iorres Dondenee. I .11 faith: March 15th. i Peeler, Bame & Co. ehippeda car load of granite door sills to day to Cannopolis, for the new factory going up there. J. T. Wyatt has juit received an order for twenty seven car loads of granite. A ibig ram storfia passed over this section yesterday. Lightn- Wiley, at Granite Qnarry. Mrs Wiley was shocked, but not seri ously. A great deal of work is now coming in on the granite belt. Prospects are bright for a large amount of work in the quarries this summer, at Faith. Any "one sending a two-cent postage stamp to J. T. Wyatt, Salisbury, N. C, R. F. No. 8. bx 10, will receive one grain of that curiosity corn that has a shuck on every grain and a shuck over the ear also. as a house yard, that? Who can beat I Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Moore, of Mooresvillej saw our copy of the Watchman while here on a visit a r nr.. !t t .4 DU U-Ll. uvl iuiOi ijji .u.uu n lua) uuu subscribed for it. . Tom Peeler, of Granite Quarry, sends his cash subscription in this letter for the Watchman. f Mr. and Mrs. Peeler and Mrs. Wiley own A fine factory site on the side of the railroad - at Gran ite Qnarry, and we believe they would give a site for a factory. We expect to have an Easter wedding to report. Mr. and Mrs, Tom Bean have been down sick for three weeks.. Their place is a new one and they think the water is not good. B. A. Fesperman is opening a new quarry near Faith. He has men employed who understand the business. Will Parks, and his young wife, moved in their new two-story house Thursday, March 14th. John M. Bost has his big, new iwo-story house urj and covered. He reads the Watchman and has handed us the money for another year's subscription. - L. A. Boger has his new resi dence done and he moved in it the 15th of January last. D. H. Fraley killed his big hog Friday. It weighed 575 pounds. There will be communion ser vices at the reformed Church on Easter Sunday at 11 A. M., and services preparatory to the Holy Communion on Saturday preced ing at 2:30 P. M., also confirma tion services on Good Friday at 2:30 P.M. T. K. Seaford, of the St. Paul settlement, spent the day at Faith the 16th, at the school exhibition and parlor entertainment at night, which was a grand success and largely attended. Lee Rosco Boger, a school boy at Faith, is 12 years old and is only 46 inches tall. He weighs only 46 pounds, a pouud for every inch in height. Who can beat that? Frank Jackson is very low with the grippe. George Peeler had eighteen vis itors Saturday night his kin peo ple. - Miss Ida Lingle is visiting her sister in Salisbury. Venus. Mr, L. of. Crescent, we are in receipt of your card endorsing our plan on the grandfather clause and 'now take Nthis occasion -to thank you for it. Now we do not want to be insistent, but hope you will favor a resolution be i n g adopted by the next Efemocratic county convention, ton reduce the terms of office from three terms to twcearafor all connty offi cials and especially to reduce the terms of mayors of Salisbury and Crescent to one term each, and stop four term fellows from hold ing office at all. F. Safrit took a fine bale of cot ton to town the other day to ex change for cash, whic we suppose he intends to use to buy a set of double harness for himself and Miss Annie. We will be glad to extend congratulations soon. Robert Ritchie's schGol closes at' the Fink and Yost school houses March 20th. Speeches and dialogues in the morning and a game of ball in the evening. Rajah. Misses Katie and Eliza Fesper man, who have been ill, are im proving and are able to be up, Venus March 18th. W. W. Harris died Thursday night March 14, 1907. He was sixty-five years and five months old. He leaves a widow, three daughters, one son and one broth er. He moved in the settlement where he died, some 25 or 30 years ago. He was buried at Organ Church, the funerel services being conducted by Rev. C. A. Brown. He was a Confederate veteran and a lieutenant in Co. A, Lane's Brigade of Northern Virginia. He was a member of the Organ Church Camp of Confederate Vet erans and the secretary of the camp, lne pall bearers were Ms old comrades ; P. A. Sloop, Geo. Slow, Jacob F. Coston, Jacob A. Shine, John DM. Deal, Obediah Eller, A. Wiley Klutts and Jacob Carter. For many years Mr. Harris followed the chair maker's trade at his home, where he had his shop. He was a good neigh bor and was liked by all who knew him. He often wrote arti cles for the papers and was well educated. Miss Maggie Lyerly, daughter ef Carson Lyerly, and Lewis Hols houser were married Sunday, March 17th. V M, L. Barger is visiting his uncle, D. M. Bargur. J. M. Barger lost one of his fine beef cattle thisweek. Edward Deal's mules ran away Wednesday from Martin Shivc's saw mill. They ran about two miles and back with the wagon and no damage done. March Slow caught them as they came by where he was plowing. D. M Basinger is repairing his residence. Mack WUhelm lost a -"fine hog the other day. Paul Miller has inclosed his barn lot and swept it off as clean UNION CHURCH. March 18th. It seems that the groundhog has ruled the weather pretty well. I told you some time ago that he would. We are sorry to note that Wm. F. Ruf ty is on the lame list. He diopped a kraut barrel on his foot I last Saturday. Mrs. Minerva Poole, of High Point, has moved in our vicinity? F. tf. Goodman and J. H. Bar ringer have secured positions with the Southern, The infant child of Mr. and Mrs. D. H. Mahaley died Tuesday morning, and was laid to rest iL Union cemetery, Monday morn ing at 11 o'clock. Rev. N. D. Bo die conducted the lunerel service, There wittbe communion ser vices at Union church Easter Sun day Services on Good Friday will commence at ll o'clock; pre paratory services on Saturday at 2 o'clock p. m. "The members of the Jr. O U A. M., are requested to be present ROCK. r , '. March 38,' 1907 Farmers have be eiug quite a bit of oat8Te:ently, and also doing some breaking: The school, closed Friday, and the pupils and parents had a very pleasant-time Five weeks ago D C Powlas had a severe attack of la grippe, and at the same time had a stroke of paratysis which effected one side of his face and head. Satur day night he had another stroke which effected his throat. He was in Salisbury Saturday and, that may have had something to do with it. W. W. Harris, an old soldier, died Thursday night of heart drop sy. He had poor health for quite a while. D. S. Lentz is sawing on Jacob Sbive's place. He movecl his mill in about two weeks ago. John Shuping finished sowing his spriug wheat on the 6th met. Rev. Aycock, of China Grove, is well liked .,tv Rock Grove, and does not fail to have a large audi ence. Saw. ROWAN ACADEMY. March 18th. C. A. Johnson, who has been very sick with grippe for the past month, is able to be out again. Rev. P. W. Tucker began a pro tracted meeting yesterday at Granite Quarry M. E. church. There will be service only at night. Ruth visited several of the ex hibitions around here, I don't think any of them could beat Row an Academy, do you Patsey? MessrsPearle and Vinnie John son visited their sister, Mrs. L. J. Kluttz, of Grrnite Quarry, Satur day night. Robt. Earnhardt, of Salisbury, visited his grandfather, of this place, last week. Mr. and Mrs. C. "A. Johnson and little son, visited their daugh ter, Mrs. John C. Holshouser, Sunday last. Arthur Thomas has closed his school at Cleveland and is at home now. H Patsey went to Salisbury last Saturday. Guess she sot her wedding dress. A. J. Brown, of Crescent, visits Miss Vinnie Johnson, of this- place. quite often. Mr. and Mrs. S, R. Fry. of South Carolina, visited Mrs. Fry's parents several days ago. , Ruth hasn't much news thif- week, the rain washed it all away Ruth. ROCK. March 18th. There was preaching at th Rock's Grove Methodist church last Sanday at 8 p. m. There was a large crowd present. There will be preaching on the third Sunday iupril at the same hour A Sundav school will he orcrani Saturday night, March 23. Some ed there ou the firgt gund in very important business to be acted on. We "want every one there. We are sorry to note that Miss Sarah Wise is sick with the grippe. We wish her a speedy recovery. Rev. N.D. Bodie is getting along nicely from the close call he had last week by being caught in the storm which has been noted be fore. . Bro. Bartlette visited at M. A. Canble'8 last Saturday night. GL A. Lyerly is out inspecting our phone line which was dam aged by the atorm of last week. I am always the Hustler No. 1. BOSTIAN'S X ROADS. Plowing is the orber of, the day now. Planting corn will be next. -Wheat is looking well. W, T, Howell and wife visited relatives in Concord Sunday. John Shuping, of near Rook, has some very fine bearded wheat he has just sown. He thinks it a fine spring wheat. He is a good farmer and we wish him success with it. Does Your Heart Beat April at 3 p. m. The Parks school closed last Friday and a number of visitors were present, lnere was a re view of the pupil's studies until recess, and then cams an exhibi tion which continued till noon. This was followed by one of the finest dinners ever put on a table at Parks school house. There was plenty for all. At 1:80 Z. A. Kluttz, the principal, and W. H. Earnhardt, assistant, sent up two balloons, which were a curiosity to many present. Tfce last and most interesting thing was a game of ball between the Parks and the Faith Academy boys, and the Parks boys were again successful There were but three innings played, when the Faith boys see ing they were going to be beaten, quit playing. The score stood 10 to 5 in favor of the Parks boys. The excuse ofjhe Faith boys for quitting was that the ball was not fit to play with. It is generally known that when the' Faith boys get beat they have some excuse, and a poor excuse is-better than none. T RookexI Yes. 100,000 times each day. Does it send out good blood or bad blood? You know, for good blood is good health ; bad blood, bad health. And you know precisely what to take for bad blood Ayer's Sarsaparilla. Doctors have endorsed it for 60 years. One freauent cause of bad blood is a slwceisb. liver. This produces constipation. Poisonous substances are then absorbed into the blood. Keep the bowels open with Ayer s Fills. I A Made by J. C. Ayer Co., Lowell, Mass. Also manufacturers or HAIR VIGOR. AGUE CURE. CHERRY PECTORAL. yers We have no secrets ! We publish the formulas of all our medicines. The Matter of Drug buying is much more important than most people realize. If'everybody knew as much about drugs as drug gists do about what a defer ence there is in quality and potency purchasers would be more discriminating. Drugs are generally bought for the promotion of health or comfort. If- purchased at Our Store we will guarantee the results to be satisfactory in the greatest possible de gree. We believe that drugs should be carefully chosen and we therefore eat the best even if higher cost reduces our profits health is at stake. SALISBURY DRUG CO,, 115 N. Main St. Loans Doubly Secured. If you have any money idle or bringing you less than 6, list it with our Company at once. We 11 lend itfor you, First Mortgage on Real Estate, taking the mortgage and note in your name,' and in ed dition give you the WRITTEN GUARANTEE of our Company that both princi pal and interests will be paid IN FULL as they fall due. We assume all risk and stand between you and possible loss. Our guarantee has more than $20,000 back of it; and, loans made through our Company have DOUBLE TO SECURITY OF A BANK paying you 6 all the time. McCubbjns & Harrison Co., Paid in capital $20,000, Loans, Real Estate, Fire and Life Insur ance, Salisbury, N. C AslL for theiitine s ee that you get what yotx asK for r The largely increased demand for Sun Cured tobacco, created and sustained by the distinctive quality oi the original Reynolds' Sun Cured tobacco, has encouraged other manufacturers to place on the market imitation brands and tags which are made to look so near like the genuine Reynolds' Sun Cured that unsuspecting chewers and dealers receive the imitations under the belief that they are getting the genuine Reynolds' Sun Cured tobacco. Look close and see that the letters on the tag spell R-e-y-n-o-l-d-s Sun Cured, and you cannot be deceived in getdng what you ask for and want, -the best value for your money that can be produced from the genuine Sun Cured tobacco, grown where the best sun-cured tobacco grows. ASK FOR "REYNOLDS 9 and see that you get the original and genuine Sun Cured tobacco. It's like you formerly got, before Reynolds' Sun Cured was offered to the, trade, costing from 60c to '$1.00' per pound, and is sold-at 50c per pound in 5c cuts, strictly 10 and 15 cent plugs. R.J. REYNOLDS TOBACCO CO., Winston-Salem, N.C. ElrJOiU is the time to get the best pa- per in the county for the least money. Send in your subscriptions. With New Goods, Low Prices, Fair Treatment and Good Work. We are bidding for your patronage and your repair work on Watches, Clocks, Jewelry and Optics. Salisbury Jewelry Co., 104 N. Main Street; E. J. LEBEN, manager. FURNITURE One of the Best General Line'w of Furniture in the State can be found at W. B. SUMMERSETT'S, 108 West Inniss, where you are Invited to call when in need of such goods. SHOES at less thari Manufac turers Cost., BUY NOW and save 25cts to Sl.OO on the Pair. We must close out some lines of Staple SHOES at much less than they are worth to make room for our recent purchases. . If you don't need Shoes now it will pay you to take Advantage of these prices and lay them away till you do need them: Special Prices on Big Lots to mer, chants. 1 PtJPUtAR PRICE fOOt WEAR TERMS STRICT IY CASH 111 ,u M- G. McCURDY, Manager, -North Main Street, Salisbury, N. C,

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