orrespondenee. I. If I , PINEY WOODS. " , ... June 17th. We are able to be about again since our shake-up and scare of the storm that visited us last week. Numbers of visitors came for miles to see the wreck and the loss which was caused1 by the storm. Owing to the country roads being so badly blocked by the fallen timber it is difficult to get to see the worst part of the wreckage.- Saw mills will be put up at once to saw up the timber. We are glan to note that no loss -of life is reported in our section. From all we can learn the storm was about twenty miles in length and three or four miles in width. It traveled in streaks, rising and falling and in some places taking all the timber. The clouds ap peared to be on the ground, at some places rolling like waves. The hail was also in streaks, but where it went much damage was done. The stones varied in size from a grain of corn to the size of guinea eggs. It is rumored that chunks were seen as large as a man's fist. The corn is not hurt so bad as at first thought al though it will be mighty late. Wheat in the track of the storm is broken to pieces and but little of it will be saved. The nice weather we are having now is good for the farmers, for the crops are needing work. J. W. Taylor has purchased two lots on Chestnut Hill and will build a residence there shortly. E. C. Shaver is thinking of building three houses at Rock well. Mrs. Jane Cottonj of New Lon don, visited her father last week. Jacob Earnhardt, of Richfield, visited J. I. Shaver Saturday and Sunday. Mrs. James Arey has been con fined to her bed for a week. The . attending physician says con sumption is the trouble. We wish her a speedy recovery. Aaron Russell and brother, of Albemarle, were pleasant, visitors atH. WhitleyVs Sunday. Trotter, the notable correspond ent from Henderson's Crossing, reports a large fish in his section. We think something was wrong with Trotter when he caught that fish. He says the fish measured six inches from eye to eye He must have been mistaken in his measurement. We think it was six inches from eye to tail. J. J. and W. H. Fry attended the funeral of John Noah at liold Hill, Sunday afternoon. . Some of our people are trying to cut their wheat with a grass mower. Probably some wh e a t may be saved by this method. We think probably we can re: port a marriage in the near fu ture. Southerner . BOST'S MILL. Too much rain -for crops. It rained all the week. Crops are suffering for work. Cotton is looking shabby. Wheat-cutting is in order now. Farmers won't know where to commence. P. D. Shank has a new wheat reaper. Arth Bogle is very low with fever. W. H. Bost will move to town this fall, where the money is plentiful. Otha Cauble is still kept indoor?. The ex-postmaster of Manning made a flying" trip last week to Mt. Pleasant. The Lingle Bros, declined to thresh any wheat this year. Hope Some one will call around and thresh the people's wheat. v M. J. Bost has had his house painted. Cabbag9 and Irish potatoes are fine. - Hay-making is on now. John. Colic and Dlarrhoerf. Pains in the stomach, colic and diarrhoea are quickly relieved by the use of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. For sale by James Plummer Salis bury, and Spencer , Pharmacy, Spencer, N. C. ST. MATTHEWS. The hum of .the t eaper and the whick-whack of the cradle is all the go in this community. Wheat is jyery good, but- oats are very sorry. Corn and cotton looks very well. ' " Jos. G. Ho ff 11 er cut three acres of wheat Saturday and caught a rabbit and ki'led a snake. Pretty good, N. M- Wyatt has something over 200 shocks ofwheat cut. Mr. Wyatt is one of our best farmers. Last Friday afternjobn E. N. Cross, Will Casper and son. Ru fue, came very near being drown ed m Second creek. The creek was very full and they were in a boat going down stream toward the river when the boat turned crossways and capsized, throwing the three occupants into about 10 feet of water. They all caught to bushes and got out on the bank safe and sound. Sam Kesler, who has been en gagged in South Carolina for some timte, visited his sister, Mrs. Tom Stoner last Sunday, - Mrs. C. H. Shepherd has been on the sick list for some time, but we learn she is much im proved at this writing. Wedding bells are expected to ring in our vicinity almost any time. Rumor says the gentle man is puzzled to know which! one to take. Benjamin Eller is visiting on Panther creek very often We think there will be a wedding soon, if the panthers don't catch him. Mr. and Mrs. Bean visited Mrs. Bean's father last Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. M. L. Agner and family and A. W. Hill visited Mr. Hill's daughter, Mrs. D. S. Eller, at Granite Quarry. Walter Burrage has moved his saw mill on James Wyatt's plan tation. Alex Frichas the oldest mule in this vicinity. It is 37 years old and does the most of Mr. Frick's plowing. If anyone can beat this, trot out your mule. Clown. SOUTH ROWAN. June 17th, There was preaching at Rock's Grove church last Sunday and a large crowd waB present. Preach ing again on the third Sunday in July, at o p. m, A big meeting will start the third Snuday in August, and it will be conducted by the pastor, Rev. Aycock. The bridge on the public road near the Parks' Academy was ta ken up last week and a new one putjdown. Cross right oyer, boys, it wont break through this time. On account of the Rockwell Furniture Company shu 1 1 i n g down for a webk George H. Siff ord is now at home. It looks like, every body had late cotton this year. When we plant cotton Jne time and do not get a stand, it is bad enough, but when we replant and it does not come up it is still worse. Corn is looking just ordinary. By the last df this week the wheat will all be in shocks. The early Irish potato excellent. crop is Mrs. George Plough is getting some better but is not able to be out yet. We wish her a speedy repovery. "T J. R. Stadler talks of ordering a graphophone. Guess if he does we boys will get to hear some mu sic. . ' Charlie Safrit and wife visited our town recently. There will be an ice cream sup per at John Beaver's next Satur day night. . Everybod y o o-m e There will be ice cream for the ladies and candy for the babies. Rocker. . : pool, x Mr. ; and Mrs. P. H. Crook, of - -- . . - - ..-;s . ..... Troy,vN. C.; .are visiting,, their people in our town. We are glad to see them. , "V- -A.. " """"" The Jackson Hill boys and i our t)oys crossed bats last- Saturday on our ground, and the score was 5 co 26 in favor of the Pool team. What does Sam think of this. Charles Hodge is very sick but we hope he will be out in a few days. Mack, the little son of Walter Burrage, has been sick for a few daxs with measles, but is out again. There was a big hail storm"tIbe low us last Monday night, doing much damage to crops and the wind destroyed timber and build ines. It is said to be the worst storm seen for years through here Mrs. Jones Reid has cabbage heads in her garden that will weieh 6 to 10 Douuds. Tney are the nicest we have seen anywhere She has potatoes as large as goose eggs. Miss Mamje Morgan has some nice lemons she raised herself. She has a bush that has some very nice ones on, larger than the aver age lemons bought and are as nicely flavored as the genuine. Harvest is in full order now as most of the wheat is ripe and will be to cut this week. James M. Morgan, who has been verv sick for the past week, is very much improved now." Itemizeb. ROCKWELL. June 15. For scratches, burns, cuts, in sect bites and the many little hurts common to every family, DeWitt's Carbolized Witch Hazel Salve is the best remedy. It is soothing, cooling, clean and heal ing. Be sure you-get DeWitt's, Sold by James Plummer and all druggists. The harvest is here and the far mers are about one week behind with their harvest" onaccount of the rain that we had. Corn that has been properly worked is lookingyery well. Wheat is looking well. Oats that were sowed in the fall are uot so good, but spring oats are fine. There will be a cotton mill built at Rockwell in th9 near fu ture. The people are getting lots from J. A. M. Peeler and will be gin to build as soon as he gets his crop off the ground. He has sold about 15 lots already. The side track that will run to the mill has been surveyed and will be graded soon. Any one wanting a lot will do well to get it before the best ones are sold. The congregation at Rockwell will begin to build the new Lu theran church about August 1st. It will be about 35x55 feet. Rev. Linn thinks he has about suffi cient funds raijed to build it. The health of our community is good. John C Lyerly has bought the roller mill at Rockwell and will run it. .John Hartman and family visit ed J. C? Holshouser Saturday night and Sunday. Lit. Ridenhour and wife visited Alexander Holshouser Sunday, Huron. ROCK. June 17. Liast wees, we naa two very hard and washing rains, one Mon day morning before day and the other Thursday afternoon. Farmers are very busy" cutting wheat, oats and grass. The growing crop is small for th.6 time of year three or four weeks behind. Wheat has considerable smut, onions and cockel in it. J. L Stirewalt' swapped mules a few days ago with Clarence Barnhardt. One or the other got sick and Mr. Stirewalt wont for his mule Saturday afternoon. J. M, Castor traded mules a few days ago -he has a white one now" The new public road from J UM, Clark's to Paul Yost's was be ing cnt out Saturday. Robert Josey is thinking some of moving, to Rockwell, and quit the rock work. The pastor delivered a splendid sermon at Rock Grove yesterday afternoon. He is working for a good revival meeting the third Sunday in August. He will hold one service between this and that, on the third Snndav in JnTv- Saw. - . - SPENCER. JohnA. Brady has just paid a visit to his son, John T. Brady, at Norfolk, Va The young Bra dy, who is in the distillery busi ness, expects to sell out hid Vir ginia property aboSit July 1st and return home. .He will go into the grocery business in Spencer. Abe. - Suicide of Charlotte Boy. . ' - Wilmington. Jni.e 11 J- F. Dahlmer, 20 years old, associated with his stepfather, J. f. iuiy- o.Toxy. ot Charlotte, in w in duct of 'a moving picture theater or. market street, committed sui cide today, by shooting himself through the temple with a 32- calihre pistorr DeWITT'S CARBOLIZED WITCH HAZEL SALVE For Piles, Burns, Sores. T.he Song of the Hair There are four verses. Verse 1. Ayer's Hair Vigor stops falling hair. Verse 2. Ayer's Hair Vigor makes, the hair grow. Verse 3. Ayer's Hair Vigor cures dandruff. Verse 4. Ayer's Hair Vigor makes the scalp healthy, and keeps it so. It is a regular hair-food ; this is the real secret of its won- I derful success. The best kind ota testimonial "Sold fojover sixty years." i ! APPROPRIATE IN STEELING SILVER, CUT GLASS AND HAND PAINTED CHINA. Hospital for Watches, Clocks and all kind of re pair work. All work guaranteed. SALISBURY JEWELRY CO.; L. BRYSdfl, Mgr. - - - - 104 N. Main St. Kw 3 tl 1m Gb.. T-ow11- Xftaa. I Also mmnaiOTttrer ox 7 SARSAPARILLA. PILLS. CflERBY PECTORAL. yers FOR 100 COUPONS FROM THE CIGARETTE OF QUALITY Coupons in Each Package! Coupons also Redeemable for Valuable Presents Premium Department AMERICAN TOBACCO CO. JERSEY. CITY, N. J. jST. LOUIS, MO. THE NORTH CAROLINA State Normal and Industrial College. Regular Course leading to Degrees of Bachelor of Pedagogy, Bachelor of Arts, Bachelor of Science, and a new course leading to the degree of Bachelor of Music. Board, laundry, tuition, and fees for use of text book4,etc.,.$170ayear. For free-tuition students, $125. The Nobmal Dkpartmbnt gives thorough instruction in the subjects taught in the schools and colleges, and special pedagogical training for the profession of teaching. Teachers and Graduates of other colleges are offered a one-year speacial course in1 Pedagogy and allied subjects. The Commkbcial Uepartment offers prHCticai instruction in btenograpny Tvoewritine. Book-keepine and other bus-mess subjects. The Departments of Manual Arts ano Domestic Science provide instruc tion in Manual Training and in such subjects as relate directly to the home and family. The Mukic Department, in addition to the degree course, offers a certificate course in -yocal and instrumental music To secure board in the dormitories, all free-tuition applicat ona should be made before July 15th. The fall team cpens September 18th, 1907. For catalogueand other information, address, J. I. FOUST, P resident, Greensboro, N. C OUR SAY SO. "Our Say So" is all the guarantee you need. If w j sell you a watch which we tell you is "so and so," and if that watch doesn't carry out our promises why it simply meansa new one in its place without cost to you, provided, of course, that you give it decent treat ment. Careful handling, and occasional cleaning. If it grows tired and looses time, or gets frisky and races away the golden moments, why We have a repair de partment which will deal with its case, or rather its works. Give , us a trial. GORHAn & GREEN, Fimun iFivri fdc nun nDTiomiie LtrlulllU Obiffbkbn niiu ur i ivinii a V Salisbury, Spencer, Marion, N. C. oooooooooooooiooooooooooooo o The Warm Season is Upon Us o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o And one of the great needs of .housekeepers will be Reliable Refrigerators. We have them in all styles and at all prices. Some cheaper than others, but all good ......... PORCH SCREENS rSPEUALTY. We were never better stocked than at present in all lines of Firrn iture and House-FurniyhiLigs. Call and look over our goods and get our prices ;w. Wright, West Innis? Street. o o o o o o o o o o 0- O o o -8 o o o o o o o o o o o o o OOOOOOOOGOOOOIOOOOOOOOQOOOO mi COFFINS GASKETS. CAFEFliL ATTENTION TO DETAILS 80MMERSETT-BELL UNDERTAKING CO., REASONABLE PRICES AND SATISFACTORY SERVICE UNDERTAKING FMRAI M1MR fciiiwriiiilllim 0 a op MATTING! I am. now ready with a BIG LINE OF SPRI G GOODS to supply your every want. I have a full line of the LATEST STYLES OF FURNITURE, Bed Room Suits, Parlor, Dining Room and Kitchen Furnishings. Come and see our Matting, Refrigerators and Screen Doorb. Very Truly Yours, "W. 3B. Summersett. era 0 if (9 ARE YOU THINKING of buying an Engine, Thresher, Binder, Mower, Rake, Disc Harrow, Cultivator, Buggy, Surrey, One or Two Horse Wagon, (And by-the-way we have a full stock of TWO HORSE WAGONS which we can sell for cash at a figure 9 per cent, below to days market. These Wagons are the MITCHELL, VIRGINIA & BARBER. Don't fail to give atten tion to this part of this ad,) a set of nice single or double harnesb? 0 A 0 i I my mm mm. mmm m m. v. Hawp van KP.p.n I hin fin? 0 v - - .........0 a 0 that you would have -your old vehicle overhauled, 0 (j) repainted or re-rubbered? A You Should Remember that we are HEADQUARTERS for anything men- 0 tioned above and that we are in position to serve 0 yon to the very best advantage from almost' any standpoint you take. Our PRICES are as low as good workmanship and material will permit and our FACILTIES for REPAIRING, PAINTING and OVERHAULING GENERALLY any old job you may have are unexcelled. We are Glad to Show You anything in our line whether you buy or not. We only ask for a chance to please. You can buy the famous COLUMBUS & WATERTOWN vehicles iroih us. it 9 9 115 E, Council Street. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 9 if rCTDIx P" BILIOUSNESS THE BEST FOB LlOflOl UVfinonem I.HIIA ' nd kidneys.- . Uigests what you eau