i-. . 4r V I ,t 1 V; ft TnEC;r.3LIilA7ftTCHI.lAII. Ltial ifeVb it&Btp " Pfesdeut.Fiuley, ot the South ern Railway, waa arrested in Abheyile Saturday, but- wkb im-, medially released by .a .write f. habear corpus lssded by Judge Pritchwd. Joe lliBet.heimer, now of Lynch--burg, i, who recently killed his boardg house keener, made an attempt to escapq from the hos pital vhere he.was coufiued, a few days ago. . Ha ia now in jail. He ill btried for' his life iu Sep tember. RevaByron Si Clark,- who has recently accepted -a call to the First f.Presbyterian church, of Salisbury, is expected in the city this wek and will occupy the pul pit of .that ohurch'iSunday.v Rev. J M. harey who has tctadas supply for the past year, has re turned to his ho BtJ-ftt JaideoB , Master" Whitehead McKeuaie had an unpleasant experience Thnrsdftvr eveokic n'with an y v - t - 3, C " TREAWCtH VALLEY FAIR. RUL,'CHJfHEWAGH:,1A-fiJl.viv manaffers are' Officg to ani tihfoliudSai'rAlmJbr. T- '. ' in making the last Tbirgday morning a number MmirfcifiBAi tB for the of women, chiiariaii ana'taer Thuriday morning from tne ei- i f tne Yadkm smaU depositors of the wacmovia f ecjw of coiisumtftioli . ; Mtf wat ft , i The. Loaii and TutcOcma&njt 8off-of JbBeph Mowery, ged abxjut 20tc, here aiid atnreritftdfesN 25earstftnd" splecyoung 1st whit is cdmmonljf kabwil "Ual mill, ' ffe ws it'memW'of Easj; ved. 'run.Min other wowfe&theaf 411 Salfebnrv Council Jr. t).AXJi At 'M: ThWiuueral was hld at thehone 6100VI Purchwitf. eractftoalpA RjnMiJinall Oepjtoeillessli The officers and nw quite busy necessary arrangemen first annual fair Valley Fair, Association dates settled on are October 30th, 31st and November The raca track has been surve H t.hfl nnmertv and aa to.the banV.8' stability. flo'd the architect is busy on the plans ed for heir dfj f iu Thn fnnH hag nnita a rnmmnnnn been selected some time, and the banks ior several hours, ygml Franklin towuhipTr; hniirUi.o- is fiYnfiht.Arl t,o hfiffin at a vi4wed with oonsideraiMw a muse-J :;fT'i&i., -? e wQ very ,ariy date. The purpose of ment by the larger depositors and ia : the fair and the character of its business, people generally! who hJwSakBoiT avenWeafly exhibits will be ascertained later, were better informed The banfcs d morninff Hobas Ijeenlu had, a,s;nsualvs an -ubttndafit'Bup niiw tima and hia ply: Cteady;udial4H:-8 not: unexpWed- .He take place next Wednesday, An Uefved-the ffusfc 7th. The meeting will jbe an was at no wme. in ;flptfr,r ba vapa. I -Wra. but of late iield attthe old YdBt. homestead; ih' alarmed as tor the outcome?" Qdte hHAAn mnlnbv the South- Litaker township. a number of -business people upgu aa t5ve' He was .'.84 July 3rd. Should any one have Vlnol is as delicious as' aT fresh jprange, and, as soothing as can be to: the weak', irritabte stomach. It digestion and creates strength prt&ghbutihe wbote,ystef$i. We orp tvpflbr nnrl run-down from nd foV those who' have pulmonary Vfoublesi. Monev-,bck..:ifc ypf ' try . f Vinbi and are. not satisfied. tlhp-yj WrarirVis?Drug Cor. eral copiesSf The Watchman of T - - --7 rJ btUeri and three BjBtejs. who .ping.a Bigaber a copy of this date and having nol . - known dtainiiite mani ' .She - uu, f r!P?lM UjiU. - J .V.n aiaf ara : totin - .t- - .---v - 1 III Itl.liniN Mlltl- LUIOD BIIVV. Ti'.v onering to tnvnaxer wjeirccoun mn hi8ilo88 would UL : 7.. iv'.'ri.i.wvii . n opiwnwiwtti.m other "banking rista1itmtT08' 'tbat dirloUon hey(iso mvj$r $fjf; 6tart8 . ance. In . faoii thtf; Wjachpy U - man tried to get the boy to dripfe .appecxatethekindness m with him. .Uba SaUsbury. Bag- to thl8 5ce- gage Transfer office, and upon re- i Dr. James D. Heathman, oneanCe ' In . facii I cIa fu8u .wase, shot at. The boy of the cpoties prominent im but returned it when the man (decided to move to Mooresvili.bVujBh8 aiHig promised to leave. The man's His many friends in Salisbory s-lMbidiry and Spence lia f Rev; R. E. Neighbor GRANITE Wm& " Juirs9th. There waBSuhdaV Bchoot at a, to leave. iu uau g " j jiuijury auu opeuu ia uue: lit "t Jim ,Sc,rpggs and ia from Woodleaf and the. county, regret the sJ&igest, 4f .ot -UteJrtnMigest, bQtoJctorctisesteiflay' lie, S. C. He has been his decision. instiinonB ot its f .ffi in"the bTowd of youngjpte Sflkeci nL.-i.. ir tT SfcalBi , and thousk it dkinek Aeed k2'nvTv? t-A WanJf I IUUIKU'VI . JJ.CU V . Ul JllUIUUt' 1 -T.T : r7-vT. -rr- iUUllDViaU VUUIVU) .wv""- it UtllVEBSIT.. COUEGE TORT- NheOU I BE M, OV PnewotnT. - Jl WJII IIW fll, 1, Mmfarn Lahoratorlea In Chirte' of SDecitUistS ;d aa First-Cla by those who Kn Know William B. Smoot jBismafck Capps ! 1 iDa? oot & Kpom No 6,t Court House Annex. SALISBURY. N. 0. f .: 1 I. il Ifeo ENiGASH FOR FROM Cigarette ot Quality 2 Coupons in each Package Coupons also Redeemable for Valuable Presents Premium Department AMERICAN TQBA X$. Jersey City, N. J. St. Louis. Ilp. itte and' Federal courts, lfctioneioaif inoney "r.pd ,1race in oi H oVttla. Aril li AJL UIViTU vVMWWwvf T- . KiMprojpfgjr fll busess entrust- t)U iu uur cure. name is Greenville arrestdMHd bound over to court. A. Hi- Price, Eeq,,. who- ieft Uan D. Ci, who came. into. Salw- wsiatS the h6 aentaiferyj They' Salisbury some months ago 'and byury on the Western Monday ; mW.1 w insson wix,n Waot denghlful trip. located m Florida,. has been mght, suddenly became innft uxouy u v. Military SeaCord speM -Satur dorseaB tb Buccessor of .the late while at the depot. Mr. Henry twyr-ior-mny- &t ' Judg4HryDe, of. tflorwia-. tjuniuMMi ju.-tni :wf-x-vut -s?f-j: "... Jtme at Granite Quarry, ti - - - i -' - i t j a rvi tv i-- ' .tib. vin a it- x x ia. a. a d aa & Aa ow . iiir 11 i j m i - Prica eas m i.Knaa M .u wB .-u. 4,, - tKiwiiEn2inr5J.alor wangle luabbor Ul RiatHiv.i..wu vf 'j" 1- I ' , : i.u, AT. xl.- jHJWKJi r, fi.fno v m ma har . hthe Btrinzth of several Btrong men nereaiter ee areoir . " : to hold hm and i get him on s""" wub?vwv, .yamv - - jojss Jtoxie ireir bubui ou courteouaofSoiiskk. ; JfWfMav'nii'wTtt i ffises tlieo and ThS origin oWaejfnjnorhinot rjjftfo: Peeler. I nJr 17nu7a rf lranVlinr town - I . . .. . . i .ui i - I uvwa. . y-v) itocvt. noon o atx ma aimoueu verv .j i, t , -. , - , i. n a. :..a--:.iy- . . . . -. ... - I- Mir a. f earl reacocK. oil nomas l. -wwowwwe-Boia: - amp, -was- wima ovr - w u carerui:ttiry2vhaaateejmaei -Wflii ..V h,r hf court , by Esq. ale ,h4e -W1 ? Il.M " " "w. -r-rr TB W r V . - , v .r fcSWWr. -Jin, ttUQX, rorueu the BeU telephone 8y.tem here to- ZL, iZL? - .T? Hie!thi. onoDg. MA..nnr -t fha nroMntr0 "J -s"s " ivi inftfi nprann a.n mmeunent' wrai l. r . . . . Unm nf 9(V) , , Ll ( n....- -l TT.. O flnatv went 'to his old aaaaBifaBVa.y-iiai w a' b I I Cl can tie ascertained 1- fl f A TPlr8t?la8 Prepanaor , Sohoob XVrttflcates o Oradtiattefl Accepted for entrance to leading Southern colT i j leges." ' ..Best Equipped Preparatory- School in k9&f& V?ncav ,t, Jen-Officer i an?Teacneri. TTCariipua ot r" cfes. ) library containing Tlilrty Thousand Jflum. " HTgn Standards and Modern Pretwat lectom by f romlnenfclurer .-ti Expenses Exceedlngfy Moderate. ' Seven yeara oi;beBoinenl Success. ' For, -jpatalogne and other Informa tion, address Durham, MrC. " . . -1 - - iyjviriays RdseMi the! lEilIi W$ 4t T Af' " - r,- f . A' BBBkr. fiirp'i nCrfd m One Dav. Gtit mltJ fifc en Bo?, 25c. uuune o. RJlNTfiHAIvl SCHb'OL 1793 1908 MQK USEARS bpys have been prepared for CO LLSGg ancUct LJJXApd have beerf (rained to be MEN at THE BINGHAM SCHOOL. Idtklly located bn AshevSfe. PUeau. Organization MILITARY for discipline, ponrolaod. carriage. Bdys expelled' from other schools noti received. VlClOUS bbyS eipeHed as soon as discovered. Haiina excluded by pledge of honor.- limited to 136. Rates reason able. AdSnWco R. BINGHAM. Supt. R. F. D. No. 4. ASHEVTLLE. N.C. The auction ale of lots at Fair view by Maupin Bros and;-Penary; last Th,ujrjdaj.wa quite success ful. i8(WbtStweTe'oid: ft Wtteiftfb GO Buy CT ntirDTiiiiT inn nmin WHDC wnco i nil I nitt unuu oiurl Ta tKo nlona t.n Knir vnnT MaBBncra .Pomnian, Cream. .Talcum. Pow'der Toilet Soaps, hi fact anything .that is wanted in the. We are selling Kodol on a guarantee; money refunded if not benefited. Call and ask to see a copy of i&e guarantee. " -Wiieniri need of good, reliah'e, home this morning. single or doabh?, wEQM :t& bugSJ. ru.i;. tj ar,ri a.r. LHome-made .Harness don t fail. to iv h,nni' nn our blace. on the corner , iDon't forget we make a specialty of, compounding. Pie- HUlipiilUliH. VJlVt) UB filial. HO upo uubUiug uuu uuo MB " ni-. j' - . 1 L i.1 1 -i. oi urilyS ana our priues are iuw uh mo wwbbi. -a . -B-k. a rti- by Tobe Lowe, is improgl i 0a exjoount of conflict TheMiner'B Iuatitute-cameoff 1 Rowft Mntual 'Fire Insuraijc titoflwwh tTOnblftk4XtbgirlB of GraniU Qaajrry, btl alsr heret mj;he court house luesaay . y h,been poedUSSSX offer them a ride. onhort noticend at teasonanie g per Bcheaaie. ana programme. . lO a, m. r . - 1 J t .r. r 4- I ' A iainy goou uuuiuvt oio u tendance.. apeoe8fBx u4 . u,fca-e ha1thv stomachi Kodol digests tli, irja tnnit. Leqna. We aie headquarters for Soft Prinks and Ice Cream. We onH m tub nicest iuuulu us uiixlb &iuu iu iud uvnu Call VI 'A-U.v'ii li adnannaA ffrirn fWo PnTo "R'rnit. Svmn Ul 111 AD AID Mil UCOOllWU AAVAU vtw A uaw j-- xr uuu .mw -uo. - in high ordexrand much -enjoyed by EdBCallOBal Rail at St. kUttbeWS. those, Jfm6.wara.preaent, On Wednesday, Anpst 14tb n. , ttj-,, there will be an educational rally Co?. Sam Massey, ftnry Matthew's church, near Wright Alonzc Miller and Jiuo i A number " of -gobd BogW, all colored had somewhat de. of afree-for-all fight at the negro ftddre88ea ou the gnbjecfc. u restfiitrnt and poo room on Lee to fae aQ intere8tlng street Monday nign,. I and will Pav any one to Writ assatalted Cbl Sam? ftttead. he publio ia iuvited to ar tol,lut did not inflict any serious be present. damages. The bunch wre held for the Superior court and placed under a $50 boudrby the wayor Women to Haie Beards. Thftjeo-edsat the Univerlity of lnh;rnrn rArtfintlv wore agitated D. Leonard, a watchman at ontpt belief ; XodWl - - - T 51 p.-t; vegfabU..wi4rf I L: MEtlieLMortit,-Jiaa and ;P u pf ffies, WiW--' ioff the iuxce8jfouodan rJttiftSmUli aregfiing o take ja Bridles, WtsrsWbips, BrjaMa," V iomachi Kodol digests U.li.rl, dri tonitrht. nhWh. RobeaV Harness Oil 'and ffM a compouna nnrl rtnrvtaitlff healthv stomach. Koool die hat von eat. makes your food do you;good. --16yI-'3SCa.PI2m:t mer and all druggists Yours truly, ':' MI hill .... S, t BIGGINS, Druggist. 1 J : nniin rci Utl WU WW .U Drrvf Somnal W Wl 1 1 if anil thepencer Bhopwas struct on rf fche departmenfc. of pale. theead Sunday night by a heavy tol made the startling state- doiv xiib aitu..- .""' aientthat.hair would snon.grow ai4.be was takento the amio face8 rf wcmeQ riufp. "The day will soon come when Jpi Carr, the negro who-wai -you will not only have 'mustaches .ui, nU,r Moorwftri lie July 8th, but you will have beards," decla- dieLf last Wednesday. Hisdaugh- ed the professor, who has won a Bait tiiTWho were also shot are im- ional reputation as a icholar. He arvs .a bp? ; - nrdrintr. and Jtfcn Moore, who 1 was addressing a school class of co- dilhe flhootine is still at Jsrge:l ed8 , ,J "Horrors 1" whispered one. I'll f; UacKetr Ihaveiine cut Van Dyke said i an- thpump house ?lother;.i aiwayB did fikeVaii -Dyke JulfSOth. We are having plenty of rain at this lime. LutherMesimore, his wife and daughters, are visiting his father and other relatives in Salisbury. Everybody is talking of attend ing the'show atGold Hill tomorrow. Miss Annie Beaver, of Concord, is visiting her uncle, Iwis Beav- irrected weekly by DHiIiller. to 13 Aiples. pecbusneii vo vf w tUm si4ea,per &f U to VM. ' ' shoulder, per, fi , 124 . K.Jrtw'i. Ifetl to 16 fnnnrl.ner lb. l6.ta.12W Utter, choFee yellow , 15 to 20. , per lb, 8JTto 9. n, Per ftHTOl-teSfi- ton, per n, luwia. ska, 20 to 30. Kftv Derhujidred lbs, 60 to 60 Holes, dry, per n, io to Gift m. Cpmbs1, RSbesV Harness otHer - horse BUDOlies is ctoplete . and .ready for iixspec lfM.v . ..... . . ij We solicit a nortion ot your pairoiiagQ &nd invite' you to call" ana see our bkock. If vour horse is iniured in any waV ee.t at bottle cf . P.pr Horss J Liniment. No cure, no pay. Mine & Go. T. Aj DErNISS, Mgr M always X l'700lilnJARb Phone 4S3, i iiii.un! i ISO Eaat Inniss St. er. nk T)s-i TrAiifmon Thrfiaher inn uubii w ucai, uui uompauy naa jubi, pu " - er $:i0 m mf bridge, was roonea w"-... -Iam going to part mine daylight by helperBrady , , tef, yentmd thetuiri: LyepB. Lyons took JdO trom a E thing is tending towards buftjau drawer in Hackett b room for women continued t)s andimade his escape. A warrant .aaanr . ore - a I 1 v vwwv M " I . . . bafcbeen issued for mm. rmr.il t.hft rW will mm night. our community. L. D. Peeler, and his family, ... - . . . X 1 were talking ot attending mo farmers institute in Salisl ury to day. M; E f Go-art and Daniel Peeler have treated themselves to new bicycles. Dr. Bowers, of Gold Hill, at tended services at Emanuel's Sun day .' ArthnrBeaver and family vis ited Mrskarth Beaver Saturday bujjq.70. llU f i. Wheat per ousn. w ift., WftafnuticilrStreetifvr -iJabi- Tt. n i - ..it' ao KO 4- 41. ki ir dozen, and other work in pro- JvtfTrCrT " Ott II 1 Jl 4.7 AND -'fn$Sc&661 for the PeojTe i i its Mirs Dovie occasionally Chatter Box. arid tne proceeds1 of the occasion will go to the monument fund, i:; . Qoajatiflg ,.j ?iot ponsfcipafcjfop i Ja fog quite so nice as Chamb jrlain's T . mrmm m mi xirWk,, V.aHk.Ktr laf&otriincr it. ialscndo f f ftfU W T aw , bw -v - cross and restless ; it becom.es te enra,u . u5f?vn olfyetiieiir otilWlugsJiw ; aaaainn ononB SeDteml li. -w -ra i. rinnS-rrl V JiU kntm flnmihVtl T1i iiRcfa war on1 fn.mil V visited li lit'V -1nnr' "wj.rjrt-'lfeii-lii) UMD iUBlliio iuioi " I " " j o oi - , i V who has been vitfng jrienas uuuioearaa iiko me pictures oi xiuau uww ubbi ouuutpm"b relatives on Cheatnut ni, re- and gaastor feaer .oi Jiftnsas." "qed home Saturday. . I When will that be? queired one tfhe Daughters of he Cqnfe4-, tne pimia ones. erlTha'e arranged for a game of "OK. a few centuries from now," ba and other, amusements at. answered the professor. Fttfcon Heights iPark on Friday,! Aiiust 2nd. Tht- ball game will Nearly all old fashioned Cough w fivrnnn are constinatine. eBoeci- hAt.ween the fiUKS anaa-ysniww, ,v . ' Mra. ffm. i Misenheimer and tm&tsi hafaonal reptltalion. son, Homer, are visiwng reiatrwE i z;asuuoui., vjrw.i. , v- 4r.Ji;rvr7 MikMttff nlkiwihe courses t M. loonard. of Golk Hill. VH-D; Wfmmm - i ? i'WriimiTjrrv'TJViotcfrt m ;inni.i PdhmflnBrifp'-rmal Can be corrected so" that tlie headaches disappear. That is a simple truth, but many still doubt and hesitate. You do hot take any risk with us. We guar antee to do what we say. If your eyes cause head ache, we' can relieve the strain and' give you perfect comfort. . No Charge to Show you How. Wf H. LEONARD, Jeweler and Optician, on m Main St.. SalUbury, N. C. 1 0th, . 11th, F and G sts. rjashington, D. C. Sale of Cdwhide Suit Cases. At the Manufacturer's Price. XT L ,'lnlnnj;n. lin irorir lanioiiro a fl COtlPfl in t. Vl ft TlTlPfi 'ff r( .leathr.,we have-,a lot of ennine Cowhide Suit Cases which. are, 0 offering at the price we usually pay for them:. These caises are Q the popular 24-iuch size, ctoth-lined, have inside - straps, rivet- Q ed, and'b'est brass lock. They are made on a light steel frame )q and are ahown in two (), colors, russet end brown. Q Special Price $3.95 each. X Regular, Price p,C0 each. , , A splendid case for either men's or women's use. .. . . . . Special Sale of Cane Suit Cases. A lot of 24 incn cane suit cases made over wood frame, good -i. i iiA nntnViaa rrrtrtrl "TnnV r.lnt.h linpd. inside a BXrOIg uauuic, nu vvvuoo, s " " .17 strans. A handsome case very light in weight and especially Ut'HllcUUia 1U1 numou a iou. ind ally those that contain -opiatea. T Kin it rlnn't o?f. insf. riorht. TTftll- nedy's Laxative Cough Syrup con- veri8h , and in many cases vomits tains no opiates. t driyos tfte I . deal and Qften.ime8 can. rifiL.8 ut seoolUr on the fy andfind tate,-arly; f8fc ftll WVpte little annd as manle s vrun. Children nrftna of the atomacn are affect- is rr . a- . : ; o-rtK r,rlT.iverTahliita..Thev k?it. boiaDvjameB nummer ed, bringing on colic and 4iar4 niv.nnfi Klnaieiifciiiovi druggiaw. rhoea. GaSGaSWCet for babies and iWbBt of theboweb without any . 7 . children makes the stomach right diBaereeable effect. Price cents. I " V , " "ana aiiays njmawaupp) S. J finld b. .Inmes roWd, sober, hooest, mdto f?f-iv- " - - - man wantea ai once, wxue wui. , , a fJ. ' mmer, Salisbury, and Spen- H. Stewart, Salisbury, N. C, stat- the baby happy and well Sold by ..1U'..m .in QnanAar M C ' i nrr q Kilif.o .anil jattLttem .AbllX rati . James PJnmmar.and alLdr.uPifit?' .hvctJher' jhtlfWlielp ad worthy sti fl TRINITY COUEGE j -TT "W , . IB" B --I -BT1 needy ana wortny stnaents. jp ac-ii i Tinl f.iinA flftl mid TTniver-II I TOrSfr en '-srr-r-rr- tai i WMilk 111 I .- - - J- - - ----- M.I Wl i f I I fllJW eea,anci-, amgi :ivw.1 TTon'ifrtmfiri ta1 Colleci ate n-oTHoi jlCriiiriferinff and LtmwI equipped .taftoratqries m all der 1 MtfSS4 -'ith J bef j.apparatvis.J jaxpenses. very kfuuuoAiic, . Young Men wJBhing xo btuay? Law hpuldanTPJW m V L TYanartmftiit ot Law ' iii T?irSWnD3Ilee, H fro? catalogue and further infor- V$iatu , sdoress . . . . j at JX WEWSOMinKegistrari Special Sale of Bound Books for Summer heading i We are offering a choice lot of b mnd books at a special price. These-hooks are bound in dark red cloth 'haVe guilt tops and are printed in large clear type oW go. d paper. TKo'iioi7A 1 wrvh sold for 50o nr volume. W are selling them at 25c per volume. Any ten volumes Among the several hundred titles in this lot we mention : Donovan, Edna l yall. Familia Quotations. The First Violin, Jessie Fothergill. i Gems from the PoTets. Happy Norsemen Edna Lyall. Kenilworth, Sir Walter Scott., Micah Clark, Conanl Doyle. RoiELola, (ieorge Eliot. . Toilers of Sea, Bfugo. We Two, Edna1 Ly ell. Vendetta; MaTife CSorrelli. Wiley eill y , William Carleton. Mafeerg of Venice, "- Oiiphant Makers of Florence; iDJipjwuit.,1 X Oirl ld Ten, Thousand, Meade. A Sweet .GrM Grad mte, Meade, nf vtfttTs ii EIRi HentV.-' Under 'two Ftagsi Ouida. "l 8

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