ndigesin Don't Stomach trouble is but a symptom of, and not ! In itself & true disease, we tninK of Dyspepsia, Heartburn, and Indigestion as real diseases, yet 1 they are symptoms, only of a certain ipeclfie 1 Nerve sicKness nouung else. It was this fact that first correctly led Dr. Shoos in the creation of that now very popular 8tomach Remedy Dr. Snoop's Restorative. Go In direct to the stomach nerves, alone brought that success and favor to Dr. Shoop and his Restorative. With, out that original and highly vital principle, no such lasting accomplishments were ever to be had. For stomach distress bloating, biliousness, baa -i. .... ' I breath and sallow complexion, try Dr. Snoop's Creates strength for aged, vreaK.- Kslitf&iixsXanlets orU aula and see for vouiv I j ,1 uif what it can and will do. We sell and cheer I f ... . . fully recommend hoop and strengthens weak lungs. Vlnol is a Cod Liver preparation true-r-that's why it is valuable but it contains no oil and is delicious in warm weather. - The T. W. Grimes Drug Co. GRIMES DRUG CO. Flavoring Extracts flade Just for You. It stands to reason that in making flavoring extracts for our own trade, and requiring only a moderate profit, we can supply better . extracts than some distant manufac ture who mast provide for two or three profits. There is a distinct saving here that eoea into the qual ity of our .extracts. Try them for cooking and sea how much fresher, stronger and more appetizing bur extracts are. SALISBURY DRUG CO., 115 N. Main St. Executor's Wee to Creditors. - " Notice is hereby given to all persona having claims or demands of any kindJ wnatsoever against Tobias MiUier, de ceased, to present the same duly seri fied to the undersigned,- executor, on or Deiore tne& day or July, iyo, or this notice will be" plead in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate are required to make im mediate settlement. " -This the 9th day of July, 1907. GEORGE J MILLER, executor of Tobias Miller, Rockwell, N. C. -- HIE HOUSE, i ' ' " j --."L July 4tbr R. Frank Miller, of Granite Quarry passed tthroagh . our to wn this Tnojuirig eh route to . Pool "to spend the Fourth with -relatives. - The Bean. Threshing Machine Co., has employed A. L. Ketchey to do some work ou their Vboiler, Saturday, July 13th, so as to have all tilings in teadiness for start ing out Monday following.- . Crops are looking fine. Wheat is good, fall oats are not much, but corn is growing very fast. We had a good rain Tuesday. v - v - - - -. .. r- Mrs. Ar L. Ketchey vis i ted David Ketchy Sunday, July- 6fchf. Eli Morgan has corn silks al- readdry. I think he has roast ing ears. . v SHARt ATTACKS-BATHER: Fireman's Eipfirlence Tarns His hair From - Black to Wblfe InaDay. The Arrival pf the big . Uteamer Arizonan yesterday brought "a harrowing tale of a battleJbetween Frank Fonda a member , of the crew and a shark in the water tit Saliiia Cruz, in which tlie shark with bis teeth tora the fore arm off the unfortunate sailor. Three fingers.were ground in the massive jaws of the big fish, while Fonda's right foot was almost severed. The tragedy occurred on a hot day while the Arizonan was ly ing at SalinaCruz, about forty mem bers of the -crew went bathing among the breakers. Fonda's com panions observed him waving his arms wildly in the air aa if to beat off somthing and tbensink be- We visited the section where neatn tne wayes. iney tnougnt the -hail beat the vegetation to however that he was playing-the pieces some weeks ago. The corn drowning trick and laughed has come out and looks very well, Soon the water where Fonda only a little' ragged near - the bad been swimming became dyed ground. v a blood red and the man's compan- . . '. ions secured a" boat and pnt out vve peopie oi mis section wuuiu NOTICE. I, the undersigned, have taken the agency to sell the Greenville be glad for the road supervisor to have some work done on the Gold Hill road People along the road & Funday washing machines for have to fill up gullies and ruts be- the Greenville, Michigan, Com- fore they can haul their wheat. Danv. Thev are what the Deonle 1 I r . . i 1 a I . - . . - want, they are the best washers most people nave neir wneai Iplainly see a piece ot Fonda's toot. made, they give perfect satisfac- hauled and ready for the thresh- Two of the men beat the shark off to save him. As theyapproached the spot where the blood colored the water there was a swish" and the shark coming to the surface rolled over displaying its glittering belly." In its jaws the men could tion in, every respect, they are ,'nr manbSnnr guaranteed to wash wristbands and collars perfectly clean with- Blackberries are ripeaud a out any hard rubbing or wash- eood croD. hnarrl Wnch nnvfhiiicr fmm .t.hol smallest garment to the heaviest ner cagie, - 7 oi oausoury, bedding. They are guaranteed to spent baturday mgbt and bunday la8ttwelve years,, guaranteed to with his father, Daniel Eagle. criXTCk norfAf oofiof aifinn in -oxrofTT respect or money refunded. I m Claw Hammer Cures Blood, Skin Diseases, Cancer, Greatest Blood Purifier Free. If voiir blood Is Impure thin, diseased, hot ! or fall of humors. 11 yon have blood poison, cancer, carbuncles, eatlngsores, scrofula, ec zema, itchinar. rislmrs and bumps, scabby. pimp r, skin, bone pains, cata rh rheuma tism, or any blood or skin disease, take Bo tanic Blood Balm, (B B B) Soon alt sores heal nf-hps and nains stop and the blood is made pure and rich Druggists or by expre a $t per large bottle sample free by writing mooa Balm Co Atlanta. Oa. BB B Is eapecialfy ad vised for chronic, deep-seated eases, as it cures after all else fails have the right to sell in Rowan county. I will keep them on hand and sell reasonable." For , further information write me or call. ! will canvaes the county Yours very truly, DANIEL EAGLE, Act., 3m. R. F. D. 2. Richfield. N. C. GOLD HILL July 8th Levi Trexler had a call in Pro vidence township laBt week to doc- with oars and then diving brought to the surface the mutilated body of the fireman. He was taken ashore and was found to be still living, A litter was made upon which Fonda was placed and taken to the hospital. He is now at the hospital at Salina Cruz fighting between iife and death. His hair had turned from a jet black to white. It is ex pected that he will lose his foot and several fingers. The shark meas- Che weis wfco read the information given in this;:space in next week's paper,. wilUtheh- know7 ;why SCHNAPPS and other of the Reynolds' brands, aashownr by Internal Revenue statistic for a fiscal yeaimadd ith wonderful gain of six and one- fourth million pounds, or a net gain of one-third of thejentire increased consumption of chewing and smoking tobacco in the United States. R. J. REYNOLDS TOBACCO CO. WINSTON-SALEM, N. C. Where to Go to Buy GOOD, RELIABLE HARNESS UNIVERSITY OF NORTH CAROLINA. I78o-ioo7 Head of the State's Educational System. DEPARTflENTS. - College, Graduate, Medicine, Engineering, Law, Pharmacy. tor on a sick Ludwig. -Geo. Trexler killed a crane last Saturday that measured 6 ft. from tip to tip of wing and the same from toe to bill. P. N. Trexler wife visited his father-in-law Joseph Eagle, Sunday. Pola Trexler and family visited at J. T. Cranford's Saturday night. We think Dr. Morgan is going into the huckleberry business as . ii i j We also do first-class repairing comes aown in me ourueu on. short-notice and at reasonable woods quite often, lookout Doc prices, tor, you will get full of red "chig- uouars. horse for Libress ured ten feet in length. When in need of good, reliable, single or double wagon or buggy Home-made Harness don t fail to hunt up our piace on the corner of Inn is and Lee Streets. Our line of Saddles, Bridles, Halters, Whips, Brushes, Combs. Robes. Harness Oil and gers. Wa -see Mr. Tyack's clerk did LIBERTY X ROADS- Poole and Jackson College base ball teams played a match game Saturday, The score was 13 to 18 in favor of the Poolejboys. "Big ! Tom" was Poole's crack pitcher. Uther teams desiring to nire a pitcher will do well to get "Big Tom." Charlie Brady and Gideon Troutman left for the mountains last Monday morniog, .where they ! will work on the railroad. Kev. Jamee Wilson preacnedia sood sermon at Liberty last Sun day. Dock Morgan visited at John 0 Library contains 45,000 volumes. New water works, electric lights, central heating system. New dormir . tories, gymnasium, -Y. M. O. A. building, library. 73a STUDENTS. 74 N FACULTY. The Fall term begins Sept. 9, 1907. Address Francis P. Venable, President, CHAPEL HIM., N. 0. 6-19 5t other horse supplies is always not heed our warning as he went irexier s last ounaay. complete and ready for inspec acros8 tne creek again Sundav. It Thaddeous Earnhardt visited tl0We solicit a portion oi your ? ftt drowned Thaddeus don't Miss Lucy Lentz last Sunday, patronage and iuvite you to call blame us, we told you in time. LH le Bin mngt CQme and see our stock. We think the panthers got af- again and give us some more good If your horse is injured in any rR Hm ftfj fae oea not 0 neWs about that clerk going sport way get a bottle cf our Horse . ' . . 0 tt Liniment. No cure, no pay. ' down as 8ual- lug- He re weU Phased about it. - 1 1 There is a rumor that two par- J. A. Ribelin &'Son are moving ties near Liberty X Roads will go and getting their new saw mrll in into cohoot and trap this winter, shape for future work You will hear more later. A Valuable Tract of Land For Sale. I will sell my farm on, the the Gold Hill and China Grove public road, 2 miles from Rockwell. 154 acres good land, 40 acres in timber, 2 acres in meadow. Hs fine orchard, a good dwelling of 9 rooms Running water at four places on farm. Half mile to church and school. Good neighbors near Land is level and in good con dition for machinery, H. W. BOST, 7.3 4t. - Rockwell, N. G. Executor's notice to Creditors. Notice is hereby given to all persons Vmvincr p.laims or demands of any kind whatsoever acainst Sarah A . Barrier, dffPR9Pd. to oresent the same duly worififl t.n the undersigned executor on or before the 14th day of June, - 1QAQ iia nntlflfi Will D6 Plead in hamf their recovery. All persons m- AuUtA tn aairl estate are rtauired to make immediate settlrment.' This thellthlay of June, 1907. FRANK A. BARRIER, executor of Sarah A. Barrier, B. B. Miileb, atty. .-. Spencer, N. O. NOTICE TO CREDITORS. Notice is hereby given to all per claims against the estat cf the late John W. Noah, to present them to the undersigned admstrator on or before the first day of July, 1908, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of theirjeeovery. -All persons indebted to this estate will please make pay ment atonee. This 24th day of J une, 1907- MRS. NANCY NOAH, administrator of J. W Noah. Burmon Cbaige, attorney. 6t Hartline & Co. Phone 483, 130 East Inniss St. For MODERN DENTISTRY at prices in reach of all call on Philadelphia DentalAssciatin Everything r3 we do19 euaranteed to ufrrr be up-to- date Dentist- ry. We -extract teeth with as little pan as p.acticable. Hive usa tiial. ' Office 122 W.. Main Street, Overman Building. Dr. FOX, Manager. 4 Per Cent. Tell Kluttz, visited at Geo Trexler's Saturday night. Walter Ribelin aud Walter Eagle went to an ice cream sup per Saturday night at Joseph Poole's in Providence township. Beuett Goodman and wife vis ited O. N. Morgan Sanday. Don't forget two women preach ers will be at the Holinesstjhurch on the second Sunday in July, all are invited to come. L. A. Troutman and family Theo. Trexler wentlto Richfield spent last Saturday and Sunday j Saturdav evening to see his siBter at C, G Troutman's at Granite Quarry. R. T. Troutman, 'of Salisbury, Grimes Says, We have on hand lOOlbs of pound-paper which we have decided to close out at 20cts. per pound, worth 30cts. ' -t- " . Envelopes to match worth 15cts will sell at lOcts. We also have a lot of box-paper which we" will close out at less than cost, from lOcts to 50cts, worth 25cts to $1.25. Mrs. N. J. Arey. Mrs. A. T. Kluttz nH daughter visited at Uncle Tom Jackson's last Sunday, Seems that there was lots of visitations last Sun have been canning blackberries. Miss Carrie B ime, who has been sink with t. mhoid fever, has im- proved so she can be up in the day, but Gumpsy stayed at home house. Little Boy. JHLeiL lit. Gumpsy. Fish WortL Catching We pay 4 per cent, on money in K Thfl tflik annd the club table savings department, aaaing ine , interest to the principal every 90 shifted to fish and fishing, with days, and offer every safe guard to tn?nBual. astonishing consequen- tne afposiDuiB. We also loan money on real es tate and personal security. THE PEOPLES' BANK AHD TRUST XO. D. R. Jdxian, J. D. Norwood, President..' Cashier. P. H. Thompson, J. A. Peeler, V.-President Teller. Take the Postmaster's Word for it. Mr. F. M. Hamilton, postmas ter at"Cherryvale, Iud., keeps al so a Stock of general merchandize and patent mtdiciues. He says: 'Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Rembdy is stand- man who was fortunate enough- to ' ard Uere m us line, it never rails T.ho hAat. nav fl , . . . l.tlf m ' J it ces. wen, gentlemen , saio idb tell the laBt story, o Do You want a Piano? 0 J Do You want an Organ? Do You want a Victor Talking Fiachine? o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 SO YEARS' EXPERIENCE ADMINISTRATRIX'S NOTICE. Having qnaMfled as administratrix, d. b. b. c. t. a. of David ilaneime, ae ceased, late of Rowan county, N. O.. this i to notify aU persons' having claims against the estate of said de ceased to exhibit them to the under signed on or before the 26th - day of June, 1908, or' this notice wiU be pieaded in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate will pleasee make immediate payment. , This June 25th, 1907. CTT LTJLA J. KESLEB, administratrix. Wawkb H, Woodson, atty.- 6 is hnrrllv ftfTnrd to He withnnt it. sport I ever bad wrs off the coast- For aale by jam8B Plommer, Sal of southern California. There isbury, and Spencer Pharmacy were three of us in th b:;at, each Spencer, N. C. of us had three lineB out, and we ..- - simply couldn't pull them out A treignt train was oaaiy uam - , h aged on the Southern, i.ear Bur- fast euougn. . j hrigton Sunday Jy a car jumping -vvnatKina oi nsn vtbetrack. Noonewsliurt, but ting?" asked an indulgent listen-' the prooerty damage was consider T t able. About 15 cars were broken "I don't know what the natives, UP called them," said the fisherman, Trade Marks jx4 Designs - ' frf " COPYRIGHtS Ac. Patents taken tbrough Munn. Co. reoeiTe wtfce. without cWtothe ai Scientific fltticrican year; ionr mom.uo, -j mm- - y j- 36IBrpaflway,flBWjmR 0lttcVe6rSUWfthlnt00.IXU. but they were big enough to be icthyosauruses. "Maybe they were Frank." suggested an member. ' Whales-H' exclaimed Frank, Thousands of people are daily suffeiiijg with kidney and blad der troublesr dangerous ailments whales, that Bhould be checked promptly irouicarDeWitt's Kidiey and Bladder Pills are the best remedy for back ache, weak kidneys, inflammation mi ot the bladaer. ineir action is with a look ot disdain, wiiaies nromnt and sure. A week's treat- indeed 1 Why, man, we were bait-1 meut for 25c. Sold by. James I ing with whales VI Flammez and all druggists, I i caOCgj 0 0 0 0 0 If so, it will be to your advantage to visit our new store and inspect the elegant lines that we carry. We l 4.a; x ; xt it. i; r are S9ie reprtJBt;iiLaLivt; in luiui vaiuiiiia xuj: mo Weaver, Stultz &: Bauer, Capen, York, Shultz and Vf Livingston pianos, and the Celebrated Weaver organs. U We also carry the largest stock of Victor Talking. Machines that is carried in any house m this part ot the country, and have prepared a special booth to ac commodate this pal t ot our business. - 1 We also carry all kinds of stringed instruments, strings and sheet music. You can buy on the Easy-payplan if you so desire; Why should you longer postpone supplying your home with music? . - Give us a call, or write for catalogues prices and feTms. Respecefully, Empire Block, . - Salisbury, N. C. G. W. FR1X & CO., 0 u n

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