flE CAROLINA WATCHMAN. Local News Items A charter was granted Friday to the New South Investment Co., with an authorized capital stock of $5,000,000.00', $3,000 of which has been subscribed. The object of the company is to do a general public and private construction ytions business, Lonnie L. Gaskill, of Salisbury, is one of the corpora tors. Geo. W. Montastle and W, H. Mendenhali, president and cash ier of the Bank of Lexington and Dr. W. F. Welborue, of Lexing ton, attended the Salisbury-Lin colnton ball game last Thursday. Mrs. Gordon Setzer and little daughter, Lucile, left Tuesday for an extended visit to her parents in Brevard, N. C. - The Spencer Mercantile .Com pany which has been so success fully conducted by Messrs, Jas. D. and Sam T. Dorsett is to un dergo a change. It is to become a Btock company with an author ized capital of $50,000, $10,000 of which will be paid in immediately. The.officers will be Jas. D. Dor sett, president, and W. A. Good man, secretary and treasurer. Sam T. Dorsett retires owing to ill health. The plans for the fair build ings have been received and ac cepted. - . R, M. Pendleton, an old typo of this city, who accompanied the firemen to Wilmington as assist ant chief, took seriously ill while away and returned in a precarious condition. His friends hope him an early recovery. The colored people's Lutheran church on West Inniss street, which was destroyed by a wind storm ou the 5th of April, 1905, has been rebuilt .and will be dedicated on the third Sunday in September. Locke Craig, of Asheville, a candidate for the Democratic nomination for governor and the gentleman who during the Pop ulistic era almost out-did Marion Butler, was in the city last Wed nesday night. Prof. I. C. Griffin and party, who have been touring Europe duriug the summer, will return soon and be ready for the opening of the public schools, September 3rd. There was quite a number of Salisburians in attendance at the MocksvilleJ picnic last Thursday. They report the usual large crowd and about $1,000 raised for the or phans. Whitehead Kluttz. Esq., made a splendid oration on fraternalism. Mrs. Phillip N. Peacock, repre senting the Womans' Auxiliary of the Firet Methodist church at a meeting ot the Womans' Foreign Missionary Society held in Con card Thursday, read a paper enti tled :"God's Call to the Women of Salisbury District." E. R. Fonda, the new superinten dent of the federal cometery, has arrived and entered upon his du ties Mr. Fonda's family consists of a wife and daughter. He is a native of New York but has made bis home in Omaha, JNeb., tor a number of years. The Southside real team of Salisbury won four prizes at the Firemen's tournament iu Wil mington last week. In the grab reel race the home team won two first and two second prizes which amounted fco $275. The loving "cup, presented by the underwrit ers of Greensboro to the company making the most improvements during the year, was voted to the Statesville Company. P. S.; Carlton, Esq , has been appointed by the Grand Chancel lor Knights of Pythias, W. C, Crist, district deputy for this the -9th district. The annual meeting of the Rowan Mutual Fire Insurauce Company was held at the court house here last Saturday Dr. C. M. Poole, president of the com pany, presiding. Reports showed that the company has something like 900 members and its other affairs in a satisfactory condition, except the company would like to fill out about 900 more applica- during the coming twelve months. It is a very deserving institution in every way and should receive the hearty support of everybody. The old officers, Dr. C. M. Poole, president, and Rev. J. M. L. Lyerly, secretary and treasurer, were re-elected. Excavations are now in pro gress on the lot adjoining the Jackson Hotel, preparatory to the erection of a handsome business block to be erected by D, L. Gas kill. E. E. Proctor returned from Crossville, Tenn., Monday, where he had been to attend the funeral of his grandfather. Alex Davis, colored, while crossing the Southern Railway several miles south of Salisbury Tuesday, was hit by passenger train No. 36 and instantly killed. The crossing was an open one, the tram could easily be seen and just why Davis did not make some ef fort to avoid the accident cannot be understood. His neck was broken and his body badly mu tilated, His home was at Kan napolis, Cabarrus county. T. G. Murph of Dayton, Ohio, who left this state nearly 50 years ago, came to Salssbury last week to see his brother, W. F. Murph who is dangerously ill. The seventh district of colored Odd Fejlows is in session here this week. The meetings are being held at Livingstone College. The Salisbury Ice Company in tends to double its capacity by putting in another machine. This will be used mostly in cases of emergency. The Salisbury base ball team has disbanded. W. E. Hopkins returned last week from a two-weeks visit to his parents in Seneca, S. C. Mr. Hopkins says the crops in Oconee county are good. The receipts of the Salisbury postoffice for July, 1906, were $1,- 692.32,and for July, 1907,they were $1,917,30, anincrease of $224,98, which goes to show that we coninue to grow. A charter'has deen granted to company to be known as the Salisbury German Coach Horse Co. The company is capitalized at $10,000 with G. A. Fisher, F. MisenheimeiLand Cw M. Hender- lite corporators. " J. D. McAnulty, engineer at the city pump house, which property adjoins the pesthouse, was ar rested last Thursday mtfrning. charged with the murder of Robt Owen. He was locked iu the county jail and was given a hear ing Monday, before Esq. H. J. overman, some damaging evi dence was brought out, but noth ing sufficient to convict. McAn ulty was placed under a $500 bond to await court, which he gave and returned to his work. FEVER SITUATION AT 60LD HILL. Two Dead, Some Dangerously III and Others Coovaleslng. House Burned. Special to Thb Watchman. Gold Hill, N. C, August 12. H. L. Griswold, superintendent of the Union Copper Mine, has gone to colorada on a ten-days vaca tion. Frank Casper is visiting his sis ter, Mollie Casper. John Casper and wife are visit ing at Mrs. Basingers. The house occupied by Thos. Vandeburg and belonging to the Union Copper Company was was burned down last Thursday night about 10 o'clock. The or igin of the fire iB unknown. There have been four deaths here since last Thursday night. Three of them being corpse at the same time. Milas Simpson died Thursday evening from a stroke of paralysis, B. C. Cody died that night from typhoid fever and Robert Johnson a Former Gold Hill boy, died at Albemarle of con sumption, and his remains were trought here for interment Friday about 12 o'clock, The interment of Milas Simpson took place at 3 o'clock and Mr. Cody was interred at Wesley '8 Chapel Sunday, the 11th. Arthur Johnson died Sat urday afternoon about 6 o'clock and his interment also took place Sunday evening. Arthur was about 16 years of age and died of typhoid fever. Mr. Cody was one of our leading merchants, a splen did business man and liked by everybody. He leaves a wife but no children. His wife will con tinue the business in which he had been very successful. Analysis of the waters, from the publio well and Mrs. E. H. Mont gomery's well has been received from the health department at Raleigh which indicates the water from both is badly pointed. It is highly probable that the epidemic of typhoid fever now prevailing here is attributable to this cause. No new cases have been reported for several days, but some are desperately sick, while others are convalescent. Mrs. Kate Moyle is very sick with flux, but is somewhat improved. V. r . Umitn nas almost com pleted his building to be used for a beef market. J. A. Arey iz sinking a well at his new residence near hi store. Mr. Palmer; of Palmerville, haB arrived with his engine and drill ing machine to put down an arte sianrell for Geo. Morgan. The well is to have a 4-inch iron pipe lining in it, with pump for raising the water. Mr. Cox and his assistant lady preachers, have closed their ten days meeting at the Holiness church, and have left for their home in Greensboro. They made 1 a good impression wnme nere, and much interest was man ids ted in their services, the church being crowded at every service. Mike. Marriages. - - Miss Daisy Trexler and- Benja min Eller wereunited in the holy bonds of matrimony at the resi dence of J. W. Basinger, Esq, Sunday evening, July 28th, Esq, Basinger officiating. Miss Lillie L. Russell and Thos. A, Carr, will be marritid at the home of the bride's parents on West Bank Street, tomorrow eve uiug at 8 o'clock. Miss Russell is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Russell and Mr. Uarr is a young man of many excellent traits of character. For an Impaired Appetite. To improve the appetite and strengthen the digestion try a few doses of Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets. Mr. J. H. Seitz, of Detroit, Mich, says: "Thev restored my appetite when L . -a I 1 J 1 1 impaired, relieved me 01 a Dioateo feeling and ?aused a pleasant and satisfactory - movement of the bowels." Price, 25c, bamples free, For sale by James Piu ai mer, Salisbury, and Spencer Pharmacy, Spencer, N. C. Wood ! Readers of The Wi tch man who may wish to pay their subscription with wood are invit ted to do so now. Everybody loves our baby, rosy sweet and warm, With kissy places on her neck and dimples on her arms. Unce she was so thin aud cross, used to cry with pain Mothe gave her uascasweet, now she's well again. Sold by James Plummer and all druggists. Attention is called to the adver tismentof Dr. L. S. Fox, dentist, the Wachovia Loan aud Trust Co., banking, and J. O, White aud Co., dealers in buggies, wagons and repairer of same. These firms are among our bestaud deserve liberal patrouage. The Grimes Milling Co. chasers of the North Side Roller Mill, have put the mill in thor ough condition and are now busy making a high grade of roller flour. John Kiha, a prominent dealer of Viniug, la., says: "I have been pur- eelling DeWitt's Kidney and Blad I'll step your pain free. To show you first before you spend a penny what my Pink Pain Tab lets can do, I will mail you free, a Trial Package of them Dr. Shoop's Headache Tablets. Neu ralgia, Headache, Toothache, Pe der Pills for about a year and they give better satisfaction than any pill I ever sold. There are a dozen people here who have used them and they give perfect satisfaction in every case. I have used them myself with fine re sults." Sold by James Plummer and all druggists. As will be Valley Fair change of ad. noticed the Yadkin Association has a in this paper. The riod pains, fete., are due alone to managers are pushing along all blood congestion, D. Shoop's iiues for a first-class fair in every Headache Tablets simply kill pain ticulaf A room has been fit by coaxing away the unnatural ' , blood pressure. That is all. AM- ed UP 111 the Mansion House dress Dr. Shoop, Racine, Wis. over Huff s grocery store which is Sold by Grimes Drug Store. being used as headquarters. J. Elliott Goit Married. J. Elliott Coit, Ph.D., waB mar ried Tuesday morning, August 6th, to Miss Emilie Hannah, of Ral eigh, who has been assisting in the preparation f the Men of Mark of N. C. T,1ih couple left immediately for Black Mountain where they are spending their honeymoon, Mr. Coit is a son of Mrs. W. H. Coit, of Salisbury, and is a graduate of the A. & M. College, Raleigh, but has been at Cornell for the past four years working his way through and graduating there last year. Mr. uoit tooK a post-graduate course at Cornell and received the degree of doctor of philosophy. While at Cornell Mr. Coit edited the Cornell Countryman and pub lished a complete peony check list, which represents a year's labor and is of woild-wide inter est. He will go to Tucson, An- zonia, about September 1st, where he has a good paying position in the government experiment sta tion located there. Mr, Coit de serves a great deal of-credit for he is a self-made man and exhibited much determination, patiei.ee and ability in climbing to his present enviable position. ICnives ! Should you want a rea good pocket knifepay one dol lar in advance f or a vear'a snhstmn tion toTfl Watchman and - we will-present you with one that you cannot buy for less than oOc. UNIVERSITY COLLEGE OF MEDICINE ifgg8BP STUART McGUIRC M. D., PRESIDENT. Modern Laboratories in Charge of Specialists Clinics in Five Hospitals Rated as First-Class by those who Know Three free cmtmioguea-Specify Department, MEDICIHE-DENTISTRY - PHARMACY Miss Cora Linker, daughter of W. M. Linker, is visiting her sis ter, Mrs. A. F. Blue in Lauren burg, N. C. In Warm Weather Vinol is as delicious as a fresh orange, and as soothing as can be to the weak, irritable stomach. It coaxes back lost appetite, improves digestion and creates strength throughout the whole system. We strongly recommend Vinol to all who are weak and run-down from any cause, particularly to delicate women and children, old people and for those who have pulmonary toubles. Money back if you try Vinol and are not satisfied. The T. W. Grimes Drug Co; Trinity Park School. A First-Class Preparatory School. Certificates of Graduation Accepted for entrance to leading' Southern col leges. Best Equipped Preparatory School In the South. ITPaculty of Ten Officers and Teachers. II Campus of 75 acres. Library containing Thirty Thousand Volumes. We i Equipped Gymnasi um. High Standards and Modern Methods of Instruction. Prequent Lectures by Prominent Lecturers Expenses Exceedingly Moderate. Seven Years of Phenomenal Success. For Catalogue and other Informa tion, address H. M. NORTH, Headmaster, Durham, N. C. J. 0. WHITE & CO., Carriage and ITJagoti Builders. FARM AND DRAY WAGONS. DELIVERY WAG0HS,0PEH&T0P, BEST QUALITY STYLE. We sell the celebrated Geo. E. Nissen & Co.'b farm and Log Wagons, fully warranted. Old Carriages aud Buggies Repaired, Painted and made as good as new. New Tops made and Old Tops Repaired. New Cushions furnished and old Cushions Repaired. New Dashes furnished and old Frames Recovered. Rubber Tires a specialty, Steel Tired Wheels changed to Rubber Tires. Old Rubber Tires Repaired. All Kinds Wood and Iron Work done at short notice. We have skilled workmen in each department. Surry s, Buggies and Wagons for sale. Harness of all kinds made and repaired. Call aud get prices. J. 0. White & Co. DRUfltoERS SAMPLE For both Work and Dress at O9co on Hlne Avail yourself of the opportunity of buying two pairs for just a trifle more than you pay elsewhere for one ------- cm Popular price foot wear TERMS STRICTIY CASH jkjkjt M. G. McCURDY, Manager, 111 Ncrlh Main Street. Salisburv. N. C. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 -IMEI (COT. LOTS OP SPECIAL BARGAINS HERE NOW. A GLEAN SWEEP PRICE ON ALL SUMMER GOODS. We must make room for the Big Fall Stock which is already coming in. 36-INCH SICILIAN AT 25c. Double width 86-inch Sicilian, real pretty quality J and worth 35c in blue and black at. . ..; 25b 75c all wool Panama - 50o 36-iuch all wool Panama, r jal nice quality. Noth ing makes a more serviceable skirt than a nice ' quality of Panama. We have them in black and two shades of grey, worth 75c, special at 50c 25c HOSES 15c. Ladies' 25c lace hose pretty pattern. This is our third case of these goods this season and they are bip sellers at 1 5c Men's 10c Socks in red, blue, tan and black at. . . . 5c The always busy store, BE LI - HARRY CO. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 cD If you want the best furniture for the least money, it will be to your interest to see us. We can supply you with ev erything that goes to furnish a house. Don't fail to see us. T. E. WITHERSPOON & CO. Empire Block, near Ceu nraJ ' H. yr&L BINGHAM SCHOOL 1793 1908 FOR 115 YEARS boys have been prepared for COLLEGE and for LIFE, and have been trained to be MEN at THE BINGHAM SCHOOL Ideally located on Asheville Plateau. Organization MILITARY for discipline, control and carriage. Boys expelled from other schools not received. Vicious boys expelled as soon as discovered. Hazing excluded by pledge of honor. Limited to 136. Rates reason able. Address Col. R. BINGHAM, Supt. R. F. D. No. 4, ASHEVILLE, N. C. II It S3 y If CHIP TOBACCO is one of the best and largest plugs of flue-cured goods ever offered the consumer at 10c It is manuiacturea by a strictly INDErKN DENT firm, a con- cern depending solely upon the good will and patronage of the people at largea patronage only desired upon the strength of thesuperior quality of their tobaccos. That it has earned-fnis appreciation is amply proved by the tremendous" and rapidly increasing demand for CHIP. In f actwherever their tobaccos come into conroetion with other makes, whether with the people or before judges of urn nviiu b gicat upvaiuuiis, wury urv mvuruuvt mrenei o Call for CHIP and save the tags as they are valuable. A copy of our 1907 premium catalogue, which is one of the largest and most attractive ever gotten out by a tobacco manufacturer, will be mailed to any address in the United States on receipt OK only 4c in postage Btampa or 8 of the taga we are redeeming. HancocH Bros. & Co., Lynchburg, Va. IfJOODTfJARD & LOTHROP, 10th,. 11th, FandG sts. tiashington, D. G. Mid-Summer Sale of Women's Jumper Suits and Shirtwaits. We are offering some exceptional values in Women's Jump er Suits and Shirtwaists. With at least two more months of hot weather these garments should be very attractive at the prices quoted. All $12.50 Jumper Suits Now $8.75. In this lot are stylish suits of white and colored linen plaid cotton voile and daiuty striped batiste all of them made in the stylish jumper effect with full plaited skiits Colors. white linen, light blue linen, blue and white striped batiste and black and white plaid voile. All sizes n w but you would better place your orderat once to insure getting the proper size. Regular price $12.50 Price now $8.75. $5.75 Jumper Suits Now $3.50. Chic Jfumper Suits made of pretty lawn in striped and check ed effects blue, pink and lavender,, fine tucked skirts regu lar price $5.75 now $3.50. China Silk Waists: an Exceptional Value at $3.75. Tucked aud plaited tailor d waist made of fine soft cream Jap silk an exceptional vulue at $3.75. Tailored Linen Waists at 2.50, 3.95 & 5.00 Tailored Waists of white liti'-n are considered the correct traveling aud general wtar waists. We are showing the most approved tucked and plain styles at $2.50, 3.95 and $5.00 Lingerie and Tailored Waists Special a $1.90. In this lot are many different styles of pretty shirt waists made of good quality white lawn in embroidery trimmed lin gerie waists tucked and the Marie Antoinette tailored waists, long and short sleeves, all of them stylish and well made special price $1.90. Wash Goods, Cotton Voile, Etc., at Eeduced Prices. Summer Silks at Keduced Prices. 0 0

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