Til): CAROLINA ViATGHMAll. WltV H. 8TSWAIIT, Ed. lad Pub. Published DTry W4aady at 1X0 Wnt IbbIss etrwt - Subscription Pric $1 ptr ynr ttrleUj; out la adrsaes Entered as second-clss matter Jaa. 19th. IMS; at th port oQee at Bali burj, N. a. oader tha art of Control of liarea trd. 1MT. -': V Sa.ix8BUBT, N. C , APRiL-8rdf '07. - The people through o at the county are much interested in the present " mayoralty contest. If they could vote there would be no doubt about Mr. Vanclerf ord receiving an overwhelming ma jority. If the third term rule is to be broken they feel that the Democratic party will be, easily defeated at the next county elec tion,: When " any one man gets above the laws and regulations of the party it is but natural that conservative persons become dis gusted. During the last two weeks or more, we have experienced a most unusual sp9ll of weather for this time of year, March was as gen tle as October and as warm as July. The flowers budded, bloom ed and withered in the short peri " od of a week. The high tempera ture brought them forth very rap idly and the heat and "dryness caused them to pass away quickly. This was followed Sunday by rain, snow aud a freezing tempearture which , destroyed considerable vegetation. , " Judge Montgomeiy, of Concord, who was one of the attorneys for , the White brothers at their trial fnr the killincr of Rnsiell Sherrill. is said to have made a very warm !"t1a. Batata thft Stata -XSrninnil ' wwm w w w w - .-. w - - -r tt J urging mat iae ;.vy oiws-pfl par doned, in tne course i tt nis re marks the Judge, aecordine to a Raleigh dfsnatch in the Concord Times, ''emphasized the high po sition and high character of men signing. the petition for the pat- don, urged the seven tv years of their mother, that Mrs. Thomas White is a physical wreck and that the public is satisfied, etc." This is all very well, no one can object to Judge Montgomery doing all he can for his clients. We, with many others, feel strong sympathy for the families of Thomas and Charmers White, and it is not at all pleasantvto con template the deep sorrow of these wives and the mother over the re sult of the rash act of the two men they certainly hold dear. But there is another side to this picture which should have been held up to the gaze of .the Council ot bcate at the same time ; per haps it was, we do not know. But it ought not to be forgotten that Russell Sherrill had a moth er, and that these two high-toned, chivalrous gentlemen shot iim ; down before that mother's eyes, and while she was pleading with them, as only a mother can plead, to spare hislife. Is this mother to have no svmDathv: must her anguish be overlooked and passed by as not worthy of comment? 1 his feature of the tragedy is the blackest, the -most horrible one connected with it. Could the sort of men their friends claim ,the Whites are have killed this boy in the presence of his mother while she was begging 'for his life? Such a thing is lnconceivaoie, it is not with in thA bonds of reason to evun dream of it. In this county where all the facts and circum- stances oi tne wageay are Dest known, there was.a ; strong senti ment against this pardon being granted, the gen eral opin ion being that the. Whites escaped lightly and deserved .to serve their sen-1 white children in. the factories, tence down to the tmallest frao-1 That you endotse the failure to tion of a minute. ; . .imake reports as the law trects : . ."' .' I Thatyou endorse the jumble Auss manna jtitcnie ana u. i. waiKer, oi uaDarrus counwereA married last Thursnay afternoon, f Rev. E; L. Ritchie,' of Spencer, .a ? brother of the bride, officiated. f you -vote; for A1: H.Boyden for mayor; - -That yon endorse rthe'hreaking" of the third term rule, r t? A ; Jhat Jyou endorse" the e'ndanger iig of the existence of 4he Rowan Democracy ,J " - ' " - That you endorse the - reckless and extravagant expenditure' of public funds, ":- That you : endorse r keeping7an embezzler in office, ' - ; That yodendprse payings said embezzler a larger salary after he became short m his accounts than the ) town charter allows to be paid , ; '. '.-" : x y-' S: ':, ,- That you endorse the embezzle ment of town funds, taking this as a precedent, by any and all of ficials in the future, - , That in making such, endorse ment you are upholding dishon est men and discrediting men who are striving to be honest and' live uprightjlives, That you are fostering dishon esty and discouraging honesty and oprightness, That by such endorsement you are assisting in lowering the mor als of theentire community. That by such an endorsement you are putting a premium on trickery, .corruption, , drunrkon aess, vice, lewdness and gambling, That you endorse the violation of law, the placing of the poor on the chain gang without a fair tri al and an immunity of the law by the rich and favored few, That you endorse base ingrati tude to faithful friends, That you endorse a man who goes back on his word when it is given in good faith, That you endorse petty tyran ny, spite, demagoguery, vindic tiveness and snobbery, That you endoise the methods that have been used here to over ride the will of the people, That you endorse the governing of Salisbury and Rowan county by the legislature, That you endorse the issuiug of bonds without the consent of the people, That you endorse the existence of the many mud holes on Iuniss and most of the other' streets, That you endorse spending all the money on a few streets and paying no attention to the rest, That you endorse the nabbing of poor negro crap-shooters, who are sent to. the chain gang, and the ignoring jf the; regular "gen- tlemen1 gamblers, , That you endorse hypocrisy, such as was exhibited when the town attorney, and an alderman were reprimanded for eating in a saloon after closing hours whiqh law the mayor had beena habitu al violator of, That you endorse the fining of a poor man $5 for being drunk by a mayor , who was guilty of the same offense before night of the sa me day, That you endorse the control ot the city s anairs by a ring or clique of self constituted bosses, That you endorse the confisca tion of the citizens' property to pay for cement pavements in front of said property, that re used by the entire community, That you endorse the buying of votes- and personal favors with city funds, by promising to im prove this or that street, N That you endorse the borrow ing of money, with private ; en dorsements, counting on Jusing i;he lash to carry a bond issue to repay the amounts so borrowed, -That you endorse the idea that it is a great crime for good inen to die in office, but; an honor for a party oss to do so, That you endorse ijossism That you endorse , the perpetu al candidate, ; C - . That you endorse imperialism and anarchy, : . '.' That you endorse the slavery of me vcown s oooxs ana, nnauces . That you endorse one man rul9 ; That you endorse Ta d ship over a free people, -- Kemero br r wh en iua you ,endorse: the using oi a Lpublif ofBce to punish personal r That ou-- endorse malfeasance in office, ex, sg That you endorse the dictator? ahip;of all.the interests mthB city, especially ?the selection aof city officials, by the whiskey ring, rAnd remember, : that when you endorse. f life tenure, in i ffice that" you need hot educate" your boy for such ra. nositioii' There will be jfew-to fill.- Ybu might also re member that when you endorse"; a note, or other diocumentr-ihat you become a responsible factor for its existence, jand if it is cri minal you become particeps' criminus. The outrageous conduct ;of the present mayor has been, -boldly pointed out and every well mean ing man has had an opportunity to investigate the truthfulness thereof. These things no one has had the courage to deny, so they stand as undisputed! facts before the community, ahd,np one knows the truth thereof j better ian those who are wearing the button with the man who looks like some one-had stuck a piece of limber ger under - his nose. The most charitable view that can be held toward such men is that they are ignorant of the qualities of their candidate or else they lost their perception of right and wrong, at the age of ten, when their moth ers had blackberry jam in the paatry. A CrlQlnil Attack on an lnofTensive citizen is fre quently made in that apparently useless little tube called tha ap pendix. It's generally the re sult of protracted constipation, following liver'toi$)or. Dr. King V New Life Pills regulate the liver, prevent appendicitis ' and; estab lish regular habits of the bowels. 25c at all druggists. House Entered bj Robbers, Last Friday night the housejoij Mrs. C: A. Rice, on-KortrrFultoB street, was entered by one or mojee robbers. A hurried -search Iwas was made of the premises but they secured nothing of value. Mrs. Rice was not at home at the time, having gone to spend the night with her sis ter Mrs. L. A. Frazier. Out 8f Sight. ''Oat of sight, out of mind," is an old saying which applies with special force to a sore, burn or wound that's been treated with Buckleu's Arnica Salve. It's out of sight, out of mind and out of existence Piles too and chil blains disappear under its healing influence. Guaranteed by all druggists. 25 ;. For Catarrh, let me send you free, just to prove merit, a Trial size Box of Dr. Shoop's Catarrh Remedy, It i? a snow white, creamy, healing antiseptic balm that givs instant relief to Ca tarrh of the nose and throat. Make th free test and see. Ad dress Dr. Shoop, Racine, Wis. Large jars 50 cents. Sold by Grimes Drug Store. Report of the condition of th " , THE BANK OF SPENCER, r " at Spencer, N. C, at the close of business March 22nd, 1907. HKSOUBCES. Loans and Discounts. . . . ; . . Overdrafts, secured . . .-. r. . . unsecured, . . ? . . . .-. . .. Furniture and Fixtures. . Due froni Banks and Bankers Silver coin, including all mi : nor coin currency. .... . National bank notes and oth-r- er TJ S. notes.. . ... : Total . ... " IilABIIITIBP. . Capitalltock paid in,. . . . . 7. Undivided profits, less cur rent expenses and, taxes Deposits subject tocheek $32.68.22 117.50 134.95 714.00 2,891.89 501 83 ,7525 00 $44539 $ 5,000.00 f-2,005.15 37.548.24 ,t. f.i r;-r.r: Total. . . . . . $44 553 39 State of N. O.j County of RowanA S. S: t I, J. K, Dorsett.cashier-of the abote hamed bank, do solemnly swear that the above statement is true to the best of my knowledge and belief. ? . - Jas K. Doksett, cashier. Correct Attest : 7 -J-. ; ; ; i . -.- . - Jisi D. : Doksktt, V.c' . ' . 8. C. Sasskk, : . Directors, ..;; c S. C; Dobsett, . T i a. r . -Subscribed and sworn to before me, this the 28th day of JMareh, 1907. A. Gooiuax, notary public. , TJr:winiftw,ort,Wiow.ti.- tOgintoetwm cureBlind, - . wx-uc. xi ausoroscne lumors, allays" the itching at once, acts as a pomace gives instant re- warranted. Bv drrto-lrists. hxr itmit nn m. eeipt of price, 60 cent and $1.00. WILLIAMS tUKUFACTURIJJS CO.. Propa ClevelaSotohSw 1 Quick & 5ati$- J f actor v service 1 nnrntP(t - uuaraaiera. s V ' I UU VII1IIUS U IrUIHIlWI I, l6thf 11th-F and G Sts., Washington, D. C. 1fhito Linen Finish Cotton Suitings 1 The"8e Linen , finished Cotton Suitings are treated so as Jtb be aidapted to al Iff the, purposes ' for ihich linen is. used. They make an almost perfect substitute for lmen one-quarter -the cost. We have selected these five grades as the best at their respective prices ; fJewport'Suiting. ; Linen Mesh, round in wide. Yard,. ... . . threadv 32 12 1-2c. Auto Cloth. Old ; Irish linen-finish, full shrunk, 86 in., wide. Yard 15c Double-Warp Suiting. For Suits and skirts, 36 inches wide, very satisfactory material. Yard; . . . .. . .... .. . . 20c. Indian Head. This material is specially cod structed and finished for misses' and women's suits, 86 inches. wide Yard 15c. But faranperior to all for Wo men's and Children's Wear is our Lmen Finish Costume Cloth. - This has the appearance in weave of, a duck, and is more de sirable on account of the lighter weight. It is so constructed that the wearing qualities are the best ; 86 in., wide. Yard, . ...... 25c. Best Quality Seeds and '. Bulbs. We invite attention to our first showing for this season of Flower. Seeds .and Bulbs of high quality. Those who have obtained 'their ies from us in past years are fully acquainted with the satisji factory results afforded. Best Lawn Grass Seed, p'ck, 15c. Johnsons Best Flower Seeds including Sweet. Peas, 4 packages for. Johnson -s Vegetable Seeds, 5c. 2 large p'ck'gs. . . . 5c. Pearl Tuberose Bulbs, doz:, 15c. Gladiolus Bulbs, doz. . . . Tuberose Begonia Bulbs, . double, each, .'. Caladium or Elephant Ear Bulbs, each Lily of the Valley, each 2c' 25 for..... ........ Dahlias, each, T Peonies, each, 15c. 8c. 10c. 40c. 15c. 20c. r.loth Preventives. We carry a full liue of Moth Balis, Motn Flakes, etc., aud quotf a few items Moth Balls, package. . ...... 5c. Crystalliue'Camphor, package 7c doz .......... :. . . . . ... . 75c Lavender-Camphor, package 10c. doz.....,.,.. r......... $1.10 Gedar of Lebanon, package. .iOc. doz... . . $1.00. Camphorated PJakes, tin box, 18c., doz. . $2.00. TeddyRabbits. "The new plaything from the same maker whose: origiual and attractive Teddy Bears have won fame all over the world. They are made of white fur skin, with movable head and legs and pink lined ears. $1 00 to $2.00. ' r Jointed Teddy Bears, small size'; cinnamon only. . . . . . . . 25c. Tops. Top season is here. We are showing a large line of all the va rious kinds. mall tops,"5 for . . . 5Ci Good Wooden Tops . . . . . . ... T 2c. Jersey Lily" - Tops. . . . ... . 3c. c Rubber Neck" Tops.'. , . 5c ',4Never stop Humming' tops tor ooys ana gins. , . . . . . e iuc Top Cords Dozen . IOc 10c Rolling Hoops Archery Sets, ( bow arid arrow) ? - 15o Orfcrs Filled: slme Day .aI(eceived. 1 1 HHP tSSrl Wooden Carts, 25c and 50c iBoy's WoddenWagons, well 1 0O made. Simple Cure f o Eczema- --j. r l -'- " - ' -.Ifyouaie One of .those" anfortunates wHo have 0,. or long-1 m or a ave auf t red-irt-atience with any f"tln'S"dr aed forms of sk "a. disease, asS. oui8lt-why-yott vha eijot 4 ned that. 1? freshinr. ootniag e-.- t'-raal rqald, DUD- rresCTiptlon. - -J)on?MiOTe the stomach-r-eure -1 he - akin t)lonCb-theakio.,- " dr iiiS o D D D Prescription and there is IN jST NT relief! -O t JSTo more doainji 1he -atomacli with uselesg drujrSi--No more smearing qi trreasy oiux toenta 011 yourself to vx y nr temper and stain your clothes, a simple wasn, ana yonr agonies and suifenngs disappear ana witn it soon the humiliation of showing a distressed face - Thonaanda who have een cured have writ ten their gratitude for ODD P e?cription a- d yoa can see-their letters at our d'ug sore Wervoa li.for the : remedy and wo back the Wn-rda of" th mamifftfltarer T W Grimes.'' Th-iMTtfist. Kfclisburv. N C. but the D D tCom- it&nv. manufacturers -of thejemedy, . have male a special offer to send aHarre sample bott'e practically: fre to a,ny personho - has neirr nned tKifn-emedv" " None but those who have not vet tried D D D ahouid write f;r the sample, -enclosing- only 16 cents, ailver or i stamps, which dpesr not even pay for the' cost , of postage aud packingr of large sample Too. eanjfet a large regular size bottle from thfer druggist named above or send 10 cents for - a T sample direct tofhe D D D Company, Suite A, Il2 tol20 Michigan Street; Chicago ; - : " . ' ... ; ' : . " ' Report of the Condition of THE MERCHANTS' AND FARMERS' BANK, at Cleveland, in the State of North Carolina, at the close of business Mareh 22nd, 1907 .' " BSSOITBCES. ; Loans and discounts. . ... ... J ...... . $10,595 1 9 Overdrafts, secured and unsecured, 353 04 Jf'urniture ana fixtures, Demand Loans,,.. ....;...,.... D le from banks and bankers . Gold coin -Silver coin, including all minor coin currency, National bank and other U S.notes, Expenses, less undivided profits,.... 683 33 7,500 00 3,953 18 616 00 905 31 374 00 67 -12 $25,449 46 Tot&lf . . . : LIABILITIES. Capital stock .,. ., Notes and bills rediscounted,.... Time certificates of deposit Deposits subjectto check Cashier's checks outstanding ! 5,000 00 2,000 00 1,8l9 56 12,468 74 .161 16 Total............... ....$25,449 46 State of North Carolina,. County of Rowan, ss: I, H. T. Kelly, cashier of the abeve-nam-ed bank, do solemnly swear that-the above statement 13 true to the best of my knowledge and belief. H. T. Kelly, cashier. Correct attest: R. M. Rosebro, 1 - C. A,, Brown. .. dire' tors? J. A. Lyerly, ) Subscribed and sworn to before me, this 27th day of March, 1907. - W. H. White notary public. Report of the. Condition of The Bank of China Grovey at China Grove, N. C, at the close of business March 22nd, 1907. ; : KESOUBCES. Loans and discounts $40,883 43 Furniture and fixtures . . .xT. 600 00 Due from banks and bankers 7,048 75 Gold coin....... 14250 Silvei coin, including all minor coin ; currency 783 40 National bank and other U. S. notes, 2,909 00 i Total.. $52,367 08 ' . LIABILITIES. , Capital stock, . ... . ... $ 9,750 00 surplus Fund 600 00 Undivided iproflts, less current ex penses and taxes paid.. ;.. 1,060 52 33.131 41 17,14103 684 13 iStJeposJts subjectto check. vashier s checks outstanding i: ; .. .Total,5... .....r.. $52,867 8 r State of North Carolina,, cbttnty of "Rowan, b8: I i, wcv tsmora, casaier oi tee above named bank, do solemnly swear that the aboTRt.it meui is true to the best of xny knowledge ttnd- Deiiei. w . u. Bii'ruKJJcasnier. Correct attest: C. B. Miller, ) J. L. Boatain, directors. McF, Ritchie, ) Subscribed and sworn to before me, this 28th day of Mareh, 1907. . J, L. Sifford, notary public. The Publisher's Claims Sustained United States Court of Claims The Publishers of Webster's International Dictionary allege that it is, in fact,the popu- -lar Unalwidged thoroughly re-edited in every detail, and vastly enriched in every part, witn the purpose of adapting it to meet the larger and severer requiremejjta of another genera tion." We are o'f the opinion that this allegation most clearly and accurately describes the work that naa been accomplished and the result that hsia been reached. The Dictionary, as it row stands, bus been thoroughly re edited in every detail, has been corrected in every part, and is admirably adapted to meet" the larfrer and severer requirements of a generation which demands more of popular philological knowledge than any generation that the world has ever contained. It is perhaps needless to add that we refer to the dictionary in our judicial work as of the highest authority in accuvacy of defini tion ; ard that in the future as in the past it vwill be the source of constant reference. CHARLES C NOTT, Chief Justice. LAWRENCE WELDCN, JOHN DAVIS, STANTON J. PEEIXE, CHARLES E. HOWRY, Jodgea. The above refers to WEBSTER'S INTERNATIONAL DICTIONARY THE GRAD PRIZE "- fthe highest award) was given to the Interna tional at the W orld's sdr, St. Louis. BET THE LATEST AND BEST Ton iiifll he interested incur (peciinen pages, sent free, G.&C. M ERR! AM CO. . PUBLISHERS, 6PRSNGFSELD, MA83. Before YotrParchasa Any Other Writs , - VHE RlW KSMSHViSG ffiAC'ilNE CCMPAST :i, . -ORANGE, MASS.. Many Sewing Machines, are rcadeto sell rerard ij3cf, tjuaitity. but the "Sew JrSouie" is inads" b wear. Our guaranty never runs Out. -. We make Sewing Machines to sun all cfa-idiiTon-fct the trade. -The " 3fcwr.IIom . s'ar.-'s 1 1 rh' lead of allXfis;!-srrme fatnfy scwing-ni3shin-if. Hold Ty authorized lealei only, . FOR SALE BY . " I WEBSTEKS VwcnoNAiny - W - M- RUTH, Salisbury, N. C. TtfeJIatterrbfi. -- Drug buying is much .more , important than moat people realize. If everybody-knew as much about druge as drug gists do a bout what a d iff err ence there is in quality and . pot en cy -r- purchaserd , would bempre ldiscrroipatjngw Drugs are generail y bought for the promotion of health or comfort. If purchased at ohr store we will guaran tee the results to be satisfactory in the greatest possible de gree We believe that drugs should be carefully": chosen aud we therefore eet the best even if higher cost reduces our profits health is at stake. SALISBURY DRUG CO., 116 N. Main St. ' For J MODERN DENTISTRY at prices in reach of all call on Philadelphia DehtalAssociation v Everything 3gt we do is guaranteed to be up-to- dateDentist- - ry. We extract teeth with as little pain as p.acticable. Give ns a tiial. Office 122 W. Main Street, Overman Building. Dr. FOX, Manager. 4 Per Gent We. pay 4 per cent, on money in savings department, adding the interest to the principal every 90 days, and offer every safe guard to the depositors. : : We also loan -money on real es tate and personal security; . " ' THE PEOPLES BANK AHD TBUST CO. B, R. JtJLtAN", JT. D.fToKWOOD, President. , . Cashier. P. H. Thompson, J. A. Peeler, it t :j a. mn y .x roaiuouu. leiier. notice to Customers. For every bushel of good No, 2 milling wheat, 401bs of flour and 141bs of bran will be given. A fine water power enables us to do this. Jan. 30th, 1907. 6t. Rothrock Roller Mills. TVTf!lI Pat fairs old nffcattafeaA States thaq of any tfter make of pfttterna. Tbk U l Morant i : of their mkym. accuracy and aimpiictty. KeOall's BIarBlne(TbeQanf FasUeaJ Tsar's subscription (it numbers) costs 60 cents, 11 MOBber, o cents. Erery subscriber ;ets a l&oC&U Ps teca Free - Subscribe today. t subscribers than any othwr Ladies' Magazine. Oa ' Ia.dy Asentsi Wanted. Handsome prssalmaeef Iweral cash commission. "Pattern Catalogue ( of DOS d. nie psesaw togue( of 6 t 400 preo CO.Kev giij ana r rem mm araionie (soowiaa; 400 presaiuisep fcMiisf 50 YEARS .ir EXPERIENCE EXPERIENCE Trade Marks ; Designs Copyrights &c quickly ascertain our opinion free whether an invention is probably patentable. , Communica Anyone sending a sketorj and description may tions strictly confidential. Handbook on Patents sent tree, oiacst agency zor securing patents. . Patents taken through Mann 'A Co. receive tptcial notice, without charge, in the Scientific American. A handsoraeTy Illustrated weekly JaTgeet dr. eolation o any scientific Journal. Terms, $3 a year ; iour months, f L 80 d by ail newsdealers. MUlltl & Co.38lBroid- Hew York Branch Office A2S 9 St. Wasbinston. IXC tub COUCH AND the LUNGS WITH rONSUMPTION Price OUGHSand 50c & $1.00 Free Trial. I0LD$ Surest and Quickest Cure -for all THBOAT and LUNG. TROUB LES, or HONEY BAGS. , 1 yjmm J K ......... . , 1