. LIBERTY X ROADS. ? 8wowd of our people went to New London4ast Saturday to get their teeth fixed. ' Adolphus Holshouser has -on a ROBBERS CRACK SAFE AT CHINA 6R0VE. Dayvaults Bros.' Store Entered, Sewal Deaths, uoflsiaeraoie nunimg. flhina Grove, Dec 9 We a?e L" 2i4 grin Snd is alLsmilea, pL6 01 tUlo btouuu aio uaijvj-' iug good health. We are having some fine hog killing weather now.. Cotton picking and wheat sowing is a thing of the past YOUNB MAN ACCIDENTALLY SHOT. P. Alei RiDelin Meets With a Serious Ac cident. He-Died. . Last Thursday morning while It's a out hunting near Pool, in Morgan boy. township, Pi Alex Ribelm was ac- I Jxll - T TUT woi u-u i' -Jgan, wko was with Mr.' Ribelin, Saturday and Sunday, stepped on an old rail covered with snow and slipped down. -In There was no preaching at-Lib- faiiinj, hig eflD struck something in iiiiH pcuuuu, ivwauuK v.yj .HB, wuuucj. a I ana-was aiscnargea, ine ioaa uax- for birds and raDDits irom failed to get out. ing effect in Mr. Ribehn's right now on. ev Samuel Nelson preached shoulder entering in front and Paul Cress and brothers, very interesting sermons-at' the ranging upward. The entire load Maronie, went out hunting Holiness and Baptist churchea-ie- lodged against the shoulder blade. with his big aouDiea-Darreiea centlv. Mr. Nelson is a mission- Being only a few feet . apart the arty and will sail December the load did not scatter, made hole 4th for South America and the about the size of a 50o piece and West India Islands. seriously wounded him. D'rs. t . , , . , Poole and York were called in and xsj. j. vtooaman ana wue vini&ea i , . , , u. anil a f ffli -rman Itotinn thnncrnt no oxlubo uuuuuwu 9 xaa u woojl. WHAT THE PRESIDENT RECOMMENDS, breech-loading gun and four a ThHv broueht home seventeen rabbits and squire vpIs He says it one shoot won't kill two will. ' - . 1 r- Tuesday morning auoui one it , K.n,mannttirtwnwrann . , . best to have the wounaea man "broke open Day vault Bros., Thfre must be some wild or brought to the sanitarium in Sal tore and blew open the safe ferocious animals along the Dutch lsbury,4 which was done, reaching from which they got about greets, as some ot tne parties are l here Friday morning. ;$3 in cash and destroyed or broke a typewriter worth nhmit fifty-three dollars. Several parties have been ar rested on suspicion, but none have beta found guilty. The damage ii estimated at sev eral hundred dollars. A crow bar was taken from Mr Bolen's blacksmith shop for the, purpose of prizing open the store door. Prof P E Wright, Mac Ritchie and sev eral others heard the noise bat knew not what it was. - Miss Vernie Earnheart, one awhile. of Atwell township's beauti im ueiico yhx ni,vuu tti - Joseph Brady's day and Sunday with her . v J friend, xMisa JNora mtcnie, oir"& posting their acres. Saturday morning, after the Mioooa MJnnia tin Fira A ran I operation of taking out the load visited at F. M. Tyaok's last Sun- of shot and a luHr-exammanon oi the wound had been made, tne dootors report hii conditKJn favor abl, ezoept the probability of blood poison. About.four inches of the bone in his arm was de stroyed and if it is possible to The quail will have to make the Uyoid amputation it will be about thickets their home now, for 4 inches shorter than heretofore, awhile, till the bird shooting sea- yiien his friend, A. L. Ketchie, son is over, any i ay. Guess bird oaUed on him -he seemed to be shooting will be the theme now for bright and hopeful, .having stood the operation well which is suc- The amputation be decided upon day. W, 0. Poole has purchased a new top Puggy an as traveling the path some of the rest have trod. Miss Nannie Morgan last visited at Saturday China Grove, who is now going to school to-Prof P E Wright. The people of this and sur rounding neighborhoods en joyed the big snow lastThurs day Quite a number went rabbit hunting and a good many rabbits were killed Herman Ketchie, who has been engineer at the China Grove cotton mill for the past 6 years, has taken up work at Kanapolis. Lewis Ritchie, who has been known as- the bicycle rider, was in China Grove Sunday evening the 8th Guess hewas was looking-for his best friend Paul Cress went out hunt in Miss Anna Peeler is working F. M. Tyack's store. Thaddeus Earnhardt, of this place, visitd home folks near Richfield last Sunday. Billy. CHRISTIAN. 1 Der. 2. There will be Christ mas tree at Ghaistiena on Tues day evening before Christmas, bgining about 6 :30 p. m. There will be exercises by the Sunday schoolchildren. - There was a spelling match at Rowan Academy lastr Thursday night. A large crowd was present and good order kept. A very suc cessful so. far. of his arm will later. Later, no man knoweth what a day may bring forth, before night fall Mr. Ribelin lay a corpse and his remains were taken to his home in Morgan township for inter ment, the fnneral being held at St. Mathew's. church Sunday. A fur ther report of this sad death can be found in our Pool items. Henry Trexler. of Crescent, spent last Wednesday and Thurs day in Winston on business, AEBXES. cessful' term cf school is being ing last Friday morning with tau2ht there by John C. Peeler T. .Ill 1 J I " . 1 111s QOUDiea Darreieu gun, a, aud Miss Vida rrexier. sack on his back and I his dogs, MrBtAnnieL. Kluttz, of near Jack, Queen, Old Hound and Unl0n, is ve"ry ill wiftf pnumonia Kate He spied a covey ot at tni8 writing. We hope for her birds sitting on the ground, a speedy recovery. fired and killed seven He 0jjcar Pnillip8f 0f Crescent, went on S, little and Bpent Thanksgiving with Xerxes. saw a squirrel's nest and fired 'Come again we are always glad to into it ana two 01a gray- jjave you with us. headed squirrels rolled out If anybody can beat that, please write to The Watch MAN rIiP HHIp fnnr.vfiar-.old boy of Mr and Mrs H E Good- A Dlscussiotrtf the Merits of the Liar and man died Saturday the 3Utn . tne urunKarn. . of November, 1907 The pa- a debating society at Bel rents did not know he was mont nas the following subs dangerously sick until it was ject for-discussion: "Resolv too late to do anything for That the Liar has been a him The cause of his death gryater evil to the country is not fully known. ' than the DrunkardT" With- Samuel thinks , their will out any attempt to smear any be wedding bells ringing whitewash on the drunkard, about here some time in the we wiU risk saying that if the very near future affirmative side goe down to There will be a Christmas the bottom and fetches up all tree at Luther's chapel Christ- the available argument eve Everybody come against-the liar, the drunkard Miss Lukeo Cress spent will Jook like a saint in corn- Saturday and Sunday in PMn-- in the ra' China Grove ' . I Many yigo, Ln feS v - tj i-u f nirfa ral districts of south ireaeii, Rev C B -Miller, of China ra citizens met at a Grove, preached a splendid 0ause in tlie woods, and sermon at old Organ E L ated the question, "which church Sunday the 8th f the Liar or the China Grove is gpmg j)runkarci" All available ar through a sweatof -mumps gumeiltg against these two and chicken pox now, but asges were brought out and Saaiuel has had them exhibited in their worst form John Blackwelder- and he judges jdecided that the familv nf nhina Grove, are the worst of -J 1 "- ' lli. LALlii-l-fJ- " ., , affiicted with chickenpox the two on the ground that Rev C A Brown, former the liar, while a bad citizen, pastor of Organ and Ebene- is in a measure shorn ot his zbr churches, will take up power for evil after he is work at Luther's Chapel the found out, but the drunkard first of the year He is a is a continuous eyii anu. men ace not omy 10 mmouuuut others. Statesville Landmark m There is nothing better for stomach troubles than KODOL, which contain the same Joieea m a shealthy stomach. KODOL is .offered on a guaranteed plan for i?of nf heart burn, flatu- 1 tii. gtnmftoh. belchintr 01 oflWfl nf L.-a r, on aft a. and all stomach trou- hi AS. SO I MU J feel just right, when you are Hrowsv after meals, and your j -T,nQ nr whAn tm have no ,u;ti and von are cross and r atVa little KODOL. ti. j;ca wiittt. von . eat. It will ID Ulgvo.- " 1 Here's Good Advice. O. S. Wool ever, one of the best known merchants of Le Raysville, N. Y.. savs: "If vou are ever W w troubled with piles, apply Buck Inn's Arnica Salve. It cured me of them for good 20 years ago." Guaranteed for sores, wounds, hnms or abrasions. 25o at all drugstores. Wanted, at my tannery beef, sheep and goat hides, will pay hiehest nnce. G. i. Bhaveb. C3 A. Summary of the Host Important Recommen dations In Message to Congress, A President's message' is usual ly so lengthy that few people lead it. The message sent to Congress Tuesday by President Roosevelt is very lenthy. , Later The Land mark .may discuss the more -important features. Following is a Bummary of the more important recommendations: Laws for supervision and regu lation of corporations by the. Fed eral government. - - National incorporation aet or law licensing railway companies to engage in inter-State business under certain conditions ; giving the inter-State commerce commis ion power to pass upon future is sues of securities and to make la physical valuation .of any rail road. Jo allow railroads to make pooling agreements with the con sent of the commission. Amendment of the anti-trust law so as to allow reasonable com binations of capital and corpora tions, under the supervision of the Federal government. Laws to provide a more elastic system of currency;" emergency ii smes to be based on adequate se curities and issued under a heavy tax. Subject trust companies to same superversion as banks. No tariff legislation now, ex cept the removal of the duty on wood duId : moderate tariff revi- A A. sion after the presidential ejection. Strongly urges a tax on incomes and inheritances, graded so as to be highest on large fortunes and incomes and on non-residents. Limitation of the exercise of in junction by Federal court. Federal inspection system to prevent accidents on railroads. Extension of employer's liabili ty law ; and of the eight hour law to all goveenment works. Creation of machinery for com pulsory arbitration -of disputes! between capital and labor. National sytem of grain inspec tion and grading. Comprehensive improvement of rivers and harbors, the creation of a system of internal, waterways 7 irrigation of arid Western lands, and reclamation of swamp landsi by drainage. Changes in government land laws ; Federal control of the open range of 300,000,000 acres, and law to preserve forests and mineral lands. That the locks of the Panama canal he 120 feet wide; and the government itself continue the work of construction under army engineers. . Establishment of a system of postal savings banks ; extension of-the parcels post, and provision for new mail routes to South America, Asia and Australia. That the government appropri ate to the uational committees of each party enough money to con duct presidential campaigns ; pro hibit corporations from contribut ing, and require the utmot pub licity regarding campaign funds. Increase in the army, andespe cially inthe medical corps ; pro motion for 'efficient privates and promotion of officers by selection instead of seniority. Material increase in the pay of officers and men in the army, navy, marine corps and revenue cutter service. Four new battleships and a number of scout cruisers, torpedo boats, destroyers and submarines ; and the strengthening of our boast defenses. Promotion by selection in the navy, and the placing of younger officers in important com mands. Statesville Landmark. Sale of Valuable Real Estate, Saw Hill, Lumber. The undersigned will expose or sale at public auction for cash at the Court House Door in Salisbury, N. C, on Saturday, December 28th, 1907, at the hour St 12 o'clock the following de scribed lands. A tract situate in Providence town ship and adjoins the lands of H. G. Agner. and Lottie Barrinpe'r on the North ; the lands of Mary Starnes and Adam Lentz on the East ; the lands of Jos. A. Ellef and J. O. Kesler on the South and the lands of Lottie Barrin ger and J. M. Eller on the West and containing about 146 acres and known as the "Granny Lentz" place. A por tion of said lands is well timbered. Also one.20-Horse Power Engine and Boiler, One Sargent Saw Mill and from 15,000 to 20,000 feet of lumber. The foregoing property will be sold separately and then as a whole. J. A. Elleb, J. H. Feiok, J. C. Keslek. John L. Rendleman, attorney. CHICKENS m EGGS FOR SALE. HAVE one dozen each of fine thor oughbred S. O. White Leghorn and White Wyandotte Cocker els for sale, also eggs from the same breeds. Leghorn eggs at $1.00 for 15, Wyandotte eggs $1.50 for 15. Should you wi ih fine chickens buy your eggs ana cockerels from me. Respectfully, GRANITE BELT POULTRY FARM T.-A. HODGE, Propr. Route 8, - - - Salisbury, N. O. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICf 1 Having this day qualified as Admin istrator of the estate of D. L. Lefler, deceased, notice is hereby given all persons having claims against said es tate to present them to the undersign ed on or before Dec 6th 1908, or this, notice will be plea in bar of -their re covery. All persons indebted--to said estate are hereby -notified to call and settle with the undersigned at once. This Dec. 6, 1907. MARY T. LEFLER, Admr. Granite Quarry, N. C, R. Lee Wright, attorney. 4t REMEMBER US When you need a tooth extracted, When ycu need a tooth treated, When you need a filling, When you need a crown, When you need a bridge When you need a plate, When you need any kindof DENTAL WORK, we are doing Thb Business, be cause we are doing first-class work at prices you can afford to pay. Dr. L. S. Fox, ( PhiladelphiaPentAl;A88n. ) 122 No. Main St., Phone No. 805. OfficeJHours : 8 :30 am to 12 :30 pm,. 2 to 6:15 p m, oooooooooooootooooooooooooo o o o o o o o For Gifts of Value and Merit QO TO Q. W. WRIGHT'S, - HEADQUARTERS FOR ALL KINDS OF o o o o o o o Household and Kitchen Furnishings. Look over this List and Cousidtr their usefulness. See them and Consider their Cheapness and Beauty. - Trial Catarrh treatments are being mailed out free, on request, by D. 8hoop, Raome, Wis. These tests are provingto the people without a penny's cost the great aiue of this scientific prescription known to druggists everywhere as Dr. Shoop's Catarrh Remedy. Sold by Grimes Drug Store. Where to Go to Buy HARNESS! Whenin need of good, reliable, single or double wagon or. buggy Home-made Harness don't fail to hunt up our place on the corner of Innis and Lee Streets. We also do first-class repairing on short notion and at reasonable prices. Our line of Saddles, Collars, Bridles. Halt9rs, Whips, Brushes, Combs, Robes, Harness Oil and other horse supplies is always complete and ready for inspec tion. Wa solicit a portion ot your patronage and invite you to call and see our stock. If your horse is injured in an way get a bottle of our Horse Liniment. No cure, no pay. Hartline & Co. Phone 433, 130 East InnissSt. I OOOOOOOOOOOOGf OOOOOOOOOOOOO Art Squares, Book Racks and Cases, Beds wood, iron and brass, Baby Carriages, Curtains, Carpets. - Clothes Baskets, Chiffoniers, Cots, Chairs of all kinds, ' for children, for office, Desks for office and ladies, Dining room furniture, Dining Tables, Dinner and Tea Sets, Eazles, Go-Carts, Hall Racks, Hat Racks, Kitchen Cabinets, . Kitchen Safes, Lamps for Table and Hall, Leather Fnrniture, Lounges, Linoleum, Mission Furniture, Mission Clocks, Mirrors, Mattings, Mattresses, Odd Pieces of all Kinds, Pictures and Picture Frames, Parlor Suits, Rockers all kinds and sizes, Rugs, Sideboards. Toilet Sets, Umbrella Stands, Wardrobes, Wicker Furniture. o o o o o 'Remember the Substantial gifts of the best and most Q lasting and also remember that you are invited to trade at q West Innes Street. Salisbury, N, C. BEFORE XW1AS SPECIALS, IN MEN'S & YOUNG MEN'S OVERCOATS & COATS Established Over 42 Years. good and able pastor. Miss Nora Rithie and her sisterinrlaw, Mrs Laura -K Ritchie, and her two chil dren, little Ruth and Lester, visited Mr and Mrs A Cress Saturday and Sunday Mr and Mrs Charlie Best's ;ittle girl, who wasaboutiive y ;ars old, died Saturday diphtheria A young housekeeper -has arrived at the home of' Mr aud Mrs Albert Peal's ' John D Ketchie is-on the iick list this week Samuel hopes Mm a speedy recovery make you by Jame. "T7r7Y7 n . -sr ir n rni in - mi in nil u W AM Ml i II IL. ) L VVU " V" Y Values we are olffering this week should interest you and every young man looking for exceptional values in a handsomely tail ored garment. That we are able to give you a full third more value for your money than obtain able elsewhere is due to selling the Victor Brand Clothing, which we contract . with the mills for piece goods, and then contract for the manufacture of the garments; in very large quantities, which enables us to say we are saving you money. See Our Advance Shewing of Holiday Gifts. In the HABERDASHERY DEPART MENT, splendid values in XMAS CRA VATS, Waistcoats, Suspenders, Half Hose Handkerchiefs, Canes, Collar and Cuff Bags, in Varieties, and all the toggery a man needs. bun, I. C SAMUEL 1 riumiuox "t -

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