orres nitnioTiiui Christiana, Dec? 9. There will be preaching at Christ iana next Sunday, Dec. 15th., by Rev. Geo. H. Cox D. D., at 11 a m. Sunday school at 9:30 am. Rev. W. W. Rowe preached a much needed sermon to the boys at St. Luke's last Sun day Dec. 8. It 'was plain and to thepoint,- yet told in such a way that no one could take offense. The public is "cordially in vited to'hear the joint debate between Crescent and. New London, at New London, Dec. 13th, 7:30 p.m., as was advertised in the Watchman last week. It is a well known fact that the Crescent boys -. have the., most difficult side, and it is watched with in terest to see if the New Lon don boys will put it to them, as they surely ought to do, because they have the easiest side. Some one has-eaibl "If they are any debators at all they will -surely beat on that question." Last Sunday morning, Dec- ember 8th, the sun had !put on its best appearance, and had dispelled every cloud and had started on his jour ney across the heavens that he might behold the beauti f ul ceremony that was taking place in the home of Rev. W. W. Rowe, of Rockwell. Miss Sallie Holshouser and John C. Peeler were 'being united in the holy bonds of matrix - mony. The two -contracting parties are well known in Rowan county and the State. We wish for them a long and happy life. Yes it is "Poor old Xerxes,' he is in a very deplorable condition. Yet of all people on earth we had counted Ruth as our most loyal 'friend. The sad news of his ever in creasing difficulties came like a mighty subterrestrial elec tric current. Yet in his griefs he can look sadly around and same. Take for instance that young Democrat who escort ed Ruth to Sunday school not long ago Had he been a Re publican he "would have never permitted her to go home alone Xekxes FAITH. C .A Wagoner and Luther Wagoner have gone to Troy to spend 'a.week hunting in that section Will'Bame, superintendent of the big quarry on the Phil lips' Mountain, is confined to his bed by illness " William Gardner, the dep uty sheriff, has opened a reg ular beef, fish and oyster stand here in Dolph Gant's old store house A good thing for o ur settlement D A Lefler has a wagon load of fine apples he brought from the mountains Miss Vernell Stirewalt is visiting her aunt at Ebenezer church C F Allen of Salisbury, is here., running two teams, hauling granite j GC Miller is visiting his parents at Dunn's mountain The , Stirewalt boarding house has ten regular board ers and-is doings a very good business ' W-S Barger has gone to Kanapolis Caleb Hess will farm on John A Peeler's farm again k next year Miss Hattie Hess and Miss - Laura Lyerly are visiting their relatives in Concord j. Adolphus Grant has built a pondenee. j colonial milk house of granite andis;now hauling granite to build an old time colonial granite wall around his resi dence, aboui three feet high WML sperman killed two hogs that weighed 372 and 3T2 lbs, respectively Faith Council, No 100, Jr OUAM, has elected the fol lowing officers for the ensuing! year: Jr E x C, P A Peeler C, W S Barger V C, J D A Fisher R S, J R Ludwig - A R S, R P Stirewalt F S, E A Brown Treas, G A Brown Chap, J L Peeler I S, CJ Shive O S, B A Lefler Warden, J H Wilkerson Conductor, M L Hess Representative to State Council, E A Brown Trustee, P A Peeler Venus GOLD HILL Gold Hill, Dec. 9. The "beautiiui snow has come and gone, It began early Wednesday "morning and snowed all day, it was the first fall of the season and by night was about 2 inches deep. An old tradition has it that the number of snow storms during the winter may be determined in ad vance by the day of the month on which the first one came. On this theory, only four falls of snow will hap pen this winter. L. D. McCarnes, B. T. Mar tin, Levi Hill and others have organized themselves into a syndicate known as the "last chance" mining com pany and have taken over the upper part of the Gold Hill mine and propose to work it on tribute. I am informed that they have already struck one rich gold vein; that they may find King Solomon's mines, or its equivalent, is my earnest wish f oi we cer tainly need something to re vive' this old mining town. C. A. Helderman has bought a lot from W. V. Eller near the depot and, we learn, is going to build a dwelling house on it in the near future, it is also rumor ed that he is to take unto himself a better half this spring or summer. M. J. Misenheimer and'son have accepted a position with H. C. rrubb in a distillery at Salisbury. R. D. Coleman and M. M. Vandeburg have suspended work at the Troutman mine until the weather is more favorable, when it is stated they will resume development work. Dan Crowell and family have moved into their new house recently erected for them on Spring St., near the Southern mine. Clementine Brady has built a new barn on the site of the one recently burned by an incendiary, in which she lost a cow and a buggy, also - her horse was seriously burned but recovered. This is sec ond time in a few years she lost her barn by fire. 7 Mrs. Paul Earnheart and daughter visited at J. G. Mooses last week. John Eagle and wife are visiting friends and relatives here. Beulah Shaver and Clyde Jenkins, who have been sick with -typhoid fever, have about recovered and unless a relapse occurs, will be out in in a few days. Howard Ludwick is quite sick at this time, he has chills and jaundice and is threaten ed with the fever. Miss Dora Eagle is visiting at her brother's, Dave Eagle, who is clerking for J. A. Arey, our enterpring mer chat. Mike: DeWitt's Little Early Risers are the best pills made. They do not gripe. Sold by James Plum- mer and all druggists. - DUNN'S MOUNTAIN, Dec. 3. Seems as if some one is out of potatoes who believes in barter, for some unknown party or parties went to Jno, H. Frick's a short time ago and got a couple of bushels of Irish po tatoes and an place left a large cat tied to a rain cradle in such a way that the cat never came back. Mr. M J. Cauble has kill ed another nice hog. It weighed about 150 lbs. Mrs. E. E, Proctor, of Sal isbury, visited her mother, Mrs. M. J. Cauble, this week. Jr. O. U. A. M. Council No. 196 met Saturday evening the 30th ult elected the fol lowing officers for the next term: C, N. B. Drury; L. D. Earnhardt; R S, G. M. E. Lyerly. A R S, Jno. H. Tippett; F S, A. L. Lyerly; Lreas, F. L. Agneri Chap, b. A. Earnhardt; War, C. F. Frick; J S, R. A. Sink; O S, D. C. Trexler; trustee, 18 months, W. L. Cauble; trus tee 12 months, Jno. H. Tip pett; Representative, t. L. Agner; Alternate, J. H. Tippett; janiter, W.F. Rufty. The foregoing set of officers are, we think, very capable of . fitting their respective places with one exception, viz: the C. we won't vouch for him. Meeting again Sat urday evening the 14th in stant at 7:30 p. in. sharp. Hope to see a house full, well, full house would do. We understand that there will be a Christmas tree at D. M. Baptist church. Will state time later. All who subscribe will receive pres ents. We think it would be ad visa-ble-f or some one to see after our school here. A teacher has been employed to teach the school and from what we can learn he is perfectly com petent, but we hear that- the committee is wanting to get rid of the teacher. (The com- mittee snouia ana aoes con sist of three: C. L. Kesler, Jas.Horahand W. T, Loflin.) The first two don't for good reasons, have much to say. So it is all one man says. This should not be. Some of the patrons are anxious to see a good school and . it should be if properly manag ed. Baetlette. ABOUT ALEX MBELirS DEATH. His Friend. Morgan, Greatly Grieved. Mr. Johnston Plants an Orchard-' Pool, Dec. 9. A. L. Lemly has moved from our town to J. C. Bean's, where he will farm hext year. We lire sorry to lose "Bud." Thos. P. Johnston, of Salis bury, has bought the Park's land and is planting outl,000 fruit trees. Jle has 500 Buckingham apples, 50 Keif er pears and the balance in various kinds of fruit trees. He has posted his land, and if he don't watch, the rabbits are "gwine" to gnaw his trees. 4 TT 11 . T- . . . i waiter .Burrage jmiea a wild turkey last week that weighed 18 lbs. It wasn't on posted land as it was "a fly ing" when he shot. Neely Lisk visited at A. B. day. and mother Lisk's Sun. There will be a Christmas tree at the school house near Pool Wednesday night. Dw cember 25th, 1907. Every body is invited to come and help out the cause. Alex Ribelin was accident tally shot last Thursday morning by J ames M . Morgan. They were out hunting and, Morgan fell and. his gun fired. The load going in Ribelin's right arm - and shoulder. Drs. York and Poole were sent for, but decided it would be best to take him to the san itorium at Salisbury. He was taken there .Friday night and died Saturday night. Rihfilin was a. vrmncr mart about 25 years old and leaves! a, wne, muiuer aau xnree sis ters to mourn his death. Morgan is almost prostrated with grief over the terrible affair as they were the very best of friends, he staying with him constantly from ihe time he was shot till he was buried. Ribelin was a well liked young man and had beeiL married only a short time. Itemizes Subscribe to The Watchman. There has been a great deal said about the new ten dollar gold piece, on which thr mott, la God we Trust," has been left off by order of our strenuous President. Some people are very emphatic in their dispproval of the mottoless coin. We are not, however, worried so much as to any particular motto as we are in the ways and means of getting hands on the yellow mintage. If any one becomes in possession of any of these coins and his senti ments' will not permii him to cleave to' them, we will be glad to come to his rescue and give him script subsciption receipts for same By the way, now is the time to pay up your arrears, if one of which you-be. The Postmaster of Gasconde, Mo., Daniel A. Bugh, says of DeWitt's Kidney and Bladder Pills. VI am doing so well, improv ing so fast in health that I cannot say much for your Kidney and Bladder Pills. I feel Iiie new man." DeWitt's Kidney and Bidder are sold by Jams Plum mer and druggists. nnmrannnnMMnniiKlv-anbTenluiT doubt. that Catarrh of the now and throat can b cured. I am furnishing patient through druggists, small free Trial Boxes of D. Snoop's Catarrh Cure. I do this because lam so certain, that Dr. 8hoop Catarrh Cure will bring actual substantial help. Nnthln? cerbvinW. if n-on vincln as a uhysical test of any article of real, genuine merit. But that article must possess true merit, else the test will mndAmn. rather than advance "it. Dr. Shoop Catarrh Core is a snow white, healing antiseptio balm, put up in beautiful nickel capped glass Jars at 600. such soothing agents as uu jrocaiTPiuB. Thymol, Menthol, etc., -are Incorporated into a velvety, cream like Petrolatum, imported by Dr. Shoop from Europe. If Catarrh of the nose and throat haa extended to the stomach, then by all meanralsouse internally, Dr. Snoop's Restorative. Stomach distress, a lack of general strength, bloating, belching, biliousness, bad taste, etc. surely call for Dr. Shoop's Restorative. Tor tm-iTnnli.td catarrh only of the noseand throat nothing else, however, need be used but Dr. Shoop's Catarrh Cure GRIMES DRUG CO. MORTGAGE SALE. Pursuant to tKe provisions contamJ in. a certain Moitgage and Deed of Trust registered in book No.- 25, page 348, made by J. N. Troutman and. wife, for the protection and benefit of the undersigned, on the 4th day of March, 1905 ; default having been made in the payment of the debt, which said mort gage was given to secure, the under signed will sell at the public sale for cash at the court house door in Salis bury on Saturday, the 14th Day of December, 1907, next, the following property: Begin ning at a stone a new corner, and runs thence South 3 degrees East 17.50 chains to a stone ; thence N. 83 degrees E. 8.40 chains to a stone ; thence degrees W. 16.50 chains to a sassafras, a new corner on Barringer's line ; thence 8. 88 degrees W. 10 chains to the beginning, containing fifteen and sixty-two one-hundredth acres more or less, in Gold Hill township about ten miles S. E. from Salisbury on the west side of and a short distance from the Mt. Pleasant road, adjoining the lands of M. M Ketner, John Deal and others, known as part of Monroe Troutman lands and being the same land conveyed by Geo. H. M. Trout man and wife to J. N. Troutman, De erbJIh, 1904. Conveyed by the said J. N. Troutman and wife to satis fy the debt provided for in said mort gage. J. LAWSON KLUTTZ, trustee and mortgagee. Whitehead Kluttz, atty. Commissioner's Sale oi Valuable Farming Pursuant to the provisions of an or der obtained from J. Frank McCub bins, Clerk of the Superior Court of Rowan County, in the special proceed ing entitled J. Samuel McOubbins, Admir., of John A. McCubbins, vs. J. S. McCubbins, W. C McCubbins et al., appointing the undersigned Commis sioner to sell certain lands for the pur pose of making assets, I will expose for sale at the Court House door in Salisbury, on Monday, Japoary 6th, 1908, at 12 M., the following described tracts of land : 1st. Beginning at a stone on H W. McDaniel, T. C. Correll and J. F. Campbell's corner, thence S. 88 deg. E .14.85 ch8 to a locust, thence S, 1 deg W 22.35 chs to a stone, thence S H deg W 7.75 chs to apopular on east side of branch, thence S 18 deg E 12 chs to a stone, thence S 22 deg E 4.44 chs to a potlar on south bank of branch, thence N 85 1-2 deg W 11.24 chs to a stone on H. G. Sane's line, thence N 8 deg W 47 51 chs to the be ginning, contaning 56 acres, 10 rod. 2nd Beginning at a sycamore on the north bank of 4th creek, thence N 1 1-2 deg E 13.70 chs to a pint?, thence N 16 deg W 2.86 chs to a stone, thence N 8 deg W 5.11 chs to a stone on H. G. Sane's line, thence S 85 1-2 deg E 11.24 chs to a roplar on south sideof bnnch. thence N 22 1-2 deg W 4.44 chs to a stone, thence 84 1-2 deg E 21,50 chs to a stone on H. G Lippard's line, then-e S 2 3-4 deg W 17,44 chs to an. ash on north bank of 4th creek, thence with the meandering of the creek 47 chs to the beginning corner, containing 64 acres, s 3rd. Beginning at a stone on J. F. Campbell's corneis thence S 1-2 deg W 7 75 chs to a poplar on east bank of branch, thence S 18 1-2 deg "E 12 chs to a stone, thence S 88 1-2 deg E 21.50 VeeN fsTdef G. Lippard's litie, E 27.06 chs toV stone on J; A. Camnbell's corner and A J. Lipnard's line, thence S 83 W W 14.-50 chs to a black iack. thence N 62 deg W 2.75 chs to a stone, thence S 49 deg W 11,72 ohs to the beginning cor ner, containing sixty acres. This lat ter tract is the dower tract assigned and set apart to Mrs. Amanda McCub bins and, will be sold subject to her life interest therein. Terms of sale : U cash. M in six months, 3 in nine months, with inter est on deferred payments. Title re- milieu, until iuu nurcnase nnee is paid. TJus November 80th, 1907. J. SAMUEL M'CI7BBIN8, commissioner. Job L. Bendleman, attorney. For MX Troubles Ayer's Cherry Pectoral cer tainly' cures coughs, colds, bronchitis,1 consumption". And it certainly strengthens weak throats and weak lungs. There can be no mistake about this. You know it is true. And your own doctor will say so. The best kiQd of a testimonial " Sold for, over sixty years." Made by J. C. Ayer Co., Iiowell, Iffaao. Also manuwraren w 7 SARSAPAKILLA. PILLS. t HAIR VIGOR the formulas of all our medieineaT" Keep the bowels regular with Ayer's Kins ana inus nasten owww.j. ures Blood, Skin Diseases, Cancer, Greatest Blood Purifier Free. If your blood Is impure thin, diseased, hot or full of humorsvifyou have blood poison, cancer, carbnncles. eatintr sores, scrofula, ec zema, itching, risings ana Dumps, scaDDy, mnm.T. skin, bone Bains, cata-rh. rheama- tlsm, or any blood or skin disease, take Bo tanic Biooa saim, is a &) oon an soreo neai aches and tains stop and the blood is maae pure and rich Druggists or by expre s $1 per large Dottle sample iree Dy writing uiooa Halm Co Atlanta, ua. a a a is especially ad vised for chronic, deep-seated cases, as it dares after all else fails Eugene H. Bean, Attorney and Counselor at Law. Office: Over Wachovia rBank, 11-13 Salisbury, N. G. pd THE STATE'S STRONGEST BANKING INSTITUTION. $600,000.00 Capital. Oyer Five Million Dollars Assets 4 PER CENT. intesest guaranteed on money re maining three months in the Sav ing department, yet you can get juut uiuiiojr w lieu juu wauii it. , Wachovia Loan & Trust Go., Salisbury Savings Bank Building (The Lusitania Ocean Wonder omasned all Kecords by-thunder.) There's a Record Breakine- demand for our Log Wear SHOES. It's time you steer ed to lis to Investigate the reason tor their popularity. It goes without savins? that our line of Shoes possess ex ceptional merit, otherwise there would be nothing to boast about, The strongest line of farm shoes ever shown anywhere. Moderately priced North Carolina, I In Superior Court. Rowan County. Lillie Dartie ) vs. Murtle Dartie ) Action for Divorce. The defendant -above named will take notice that an action entitled as above has been commenced against him in the superior court of Rowan county to obtain a divorce from the bonds of matrimony on the grounds of infidelity: that the said defendant will further take notice that he is re quired to appear at the February term, 1908, of the Superior court of Rowan county to be held on the 3rd Monday before the first Monday of March, 1908, and answer or demur to tho complaint in said action, or the plaintiff will apply to the Court for the relief therein demanded. November the 1st, 1907. J. F. McCUBBINS, Clerk Superior Coart Rowan Cnnntv P. S. Carlton, atty. " 6t Sale oi Valuable Land lor Division. Take notice that the undersigngd will sell for division on - Saturday, December 14th, 1807. at 12 M.. Sixty-five and One-fifth (65 1-5) acres of good farming land, situate in Provi dence township, about 5jniles south east irom Salisbury, JN. (J., and near Onion Lutheran ehurch, and being" a part of '.he Julius Mahilev lands, more particularly described as follows : Be ginning at a stone, Geo. Basinger's corner on Cox's line, and runs thence JN d Hi. 45.80 chains to a stake on Earnhart's linanear a spring: Ihence a new line S. 68 E. 14 50 chains to a stake; thence S. 22.50 chains to a stake in a field : thence . 75 E. 5.80 chains to a stake on Cauble's line; theace with said line 8. 28j - W. 19 85 chains to a stone, Cauble's corner on A i xuers BIW1T0 (popular price foot WEAR ) Jl TERMS STRICTiy CASH Barringer's line; thence with Bar ringer's line W. 12.50-chains to ther be ginning, containing 65)4 acres. On above described land is located a dwelling and large barns and out houses. Dated this November 14th, 1907. P H. Thompson, 3 . W. Nsayb. 4ef Cent We pay 4 per cent, on money-in savings - department, aaaiug wjo iuterest to the 'principal every 90 days, and.offer every safe guard to he depositors. . Wb also loan money on real es tate and personal security. THE PEOPLES' BANK AMD TRUSTCO. D. R. Julian, J. D. Norwood, "President. Cashier. P. H. Thompson, J. A. Peeler, V.-Peflident . - Teller YOUR ATTENTION 8 With all the emphasis of which type is capable" we want to direct your attention Cbristmasward. Tt is but a matter of days, now when we will be in the thick of the Holiday distribu tion. Our buying was done long ago, and everything is now ready for your looking or your buying. A a l-i a fi fa fVia aaa an n iron Ml find out disolavr lavish, and 0 suggestions are just about numberless. We are expecting- our Q U; n4- PUIofmoii fra1aart1 if mATlt W1I18 Wfl Will ff6t it. A The big city stores have no advantage over us, except in unnecessary duplication. Our lines take in ALL the just-out jewelry styles, all the charm and novelty that belong only to JEWELRY. For price reasons, too, w can aaakt it worth your while to purchase her. ' GORMAN & CREEW, SALISBURY, - SPENOEE, MARION, N. 0. The Honey Saver, BROWN SHOE CO. s Big Shoe Store. X " -f Bargains 0 Wp pr This a --M - Week. BROW SHOE CO. iy 3Lool CJntt IFojp IDFJta 0 I Mft : WAGON U LIE I t7 9 During September we will & offer for CASH a Dumber' f Two-Horse Wagons at coBt, COST! Think of it. If $7 you need a wagon now or expect to need one later you fe9 will make money by pur- 9 ""Dum6 nuili jli y uu will fe investigate we can show you wnere you are saving at least 15 percent., and a lit tle later, more than that figure. THE We offer for CASH only, at COST, are "the Mitch ell, Virginia and Barber. These wagons have & ga.-nda "Pton through MERIT only, and our y u.u ,UBW1UC1D Biauu aH a monument to this g fact. Convince yourself as to the saving in price & and quality of gooda Qff ered . - - The reason for the offer of -Two-Horse Wagons at COST y ib lunii wo ubbmh ro n annnr.inna hunHI,nn 4. 1 j - Gratis! g ggl6S ,K& fail! PiI Y Jll! 115 E, Council Street. SALISBURY - N. W E ECTRIC dSsaSm- iXV KLDNEY3. Bismarck Capps SM00T & CAPPS, ATTORNEYS & COUNSELORS AT LAW Room No , Court House Annex, SALISBURY. N. C. Practice-in State and Federal courts. Handle collections, loan money and handle promptly allbusiness entrust ed to our care.- Charles W. Woodson, M, D., Medicine and Surgery. OJ3Eer8 his Professional Services to the Public. Ofbce Phone 600; Res. 336 J. OFFICE: WacbOYia Bank Building. William B. Smoot 0 THIS WAY, WAGONS "iiuiiuK iiwu-uorse wasons - b En CarriaS68. MantelfMTiie and J Our Stock I op 6; SURREYS AND BUGGIES is large and oompased of the latest styles and are offered at prices to attract the most indifferent purchaser ABB APPR- - .. r 8 Kodol Dyspepsia Cure 0 0 0 0 0 o 0 0 Digests what you eat