APPEALS TO SQUfHERNEBS. President Fioley asks for $jtof; Hair- mony and Just Dealing Newi Orleans. March , rlo An j : appeal to all Southerners to stand I by the , railroads for the sake of the development of the ' South, was, made to night by W. W. Fin ley, president of the Southern Railway, at a busiuess banquet tendered him here. He said in part: "If the railways of the South are to be brought up to the stand ard required by the expanding business of Southern communi ties, the people of the South must be actuated by the same spirit of corporation they showed in the early days of railroad building, when communities vied with each other in offering inducements for construction. The day for gov ernmental and municipal fin an- cial-aid for railway lines has pass ed and the many millions of dol lars that will be reauired for M. additional track capacity and ter minal facilities must be obtained from private investors. "The greater part of the money must be borrqwed. "Identified during , most of my business career with the railways of the South, I know the resources of its railways will be taxed to - V the utmost to provide the addi tional facilities that will be re quired: The provision of these facilities at the earliest possible date is of incalculably more im portance to the South titan any possible rate reduction, .or any urooosition to penalize roads for J X 7. M. failure to perform services which are beyond their present capacity. "I believe that it is to the in terest of the railways and the peo ple that a spirit of harmony and just dealing be fostered.' f Petition for Relief. A petition signed by influential citizens, property owners and oth ere, of Colon, has been handed to secretary of state Arias, for pre sentation to the United States government, invoking relielfrom the unjust an$ intolerable condi tions imposed by the United states local authorities carrying out the sanitary improvements for the reconstruction of Colon. -The petitioners claim that not withstanding articles six and sev en of the treaty between the Unit ed States and Panama, they are coerced to fill up their lands, held under precarious leases and are compelled to make other perma nent improvements, for which they say the treaty stipulates that the United States is responsible. Many property owners are ab staining from omplianct with the demands of the sanitary au thorities while awaiting the out come of the petition. Colon dis patch. , Mary Dark circles under the eyes indicate a sluggish circula tion, torpid liver and kidneys. Exercise and Hollister's Rocky Mountain Tea will make you well and beautiful. 35 cents. Tea or Tablets. T. W. Grimes Drug Co. Will Visit Cotton States. Secretary W. H. Woods, of the Southern Cotton Association has Announced that the Internation- al Spinner's Association will visit cotton states this fall in compauy with Representatives of the South em Cotton Association and Farm ers' Union, Secretary Woods says the purpose of this tour is to bring about a thorough under standing between the-spinners and cotton producers relative to meth ods of handling the crop. The spinners of Lancashire, England, New England and the South will be represented.. The Touch That Heals is the touch of Bucklen's Arnica Salve. It's the happiest combi nation of Arnica flowers and heal ing balsams ever compounded. No matter how old the sore or ul cer is this Salve will cure it. For burns, scalds, cuts wounds or piles it's an absolute cure, guaran teed by all druggists. 25c, H8B UTY OF THE PEOPLE. Soar Suggestions Which All Good, Pa- 1 trlotlclIltlzeBs Should Take to Heart.-' It appears to as that there is a healthy sentiment in this com-; I m unity at this time m favor of laying aside amerences pi opin- ion upon subjects which the city administration cannot 'effect and which are in that sense abstract. and selecting a board of aldermen )t nrst-ciass business meu, capa ble of grappling with -the rave problems which confront the city. This is a sentiment which should be fostered which every! well- wisher of Charlotte should strive to promote. It would be worse than idle, it would be foolish,' for us to try .to conceal from our selves the fact that our financial affairs are not in good condition and that it is imperative that something be done to improve the situation. And end must come at some time to the issuance of bonds to raise money to meet cur rent expenses, else -the city will ultimately nnd itseli in tne case of an individual who might, in stead of paying his monthly bills out of his income, give his notes for them. His early finish would be inevitable. Things need to be done the doipg of which would call for money. For instance, everybody clamors for good streets and few stop to reflect that we have not the money with which to lay them. What is here said is intended ouly to be suggestive there is no thought of outlining any policy and this suggestion is that in each ward all differences of opinion be tween citizens -be forgotten and the people get together in a spirit of high patriotism and select their aldermen wholly with reference to their business ability ; their ability to solve the problems, present and immediately pros pective. Very many of the most capable men will shrink from ser vice on the board of aldermen. It is a time when, if called upon, they herald Sacrifice their conven ience and comfort and lend them selves to the service of the city. This is no time to reward friends or puuish enemies, but the hour haB struck and, this period, when we are taking on larger growth, is the time for every man, forgetful of all else, to resolve to try to do something for Charlotte. He can do that by voting, not for his friend, not against his enemy, bub foi the men in his ward moat capable to sit in the board of al dermen at a critical period in the city's history a period when the very best ability of the. citizen ship is demanded. Charlotte Observer. Southern's New School. The Southern Railway Com oanv has opened a school at Spen cer for the instruction of employ- es. The course of study will in- elude mathematics, mechanical drawing and other studies which' will better tit employes of the road for their work. The instruction will be free, as the railroad com pany will foot the bills. Those who wish to attend the school will be allowed sufficient time each day to do so, and will be giv en full pay for the time so en- eraffed. The school will be in the cnarge 0f Prof! W. E. Eldownev; ftf fh Tnftrnfttlnnai School nf Scranton, Pa. , This is something of an innovation in railroad cir cles and the progress of the work will be noted with interest. Bound Over to Gourt. WalterWood. Chas. Rogers and a. a. Wilson, tnree or tne mey supposed to be connected with the robbery of the Bank of Davie in January 1903, were tried before E E, Hunt, J. P , 'alt Thuwdav. and bound " in the sum of $2,000 each for their appearance at the spring term of Davie Superior court,, in default of which thy were sent to Mecklenburg jail for safe keeping. Messrs. Bailey- and Gaither, of this place, very ably represented the State, and F. R. McNinch, Esq., of Charlotte, the defendants. Mocksville Coarier. RULES FOR THE PB1UABY; " --'- Sorie Points of Interest to Voters In4be Coding Municipals Electron.! At a recent meeting 01, tne .uemo- cratic Executive Committee ,01 Salisbury, the .following rules, verniug the coming . municipal election, were adopted: The pons shall be opeir at 12 '-7 o'clock, noon, and close -at o'clock P. M., on Tuesday the 16th day of April, 1907. Jg' 1 One candidate for mayor, and two candidates for alderman from his respective ward shall Jbevoted for by each elector. ' ? The primary election shall be presided over by three managers at each polling place, said man agers to be elected by the City Democratic Executive Committee. A majority of said managers shall decide all challenges that t shall be. made and all questions that shall arise before them. At the close of the primary election said managers shall proceed to count the votes and declare the results. They, or a majority of them shall certify the results of said primary election, and shall transmit such certificate, with the poll lists to the convention of the Democrats of the city of Salisbury which shall be heJd in the court house in Salisbury at 8:80 p. m , April 16th, 1907, or as soon thereafter as said votes shall be counted and said certificates executed. The ballots shall be printed on white paper and shall be without device. In casting his ballot each elec tor shall make a cross mark fx) with pencil or ink opposite the name of the candidate for whom he desires to vote. That if any voter in such pri mary election, by his ballot shall i- - r . voie ior more persons- man ne is 4 entitled to hi ballot shall not be counted. 1 The chairman of the city Dem ocratic committee shall provide at each polling place in the four respective wards of the city a bal-1 lot box in which the voters may deposite their ballots. The man agers of the election, before the voting shall begin, shall carefully examine the ballot boxes and see. that there is nothing in themr and shall exhibit the same publicly to show that there are no ballots in any box, and thereupon shall close and securely fasten the same. - The polling places of said pri mary election shalUe as follows : For West Ward, offices of City Water Works. For East tard, Fisher's livery stables. For South Ward, City Hall. , For North Ward, grand jury room in Court House. . That it shall be the duty of said mauagers of election, between said election hours of 12 o'clock, noon, and 7 p. m., on said day of primary election, on April, 16th, iyu t0 f eeP Ven the booki for ""ration of democrats in good standing who shall at that time be qualified to vote in the Salisbury City election in May, 1907; pro vided, it shall not be necessary to the qualification of any elector who presents himself for registra tion that he shall have paid his poll tax for the year 1906. That every such Democratic elect Dr who presents himafilf fr registration to the said managers at his respective polling place be tween said hours of 12 o'clock, noonr, and 7 o'clock p. m., i n said election day, shall be entitled to have his name placed on the poll book for his ward. V That the polling, places shall be roped off at tha voting b .xs for at least fifty eet in width ana extended outward from the box at least fifty feet. And all persons voting shall pass through this en closure. Only one elector 'shnll be admitted within the ropyeg at one time, A ' ' Boarders WaflUd! The Salisbury House, 120 South Long Street, is prepared to ac commodate a iew bo a r de r sT well suppled and prices reasona bie. 2.18-fef. TRAGEDY AT&WILiliNSTOH, Murder Results Frcra Argument Which was Best Mali. as Jo Wilmington i March 15 M. H Bryan, Bon of -ar former policeman , was shot and perhaps fatallv Wounded late this afternoon by T. N. Simmons, a carpenter. Th men were around the.-polls in the fifth ward and had retired to a- rearroom in Hall's drugstore. They had a drink together and then began jibing one anothor as to which was the beat man. One word brought on another and Bry- an told Simmons that if he iump- ed on him, he had better make peace with his God or words .to - that effect, containing a veiled threat to shoot. Simmons knocked Bryan down and the latter drew a pistol from his pocket. Simmons drew his ana nrea upon sryan twice, one ball entering his breast and the other grazt d his head. Both ran out of the store and Simmons gave nimselt up. .Bryan was found about two blocks from the scene of the shontin and sent to the hospital. The hospital physi cians say Bryan cannot live. For Catarrh, let me send you free, just to prove merit, a Tual size Box of Dr. Shoop's Catarrh Remedy, It is a snow white, creamy, healing antiseptic balm that gives instant relief to Ca tarrh of the nose and throat. Make the free test and see. Ad dress Dr. Shoop, Racine, Wis. Large jars 50 cents. Sold by Grimes Drug Store. Convalescents NeedVINOL fop it hastens recovery by ureaung BbrengUX There la just one thing the matter wiux a person wno has been sick that is. weakness. To all such people in this vicinity we recommend our delicious cod liver preparation, vrapl, as the-'Very best Birengin creator for convalescents WW oueuguiens me digestive or gans, creates an appetite, promote eouna .sieep, makes rich, red blood, uu uuuas tip a depleted sytem to ueaitn. ana vigor. - xuis is Decaase vinol contains all the medicinal elements of cod liver oil with the useless oil eliminated and vomo iron added. We guarantee it. T. W. Grimes Drug Co. North Carolina, In Superior Court. Rowan County. '.J May Term, 1907. B. P. Moore vs. Notice to Defendant. Annie P. Moore ) The defendant above named will taKe notice mat an action entitled as above has been commenced in the Su perior Court of Rowan county, by plaintiff for the purpose of obtaining a divorce from her from the bonds of matrimony and upon the grounds of adultery: and the said defendant will further take notice that she is required to appear at the next term of the Su perior Court of Rowan county to be held on the fith Monday after the 1st Monday of Mareh, 1907, it being the 6th day of May, at the Court House of said County in Salisbury, N. 0., and answer or aemur to tne complaint m said action or the plaintiff will apply to the Court for the relief demanded in said complaint. . This March the 16th, 1907, J. F McCUBBINS, . Clerk of the Superior Court. JK. Jjke weight, atty. Chamberlain's Cough Remedy The Children's Favorite CUBES Coughs, Colds, Group and "Whooping Cough. This remedy Is famous for Its cures over a laryo part of the civilized world. It can always be depended upon. It contains no "opium or other harmful drug and iuay be given as confidently to a baby as to an adult Price 25 cts; Large Size, 50 eta. -r- ! will b" y this POSTAL TYPE WRITER It sthe very thin jr for miufse-s, lawyers, doctors merchants, stons cont racors, It i made of the best material, mau f-r serw ai d to last: and will do the work of ilie more a Btly; visible writing and universal. ke board. It ean be had on ime. and at a literal discount to the clergy for cash. W-1teR. I Brown. No. 6, Salisbury, N. C. 2 :n .t. FOR SALE! J. otter my tarm ol ldy acre?, more or less, situated near Gold Jii li, ior saie, ana n nor soia pri vately, will be sold publ cly, Monday, April 8th, Ensuing, at 12 M., at the Court House door, in Salis bury. This farm has a superb dwelling and kivchen, tr gather with barn, wheat honao, corn-rib, worfe?- hguse, blacksmith shop, smokehouse and cotton-licuse. There are two wells of excellent water. It is finely watered, hap abundant meadows, a good pas ture enclosed with wire fence, is timbered with uak, hickory and field pine,'is easily cultivated and produces well. Terms: cash, balauce secured by note and mortgage, , L. H. ROTHROCK, Feb. 2o, '07. 6t. Gold Hill, N, C; S2B FRESH DRUGS, &G0URATE COMPOUND ING AfiD PROMPT SERVICE. : The Chestiiut Hill Diug Stose is the place to have your pre scriptions filled for the following good reasons j We handle'none but pure freshj drugs. Wo have a prescriptionist of 22 years experience who aecu rately and promptly compounds all prescriptions sent us. Our service cannot be equalled for promptness and general satisfaction. We carry a nice line of toilet- articles, perfumeries, soaps, patent medicines, etc. We have just installed a handsome soda fountain and will dispense all kinds of soft drinks made from pure fruit syjrups. Your patronage is respectfully solicited.' CHESTNUT HILL DRUG CO., M. HIGGINS, Druggist. T. A, DENNISS, Mgr. C. O Is Now but there are left a few rem nants and odd lots of various and sundry goods that we will close out during the next ten days at Almost Any Price in the meantime our store will be set in order for ihe reception of the New Spring Stock. Our Mr. Kestler will spend a week in the Northern Mar kets for the purpose of ad ding to the Stapie Lines al-1 ready purchased, prior to the recent stiff advance in prices, the Newest Novelties in Dress Goods, Laces and a thousand and one little things that go to make a1 Dry Goods StocK Complete. Opposite .Court House, i ' iVzattl Old goose feather beds immediately. Best cash prices, Jiddrs C F Dickinson, gen ral delivery Salisbury; N C .... We will convince you that you can "increase your yields per acre" and you Tront have to keep it a se- -cret, either. Bead what Messrs. Wherry & Son, of the Magnolia Fruit Farm, Durant, Miss., write: "Prom" two acres of strawberries, on which 1,000 pounds of Virginia-Carolina Fertilizers per acre were used, we cleared a profit of $75.00 per acre more l-an the other 14X acres of strawberries which had only 600 pounds of this f ertilizer.' Thus double the quan tity of these fertilizers on each aero Una Fertilizers. i y ) Virginia-Carolina Chemical Co. Eichntond, Va. Atlanta, Ga. Norfolk. Va. Savannah. Oa, Durham. N . C. Montgomery. Ala. Charleston, S. O. Mempns, Ten a. Baltimore. Md. Shreveport, L.a. 1 3Kz THE. Over Salisbur N. C. Per Ac Ij n or any crop, ana more iduh uuuuj "increase your yieldsper acre' Be sure you buy only Virginia-Caro- f IT T h AJbfi Goods 0 oo V J' . r

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