M 71 2 3 BINGHAM SCHOOL 1793 1908 FOR 116 YEARS boys have been prepared for COLLEGE and foe LIFE, and have been trained to be MEN at THE BINGHAM SCHOOL, Ideally located on Asheville Plateau. Organization MILITARY for discipline, control and carriage.' Boys expelled frop other schools not received. Vicious boys expelled as soon-is discovered. Hazing excluded by pledge of honor. Limited to 136, Rates reason able Address Cot. R. BINGHAM, Supt. R. F. D. No. 4. ASHEVILLE, N.C. HAllFlf llllfrOTETl 'n drafted Pecantnd Grape Fruit III 1 1 II I T 1 11 V to I L. Irpdustries yields a greater and more certain IHUIllal Illli-Vifci income than any other investment prbposi-; tion in the South. . I can show you an investment that will pay 6 per cent tram date, and lncreaae, till at the expiration of 10 years, your annual income will be equal to amount invested. If yon an in a position to invest $100 or more, write for particulars to W. Ms GRISIN G'E R.. 47 Candler Btalldintf ; Atlanta., Georgia FARMERS INSTITUTES. CHIP TOBACCO is one of the best and largest plugs of flue-cured goods ever offered the consumer at 10c. It is manufactured by a strictly INDEPENDENT firm, a con cern depending solely upon the good will and patronage of the people at large; a patronage only desired upon the strength of the superior quality of their tobaccos. That it has earned this appreciation is amply proved by the tremendous and rapidly increasing demand for CHIP. In fact, wherever their tobaccos come into competion with other makes, whether with the people or before judges of the world's great expositions, they are invariably vnnners Call for CHIP and save the tags as they are valuable. " A copy of our 1907 premium catajogue, which i3 one of the largest ' and most attractive ever gotten out by a tobacco manufacturer, will be mailed to any address in the United States on receipt of only 4c in postage stamps or 8 of the tags we are redeeming. HancocK Bros. Co., Lynchburg, Va, aussas 53 DRUflMERS SAMPLE For both Work and Dress at 83o o:o. 1fcln.e .Avail yourself of the opportunity of buying two pairs for just a triffe-. more than you pay elsewhere for one - - - - - - - Oqpudir price roof wear TERMS STRICT iy CASH fcfjPUDR PRICE FOOf WEAR TERMS STRICT iy CASH 111 M. G. McCURDY, Manager, North Main Street. Salisbury, N. C. ;i iiir Bill If you want the best furniture for the least money, it will be to your interest to see us. We can supply you with ev erything that goes to furnish a house. Don't fail to see us. STORE ! T.E. W1THERSP00N &C0. Empire Block, near Ceia 'era J H yx&L CHESTNUT HILL DRUG STORE Is the place to buy your Massage Pompian Cream, Talcum Powder, Toilet Soaps, in fact anything that is wanted in the Toilet line can be found here at all times. We are selling Kodol on a guarantee ; money refunded if not benefited. Call and ask to see a copy of the guarantee. v Don't forget we make a specialty of compounding Pre scriptions. Give us a trial. We use nothing but the Purest of Drugs and our prices are as low as the lowest. We aie headquarters for Soft Drinks and Ice. Cream. We have lone of the nicest fountains of its kind in the town. ' Onr drinks are all despenced from the Pure Fruit Syrup. Call in S arid ma rta Yours truly, CHESTNUT HILL DRUG CQ., C. M. HIQGINS, Druggist. T. A. DENNISS, Mgr. Salisbury, Tuesday, July 30; China Grote, " - rriday, Aug. 2. 1907. . It is quite certain that a large majority of- our farmers are npt getting as go. d results from their farming operations as is possible without increasing either labor or expense. -, - Take for instance our great crop, corn. Do the 2,750,000 acres planted in corn produce what thoy should? Can we not increase the yield and the net profit by better methods?- Do we select the seed iu the best way? Do "we plant the best varieties? Are the right kinds and amounts of fertilizers used and applied in the best way? Is our method of cultivation the best and done at the least expense? Is the crop harvested so as to se cure the greatest feed value from it and at the least expense? As long as the average yield for the State remains below fifteen bushels per acre iWis certain that the average man still has much to learn about growing corn and-it is probable that the best corn grow er can also learn something and still improve his methods. The purpose of the farmers in stitute is to discuss just such questions relating to corn culture and similar questions about all other crops and farming operations.- If the farmers of the coun ty will come out and dissuss such questions with a 'view of increas ing their knowledge and improv ing their farming this institute may Le of untold value to the county. ROCKWELL July 4th The glorious fourth wascejelbra- ted by the boys of Rockwell with foot races, and prizes were award ed to the winners as f ollow3 : 50 yard dash, won by Chas. Holshouser, 3-legged race, by Hilbert Lyerly and John Linn. Potato race, by Chas. Holshou ser. Sack race, by -Chas. Holshou ser. Egg race, by Clarence Peeler. Relay race, by Joe Misenheimer and Chas. Holshouser. The performances were witness ed by many of the people of the town and surrounding country and much interest was shown. The boys all did good running, but of course all could not be winners. The threshers passed through town yesterday evening and thrtshed H. L. McCombs' wheat crop without stopping. Pretty good for the first of the season. B. A. Fesperman & Co., will be gin the erection of their new store building next week. Lyerly & McCombs are the successful con tractors. McCombs, Linker & Co., will soon begin making brick for the big cotton factory which is to be erected here. One of our local saw mill com panies has moved their mill on J. S, M. Miller's place, just at the edge of .town and we expect to hear the hum of the saw by the last of the week. The Lutheran congregration, recently organized here, will be gin work on their new church in a few weeks. L. WOMENS INSTITUTES. 6 1 1 Mrs. Ratley, wife of Section Master J. H. Ratley, and her sis ter, saved a train from running into a burning trestle, on the At lantic Coast Line, 11 miles this side of Wilmington, last Satur day. Seeing the trestle burning they went down tho road and flag ged an approaching accommoda tion train, with a red skirt. The train stopped within 20 feet of the burning trestle. The Doctor Away From Heme When Most Needed. People are often very much dis appointed to find that thir fami ly physician is away from home when they most need his services. Diseases like cramp colic and choiera morbus require prompt treatment, and have in many in stances proven fatal before medi cine could be procured or a physi cian summoned. The right way is to keep hand a bottle of Chamberlain's Colic,. Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. No physi cian can prescribe a better medi cine for these diseases. By Hav ing it in the house you escape much pain and suffering and all risk. Buy it now ; it may save life. For sale by James Hum mer, Salisbury, and Spencer Phar macy, Spencer, N. C. Salisbury, Tuesday. July 30; China Groie, -.Friday, Aug. 2. Those not fkmilia'r with the purposes of the institutes being held by our Stat Department of Agriculture for the benefit of the women in the farm, homes may be interested iu knowing something of'the class of subjects discussed at these meetings. Any or all oi the following may be discussed if thpse present desire : The farm fruit garden, the farm vegetable garden, -farm poultry, farm butter making, beautifying the home surroundingSj home con veniences, literature for the farm home, homes making, home nur sing, cooking meals, vegetables, etc., bread majring, educating the girls on the farm.' These are a fair sample of the questions that may be discussed at these womeus institutes ; and surely they are practical subject and an intelligent discussion them cannot fail to be of much benefit to tljose who attend. If sufficient interest is manifested by the women of this county in these institutes it is the purpose of th Department of .Agriculture t m ike them regular features of the annual Earmers Institute for this county. It will benefit every wo m - n in the county to attend this institute. She mav hear facts that will be of value to her in he work, but if she does not she will still be benefitted just the same for she needs the day's outing. We hope trfere will be a large at tendance at this Institute, of Sensation at Bamberg, S. C. Columbia, S. C. July 6. A gentelman who left Bamberg late this afternoon says that the town is intensely excited over the action of an unkown white man who yes terday afternoon on meeting thrae ladies out strolling in the surburbs drew a revolver on them and marched them out of town ahead over a wire fence into a pasture where in a secluded spot he com palled the three to take a seat on the grass. At this junture the strangely acting man was fright ened away by three negro wood choppers passing through the pas ture. The ladies hurried back to the city and gave the alarm. Searching parties have been out all day with hounds, the chase being-started last night. The man was finally tracked back to the city to-day and the general belief is that he is a res ident of the place. The Columbian is of the opinion that if the man is caught he will be lynched. The ladies say they will be able to positively identify the right man. Correspondent of Charlotte Ob server. T 1 1 1 i win man you iree, to prove merit, samples of my Dr. Shoop's restorative, ana my .book on ei ther Dyspepsia, The Heart or the Kidneys. Troubles of the Stom ach, Heart or Kidneys, are mere ly Symptoms-of a deeper ailment. Don't make the common error of treating symptoms only. Symp torn treatment is treating the re mit of your ailment, and not the cause. Weak Stomach - nerves- the inside nerves mean Stomach weakness, always. And the Heart, and Kidneys as well, have their controlling or inside nerves. Weaken these nerves and you in evitably have weak vital organs. Here is where Dr. Shoop's Re storative has made its fame. No other remedy even claims to treat the "inside nerves." Also for bloating, biliousness, bad breath or omplexion, use Dr. Shoop's Restorative. Write me today for sample and free Book, Dr, Shoop, Racine, Wis. The Restorative is sold by Grimes Drug Store. Jamestown Ter-Centennial Exposition, Nor folk, Ya., April 36th Noy. 30th, 1907. Southern Kail way announces extremely low rates to Norfolk Va., and return on account of thi above occasion. The following rouna trip rates will apply from Salisburv, N. C. : - Season tickets, $14 50 sixty-day tickets. 12.10 Fifteen-day tickets. . 11.15 uoaco excursion tickets, ... 6 60 Coach Excursion tickets will be sold on Tuesday, with limit seven days from date of sale, will be stamped "Not good in Pullman or Parlor cars." Other tickets will be sold daily April 19th to November 80th, inclusive. The Southern Railway will af ford excellent passenger servico to and from Norfolk on i account of this occasion. For further information and Pullman reservation address any agent Southern Railway or write R. L. Vernon, T. P. A., Charlotte, N. C. W. H. Tatloe, G. P. A., till 11 30. Washington, D. C, Guretf ofLong Trouble. "It is now eleven years since I had a narrow escape from con sumption," writes C. O. Floyd, ji leading business man of -Kershaw, . C. "I had run down in weight to 135 pounds, and coughing was constant both by dayaud by night. Finally I began taking Dr. King'g New Discovery, and continued this for abo u t six months, when my cough and lulig trouble were entirely Jgone and I was restored to my normal weight 170 pounds. " Thousands of per sons are. healed every year. Guar anteed by all druggists. 50c and $1.00. Trial bottle free. - Charles. W. -Woodson, M. D., Medicine and Surgery. ' Offers his Professional Services to the Public. Phone 336. " OFFICE: Wachovia BanK Building. Concentrated lateri Loans Doubly Secured. If you have any money idle or bringing you less than 6list it with our Company at once. We'll lend it for you, First Mortgage on Real Estate, taking the mortgage and note in your name, and in ad dition give you the WRITTEN GUARANTEE of our Company that both princi pal and interests will be paid IN FULL as they fall due. We assume all risk and stand between you and possible loss. Our guarantee has more than $20,000 back of it; and, loans made through our Company have DOUBLE m SECURITY OF A BANK paying you 6 all the time. McGubbins & Harrison Co., Paid in capital $20,000, Loans, Real Estate, Fire and Life Insur ance, Salisbury, N. C. NATUKE'8 GREAT BLOOD ATONIC Piedmont -Bedford; Iron & Alum t fRepreienting the Fmu$ Bedford Alum & Iron lVh-S'l contains 17 of "the most powerful Mineral Tonics v. An 18-oz. bottle contains all the minerals .in a barrel of the average water. We furnish the minerals, you furnish the water. - v 'r We have certificates both from the public and from emi nent physicians, telling of its virtue; in Dyspepsia, Rheumatism, a large variety of Female Diseases, Chronic Diarrhoea and Dysentery, General De bility, Anaemia, lalaria. Ulceration of the Throat, Diabetes, Piles, Chronic Eczema, Ner 70usness, Chronic Constipation, and manyshow--ing the wonderful cures in that dreadful disease, Scro- -fula. Dr. T. L. Kabler, for fifteen years a resident at the Springs, says: For Scrofula, that fearful destroyer of human health and happiness, we have in this water a remedy which neither science nor fortunate accident kasSiitherto found an equal. ' It is in this malady, and some forms of secondary and tertiary .C.ml.7 ihnt thl nntiv vnhjm mrripA f.n iist full, nltjvmiivp. effect. disolaVS Us hiohegt nivntine. nrynrs. Tn all forms of diseases vecidiar to females, this water will be found to exert a curalivinfluence second to none in Virginia. I have given your Concentrated "Water a fair trial, and say with pleas ure I have been greatly benefited. For some years I have suffered more or PrwllYnwwl fvtr fVm of i ra f i rm srn( nthAT . Attendant U1&. Within the past two months I have found such relief from your remedy that I have improved in strength and weight ; have eaten what I have not uareu 10 uo ior a long uine, tuiu j-iuve uuiic wiuci nuia. wlioo j- able to do before for years. . Presiding.Elder, Lynchburg, Va. months ago I commenced using your Concentrated Iron and Alum Water with the most wonderful and satisfactory results. For three or four years past I have been deprived of the privilege of visiting friends or going to church, as my trouble kept me in constant apprehension having lost almost entirely the control of my bowels; but now I am happy to state that after 1 . 1 IP t 1 111 - t 3 T X4-!.rtl nA using aoour. a nan aozen Domes pi your remeuy x am chuiuj wucu, uui having used any for the last four months. I can confidently and most gladly recommena your remedy ior unronic jjiarrnoea. Capt. EUFUS AMIS, Virgilina, Va. I was an intense sufferer for some months with Indigestion, and could get no relief from the ordinary remedies. During the month of January I began the use of your Concentrated Water, and 'one bottle has entirely re lieved me. I can now digest any diet and am entirely free from suffering. I take great pleasure in giving this testimonial. 8 V 6 6 Rev H sM blate, ) Editor N. C. Christian Advocate, - Greensboro, N. C. I have used and prescribed, waters from several Iron and Alum Springs, but none of them begin to come up to your Concentrated Water in all that goes to make the ideal alterative, strengthener, appetizer and restorative. H, is at once a fine tonic and flesh-builder. Have advised several recently to try it, and always with fine and quick results. In January I had a bottle sent from one of your dealers to a lady, with the understanding that if it did not at once improve her digestive apparatus, I would pay the $1.00 myself. She not only willingly paid the bill, but used a . part of one-half dozen more bottles, and is now completely cured of & long and annoying Stomach Trouble. This seems to be the case with all who try it. S. P. HILLIAED, M. D., Rocky Mount, "N. C. J. M. ECHOLS CO., Lvnchburg, Va. Sold and recommended" by T, W, Grimes Drug Co., Chest nut Hill Drug Co.,'H. M. Cook Pharmacy. OOOOQOnnnnnnrrrrrrrrrri O O O o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o for Star Brand Sho The best Shoes rnade for M en, W Children. omen and A Full New of them Just Received. Stock 0000060000000000000000000000000000000000 FOR DYSPEPSIA DIGESTS WHAT YOU EAT S&ttfoS" ForBictiche-WeakKMiwji triDiWttr, Kldoij t Eliddtr Pnit-Smiqil Sat ' - WBfAHBD ONLY AT-THB LABORATOXT , S E. C. DeWITT A: COMPANY, CHICAGO, HJU For sale by James Plummer and all Druggists. O o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o 0 o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o 8. o o o o o o o o o o o