PUBLIC SALE OF Real Estate anfl Personal Property. I will offer to the public for sale at my residence, 1 miles east from Craven, the following personal property and real estate i One piece of land, my home place, con taining 34 acres, more or Jess, ad joining the lands of P. C. Lentz, H. M. Starhs, Monroe Casper and others, also one pTece of land con taining 33 acres more or less, ad joining the lands of J. C. Agner, Pool school hduse land, W. L. Boggs and others ; and one pair mules, J two horse wagon, 1 bug gy, 1 Chattanooga steel-beam plow, 1 steel cultivator, 1-5 in terest in a threshing maqhiue, en gine and boiler, a new two-horse wagon bed and other farming im plements, 1 set doable wagon har ness, 1 pair buggy harness and a great many other things. Date of saie Easter Monday, April h, 1907. Terms of sale, Cash. JAMES M. CASPER, Feb. 25, '07. 3t. Craven, N. C. Re-sale of Valuable Farm lands (or Partition. By vvtue of a judgment of the Su perior Court of Rowan county, in the special proceeding entitled D. Q. Mc Clean, W. A. McClean et al. vs, John Miller and wife Maggie Miller, John Templeton et al., the undersigned, Commissioner, will expose for sale at public auction for cash on Monday, the 1st day of April, 1907, on the premises of the lands herein after described, at the hour of 12 M., the follow ing lands situate in Atweli Township, Rowan county: Beginning at a stake in said Mc Clean's line, thence N. 83 deg. E 69 poles to a slake nfar J Deaton's corn ier, thence with his line South 1 deg E. 148 poles to a stake in G. G. Mc Knight's line, thence S 48 deg. V. 53 poles to a black oak, his corner, thence with his line N. 6K deg. W. 72 poles to a stake, thence 8- 86 deg. V. 23 poles to a state, G. W. McClean's line, thence with his line, N, ll2 deg. W. 106 poles to the beginning, containing 58 acres more or jess, adjoining ine ianas oi T, Goodman, Mack Rodgers, Lock Mc Knight, Ed Deaton et al. A second tract, adjoining the above, beginning at a hickory, in G. D. Mc Knight's line and running E crossing creek 643 poles to an apple tree, form erly a hickory, G. G. McKnight's corn er, thence N. 1. deg. W. 328 poles to a stone, Mack Rodger's corner, thence with his corner 22 poles to maple, thence S. 19 deg. W. Vt poles to a stone, thence S. 75 deg. W. 20 Doles to a stone, thence S. Z& deg. E 259 poles to the beginning, containing 119 acres, more or less. , A third tract, adioinincr the above. beginning at a stone, on Melon's corner on McClean's line and runs thence S. 36 chains to a stone on McKnight's line, .thence W. 137 chains to a stone, thence N 1 deg. W. 36, 12 chains to a stone, an old line, thence E. 2.50 chains to the beginning, containing 7 acres. Bidding will begin at $7.97 per acre. "This Feb. 25th, 1907. D. Q. MoCLEAN, -Commissioner. 'John L. Rendleman, Attorney. Commissioner's Sale of Valuable Farming ; Lands. Pursuant to the provisions of an or der of the Superior Court of Rowan county, in the special proceeding en titled, ' Jas. L. Sechler and others vs. A. L. Sechler and others," the under sieden. commissioner, will on.i Saturday, the 20th day of April, 1907. at 12 o'clock, M,, -at the Court House door in Salisbury, expose at public sale, to the highest bidder, for cash, the lands of the late Jacob Sechler, in China Grove Township, adjoining Wm. Sechler and others, and described as follows : First tract Beginning at a stake, Obe Sloop's corner ; thence S 2 W 20.35 chains to a pine knot, said Sloop's cor ner; thence S. 88 E 9.75 chains to a pine knot Winecoff'. corner ; thence S. 2 W. 3.50 chains to a stone, Wine coff's corner ; thence S. 88 E. 11 chains to a post oak, Winecoff's corner; thence S. 2 W. 22 chains to a stone, A. D.E. Sechler's corner ; thence a new line S 89 E. 15.80 chains to a stone, said Sechler's corner ; thence N. 4 W. 21 50 chains to a stone, Corriher's cor ner; thence N 2 E. 23.85 chains to a stake ; thence N. 88 W. 34.13 chains to the beginning, containing 121 acrei more or less. Second tract Beginning at a white pak, R. S. W. Sechler's corner; thence N. 88 W 5.25 chains to a stake on Obe Sloop's line; thence N. 1 E. 1.25 chains to a stake in the big road; thence N. 2 W. 2.50 chains to a email, black oak ; thence N. 62 E. 5 chains to a stake on R. S. W. Sechler's line; thence S. 30 E. 5.45 chains to the be ginning, containing 1 5-6 acres, more or less . This March 12th, 1907. A. L. SECHLER, Commissioner. B B. Miller, Attorney. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE Having Huly qualified as adminis trator upon the estate of the late H. N. Goodnight, this is to notify all cred itors to present their claims to the un dersigned for payment on or before March 13th, 1908. oi thig notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate are requested to make prompt settle ment. March 13th, 1907. MARY S. GOODNIGHT, administrator. John L. Rendlemak, attorney. V. Notice to Creditors. Having duly qualified as executor of the last will and testament of 1Miss Jennie Howard, deceased, this is to no tify all creditors to present their claims - to the undersigned for payment on or before the 27th day of February, 1908, or this notice will be plead in bar of their recovery. x - This February 27th, 1907, F.J.MURDOCH, fit Executor of Jennie Howard. BUST'S MILL. Summer has come at last and farmers have cemmeuoed plowing for corn. Miss S. J. Meiiius who sprain ed her ankle about the last of February, has not been" able to walk since, One of J. B, Lingle's children is very ill with croup. George Pinkson and wife are here from the west. The sick people of the commu nity are improving. The good people of Salem have their church tower done, all but the last coat of paint. The order for the bell was sent last Monday. As soon as the bell is put in the tower they will be ready for synod. The school at Salem will close next Friday with the ugual exer cises. - Rock hauling is still going on at Camp No. 3. Otho Cauble shows little signs of improvement. D. A. Sifford ia out again. Tom Link sold his cotton last week. Uncle Tom; A Humane Appeal. A humane citizen o Richmond, Iud., Mr. U. D.- WUIiams, 107 West Main street, says: "lap peal to ail persons with weak lungs to take Dr. King's New Dis covery, the only , remedy that has helped me and fully comes up to the proprietor's recomme n d a tion." It saves more lives than all other throat and lung reme dies put togother. , Used as a cough and cold cure the world over.f Cures asthma, bronchitis, croup, whooping cough, quinsy, hoarseness and phthisic, stops homorrhages of the lungs and builds them up. Guaranteed by all druggists. 50c and $1.00. Trial bottle free. For MODERN DENTISTRY at prices in reach of all call on Philadelphia Dental Association Everything guaranteed to date Dentist- we do is be up-to rv. We extract teeth with as little pain as p.acticable. Give us a tual. Office 122 W. Main Street, Overman Building. Dr. FOX, Manager. 4 Per Cenl. We pay 4 per cent, on money in savings department, adding the interest to the principal every 90 days and offer every safe guard to the depositors. We also loan money, on real es tate and personal security. THE PEOPLES' BANK iXD TRUST CO. D. R. Julian, J. D. Norwood, President. - Cashier. P. H. Thompson, J. A. Peeler, V.-President. Teller. NOTICE TO CUSTOMERS. For every bushel of good No, 2 milling wheat, 401bs of flour and 141bs of bran will be given. A fine water power enables us to do this. Jan. 30th, 1907. 6t. Rothrock Roller Mills. SUNSET KfAGAZINK beautifully illustrated, good (tones ft- q and articles about California and VA ' v au the Far Wert. Ter CAMERA CT1AFT - devoted each month to the ar- tube reproduction of the best $1,00 work of amateur and professional a year photographers. ROAD OF A THOUSAND WONDERS a book of 75 pages, containing 120, colored photographs of $07 picturesque spots in California and Oregon. Total . . . $3.25 All for ... . $1.50 Address all orderVto SUNSET IIAGAZI77E Flood Building San Francisco, MAGAZINE H READERS "The Black Boys ot Cabarrus." -,. Concord Times, September 4, 1903 Mr. J. M. W. White has in his possession a poem clipped from the Concord Gazette of April 4, 1857, and he has made a copy ot it for bar readers. The clipping is as follows : Mr. Editor: It will readily be seen that the following aims not at the dignity of epic poetry but simply to relate in rnde rhyme in the form of a ballad, an old and almost forgotten incident "I tell the tale as 'twas told to me" by R. Kirkpatrick, Esq., of Rocky River: '. . THE BIAOK BOYS OF CABARRUS. By Fbano, In seventeen and seventy-one The Regulators rose, sir, To have their freedom and their fun, And Try on to oppose, sir. Now, Try on he was hard of head, And liked not to be thwarted ; So needing powder, flint and lead, His agents off he started. His agents straight to Charleston went, And showed Sir Tryon's orders, And when the money was all spent They started for headquarters. The teamsters soon to Charleston rolled, And soon they did unload, sir, A.r.d when they had received their gold Right back they took the road, sir. And now 'twas hard indeed to find ' About thatallant town, sir; A single man who had the mind To haul the baggage down, sir. Some wagons were procured at length By Mosey Alexander, Who : served the King with all his might, And was Sir Tryon's Ander. A Now, Jimmie White and Billy "White And Johnny White all brothers, Did in a solemn league unite, With gallant Bob Caruthers. Besides these four James Ashmore, Pen Cochran and Josh Hadley, Who if they did betray them swore That they should die most sadly. These gallant few, traditions say, To blow up Tryon's store sir, Resolved and in this way to pay With interest all old scores, sir. The sun was sinking in the west, When these few up on foot sir, Of Tryon's baggage went in quest, With faces smeared with smoot, sir. They pushed ahead with all their migh Until they reached the hill, sir, ifrom which they saw the old man White A coming from the mill, sir, Ntw they were very glad, indeed, When they this chance espied, sir As very much they stood in need Of horses for to ride, sir. Yes, the Black Boys were very glad To see this happy sight, sir, So the young Whites approached their dad . And ordered him to light, sir. By dint of argument and threat, The boys, at last succeeded, The old man's horses stout to get Then on their way proceeded. And now the wagons hove in sight, The teamsters nothing fearing, Ah ! little did they dream that night That they would lose their gearing Forbear, my muse, you cannot tell . Your genius is too light, sir, To tell the misery that befell Them on that awful night, sir, Suffice't to say that when daylight Illumed this mighty nation It saw the wagons awful sight- All blown to shatteration. We are indebted to W. H. Earnhardt, who lives at Rock, in this county, for the above copy of this interesting event. Ed Lower Cumberland, Md., Flooded. Cumberland, Md., March 13 The lower section of Cum burl and is flooded tonight. The flood in the Potomac tore out the supports of a bridge 150 feet long and to- uigtit the entire structure col lapsed. Flood conditions prevai at Hindman, Peun., Piedmont, W. Va., and in the Georges creek mining region. wiiDert Myers, a boy living near Mount Savage, while returning from fchool, fell into a flooded stream and wag drowned. ' Cause ot Stomach Troubles. When a man has trouble with his stomach you may know tl at he is eating more than he should or of some article of food or drink not suited to his a e or occupa tiou, or that his bowels are ha bitually constipated. Take Cham berlain's Stomach and Liver Tab lets to regulate the bowels and improve the digestion and see if the ' trouble does not disappear. Ask for a free sample. Sold ly James Plammer, Salisbury, and Spencer Pharmacy, Spencer, N. C. Three ways are used by farmers for curing and preparing their to bacco for the market; namely sun cured, air cured and f flue eured. The old and cheap way is called air cured ; tht later discovery and im proved way is called flue cured. In flue curing" the tobacco is taken from the fields and racked in bafns especially built to retain heat and theYe subjected to a continuous high temperature, produced by the direct heat of flame heated flues, which brings out in the tobacco that stimulating taste and aroma that expert roasting develops in green coffee. These similar processes give to both tobacco and coffee the cheer ing and stimulating quality that pop ularizes their use. The quality of tobacco depends much on the curing process and the kind of soil that produces it, as ex pert tests prove that this flue cured R. J. REYNOLDS TOBACCO COMPANY, WlNSTON-SALEM, N. C. lm- Tuilly rr i ono re TRADE MARK Hffifc REGISTERED F. S. ROYSTER GUANO CO., Norfolk, Va. nOOOBHMHVBBMaaaOC 8 Ml LI V UVMCUVS' 1 When you go to 0 0 o 0 0 Weaver is good. If you don't, ask your neighbor who has one. They are easy to Play, prices are Low and terms are Easy.' Write 0 0 D Yours trul, tobacco, grown in the famous Pied mont region, requires1" and takes less sweetening than tobacco grown in any other section of the United States and has a wholesome, stimulating, juicy, full tobacco taste that satisfies tobacco hunger. That's why chewers prefer Schnapps, because Schnapps cheers more than any o.ther chewing tobacco, and that's why chewers of Schnapps pass the good thing along one chewer makes other chewers, until the fact is established that there are more chewers and more pounds of tobacco chewed to the population in states where Schnapps tobacco is sold than there are in those states where Schnapps has not yet been offered to the trader- A ioc. plug of Schnapps is more economical than a much larger ioc." plug of cheap tobacco. Sold at 50c. per pound in 5c. cuts. Strictly 10 and 15 cent plugs. rarer have been the standard because they are made from honest materials; See that the trade mark is on every bag. None genuine without if. ivwv j ?U buy an organ or piano your home don't let an agent persuade you nthat some other is "just as good as tie Weaver." Come to us and buy a Weaver and be Satis fied. Organs coss too much to be experiment ing. You kuow the us for full particulars Now. C. W. FRIX k CO., MainStreet, Salisbury, N. C. 3Q tar A for North Carolina Disriiktors, ICQ ioOCCj 0 m n a 11 "Wlirniliiii.iiri r r V 0 j r 0 j s t ,. Hi r 8 D O

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