4 '7'"' i.v':'---.'. nii-riffiTj-i'riiriin For- , ODER! DENTISTRY at prices in reach of all pall on . (tfttrrX we do is be up-to tWe Everything guaranteed to date Dentist-" extract teeth with as little pain as p.acticable. Give us a trial. Office 122 W. Main Street, Overman Building. - Or. FOX, Manager. Notice of Re-Sale to Hake Assets. North Carolina, ) In Superior Court,: Rowan County. Before the Clerk, James H. McKensie, adm'r, ) against Cora C Lawrence and others ) Pursuant to the provisions or an order of the Superior court of Rowan county, rendered in a special proceed ing entititled as above, the under signed commissioner will sell, for cash, at the court house door in the city of Salisbury, H. C, on Saturday, the 29th da) of June, 1907, the following described real estate, sit uated tn the county of Rowan, and bounded as follows: One lot situated in East Spencer, N. C, on the S. W. side of Henderson street, fronting on -same, and beginning at a stake on the south corner of" the intersection of Henderson street and the 12 foot alley, 182 feet S. 15 E. from the east edge of Long street; thence with edge of said alley South 57 45 West 177 4-19 feet to a stake on comer ; thence with edge of said lot S 39 20 E. 50 2-10 feet to a stake on corner of lot number 16; thence with edge of said lot N. 57 45 E. 170 feet to stake oh Henderson street ; thence with edge of same N. 32.15 W. 50 feet to the beginning, being lot No. 17 on A. S. Heilig's map and survey of the Verble purchase in East Spencer. See deed from John H. Verble and wife to A. S. Heilig, which is recorded in Rowan county. See book of deeds 98, page . 164. Bidding to begin at $588.50. - " Mav 24th, 1907. J. H. McKENZIE, commissioner. Bo bton Craigb, attorney. Re-Sale ol Valuable Land lor Assets. In pursuance of a judgment of the Superior Court, in a special proceed ing entitled John J. Stewart, adminis trator of W. W. Miller, against John Goodman and wife, Fanny E. Good man, Adam E. Miller, Wm. D. Miller, Henry C, Miller, Henry Turner and UNIOX CHURCH. fAITH. : Characteristics of Anlmtls, ion animai oiieast intelligence y in a circus menagerie -is the bean- j ' IMuch harvesting of wheat and an invitations to ' preach the ier- tiful giraffe ; the most intelligent, I oats will be done this week and a oron here for the Jr O. TJ. A M. sub niouKej, lae moiiumw, yet general wina tne nail next wees, ion ounaay aiternoon at .4 p, m. , the most dangerous; the eleptiant ; i If WV Notice any kind of a ma- Je 16th, on the occasion of the most untrustworthy; the cats, in- chine pass by our towtf, it', a new Wm0 eluding all those animals belong- Ls' .i : t w deceaaed brothers of, this order uding all those animals belong icg to the feline family ; most af fectionate, the seals ; most ill- .. .uu.iu., be right on the spot, is never in a pleasant frame of . - .. . mind from the dav of his birthl Tbe.health-of the community until he is ready to be skinned 18 verygood except chills and placed m a natural history ' Mr. and Mrs. Frank Linebarrier museum. Spare Moments. I were visitora in Tin. TYiwn foot - .1,. : - - . baturday night. iBiiBi much. , v v "5 On May 29th. Mrs. Jane C. A lady customer ot onrs had Hartman, the niother of James suffered with tetter for two Or GAhnn. wRfi Ra.llAa hv Hav dAAt.h who have beeir laid to rest in th harvester and a : mower. If the srjrinfir oata .r fcnri ritia.11 for the harvester of course the mower will CBmT:y. ere We hear that Ernest Ritchie has enlisted in the United States army We visited the: Empire block in Salisbury th" other day. " It is ocQupiqd by three different firms: We met oar -old friend D. R. Sheilds, who was one of the first street car conductors iur Salisbury and the one who secured the ; fi; st ; , - BV " uu uer aDei 5 eternal nome. one pag8dI,ger on his car and collected uauus mtti, bub cuum uoi anena leaves . iour sons, twelve srraua-Uu w UBi uuuBeuum tU6lBB. UU9 OCX I ohiinrAn fl.nn n nnmW f nanr of Chamberlain'B Salve cured her. j ir- , reiauiveu auu irieuaa so mourn ner unerperiain s medicines gi v e splendid satisfaction in this com munity. Mr. M. H, Rodney & Go , Almond, Ala. Chamber lain's medicmeB . are for sale by James rlummer, Salisbury, and bpenoer f harmacy, Spencer, N.0 loss. She was a mother to them all. . . ' . ' ' . - . N. .' Juo F. Blackwell, Sr., visited! W. A. Agner'a Sunday last. J)on't forget, there will be ser- He is holding a position in the large furniture store of TE. Witherspoon & Co. The Reformed cjiurch people will give abig ice cream supper on Saturday night, June 22nd, to raise money for their parsonage. The had of the right hand steam Rheumatism come. I have found a tried and tested enre frn Jthan. snatisml Not a remedy that will straighten th distorted limbs of chronic cripples, nor turn bony uwitua w wj uvaa hkhih. xnac IS impoSSlDle. lit I Can now surely kill tha tWLina &n1 nuin nt In Germany with Chemist In the -City of Darmstadt I found the last ingredient with Which Dr. Shoop's Rheumatic Remedy was made a perfected, dependable prescription. Without that last ingredient, I successfully treated many, many cases of Rheumatism ; but now. at last. It uni. lurcmy cures ail curaDie cases ol tbislberetofrm much dreaded disease. Those sand-like granular iwwi 4. 4--nA ,foundtoRheumaticBlood.seemtodissolv 'clJ,wv'uJr 1"V1UC" uu ouvouu. V1AAB "rJl-.v4 TAMtn Aiiwin.lif ir . x . . . chest blowed out on the passenger , . , ... train just as it got in front of Mr t O I t t nr mi J ' o.wp ui. uyftBV.r. vv. iucxw, , n.v ahmif 4.on m i ui vjranibH wuarrv, an are wei A Junior Order sermon will be I preached at the Dunn's Mountain Baptist church, the fifth Sunday of June, at 8 p."m. by Rev, Davis. other engine was sent for. - Venus - MUSE CONVICTED. wastes.! and pass away under the action of this remedy at xreeiy as aoes sugar wnen aaaea to pure water. And then, when dissolved, these poisonous wastes xreeiy pass irom trie system, and the cause of Rheumatism is gone forever. There is now no teal need no actual excuse to suffer longer with. OUt help. We gall and In nemHtUnr iMnmnu Dr. Shoop's Rheumatic Remedy GRIMES DRUG CO. We are informed that F. G. Goodman and J. H. Barrineer, will be transferred to the stand ing army. They will leave about the 21st inst. foir Charlotte where they will stand the recruiting ex amination and thence to New York for a two week's drill. From there they expect to o to Cali- Rowan Man 6oes to Prison for Passing Counterfeit Mousy. James J. Muse, of Salisbury, was ..'onvictea in the Federal Court at Asheville yesterday of passing counterfeit money and sentenced to the United States prison at Atlanta for thirteen months. An Asheville dispatch says that several months ago he was arrested charged with passing Cures Blood, Skin Diseases, Cancer. Greatest Blood Purifier Free. If your blood is Impure thin, diseased, hot or full of humors, if you have blood poison, cancer, carbuncles, eating sores, scrofula, ec- 1 . . , t TT tne "queer. ne whs given a Wife, Susan A. Turner, Mary Hi. Miller, xema. ucninif , riBings ana pumps, scaDDy, daV lllKht Of thlS month at O D. .a i u1,QQ a vt;ii iri.a pimp.v; skin, bone pains, cata-rb, rhenma- S " (widow), and Eugene A. Miller, Theo. ,sm; any DloOQ ai8ease,'take Bo- m in the school buildinir at Union T. Miller. Zula E. Miller, Ira W. Mil- tanlc Blood Balm. (B B B) Soon aU sores heal m- lu lne Bf-aol ouuailiga union Flavoring Extracts Tlade Just for You. Ier, Archy Lee K. Millerand Sidney E. aches and pains stop and the blood is made MilW minnn th ntiiloi.Bi.Tnwl wiU Pe and rich Druggists or by expre s $tier i, I " . . ' . . 1 ST rt 1 1 large bottle sample iree ny wmmg uiooa Bell at public . auction at the Court Balm Co Atlanta. Ga. BB B is especiaUy ad- House door in Salisbury," N. O., on I vised for chronic, deep-seated eases, as it I cures after all else fails Saturday, the (dm day of Jane, 1907, the following described land, to wit: Beginning at a stake in a road, Samuel Carter and Mary E. Miller's dower's corner and runs thence S. 1 W. 10,85 chains to a stake: thence W. 18.821 chains to a stake, Ashby Miller's cor ner: thence H. 68 W. 17.21 chains to a stake on the old Propst line ; thence j N. 1 E. 4.50 chains to a stake ; thence E. 34 chains to the beginning, contain ing 82M acres be the same more or less. - This DroDerty is well located in Franklin township and is only about three and one-half miles northwest from Salisbury, N. C, on the new Mock8ville public road. The sale will be left open ten days for a ten per cent. bid. Now is your opportunity to buy a small farm cheap. This May 13th, 1907. ;J0HN j; STEWART, commissioner Sale ol Valuable Laoi By virtue of a decree of the Superior Court oi isowan county ui me tpwai Droceedinc entitled Frank N, Bryan, administrator of Jonas Luckey. de ceased, against Correlius Luckey and others, heirs at law, thej undersigned commissioner will sell at puDiic auc tion, to the highest bidder, for cash, at the court house door in Salisbury, N. C, on Monday, trie 17tb day of June, 1907, at 12 o'clock M., the following de scribed real-estate, to wit: the same being in Scotch Irish township, Rowan county, C: First Tract: Besnnnme at a stone in the old Hall line, thence N. 2. E. 16.20 chains to a hickory in VV..A. Steele's and Joseph Cartner's corner; thence N. 89JS W. 28.46 chains to a stone on Pinkney Neely's and Jonas Luckey s division line ; thence o. vdli W. 13.98 chains to a stone in road on Mrs. M. F. Bryan's line: thence S 70 12 E. 9 82 chains to stone on said fornia where they will be on duty The oratorical contest of Rowan preliminary hearing before United . ... Council No. 196 will be public, States Commissioner McCall and - i same to be held on the last Satur-1 held in $1,000 bond. The bond was maae ana wnne some persons familiar with the case held to the Academy. All are invited to opinion that the accused would come out. - not present nimseit tor trial they TI C. Eerns returned home last reM!,?d 'wn.- When court con week from Chapel Hill where he 0IZIZ0ZI0000000000 I romes says Jt stands, to reason that in making flavoring extracts for our own trade, and requiring only a moderate profit, we can supply better extracts" than some distant manufac ture who must provide for two or three profits. ' There is a distinct saving here that soes into the qual ity of our extracts. Try them for cooking and see how much, fresher, stronger and moWappetizing our extracts are. - : f SALISBURY DRUG CO., 115 N. Main St. ' 4 Per Cent. vened here this week Muse was on hand. He had employed to rep resent him ex-Judge Thomas A. jones ana Eugene- way, ana a hard fight was made for the mail's acquittal.. The two principal wit- M . nesses lor tne prosecution were negro women who alleged that We nav 4 ner cent, on money m savin P8 aeparxmeu. uuuiug uuo interest to theprinci pal every uu line : thence S. 88 1-2 E. 2.35 chains to days, and offer every safe guard to a sione on same line ; tnence o. ow depositors. - ' . - E. 18.30 chains to the beginning. Con- Wq lfln i njL n monev on real es Second Tract: Beginning at a stone tate and personal security on W. A. Steele's and Geo Simmons finished his course, . Rowan Council 106, Jr. O. U. A M.. elected, officers for next term as follows: T. C. Eller, C. ; N. B. Drury, V. C. : J H. Tippett, A. R. S. : L. D. Earnhardl, Con.; W. F. Rufty, Muse had given them counterfeit War. : C. J, H. Lyerly, O. S. ; H, money w . connor, i- o. ; vt. w . miner, The cage was concluded yester- Uhap. i A. Li. L.jenj, trustee. day about noon and given to the Th Snndav School at Union Mary. From that hour until 10 numbers about 170 now. We feel tnis morning tne jury aeiiberated quite assured that there are other ftnd finally returned a verdict of who should attend Sunday School. gmy-. Muse had confidently ex Come out and let us make this peoted acquittal and the verdict a banner vear. Chub: of 8ltY completely upset him. Me broke down in the court room Tie Child MarrfTge Evil. A L prDe. 8!ntenc" Uudee Boyd at first instructed In some respects the North Car- thii the couvicted man be cou- olina coufities bordeiingon South fined in the United States prison Carolina nave reauuu u coiiBiuur at Atlanta for a term of 15 the Palmetto State and mhospi- month8. Judge Jones interceded . 11 L 1 It M. 1 tame neignoor n not a menace. in behalf of his client and- urged In South Carolina the marriage the court to reduced the sentence, lama a m varv 1 AAflo f Vi a lamalo. . i . ?onBOlD .6.w- argamg tnat io months was a ture of that State persisting in nrftt.t.v nn tiro to dnriv mn remsing to pass a marriage iiciiBe of hig Uberty. In his efTotts act. That State as persistently jadge Jones was partially success- retuses to pass a aivorce acr, ana f, Jn(1 Bovd finflilv rednCirrt? ... ... . ... . , I a . while it is impossible to ai9s ive sentence to thirteen months the marriage tie in South Caro lina, the ease and 'axnees with which counles can 2jt mai ri jd is We have practically everything that is handled by a retail drug store in America. Notonly do we have all goods that are called legitimate drug store goods, and sick-room goods, but we handle many side lines which are not founoTin all drug stores; in fact, it is our endeavor to make our stock so complete that our store will be of the greatest possible help and advant age to the locality. We want the women and children and the men to feel that practically all of their -wants can be filled at our store. Yon can Always ilo Better at Grimes' tlian Elsewliere. OUR MOTTO: Largest Stock, Lowest Prices. V - Dimes5 rao 126 North Main Stieet, SALISBURY, NORTH CAROLINA. A Horrible Death. eiu t: t.. 17 n 1 O rflTIHRT.Iflll III 1 IIHMtlllllfHliirf UllBU tion. The loose marriage syitem 5iy corner on Albert Lackey's line ; thence S. 89 E. 4.75 chains to a stone on W. A. Steele's corner ; thence N. 11 E. 12.25 ! chains to a stone on W. A. Steele's! line ; thence S. 5 E. 12 08 ehains to the beginning, containing 6 acres more or less FRANK N. BRYAN, commissioner. bmoot & Capps, attorneys. TEE PEOPLES' BM AID TRUST CO. mgnt watenman t r f.Via Mvrt.lo TPnrnif.nra flnmnanv in our neighbor Carolina is a great f elj into a vat of boiling water and grievous temptation to JN on n iaBt night, and died in awful ago Carolina counles to go over the ny this morning. Hayworth was . . . . 1 mmW line to get married, many of the mng ms rouncfr on tne outside iq D. B.JULIAN, j..iovvoo ooupiesueing minor wno uuu xu dA." are iocatftH. t J i 1 oohiar-i . i 1: - 1 ' rresiueuo. impossiDie to get marriage iiceuno when he stumbled into what nrov vk. - m- 9 m I M LTHWT WT1 I . I -A. f . H. 1HOMPSOM, o. a. ii-.f . NnPfch fjopolina without the Ud to be hia death tran. Snia trr t ; Ji. - 'I'qI lor I . . . I r- r V--rre8iUBU . ... Thnro Un Hhar ..t.t.A Ohflorvar PMI1UHIII. Ill iilinil UBiDUbDi m.majmji w v Bismarck Capps 18 an lnser-Bunno nuo ui wu miles between tna - two - uaronnas 1 win man you tree, - to prove and the child marriages along merit, samples of my Dr. Shoop's nestorative, ana my uook on ei WUIlam3.'8Bioot - SM00T & CAPPS, ATTORNEYS & COUNSELORS AT LAW Lhe border have grown into an Boom No 8, Court House Annex, SALISBURY. m.C. Practice in State and Federal courts. Handle collections, loan moneyT aim handle promptly all business entrust .ed to oar care.- - - - - 444 BO YEARS "f EXPERIENCE Before You Purchase Anv Other Write FHE NEW HOME SEWING MACHINE COMPANY ORANGE. MASS. - Mam Sewincr Machine ara Made to Sell ree&rd- fess of Quality, but-the Hew Homel is mad to wear. Our guaranty never runs out We make Sewing Machines to suit all condition H the trade. The "Mew Home" stands atth. lead of all High-grade family sewing machines j. Sold toy authorised dealer only. :. ' " FOR SAUK BY -'. ' . i W IVL RUTH, Silishij? N a Trade Marks fttl?1-: 'Copyrights Ac Anrona sending s sketch and description may APSSSSiln oar opinion free whether n r;nVW in probably patentable. J"1n"": tioMStrictlyfldentUanaooo. oltlZtm tjLken throueh Mnnn 4. Co. reeelTS qnlckly lnrentu f Irkna at sent free. Oldest nttr withont chars e. in the Sctetinttc itmencaiu MUNI! UOi'JIIMP evil that is justly complained of. Wilmington Star. The man who does not adver tise because he tried it and failed, should throw away his cigar be cause the light went out. ther Dyspepsia, The Heart or the Kidneys. Troubles of the Stom ach, Heart or Kidneys, are mere ly symptoms of a deeper ailment Don't make the common error of treating symptoms only. Symp torn treatment is treating the re mlt of your ailment, and not the cause. weaK otomacn nerves the. inside ntrves mean Stomach Free, for Catarrh, inst to prove weakness, always, . And the Heart, marit ft Trial S12 BOX OI r.isim n.iuuojB bb won, uyw nueir Shoop'a Catarrh .Remedy. -Let controlling or inside nerves. m mm-A it now. It is a sncw white, weaken inesc nerves ana you m- ,ramv; healine. abtiseptic balm, evitably haveweak vital organs. nf .in.ncr Hnch heahne inirredi- Here -is where Dr. ShoopT Re ents as Oil Eucalyptus, Thymol, storative has made its fame. No Menthol etc., it gives insxan otuor ujouj bou wiu u wea and lasting relief to Catarrh of the ;inside nerves." Also for the nose and throat. . Make the bloating, biliousness, bad breath M Tti'i' baa for vonrsel f w hat or complexion , use Dr. Shoop's .1.:. n.t(nnn and will ac- Restorative. Write me today for complish. Address ui. onoop, i "f" "w t" T ' """"F J n..j-.- w; T.oToir l eeufes. ttacme, wib.- ia& n-esTOrawve is naljlUw. - 49. tmt-" J 1 . " . ii.- ISoldbyOnmes Drng Store 'sold by wnmes wrng store. C? o uo you want a nanor Do You want an Organ? Do You want a Victor Talking: flachine? I 0 0 n o u o o I oocn 1 saija,.., y"J,""mi,j4,,M,l - - - - r ,mW 0 0 ' If 80, it will be to your advantage to visit our new store and inspect the elegant lines that we carry. We Weaver, Stultz & Bauer, Capen, York, Shultz and Livingston pianos, and the Celebrated Weaver organs. U We also carry the largest stock of Victor -Talking 0 Machines that is carried in any house in this" part of 5 the country, and have prepared a special booth tdacv commodate this pait ot our business. - We also carry all kinds of stringed instruments, -strings and sheet music. . . 1 You can buy on the Easy-pay plan if you so desire.; Why. should you longer postpone supplying your - - ahaWU-aXS II AIM -UVSk".V - Give us a call, or write for catalogues, prices and terms. Respecefully, 0 G. W. FRIX & CO., Empire Block, Salisbury, N. C. w - - - - - 0 0 n us trtr" " a w r -:- ; 'j' - - . . .. s . .. ' " ' -Vi"".'''-'-. 2553"i; ti ''.---.