Pi orrespondenee. , in . -----iirii The BQSTIAH'S X ROADS. June 10th, -weather is fine for the growing crops. Corn looke 1 111 3 a 4- Knt tft.m JUo&lOIljr liliU gruwo io w ton is small yet. Esq.-' Eoseman and J. A. Eddie man are about through cutting barley, which is very good.. The wheat is not quite ripa yet. John Roseman's little babyhas been very sick for a few days but is Detter now. we nope iui w speedy recovery. We understand that T. A. P. Boseman is looking for his auto matic ram or pump, which be will install at his spring o carry water to his honse. Mrs. Chas. Sides has been sick for a few days,, but is improving, Satrarol nf nnr f!rtllf Aftarfttlft Bo diers who were at Richmond last week, report 'a very pleasant time. Thev sav thev had plenty to eat rf M. and enjoyed the trip very well Richmond is a fine city. J. L. Rer.dleman, who has been in bad health for some time, is no better, .we are sorry to say. There will be an ice cream sup per at Mr, Stirewalt'a next Sat urday evening, so we learn. Eve rybody come and bring your friends. Well, we have had another case where one of our church members treated his wife other than he promised when he wed her. After he beat her, probably to his heart's content, she had him ar rested and bound over to the next court, where he will undoubtedly enjoy his situation better. Just wait till we get to cutting wheat and we will try to do bet ter, brothers. Ajax. ROWAN ACADEUY. June 10th. Mrs. L. J. Klnttz and little daughter, Genevieve, di Granite Quarry, visited at C; A; Johnson's ast week. ; - The Quarterly Conference will be held' at Granite Quarry M, E. church the 15th and 16th of this mouth. Dr. Ajbkins, of Salisbury, will preach on Saturday and Sun day at 11 a. m. Oveifbodj is invited. C. A Johnson, who has been quite sick for the last -week, is able to be out again. John Shuping and family, of th O V a T71 near r aitn, Mrs. noDert j&arn hardt and two sons, of Salisbury, were all visitors at Geo. Kesler's Sunday last. Ruth went to the baptizing Sun day. . You bet she had a nice time. Mr: and Mrs. Jno. G. Hols houser visited Mrs. Holshouser's parents last Sunday. There will be Children's Day at Granite Quarry M. E. church June 30th. Everybody is cordial ly invited to come. There will be no exercises in the evening. Henry Kluttz visited at L. I. Cauble's Sunday last. Some people are gt tting pretty bad when they pitch horse shoes on Sunday, especially on the pub lie road, That's about as bad as playing cards on Sunday, is it not Bro. Bart? Misses Sallie Holshouser and Moliie Lyerly took dinner with Miss Jennie Frick Sunday. Ruth SOUTH ROWAH.- - - MORGAN X ROADS. " - " June iOfch" , . J "r", Jan 10th! Jim Shinn was thevictim :oa : Everything seems to be refresh serious accident a week ago. . He l ed since the rains: and old Gener- wa' bolting up a. block' of, wood jal Green will wake a p" again and from which, ne was going to splittchallenge us for a fight. . . . 1 1." 1 . . . 1 - 1 3 - I - ... " -V-: .r -.v... noaras, wnen ne suuaemy naaoue, The wheftt in thig eommtmity of his eyes knocked out. He was . . . be Vftv - d congider. Aione as ne wine auu cauuub wjh Kv muar :n W jus npw.tne acoiaent nappnueu.. Qats are not going to be very good Clarence Bernhardt, our rural this year, . . mail carrier, tells a good .story of horse swapping, " He says he trad ed his small gray horse to the county commissioners for a mule and got a cracker jack. He said when he hitched him up he gave him a crack with the whip and km Male ran away and went to the ciunty home. - Mr. Bernhardt went there and caught the mule and then went home all right. Some of the Rock and "Faith boys had a game of ball Saturday with the Rockwell boys. The score stood 32 to 20 in favor of Rockwell. ' A. W. Shuping cut the first wheat last Thursday that has been cut in this neighborhood Vv;ilBERlY X ROADS. r Harvest is now at hand-and the laborers are few.- - - ' 'Joseph Brady has ben sick,.but is somewhat improved. ' , ' Rev; W; C. Cruse - preached an excellent sermon at the Holiness church last Sunday.' Uncle Samuel Wormington is in a very feeble condition and has tieen foir some time. William Allred, the operator af I Dutch Creek RoHer Mills, has re I signed his position . We regret ft CHRISTIANA. ' Here comes the heroic Xerxes fresh from the field of action. He reports a terrible slaughtering of of General Green in his neighbor hood. We learn that Albert Thomas swapped horses again last week. He seems to be preparing to give one of his many sons a royal "set off" when he hops the broom stick and lands on the "peaceful" shores of wedlock. The St. Mary boys, of Rowan Academy, have accepted the chal lenge of the Kappa Alpha debat ors, of Cresent, for a joint debate Saturday night, June 22nd. One of the most important issues of the day will be discussed. Crescent will be represented by Lou Crooks, Prof. H. F. Frick and W. C. Ly erly. Rowan Academy by A. J. Brown L A. Thomas andJ. C. Peeler. The debate will 'take place in Cresent auditorium at 7 :80 p. m. Everybody cordially invited. Prof, H, F. Frick and wife, of Crescent, visited home folks last Saturday night. D. C. Lingle is thinking of buy ing the old Cate mine. Robert Peeler, of Faith, visits in these parts rather often. . We are informed that there will be a Children's Day at Shiloh, Granite Quarry, the fifth Sunday in June, also one at St. Luke's the second Sunday in July. W. C. Lyerly visited P. D, Brown last Sunday. Glad to have him call. Come again. The new way ot. building houses with con ;rete has greatly reduced ine granite, industry, l suppose after a time stone will be aband oned in building, and that these massive beds of granite will lie idle for centuries and probably not be awakened by the hand f man again until another civiliza tion has dawned. We have a great fish and ghost , story we would like to tell if it wasn't for lack of space, as it is we can only refer you to Lonnie Miller and Charlie Barringer for particulars. ' Harvey Trexler has accepted position with Mr. Miller, C. E. Xebxes,' a - The man who does not adver- ( tise because somebody said it did not pay, ought not to believe that , the world is round - because the i bury, a JACKSON COLLEGE. The wheat crop in this county that was thought to be so - badly hurt in the spring by the frost, is looking very well and people say that it will be over an average crop. Corn is growing very rapidly, cotton is poor. The Ribelin Saw Mill Co., have returned home from work in Stan ly where they have been sawing for J. A. RitcMe, of Richfield. J Ribelin & Son have purchased new saw mill and will begin running the mill by June 20th. They will saw for A. E. Davis, ot Salisbury. Last Saturday the Jackson col lege boys organized a base bal team and are doing a very good business. They invited the Gar field team to their grounds. They all came. F, M. Tyack, our mer chant, being among the crowd. Mrs. A. T, Klnttz, who sprained her ankle last Easter Monday can t walk yet, we are sorry to say. -' ' Adam Jackson's little baby who had its hand cut off by its brother a few weeks ago, is nearly well. Walter Ribelin, who is taking a course at tne uoiumDian uorree pondence College, says he wil be able to take his examination in September, and just as soon as he ifl"ap pointed he will go on the road as mail clerk. The Boss Poole base ball team ill plav ball with Liberty after harvest. Wf are sorry to say Miss Car rie Bame is on the sick list this week. W. T. Jackson, who has been ill for a long time, is no better we are sorry to say. W. fi. Hoffman has contracted to build a house in Salisbury for !Bick list with Wm. Taylor. It has been reported that Jonas Bame will teach a summer school at Liberty. The Centennial at Lick Creek will be the 5thunday in June. Miss Patt Miller, of Stanly, contemplates going to Washing ton, D. C, to study for a trained nurse. , -Black Hawk. A A. Morgan says he is - going to get a harvester and binder this yeaf . - ''".Tr-iV"-';.);; Harvey Wyatt. . James Morgan ! and Charlie-Morgan have just re covered from a case of the mea- slsi. - ' - Some of the young gents of our neighborhood go visiting pretty often on " Saturday nights and Sundays down near Pool. Yes and they ride bicycles . do they not? Chalmers Wyatt visited Lee Morgan near Craven, Saturday night. I guess they had some music. . Come on "Trotter" an;l let's have another fiti story, Sam likfts real very much to have him leave us Health is good with exception of colds. - Uncle ThbB,. Jackson is in a very critical condition with some af fection of the lungs. .' Gumpt. tn hoar at.nriAfl if rhAV urn His example will be followed by Tories. many more today. Lee Trexler and sister, Miss Roxie Trexler, visited the family of J. Frank Parks Saturday eight There will he an ice cream par ty at John Clark's Saturday night. Everybody is cordially invited. Rocker. PINEY WOODS. June 3rd. As we haven't noticed any cor respondent to The Watchman from our vicinity, we thought we wOuld try to send a batch of news from here. If this escapes the waste basket we may come again. On account of continued rains farmers are much delayed work ing their crops. Corn seems to be very small for the time of year, Misses Carrie and Ada Shaver have nearly recovered from a se vere attack of measles. Mdasles have swept our entire community, but mostly in a very light form. Owing to high water our R. F. D. carrier has had some trouble getting over his route. 4 ' Wheat is looking fine through our seotion. If nothing happens we think more-than an average crop will be harvested. The infant; son of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Earnhardt died May 29th and was laid to rest in Luther's cemetery. Cholera Infantum is thought to be the cause of death. Daniel Eagle, of Pool, has been canvassing our section sen l u g washing machines, Mr. Eagle has a good and handy machine and is meeting with much sue- COBB Some of our people are contem plating going to Jamestown to visit the exposition. We have noticed in several papers that the hotels there are charging outrageous prices f or board, amounting almost to robbery. Miss Vida Cotton, of New Lon don, visited her grandfather last week. She returned home Tues day. Mack Shaver and Love Hill wre pleasant visitors at. D. C. Arev's Sunday evening. It seems their visits are quite frequent. - Joseph A. Miller, tax-Jister for Morgan township, ib ottt on his rounds this week. W. C. Lisk has treated himself to a large Victor Talking Machine.. Rev PlbS8, who has been pas tor of Luther's E. L. Church for two years, has resigned. We are informed that Rev. DuttOL', of Cabarrus, will beliis successor. Mack Shaver haa been on the something similar Bro. Itemizer seems to want to play base ball with our boys, and says be will play us when we get ready. We will be ready to play your boys anytime after harvest. Bring an umpire along that goes by signs, and can take a joke as the locusts are so bad that we can not hear him. Come on Bro. and bring your boyB and I guess you will see the "wool fly." Sam 43igqleton, Jr. Biiy Hair at Auction? At any rate, you seem to Ie getting rid of it on auction-sale principles: "going, going, g-o-n-e!" Stop the auction with Ayer's Hair Vigor. It certainly checks falling hair; no mistake about this. It acts as a regular medicine: makes the scalp healthy. Then you must have healthy hair, for It's nature's way. . The best kind of a ttixnonll "Sold for over sixty years." APPROPRIATE WEDDING GIFTS , IN STERLING SILVER, OUT GLASS AND HAND PAINTED CHINA. Hospital for Watches, Clocks and all kind of re pair-work: All woik guaranteed. SALISBURY JEWELRY CO., L. BRYSilli, tlgp. - - - - 104 tl. Main St. by J. O. Ayr Co Lowll. Man Also yers Bionfettum ot SARSAPA8ILLA. PILLS. . CBEBKY PECTORAL. ooooooooooooooooooooooooooo FOR 100 COUPONS FROM II THE CIGARETTE OF QUALITY Coupons in Each Package! Coupons also Redeemable for Valuable Presents Premium Department AMERICAN TOBACCO CO. JERSEY CITY, N. J. ST. LOUIS, MO. ooooooooooooooooooooooooooo g The Warm Season is Upon Us m n ji . a. JJ Ana one 01 me great neeus of housekeepers will be o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o ooooooooooooooooooooooooooo Reliable Refrigerators. We have them in all styles and at all prices. Some cheaper than others, but all good . , TORCH SCREENS A SPECIALTY.- We were never better stocked than at present in all lines of Furniture and House-Furniehinge. Call and look over our goods and get our prices West-Inniss Street. O o o o o o o o o a o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o Colic and Dlirrhoei. We wish him a Pains in the Btomaoh, colic and diarrhoea are quickly reliered by the use of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and DUrrhoea Remedy. HVii b.1a hxr InmR PI nm trier Sftlis and Spencer rnarmacy, """J to heart trouble. speedy recovery s . John I Shaver ia building a house in Salisbury and will move as soon as. he gets it completed. We are sorry to lose our good neighbors. , The strawberry crop is about gone but we think we will have plenty of blackberries. A number of boys went seining recently to Bloomer's ford. They report fairly good luckrr Haryey Wyatt has recovered fxaxn a case of measles. . : Capt. Jesse Harkey bought a fine milk cow from W. C. Lisk "IT ma COFFINS CASKETS CAREFUL ATTEN1 ION TO DETAILS "-BELL UNDERTAKING CO., REASONABLE PRICES AND SATISFACTORY SERVICE SUMMERSET! UNDERTAKING EMBALMING OUR SAY SO. "Our Say So" iB all the guarantee you need. If we sell you a watch which we tell you is "so and ho," and if that watch doesn't carry out our promises why it simply means a new one in its place without cost to you, provided, of course, that you give it decent treat ment. Careful handling, and occasional cleaning. If it grows tired and looses time, or gets friskv and races nwnv thft cnlden moments, why we have a repair de- ' partment which will deal with its case, or rather its works, (iive us a trial. GORrJAH & GREEN, LEADING JEWELERS AND OPTICIANS, Salisbury, Spencer, Elarion, N. C. my MATTING! I am now ready with a BIG LINE OF SPRING GOODS to supply your every want. I have a full line of the LATEST STYLES OF FURNITURE, Bed Room Suits, Parlor, Dining Room and Kitchen Furnishings. Gome and see wur ' Matting, Refrigerators and Screen Doors. Very Truly Yours, "VV. 13. Summersett. ft ARE YOU THINKING -. of buying an Engine, Thresher, Binder, Mower, 'Rake, Disc Harrow, Cultivator, Buggy, Surrey, One or Two Horse Wagon, (And by-theway we have a full stock of TWO HORSE WAGONS which we can sell for cash at a figure 9i per cent, below to days market. These Wagons are the MITCHELL, 67 VIRGINIA & BARBER. Don't fail to give atten- 67 tion to this part of this ad,) a set of nice single or double harness? ' I Have .You Been Thinking that you would have your old vehicle overhauled, 6 repainted or" rerubbered? Q i You Should Remember that we are HEADQUARTERS for anything men- Q tioned above and that weare in position to serve bj you to tne very nest aa vantage irora almost any standpoint you take. Our PRICES are as low as Sgood workmanship and material will permit and 6 7k our FAUiLiiiJiiO iqr jrAjriiwit, rAlJNTlJNW Z and OVERHAULING GENERALLY any old job L you may have are unexcelled. . 7 We are Glad to Show You J? anything in our line whether you bu; SL only ask for a chance to please. You 0 famous COLUMBUS & WATERTC buy or not. We can buy the famous COLUMBUS & WATERTOWN vehicles from us. ' I v 115 E, Council Street. ox ELECTRIC i BITTERS THE BEST FOB .. BILIOU8NES8 AND KIDNEYS ElodorD jf spopsla Cupo Digests what you eat ancients said it was fiat. Ex. I Spencer, N. C. " : . ' T - "' Southerner.