TGE CAROLINA WATCHMAN. WM. H. 8TBWART, Ed. a4 Pub. Publish BTti7 Wtdawday at 1M Wt iBBln BtTMC . Subscription Prle $1 pr jmt trictly eaik ia adranet Entirvd u vieaiA-clua matter Jaa. ltth. IMS, at tit past oflee at 8al bnrr, N. O, uder th act of CoogrMa of Marea Srd, lSt7. Salisbury, N. C, Aug. 7th, '07. 60LD HILL. AuguBt 5th. The fever situation here is un improved. There are several new cases ; some of the first are con valescent. Three of our leading merchants are now down with the fever, B. C, Cody, Jas. Rufty and Irvin Shaver. Mr. Cody is very low, recovery doubtful. Drs. Bowers, Pool and Goodman have been attending him, and a trained nurse has been employed to be constantly with him. J. M. Proctor, superintendent Southern .Mining Co., is confined to his room with some peculiar affliction resembling fits. It is reported that a new boiler hoister and pump have been or dered to take the place of the mall ones now in use at the Southern mine, the water having become stronger as depth is at tained. The present boiler is not sufficient to keep out the water. - Milas Simpson, one of our old est citizens, suffered a stroke of paralysis last week. He is about 75 years of age. One whole side is afflicted and he is not able to take any liourishmens except a little milk or soup. No hope is entertained for his recovery. Mr. Milas was a familiar figure-on our streets, known as the lknife trader."- - Win. Smith is haying erected on his lot opposite J. A. Arey's store a building to be used for a beef market. It will be fitted up with a large refrigerator in the near future and he will keep fresh meats constantly on hand. ' B. N. Hedrick has received a carload of ice from Charlotte, with which to supply the wants of the sick and others who have been unable to get ice from Salisbury. John Hill has purchased from Mauney estate a tract of land ad joing his residence containing 17 acres, consideration $300. C. R. Morgan has raised his smoke stack and walled up his boiler, and is making prepara tions to start up his wood working plant in the near future. The Methodist church has just received a coat of paint of which it was badly in need. The ten-days meeting at the Holiness church is in progress. There are three preachers here from Greensboro, one of whom is a woman, Mrs. Cox. The church was crowded on yesterday and last night. Fred Pirrie has resigned his po sition at the Spencer shops and moved his family back to Gold Hill, and is living in the house with Prof. Rothrock and has ac cepted a position as machinist at the Gold Hill mines. Jerry Bean has left for parts unknown and his family is mov ing back to the country. It is re- j . .1 a . I -a poriea mat ne is inaictea tor running a blind tiger at his late iesidence. West & Wells circus struck our town last Wednesday and quite a crowd was in attendance. There was some acting and acrobatic feats that were fairly . creditable. Th auimal features consisted of an elephant, a lion and a cage of monkeys. Mike. I will mail you free, to prove merit, samples of my Dr. Shoop's Restorative, and my Book on ei ther Dyspepsia, The Heart or the Kidneys. Troubles'of the Stom ach, Heart or Kidneys, are mere ly symptoms of a deeper ailment. Don't make the common error of treating symptoms only. Symp tom treatment is treating the re sult of your ailment, and not the came. Weak Stomach nerves the inside nerves mean Stomach weakness, always. And the Heart, and Kidneys as well, have their controlling or inside nerves. Weaken these nerves and you in evitably have weak vital organs. Here is where Dr. Shoop's Re storative has made its fame. No other remedy even claims to treat the "inside nerves." Also for bloating, biliousness, bad breath or complexion,' use Dr. Shoop's Restorative. Write me today for 'sample and free Book. Dr, Shoop, Racine, Wis. The Restorative is sold by Grimes Drag Store. DUTCH CREEK. - , August 4th. We had a nice rain Saturday evening. ' It was heeded very much. - Look out "for the weddingjfeells l B. F. Eller and Miss Daisy Trex ler were married Si nday. We all wish them a long and-happy life. We think there is another wed ding near at hand, in our town, for the dress is ready and I kuow they are wishing for the time to come. W. M. Wyatt is going to Salis bury today to do carpenter work. H. W, Agner and C. A. Misen heimer were welcome visitor's at M. L. Agner's Saturday an l Sun day. Come again boys, David Shepherd, while -on his way to B. F, Eller's got lest aud got to Joe Eller's. He had to turn back to get in the right road. I guess he got there. M, L, Agner and family visited atC. A. Poole's Sunday They had a nice watermelon. Misses Roxie and Doce Poole were there. Threshing machines were plen tiful last week. There were about four in the neighborhood at once. There was a nice game of ball Saturday afternoon between the Garfield and Rockwell nines. The score was 4 to 7 in favor of Gar field. "Well Bro, Bart, and'JBro. Lee, you had better mind or you will get your faces out of shape when you get on the farm question. Wild Bill. Haywood Acquitted in Idaho. In the bright sunlight of a beautiful Sabbath morning Wil- 4iam D. Haywood, secretary and treasurer of the Western Federa tion of Miners, walked a fre man tcday, July 28th, acquitted of the murder of former Governor Frank Stuenenberg. Piobability of acquittal was freely predicted after Judge Fre mont Wood read his charge, which jwjas regarded as strongly favoriDg the defense in its interpretation of the laws of conspiracy, circum stantial evidence and the corrob oration of a confessed accomplice. It was also freely predicted that, in the event of Haywood's ac quittal, the State would abandon the prosecution of his associates, Charles H. Moyer, president of jihe Federation,- and George A. Pettibone, of Denver. Statements from counsel and from Governor Gooding, isssued today, dispel this view of the situation. The trial had been in progress for several months. Haywood and others were charged with o - - having been the directors of a campaign which resulted in a number of murders, and no doubt they are guilty, but the evidence was insufficient to convict. Har ry Orchard, the principle witness against the defendants, confessed to so many crimes that his evi dence was considered worthless. Eczema. For the good of those suffering . i i i wiin eczema or otnersucn trouble, I wish to say, my wife had some thing of that kind and after using the doctors' remedies for some time concluded to try Chamber lain's Salve, and it proved to be better than anything she had tried. For sale by James Plum mer, Salisbury, and Spencer Phar macy, Spencer, N. C. EAU1L Another farmer retires from farm life, rents his farm to a Mr. Cannon and moves to Faith to live. This time it is D. A. Lefler, of No 7 township, Cabarrus coun ty. He. has rented C. A. Peeler's residence until he. gets up one of his own. Rev. A. S. Peeler arrived from Waynesburg, 0., on a visit to his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Crawford Peeler. " G. L. Brown took out a two horse load of cans from Salisbury to can up his tomatoes, corn, beans, etc. Prof. McAlister, of Mt, Pleas ant, spent Friday night with Rev C. P. Fisher. . H. A. Stirewalt is visiting rela tives here. Miss Aggie Line, of near Ebe nezer church, is visiting her sister Mrs. R. r, Stirewalt, this week. J. T. Wyatt shipped two car loads of street curbing Friday. Peeler. Bame & Cory shipped a f 1 M J - J . 1 canoaa oi ouiiaing stones toaay 1 tT to uanvine, va. Venus. SUNDAY SCHOOL CONVENTION "HELD. Big Time it St. Luke's Ctiarcti, Providence , Township. . Last Thursday. The; annual meeting of Provi dence Township' Sunday School Convention was held' in St. Luke's Reformed church, Thursday, Au gust 1, 1907-; from 10:80 a. m., to 4Y8Q p. m. he convention veas called to order by: President H. C. Peeler. In the absence - of. the secretary, P. D. Brown, the president asked B. L. Phillips to serve as secretary pro tern. After an appropriate opening the convention began at once with the business of the meeting. It accepted as correct the minutes of last meeting and elected the following officers for the ensuing year: Rev. N. D. Bodie, president; H. C. Peeler, vice-president; B. L. Phillips, secretary and treasurer. After the querry box was placed the discussion of topic (1) began A. L. Kluttz introduced the topic, which reads like this, "The Bene fits of a Well-studied Sunday School Lesson," Mr. Kluttz spoke well and among other things he said that there were practically no benefits to the lesson unless it was well-studied and as a means towards getting well -studied les sons he suggested plenty of "Les son Helps." He was followed by H. C. Peel er, who showed that he had stud ied dilligeutly the international lessons since January 1, 1907, by making a brief review of the les sons studied since that time, and by application showing how the benefits fitted in. Rev. N. D. Bodie then took up the subject, and in a very inter esting manner, with plain lessons from every day school life, showed how a lesson could not be used at all uutil it was well-learned, and how continual practice of well studied Sunday school lessons would develop nd train the mind. Rev. R. L. Brown, as a volun teer, hurriedly outlined several benefits derived from well-studied Sunday school lessons, one among which was the knowledge a famil iarity with the Bible. Topic (2.) "The Sunday School as a factor in Mission Work." was next introduced. Dr. J. M. L. Lyerly. was the only man to re spond to his name on this import ant subject. He spoke of what a great mission that department 61 the Sunday school had in large cities, and so on down to the schools in the rural districts. He advocated a larger effort along this line. The morning session came to a close with a song and an offering which amounted to $1.89. This time was heartily welcomed by the patient listeners. for the long morning session had become somewhat tedious to them. The sound of the bell in the tower, after an hour's rest, called the convention back into the house. A timely selection by the choir at this time assisted much in getting the people in and ar ranged, S3 that trw convention at once went on with its proceedure. Four schools answered to the roll call and read reports. These were S. Luke's, Christiana, Prov idence and St. Peter's, St. Luke's leads with an average attendance of 81, Christiana follows with an average of 56, -Providence 47 and St. Peter's 43. Three schools: Bethel, Trading Ford and Union were not represented in the convention, reasons unknown. Before topic (3) was begun Rev. W. W. Row.e called the attention of the convention to the specially prepared report blanks furnished by the State. The secretary was instructed to trausfer the reports to blanks of that kind. Topic (3.) "How Best to De velop Reverence in the Sunday School." This topic was excep tionally well discussed by Dr. Trexler and Rev. C. B. Heller. Dr. Trexler said that Protestauts could wfcll take a lesson in rever ence from the Catholics, who hold in supreme reverence their place s of worship. Rev. C. B. Heller made a n appearance and gave some valu able suggestions as to deportment in the church of God. This was the best handled topic of the day. Topic (4.) "How to make the Sabbath Delightful." This topic was interestingly discussed by short speeehes from Messrs. Ar thur Thomas, John C. Peeler and Revs. W. W. Rowe and R; L, Brown. ' - In the .querry box was found kthis question, "What is the Ob ject of the Sunday School?" Dr. Lyerly answered itr very appro priately in these worda.v "The)b- jeot of the Sunday school 1 is to serve the Church." - It was first decided that the convention siiould meet at Bethel next year, but an investigation proved that Christiana came next in order, so the place of meeting was changed from Bethel to Christiana. The First Thursday in August of each vear was chosen as the time for the convention to meet This time was set by a standing resolution. The convention elected the fol fowing gentlemen as delegates to the county convention to be held at St. Paul's and instructed each Snndav" school to elect at least u one more : St. Luke's, J C. Peeler; Chris tiana. Arthur Thomas: St Peter's A. L.. Kluttz ; Providence, B. L. Phillips; Union, G."M. L. Lyerly, Trading Ford, r. George Loog ; Bethel, J. C. Wilhelm. The convention now closed with the usual parting .song, the Lord's Prayer in concert, and Benedic tion by President N. D. Bodie. B. L. Phillips, Sec'y and Treas. Rising From the Graie. A prominent manufacturer, Wm. A Fertwell, of Lucama, N. C, relates a most remarkable experience. He says:. "After taking less than three bottles of Electric Bitters, I feel like one rising from the grave My trou ble is Bright's disease, in the Dia betes stage. I fully believe. Elfc tric Bitters will cure me perma nently, for it has already stopped the liver and bladder complica tions which have troubled me for years." Guaranteed by all drug gists. Price only 50c, YOST. July 26th. Corn is looking fine aud cotton is doing very well for the chance it has had. Miss Mado Yost, who has been very ill with typhoid fever, is im proving very fast. Lee G. Yost is new teaching school at the Sloopsohool house. Miss Nora Yost is coming home Sunday to spend vacation. James B.-Ycst is having a lot of nice lumber hauled to the Grace Furniture Factory, Salisbury. Kememoer tne annual Yost re union at Yost, Wednesday, Au gust (, lyui, opening witn music by the baud at 10 a. m. The pro gramme, interspersed with music, is as follows: Educational Exer cises, Rev. W. R. Davis. Wei come Address, Rev. C. L, Caste- vene. Address on re-union, Rev. C. A. Brown, The dirlereuce be tween the past and present gener ation in living, etc., Prof. A. W George. Educ-tion, Rev. J. M. L. Lyerly. : Our Nation's Prosper ity, Rov. Clifford Fisher. Tem perance, Uevs. J, Q Wertz and L. W. Blackwelder. All friends and relatives are cordially invited to come. Bring your baskets. Re freshments will be on the ground. A special invitation is extended to the editors of the Salisbury pa pers "to le with us. Cosing hymn : God be With You Till We Meet Again." There will also be an exhibition fre to everyone, the nailing contest by three little girls. Arrangements have bee i made to have hitching ground in the shade and spri g9 to water your stock and all comers, also food and refreshments of every description. Wilkerson, the van triloquist, will be present and amuse the crowd with his talking an i singing figures, Tom and Jer ry and Punch and Juda, Let everybody, come out and enjoy the day with us. You can visit the Yost Springs, at J. B. Yost's. There are five in a very small lot of land. vt .- ' Home .Girl. HcartSpgth Heart Strength, or Heart Weakness, means Nerve Strength, or Nerve Weakness nothing more. Pos itively, not one weak heart in a hundred ia, in it self, actually diseasad. It ia almost alwavs a I hidden tiny little nerve that really is all at fault. simply needs, and must have, more power, more stability, more controlling, more governing strength, without that the umrt must continue to fail, and the stomach amf kidneys also have Ml fillli axnlaina why. ai a madiefne. Dr. controlling Shoop's ReitomtiT has In the past done so much for weak and ailinf Hearts. Dr. Shoop first sought the cause of all this painful, palpitating, suffocat ing heart distress. Dr. Shoop's Restorative this popular prescription is alona directed to these weak and wasting nerve centers. It builds; (strengthens: It offers real, genuine heart help. If you would have Strong Hearts, strong di restlon. ' strengthen these Gnerres re-establish (hem as needed, with Dr. SKoop's Restorative GRIMES DRUG CO. V'" NOTICE ' ; I, the undersigned, have taken the agency to sell the Greenville & Funday washing machines for theGreenville Michigan, Com pany. They are what the people want, they are the best washers made, they give perfect satisfac tion in every respect, they are guaranteed to wash wristbands and collars perfectlv clean with out anv hard rubbing or wash board. Wash anything from the smallest garment to the heaviest bedding. They are guaranteed to last twelve years, guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction in every respect or money refunded. 1 have the right" to sell in Rowan county. I will keep them on band and sell reasonable. For further information' write me or call, I will canvass the county Yours very truly, DANIEL EAGLE, Agt., 3m. R. F. D. 2, Richfield, N C. NOTICE. All persons having claims aerainat the estate of the late S. IS, Blackiner are hereby notified to presents them to the undersigned executor, on or before the twentieth (20) day of July, 1908, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. This 15th day of July, 107. W. S. BLACKMER, executor of S. S. Blackmer: Bubton Chaige, attorney. 61 NOTICE. All persons holding claims against the estate of Katie B. Brunei-, de ceased, are hereby notih d to present them to the undersigned adminis trator, on or before the 19th dav of July, 1908s or this notice will be pleaded i e i-1 " in uarui meir recovery. Tins 10th day of July, 1807. BURTON CRATGE, 6t administrator. . Executor's Notice to Creditors. Notice is hereby given to all persons having claims or demands of anv kind whatsoever against Tobias Millier. de ceased, to present the same duly veri- nea to the undersigned, executor, on or belore the 9th day of July, 1908, oi this notice will be plead in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate are required to make im mediate settlement. This the 9th day of July, 1907. GEORGE J MILLER, executor of Tobias Miller, Rockwell, N. O. 4 Per Cent. We pay 4 per cent, on money w savings department, adding the interest to the principal every 90 days, and offer every safe guard to the depositors. We also loan money on reales tate aud personal security. THE PEOPLES' BANK AND TRUST CO. D. R, Julian, J. D. Norwood, Cashier. A. Peeler, Teller. President. . P. H. Thompson, J. V.-President. Bucklen's Arnica Salve The Best Salve In The World. : m of oik Enough to stretch one-third the way around the world. This represents the aeiKn Z? 0 0 0 MM- We have just closed the biggest ten days sale we ever had, for which we want to thank to all our friends and customers who helped to make it such a success. New Belts. New lot of white wash belts, regular 25c sellers r. Price 25c Another lot o popular wide buckle belts in white cloth, at ..... .-. 25c Tan kid at 48c " Oxfords. We will continue to sell our Ladies' and Men's Oxfords at reduced prices until all are cleared out. Yours truly, BE LI - HABBf . 'CO. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 o 50c FROM The Cigarette ot Quality 2 Coupons in each Package Coupons also Redeemable for Valuable Presents Premium AMERICAN Jersey City, N. J. Cores Blood, Skin Diseases, Cancer, Greatest Blood Purifier Free. If your blood Is impure thin, diseased, hot or fall of humors, if yon have blood poison, cancer, carbuncles, eating' sores, scrofula, ec zema, itcbin?, rising's and bamps, scabby, piiup.y, skin, bone pains, catarrh, rheuma tism, or any blood or skin disease, take Bo tanic Blood Balm, (B B B) Booli all sores heal aches and pains stop and the blood is made pure and rich Druggists or by expref s $1 per large bottle Sample free by writing Blo.od Balm Co Atlanta, Ga. B B B is especially ad vised for chronic, deep-seated cases, as it Cures after all else falls 3 MMe quantity of blue ribbon Brewing Company of Milwaukee during the past year. About six inches of this blue ribbon is stamped in silver with the words "Guaranteed Perfect" and wrapped around the neck of each bottle of a est BiueRi The Beer ot Some idea of the popularity of this famous brew may be gathered from the size of this order for blue xibbon labels. The blue ribbon is the mark of excellence and is used only on Pabst Blue Ribbon. It 'is the maker's pledge of quality and your guaranty of purity. When you order beer, insist upon having Pabst Blue Ribbon. You can recognize the bottle by the blue ribbon fastened to its neck, as shown in the illustration. Made by Pabst at Milwaukee And Bottled only at the Brewery. J. F. Ludwick, 225 E. Ennis St., Salisbury. Phone 75. n 0 0 0 0 0 cD IN CASH FOR 100 Coupons Department- TOBACCO CO. St. Louis, Mo. u Charles W. Woodson, M. D., . Medicine and Surgery. Offers his Professional Services to the Public. Phone 336. OFFICE: Wachovia Bank Building. LJS3 used by the Pabst blboia Uua List I Vitrei 0 0 0 0

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