SOUTHERN OPPORTUNITIES. JURY DON'T AGREE. Something Concerning the Prosperity and Resources of the south. ,The prosperity of the South rests on a bedrock of natural re sources. In every State are lands Buffioient in area to furnish good homes for all the people that can be employed in their development, and soils as fertile as any in America. The hcme-builder may be familiar with the garden spots of the earth, but there are sur prises for him in all parts of the South, He will find there are more agricultural products and mineral resources in the South than elsewhere in any equal ter ritorial division of the United States. The South is the land of cotton, com, wheat, rice, sugar, tobacco and all kinds of fruits, vegetables and grains. It has large forests of merchantable timber, vast de posits of coal and iron ore, great quarries of marble and building stone, extensive beds of valuable clays and cement materials and extensive water-powers. Live stock can be produced cheaply in every section. Green feed is possible . all the year in many localities. There are fine openings near, all the manufactur ing centers for dairying, poultry raising and trucking. .Land is still very cheap when all the ad vantages are to be considered. V . a - instances can oe given in every State where the value of a single crop has exceeded the original cost of the land. The South is a three-storied business proposition. First there is the underground wealth in minerals, metals, Btones, clays, oil, gas, salt, etc., then comes the soil on the surface, in which all the grains,- grasses, roots and bulbs of the temperate zone can be. produced, and, lastly, the for- STATE NEWS. 3" "4 No Verdict in Thaw Case and He Will be Placed on Trial Again. New York, April 12. -Hopeless ly divided, seven for a verdict of guilty of murder in the first de gree and five for acquittal on the ground of i. sanity, the jury which since the 23ri of last January -had ben trying Harry K. Thaw re ported today after 47 hours and eight minutes of deliberation that it could not agree upon a verdict. Fhe 12 men were promptly dis charged by Justice Fitzgerald, who declared that he, to, believed their task was hopeless. Thaw was remanded to Tombs without bail to await a second trial on the charge of having mujdered Stanford White, the noted archi tect. When this new trial would take no one. connected witn tne casw could tonight express an opinion. District Attorney Jerome declared that there are many other persons accused, of homiv ido awaiting tria and Thaw would have to take hi t urn with the rest. As to a pos- ible change of veaua, both the district attorney and counsel for rhaw declared they would make no 6uoh move. Thaw s attorneys wiil have a confere ce tomorrow vith the prisoner to decide upon their next step. They may make an early application for bail. Mr. Jprome said he would strenuously oppose it. He added the belie' that as seven of the jurors had votod for "guilty his opposition probably would be successful. In that event Thaw has another long summer bf foie him in the city prison, for his case on the already crowded criminal calei dar cannot possibly be reached until some time next fall. A Medley of Events Which Hue Occurred ; ; Th oujh North Carolina, A moonshinef whowaB arrested in Jones county ttweekT was making rum out of molasses. The board of aldermen, of High Point, at the' request of business men of the town, have refused to allow a carnival to exhibit in that town. . - ' i : ' : Duncan Southerland, a farmer of Robeson county, 63 years oleK j iea suddenly last wees wnil- sitting in his chair after partake iug of a hearty meal..: Will G. Matthews,, a white bay 16 years old, ho killed J. T Ra uey in Northampton oouuty some months ago, was1 convicted last week of murder in the second de gree and was sent to the.peniten tiary tor 30 years. " At Hall's Cross Roads, on the line of Franklin and Wake coun ties, a man named Pullen walked into the store of W. H. Perry and shot him, killing him instantly. The tragedy is said to have re sulted from a controversy ovi;r some machinery. The Concord Tribune says that John P. Yount, of Newton, has sold the Isale cotton mill near Concord, to some Gaston county mill men. It has been estimated that the recent cold snap has injured the strawberry crop ot the State from ten to twenty per cent, The crop this year is estimated at 1,800 car loads, while that of last year was 2,300. The falling off is" said to be largely due to the decreased acreage. "Preventics ' will prom p 1 1 y check a cold or the j Grippe when takn veaxly or at the -sneeze stag'." Preventics- cure seated colds as well, Preventics are lit tle candy cold cure tablets, and Dr.k Shoop, Racine,- Wis., mil glaclly mail you sampleB and book on Colds v free, ff yon -will write him. The samples will prove their merit. Checkearly Colds with- Preventics and stop Pneumonia, v Sold in 5c and 25c boxes by Grimes Drug Store. WHICH SHALL II Having tried all other remedies, will you con tinue to suffer through false pride? Don't be Foolish Represented Eye Head aches sap one's vitality and bring about a gen eral nervousness break down. Let us Relieve Your Headaches by-Removing the Cause. Save your Eyes and ner vous energy. W. H. LEONARD, Jeweler and Optician, 128 N. Main St., 8allbury. N. O. yflJLiJ tezteztete&ij&zteiit 7i Loans Doubly Secured. If von have any money idle or bringing you less than 0, 'list it with our Company at once. We'll lend it for vou, -First Mortgage on Real Estate, taking the mortgage and note in your name, and in ad dition give you the WRITTEN GUARANTEE of our Company that both princi pal and interests will be paid IN FULL as they fall due. We assume all risk and staud between you and possible loss. Our guarantee has more than $20,000 back of it; and, loans made through our Company have DOUBLETS SECURITY OF A BANK paying you 6 all the time. McCubbins & Harrison Co., Paid in capital $20,000, Loans, Real Estate, Fire aod Life Insur ance, Salisbury, N. C. Strange Stoiy From South Carolina. W. J. Odom, who lives in the est and orchard trees, falling the Early's cnss road section, claims; landscape with beauty and yield- that at the residence of his son, j ing timber for every known use, Willie Odo n, a curious freak oc-j and fruits and nuts of every sort, curred from 8 to 1 o'clock Mon-j No other region in America is so day night, and from 9 to 12 ; richly endowed, Southern Field, o'clock Tuesday morning. Look- : ing glasses, water buckets, fruit jars, etc., danced and pranced about in a manner as if possessed with life. A water bucket half filled with water jumped from its shelf in the room and emptied its contents. It was picked up and replaced, when it jumped gain.. A bottle of cough syrup leaped from the table a distance of ten or twelve feet, struck the cbimney and broke; glassware, fruit jars and demijohns cut pe culiar antics, fell about in pro fusion and-were broken; one emp ty jar fell to pieces without mov ing from its place. The people in the house carried the bottles, one containing turpentine, out of loorg, and these vials returned mysteriously to the room and fell upon the floor. A mirror about 18 inches long, sitting on a table, bounded from the table about eleven feet to the middle of the floor and was smashed to smith ereens. Mr. Odom is dumbfound ed over the phenomena. A num ber of the people in the neighbor hood collected and all are mysti- fiei. The whole commuity be came interested and seme thirty five or forty people gathered at the house. Mr. Odom is rel'able and is not superstitious. He call ed at the Press - office yesterday, J. M. Gray, of this city, was at the place Tuesday evening and saw the brokenpieces of glass We give the above as told us by Mr. Odom, wno seeks an explana tion as well as advice as to what aln uld be done.' Darlington, S. C, Press. How it Feels to be Electrocuted. TT- ii' j -n -. xxe waited a second, or an.age, tnen suddenly it nseemed as if he must leap from the chair, hie body was swelling to some mon strous, impossible, inhuman shape; his muscles were stretch ed, millions of hot and dreadful needles were piercing and prick uiui, a stupendous roaring was in his ears, then a million colors, colors he had never seen or imagined, colors, bbyond the range of the spectrum, new, un- uwwvwbu, Bummonea oy some mysterious agency fronT distant corners of the universe, played before his eyes. Suddenly they were shattered by a terrific explo- sion in nig brain then darkness xuii uu, tuere was still sensa tion; a dull, purple color spread before him, gradually grew light er, expanded, and with a mighty pain he struggled, groping his i i. i. i . nay m burmre ana torment over fearful obstacles from some fat distance, remote as black stare in the cold abyss of the universe ; he struggled back to life then u appaning coniusion, a grasp oi consciousness; he heard the ticking of the two watches then through his brain there trickled a thread of thought . that squirmed uu giuwea use a wmte not wire A faint groan escaped the pale hps below the black leather mask, a tremor ran through the form in the chair, then it relaxed and was still, It's all lifting his wrist, tried Over. . The doctor. fingers from Archie'B to smile, and wiped . . r tne perspiration from his face with a handkerchie f, B rand Whitlock's "The Turn of the Bal ance." Wants to be Hanged. Los Angeles, Cal April 11. A man about 45 year? of age, travel-strained and weary, claim ing to be George W. Bundrick, ap peared in Downey, Gal., near here, today, and surrendered to the au thorities, asserting that he had killed John Shroeder at Rains Dooley county, Georgia, in 1902. He said that he had been arrested in.Georgia,rtried, convicted and eentencedto hang, but had es caped from jail at Americus by overpowering the guards. He said he was weary pf being pur sued and wanted to be taken back Fearless of Criticism. Just 88 a clear conscience ; in a man generates a certain fearless uess of public opinion, so we are fearless of criticism on the Weay er Piano, knowing the integrity of its construction throughout in the hidden parts as well aB the parts that are vieible. Examine the piano carefully at your first opportunity inside and outside, technically and professionally, musically and mechanically ; put on the X-Rays if you please'; use a microscope if you will. As a result you will beSome an enthu siastic admirer of the Weaver rPiano and after that you will never., be quite satisfied with any other. We would not think of advertising the piano as we do if we were not absolutely certain as to the merits of the instrument. Ask for catalogue and become more thoroughly acquainted with the Weaver Piano. x Wbaveb OfiflAN & Piano Co., SHOES at less Maniafac- tiaiers Gost.. BUY NOW and save 25cts to S1.00 on the Pair. We must close out some lines of Staple SHOES at much less than they are worth to make room for our recent purchases. If you don't need Shoes now it will pay you to take Advantage of these prices and lay them away till you do need them. Special Prices on Big Lots to mers chants. 8 T v i POPULAR PRICE FOOt WEAR TERMS STRI?TIY CASH ill M. G. McCURDY, Manager, 111 Worth Main Street. Salisbury, N. C. 2C 3 M 3 71 ERESH DRUGS, ACCURATE COMPOUND ING AND PROMPT SERVICE. . The Chestnut Hill Drug Store is the place to have your pre scriptions filled for the follcwiu" good rtaBons; e haudle none but pure freeh drugs'. . ' Wo have a prescription ist of 22 years experience who aecu- .vj rately and promptly compounds all prescriptions sent us. Our service cannot be equalled tor promptness and general satisfactson. We carry a nice line of toilet articles, perfumeries, soaps, patent medicines, etc. We have just installed a handsome soda fountain and will disp mse all kinds of soft drinks made from pure fruit syrups. Your patronage is respectfully solicited. CHESTNUT HILL DRUG CO., vjj C. M. HIGGINS, Druggist. T. A. DENNISS, Mgr. 71 s S9 : r oooooooooooootooooooooooooo Charles W. Woodson, M. D,, Medicine and Surgery. Offers his Professional Services to the Public. Phone 836. OFFICE: Wachovia Bank Building. HMESS! 00 Now is the time to buy .a new set of harness. We have them ior all purposes and at all prices. Light driving from $8.50 to $25 Carriage or Surry harness from $15 to $25. Team Wagon Har ness, best in town for the money. We have a job lot of harness which we will close out at a very close price. Now is the time to get a bargain. Repairing of all kinds'; neatl) and promptly done at ' lowest prices. Cut this ad, out v and bring it with you and for every $1 pur chase, or more, we will give a nice buggy whip, Hartline & Co. Phone 433, 130 East Inniss St. 4 3 3 VI 3 m 7 7 VI 3 Bargains! Bargains! Bargains I I wish' to call your attention to the fact that I am now in better position to give you the value of your money than ever before. Lot withstanding the great advance in the markets on all lines, yet I am still offering you goods at the old prices and in some cases have gone through the stock and reduced the goods in price even below that which you could have bought 60 days ago. I have arranged on some counters a lot of I 71 71 3 V and ligh weight materials at a great reduction in I rice, this I have dohe in order to clean up and make room for the great stock which I expect to put in this next season. On those counters you will find a lot of Lawns worth from 7 to 10 cents, now the price ,y 4e j Lot 2, wortn irom izt to 10 cenis now tne price jc Lot 3, worth from 15 to 20 cents, now .11c Lot 4, worth from 20 to 30 cents, now the price . IQc, - Youwill find it to your interest to give us a call before you buy. A Coupon given you with each purchase which from One Dollars's worth up will entitle you to a nice piece of china. Your time will be well spent to come in and give us a look through the different lines. Yours respectfully, A. W. WW Always Res&esaJfer the Full Name uinine Cures a CoM iii Qua Bay, Grip uTvo ooooooooooooocoooooooocooooooooocooooooo o o I E9S I 1 - --- ..-;rigv i i i;- 'J N ie Most Acceptable Gifts Are Things that may be of. Probably a Gift of this Kind would be more Appreciated. At any Tate be "sure to come in and look over the o o o o o o o o o o 2 Mammoth Stock of Furniture, Car pets, Rugsr Household and Office Furnishings, 0 Chinaware, ' Lamps, Toilet Sets, etc., carried by me. We have a large and varied Assortment in Quali ties and Prices. You are cordially invited to give me a call. Very respectfully , o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o 43 o o o o Q o o o o m GO O O O o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o W.Wri West Inniss Street. glut, o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o oj o for Men, Women and Children. Full Line of Queen Quality & ReginaOxfords for the Ladies. The Styles this Season are simply Beautiful You Get them at o oo I I 1 HI! II III 1 1 .1 III Ml ... " o 0 0 o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o Q o o o o Q o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o and hanged for his crime. J Manufacturers. York, Pa.

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