THE FLOWERS CQUICTKM GUncirtCUUtlbri can bo Easily Proven to bo about double that of any other pa per publishd here. Stick a Spike Here. to take advantage of our Low rates and;, get the Best Paper in the county- You get all the news In it A Home Newspaper Published in the Interest of the People and for Honesty in Governmental Affairs. VOL. III. NO. 18. Salisbury, N. O., Wednesday, April 17th, 1907, y ' i : " ' ' Wm, H.Stewart, Editor. Carolina W4tchimn0 liie 1 LEXINGTON AND DAVIDSON COUNTY. Report of Baddy's Arrest Is a Fake., Train Runs into a Handcar. Lexington Dispatch, April 10th. Wednesday morning local pas senger train No. 8 ran into a handcar loaded with section hands just above High Point and knock ed it Bky-high. The men leaped for, their lives and were unhurt, but the car was smashed and tools and dinner pails were flung in teen directions; Nobody was hurt and the train came to a standstill quickly. The flection hands got the fright of their lives. Andrew Beck, who lives on Thomasville Route 5, in Conrad Hill township, brought his little 11-year-old son, Columbus, to -Lexington, seeking a mad stone, as the boy was bitten Sunday by a dog belonging to Lindsay Beck. Sheriff Dorsett's mad Btone was applied and stuck for a consider able time. THE WHITE CASE. ALBEMARLE AND STANLY COUNTY. Governor Glenn Makes a Statement as to Republican Paper Turned up Its Toes. The his Attitude la the Matter. Fruli not all Killed. As the readers of the Watch- etmy Bnterprue. AnuListfc. man have taken considerable in- The Albemarle Index has again terest in the White case, we give suspended. As yet its life seems herewith a statement from Gov- to have depended almost entirely ernor Glenn regarding the pardon of the two brothers : State vs, Thomas J. and Chal mers L. White : The defendants were indicted in Rowan county for murder in the first degree. They put" in a upon tne support it nas receivea through campaigns. The Enter: prise has grown accustomed to the Index and its peculiar munuvers, and in a way we shall miss our contemporary. We were rather hoping that it would survive the plea of "not guilty" for the reas- strain, for it represented "the on that they acted in self defense, other sice," and was most loyal After a fair and impartial trial to its cause. The stockholders they were convicted of murder in are considering several new turns, the second degree and sentenced and while nothing definite can be by His Honor, Judge Cook, to six stated just now, it is more than years at hard labor in the State's probable that bfy the time a new prison. The defendants after re- campaign rolls around our neigh maining in priion for nearly two bor will revive under some sort of years applied to me for a pardon, name. Mr. Sanders performed but having prosecuted the case in well his part itT keeping it alive the court below, and beincr con- one year, and he deserves the vinced of their guilt, and feeling thanks of his party. a,emgwuii ijrcx, i """s tnac tne sentence was not exces- a waeon oine almost through a golden opportunity to become Bive, I feared that I could not give th3 streets "of Albemarh? in broad wealthy, suddenly and with ease, the defendants an impartial hear- daylight and loaded with nearly n mey, ro uuu v ing ann aecmea tnererore'to re-Uiffht.v .allnns of mnnin nnrn li. town books trying to untangle the fer the case to" the Couccil of quor, should cause our people to alleged tangle that is said to baf- stater their decision to be mine, Rnd think ft mnmAnt. Th i fle the intellects of citizens. Une whether it accorded ith my view painfully evident the men believ Wi bu iu0B. u10u UM Or not. ed the were Bafe, so lax has been offered his entire earthly posses-1 Mr. T I J O r I Ttltn H. I I I li II 1 1 H 1)1 uur tlMIUIIllH LU sions to a lawyer who can ; under- n opinion in the case to the ef- wardg such violations. Sheriff stand thefbooks. It is supposed fect that the defendants should be Love aud officer Kluttz are to be that the gntlmaa a -large saUry pardoned, asked to be relieved commended for their goes along with the other prop-1 horn the hearing. On the day ln t-lB inBauce erbjr, buu.u ib aiau ouppsou buabiget lOrxpe nearing, 1 Statea tnese hnnnd that thftv tne oner is m gooa iann, since u facts both in, regard to Mr. Lacy Utauding menace was maae in puoiic ana witn a land myself, and also read a letter tnja tjud. written bv me to one of the in terested parties, in which I stated I belie vei the defendants guilty and that no application for par don should be heard for two years. That in view of our expressiens if either the State or the defend- uggy Rree! The Watchman's Latest and Biggest Contest Now on. Will Continue till June ist. great show' of earnestness. It is refreshing to come upon a colored i man who is industrious and peaceful, who works every minute he can and saves his money- Sylvester Hickle is such a negrp. He is from South Caro- prompness and it is to be will become a to evil doer of Upon hia return from Rich mond, Dr. V."A. Whitley says the examination made by the-epecial- ists at the Pasteur Institute indi- If you Want a Good Buggy Dotft Fail to Get Busy at; Once. The biggest and'best ptoposition in the way of a voting contest ever offered by The Watchman is herewith set on foot. The conditions are brief and the prize is great. Now is your opportunity to get a splendid one-horse buggy with out the outlay of a dime .on your part. You want aT good buggy and we want to increase the circulation of the Wamchman, hence we inaugurate the followinging voting contest. For every cent paid on subscription, one vote will be given, except subscriptions brought in by some one act ing as anagent, in which case two votes for each cent paid will be given. Voting coupons with the number of votes to which one is entitled' theron will be issued to all who make payments. These coupons must be deposited at the office of the Watchman to be counted and credited to the proper candidates?- . No one connected with the Watchman force in any man ner will be allowed to enter the contest, but all others now subscribers are invited to help in .any manner they can. Work for yourself or help some one else to get it. DESCRIPTION OF THE BUGGY. We haven't a suitable cut of the buggy which some lucky person will receive "at the expiration of this contest, tout in a general way we can say that it is a No. 12 Dia mond buggy madebythe Du rantDort Carriage Cor It is of the open side bar type and one of the best makes on the market, substantial and, first class in every particular. It can be seen by calling at the Barber Buggy and Wagon Co. 'a place of business,' on gentlemen will take pleasure iii mTbllHiarinade Lexington his ants objected to Mr. Lacy or my- hame. W is eneaeed on the rail- Be" nB m tne ca8e. we WOQld roadnearlown. He has already prefer to retire. The State's coun boughVand paidJfor a" lot" and aaid that he.was perfectly will haa built a house, which he is ing for both of us to remain. The TTo I defendant's counsel stated, that does not drink, has-never been nr- while he had th j utmost co 1 rested and has never even Taeen a deno- in U8 still, in view of what witness in a trial. As a result of had been said, and my previous cates that the dog which bit the Council street. These little son of Milas Morgan, and showing it and giving any information about it that may be little Mirriam Seago, was un- desired. Remember some one will get it without fail. If doubtedly rabid. In view of this you want one wny not mate an effort to get ltt the parents may feel that they have taken wise precaution. We have talked with a number of our fruit growers, and the opinion seems to prevail that all the fruit is not killed. The peach blooms have suffered most larger lib VJL I .', - I . ... I i " A I- i.1 il Li I Itr anil tv. nnn lnmln naa Knnn rlnnn industry he is acauiring a home I conneemon wu me case, wougui ' "Jl"J """P j xt.. i. u:i.lit fair and iust that" both Mr. La- the crop as a whole." nnn mm in vm i.iim i mm i ihi h i w 1 1 ih i i folks who are willing to help him cv and my8elf hoM retire- ThiB along. Last week we reported a "re port" to the effect that Gaddjr had been captured at Danville. Mr. Bell, of Lane Brothers, went to Danville to investigate and iouuu a uiggor auuuu nan kiio oiz,oi tereBte(l partles wno natl never oi urauujr, iuujuur uu myio o Heard of tne merits oi tne case the murderer than a bale of bay. kna leave it to them to act uoon. . x Some man named Lamer, who njHofurthar objection was made to said to have lived m Lexington, the Counsel of State hearing the we did. FIRE AT LEXINGTON. I then stated that if there any objection-to the remaining Curry Blockon Main street Destroyed. members of the Council of State. to wit: Col. Grimes, Dr. Dixon and Mr. Joyner hearing the case, that I would select three diaiL- but now lives - in Danville and calls himself a detective, wired here that the negro. wa Gaddy, but when a renlv was sent in for particulars, the detective failed to give them. Capturing notep criminals is a nuisance and the nft-rfc man who aDnrehends "Gad dy" ought to be jailed himself. matter, but both the defendants and the State seemed content with leaving th6 matter to the three above named gentlemen. I de livered them the evidence in the caBe, the petitions, letters of both individuals and the trial judge, and requested them to carefully consider the case and then make tneir report to me and tnat tnsir "RntflB Sltnrdll." findings would be my decision W m- - . . I ri crnvArn mv A.nfinn in rofnaincr There was an egg boning at J. N. Lovelace's Saturday night, all present had a very nice time Qnma nf the bOVS were SICK SUBSCRIPTION PRICES. During this contest we have decided to ' make the most liberal prices possible for full year subscriptions. They are as tollowe: The Watchman, single subscription, new or renewal.. .75c 2 years, " u 41 .. ..' $1.00 ln clubs of two or more, 1 year, new or renewal, each . .50c Those who enter the contest for the main prize, the buggy, win do guiaea Dy tne aoove, out snouia tney want otner information we will be glad to furnish them with same. Subscriptions for less than one year will be at the rate of $1.00 OTHER PRIZES. Any one who sends, us five subscriptions and $2,50, will be given one year s subscription free. Any one sending us ten subscriptions and $5.00, will be given a copy of the San Francisco Earthquake book. Value $1.50. m TTT 11 J j m t -m i iHE w alchman win continue as it is witn wnatever lm entailing a total loss estimated at provement we may be able-to make upon it. It asks the $13,000. The cause of the fire is unknown. When first discov ered about 1 o'clock thismorn log, smoxe and names were seen in the erocury store of Motiu & Loft in Th fire coaipanies re sponded promptly to the alarm. but before the hose could be ap Estimated Loss $13,000, Lexington, April 12. Earl y this morning fire practically de atroved what is known as the Curry block on Main street Here, support of all good people and will endeavor to merit their patronage. Subscribers have the privilege of selecting their own can didates. New candidates may be brought out at any time. Vote for whom you wish and as often as possible. The can didate who gets the most votes will be awarded the prize. lhe hrst in the held generally stands a good chance to win, so it you are going to make an effort lor the buggy, a word to the wise is sufficient. Any other information f ur plied, the fire had reached the nishd upon request. Send all money and communications second story and wa9 beyond con- to WM. H. OTE3KART, Salisbury, N. C. CONCORD AND CABARRUS COUNTY. Young Men go to far off California to Engage in the Timjier Business. Concord Times. April 12th. Notwithstanding .the cold weather and light frosts, we think a large part of the fruit crop is safe. Rev. W. A. Dutton, of Gold Hill, has been called to the pas torate of St. Andrews Lutheran church here, which became vacant by the resignation of Rev. J. W, Strickler. Rev, V. Y. Bcozer, who has had charge of the Bethel and St. Paul's Lutheran congregations in Salisbury for the past eight years, resigned his work Sunday and ac cepted a call to the pastorate of St. John's church in this county. We regret to'note that Rev. W. T. Talbert, whose serious illness wa noted in last issue, is in a dan gerous condition. His condition yesterday was such that his death would not be a surprise. We sin- j cerely hope that he may recover. Arthur Cetner and Miss Nona j Suthor. both of Cannonville, were j married Wednesday afternoon at o'clock, the ceremony being performed by Rev. J. B. Shenk. he bride is a daughter of Edward Suther. .. Young Hoke Gregory, who was arrested and jailed about ten days ago charged with stealing a watch and chain from some parties at his boarding house on Franklin avenue, was released yesterday, H. C Cook, of No. 10, going on his bond, which was $100. He is only 15 years of age. Rev. J. Walter Long, pastor of Epworth Methodist church, of Concrrd. and Miss Annie L. Mil- r, of Greensboro, were married at the home of J. A. Porter, in the latter city, last Tuesday af ternoon at 6 o'clock. The cere mony was performed by Rev. Dr. G. H. Detwiler. only a few friends and relatives being presmt. On last Wednesday night Paul A. ank Jos. W. Walker, sons of J. W. Walker, of No. 6 township, and Walker Efird, son of D. M Efird, of Salisbury, left for Fresno Californa, where they will engage in the timber business. Paul A Walker has lived there before, and has been in Cabarrus for sev eral months. His broth-r, Geo Walker, who was there , before with him will not return. We j wish the young gentlemen a safe tripand good luck in their far western home. S1ATESVILLE AND IREDELL COUNTY. and granting the pardon. They have made to me the fol- nextUowiD&rePrt: day, they must have gotten hold of some rotten eggs. Some of the old people about . here say that sssd planted on Rotten Saturday will rot in the ground. The writ er thinks, according to the belief just mentioned, that the eggs were cooked on Rotten Saturday and they rotted in the pot. Shel by Aurora. Cored of Rheumatism. Mr. Wm. Henry, of Chattanoo ga, Tenn., had rheumatism in his left arm. "The strength seemed to have gone out of the muscles so that it was useless for work," he says. "I applied Chamber lain's Pain Balm and wrapped the aria in flannel at night, and to my relief I found that the pain oradually left me and the strength returned. In three , weeks the rheumatism had disappeared and has cot since returned." it you are troubled with rbanmatism try a fpw :i piiiutio.i8 .i r i ii. Malm, V M lire pertain J,i b il-aHfd th nff. rdd V r jfrurin.icyi To his Excellency, R. B. Glenn, Governor, Raleigh, N. C. Sir: In the matter of the ap plication for pardon by the White brothers which was referred by you to the Council of State for trol. Four streams of water un der heavy pressure conquered the flames after about three hours of exciting work. Only the good work of the firemen confined the fire to one block. Many .people were sleeping on the second floor oi the building, it being known as the Central Officer Lockomy in resisting the Hotel, but all escaped in time, search of his house for - contra- It is stated on good authority brand lianor on March 2. will bid The Walker Hanging. Fayetteville, ' April 14. Tom Walker, the negro murderer who killed Chief of Police Chason and that A. u. larborougn, propne tor of the Central Hotel, besides their advice, we have the honor losing all his other personal prop to submit the following report : erty, left about $800 in cash in a Having carefully consider edUmnk. whirth waa burned nn mo ueiuwuB, tuo jeiboiB aim m mL l ? f il,- T evidence of every sort presented "" Z " . 6 to us. toeetner with the areu- uuu iow" wmjf --" ments of counsel on both sides in the corner of the second story and in conformity with the law will the case of the State against I was only slightly damaged, Ihenrivate desmte erroneous re- mi T Wu:i. j nL 1 I . . i ' . executed here tomorrow. The execution will take place between 11 a. m. and 3 p. m. in compli- ance witn the sentence imposed by Judge Webb at the March term of the Superior Court. It will b$ on the second floor of the jail an v.ftich .1 www Si! H ? l huW, and pHiiCtr Slucftr.K. C, that they be paidoned on condition that they remain of good beha VIOUT. Respectfully, J. BRYAN GRIMES, B. F. DIXON, J. Y. JOYNER. Members of Council of State. In view of this decision and re commendation, without giving any opinion myself, I herewith grant the application of Thomas J. White' and. Chalmers L. White for pardon, conditioned on their rein..ii)'nff good behaviour. . B. GLENN, Governor. the burned block will be rebuilt at an early date. Special to the Charlotte Observer. Some of the Things the People of Our Sis ter Town ire Doing. StatesYile LanOmark, AprU 9th. J. H. Kerr, formerly with the Sloan Clothiog Company, went to Salisbury yesterday to take a po- sition in the clothing store oi Smoot Bros. & Rogers. The condition of Jas. Williams, of - New Hope township, whose critical illness has been men tioned, does not improve and his death is expected at any time, Edgar White baB given up his position as cashier at the depot and is succeeded by J. M. Joyner." W. M. Smith son, who recently came to Statesville from Knox ville, Tenn., succeeds Mr. Joyner as claim and expense clerk. Collector Geo. H. Brown, who had beon in town a few days, re turned to Asheville Sunday night. Plane have been made for the re moval of the collector's office to Statesville and the transfer will be made the last of the month. J. L. Russell, who spent two weeks here with his, family, re turned to Roope, Tenn., yester day, where he is doing some rail road construction work. He took with him ten or "fifteen young ne- gro men ot statesville wno win join the large force already at work on the new railroad. A greasy pig was . turned loose:. on the xink Saturday night and six small boys chased it on skates with the understanding that the one first catching and holding it without falling should have it as a prize. . After much falling and scrambling by all six Master Wil liam Hartness finally grasped the pig by a hind leg and carried it from th9 rink without falling. Messers, T. O. Morrison arid W. F. Miller, who will have to dis continue their grocery business on West Broad street because the building is to be torn down, ex pect to get rid of their stock in a few-days aud close the business. Mr. Morrison will go to Salisbury to assist his father in conducting a brick yard there and Mr. Miller expects to go back into the saw mill business, A Conscience Contribution. 6t The sheriff received a letter a Severe Cold in Trucking Relt, Wilmington, """April 14 It is believed that damage has been done to strawberries and vegeta bles in the Wilmington trucking belt, by the pat two nights. To day the minimum temperature was but 4 degrees above freezing and even more severe weather is predicted by the weather bureau for tomorrow morning with a Snake Stoni From Watauga. Deputy .Sheriff Geo. Greene, of Stony Fork, tells us that while on his way to court Monday he saw a large black snake running over the snow that was lying on the ground to a depth of three inches He says his snakeship made a pretty trail in the whiteness for about 60 yajrds, when it succeeded in reaching cover. Boone Democrat. T - C ' - - .... . Whooping Gough. 1 have used Chamberlain's Cough Remedy in my family in cases of whooping cougn, and want J 8erver. to tellyou that it is"the best medi cine I ever used. W. F.- Gabton, Posco. Ga. This remedy is safe and sure. For sale by Jas. Plum mer, Salisbury, and Spencer Phar ma&y, Spencer, N, C. Walker has made no public state ment, but it is. rumored th'at he will do so tomorrow shortly be fore going to the gallows. He has had an almost endless procession of callers today, mostly negroes, including several colored min isters. Special to Charlotte Ob- There are many tonics in the land, As by till papers you can see ; But none of them can equal Hollister's Rocky Moun t ai n Tea T, W. Grimes Drug Co. Hard Times in Kansas. J The old daya of grasshoppers and drouth are almost forgotten in the prosperous Kansas of to- dayj although a citizen of Codell, Earl JShamberg, has not yet for gotten a hard time he encounter d. He says: I was worn out and discouraged by coughi n g night and day, and could find no relief till I tried l)r. King's New Disoovery. It took less than one bottle to completely cure me. The safest and - most reli ab 1 e cough and cold cure and lung and throat ; healer ever discovered. Guaranteed by all druggists. 50c. and 91.00, Trial bottle free. . proie Snow 40 miles of heavy frost which might disastrous to many crops. is reported within Wilmington. j Snow fell for an hour cr more at Elizabethtown, Bladen county, this afternoon. ' : lhe News-No Pure Drug Cough Cure Laws would be needed, if all Cough Cures were like Dr. Shoop's Cough Cure is-and has been for 20 years. The National Law u'ow requires that if any poisons enter into a cough mixtnre it must be printed on the label or package For this reason mothers and oth ers, should insist cn having Dr. Shoop's Cough Cure. No poison marks on Dr. Shoop's labels-anc none in the medicine, else it must by law be on the label. And , it'B not only safe, hut it is said to be by those that know it best, a tru ly remarkable cough remedy. Take 4i o chance particularly with your children. ' Iusist on having Dr. Shoop's Cough Cure. Cornel pare carefully the Dr. Shoop pack- Lage with others and see. No pois on marks there I xou can always be on the safe side by demanding Dr. Shoop's Cough Cure, Simply refuse to accept any other." 'Sold by Grimes Drug Store Forsyth county few days ago from an unknown writer, contain ing a "conscience" contribution of $1, The letter was mailed at Advance, Davie county, and the writer said : "The way it happened I was on the hay when the man weighed it, but was aot on the wagon when it was weighed. For damage done Mr. Hinshaw & Bynum several years ago in the weight of a load of hay I sold to them to the amount of one dollar. I enclose the dollar which you will please hand to them. They have a store across the street south of xthe Piedmont warehouse. The .last I knew of them John Brown was their bookkeeper. If you cannot find them you may give the money to any charitable institution you may select. The money does not. Kelong to me." ' The firm was in business in Winston 20 years ago and the senior member is still there. It is supposed the dollar was turned over to him. While the individ ual was a long time repenting it is a gratification to know that he repented and gave evidence of it by making good. There is yet hope for the folks who get pay for a cord of wood and get three fourths and for all dealers who give short weight and measure. Statesville Landmark. ' Thousands have pronounced Hollister's Rocky Mountain Tea the greatest healing power on earth. When medical science fails, it succeeds. Makes you well and keeps you well. 85 cents Tea or Tablets. T. W. Grimes Drug Go. ri- i., 1 5 V -r -j. ; it . ------ - .::.-';-.v . -x- .

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