A SPLENDID SERMON ON MISSIONS. centuries. In the first we have, as a leader, the century apostle Paul and the 'missionary to the Gentiles- -The second and third centuries are covered with dense darkness, so far as the records go, but none were more intensely mis- sionarv. From that time on to the present, every century, with out exception, shows conspicuous names engaged in this work. These are some of them : In the 4th century we have UlDhilas. He was a successful missionary among'the West Goths, who were rank. He translated f or them the Bible. Many were converted by his preaching. In the 5bh century we have St. Patrick. He was the missonary to Ireland. He gathered the peo- pie in the open fields and preach- ed to them Christ. In the 6th centurv we have Columbia, He preahed in Ire- land, parts of England and to the Ivorthern Picts. He founded the mona&tery of lona. In the 7th century Augustine I . was sent to England with a num- erous train of followers by Pope Gregory. ' In the 8th century Boniface went totJermany. In the 9th century Ansgar was a missionary to Denmark and Sweden. In the 10th century Vladimir was a missionary to the Russians. In the 11th century St. Stephen of Hungary was a missionary to Bohemia, Hungary and Poland. In the 12th century Bishop Ottc of Bamberg was a missionary to the Pomeranians, Livonians and Prussians. ' in the loth century itaymona Limi went to the aaracenes m Africa. He was stoned to death by a mob while preaching. -In the 14th centurv John de Monte was a missionary in Pekin, China, for eleven years. In the 15th century Las Casas was a missionary to the West Indes. He was the first man to receive priestly ordination in America. In the 16th century Francis Xavier was a Jesuit missionary to India. In the 17th century John Elliott was the missionary to the Indians. The principal monument of his labors is the translation of the Bible into the Indian language. In the 18th century William CareyTwent to India. He is noted for saying, 'Expect great things from God, Attempt great things lor God." "I will go down, but you must hold the rope." m the lyth century Adroniam Judsonwentto Burmah. When he arrived he said: "The prospect IS as bright as the promises of God." The 20th century is noted for its great host of "noble heroes of the cross. These are just a few names out of hundreds known to us. And these are but a few out of tens of thousands known to the recording angel who in every cen tury have braved peril and'endur ed hardship that they might spread abroad the gospel All these missionaries have done nothing, but obey the charter of the christian church. The first command of Christ was, "Follow me and I will make you fishers of men." His last, "Go ye and make disciples of all the nations." The charter of the christian church is, "Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost: teaching them to-w observe all things whatsoever T have com manded you: and, lo, I am with you alway, even unto the end of the world, Amen." Three facts are written upon this charter. They are, 1. The church was founded as a missionary enterprise. It was not intended to stand still, but to go." 2, The missionary enterprise of the church has no geographical limits. The gospel is not for only one nation, but for all nations, 3. There is no limit in time to the commission which Christ gives the church. He does not tell his disciples to preach for one century and then stop. They are to preach and keep on preaching ; to go and keep on going ; for if they will do this he will be with them even unto the end of the. world. The apostle Paul was conscious of these facts written in this com mand, given by Christ. That is the reason he desired to see the heathen city of Rome, "I must also see Borne." This was not a desire on the part of the apostle just to visit the city and see its beauty. He knew that the inflir ence of the capital city spread cut over all the known world, iust as the influence-of America does to day. It was the strategic centre of the life of his age. "I must also see Rome," I must go to Rome and preach this gospel which is the power of God unto salvation. Realizing this great fact, is the reason that the Re formed church is putting forth extra efforts to establish Reform- ed churches hi the leading cities of the country. It is the reasonJ we have a fine church in Wash ington where President Roosevelt worships ; it is theTeason we are preparing to build a fine church in Chicago. These are strategic points in the life our country We have the apostle's sense, "I must also see Home. The same is true as it relates to the foreign field. The church should realize now is the time to fasten atten- tion upon Japan. China is wak ing from h.er long, long slumber. lhe question of the politician is. What shall we do with China? The question of the christian is What will China do with us? A great tide of foreign pupulation is coming to our courtry. We must meetjthe issue. These people must have the gospel preached unto them, because they are herd "If we do not Americanize them they will foreignize us." But the church of Jesus Christ "should go to the very source of it all and christianize them as far as possi ble befere they come to our shores And especially is this true as it relates to China. We should re memoer that unina is not going to be influenced by us. "If she desires Western civilization she will choose to take it from hei neighbor and kin, Japan. If .we j did but know the hour of visita tion and opportunity, we should evangahze Japan, and especially tin the centers of learning, for from them are going forth the men who will presently effect the moulding of China, The church today ought to be restless through all her missionary socie ties, and her great cry ought to be I must see Japan.' Paul knew that to be at the center of the empire with the message of the gospel was to effect the uttermoe part of the earth." It is true that the church IS doing and has done a great work in Japan and China. (The Reform ed church supports 51 mission aries. 28ar& in Japan and 23 are in China,) Here are a few statis tics relating to the work of the church in t Japan and China There is a population of 45,000,000 in Janan. fV7.000 ta Prnt.fiat.ar christians. Let us look at China as it was in 1807 and then look at, it in 1907. In 1807 not a single Chinese Protestant Christian. In 1842 after 35 years, there were only "six church members ; and in 1860 only about one thousand Morrison was the oy Prot&sfcan missionary, and in 1860 the tota missionary force numbered only 100. There'was no native helpers No part of the Bible in print ino cnnsiian doo&s or tracts in Chinese. China closed agains the gospel. Even in 1857 only five treaty ports were open to the missionary. In 1907 more than 150,000 church members, representing a christian community af about half a million souls, in every prov ince of the empire. More than 3,800 foreign missoharies, includ ing 1,146 wives. About ten thou sand Chinese preachers, colpor teurs, etc. More than a million copies of the Scriptures were sold in China last year. From Han kow alone, during the past thirty years more than 26,000,000 books and tracts have been issued and circulated. The whole of China open to missionary work, eager for new light, new knowledge, new life. In the face of all these facts that we have in favor of the great missionary enterprise there are many who cry out and say we do not believe in foreign missions. You ask them why, and they will often say that they are not a suc cess. What do you call success? Is it a success to have opened up new continents to commerce? Then missions have succeeded. China, Japan, India, Africa, Aus tralia,, and all Asia have been opened up to commerce by the faithful missionaires, And today honest commerce and business gets more out of this in one year Jl .1 1 1 1 ' A A Y roan tnecnurcn nas ever;? it. Suppose these countries anomaly close their door.8 to our trade, it would be worse than any panic that has ever struck our shores. Is it a success to make vast con tributions to human science and literature? Then missions have succeeded. Carl Ritter says he could never have written his geog raphy if it had not been for -the missionaries.. So our school chil- urwi r.B Kuwu8 w uixou u j . it: i.v, j : j. l.-.ci i of this in their study ot geogra phy. Is it a success to adorn the page of history with gloriotfs ex ample of faith and. self-sacrifice? Then missions have succeeded. For there is no roll of "honor that shines with brighter names. Is it success to win souls for Christ out of the heart of heath endom? Then missions have succeeded as I have already point ed out. "And when you, my brother, have found one hardened sinner at home, and turned him f om errror, and brought him into the church of Christ, against the opposition of his friends and fam ily, and at the sacrifice of his woddly prospects then, and not till then will you have right to find fault with the missionary en terprise which hasd one that thing for thousands of heathen while vou have been sitting still and finding fault." Brethren, we are not realizing the great responsibility that rests upon us. We have seen America, hut jrce must also see. Japan, we must see China, etc. We must havejihe" spirit of the apostle, "I must also see Rome." We are simply trustees of the gospel. That is all. "To know our duty and do it not is sin. "It our religion isnot true we ought to change it; if it is true we are bound to propagateSKfhat we be lieve to be the truth."" The great trouoie with us as a christian na tion and as a christian church is that we are in the same condition and state of mind as the apostles who wero on the Mount of Trans figuration with their Lord. After being up on the Mount with their Lord they said, "It is good for us to be here." That was true. It was good for them to be there. But the mistake was, that thej wanted to stay there all the time They proposed to make three tab ernades and abide there. But-that was not in accord with the wishes of Christ. He says, they must come down the mountain and find something to do. ' There is a work that must be done. So we are liv ing amidst christian opportunities and on the mount of privileges : we are saying, it is good for us. But the trouble is, we are not coming down the mountain. We like to sing the old hymn, "Here I will sit and sing myself to ever lasting bliss." Let us come down the mountain. At the foot of the mountain are the Japanese and Chinesejetc. Let ufl go and see thern. If the mercies of.. God have blessedly beset us, let us not build three tabernacles that we may abide: but rather like Paul say, "I must go to Rome," and push, thank God, and take con- aere until we arrive there. But in order to go to Rome, Japan, " China, etc., we must put forth Dorsonal effort, ffive onr monev. t - . -Fa J 7 pray (but do not pray unless yoa give .SOmetmngJ and love, "it ... -. .... your love eannot cross the ocean it has a broken wing Another Fife at Thomasflile. Sunday afternoon about 4 o'clock the factory of the Climax Chair Company was found to be on fire. The alarm was given and every effort made to check the flames but thty had gained too much headway. The fire originated in the second story of the plant and quickly spread all over the Jauilding. From the main building the finishing de partment, about 100 feet away, caught and it wa"s destroyed with a large stack of chairs. The or igin of the fire is not known. The loss was about $16,000, with $5,200 insurance. Messrs. Will andJTom Harris owned the plant. Their loss is heavy, especially in view of the fact that they had another costly fire in the last few years, it is not definitely known, but it is thought that the plant will be rebuilt as soon as possible. Thomasville correspondent the Lexington Dispatch. of Wood ! Readers of The Watch man who may wish to pay their subscription with wood are invit ted to do so now. Adopt 8-HOUF Day. M ft j . attended meeting tllQ xr.v. fx,nMno n.,aQ nrV. ers Association in Greensboro, in which 95 per cent of the output of North Carolina furniture was rep resented, it was decided to reduce the output by curtailing the hours srom ten to eight per day, excepting where employes pprferred to work five ten-hour days per week, and lay off one day. The question of shutting down was discussed, but was nnt o.m-isiidftrfifl fierioualv. Thfl asaoclatiOI1 also discussed but did not favor selling goods at re duced prices, but resolved to con- inue manufacturing goods and storing the products until the market got better. There is de pression in the market, but the manufacturers are confident ind leel that the -market will soon pick up. There will be no shutting down or discharge of employes in the factories. It is 'understood that High Point factories will run on the 8-hour day plan, leavingother communities to act on the five- dav plan, if thev so select. Of course an 8-hour day will mean less wages for the workmen, but it is hoped that this Roosevelt panic will let up soon , and aii the shops will run same as ever lhe .Lexington lactones are running on the regular winter 9- hour dav. Thev make this time every winter, and will "ho -t I , continue to do so this winter. Up to Noyember 1st, before this panic began to be felt, every factory in Lexington, and per haps all other state furniture factories, had received more busi ness and had done more than ever before in their history. Naturally there was some disturbance when money conditions grew tighter and some orders were counter manded. However the outlook is brighter and it is easy to believe that soon conditions will be nor mal. . The crisis has passed. Lexington Dispatch. A Significant Prayer. "May the Lord help you make Bucklen'B Arnica Salve known to all," writes J. G. Jenkins, of Chapel Hill, N. C. "It quickly took the pain out of a felon for me and cured it in a wonderfully short time." Best on earth for sores, burns and wounds. 25c at all drug stores. Prohibition Tactics in Alabama. The Alabama Senate Tuesday passed a bill, previously passed by the House, providing for State prohibition, The most remark able incident of the Alabama con- test was the appearance of women as lobbyists against prohibition. The daughter of Admiral Raphael Semmes, of the Confederate Navy, and Mrs. Augusta Evans Wilson, the noted writer, presented a pro test signed by about 1,000 women of Mobile and other cities in Ala bama. The basis of the protest seemed to be that the passage of prohibition law would cripple thej schools. The bill, however, pass ed the Senate by a vote of 32 to 2, aud a dispatch from Montgomery says : When two carloads of Mobile women came to the city today to When ... . . - . . - lobby against the prohibition bill, passed by the House and pending ln the benate, they found that 1 - delegations from Montgomery, o.l i t- : 1 u j- ooiiua auu jDirmiDguum, wuo ia' vorea tne prohibition measure, had fillei the Senate galleries un til not a seat was left. It was a plan to crowd them out and car ried. Little children stood in the lobbies and pinned ribbons on every one who came id, The chil dren were kept out of school to work against whiskey. And so the sisters who tried to oppose prohibition were treated somewhat as the Morally Stunted of the male persuasion are in this State. They were shut out. States ville Landmark. A tickling cough, from any cause, is quickly stopped by Dr. Snoop's Cough Cure, And it is so thoroughly harmless and safe, that Dr. Shoop tells -mothers everywhere to give it without hes itation even to very young babes The wholesome green leaves and tender stems of a lung-healing mountainous shrub, furnish the curative properties to Dr. Shoop's Cough Cure. It calms the coughr and heals the sore and sensative bronchial membranes No opium, no chloform, nothing harsh usea to injure or suppress. Simply a arsinous plant extract, to heal aching - lungs. The Spaniards call this shrub which the Doctor uses, "The Sacred Herb." De mand Dr. Shoop's.' Take no other. Grimes' Drug Store, Teak Lungs Bronchitis For over sixty years doctors have endorsed Ayer's Cherry Pectoral for -coughs, colds, weak lungs, bronchitis, con sumption, lou can trust a medicine the best doctors ap prove. Then trust this the next time you have a hard cough. The beat kind of a testimonial i'Sold lor over Bizty years." Hade by J. C. Ayer Co.. Lowell, Mass. Also manufacturers 01 7 SARSAPAEiLLA. vers PILLS. HAIR VIGOR. We have no secrets ! the formulas of all 01 We publish Ayer's Pills keep the bowels regular. All vegetable and gently-laxative. THE TATE'S STRONGEST BANKING INSTITUTION. $600,000.00 Capital. Over Five Million Dollars Assets 4 PER CENT. intesest guaranteed on money re maining tnree montns in me sav lug ucpaivuicuu. j on juu itu gcv Wachovia Loan & Trust Go., SaUsbury Savings Bank Building. (The Lusitania . Ocean Wonder Smashed all Records by-thunder.) There's a Record Breaking demand for our Long Wear SHOES. It's time you steer ed to us to Investigate the reason for their popularity It goes without saying that our line of Shoes possess ex ceptional merit, otherwise there would be nothiug to boast about, The strongest line of farm shoes ever shown anywhere. Moderately priced .r" tdre 4 Per Gent. We pay 4 per cent, on money in savings department, adding the interest to the principal every 90 days, and offer every safe guard to the depositors. We also loan money on realoes tate and"personal security. . THE PEOPLES' BANK AND TRUST CO. D. R. Julian, J. D. Norwood, President. ' Cashier. H. Thompson, J. A. Peeler, V.-President. Teller. North Carolina, ) Rowan County. ) In Superior Court, Lillie Dartie vs. Murtle Dartie Action for Divorce. The defendant above named will take notice that an action entitled as above has been commenced against him in the superior court of Rowan connty to obtain a divorce from the bonds of matrimony on the grounds of infidelity; that the said defendant will further take notice that he is re quired to appear at the February term. 1908, of the Superior court of Rowan county to be held on the 3rd Monday before the first Monday of March, 1908, ai6Lanswer or demur to the complaint in said action, or the plaintiff will apply to the Court for the relief therein demanded. Siovdmber the 1st, 1907. J. F. McCUBBINS, Clerk Superior C;urt Rowan County P. S. Cablton, atty. 6t omen To weak and ailing women, there Is at least one way to help. But with that way. two treatments, must bo combined. Onedi local, one is eonstitn constat agential. tlonal. but both are important, both Dr. Shoop' Night Cure is the Local. Dr. Shoop'i Restorative, the Conitltutlonal. The former Dr. Shoop'i Night Cure is a topical mucous membrane suppository remedy, while Dr. Shoop's Restorative is wholly an internal treat ment. The Restorative reaches throughout tha entire system, seeking the repair of all nerve, all tissue, and all blood ailments. . The "Night Core", as its name implies, does its work while yon sleep. It soothes sore and inflam ed mucous surfaces, heals local weaknesses and discharges, while the Restorative, eases nervous excitement, gives renewed vigor and ambition, builds up wasted tissues, bringing about renewed strength, vigor, and energy. Take Dr. Shoop Restorative Tablets or Liauid as a general tonic to the system. For positive local help, use as well Dr. Shoop's Night Cure GRIMES DRUG CO. WACHOVIA LOAN S TRUST CO CGJ (fOPUtAR PRICE FOOT WEAR N TERMS 5TRICTIY CASH Weak For Sale. When in . need of fresh flour try our, brands, Per fection, Straight and Pan Cake We also sell chop, corn, wheat, and oats mixed. Call on Shuping Bros , Rock, N. C ' 9-7 8t - ' NOTICE TO CREDITORS. All persons having claims against the estate of B. CCody.late deceased, will present them to the undersigned on or before the first day of Septem ber. 1908, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. This 22nd day of August. 1907 LONA CODY, extrx. of BC. Oody. Bubton Craigb, attorney. 6i YOUR ATTER3TIOFJ THIS WAY. PLEASE! With all the emphasis of which, type is capable we want to direct your attention Christmas ward. It is but a matter of days now when we will be in the thick of the Holiday distribu tion, Our buying was done long ago,. and everything is now ready for your looking or your buying. . As befits-the season you'll find our displays lavish, and suggestions are just a boufc numberless. We are expecting our biggest yet Christmas trade and if merit wins we will get it. The big city stores haveno advantage over us, except in unnecessary duplication. Our lines take in ALL the just-out jewelry styles, all the charm and novelty that belong only to JEWELRY. For price reasons, too, we can make it worth yuur while to purchase here. rzCORMAW CREEN, SAr.TSRTTRY. SPENOER.- MARION, N. C. The Honey Saver, OWN Big Shoe Store. BROWN & IECj:iUc: &ma.tl; IPov rTXTCn. fc? i BIG WAGON SAM During September we will offer for CASH a number .f Two-Horse Wagons at cost. COST! Think of it. If you need a wagon now or expect to need one later you will make money by pnr chashing NOW. If you will investigate we can show you where you are saving at least 15 percent., and a lit tle later, more than that figure. HFS9 w We offer for CASH only, at COST, are the Mitch ell, Virginia and Barber. These wagons have gained a reputation through MERIT only, and our satisfied customers stand as a monument to this fact. Convince yourself as to the saving in price and quality of goods offered . The reason for the offer of Two-Horse Wagons at COST is that we desire to discontinue handling two-horse wagons and confine ourselves to the sale of One-horse Wagons, fine aud medium grade Buggies and Carriages, Mantels, Tile aud Grates. It it is BARGAINS YO without fail. Mraigy&fapiiCi). 115 E, Council Street. V7 VI I SALISBURY - - - N. C. ELECTRIC BITTERS TUSs rfEST FOB BIUOUSNESa AND KIDNEYS. William B. Smoot .Bismarck Capps SM00T&CAPPS, ATTORNEYS & C0UN&EL0RSAT LAW Room No 6, CouTt House Annex, SALISBURY. N C. Practice in State and Federal courts. Handle collections, loan money and handle promptly all business entrust ed to our care. Charles W. Woodson, M. D., Med1' cine and Surgery. Offers his Professional Services to the Public. Office Phone 600; Res. 336 J. - OFFICE: Wachovia Bank Building. w SHO Don't Iliss Our Bargains This Week. SHOE CO. Our Stock OF SURREYS AND- BUGGIES is large and,compased of the latest styles and arn offered at prices attru.-t.the most indifferent purchaser. ARE AFTER se us atlonce; GO Kodol Dyspepsia Cure Dlgosts what you eat