v SHOULD BE LOOKED AFTER. Cases of This Sort Should Recelie Prompt V 1 and Eftectlio Treatment. While going to her home od Davie avenue one night recently, a-young lady who is necessarily kept at her work up tow until 8:80 and 9 o'clock, waz approach ed by two large negro men at a point just in front of the Asso ciate Reformed church, ou east Broad street, and one of the ne croes addressed her in the follow ing language i "How do yon do, sweetheart?" The young lady was badly frightened and hurried home without calling for help, A number of such inoidents have been known in Statsville recently and if the young ladies insulted "would only call for help the inso lent brutes would be attended to. At the time of tJhe incident men tioned above, two policemen were standing near the square, in call ing distance, and if tne young lady had called for help the ne groes could have been easily ar rested. Cases of this sort mean trouble The negroes who offer the insults are Drobablv not of the kind to take a hint, but if some of them are eaught they'll wish they had Statesville Landmark. FELL FROM TRAIN. Meets Veteran Returning From Re-onion Death on the Rail. Greenville, S. C, Juue 6 Judge J. S. Bossier, of New Or leans, met death laBt night abnt 7 o'olock by falling from a South ern passenger train about two miles scuth of Easley. He was apparently passing from ne coach .1 ' 1 II to auotner ana ien irom a piai- form,' falling a lUstance of 60 feet down an embankment. He was a veterau of the civil war and hud been in attendance at the Richmond re-union, from vhich he was returning. v H.i ia said to have carried a robe which was worn by Jefferson Da vis, to the rumon and sold it for the owner for a handsome price. Examination by the doc tors showed that his neck was dis located in the fall. Otherwise he received few bruises, lie was a recent candidate for Lieutenant Governor of Louisiana. His fami y liyes in Louisiana. His body was embalmed and sent home to day, Special to Charlotte Ob eerver. The medicine that sets the whole world thinking, The remedy on which all doc tors agree, " The prescription all your friends are laxing is Hoi lister's Rocky Moun t a i n Tea. T. W. Grimes Drug Co. Replanting Cotton. When you read of cotton being replanted it usually means that what came np in the rows was plowed under and that new seed were planted, but the object o this article is to call attention to the importance of replanting the missing places in the rows. This has always been' regarded as card job and one reason why it was not done. mi ii- i ine old way oi replanting was to dig a trench the whole length of the missing place and sow seed all the way along and then cov ered them. Now unless the miss ing place is over two feet long we pay no attention to it. Where re-planting is needed we dig holes about two feet apart and put three or four seed in each hole. ay mis metood tne wore is much easier done and hardly any chopping is necessary and the stand of cotton is obtained. 3 Where land is well manured -and thoroughly tilled the import ance of a good stand is greater than whore a light yield is ex i J At -.-r pectea irom tne start, jnow is the time to do this work if it has not already been done. J. M ty in Smithfield Herald. Cotton Outlook Poor In Mississippi. R.L. Hardison returned Satur day night from West Point, Miss,, where he had been on a visit to his brother, John M. Hardison. Mr. Hartfison says that many 1 TTT -W-k xarmers around west roint were planting cotton for the third time last week. It has been raining almost all the spring in Mississip pi and where there is anything like a stand of cotton the plant is hidden by weeds and grass. The outlook for the staple in Mis sissippi is the poorest ever known at this season; so Mr. Hardison was' informed. Wadesboro Mes senger. - Accident to Yeteran. J. D. Tarleton, a Confederate veteran who lives on the Moore farm near Charlotte, was found on the depot yard here last Fri day morning at 1 o'clock in an unconscious condition and witb bad bruises on his body. The man could give- no account of himself. He was taken to. the Monroe Hotel and Dr. J. M. Blair was called to attend the injured man. The man's name was not known by any one here until last Sunday when W. W. Moore, of Charlotte, came down to seel him. Two of Mr. Tarleton's sons, came downrllonday and spent the night with him. The unfortunate man is here in the hands of strangers and they are doing everything possible for him. It is supposed that Mr. Tarleton, in returning from the re-union at Richmond, stepped off the train here and was hurt. Monroe Enquirer. Work of a Pipe Line Walker. Jack Movey has walked over the Tidewater pipe line from Rix- ford, McKean county, to Wil- liamBport continuously during the last twenty-six years. He makes from eight totweuty- oue" miles a day, carrying a kit tools weighing about sixty pounds among which is a telegraph in strument, which in case of breaks or other accidents, he attaches to the company's wire which follows the line, and informs headquart ers at Williamsport. The dis tance is 145 miles as the line runs up and down hill, across valle)s and through woodlands and for ests forty miles of it being through the dense Potter county woods with scarcely a habitation along the route. Philadelphia Record HARNESS - j Tonight.s - If you would enjoy 'tomorrow take Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets tonight. They pro duce an agreeable laxative effect, cleanse the stomach. Price, 25 cents. Samples free at James Plnmmer's, Salisbury,' and Spen cer Pharmacy, Spencer, N p. DR.KING'S NEW DISCOVERY Will Surely Stop That Cough. o o ' jnow is the time to buy a new set of harness. We have them r all purposes and at all prices. light driving from $8.50 to $25 image or Surry harness from $15 to $25. Team Wagon Har neat, bMt in town for Ike mioney We have a job lot of harness which we will olose out at a very close price. Now is the time to get a bargain. Repairing of all kinds neath and promptly done at lowest priews. Cut this ad. out and bring it with you and for every $1 pur chase, or more, we will give a nice buggy whip, Hartline & Co. Phone 433, 130 East Inniss St. . Charles W. Woodson, M. D., Medicine and Surgery. Offers his Professional Services to the Public. Phone 336. OFFICE: WacbOTia Bank Building. " K prompt, pleasant, good reme dy for coughs and colds, is Ken nedy's -Laxative Cough Syrnp, It is especially recomn e idtd for Ha bits and children, hot good for every member of the family. It contains no opiates and does not constipate. Contains honey and tastes nearly as gQod as maple strap- Children Lke it. Sold by James Plummer and all drug gists. . To those who pay 1 for one year's subscription, In advance; to The Watchman we will give a Pocket Unite. T These knives retail at fifty cents. 5 Come in and see them. - , llllfrCTrh ln Graf Pecans and Crap Fruit I II V Ld I lU 'industries yields a greater and iftore certain Srt mmmJ innnmo than arm AtVioi in troaf Truant Yvrvrwni ,tioaAn the South. I can show you an investment that will pay 6 per cent' from ditto, and increMs, tQl at the expiration of 10 years, your annual income will be equal ' to amount invested. If you are in a position to invest $100 or more, write for particulars to W, M. GRISINGER, 47 Candler Btaiiain ' Atlau&tm. Georgia 1 SHALL II Having tried all other remedies, will you'eou- tinue to suffer through &be psidai Don't be Foolish Represented Eye Head- aches sap one's vitality and bring about a gens eral nervousness break down. Let us Relieve Your Headaches by Remov ing the Cause. Save your Eyes and nei 1 vous energy. . W. H. LEONARD, Jeweler and Optician, 128 N. Main St., 8allabury, N. O. Every Han His Own Doctor. The average man cannot afford to employ a physician for every slight ailment or injury that may occur in his family, nor can be afford to neglect them, as so slight an injury as the scratch of a pin hus been known to cause the loss of a limb. Hence every man must from necessity be his7 own doctor for this class of ailments. Success often depends upon prompt treatment, which can only be had when suitable medi cines are kept at hand. Cham berlain's Remedies have been in the market for many years and enjoy a good reputation. Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy for bowel complaints. Chamberlain's Cough Remedy for coughs, colds, croup and whooping cough. Chamberlain's Pain Balm (ai. antiseptic liniment) for cuts, bruises, burns, sprains, swellings, lame back and rheumatic pains. Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets for constipation, bilit usness and stomach troubles. Chamberlain's Salve for dis eases of the skin. One bottle of each of these five preparations cost but $1.25. For by James Plummer, Salis-J sale bury, and Spencer Pharmacy, Spencer, N. C. DRUHMERS SAMPLE For both Work and Dress at 6Co on HItlo Avail yourself of the oppoitunity of buying two pairs for just a trifle more than you pay elsewhere for one ------- WtAR PRICE FOOT WEaA TERMS STRICTIY CASH X tPDPUtAR PRICE FOOT WEAR TERMS STRICTIY CASH m M. G. McCURDY, Manager, Ncrth Main Street. Salisbury, N. C. H FRESH DRUGS, ACCURATE COMPOUND ING AND PROMPT SERVICE. The Chestnut Hill Drug Store is the place to have your pre scriptions filled for the following good reasons; W e handle none but pure fresh drugs. Wo have a prescription ist of 22 years experience who accu rately and promptly compounds ail prescriptions sent us. Our service cannot be equalled for promptness and general satisfactsou. ' . Loans Doubly Secured. If you have any money idle or bringing you less than 6, list it with our Company at once. We'll lend it for you, First Mortgage on Real Estate, taking the mortgage and note in your name, and in ad dition give you the WRITTEN 6UARANTEE of our Company that both princi pal and interests will be paid IN FULL as they fall due. We assume all risk and stand between you and possible loss. Our guarantee has more than 120,000 back of it; and, loans made through our Company have DOUBLE THE SECURITY OF A RANK paying you 6 all the time. McCubbins & Harrison Co., then she'll be bright as the dav. I Paid in capital $20,000. Loans. Sold here by James Plummer and Real Estate, Fire and Life Ihsur jill druggists. ance, Salisbury, N. C. nr. 'This little pig went to market," doesn't amuse tonight. Baby's not well ; what's themat . ter, her dear little cheeks are - so white ; Poor little tummy is aching, naughty old pain go away, CaSCSSieet mother must give her, 3 1 We carry a nice line of toilet articles, perfumeries, soaps, v patent medicines, etc. vj We have just installed a handsome soda fountain and will dispense all kinds of soft drinks made from pure fruit syrups. Your patronage is respectfully solicited. CHESTNUT HILL DRUG CO., C. M. HIGGINS, Druggist. T. A, DENNISS, Mgr. SALE. PRI-IMTORY . ON ptT MONDHY, THE I OTH, We will start our Pre-Inventory Sale and continue for 12 days. At this sale we expect to sacrifice some of this season's best goods. Owing to the long continued cold weather we are left with some of our choic est goods in our shelves and experience teaches us that it's better to close out this season's goods at a loss now. than to carry them over to another and lose it then. in our sur.ir.iER goods We have a magnificent line of Arnold's Silk Mulls in beautiful floral designs that are worth at the mills today 37cts, our sale price, 18 cents. Oar 10c line of flowered and polka dot Lawns at 7 1-2CS cheaper grades at 4. 5. 6 and 7 cents. Big line Cotton Dress Plaids, double fold, worth 15c, sale price 10 cents. Yard wide Cretonns in Oriental and florial patterns worth 15c, sale price 10 cents. 27-inch floral patterns worth 10c, ale price 7.-1-2. , Yard wide Silkoleen 12o and' 15c quality 10 CCnts Beautiful line of silk finish Velours for upholstering, worth 75c at the mills, our price 39c. Several colors in Mercerized Voils, just the thing to make a pretty jumper or suspender suit, worth 30c, sale price 19 cents. We have a few pieces of Printed Satteens, good patterns, goods that'a well worth 25c the yard, sale price 12 1-2 cents White Embroidered Mercerized Battiste, 30c value 23 cents. 35c value 27 cents. .Crepe De Chine half Silk in black, tan, reseda, well worth 40c, sale price 25 cents. Our entire line of 50o 19-inch Silks in all colors, at 39c. Our $1.50 plaid dress goods the very newest of this seasons dress fabrics silk and wool mix tures at $ 1 . 1 5 the yard. Our $1,25 line at 98c. Our $1.00 line at 79o. Big Values all over Batiste worth $3.50 at $2.50 Flouncing to match ct It ( 2.50 at 1.85 1.25 at .90 1.00 at .75 .85 at .60 .75 at .50 65 at .40 Our entire line of shopping bags at COST. 20 discount on all Embroideries over 10 cents per yard. Our entireline of all-over Laces, Medallicns. Dress Trimmii gs and Braids; except feather stitch Braid ; a 11 Buttons, except Pearl and Taffeta, AT COST. , One-fourth off on all cur Shirt Waists, Skirts and Suits. In these lines we have some of the best merchandise in North Carolina. We still have a few Rugs, Art Squares, Table Covers at COST. These and many other things including our line of Shoes we are closing out, and if you fail to attend this Sale it will be your loss. Respectfully, MM 1W J If you want the best furniture for the least money, it will be to your interest to see us. We can supply you with ev erything that goes to furnish a house. "Don't fail to see us. T. E. W1THERSP00N & CO. Empire Block, near Central Hotel. JL JLUL JL JL' 0000-000000000000000000000000000000000000 o 8 0 8 o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o FASHION demands that every woman shall count at least one pair of Pumps in her waVdrobe. No wardrobe is complete without them. But have a care what .kind you buy, for the well-fi ting Pumps are few! You save all doubt when you buy a "Queen Quality Pump. It is fascinatingly pretty onthe foot; it clings to the heel and fits closely around the top. It gives ease and comfort the first day worn. This store controls the exclusive sale for these famous shoes. o o o o o o o o o o o o . o ooooooooooooaaoaaQaaaaooaooooooooooooooo o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o M2f 1 T 3