paysv- destroy frtion- fro?1 ear i. ?0& roads, Totting S tbe Vto- 51 T- Cures Blood, Skin Diseases, Cancer, Greatest Blood Purifier Free. If your blood Is impure thin, diseased hot or full of humors, if you have blood poison, cancer, carbuncles, eating sores, scrofula, ec jeiua, it chin?, risings and humps, scabby, liuip.y, skin, bone pains, cata jrb, rheuma tism, or any blood or skin disease, take Bo lanio Blood Balm, B B B) Soon all sorPs heal aches and pains stop and the blood is, made l.ure and rich Druggists or by expre sfl per liirtfe bottle Sample free by writing Blood Balm Co Atlanta, Ga. B B B is especially ad vised for chronic, deep-seated cases, as it cures after all else fails UNIVERSITY OF NORTH CAROLINA. 1789-1907. Head of. tie State's Educational System. DEPARTJ1ENTS. College, Engineering, Graduate, Law, - Medicine, Pharmacy Library contains 45,000 volumes. New water works, electric lights, central heating system. New doimi tories, gymnasium, Y. M. O. A. building, library. 73a STUDENTS. 74 IN FACULTY. The Fall term begins Sept. 9, 1907. Address Francis P. Venable, President, CHAPEL HILL, N. C. 6-19 5t William B. Smoot Bismarck Capps SMOOT & CAPPS, ATTORNEYS & COUNSELORS AT LAW Room No 6, Court House Annex, 8ALISBURY. N. C. Practice in. State and Federal courts. Handle collections, loan money and handle promptly all business entrust ed to our care. Executor's tiotice to Creditors. Nqtice is hereby given to' all persons having claims or demands of any kind whatsoever against Sarah A. Barrier, deceased, to present the same duly verified to the undersigned executor onor before the 14th day of June, 1908, or this notice will be plead in bar of their recovery. All persons in debted to said estate are rt quired to make immediate settlement. This the 11th day of June, 1907. ' FRANK A. BARRIER, executor of Sarah A. Barrier, B. B. Millkr, attyf Spencer, N. O. Notice of Re-Sale to Hake Assets. North Carolina, ) In Superior Court. Rowan County. Before the Clerk, James H. McKensie, adm'r, ) against Cora C. Lawrence and others ) Pursuant to the provisions or an order of the Superior court of Rowan county, rendered in a special proceed ing entititled as above, the under signed commissioner will sell, for cash, at the court house door in the city of Salisbury, N. C, on Saturday, the 29th day of June, 1907, the following described real estate, sit uated in the county of Rowan, and boi nded as follows: One lot situated in East Spencer, N. C, on the S. W. side of Henderson street, fronting on same, and beginning at a stake or. the south corner of the intersection of Henderson street and the 12 foot alley, 182 feet S. 15 E. from the east edge of Long street ; thence with edge of said alley South 57 45 West 177 4-19 feet to a stake on corner; thence with edge of said lot S. 39 20 E. 50 2-10 feet to a stake on corner of lot number 16: thence with edge of said lot N. 57 45 E. 170 feet to stake on Henderson street ; thence with edge of same N. 32.15 W. 50 feet to the beginning, being lot No; "H.7 on A. S. Heilig's map and survey of the Verble purchase in East Spencer. See deed from John H. Verble and wife to A. S. Heilig, which is recorded in Rowan county. See book of deeds 98, page 164. Bidding to begin at $588.50. May 24th, 1907. J. H. McKENZrE, - commissioner. Burton Craige, attorney. Before You Purchase Any Other Write THE NEW HOME S!WI4G MACHINE COMPANY ORANftE, MASS. Many Sewing Machines are mado to sell regard ' tess of quality, but the " XfW Home " is mad. to wear. Our guaranty never runs out We make Sewing Machines to suit all condition bfthetrade. The "New Homo' sanJs rttlv 4ead of allllis"i-f,-rndefamily sowing nvLclnnei Sold by authorized dealers only. FOR SALE B W M. RUTH, Salisbury. N C DeWlTT'S CARBOLIZED WITCH HAZEL SALVE For Piles, Burns, Sores. UISENHEIMER, . . . . - . - - June 15th. ... - .. . - t The most important subject with the fa rmers of our section at present, is about the Wet weath er, harvest time and a wiiole lot ot corn and cotton to plow too It will be a busy time , with the farmers-the next few weeks. W. A. Wagoner has replaced the roof on his house, on the Ro bey Glover place that he pur chased from J. C. Lingle, of Faith, 2 years ago. The roof was blown off by the torm that passed over lower Rowan on the night of June 10th. This was a severe wind storm you majknow for it only left three ..rafters on th& above named house. It also did a lot of damage to other buildings in this community, blew down a lot of timber anoT destroyed a lot of wheat. Jacob Arey's chimney was also blown off by the storm. It came very near falling through the roof. George Beaver, of Gold Hill, married Miss Alice Misenheimer, near Misenheimer Springs, re cently. Also Charlie Misenhei m"er, of Misenheimer Springs, married Miss Annie Rideuhour, of Richfield, this week. Mackey Wagoner who arrived home a few weekn ago from Grant University, Athens, Tenn., is con templating going back again this fall. Miss Emma Sides, who has beeni working at Albemar'e, has return ed home and is keeping house and cooking for G. W. Peeler, of Mi senheimer. Homer Wagoner- killed two large birds recently. -Tbey meas uied from tip ot wing to tip 6 feet and 5 feet high, bill 6 inches long. They were wading in a pond when they were shot. Stanly Boy. Tetter Cured. A lady customer of ours had suffered with tetter for two or three years. It got so bad on ber hands that she could uot attend to her household duties. One box of Chamberlain's Salve cured her. Cherberlain's medicines. ' gi v e splendid satisfaction in this com munity. Mr. M. H, Rodney & Co , Almond, Ala. Chamber lain's medicines are for sale by James Plummet, Salisbury, and Spencer Pharmacy, Spencer, N.C. Flavoring Extracts Hade Just for You. V It stands to reason that in making flavoring extracts for i our own trade, and requiring j only a moderate profit, we I can supply better extracts ! than some distant manufac- i ture who must provide for two orhree profits. There is a distinct saving here that eoes into the qual ity of our extracts. . Try them for cooking and see how much fresher, stronger and more appetizing our extracts are. SALISBURY DRUG CO., 115 N. Main St. 4 Per Cent. We pay 4 per cent, on money in savings department, adding the interest to the' principal every 90 days, and offer every safe guard to the depositors. We also loan money on real es tate and personal security. THE PEOPLES' BANK AND TRUST CO. D. R. Julian, J. D. Norwood, President. Cashier. P. H. Thompson, J. A. Peeler, V.-President Teller. 50 YEARS" Iff KAfCKICHbC Trade Marks Designs rrn Copyrights Ac Anyone sending a sketch and description may quickly ascertain our opinion free whether an luvenuon is pronaDiy paiemaoie. Communica tions strictly confidential. Handbook on Patents sent free. Oldest ageHoy for securing patents. Patents taken through Mnnn & Co. receive $pecial notice, without charge, in the ' Scientific American. A handsomely illustrated weekly. Largest dr. culaf ion of any scientific journal. Terms, $3 a year ; four months, $1. 80M by all newsdealers. MUNK & Co.36,BroNew York Branch Office. 626 P SU Washington. JXC. DR.KING'S NEW DISCOVERY Will Surely Stop Thai Couch - ' MILLERTOWN. - June 15th. We have had some more rainy weather, and the farmers are greatly: disappointed, as harvest is now at hand and the ground stayaso wet that they can hardly get through the field without any machinery. MissBelrtie Miller visited her sister, Mrs. Geo. W. Miller, at Richfield, Saturday last. She says she went - to the ice cream Bupper at Jeremiah Miller's and reports a nice time. Reuben Shaver has just recently bought a new rubber-tire buggy. Hurrah for him. Guess he and his little girl will ride now. George McCluster has bought a new McCormick grass mower. He bought of the Ritchie Hardware Co., of Ritchfield. . ' S. R. Morgan and Miss Lillie Shaver visited at Charlie Crowell's last Saturday. Hurrah for Mr. Morgan, As Southerner has told all about the severe storm and rain, don't know that we can think of any thing more, except it did much damage in the northeastern corner of Stanly county. R. L. Austin's barn was completely destroyed and his stock crippled. Jos. W. Miller has 10 acres of wheat lay ing flat on the ground which was bl own down by the storm. As Brother Southerner says that it was the fiercest storm we have bad for some time, and we think so too. We suggest that the land assessors come around and take a view of the land that has washed and the timber that has blown down. John Morgan had a barn-cover ing Tuesday evening, June 11th. Calvin and Luther Miller are talking of selling books after har vest. So if you see them coming you may just know you are going to buy a book anyhow. J. Cal. Fralej has had quite a lot of cradle stocking and repair ing to do. He says he has a good cradle and scythe for sale. Misses Freda and Pearle Miller had some teeth fixed this week by Robert Jvey, of New London. Golly', but the boys will look at them now. Jos. W. Miller has taken some of his engine fixtures to J. M. Miller, the foundry man of New London, for repair. The health of our community is very good at this writing. Uncle Josh. FAITH Lum Miller, Luther Jones and Bill Barger are cutting granite at Stateeville, N. C, for a church building. Mrs. Anther Taylor is very low at her home near Faith. Faith wants to play Rockwell a ball game. . David Parks has bought a new top buggy. Robert and Calvin Peeler and their horse were shocked by a stroke of lightning during a storm. J. M. Fink has gone to Hender- eonville for his health, by the ad vice of bis doctor. There was a large nnmlipr of people here to hoar Sic J, O U A. M. sermon by Ry. C. B. Holler. The members of the Order and the Daughters of Liberty went to the church in a body. After the sermon the con gregation went with the members of the Older to the cemetery where the grave of one of the members was decorated. Rev C P. Fisher and Rev. J. M. L Lyer ly assisted in the services, heee aunutl meetings are largely at tended every year, Vends. Heart Strength Heart Strength, or Heart Weakness, means Nerve Strength, or Nerve Weakness nothing more. Pos itively, not one weak heart in a hundred is. In It self , actually diseased. It is almost always a hidden tiny little nerve that really is all at fault. This obscure nerve the Cardiac, or Heart Nerve simply needs, and must hay, more power, more stability, more controlling, more governing strength. Without that the Start must continue to fail, and the stomach an4 kidneys also have has aame controlling narvaa. tfcfc ajaaily explains why, as a medicine, Dr. Snoop's Restorative has In the past done so much for weak and ailing Hearts. Dr. Shoop first sought the cause of aU this painful, palpitating, suffocat ing heart distress. Dr. Shoop's Sestorative this popular prescription la alone directed to these weak and wasting nerve centers. It builds; tCstrengthens: it offers real, genuine- heart help. If you would have strong Hearts, strong dt-' notion, strengthen theso terras re-establish them as needed, with Dr. Shoop's Restorative GRIMES DRUG CO. ' GOLD HILL. Business is lively here , now. Lots of work going on and more going to start soon. W. G. New man was down Saturday and said that he is going to start up some more mines. Mr. Newman has done more for this place than anyone that; has ever came hero. He started up the mines in 1898 and they have been working ev-r since. He started some of them from the grass roots which are now paying a large dividend. There is a gocd location here for a cotton mill and the people of this place will give special in. ducements to any companv that will come here and erect a cotto-! mill. There are some parties here that will give the land to any company that will build a mill, water is plentiful and fuel is cheap. This place has never taken any steps in trying to get a mill, and if someone would wake up and make a start we would have a half dozen or more in a few years. There was a thief caught in the Southern depot last Saturday night. He was seen in the depot wita a lamp and the news was soon spread over the town by a young man Ion a horse, and a largo crowd gathered. The theif would not give up until tho shot of a gun went flying through the house. He then whistled, threw up his hands and was taken in charge by Pdliceman J. R. Dor- ton, and taken t Salisbury that night. Leonard & Martin have now opened up their store and we wish them success. The Southern mining Co., is erecting a stamp mill at this place The Union Copper Company has opened up an old shaft and are taking out some fine ore. S. & w: UNION CHURCH. June 17. We are having sjme very fine weather. The farmers will use every effort on their farms this week in harvesting their crops. Corn and cotton are . very late this year and a bad stand of cot ton everywhere Rev. N. D. Bodie has not re turned from Hot Springs, where he and Mrs. Bodie have gone We are glad to note she is im proving very fast. F. L. Agner and family visited G. L. Lyerly's Sunday, last. Roy Agner is spending several days with his grandfather Boger this week. G. L. Lyerly has bought one of th ise riding cultivators. He is one of our substantial farmers. A. M. Eller has purchased a new threshing machine. It won't be long until blind Tom will be walking around again. A. L. Lyerly and the land as sessors will meet in the register's office Saturday, June 22nd. Those wjjp failed to list their taxes can do so on that day from 10 a. m., to 1 p. m. We hope there will be a large crowd at Union Academy on the 29th of this mouth at 8 p. m., where there will be a contest for the best speeches on the good of the Junior Order. Don't miss it. Everybody invited to ccme. Bro. Bartlette paid us a flyiug visit a few days ago. Come again ; always glad to see you. John H. Barringer visited A. L. Lyerly Sunday last. C. C. Lyerly has the best field of whjat on the' Bringle Ferry road. Hustler. I will mail you free, to firove merit, samples of my Dr. Shoop's Restorative, and my Bor-k on ei ther Dyspppsia, The Heart or the Kidneys. Trouoles of the Stom ach. Heart or Kidneys, are mere ly symptoms of a deeper ailment. Don't make the common error of treating symptoms only. Symp tom treatment is treating the re suit of your. ailment, and not the cause Weak Stomach nerves the inside nerves mean Stomach weakness, always. And the Hearty and Kidneys as well, have their; controlling or inside nerves. Weaken thest nerves and you in evitably have weak vital orgars. Here is where Dr. Shoop's Re storative has made its fame. No other remedy even claims to treat , the "inside- nerves." Also for bloating, biliousness, bad breath or complexion, use Dr. Shoop's Restorative. Write van, today for sample and free Book. Dr, Shoop, Racine, Wis. The Restorative is sold by Grimes Drag Store. Hue Curing Develops the Found In Schnapps that There are three7 ways used by far mers for curing and preparing their tobacco for the market; namely, sun cured, air cured and flue cured. . The old and cheap way is called air cured ; the later discovery and improved way is called flue cured. In flue-curing the tobacco is taken from the field and suspended over intensely hot flues in nouses especially built to re-' tain the heat, and there kept in the , proper temperature until this curing process developes in the tobacco the stimulating taste and fragrant aroma found in Schnapps tobacco, just as green coffee is made fragrant and stimulating by the roasting process. Only choice selections of this ripe, juicy flue cured leaf, grown in the famous Piedmont country, where the best tobacco grows, are used in Schnapps arid other Reynolds' brands oHiigh.grade, flue cured tobaccos. R. J. Reynolds Tobacco Company, Winston-Salem, n. c. CI3I3Z nmes Our Drag Store is always comfortably filled with customers because Vile Have the Goods You want. rje Quote Fair Prices. ITJe Give Best Quality. TJe are Accurate and Reliable. TTJe are Courteous. Bring your prescriptions here to be sure of the most scrupulous care in filling. " Get your rubber goods, toilet articles; sundries, candy, cigars and stationery hei;e where you receive the best quality and price. Telephone your orders. A 126 North Main St. Q300ni i-oQOCOOo-MMwWaQQr- em 0 Do You want a Piano? 0 Do You want an Organ? Do You want a Victor Talking Hachine? 0 0 o 0 0 Give us a' call, or write 0 0 o G.W.FRIX ft. CD., rimes has '."It If so, it will be to your ad vantage to visit our new store and inspect the elegaiit lints that we carry. We are sole representatives in North Carolina for the Weaver, Stultz & Bauer, Capen, York, Shultz and Livingston pianos, and the Celebrated Weaver organs. We also carry-tbe largest stock of Victor Talking Machines that is carried in any house in this part of the country, and have prepared a special booth to commodate this pait oi our business. " We also, carry all kinds of stringed instruments, strings and sheet music. - You can buy on the Easy-pay-plan if you so desire. Why should you longer postpone supplying your home with music? for catalogues, prices and Stimulating Arama and Taste Satiofieo Tobacco Hunger Hundreds of imitation brands are on sale that look like Schnapps; the outside of the imitation plugs of to bacco is flue cured, " but the inside is filled with cheap, flimsy, heavily sweetened air cured tobacco ; one chew of Schnapps will satisfy tobacco hunger longer than two chews of such tobacco. Expert tests prove that this flue cured tobacco, grown in the famous Piedmont region, requires and takes less sweetening than any other kind, and has a wholesome, stimulating, satisfying effect on chewers. If the kind of tobacco you are chewing don't satisfy, more than the mere habit of expectorating, stop fooling yourself and j chew Scnnapps tobacco. Schnapps is like the tobacco chew- f ers formerly bought costing from 75c. to $ 1 .00 per pound ; Schnapps is sold at 50c. per pound jn 5c. cuts, strictly 10 and 15 cent plugs. ore Salisbury, N. C. 0 0 o o n terms. Respecefully," OOOCJ Empire Block, Salisbury, N. C. 0 0 9