1 i Sorresponde nee. 12 w ww ' . PiNEY WOODS. :, - July 1st. The nice weather we are hav ing now is favorable to the farm ers. We have been havingnice showers occasionally, which have 'made the corn grow. Some of our people are turning their fields of wheat ground and planting corn and peas. Harvest is a , thing of the past. A number of youngsters gave -an iee cream supper at A, W. Shaver's Saturday night. We had plenty of cream and a good time. Mrs. Linda Arey, who has been confined to Her bed for a few weeks, is able to be up and about. The annual protracted meeting at Corinth Baptist church will commence the third Sunday in August, We are informed that Rev. Sims, of Albemarle, will as sist the pastor. Rev. J. R. Miller. There wiU be an ice cream sup per at 0. G. Morgan's Saturday ! night, , H. S. Trott, of New London, will move his saw mill near J. A. List's and will saw some of the Mown down timber for E, C.'Sha ver and others. Lewis Frick, who has been in , the employ of the Southern for several years, was hurt near New London, on the 28th. He was fireman on the work train and by some means a tie fell on his shoulder inflicting severe bruises. He was taken" to the sanatorium at Salisbury. J. N. C. Morgan, one of j our most progressive farmer's, has harvested 700 shocks of wheat. The poor Pineywoods is well blessed with'agents of all kinds. Within the last week we have been visited by agents for tomb stones, fruit trees, maps and oth er things too numerous to men tion. One i kind that has never visited us before is the well curb agent. . Any one desiring most any1 sort of an article can come to the Pineywoods and he can find an agent for it. . r L , J. I. Basinger & Co. will start to threshing wheat in a few weeks. They will have to go out of our section to get much to thresh as the storm did so much damage. Chal Whitley and Love Hill were visitors at C. G. Morgan's Sunday. Wonder which got the dollar? I. Cowan Shaver, adjuster for the Rowan Mutual Fire Insur ance Company, has been around adjusting the damage to build r ings of those who were insured. We are getting fat now since we are getting plenty of beans and cabbage to eat. Comearound Trotter,' I will not fooryou as you did me about that fish. Uncle JoBh, of Millertown, visited in our Bection Saturday night and Sunday. ' .Come again Bud, - ! Southerner . ROWAN ACADEMY, 1 July 1st. The health of the community is very good at present. George'Peeler and family visited jX L. A. Peeler's Saturdays night. There will be preaching at St. Luke's on Saturday evening be fore the second Sunday in. July and communion services on Sun day following. There will also be, exercises in the evening given by" the children of the Sunday School. Everybody, is cordially invited, J. 0. Cauble and Miss Maggie Earnhardt were welcome visitors at C, L. Frick's Sunday last. " M, F. Cauble and family and C. L, Frick and family spent last Sunday at Crescent - - Communion services were held at Christiana Sunday and a large crowd attended, . Misses Sophie and Pearl Lyerly visited the Misses Johnson Sun day evening. - ' Patsey. Bad sick headaches, biliousness or constipation are quickly reliev ed by DeWitt's Little Early Ri sers. Small pill, sure pill, safe pill prompt and pleasant., in ac ? tion. Sold by James - Plummer and all druggists. . i - ' SHAYERTOWN. - y July 1st. "" Crops are -looking slim in our community. - The x Irish "potato fvrT. 1 fit 4 -c ' T Blackberries are plentiful and ripening very. fast. We gfrli will soon , have to get out and pick themox they are al the fruit we willjiave. . :. T - There will be an" ice cream sup per at Bud Morgan's next Satur day night. Girls, let's all go and have a nice time. V I V . Misses Bessie Lisk, Addie Shav er and Esther Parker visited Miss Mary Shaver Saturday night. Harvey Wyatt was also a pleasant visitor. V Miss Earmie Shaver and Bur lie Shaver visited at A. W. Shav er's recentlo. . r. Miss Ada Eagle, of Salisbury, is visiting relatives and friends in our community. We are glad to have our cousin with us again. Ira Goodman and wife visited at A. W. Shaver's " Saturday and Sunday. : . Mrs. E. C. Shaverand children were pleasant visitors at A. Shaver's Saturday night. Mrs, I. C.Shav)er has bJen on the sick list for tire past few-days but is improving, we are glad to note.- Mr. and Mrs. J. 5Taylor vis ited I. C. Shaver tmd family Sat urday and Sunday, Mr. Taylor says he is going to mbve to Salis bury this fall. We are sorry he is going to leave us, but his many friends wish him much success, J. A. Lisk visited his son, W. C. Lisk, Saturday night. . John I. Basinger and family visited his mother,' Mrs. John Ba-iat is now being put in. singer, Sunday. 'i . Harvey Wyatt, Miss Addie Shaver and Brown-Eyed Girl vis ited Miss Bessie Lisk Sunday eve ning. i v W, C. Lisk is going to-move-his saw mill on A. W. Shaver's place in a short while, Luther and Lee Miller, Misses Freda Kirk and Pearle Miller vis ited Misses Dovie and Lillie Shav er Saturday and Sunday. Messrs. Neely Lisk, Love Hill and C. L. Basinger gave an ice cream supper at A. W. Shaver's Saturday night, which was much enjoyed by all. There were about 75 present. ; Mrs. M. M Shaver and little son, Curtis, have returned from Salisbury where they have beenl- B. Yost, has been very low visiting relatives and friends. Aaron Russell and brother were visiting at Hardy Whitley's Sun day. Guess there must be some' thing doing down there. Milas Arey was a pleasant vis itor at I. C. Shaver's Sunday. Come again, Milas, we are always glad to see you. - ,:' A Mrs. Jim Arey is able tob'e. up ana aDouL again, we are giaof o say. . ? !.xf Brown-Eyed .Girl,-. ROCKr- ' : July 1st.; Farmers are getting aloiig nice ly with their work, , considering the rains we are having. Much of thewheat has been hauledin and it will all be in in a few days. Fulcastor wheat is good this year. v ; John Shuping's spring wheat is just turning: - The" green bugs bothered it some, but what is still on the ground is gopd g j A. W. Shuping has a pig seven weeks old which weighs 49 pounds. Corn has a gocd . color and is growing nicely. - ' j: T. C. Powlas' baby is quite ill.; J. R.-Ttadler. is preparing for an extended'fishing trip. I J. L. ; Stirewalt has a fine crop of early potatoes; Your ; brain goes , on a strike when you overload youFstomach ; both need blood to ' do business . Nutrition- is what you want, and it -comes -by taking Hollister's Rooky Mountain Tea. ' 85 cents," Tea " or Tablets. T. W. Grimes Drug Co, , r " " - z FAITH S- -- .The sorvice of T the Juoiycom munipti a-will 'be celebrated 4n Shilph Reformed church a t ; Faith on the first Sunday in July' Ser vice preparatory to thes commun ion willjbC hela-n? ihef Saturday preceding at 8 p. m. - T J Pastor Heller, of .the Reformed church,- exchanged jpulpitB - with Rev. Shuford Peeler, pastor : of the first' Reformed church, of Greensboro; on the fifth Sunday in June. - t The stand and the seats in the grove have been placed where , the speaking will take" . place r the Fourt h of July. - Prof essor W. H, Swist, of Greensboro, will be the speaker of the day and a large number of people. will be here s usual, j people from Concord will be here with there refreshment stands. ' They were here and made arrangements. John - Wl " Frick, of Granite Quarry received the contract from C. C. Wyatt for the lumber for his new residence'and is .deliver ing it. Work has commenced on the building. It is near Daniel Hincemaa'between Faith "and Granite Quarry.. Several of our people have gone to Salisbury to hear Carrie Na tion speak, the lady we read so much about, the great saloon smasher. Holt. Slowder and Ha1; of Al bemarle, went down the road with a new threshing machine today.". Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Farmer's little .boy is not quite nine months old SnTTlt is now commencing to walkalone. If anyone can beat that trpt but your boys next is sue. We had another "gully-washer rain Friday. , Peeler, Bame & Co., have been awardSd the contract for all the granite that goes in the new front of the Central Hotel in Salisbury, - - - ML HOPE. S v - iTheie will bein ice creani sup per at Adam Bostian's next Satur day .night- 11 ' : - ' Mr? and Mrs': Ambrose Casper visited their, son-in-law, M.A. Holshouser Sunday last?" - - There was a large number pres ent last Sunday at Mt; HopeSun- 1 day school. - - . . ' OWEETHEABT. ADWINISTRATRIX'S NOTICE. Having qua'ifled as administratrix, d. b. n,c. t a. of David Haneline, de ceased, late of Rowan county, N. C. this is to notify all persons having claims" against the-estate -of saidTle ceased to exhibit them to the, under? signed 'on or before the - 26th day" of June, 1908, or this notice : will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate will plea8ee make immediate payment. This June 25th, 1907. - LULA J. KESLER, . administratrix. Wimeb H, Woodsojt, atty. - 6t - Is Your Hair Sick?: That's too:ba"d ! We had no ticed it was looking pretty thin and rough of late,but naturally did not Hke to speak of it. By the way, .Ayer's. Hair Vigor is a regular. hair grower, a per fect hair tonic The hair stops coming out, grows faster, 1 keeps soft and smooth. Ayer's-f Hair Vigor cures sick hair makes it strong and healthy. - The best kind of a testimonial " Sold for over sixty years." Made by J. C. Ayer Co., Iiowell, M- a.io manuisoturers or 7 SARSAPARILLA. PILLS.' CHERRY PECTOtUU B A UAuers 0 APPROPRIATE I WEDDING . ilPIS 8 : STERCING SILVErT CUT-GLAfiS " 0 v - - AND .HAND PAIN I-ED CHINA. 9 - Hospitaffor Watches," Clocks and all kind of res x Llpafr work. All work guaranteed. - 0 SALISBURY JEWELRY CO-f 0 L- BRYS JN Mgr. - - - 104 JNKlain St. Mrs.,GeorgeHoffner is the ad ministratrix of her husband's es tate. The big-plantation will be divided up between the heirs. Venus. SOUTH ROWAN. - " July 1st. . The rains that we have been having is just the thing to make the crops grow. Cotton has started to grow very fast, but we will not have any blooms until the Fourth of July. - Everybody is making prepara tions to go to Faith on the Fourth. John Jackson goir a bruise while playing baseball three weeks ago and is yej unable to do anything. Miss Mader Yost, daughter of with typhoid fever for a short time. We wish her a speedy re covery. The blackberry crop seems to be Very plentiful, and some of pur neighbojfc are devoting much of their th&5 to picking them. We have not picked many yet as -we are, too busy farming. 'Marshal- Holshouser purchased ferdeen bull; . four months old, that weighs 830 pounds for $20- Who can beat that? iE!As I made a mistake in the paper last week I will correct it. In the place of communion ser vices being held on Saturday be fore the second Sunday in July it will be held on Sunday following. There will be preaching on Satur day afternoon at 3 o'clock. The Rock bpy'n second nine will play a game of baseball with the KJuttz boysin Daniel Beav er's, pasture next, Saturday after noon, - - Rockkr. - . Whefi to Stopldiertlsiag. "When the population cease to multiply and the generations that crowded on after you and" uevr heard of you stop coming on." - "Whe,n you have convinced everyone whose life will touch yours that you haye "better good? and lower prices than they can get anywhere." - -. When you stop making for tunes solely through the direct use of this mighty agent." - . - " When you f prget the words of thQ shrewdest and most successful men concerning the main causes of their prosperity' "When younger and fresher houses in your line cease , starting ur and using the - trade journals in telling people how much better they ean.do for them than . you can." " - , - '"When you would rather have your oyrn way and fail" to take advice 'and win." -The advertising Agent. - ' I JJ IFOR 100 COUPONS FROM mm mm THE CIGARETTE OF QUALITY Coupons in Each Package! "Coupons also Redeemable for Valuable Presents Premium Department - AMERICAN TOBACCO CO. - JERSEY CITY, N. J. ST. LOUIS, MO. u.....M............T.n-iT-:------"---"" 0 0 OUR SAY SO. 'f'inr Sav Sn" is all thfi ffnarantee vou need. If we sell you a watch which we teH you is1 'go and bo," and if that watch doesn't carry out our promises why it simply means a new one in its place without cost to you, provided, of course, that you t?ive itdecent treat ment. " - Careful handling, , andoccasional cleaning; If it crows tired and looses time, or gets frisky and races away the golden moments, why we have a repair partment which will deal with its case, workB. Give us a trial. ' or de rather its GORHAH & GREEN, leading Jewelers and opticians, Salisbury, Spencer, Marion, N. C. THE NORTH CAROLINA. State Normal and Industrial College. Regular Courses leading to Degrees of Bachelor of Pedagogy, Bachelor of Arts, Bachelor of (Science, and a new.COUrse leaning 10 ine aegree or Dauicivr ui musii.. "Bn.rd. lanndrv. tnition. and feesJor use of text bookj.ete., $170a year. For free-tuition students. 1125. Tttr NniuriL Dipaktmknt rives thoroueh instruction in the subjects taught in the schools and colleges, and special pedagogical training for the profession of teaching." Teachers and Graduates of other colleges are onerea a one-y 3ii snpaftial p.oursft in Pedasroffv and allied ubiects. Ths CoxiqiBOXAX Dbpaktmikt offers practical - instruction- in gtenogtaj by, TvpeTrritiEff; Bookkeepinaand othei: uemess supjects, . - . . . T n TWviixnniKW ow TAlvtiLY. ARTjl iHD DoiiESTIO SOlEMCE DrOVll3 4Q3trer t.inn in Manna! -Traininnr and in such subjects as relate directly tD Ilia home and famJTv." . " - Thk Musia Department, in addition to the degree course, ofcri a certificate AnnrsA in rnnnl and instrnmpntal mnsic. To secure board in the dormitories, all free-tuition arjlioat'ons should'be made before July 15th. The fall teim opens Septembei 13th, 1907. For catalogue and other information, address, . J. I. FOUST, President, Geeensboeo, N. C OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOQO O TIiq Wanm Coa cnti ic I Inntl I Tc The Warm Season is Upon And- one of trie great needs of housekeepers will be o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o Reliable Refrigerators We have them in all styles and at all prices. Some cheaper than others, but all good . , . . . . . PORCH SCREENS A SPEl IALTY. We were never better stocked than at present in all lines of Furniture"" and House-Furnishings. Call and look over our goods and get our prices Wright West Innis? Street. ' oooooooooooooooooooooooooo o o o o o o o o o o a o o o o p o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o - .. . .. i ' ' COFFINS CASKETS CAREFUL ATTENTION TO DETAILS SUMMERSETT BELL UNDERTAKING CO., REASONABLE PRICES AND SATISFACTORY SERVICE , - - . - UNDERTAKING EMBALMING n apiiiTiMJ 11 5Q Tarn now ready with a BIG LINE OF SPRING GOODS to supply your every want. I have a full line of the LATEST STYLES OF FURNITURE, Bed Room Suits, Parlor, Dining Room .and Kitchen Furnishings. Come and see our MattingRefrigerators and Screen Doors. Very Truly Yours, W . B. .Summersett. ARE YOU TllliJKIfJG ? of bujiDg an Engine, -Thresher, Binder, Mower, I Rake, Disc Harrow, Cultivator, Buggy, Surrey, One ji or Two Horse Wagon, (And by-the-way -we have a full stock of TWO HORSE WAGONS which "We j can sell forjash at a figure 9 per cent, below to- days market. These Wagons are the MITCHELL, VIRGINIA !& BARBER. Don't fail to give atten tion to this part of this ad,) a set of nice single jot 6i double harness? ' Have You Been Thinking J that you would have your old vehicle overhauled, repainted or re-rubbered? You Should hemember f that we are HEADQUARTERS for anything men- (f, tioned above and that we. are in position to serve 9 you to the very bst advantage from almost anv L standpoint you take. Our PRICES are as low as C 2 good workmanship, and "material will permit and 2 sm nn F A C I T T T ES for .RRPATRTNft PAtWTTMn A l and OVERHAULING GENERALLY any old job you -may -have-are unexcelled. ; - , ; , i ' Wg are Glad to ft .anything in bur line whether you buy or not We 1 only ask for a chance to please." You. can tmy the J. famous COLUMBUS & WATERTOWN vehicles I from us. - - ShofeYbu filllliiillll 115 E, Council tieet. ELECTRIC boSIs Kodbl Dyspepsia Cure BITTERS AND KIDNEYS. Dineata whflt ii.. kidneys. Digests what you eat

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