LEXINGTON AND DAVIDSON COUNTY. -ALBEMARLE AND STANLY COUNTY. RATE MUDDLE BOILS AGAIN. PAST AKD PRESENT "tirriyrfr mKHFinmsisc nn SI ATtSY I LLE AND IREDELL COUNTY. CONCORD AND CABARRUS COUNTY. .Wit" " " " " ""' i v i y w v v Remarkable Snake and Fish Stories. Crowder's Whereabouts Still Unknown. Lexington Dispatch, July 24th. Friday night Mrs. Carrie Nation delivered one of hHr lectures on prohibition in Thomasville. It was not kuown that she was in the city until very late in the afternoon. However, the news leaked out and while at the Thomaville Hotel she received!. many callers. The Chapel was crowded and many could not get in to hear. her. She spoke for about an hour and delighted her audience. After she had conclu ded her lecture she sold her books and sovenir hatchets. The de mand for the hatchets was amaz ing. President Archibald Johnson arrived ki Thomasville Saturday night from Morehead City, where he was honored with the presi dency of that Association. At the station to meet him was the "Orphanage Automobile,' the Orphanage band and a large num ber of the officers and children of the Orphanage, as well as a big crowd to greet the "Great Chief." President Johnson said in his lit tle impromptu speech that he ap preciated the great ovation given him in his home town even more than he appreciated the presi dency. Davidson county has more presidents of State and Na tional Associations than any pther county in the State. Our county appreciates the honors. July 15th, the doors of theFirst National Bank of Thomasville ware thrown open for business, with the following officers : Presi dent. Chas. F. Lambeth : vicf- president, T. J. Finch ; cashier, A. H. Bagan, Snake stories and fish stories by universal agreement are allowed the privilege of being only partly true, butjwe have a snake story here, handed in by a most estima ble Lexington lady, and it must pass as absolutely true. A little girl, on going to a hen's nest to see how the hatching was coming on. found the fowl standing up in the nest, and tried to push her down on the eggs again. The h9n refused to be pushed, and then thinking something wrong, the child put her hand under the hen. She felt something sufficiently cold and clamy to cause her to give the regulation feminine scream, and help came on the run Investigation revealed D snake that had crept Cotton Mills Declare Good Dividends. Ne gro Shoots Negro. 8tan!y Enterprise, July 25th. Will McKnight shot and-killed George Stant on Monday night. Both negroes were -from Gastouia. The "shootine occurring on the Montgomery side of the river at Whitney, Mcknight was sent to jail at Troy. 'The later claims that the shooting was accidental and he shows great sorrow over the death of his friend. B. F. Bruton eame in last week to spend a few days with his fam ily and to recuperate in health before returning to his work at Doeruu, " Ga. Mr. Bruton has been under treatment for several weeks at the sanitorium in Salis bury, and is now very weak from an operation. " The family of S. O. Goode have moved into the Lutheran parson age on First' street. Mr. Hatcher and his mother, who have occu pied the building for several months have stored their furni ture preparatory to moving to Salisbury in the near future.- Mr. Hatcher will take up his practice of law at that place. Sheriff Love had made arrange ments last week to carry "Mich" Hearne, a colored insane woman who lived near Gladstone, to . the The Seat of trouble Between State and Federal Authorities Transferred.: Asheville, July 26 The inac tivity of the past three days in the railway rate matler pending negotiations between .-Assistant O .S'ifr-: Attorney General Sanford Governor Glenn, looking a peaceful settlement of tlieontro versy, ended today when tfie grand jury of McDowell county Superior Court returned truer H1 Is against the ticket agent atT Marion, and the ticket agent at Old Fort for violation of the 2 cent passenger rate law. This renewal of "hos tilities" was by no means unex pected by the railroad officials. In fact last night it was generally understood that indi c t m e n t s would come today and Colonel Rodman went to Marion to repre sent the Southern and the agents. As soon ai it was known here that the two agents in McDowell county had been indicted by the grand jury a special engine-was sent from Asheville- to Marion, presumably for the purpose of be ing handy in case it became neces sary to bring the agents to Ashe ville. Incidentally papers for writs of habeas corpus have al ready been prepared and just as soon as tne agents are served with Erected liclir.sNei Cotton U ill to BiiTrt Bsckvell. . "VThe ,BarrjngerrJIauufacuring R. WilliasMs Old Rj'sidafit ot ftUifrV uns 01 MMTbiags of Interest. ;C - Salisbury, Julv.-190tV Editor of W atchmas : It is with orapioy wa organized last Tues mucbfpleasure the writer hti this jday lfitheffice ' of the Kejler letter notes the wo"uderfuTt'adICotton4MiH8at?SaliBbnrv." The vaneement North Carolina ihaelplant'.ofj'ttiis npany will be made in the world , of progress! erected , at Rockwell the thriving The writer spent his boy hood Rowan cotmtryHfage," days in Gold Hill with hia parents, i A xharter- was tasked jwith, a cap Rev. John Williams, who waa ital to begm withr6f JSOtXX), and manager of the mines ther, ..on an authorized capital of 150,000 the advice of Horace Greely, when MQre;than!4he $30,000 1 ineeded to sixteen years of age, we left Gold begtn operations has already been Hill for the West. After" growing subscribed!.-" -up" to manhood we traveled five jiriUSrilT be S.OOOt spindle years with a show as ticket seller size; and7 wijl make -"NciJ0, two -and lecturer with the' side-show, ply " skein" yarn at first. It is In thii capacity we rtraveled,:all contemplated to add looms later over the south and ,then eugaged a' As' stated, the mill will be erec in commercial business, ana Jfar'a ted a 'Rockwell, on the Yadkin number of years sold drilling ma- railroadf here- has been -pur-chines in every coal mining Btate chased titom Messrs, J. W. and in the Union, hence we deny sue- Albert Peelell$ acres of land on cessful contradiction when we say which to erect it. The contract the State of our youth has" f ally for the brick to build the mill has kept pace with the world of pro-already been let. ? gress and for churches aiid.mag- It is 'expected that the mill nificent school bouses she has set will be ready by January 1st. It pace for others to follow,, "as in will be 'operated by electric power Concord and adjoining: counties from Whitney, which is only 20 there is two hundred thousand miles away, and will be started dollars invested in thse bnildf just s soon as the power can be ings. Here our mind goes1 back secured. to the years of '55 and '65; : when! . The provisional directors are: warrauts these writs will be signed I the school houses were log cabins J. W. Cannon, Paul Barrings, C. by Judge Pritchrrd and the in 10x18 feet, one log cut out of jthel M. Pool. J. M. Holshouser, Chas. asylum at Goldsboro, but the wo-1 dieted agents brought here. It is side for a widow, with split logs! H. Klutz, L. J. Foil and Albert for a seat, a ten-cent' spelling! Peeler. Mr. Barriuger, for whom book, a niteen cents . arithmetic, the mill is named, will be presi- a twentv-five cent georgraphyf dent. .He has been signally sue Carry Nation's Natifity. Makieg an Effort for the Reformatory. New Cotton Mill. StatesvilI6 Landmark, July 23-26, Brack Wilbome and Miss Julia Ball, -.laughter of Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Ball, who live on Seventh street, ran away to South Caro lina Sunday night and were married. The Landmark is asked to an nounce the annual fa-sol-la sing ing at Providence church, Rowan county, the first Saturday in Au gust the. 3d, Singing to com mence at 10' a. m. The commit tee expects to have some one de liver an address during the day. S. E. McNeely, of Mooresviile, tho was for a few months with the Statesville Realty and Invest ment Company, recently gave up his position with the company and is in Black Mountain, where he is interested in the organiza tion of a bank, with which he will be connected. Civil Engineer Greenlee, who is tc survey the route of the States ville Air Line Railroad from Statesville to Mt. Airy, arrived here this week and is looking out a route for the road to enter town. He will go over the line from Statesville to Mt. Airy and the regular survey will begin early next month. i a biacK under the man died Friday. The large brick block occupied by Morrow Brothers & Heath Co,, becomes the property of J. S. Efird, the consideration for the transfer being $25,000. The pres ent occupants have a lease for two years at an annual rental of $1, 800. The semi-annual meeting of the stockholders and directors of the several mills at this place was held last Thursday. The Wiscassett and Efird mills declared a divi dend of five per cent, and the Lil lian knitting mill three per cent. Our mills are in the most prosper ous condition, and it is a matter or note that increased dividends have been declared. Pat H. Howell died suddenly Sunday in Oklahoma. He was a son of Mrs. Fannie Howell, form erly of this place, aged about 25 years. tLis remains are expeciea in Salisbury today, and will be brought to Albemarle for iuter ment. Mr. Howeil was a nephew of our townsmen Messrs. P. W. and S. Austin. The Junior Order, at Big Lick, will last be in- was to of Mc- to Old! expected that the writs necessarv tonieht. The formation received here the effect that the sheriff Dowell county had gone Fort to serve the warrant. The officials of the railroad and counsel are by no means resting easy tonight. Aside from the in dictment of agents at Marion and Old Fort today the news from Raleigh that Governor Glenn would probably call an extra ses sion of the legislature caused ac t.nal alarm. The officials, how ever, are again not giving out anything. That they are badly scared is evident. There, have been frequent and long confer ences today among the officials and the attorneys ; while also the attorneys for the road, including principally Mr. Thorn have sought Judge Pritchard's office in the Federal building not infrequently. AGENTS A BOUT TO RESIGN. Added to the many troubles of the railroad officials comes the in side news that the agents are be coming mere and more restless every day and that at any tim resianations may be the order of slate and pencil was -the ontfiit- lcessful in the management of the Note today the magnificent school jTuscarora mill at Mt. Pleasant, buildings soaring heaien ward, and and will no doubt score as great a see the average pupil going andj success at Rockwells rHtnrninsr from school, five dollars I 'The erection of this would Jiot pay for pis outfit . of I mean much for'Rockwell, and we books, while the seaa are . fthel congratulate t the- good people of very latest improved; 'pattern that splendid little town orr Be modern and up-to-date in7 every curing" it,-Ooncord 'Times,' - . -respect. A wonderful contrast rVr 1 ''rr between the old splits lgwithHa' rp 4rorIntSrTgdd abrdlng to back to it, where he was compelled to sit the entire day while the ed ucational gun of knowledge was fired at his mind by a sixteen dol lar teacher. The writer thinks the women the dlstatea of their own conscience asking neither fear nor favor of no man. The people doing well in the world of progress. While the supply is not equalled to the de mand for labor, as since coming and ladies get better looking every LQ state a number has inform . hen without alarming her enough win giyQ ft picnic in tnat town Sat- the day. In fact it is stated that in mfttA her leave her eecs ; and it had deliberately Set about to swallow all the eggs, seven of which it had already gulped down. Jt was killed and cut open, and six of the eggs were intact. They were put back in the nest and in doe time hatched, everyone. A special from Morehead City says that during the meeting of the editorr last week, Mr. James H. Alexander, of Lexington, was fishing in the sound and lost his pyeglassesv in the ater. After groping around for half an hour in semi-bHnaness, ne nooneu pefcb and on drawing him up, found, lo and behold, his eye glasses a-straddle of the fish's Bosel This has already been called the annual Morehead lie Mr. Alexander joined the Press Association this year. Dne of the most welcome items of news this week is the announce ment that in the not distant fu ture a modern brick business house will replace the old, dilapi dated and unsightly wooden store rooms occupied by Jule C. Smith, the' well known merchant. Mr. Smith has purchased from James Adderton one-half interest in the orooertv. which will afford ample urday, August 10. A band and rfifreshments svill be among the attractions. English language and literature. Newberrv is one of the best col leges in the South and"takes high rank among educational institu tions. Dr. J. A. B. Scherer is president ,of the college. Mr, Fulenwider has not considered the offer so far, but hsB reached no decision concerning it. It is to be hoped that he wjU decline and remain in Lexington, where he has accomplished the erection of a modern church and is engaged in building up a strong congrega tion. Policeman Lookabill has a let ter written by R. J. Miller to W, L, McCrary anent the Charlie Crowder case, in which Miller says that he knows where Crowder is but will not tell. He resents the suspicion entertained at-first that he had anytning to ao witn crow der's disappearance. As stated last week, the officers no. longer think that Crowder was killed, but they were stirred up consider ably week before last, when they dragged the creek for Crowder's Crowder s aadress is sun already no few agents sought to rasien. They have been assured, however, that they would b taken care of and this assurance has act ed as temporary stay. . While the railroad magnates have conferred pract.cally all day it is impossible to forecast what will be their next move aside from the sueing out of habeas corpus for release of the -ag nts in Mc Dowell county . In well-iiformed iMTfilfis the threatened action of . j year, as tnere are no women w equal the tar heeh. In those days the writer made weekly trips from Gold Hill to Salisbury, a distance of fourteen miles, and , cau't remember a frame house along the entire distance. Today, after forty-three years absence, we return to find the old log cabin in the back ground, only a relic of the nast. while on its former t x site we find a magnificent building erected, modern and up-to-date in every respect, being of the latest improved pattern, with splendid lawns and well improved farms. The writer, on Wednesday last, visited Gold Hill, the home of his vouth, and was led with amaze- w meat to note the great activity there. We fotind three mines in operation and one large stamp trill going up to the new mines. The writer noted the much lm- nroved aDDlianoes there used. In ed us hired help cannot be secured for love or money. In the town of Wadesboro we were informed one hundred laborers could secure work. One more informed us he had tried for four months to se cure a man to look after his poul- frv. and hadn't found anv. The j t writer desires through the W atch man to congratulate the public spirit shown by capitalists in keeping North Carolina up to the best j)f them in investments, as in our travels over the counties of Anson, Gaston, Mecklenburg and Rowan we see many enterprises going up on every hand, and more to follow. Let the good work go on. i no writer iwvb uiaimou The annual picnic at Elmwood Thursday, August 1st, promises to be an interesting and enjoyable affair. Dr J. A. Scott, of States- vill, and Prof Chas J. Hendly, ol Elmwood, will be the speakers of the occasion. Passenger trains Nos. 35 and 86 will stop at Elm wood to accommodate Statesville people who attend th picnic. The contract for building the Paola Cotton Mills near the Bloomfield Manufacturing Co 1 has been let to the T. C. Thomp son Bros., of Birmingham, Ala., atfd calls for the completion of the mills by November 15th. A contract has also been let to J, O Gaither for an addition of 90 feet to the east side of the Bloomfield mill. The work will begin at once. At the last session of the Leg islature an act was passed provid ing for the establishment of the Stonewall Jackson Mauuel Train ine School, which is desigued to be a reformatory. Under the pro visions of the act, whenever a certain amount of money is raised by the organizations' ladies in this State, who have the matter in charse. the State will give a - a certain amount. It has been sug crested that this school might be o : , - established at Statesville, possi bly in connection with the Jtate Test Farm, and the sueaest'on is worth considering, The Turner Cotton Mills Com- Ceasar Cone Makes a Fine Showing as Re ceiver. Mr. Vandertord Buys Land. Concord Tflnes. July 23rd, 2th. Ceasar Cone, receiver of the Odell Manufacturing Co.,. says : You will find enclosed herewith a statement of the result of my operations as Receiver of the Odell Manufacturing Co., to June 29th. The report indicates ' a profit of more than $80,000,00, which was almost entirely earned in ninety days. The mills are running smoothly and I feel cheerful of the future. I believe, the creditors are safe, barring any unexpected disaster, and I feel the stockhold ers will not snffer the loss which at one time seemed inevitable. Col. J. F. Newell is jubilant over the prospects of a glorious celebration and home coming in No. 10 township Cabarrus county, early next month. The date is the 7th, and the place the Sherrill mineral springs, nine miles south west of Concord. Col. N. J. Sherrill, proprietor of the Sherrill Mineral Springs Company, is having the , plans drawn for a 30-room frame hotel which he proposes to have built at the springs this fall. The well- known Sherrill springs are located 9 miles southeast of Concord in Cabarrus county. The building will be within a stone's throw of the Governor to call the Legisla- miuinS the oldf d& the this State as his home and has of- pany has been chartered to build ten said it has more natural ad vantages and less disadvantages than anv state in the Union to day. Yours truly, R. Williams. ture in extra session has been dis cussed with much interest. It is believed that the Southern will not hold out against this step on, the part of the State and that rather than have an extra session of the Legislature at this time it will agree to put the new rate into effect. However, this is mere speculation. . Best Medicine in the World for Colic 4 Diarrhoea, "I find Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy to be the beat in the world," says Mr. C. L. Carter, of Skirum, A!a. "1 am subject to colic and diarrhoea time drill was used, pounded on by a ten pound hammer while pene- rating the rock, today they are using electric drilling machines of j the latest pattern. On passing the I office we notice the old time coal oil electric lights. On the question j of wages paid for labor, it is with much interest we notice the wonderful advancement that has beep, made in the past forty years, Miller savs in his letter several . . naw atnresrWhile times that he knows where he m. UUH,nT.7. - peculiar affair, even if t is not propaoie .mi uu"" Crowder is living, and the public needed improv menii w" ijauo this year, it will doubtless be "made early next year. Rev. Edward Fulenwider, pttstt r of the. Lexington Lutifun church, : has received a very high, Ui ngh fniiv deiRflrved. compliment from Newberry College, South Carolina, ty, will visit He has been offered tae chair of i week. Kndir r.rowriAr'B address is unknown to anybody here, but Last spring it seemed as though 1 1 hired by hi8 master at an Railways Have Forfeited Much Sympathy The Southern Railway and .the Atlantic Coast Line appear to hmr Inst their reason. The fact 1 lmn lo,,ff since disnlaced bv that they bid defiance to the laws r o " I r iuA Cinfn ohAnra hru7 nooritn I Ifi It I I.I H llU UD DilU Ww D AAV V vv the lesson they are going to learn bef oreur State courts are through with the matter. If they had I s tened to the advice of their frieudB and obeyed the law of the Oi.i. ntil it nnnlH h o va noon Hjp in the days of our yoath. the ' VonTd writec-mBiuuerB wii wuwu lauur them8elve8 a great deal ot the could wfe seiured in Orold Hill for moral support and sympatny they eighteen dollars per month, sixty- have forfeited. unarity ana vnn nine cents a day, and board them selves. While there was a cheap er class of labor known as the dren. would be interested in the full de tails. Mrs J. K. Goodman and daugh ter Miss Fannie, of Mt. Ulla, re turned home on Saturday after a visit to Mrs. Goodman's sister, Mrs. Lee Phillips. Miss Sallie Lucky, of Cleveland, Kowan coun- Mrs. rmuips tuns would die, and I think I would if I tyidn't taken Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. I haven't been troubl- old price and his board, which consisted of one peck of corn meal! with the bran in it, one pound of Tenn. Wise Counsel From the South. 'I want to give-some valuable ah advice to those who suner witn lame back and kidney trouble." avb J. R. Blankenship, of Beck, i : l l .j. j. ii l. a cotton mm at wnas win uo known as East Monbo on the Tredell side of the Catawba river at what tfas been known as Coop er's fishery, and directly opposite the Monbo cottonr mill. The company has an authorized capi tal of $250,000, with $100,000 subscribed. The promoters are Messrs. W. D. Turner, J. C. Steele & Sons, of Statesville; Samuel Turner and C. L Turner, of Monbo; the Monbo Manufac turing Co ; Zeb. Shelton, of flharlotte: A. A. Shuford, of Hickory, and others. The com pany will be formally organized early next month and the erection of the buildings will begin as soon thereafter as practicable- The Landmark stated a few weeks ago that a report had gone abroad that Mrs. Carry JNati n was & native of Iredell county, or whs a descendent of Iredell peo the springs and will cost approxi mately $10,000. The contract will be let soon and the hotel will be ready for the "accommodation of guests next summer. Thos. H. Vanderford, of Salis- bury, came down Wednesday to consummate a real estate deal with W. S. Hartsell, of Mt. Pleas ant. Mr. Hartsell sold to Mr. Vanderford, who represents a real estate company of Salisbury, 112 acres of land about two miles from Salisbury on the Franklin road for $7,000 cash. $6,000 of which was paid in gold. Mr. Hartsell bought this land eleven years ago for $1500, The matter of free city mail de livery, which has been a dream of our people for several years, and to which they have been entitled for a year or so by virtue of popu lation and also the postoffice re ceipts, is yet a thing of tne fu ture. The houses in our town are all numbered. In fact all the re quirements made of any other city have been made here, and our peo ple feel that they are being dis criminated against in this matter. Free "delivery has recently been ordered in Gastonia and Hickory, and Concord iB twice as large as the latter place. R. J. Cook, of Salsbury, was called last Saturday morning to the bedside of his step-mother, Mrs. L. E; Phillips, who is se riously ill at the home of her son, C. A. Cook. Her condition is very serious. James Campbell, of the High landers who settled in King and Queen county, Va. Her grand- uother was a Bradshaw, of Ken tucky. A young man named Woodward who lives in Sharpesburg town Bhip, was seriously hurt Saturday evening while operating a thresh ing machine engine at W. E, Cloer's in Concord towns hip. While the engine was running at high speed Woodward climbed on top of the boiler to adjust the crovemor balls. He lost his foot ing and fell on the belt, which dashed him against the fore-wheeF of the engine with terrific force. An ugly gash was cut in the back f hia head, he was badly bruised about the body and remained un conscious for several hours, ne and although in now at his home. pie. It also stated that it did not his injuries are very painful, they trv to verif v it nor was it partic- are not considered aangerous j - - I have proved to an ab- f. .fTo nnA Tint of aaH. a.rA fhnr f unln . a nprtftintV that JfileCtriC ea wiuu it, Dio uiivxx vuu. ppUnas of salt-pork for seven days' when I had a-very severe attack and took half a bottle of the 25 cent si?e of Chamberlain's. Colic, , Cholera and Diarrhoea Ilemedy, and this morning I feel like anew man ' For sale by James Plum- mer, csaiisDury, ana apeucer Pharmacy, Spencer, N. C. rations, llie Watchman readers will note labor liyed high in those days. Today we are informed that the same class of labor re ceives one-fifty to two dollars a day. wnue on the rounds we found two large churches, the peo Bitters . will positively cure tnis distressing condition, ine nrst hottle gave me great reiiet ana after taking a few more bottles, I was completely ctrrea; so com pletely that it becomes a pleasure to recommend thiB great remedy." Sold under guarantee by all drug gists. Price dOc. ularly anxious to find it true. Carry herself has set all minds at easetbout the matter. She de nied the report at High Point the other day and says that she was not born in Iredell county, as has been stated, but that she was born in Garrard county, Kentncxy, in the vear 1846. She is of Scotch The Right Name. Mr. August Sherpe, the popu lar overseer of tha pcr at Fort Madison, la., says: 'l)r "King's New Life Pills, are rightly named ; they act more agreeably, do more good and make one feel better than any other laxative. guar anteed to cure biliousness and descent, her father having been constipation. 25o at all druggists

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