C - 4 "S -THE CAROLIIIA VlATCHUAN. W1L IL BTXXWAHT. El. ami Pub. Publish Immtas laiStitiotClTil Wir.: "This nation I today1, is in estate. of civil war.. In many a : city the t.own ha 11 is J sarrisoned rebels who from the shelter of that! for tress aro terrorizing and iplurider- Subscriptlon Prto $1 pwjw atrietly eaaa ta adranca V BatoMd aa seo4laai nattM Jaa. Itth. ltOf, at tha post flea at Salla bary, N. O. vadar tha act of Coagnaa of llareb tri. 1M7. Samsbuby, N. C, June 12th, '07 The Enoch. Arden business seems to be working overtime in our neighbor county, Davidson. We do not know it all about the reliability and sufficiency of the various faiths, creeds and isms of v : f religion, but we are firmly con vinced of one thing, and tnat is if there is nothing in the Chris tian religion, beginning with the foundation of the world, enduring tiJl now and with splendid pros pects of "making good" till the lasttrumpt shall sound, there -is certainly less than nothing in the isms of recent human manufac ture. The Latter Day Saints, thf Christian Scientists, the Holiness Sect and such like ad infinitum for instance. We do not know much about jails, but from what some citi zens say, men who have builded and know substantial construc tion when they see it, Rowan's new jail, when completed, will of the Hkdbice, Jno. "A., one ,. ing the people. These mercenary I most prominent . and highly re-. politicians are as hostile tQ the spected citizens of this -county public good as any man who ever died at Georgetown, D C, last nlarched in the uniform of an ar-1 Wednesday morning.- A daugh- my acros tne field of battle. ; By ter of Mr. Hedrick ; was to have diverting the taxes of the people been graduated from Vassar Col- from civic maintenance and lm-j lege today and Mr, Med rick was provement to their own tiain, they on his way, intending to be )res- are killing as many peop relent on the occasion. He was ta- the course of a single , year of ken ill while in Washington and their maladministration as are was conveyed to a .nospitai. killed iu the progress of a cousid- Georgetown where he died. The erable war. They are poitomng remains wexa broaght to Ihta aiy men and women f n the foul to the residence of 0. Barker, street and tenements for which I The funeral was held at St. Luke's they are responsible. They1 are Episcopal church Saturday after corrupting the souls of youth by noon. The deceased, while iu no vices which they support and en- sense a demonstrative man, or courage for their own profit. We one who cared for notoriety or dis look to the graduating classes of play, was well known all over the our colleges for reinforcements county. He was a man of ster against this common foe, against ling worth and the strictest integ this subtle and audacious enemy rity. He was one of those men whose leaders are disguised as wno do more tnan tne worm is gentlemen and christians." aware of, to help thos6 arouud These sentences formed the key him and to assist in building up note of the baccalaureate sermon his oommunitv. He was much preached to the graduating class interested in the casuse of educa at Columbia University by the tion and he has been of great Rev. George Hodges, dean of the service to our schools in many Eoisconal Theological School. wa vs. In his death "his chil- not be as good a building as the I children to be found everywhere died Friday night at his home, old one. We hope they are mis taken, for it would indeed be a shocking offence to the good peo ple of Rowan to learn that $19, 000.00, or more, of the taxes wrung from them had been so needlessly wasted. But the fact " . 1 -mm is mere never was a need tor aj new jail building. The substan tiability of the present jail build ing is almost beyond the power of man, to improve. Last Thursday night the Board of Aldermen elected a number of city officers. In the selection of City Tax Collector they turned out one much : better than they elected, but in entire keeping with ,ihe downward trend of Salis- bury's reigning faction of schem ing peanut politicians. When it came to the selection of water commissioners, M. A. Shank wae slated for such a position by the who elected the tax collector. before taking'the vote, we are informed, the Msvor an- proached one of tire-five, which was necessary for a choic. and stated that "we can't afford elect that man, we must haver a man who can sign notes ad help to raise money," or words to that effect, when the Baid Alaerman, A. Parker, who has openly and persistently , opposed Boyden and his methods for years, in common vernacular "tumbled," and Mr. Shank was defeated. That was a very good reason wfi'y Mr. Shank should have been elected. The man who is put in office for such purpose?, should he attempt to saddle any debt on the city, ought to be forced to pay the bill. Freed of Murder Charge. Danville, Va., June 7 The foutyonng white men and boys charged with the murder of Ellen Elliott, a negro woman, who was killed while masquerading in male Temporary Injunction Issued. Atlanta, Ga., Juae 7. Judge Pardee in the United States Cir- cuirCourt of Appeals late today granted a temporary injunction, restraining the Georgia railroad commission from putting into ef fect a. reduction of 10 per cent, in the freignt rates of the Seaboard Air Line until a final hearing on June 27. On May 10th the com mission issued a circular chang ing' the Seaboard from class C to class B, reducing4ts rates 10 per pent, effective in 80 days. New York dispatch, - - B' Cairo's Curst of Blindness. The first thing that impresses the stranger in Cairo is the num ber of blind m-jn. ' women and dren have lost a kind father, the county, a valuable citizen and many persons a warm, sincere friend. Nib lock, Thomas, a well known farmer of Scotch-Irish towuship, in the shops and on the streets, death being caused by a caucer Opthalmia is very prevalent in ns affection of the face. The Egypt. Because ef superstition deceased was a prosperous farmer concerning "tne evil eye,' . toe eujujeu mw rweeub ami b native mnthera of the middle or teem ot all who knew him. He lower class do not wash the eyes wasan old oonteaerate soiaier, of their babies at all. Watching serving with honor and credit in the flies buzzing unheeded around he civil war. Mr. jnidiock was and nnnn these blind children, a I the father of F. C. Niblock, of stranger has ens to buy a fly- whisk. These are for sale every where and are quite attractive with their ornaments of beads and this city. The funeral was held Sunday from Third Creek church, Nobthey, Mrs. Thomas J sister of Henry C. and Frank palm-leaf fibre. Blind beggars Trott, of Salisbury, died at her greet one at every corner. Jfiveu nome in Charlotte Sunav after m the high class Egyptian lami- nopn wjth typhoid fever. The lies there are many blind. The funeral was held yesterday at the lower classes of Egyptiars are Second Presbyterian church in s muwii w uaouOTou -vuao is i unailotte. me aeceased was a the lower classes in the large native of Rowan county and her citifls and, although it is against eariy Hfe wag Bpent at the old the law to sell it, one will have home in the South Biver neieh the nasneesn places -pointed out borhood. Mrs. Northey was mar to him. and the men who smoke riad ahnnt f?v vaan rn ShA the drug are seen everywhere They are distinguished by the pe -- cuiiar appearance of their eyes which become red, swollen and baggy underneath, and by the pe cuiiar color of the skin, which re sembles somewhat the skin of a e opium smoker. Leslie's Weekly. years ago. leaves a nnsnana ana a young child besides numerous 'relatives. Stole Cake of Pill Soap. After spending six hoars prison cell, Mrs. Anna Poleski years old, a scrubwoman, was ToomasoB-RanklB. The home of Mr, and Mrp. Jacob A ThomaBOD. on South Main street, was the scene ot a beautiful wedding last Thursday evening, when Miss Sarab Thom- ason was united in wedlock to Wade Rankin, Rsv. J. M. Wharay Pflof the First Presbyterian church omciatmg. Atter the ceremony Mr. and Mrs. Rankin left' for 80 re- leasea yesieraay anernoon irom trip to Jame8town and other the Tombs, where she had been points. The bride is a very pop sent oy Magistrate moss, charged nlar vtmni. womaD. d Mr. Ran by the United Express Company kin is an employe of the South with having stolen a cake of pink em. soap, valued at l cent, from its cm i :i j: t . UT x t xl x. 1 I C toos we soap to waan ray tnan feo consider lightly the evi hands, was. 'the somewhat r-1 dnce of disease in your system markable excuse of the woman. Don't takejiesperate chances on I : 1 XT . TT ii nanaht nint-hnnilpil Rftaliiina ordinary meaicmes. use noins -o r o I r I r : nn ok vox 'B uukii y muuuvaiu ion, uu the enormity of her crime, she bowed her head sorrowfully News of the sensational arrest reached Wall street just after the attire on the suburbs of the city market opened, and pink soap on the night of April 20, have teen freed. The case against John Talbot, Cscar Neatharly and Tom Walker were nolle prossed today by Commonwealth's Attor ney Thomas Hamlin. The action of Mr. Hamlin was due to the acquittal last night of Joe Baugh, who was regarded as the ring leader and who confessed stabbing the woman, inflicting a fatal wound. The boys claimed that the woman fired on them and that they acted in self-defense. . preferred took a sudaen jump. Magistrate Moss, before whom" Mrs. Poleski was arraigned in the Centre-Street Court, was reluctant to send her to thr Tombs, v f ' . . V. . . ...I ... . "Don't you think that is a pretty small matter to make a criminal charge of?" he asked Superintendent Charles E. Jef fries. v- "That may all be. Your Honor," replied the superintendent, 'but we are desirous on making an ex ample of her. There has been al-1 case regarding certain newspapers unmw i. mnfth niifarinr . im rresiaent nas receivea an our building lately." ' Jt fb k 1. XL 7- . . , J , - ti Istromer, which is entirely satis Magistrate moss naa no aitern- factory to him" and this he has ative but to have the woman I turned over to the State Depart locked up. Tearfully protesting ment with a statement that he w. .h Hid not intend to. Btfiftl has no objeotion to the reissuance . ' . x0l, u .J of the exequator to Mr. Ekstromer the soap, she was taken across the I.. iL ta . T-MM nf S4,a - Rh romain ?.n lopaxsiBBU Wining there until Mwris Eogel of 9 -Al- -Washington dispatch. bany street generously gave 1300 bail for her. New York Wrla. cents. Tea npr Tablets. T, W Grimes Drug Co. Eieqoator to be Re-issued. If the inclinations of the Presi dent are followed the exequato of Ubaries A. A. ijikstromer as vice-consul of Sweden at St. Louis which was withdrawn some time 11 1j ! ago, win ne re-issuea to mm Mr. iSkstromer mcurrea tne per son a i displeasure of the President by addressing him a letter which was regarded as impertinent and di o trteous. It is in re'ation to the ire'usal of Mr. . Roosevelt. t receive a committee of citizens from St. Louis whacame to Wash- ine to make representations in a coTTcn oirr aACKxnsnY. , K , : ..si..,. i . d m it nv 1 fHATl handling cotton It the best thins; there is for that purpote. Your eottotfshould tu n . n T.sit: Tbiib tod Diet rtvbich lowers the price "of it It should be 'put up in PSaS Ui tao inacuiu ery shouW be"the-siMPMtT and kasisbt to operate. We. furnish the Pkbchatio El-( syatok under, the Murray patents, the Mukray Clbamiko Fbbdsb and a Double things and it'g'ihe simplest made: We build Thb Ehoihb that goes with it and are responsible fo the whole. Write right now. ' , ; - , 6-12 4t v TJTPOSXA OO.. dwurlotW ST. L When - you feel the need of a pill take a DeWitt's Little Early Riser. Small pill, safe pill, surs pill; v Easy to take pleasant and effective. - Drives away headaches. Sold by James Plummer nd all druggists." , Here's 6ood Advice. O. S. Woolever, one of the beit known merchants of Le Ray evil le, N. Y., says: "If -you are ever troubled with piles, apply Buck len's Arnica Siilve. It cured me of them for good. 20. years ago." Cures every sore, wound, burn or abrasion. : 25c at all druggists. . . Only two weeks until we have to take inventory and our counters and shelves are filled with goods that should have been traveling at least four weeks ago! Some of them have overstayed their welcome and we have decided to give them almost a FREE PASS." ' Now don't wait until the goods are all piciedover and then come expecting to find goods advertised a month ago. We can't keep them at these prices. Qq cream cotton voile, worth 12ic. Qq big lot figured lawn, worth up to 10c. 98c for al1 1,25' 1,50 and 1,75 shirt wai8ts This lot includes some of the best patterns that we have shown this season. Men's shirts, all in new and neat pat, terns, well made and worth 50c. any 39c. where. .. 1fn Big lot men's summer caps, in the new xila grajr plaid effect. AH this season's goods, but we didn't buy them to keep, worth 25c. JQq for men's straw hats, worth 25c. Hundreds of other things that are equally as interesting. Dry Goods Co. T. CIESLER, Opsoslte Court House. " danager. 10th, & LOTHROP, 11th, FandQts- f Dm G- WHITE COTTON DREGS HATERIALS. June Brides, Bridemaids and host of other women are think ing of dainty white frocks. The largest, best and most complete stock of White Cotton Dress Materials possible to assemble is here to select from representing the best of our owmcountry's products as well as those of England, Ireland, France and Switzerland. French Lawns, 48 inches wide: sheer and dainty. 25o to $1 per yard. Paris Muslins, with a lovely silken sheen ; 48 inches wide. 50o to $1 per ytfrd. French Organdie, b8 inches wide. x 50o to $1 per yard. Persian Lawns, the imported' kind ; 32 inches wide, 25c to 60o per yard. 45 inchps wide. 37io to $1 per yardr Pearlirie Lawns, an old .reli able frabb, but comparatively new to this, market. One of the finest products of the Eng lish looms and finishers. 47 iuches wide. 50o per yard. Persian Lawns, : 48 inches wide. 37o per yard. Swiss Products. In Switzerland, owing to nat ural and climatic conditions, they weave, bleach and finish in the superior way that you are famil'ar with in embroider ies from that country. Swiss India Linens, 86 inches wide. 30o to fjOo per yard. 48 inches wide., OOo to 75o per yard. Swiss Alpine Batiste, sheer and exquisitelv soft finish. 50o to $1.25 per yard". ' French Batiste, 45 in. wide. 37iO per yard. French Ifaiusook, 46 in. wide, COo to per yard. Dotted and Figured Swisses. '' 40o to 75b per yard. FOUR SPECIAL VALUED IN WHITE DXXES3 LINERS. 45-inchr pure linen Suiting.. ' '-. ' ' ' OOo par yard. 86-inch Irish linen, pure lin en and light weight. 45o per yard. " 36-inch Irish linen, round thread. - .f50o per yard. -72-inch pure" Irish linen. 05o-peryard; BEtK-HRRY 'Hats 1 0 c an d 25 c: r We ha,ve sold several hundred of these Hats, - but we can hardly miss them from the lot, for we had about 2,100 hats. So we still have lots of hats yet. 'New lots put out every day and just as good style as we had at first. Get a new hat. Price 1 tic and 25c. 25o Hose for 15c. Another case of those 25e lase Hose; just as' pretty as we ever sold at 25 cents. These are a little imperfect or seconds, but you can hardly notice it, A great bargain - Price 15 Gents. It pays to trade at BILK-HARRY CO. ii ii CHIP TOBACCO is one of the best and largest plugs of flue-cured goods ever offered the consumer at 10c. It is manufactured by a strictly INDEPENDENT firm, a con cern depending solely upon the good will and patronage of the people at large; a patronage only desired upon the strength of the superior quality of their tobaccos. That it has earned this appreciation is amply proved by the tremendous and rapidly increasing demand for CHIP. In fact, wherever their tobaccos come into competion with other makeSf-whether with the people or before judges of the world's great expositions, they are invariably winners Call for! CHIP and save the tags as they are" valuable. A copy ot oar 1907 premium catalogue, which la one of the largest and most attractive ever gotten out by a tobacco manufacturer, will be mailed to any address in the United States on receipt ox Only 4c in postage stamps or 8 of the tags we are redeeming. HancocK Bros. Co., Lynchburg, Va. NATURE'S GREAT BLOOD TONIC Piedmont-Bedford Concentrated Iron fi Alum Water v RcprcMatinf the Famaus Bedford Alum & Iron Springs of Va.) contains 17 of the most powerful Mineral Tonics. An 18-oz. bottle contains all the minerals in a barrel of the average water. We furnish the minerals, you furnish the water. We have certificates both from the public and from emi nent' physicians, telling of its virtue in Dyspepsia, Rheumatism, a large variety of Female Diseases, Chronic Diarrhoea and Dysentery, General De bility, Anaemia, Malaria, Ulceration of the Throat, Diabetes, Piles, Chronic Eczema, Ner vousness, Chronic Constipation and many show ing the wonderful cures in that dreadful disease, Scro fula. Db. T. L. Kablbr, for fifteen years a resident at the Springs, says: For Scrofula, that fearful destroyer of human health and happiness, we have in this water a remedy which neither science nor fortunate accident hi hitherto found an equal. It is in this malady, and some forms of secondary and tertiary Syphilis, that this water when carried 0 its full alterative effect, displays Us highest . curative powers. -In all forms of diseases peculiar to females, this water will be found to sert a curative influence second to none in Virginia. I have given your Concentrated Water a fair trial, and say with pleas ure I have been greatly benefited. For some years I have suffered more or less with Indigestion, followed by Constipation- and other attendant ills. Within the past two months I have found such relief from your remedy that I have improved in strength and weight; have eaten what I have not dared to do for a long time, and have done harder work than I have been able to do before for years : Rev. OSCAR LITTLETON, . . " Presiding Elder, Lynchburg, Va. Since 1894 I have been afflicted with Chronic Diarrhoea, About six months ago I commenced using your Concentrated Iron and Alum Water with the most wonderful and satisfactory results. ' For three or four years past I have been deprived of the privilege of visiting friends or going to church, as my trouble kept me in constant apprehension having lost almost entirely the control of my bowels; but now I am happy ta state that after using about a half dozen bottles of your remedy I am entirely cured, not having used any for the last four months. I can confidently and most gladly recomnaend your remedy for Chronic Diarrhoea. -.- Capt. RUFTJS AMIS, Virgilina, Va. I was an intense sufferer for some months with Indigestion, and could get no relief .from the ordinary remedies. During the "month of January I began the use of your Concentrated Water, and one bottle has 'entirely re lieved me. I can now digest any diet and am entirely free irom suffering. I take great pleasure in giving thisestimonial. ' Rev. H. Jlf BLAIR, Editor Nj. C. Christian Advocate, 1 . - Greensboro, N. C. I have used and prescribed waters from several Iron and Alum Springs, but none of them begin to come up to your Concentrated JVater in all that goes to make the ideaf alterative, strengthener, appetiser and restorative. It is at once a fine tonic and flesh-builder. Have advised several recently to try it, and always with fine and quick results. In January I had a bottle tmt from one of your dealers! to a lady; with the understanding that if it did not at once improve her digestive apparatus, I would pay the $1.00 myself She not only willingly paid the bill, but used a part-pf one-half dozen more " bottles, and is now completely cured of a long and annoying Stomach Trouble. This seems to be the case with all who try it. ' : ' . - S. I MILLIARD, M. D , ' , Rocky Mount, N. CE . ?A J. IL ECHOLS CO , lyncMirg, ; Sold nd recommended by T. W, Grimes Drag Co., Chest nut Hill Drag Co., H. M. Cook Pharmacy. : - . ; n S -Si

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