orres GRAVE ROBBERS AT WORK. Several Marriages. Several New Citizens And a Christmas Tree. Deferred from last week. Everybody seemed to enjoy Christmas to a full extent. Joe Parker of Concord, spent last week with home folks. There twas a nice little Christmas tree at J A. Brady's the evening before Christmas. The children en joyed getting their presents very much. Miss Josephine Morgan spent Christmas week at Faith with her sister, Mrs Gideon Eagle. Rev. W. C. Cruse preached a forcible sermon at the Holi ness church . on Christmas day. Communion was served in connection with the servi ces. Some unknown parties have been in the grave-robbing business. It is said that they robbed the grave that con tained the body of Ezra Kirk's wife in the old Kirk grave yard. One of our young men went to see his best girl and it be' gan to rain, so he stayed all night and the next morning the creek had swollen so that he had to get them to put him across in a buggy. Libron Ludwick was mar ried to Miss Jane Morgan last i r i i .1 t t i weK. JDiiiy wisnes mem a loner, hannv and nrosnerons 1 ir jr r xr ir life. There was a balloon ascen sion at h . M. 1 yack s store last Thursday night. Miss Mattie Trexlerand J. C. Morgan were united in the holy bonds of matrimony last luesday evening, at Oxold Hill, by Rev.' James Wilson. Long may this happy couple live and happy may they be Their many friends decided to give them an old time bell ing, so on Christmas night the belling took place, also a fine display of fire works. J. T. Earnhardt, one of Mr. 1 yack s clerks, has resigned 1 . J T mis position ana is going in the barber business at Albe marle, N. C. Mr. Earnhardt was much loved by the people of this and other communities and the people will hear this with much regret. 1 1. M. Tyack and wife visit ed at Richfield last Sunday j.ne siorKnas Deen passing through our community. H- lef t a boy at C. G. Frick's and a boy at Jno Bosts' Thev are all smiles. One of our bachelors took his talking machine and his best girl to the Christmas tree at Poole. Guess they had mu sic on the way. 1 1 T vve wedding soon. Bllly. A Cure far Misery. "I have found a cure for the misery malaria poison produces," says R. M. Jtmfs, of Louelln, S. 0. ''It's called Electric Bittern, and comes in 50e bottles. It breaks up a case of chills or a bil ious attack in almost no time ; and it puts -yellow jaundice clean out of commission." This great tonic medicine an i blood purifier gives quick relief in all stomach, liver and kidney complaints and the misery of lame back. Sold un der guarantee at all druggists. Jr. 0. U. A. M.. No. 195 to Meet. Deputy Councilor, C. L. Frick, requests the members of Council No. 196 to meet at the hall Satur day evening, the 11th, instant, to transact such business as he may have before the order. All are re quested to be present. Bartlette. tickling cough, from any cause, is quickly stopped by Dr. csi . . 5 r i- r . -i . ouuup h vuugu v;ure. Ana it is so thoroughly harmless and safe, that Dr. bhoep tells mothers everywhere to give it without hes itation even to very young babes lhe wholesome green leaves and tender stems of a lung-healing mountainous shrub, furnish the curative properties to Dr. Shoon's Cough Cure. It calms the cough, and heals the sore and sensitive bromchial membranes. No r aiming SfI8i"ieit1Dure1or.Buppress- that helps to heal aching lungs. lhe bpaniards call this shrub which the Doctor uses, "The Sa cred Herb." Always demand Dr. Dr. Shoop's Cough Cure. -Grimes Drug Store. ponde nee LEE MORALIZES SOME- A Good Sermon by Rev. Linn. The Jr. 0. U. A. M.. to Install Offtcers. Deferred from last week, Gold Knob, December 11 Owing to the recent rainfarm work has been suspended. Christmas has come and gone and Santa Claus has left many of his toys in a number of homes and now for the coming of the new year. .Let us strive to be better and more loyal to our country an the future than we have in the past. Messrs Julius and John Morgan, of Franklin town ship, are visiting friends and relatives here this week. Wm T Morgan moved into his newly completed house last Friday. Uncle Andrew Barger lost a cow valued at$49 last week. David B. Phillips, who has been attending the medical institute in Michigan, is vis iting home tolks over the holidays. B. L. and C. E. Phillips, who are teaching and attending school "in the eastern part of the State, are spending Christmas at home. W mHooks took on too much white lightning last Tuesday evening and fell from his wagon, receiving some ugly wounds on his head. Mrs. John waller is con fined to her bed by illness. G. W. Park is the owner of a cow which gave birth to a calf having five legs. The fifth leg is just in front of the right fore leg; it is well shaped having no hoof. The calf was dead when found School has closed one week for the holidays. s- 1 t 1 1 ualvin Jiiarnnart has re modeled his home, which adds both comfort and convenience OnTSunday, December 16th, there was an election held at St. Peter's Sunday school to ascertain whether or not the school should be run through the winter. The vote was unanimous for the continu ance of the school through the winter. Samuel T.Trexler, of Spen cer, spent the holidays a home. nev. j . n .Linn, pastor oi TT A T J St Peter's church, preached an excellent sermon last Snu day. His text read as follows "And but knowing the time itisnow high time that we awake out of sleep." This was an appropriate sermon for the occasion, being near the end of the old year, 1907 au( e beginning of the new the year we should look back over the past year .and with solemnity note our actions and conduct, whether it be for good or bad. We should A J J I , even strive to turn "a new leaf, so to speak, and this we cannot do alone, but must resort to a higer power, a power which can do all things! wen. we snouia always Keep m view xnat tnis me is 1 . J 1 J At 1 just what we make it, and we should aim high and strive to reach the mark, the prize of the high calling of the Most High In his discourse Mr Linn spoke of the card table, the dancing hall and many other vile pleasures the young are subject to from the card table: there has been known boys who have aimed high and who are lead mg noble lives, while others have been made to fill, mur derers graves and wear the felon's stripes Card playing may mean no narm, it may be all right, but it is danger- ous. It will lead to some thing bad The noted gam bler had his first game of cards; the vile drunkard drank his first drink, and so it goes Always . remember the old motto "Beware the first drink!" Rockwell Council, 170, Jr A O U M will install the officers for the ensuing year on Tues day night, January 14, 1908 It is the request of the newly elected councilor that all offiS cers be piesent and be install ed, and begin with an earn- - A est effort to carry on the most interested term since our or- ganization. wismng eacn ana every reader of The Carolina Watchman a happy new year, we remain, j Lee Attend the Panic Reduction Sale at N. Lutfy's, which begins Mon day. A HAPPY CHRISTMAS ABOUT ST. PAUL'S. Thinks the Town Has no Need for a Fire Engine. Entertainments Galore. St. Paul's December 30. The public schools at MuN berry Academy, Yost, Faith and Seward reopened to-day after a week's vacation. Christmas has come and gone and it has been a splen did one in this community, The school girls are at home and the neighborhood wel comes them. A number of social gatherings added mer riment to the joyous season. Twenty-two guests assembled at IVfrs. I. R. Juliau's home last Thursday night and a grand, good time was had. Parlor games tand music was the feature of the evening. On the Friday following the same party met at the home of Gr. Cx. Ritchie where the evening was spent most de lightfully playing out door games and target practice. That night Miss Maggie Jiihrd gave a social comph mentary to her sister, Miss Laura, who has been away at school, and practically the same crowd composod her party. All in all the young folks enjoyed the holidays and the ties of friendship were strengtheaea onevery side. This week , Misses Maggie Julian, Viola Page and Laura Ffird returned to Mt. PleasN ant, where they resume their studies in the seminary. Miss Bessie Julian also returns to New Lonclon to resume her studies there. rn i ii ine unnstmas exercises and decorations at our church Christmas day was pronoun ed by all as being the fines in the history of the church Quite a number of visitors were present and were loud in their praise for the occa sion. A pleasant feature o the occasion was the presen tation to the pastor, Rev. R it. sowers, oi a nice purse contributed by the men and a purse contributed by. the la dies for Mrs. Sowers. The purses were not empty either for St. Paul never does things by halves. Ihis is a token of the high esteem in which the people'ihold their pastor During the Christinas exer cises a collection was taken up for the benefit of the or phan. home, amounting to $14.67. W e nctice quite a number of marriages took place near here, viz: the thriving village of Faith. So far the mania has not struck this commu nity. May 1908 prove a grand and glorious year for us all . Ine Sunday school here raised $71.60 for Christmas which was distributed among the 350 pupils as a treat,, in candies, apples, oranges, nuts raisins, etc. This is probab ably the largest Sunday school in the county, and we doubt if any school raised more money during the year Kjur young people wnt are attending schools and col leges are home for the holi days. George H. Page is sinking a well on one of hisaplaces for a cropper. Attention is again called to the bad conditon of the pub lic road south .of the county home. We understand that George H Glover repaired one of the bad places at his own expense, by haulingr in several loads of rock. That is commendable, but the people ot this county should see to it that funds are divided out to all. jr. vj. utcnie wno was 1 T a 1 1 kicked in the breast by a mule some time ago, is still troubled by it. We notice there is, a move ment on foot to "persuade" he county commissioners to "present the city of Salisbury with an engine for fighting nre." !We otten near the boast that Salisbury has one of the best water systems in the State, and we cannot see the need of an engine. There, are no "sky scrapers" in Sal isbury and we cannot see the need, unless it be for a show at state meetings and an or nament for parades, etc. It is true Salisbury and Salisbury township pay the bulk of the taxes, but when the Commis sioners present the city with an engine, you will hear a howl that will shake Dunn's and Phillips mountains, and from here rebound and strike all the hills, and the echoes will be heard in all low pla ces throuh gout the county. Teddy. LOWER ROWAN, Dec. 31.--Isaac F. Cotton, of New London, visited relatives in this community Saturday and Sunday, 21st and 22nd iustant. Miss Mary F. Eagle, of Salis bury, visited relatives and friends in our community during Christ mas holidays. Isaac Shaver., of Stanly county, visited relatives in this section last week. Mr. Shaver, we are glad to hear, had a nice time. We have heard of several wed dings during Christmas holidays. On Sunday night, December 22nd, there wafi a couple ran away to C T - J ...vUij in the holy bonds of matrimony Monday morning, after being in a hard rain a.d getting a good soaking. x We are expecting several more weddings in our communitv in a- few days. Messrs. Ernest Siceloff. of Statesville, and Charlie Siceloff, of Olin, Iredell county, were wel come visitors in our commuity last week. Mrs. S. Jane Cotton, of New London, is visiting at her father's, Rev. I. M. Shaver's, at this writ ing. Miss Minnie E. Shaver visited her sister. Mrs. S. J. Cotton last Friday and Saturday. The health of our 'community is very good at this writing we are are glad tp say. Albert T. Eagle, of Salisbury, has been visiting in our section for the past few days. There was a spelling; at Prosper ity sohool houBe Friday night, Dectmber 20th. A large crowd attended and all report a nice time, Mr. and Mrs. J. W Taylor, of Salisbury, visited home folks last week. Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Basinger, of Albemarle, visited home folks during the holidays. Misses Vida Cotton , and Daisy Calloway, of New London, visited in this section last Wednesday and Thursday. Come again, girls, we are always glau to see you. Miss Lillie Sjaaver, who has been going to school at New Lon don, visited home Christmas. Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Miller, of Salisbury, are visiting in this neighborhood. M isses Ellen and Frances Uar key, Mary Eagle, Dora Caspar and Amanda J. Morgan, Messrs. Theodore and Grant Trexler and Frankie Morgan were visiters at Prosperity school Saturday last. Blue Eyes. ROWAN ACADEMY. Rowan Academy, Dec. 39. Hello! Here comes Ruth with all good things, for old Santa Claus has j ust passed. J Robert Earnhardt, of Salis bury, cleared -off a fine place for a house on G. B. Kesler's plantation, and, after seeing the carpenters several times to build the house, he backed out of having the house built. He went back to Salisbury and we have not seen him since. Misses Dora and Pearle Sa frit of St. Paul's are visiting at Unas, batrit s. I am told that Lewis Lyerlv oougnt a pig, with a ring m his nose, the other day and put him in a pen. That night he got out and left and has not been heard of since. Guess he caught the ring to a limb and hung himself. Poor thing. Lewis Cauble gave a big turkey dinner last Thursday, Ruth was among the crowd. William and Mamie Oddie are spending Christmas holi days with their home folks. The Christmas weddings are too numerous to mention. I guess there was another one ast night, if the girl could get away. Lewis Cauble is going to move to his new place in a few 1 - T ' weeKs. vv e are sorry to see Mr. Cauble go so far from us. We will have further to go tor tne turKey dinner next time. Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Peeler visited at Jno. C. Hols- houser's last Saturday night. The spelling at Rowan Academy last Thursday night was quite a success. A large crowd was present. Any one wishing to secure icense now, I guess could get some second-handed ones cheap Mrs L J Kluttz and daugh ter, of Granite.Quarry, visit ed home folks last week E L Lyerly received a fine present-off the Christmas tree at Granite Quarry For fur ther information; see Mr Ly erly Kgth ungs hitis rone For over sixty years doctors have endorsed Ayer's Cherry I Pectoral for coughs, colds, weak lungs, bronchitis, con sumption. You can trust a medicine the .best doctors ap prove. Then trust this the next time you have a hard cough. The best kind of a testimonial- over sixty years." lffdo by J. O. Ayer Co., Lowell, un. 7 SARSAPARILLA. yers PILLS. HAIR V1Q0K. nr h.T7a nn nenreti! We publlsa the formulas of all our medicines. IV ! II .,nt.Jk. ri- .. .1 Ayer's Fills keep tna dowoij rcgw;i All vegetable and gently laxative. CHICKtIS AND EGGS FOR SALE. HAVE one dozen each of fine thor oughbred S. G. White Leghorn and White Wyandotte Cocker els for sale, also egg8 from the same breeds. Leghorn eggs at $1.00 for 15, Wyandotte eggs $1.50 for 15. Should you wi sh fine chickens buy your eggs and cockerel3 from me. Respectfully, GRANITE BELT POULTRY FaRM D. A. HODGE, Propr. Route 3, SAifsBUBr, N. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICI Having this day qualified ag Admin istrator of the estate of D. L. Lefler, deceased, notice is hereby given all persons hiving claims against said es tate to present them to the undersign ed on or before Dec. 6th 1908, or this notice will be plead in bar of their re covery. All persons indebted to said estate are hereby notified to call and settle with the undersigned at once. This Dec. 6, 1907. MARY T. LEFLER, Admr. Granite Quarry, N. C. R. Lee Wright, attorney. 4t Eugene H. Bean, Attorney and Counselor at Law. Office: Over Wachovia Bank, 11-13 Salisbury, N. C. pd THE STATE'S STRONGEST BANKING INSTITUTION. WAGDOWA LOAN X TRUST G $S0,0G0.G8 Capital. Over FiveMillion DoIIarsAssets 4 PER CENT. mt.H'-f si, guaranteed on money re maining three montha in the Sav ing department yet you can get your money wneu you want it. Wachovia Loan & Trust Co., Salisbury Savings Bank Building. THE ROOSTER CRIED 1 could swear if I tried That there goes a bonnet With my tail feathers on it! il,: X- n cjume tiling lu crow aDOur is our bample Shoes at 67c on it TT I me uouar. nave you seen our new arrivals in our Lone Wflflr Klines? Tf behind the times. -Better call on us to-day and maka ybur selection before the holidnv rush. Our stock is the lar- gest in the city to pick from. PHPUfAR PRICE FOOf WEAR TERMS STRICTIY CASH g We pay 4 per cent, on money in interest to the principal every 90 days, and offer every safe guard to the depositors. We also loan money on real es tate and personal security. THE PEOPLES' BANK AND TRUST CO. D. R. Julian, J. D. Norwood, President. Cashier. P. H. Thompson, J. A. Peeler, WeakL i a "Sold for 9 A cm Per Cent. V.-President. Teller, j ATTEWTIOrJ THIS WAY PLEASE! With all the emphasis of which type is capable we want to direct your attention Christmasward., It is but a matter of days now when we will be in the thick of the Holiday distribu tion. Our buying was done long ago, and everything is now ready for your lookingfor your; buying. As befits the season you'll find our displays lavish, and suggestions are just a bou numberless. We are expecting our biggest yet Christmas trade-and if merit wins we will get it. The big city stores have no advantage over ub, except in unnecessary duplication. Our lines take in ALL the just-out jewelry styles, all the charm and novelty that belong only to JEWELRY. For price reasons. o, we n make it votfch your while to purchase here. zzCORIVIAN CREEW, SALISBURY, SPENCER, MARION, N. O. A MERRY CHRISTMAS TO ALL! Bat a few days more and Ohristmattide, th time for mak ing gifts to our friends and lored one! will be here, bo we cordially invite you to look over onr fine and select stock of 35" !2F 3KF 3 "O" 3SL 3ES Suitable as gifts for both old and young: We have little Chairs for the children at only 50o. We have Rugs, Carpet and Matting for the floor, Pictures for the walls, Lamps for the table, Tables for the lamps, Clocks fox the shelves Stoves for heating aud cooking, Window Shades, Fiddles, Guitars, Banjos, Auto-harps, etc. Our odd pieces in Leather,, Wicker, Oak, Mahogony for all parts of the house and for any service is unusually com plete and attractive. All Kinds of Chrisimas Giflr from 60 Cents and Up. Come and examine Our Stock. 1 ' Respectfully, W. B. 5UMMER3ETT SUMMERSETT-BELL Coffins Caskets and Undertaking and 108 West aa aAKasca 1 i m -wagon Duriug September we will offer for CASH a number . f Two-Horse Wagons at cost.' COST! Think of it. If a 9; ' 1 you ed a agon now or ?Z expect to need one later you a i-- i j&y wm uiaKH money Dy pur- Qk chaehingNOW. If you will 0 investigate we can show yon rA where you are saving at least 15 percent., and a lit- :4y tie later, more than that 0 figure. WAG We offer for CASH only, at COST, are the Mitch h ell, Virginia and Barber. These wagons have gained a reputation through MERIT only, and our satisfied customers stand as a monument to this fact. Convince yourself as to the saving .in price and quality of goods offered . The reason for the offer of Two-Horse Wagons at COST is that we desire to discontinue handling two-horse wagons and confine ourselves to the sale of One-horse Wagons, fine and medium grade Buggies and CarriagesMantelsTile and 0 Z 67 Ii it ie BARGAINS YOU without fail 0 Barbe rBuggy&WafonCo. 115 E, Council Street. SALISBURY flDM8VZE; . Hi Burial Robes. Do Conduct Funerals. InneB Street. CTOxtfc 3FBr nr,IlDL& 0 SALE Our Stock OF SURREYS AND BUGGIES is large and oompased of the latest styles and are offfirpd at prices to attract the most indifferent purchaser. ARE AFTER, see ua at once, N. C 1

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