HOW-TO 6ET VOTES; SUNDAY SCHOOL CONVENTION. Some Pointers -for Those wlio .Wjnt to Work for'Subscriptf ons. : Any one interested iu our bog gy contest jandlintends to make an effort to secure the prize thould proceed as follows: x - -. Get a supply of sample copies of the Watchman and hand them to your neighbors and " friends whom you hope to secure as sub scribers; but if you haven't tnough samples keep one to show. Explain the merits of the paper and make him the cut rate to join your club. Nine times out of ten ycu -will land him. Every sub scriber is entitled to 1 vote for every cent paid on subscription and the agent is given the same for his trouble. As a rule the subscriber will not object to vot ing for the agent, so this gener ally means, with every full year's subscription the agent will 100 votes. Voting coupons be issued at this office when the subscription is paid. ' Renewals will be counted in the same way. Sample copies'will ba furnished to all free of oharge. Agents shouldl'be very careful to get the proper name and ad Iraporfajit Ueethg of Worr: to. le Mi f The 24th annual session of the North Oatolin aSunday Schoor AK sociaiion, will be held in -the First Methodist church,- ReidsviUe, N 0. , Tuesday, Wednesday and ThursdayrApril 2-1907 Prof. H. A. Hayes,. ReidsviUe, is chairman of the entertainment committee Those who ; expect to attend this meeting are request ed to send their names to Mr. Hayes at once. All who desire to attend will be accredited as dele gates. . -' - - . "-r: The railroads will grant a rate of one and one-third fare for the round trip . Ticket will be on sale April 1st, good till April 10th. An interesting programme has been arranged, for the occasion. Marion Lawrence, general secre- get tary of the International Sunday will School Association, and Dr. A. L. Phillips, general superintend ent of the Sunday school work of the Southern Presbyterian church, will be in attendance during the sessions of the convention. ' Rev. Grant C. Tullar and I. H. Meredith, of New York, will have v "Preveatics '-v wil 1 prom p t l y check s cold or the Grippe when takn early or . at the "sneeze stage." Preventrcs cure seated colds aa well, . Preventics are lit tle candy cold cure tablets, acid bt. z Shoop, Racine,- Wis,, will gladly mail you samples and a book on ColdB freej if you will write him. The "samples will prove their merit. Check early Golds wifh Preventics and -stop Pneumonia Sold in 5c and 25c boxes by Grimes Drug Store. - in u ii w. Having tried all other j remedies, will you con tinue to suffer through false tfarir1 n Seeds -W if,' . , - - : : : : : --- h m dress of every subscriber obtained, charge of the music. These gen- Any&one mtendmgto make a tlemen conducted the music at canvass should drop in and see us I the Greensboro convention, and as soon as convenient, it may be- their singing was one of its enter- that we can give tgem more as- taming features. sistance. It would be a good idea to send us the name and address of every man in your neighbor hood and let us send them sam pie copies and some special in formation to agents. There mav ha Rome too stinev and mean to War take a newspaper at any price, " but there are none too poor to take their home paper at the fig ure the Watchman is now being offered. In your rounds don't overlook any one. If other information is desired, write us. Ur. Page Will Have a Say. Those who know Henry Ar Page, of .the Asheboro and Aberdeen -Railroad, will be interested to know that he has somethiug good up his sleeve. No man in North Carolina is more fearod than Mr. Page, when he takes up his pen and begins to write out what he knows. Before he starts hunting he sees that his eun is well load ed. Therefore when the Moore county railroad man lowers his fowling piece everybody will sit up and take notice. When asked the other day if he could not add something to the gayety of nations, Mr. Page said : "Wait until the legislature ad journs. I have been hit and hit hard already and if I were to talk or write, my enemies might take another crack at me." These were not his exact words but they carry the substance of his re marks. Charlotte Observer. Chamberlain's Cough Remedy is Both Agreeable and Pleasant. Chamberlain's Cough Remedy has no superior for coughs coTds and croup, and the fact that it is pleasant to take and contains no thing in any way injurious has made it a favorite with mothers. Mr. W. S. Pelham, a merchant of Kirksville, Iowa, says : "For more than twenty years Chamber lain's Cough Remedy has been my leading remedy for all throat troubles. It is especially success ful in cases of croup. Children like it ai-d my customers who have used it will not take any other." For sale by James Plummer, Sal isbury, and Spencer Pharmacy, Spencer, N. C. Don't be" Foolish Represented Eye Head aches sap one's vitality and bring about a gens eral nervousness break down. Lot us Relieve Your Headaches by Remov ing the Cause. Save your Eyes and nei Tons energy. W. H. LEONARD, Jeweler and Optician, 128 N. Main 8t., Salltbury, N. C. FOR SUPERIOR VEGE TABLES & FLOWERS. 13Srebty-eight L years experience our own seed . .farms trial ... grounds and large warehouse capacity give ns an equipment .': that is unsurpassed anywhere for supplying :- the ; best seeds r obtainable. Our trade in seeds both for the ,V- . ... Garden and Farm ' is one of the largest in this country. "We are headquarters for Grass and Clover Seeds, Seed: Oats, Seed Potatoes, Cow Peas, Soja Beans and other Farm Seeds. "Wood's Descriptive Catalog glvea toiler and more complete Infor mation aoout DOtn Vxajueu auu j..tu. m Seeds than any other similar publica- tion issued to5 this country. Mailed free on request. Write for it. . T,W.Wood& Sons, Seedsmen, RICHMOND, - V A. s Charles W. Woodson, M. Medicine and Surgery. Offers, his Professional Services ,to the Pablicr Phone 886. OFFICE: WacHovia Bank Bnilding. HARNESS COTTON SEED WANTED. I Highest Cash Price Paid by J. H. McNEELY, i I I Now is the time to buy a new I set of harness. We have tnem icr all purposes and at all prices, light driving from $8,50 to $25 Oirriacre or Surrv harnessfrom zz o- " $15 to $25. , Team vyagou iar nessbest in town for the money. We have a job lot of harness which we will close out at a very close rtrice. Now is the time to get a bargain. Repairing of all kinds neatlj and nromntlv done at lowest X , A prices. Cut this ad, out aDd bring it with you and for every $1 pur- chase, or more, we will giver a nice buggy whip, Office at the Brown Shoe Store 107 N. Main St., Salisbury. We will commence closing out one of the best, newest and most tiptodate lines of Shoes that has ever been closed out at any sale in this town on as- the For Effectlio Coast 6aard. Letters have Jeen sent by istant searetary Oliver, Df war department, to the governors of all seaboard states asking their oO'Operation in " the development of the war department's plan for the training of an effective coast guard iirough the operation of the orgs niztd" militia in connec tion with the regulars assigned to coast artillery service. The letters were accompanied by circulars prepared by the chief of artillery setting forth his plan to set aside a portion of the State troops in all of the coast states for artillery service, the State troops to have each ytar from seven to ten days of training at an artillery postiunder the direction, of the regulars. The chief of ar tillery also suggests designation of certain State troops to protect the land jide of the coast artil lery posts, which plan entails no additional expense on the States. Washington dispatch. . Are you tired, fagged out, ner? vous, sleepless, feel mean? HoU lister's : Rocky. : Moun tain Tea strengthens the nerves, aids di gestion, brings refreshing sleep. 85 cents, Tea or Tablets. T. W. Qrimes Drug Co. 0 Thesejtre not odds and ends or Sample Shoes or odd sacck, but everything is New, Fresh and up-to-date goods, but we have made up ourjminds to go out of the shoe busi ness and these Shoes must go out. Our prices on these Shoes will be the manufacturer's, plus the freight. None f these goods will be charged or taken back. We want to close out this stock inside 80 days if we have to sell them bulks to some merchant. Don't wait if you want the best. Another line we are . going to close out is our Art SquareftjfQnd RUQS. We have a big line of them bought direct from th? mills. These are all new freeh goods i f the very latest make and the Newest Patterns. Our 0x12 Ingrain Art Squares worth fS.OO to f6.50 will be closed out at $4.25 Our 9x12 Saxony Art Squares worth $10,00 at 7.00. - Our 9x12 Alma Art Squares worth $10 to $12 at; $7.00. Our. Royal Axminster 9x 12 worth $25;00 at $ 1 8.00. Onr 9x12 Shirar worth $18.00 at $13.00. Our Oriental, Art Squares worth $80.00 at $21.00. We have a biit line of small Rugs to match these Art Squares hat will be reduced in : the same proportion. We al8ohave a lot of Hall Eunners that will go in at Manu facturer's Cost. ' ' : : - 0 0 0 0 Wishes to say to his many customers and friends,.a nd " the public in gen eral that he has this fall one bf the largest and most complete litres of Mer v chandise to be found in the city, and; he asks, that you call and look through . -- this mammoth stock. - Children's and Misses Coats. : ' If you are looking for a Ladies' Coat, he has thera in all the new styles; coverts, shadow plaids, tan and castor kerseys, black kerseys, rain coats, all urtdM; he minute. Big lot of Children's and Misses,' GoatB. Something that is real nobby and stylish. - V Fine Line of Dress Goods. 11 you are Jookihg for the most-up-to-date stales in Drees Goods, simply see his line. He -has all th 9 . new shadow effects, in all colors, and in black. His stock cannot be surpassed. See his Poplins and Panamas, Serges and Po de Soie, in fact anything in Dry (roods. It will do u good to call and see wha . has . Oui line of black nd colored Taffetas Guaranteed. Have no equal They are just from the loom. Mo starch, soft and pliable, still having the rustle. - ' .- - Big Line of Carpets and Hugs. All new and uptodate. Big line of Lae Curtains. Bought in a job. Can save you from 25c to 50c a pair. Sample Carpets. Comforts and Blankets. Short ends of Percals, Domes All cheap and good styles. tics, Flanneletts. If you want the Best Shoes for Men; See his line. F If yon Want a Good Hat: See what he has. Hartline 4 -Co. aA.-w, wmeff. Phone 433, 180 East Inniss St. Xi SAh Sth Hjs 9 o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o WE begiij February with an array of val ues destined to make it a banner month. The neonle certainly came our way in They- seemed to appreciate efforts made to save them money and we had many nice things said which pleased and encouraged us. Yes, even merchants like to have nice things said about them once in a while. January. the special SilEis CREAM JAP SILKS An excellent line of these in 27 inch and 86 inch at 30cF 50c, 75c and $1 the yarch COLORED TAFFETA Excellent valu-.; all best colors, at 39c yard COLORED TAFFETA 75cT grade at 65c yd. Colored Taffeta, 36 Inch, at $1 .00 yard. . CREPE DECHENE Pink, blue and cream, at 58c yard. We woultl like for vju to compare ours with that sold by others at 75c yd. " PEAN DE CYGNE-?J inch at 75c yard. BLACK TAFFETA Now we can talk to you in dollars and cents. We do not lik to say our $1 00 grade" of black Taf fta is the $1.25 grade of: some one else or is worth$l 25 a yd. but we can hoiipshly ?ay that'our $1 grade is worth the last red cent we ask for it. Extra value in 30 liich black Taffeta at $1.25. BLACK PEr HES0IE,36in.vido BLACK HA U - Mf aiSCc yard; CREAM r.10 HAIR, at 50, 75c, $1 and $1.25 yard. CREAH SERGEI, 44 inch at $1.00 CREAM EOLEA, at $1.25 yard PRINTED VOCL CHALLIES. Long Silk loves BLACK AND WHITE. NEW RUCKING. Coat Suits A few of them left and we will continue to sell them at half price until the last one is gone. . "- Rain Goats and (Children's CloaCic SoiiIb excellent values in -these and we are selling them one-third: lees than regu lar price. . ; if i i 1 o o o f v ( ) o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o -1 i -- 1 '

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