, are in Concord. ; . ' v. . Judd McGriff, who shotand killed Fayette Ury on the streets here last Sunday night, was giv- Salisbury and is getting along en a preliminary hearing Tuesday tt. qk . p-w k,;w oeiore ilpq. nets, ine oniv ai- n m ihi i twi i r-.n d iiuiii a. iui iv i jl . We haven't a suitable cut of the buggy which some lucky person will receive at the expiration of th is contest, but in a general way we can say that it is a No. 12 Dia mond buggy madebyihe Du "rant-Dort Carriage Co. It isi of the open-side bar type and one of the best makes on the market, substantial and first clasa in every: particular. It can be seen by calling at the Barber Buggy and Wagon JJoM place business; flue. wall which fell on him. He was covered for two hours before re- lief could reach him. It seems he was spared only through the ipaercy ol woq. j?ranK is a nne boy and an industrious workman. He was working to make money to educate himself. Me has the sympathy and best wishes of his months agor It is stated that the grand jury late Fi iday afternoon ioun d a. true bill against W. A. Bailey, of Da vie countv. who conducts a li- . . quor business in Danville, for sell rect evidence against him is-the dvinsr testimonv of Urv. as neith- er of the women who were present larSe Bteera yoKea to a mountea says freight transportion lis now normal. ; Wm. B. Lambert, fof Barringer township, and Miss' Bertha Josey, of Fallstown township, 'were mar ried in'the solicitor's'room at the courthouseyesterday afternoon .abouTl :80 o'clock. Ox teams are seen in'Statesville occasionally, but teams of four are hot common. Tuesday four saw McGriff fire the shot. As no malice was proven, McGriff was held in $500 bond for.his appear ance at court. He could not give the bond and is now in jail. Jno. C. Correll, who some time many friends. New London cor- ago resigned as agent of the South- respondence, f; The Mitsionary Institute for the Salisbury jdistrict conference, which met with the Methodist church here Tusiday and td nesday, brought to Albm&rF an interesting group of ministers and delegates. The Presiding Elder said the meeting was one of the moat successful he has yet held or at tended. Tfie serices tert well iattended and themiasionary clause in the district is.showu to be in a healthy condition. engine was a street scene, we have the most primitive and the most modern methods of tran& po rtation in this community ox teams and automobiles. W. P. Gabriel, of the vicinity of Moeresville, whose mind is im paired and who has been in jail , several weeks awaiting an ' open ing in the State Hospital, was taken to Morgan ton Tuesday and placed in the hospital. J A meeting was to have been He has made a most satisfactory held at Taylorsville yesterday to express agent and our people are Organize a company to build, an glad to know that he will not give independent tf lephone line from Taylorsville to Statesville, On account of a delayed train the meeting had to be postponed . It em Express Company here, haaat the request of the company- with drawn his resignation, and will continue as agent. He will also be connected with the overall fac tory, as mentioned some time ago. wa3 taKen to tne nospitai nine rwmpil strftftt Thfisft cftnt, eman will take Pleasure in showmer it and Riving any information about it tnat may be desired. Remember some one will get it without fail. If you want one why not make an effort to get its SUBSCRIPTION PRICES. Dnrinff thia contest we have decided to make the most raising of money at a box supper liberal prices possible for full year subscriptions. They are to paint the church, saying that as follows: . "it was gotten up by some of the up the office. John and Shep Gilmer, who were.f arrested for , holding . up will be held next Tuesday! Capt. J. A, Cooper, who has Messrs. Sossamon and Cannon last Saturday night, were given a A deacon of Ibe Baptist church preliminary hearing Tuesday af- been in feeble health for several ternoon before .Esq. ritts. xne montns, sunerea a stroxe oi pa evidence was suchthat they were ralysis Tuesday afternoon and his held on a charge of highway rob- condition is very serious, Capt, at Silver Springs corrects the item in "last issue which refers to the ing liquor as his agents did, ta king orders here in Lexington The Watchman, single subscription, new or renewal . . .75c young peple who do not know that during court. The grand jury 2 years, . 44 $1.00 Baptists don't raise monev did not know the facts until too In clubs.of two or more, 1 year, new or renewal, each. .50c ceot bv the eift plan." Those who enter tne contest tor tne mam prize, tne ouggy, will be guided by the above, but should they want other inforrnation we will be crlad to turnish them witn same. SubscriDtions for less than one year will be at the rate ot who movea to tne west several &i nn " -.. vears aso. did not reach relatives late for the court to: take any ac tion. so that the case will come up in August. Another skif t of snow fell Wed nesday night and Thursday morn ing, bringing down the predicted number to ten. If we have ten more, the weather man will have to hurrv. On the heels of the r snow came hail Thursday night, and a thunder squall. ex- News of the death of our form- ttt i ? i -m TT er townsman wnit u. nearne, bery, andthey are'now in jail in default of $250 bond each; Mrs. Mattie Fisher, wifef E. L, Fisher, died last Saturday af ternoon after a lingering illness at her home inNo.. 4 township. Caleb A. Moose died last Tues day morning .at his home just across the Cabarrus line in Stan- OTHER PRIZES. and friends here until a few days jy county. He was 80 years of A letter states that Mr. A -r, tt nn a tttIi - cjckVirla no fiiro cmhaflTintinnfl and 9. Kft will o be given one year's subscription free. , 3arne QlrneQ ai D,B 11 fflt) Anv one sendini? us ten subscrintions and $5.00, will be Pleasant, Texas, sometime m No- given a copy of the San Francisco Earthquake book. Yalue vember last. ,50. The Walchman will continue as it is with whatever un- There is how but one prisoner nrovement we may be able to maKe upon it. it asKs tne . n i i . ii ', 1 a it i - i J ji nr a.' I in jau, uoipnus Arnold, coiorea, t support 01 ail gooa people ana will enaeavor to mem tiitjir ar.d as he will be sent to Kowan natron aere. xs untv the jail might be counted Subscribers have the privilege of selecting their own can- empty. Mi dates. New candidates may be brought out at any time. Vrkft frw whnm vnn wiab unci as nffen ns nnRRihle. T'lift ftan . ' i nt. L .1 J J vi; j " August iotn nas oeen ueuuiteiy a-.aa whn o-ftts t.hn most votfts will hfi award eri the rr ze. 1 1 TtT I 1 "-, ,11 I U1UU . - W w . .r. . - " - C aeciaea upon as lxrtn Carolina rr, v. . fl r " r Si""" ,t win, so if you are going to make an effort for the buggy, a v nkA f hTh word to the wise issuflicient. Any other information fur- Carplina citizens are, expected to nishd upon request. &ena an money ana communications Mrf. Jessie Furr, who has lin gered a good whilwith consump tion, died last Tuesday. Her death was followed a few hours later by that of her ten-months-old child. The remains were in terred Wednesday in Center Grove church" cemetery, Locust corres pondence. be- present on that day. to The News-iNo Pure Drug Cough Cure Laws would be needed, if all Cough Cures were like Dr. Shoop's Cough Cure is-and has been for 20 years. . The National Law now requires that if any poisons enter into a cough mixture it must be printed on the label or package For this reascn mothers and oth ers, should in sist cn haying Dr. Shoop's Cough Cure." No poison marks on Dr. " Shoop's labels-and none in the medicine, elsetit mnst by law be on the label. And its not onlv safe, hut it is said to be by thosethat kno w it best, a tru -ly remarkable cough remedy Take no chance particularly with .your children. Insist on paving Dr. Shoop's Cough ' Cure. Com pare carefully the Dr. Sh op pack age with others and see.. No pois on marks there! You oaju always be on the afe side 1 y demand Dr. Shoop's Cough Cure r; Simply refuse to accept any other. Sold by Grimes Drug Store. .r " Wm. H. Stewart,- Salisbury, N. C. do not Crowd the Season. The first warm days of spring bring witn inem a aesire to get out and enjoy the exhilira ting air and sunshine. Children that have been housed up all winter are brought out and you wonder where they all came from. .. The heavy wrtu c'othmg is thrown aside dii v shed their flannels. fThen a c A wave comes and peo ple- say "that grip is epidemic. Colds at this set s x? are even more dangerous than in id-winter, as there is .more danger of pneumo nia. Take Chamberlain's Cough Remedy, however, and you will have nothing to fear. It always cures, and we have never known a cold to result in pneumonia when it was used.;; It is pleasant and safe to take. Children like it For sale bv James r ? tirraer.: Sal isbury,1 and Sp-4 rPcar-Pcy," Spencer;, N. 0. U Will tie Refused Admittance. Washington, March 14, Com plying with the provisions of the im migration act approved . Febru ary 22nd last, .President Roose velt today issued an executive or der that such citizens of Japan or Korea to -wit : Japanese or Ko rean laborers, skilled or unskilled, who have-received passports' to go to Mexico, Canada, !or Hawaii and come therefrom, be refused per mission to enter the continental territory of the United States", This order was issued by the president in fulfillment of his promise to Mayor- Schmitz and associates from California when the negotiations regarding the Japanese school, question were had in Washington . : . - ; Straus to Appoint Washington, March 14. It has been pradtidally decided by Sec retary Straus to appoint J. L. Benton, a well known young busi ness man of Monticello, Ga.. as a special agent of the department to go abroad and investigate the market for cotton teed products. age and one of the best citizens of the section in which he lived, Mrs. Nancv Honevcutt, who a w lived with her daughter, Mrs. J. Wesley Sid?s, on Pine street, clied last Wednesday afternoon about 3 o'clock, aged 86 years. Her death was the result of old age. it. We regret to note that the con dition of Mrs, G. W. Patterson, who has been -ill for several days of pneumonia, is not improved. Her many friends will hope that her condition will soon change for the better. v Cboper suffered a stroke of paral ysis last summer and since then hia condition has been precarious. The last stroke affected his entire right side and he is unable to speak but recognizes his acquaint ances. His condition is un changed this morning. Mr. and Mrs. J, B. Morrison,, of Salisbury; are spending a few, days at the home of Mr, Morri son's parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. B, Morrison, north of town. They will leave in a few days for Stan ley, Gaston county, where Mr, Morrison will mai.age the brick plantbeing installed by W. E. Morrison on his recently pur chased property there-. D. A. Morrison will go to Salisbury to take charge of the brick business there, which has been under the management of J, B.- Morrison. . Health In tie Canal Zone. The high wages paid make it a mighty temptation to our young artisans to join the force of skill ed workmen needed to construct the Panama GanalMapf are restrain ed however by the f tar of fevers and malaria. It is the knowing ones-those who have us ad Electric Bitters. - who go there without this fear, well, knowing days they are saffr from malarious m- with Electric Bitters on GleYeiand Enjoys an Ootlng. Georgetown, S. C.r March 14. Commodore E. C. Benedict came to the city today from General Al- Tenn., exander's shooting preserves at Forbes Point, and reported that former President Cleveland, is en joying thoroughly his outing here, that he is in good health &nd the boat nf km rits. Tlie weather is too warm for good duck AJSii - i w iimii iim n. i a nnxinu w niRm o nil sequently had 1 ittie if .anything but Mr. Cleveland and Admiral Lamberton bag- quite a" number each day. The party will visit the club house and preserves of the San tee Gun Club, in a few to do with the false arrest. Spe cial to Charlotte Obierver, Had the Wrong Uan. Asheville, March 14. N o a h Walker, of McFuris, arrested here by Sergeant Jacksofi, of Spartan burg, charged with the murder of his sister-in-law; in New p o r t, several months ago, hai been released. . Newport omcers who arrived in Asheville "for the purpose of identification declared -that Jackson had the wrong man and Walker was speedily released, The officers here' were satisfied Tetter, Salt Rheao and Eczeaa. These are diseases for which Chamberlain's Salve is especially .IhhViIa ' Tt nniitVIv ottaira'-fKa' is set i ----- -- . A m . . - - . 1 itnlaincr and smartini? and soon' By people of . action, vim and get, effects a cure. Price. 25 cental stomach, liver and kidnoy trou- So if at the finish you would. be, For sale bynames Plnmmer, Sal bles. Guaranteed by-all drug- Take Hollister's Rocky: Mountain isbnry, and .Spencer Pharmacy, stiiAi&- r:;k :: Tea. T. W, Grimes Drii Co. Spencer, N. C y ; A 0 WD a. - WW M . - . . -i' .-- - - .. u ----- . , ' . r rluences with Electric fitters on Faster and faster the pace hand, uures ; niooa poison - too, biliousness, weakness and al l -A .9 V llll

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