-Gome in and take your choice at the lowest prices . we have ever known tq equal. No need to print items here. To detail all the goods that have had their prices clipped would be to -print a catalogue of the entire stock. We are reserving frothing, every Suit and Overcoat in the store is reduced to a price that must sell it. Before the season begins to Wane, these lines are especially affected. - - - - - - - . . . i$ 7.50 Men's Suits, for 10.00 Men's Suits for 7.50 Men's Overcoats for 10.00 Men's Overcoats for $3.90 4.90 3.90 4.90 $ 7.5D Youth's Overcoats for 5.00 Youth's Overcoats for .-, 5. OOBoy's Overcoats - sizes from 10 to 18 years ,j3. 00 Children's Overcoats for $3.90 2.90 2.90 1.19 $2. 50 Mens Coi-duroy Pants 4.00 Men's Corduroy Pants x . v,20 Men's Half Wool Socks .25 Men's All Wool Socks, very heavy $ .95 1.90 .10 .15 WWMSSl Cf A TAT? QUO (Any peTson that did not receive a 1908 Calendar please call and get one.) UNWRITTEN LAW ON WHISKEY. FISH! AND SNAKE STORIES OUTDONE. Public Opinion Has bong Since Decreed Against Drunkenness. Discussing the prohibition now obtaining in 'Georgia, The Con stitution says : Regardless of honestly differing opinions as to its .practicability or necessity, legal prohibition in Georgia is an accomplished fact. It is to be assumed, of course, that the law will be enforced. Misgivings to the contrary show ignorance-of and are a reflection upon the offi cial fidelity of the authorities charged with the responsibility thereof. Rigid and "loyal, however, as may be the enforcement of the statute, and "ken and prayerful as may be the vigiliance of the earnest advocates of abstinence, the sensible citizen will not blind his perception to the fact that drinking; of intoxicants will still proceed, here and there, in the state. It is unfortunate, of course that legislation, especially on such a high moral question as that involv ed in the liquor traffic, should not prove unqualifiedly effectual. Human appetites and passions and weaknesses cannot be radica ted by law, any - more than men and women can be catapulted in to heaven by the promulgation of a religious -edict. This feet should not, however, give rise to despondency. For prohibition is advancing by leaps and bounds in the United States. It is the only kind of prohibition that absolutely pro hibits, that stays the wrecking of homes and that makes the outlaw ing of whiskey a fact rather than a statuary proclamation. And that ' is prohibition vby public sentiment. Drinking to excesB is no longer fashionable, popular or permis sible irl this country. Big cor porations and small business houses do not need the services of men with bleared eyes, unsteady nerves and uncertainmerital ma chinery. Men of talent and ca pacity who ten, even five years ego, could indulge in a night's de bauch and report back' for duty the next morning with nothing wnrao than n -faw wnrHa nf rflnri- xnand or an admonishing glance, findthemselves today members of a vanished era. The change is noticeable from Main to California and from the great lakes to the gulf. Business and whiskey do not mix. They are absolutely incompatible. Pnb-J lie sentiment1 irrespective of the commendable efforts of the advo cates of legal prohibition longj ago decreed a permanent and complete divorce. Iu the main, the credit for pro hibition that prohibits is to, be given to the underlying and domi nating commonsense of the Ameri can people. Beforethe brave white banner . of legal prohibition was flung to -the breeze, national temperance -which is something different from national prohibition had fought and won its fight. Its march and its conquests had been slower and less spectacular than those of its statute-born foster brother but who may say that they have not been more lasting and effectual? There is consolation in the re flection that the unwritten law of temperance will prove at least a mighty aid to the written law of prohibition with the power of the ' state behind its eaforcement. A Remarkable Yarn Told by a Booze Ar tist Who Landed in Statesville. The Asheville Citizen of Sun day printed the following remark-? able story: A story of doped drinks and a hold-up that rivals the accounts of the doings in New York's tenderloin or those of San Fran cisco's Chinatown was brought from Statesville last night by Capt. John Norwood, who was re turning to.his home in Waynes ville from the national guard meeting in Raleigh. On Friday night shortly -aftef 8 o'clock R. H. ' s Trumbar, of Chicago, 111., a traveling man, representing Charles Emmerick & Co., stopped in a saloon in Salis bury on his way -to the depot. Mr. Trumbar ordered a drink, took it and remembered no more until about 2 o'clock the next morning, when he awoke lying on a railroad track with the glare of the headlight of an approaching engine almost blinding him. He tried to get up, but failing in this rolled off the track and down an embankment just as a train dash ed by. His slide down the em bankment was stopped by an ob struction which upon investi gation proved to be a man in very much the same plight as his own. A hurried taking of stock revealed the fact that Trumbar had been relieved of a roll of .$800, and stuffed down in one drawers' leg was a one dollar bill andJiis rail road ticket wrapped up in his handkerchief. His friend in mis ery had the same experience to re late, save that his roll had not been so large, but to offset this a diamond ring and a watch were missing. Badly bruised up, the two men chmbed back into the track and found their way toward the lights of the city, and on arriving there found to their surprise that they were in Statesville. The only ex planation of the mysterious oc currence that the men can give is that they were doped and robbed in .Salisbury, slipped into an "empty" on an out-bound freight, and when found by the trainmen were unloaded unceremoniously. OPEN AN ACCOUNT WITH THE' FIRST NATIONAL BANK, SALISBURY, N. C: W. Q. Coughenour, President, T. C. Linn, Vice-President, W. H. White, Cashier. Capital - - $50,000.00 Surplus, - - $40,000.00 Directors : John S. Henderson, D. A. Atwell, T, C. Linn, H. N. Woodson, TBurton Craige, W. S. Blackmer, Walter H. Woodson, ; W. B. StrachanA. H. Price, W. C. Gougheneur. Every accommodation extended con sistent with safe banking. W. H. WHjTr, Cashier. GroceryS ore --Meat Me A LONG LIFE. How to Conserve Energy Life and Prolong The time comes to every one when the lifeforces begin to fail. It is a little harder to climp a hill or wai& up stairs. Hixercise is taken less vigorously or aband oned, and we feel that the end of active service ts drawing near. It is more than probable that we have . been over-driving the machine of the body which will give out like any machine if over taxed, and we should immediately take steps to change the gear, build up the strength and restore the life forces. To this end noth ing equate our delicious cod liver and iron preparation, Vinol, whioh is far superior to all other tonic and cod liver preparations be cause it is made by a scientific, extractive, concentrating process from fresh cods' livers, combin ing with peptonate of iron all the medicinal, healing, body-buiHing elements of cod-liver oil, bat no oil. As a body builder and strength creator for old people, delicate children, weak run-down persons, after sickness, and for chronic coughs, colds, Jsronchitis and all throat and lung troubles, Vinol is unexcelled. Try it on our ff er to return your money if it fails. The W T. Grimes Drug Co., Salisbury. In Superior Court. Feb. Term, 1908. Notice of Summons. North Carolina, Rowan County. Caroline Smith vs. Millard Smith The defendant, Milliard Smith, will take notice that an action entitled as above has been commenced in the Su perior court of Rowan county by- plain tiff for the purpose of securing a di vorce from the defendant, and the said defendant, Millard Smith, is required to appear at a court to be held in the court house in-Salisbury, N, C, on the 3rd Monday before the 1st Monday in March, 1908, being the 10th day of February, 1908, and answer or demur to (l&intiff's complaint, or the relief therein demanded will be granted. December 31st, 1907. J. F. TSrcCUBBINS, c. s. c B. B. Millsb, plaintiff's atty. . 4t Cabbage Plants and Watch Repairing. The undersigned is prepared to have all your Frost Proof Cab bage plants shipped to your near est express office any time from October to April for $1.50 per 1, 000: you pay the express. Club lots will make the express lees on the 1000. ' He also has, n experience of more than 40 years in the Jewelry business and is better prepared now than ever. You can leave and get your watcheEK with Mr. Wi 1 Taylor, (Kluttz & Rendleman's,) with the Lyerly boys at Granite Quarry, with Mr. P. Alex. Peeler, Faith; or you can send them di rect to our door by mail for a few cents. Cut this out and save it forreference long after it disap pears. Send all orders and work as per above to " R. L. BROWN, ll-6-13t.' Salisbury, N. C:, No. 6 Valuable Farm For Sale. I hereby offer for sale my farm of 58 acres on the Stokes Ferry Public Road five miles South-eaBt of Salisbury, N, C. Good six room dwelline house, eood out buildings, good pasture and well watered. For price and terms see, Lewis I. Caubmt, J. F. D. No. 6, Salisbury, N. 0. This Sept. 18th 1907. tf Where to Go to Buy HARNESS When'in need of good, reliable, single or double wagon or buggy Home-made Harness don't fail to hunt up our place on the corner of Innis and Lee Streets. We also do flret-class repairing on Bhort notion and at reasonable prices. a ' s Our line of Saddles, Collars, Bridles, Halters, Whips, Brushes, Combs, Robes, Harness Oil and other horse supplies is always complete and ready for inspec tion. We solicit a portion of your patronage and invite you to call and see our stock. If your horse. is injured in any way get a bottle of our Horse Liniment. No cure, no pay. Hartline & Co. Phone 483, 180 East Innisa St. , NJspread Attention is called to sthe fact that I have just stocked my storeroom on West Fisher Street, with a Fresh and Select line of Staple and Fancy Groceries, Beef, Pork and Salted Meats, and will keep in season Oysters, Game and Country Produce. When in need of anything in my line you are cordially invited to give me a call when you haye Country Produce-to sell call on .me -and get the highest market price for dame. Beef Cattle, Hogs and Sheep wanted. Be sure to find my place before you buy or sell. IF PHONE 281 02Ti" fTIKX IT TOT IF 121 WEST FISHER ST SALISBURY, N. C A WORD OF ADVICE TO FARMERS. You are no doubt fairly well satisfied with the prices which you are getting for ypur products. If, in exchange for the money you receive for what you sell, X you should need a few pieces of Furni ture, we would advise you to go to the Big Furniture Store. This store is lo cated in the Empire Block, near the Central Hotel. You will find there the Best Prices to be had in Salisbury. If you doubt this statement you can veri fy it yourself, if you will take the time to see them before you buy. T. E. WITHERSPOON & CO. oooo J. 0. WHITE & CO., Carriage and Wagon Builders. FARM AND DRAY WAdON. DELIVERY WAGONS, OPEN AND TOP, -BEST QUALITY AND STYI& We Bell the celebrated Geo. E.'Nissen & Co's Farm and Log Wagons, fully warranted. Old Carriages and Buggies repaired, painted "and made as good as new. - Nev Tops made and old Tops repaired. New Cushions furnished and old Cushions repaired. New Dashes furnished and Old Frames Re-covered. ' Rubber Tires a Specialty: steel tired wheels changed to Rubber Tires., Old rubber tires repaired. ' All fcinds'orWood and Iron Work done at short notice. We have skilled workmen in each department. Surreys, Buggies and Wagons for Sale. Harness of all kinds made and repaired. Call and get 'prices. - . J. O. WHITE & CO. 0 x.1 "Si H uu i-n.iL i Jiiiyi s: i jl i Ji d) M LAST YEAR PRICES. 1 I will save you money if you will buy your win ter supplies from me. My stock is now one of the most complete in the city and having bought the greater part of it before the great advance in the . I miuivvt, ttuu uj nu uuiug tiacy CUPl 1CBS hlltt.ll llltjy m do now, so have marked them tor sale accordingly. x -M- a. u a. iiitj it i it j ww i i i r i ii i 1 1 viiii iivii ill r-. i ' -f i i - fore you buy. Below you will notice proof of statement above, A Grey Blanket for 25c A White Blanket for., .35c three for $1.00 Other greatr Values in Blankets from $1.50 to $10.00 per pair. In this lot the noted ii,lkiu Blanket is included at a very low jrice. Big lot of OntiDg, Flannelettes and Flannels left over from lasfeeason and the price has not been changed, so this' alone speaks for the remarkable jow prices on these goods. The sr me grade of these goods this, year cost the merchant " from 2c to 82c per yard more. These prices will also apply to our line of Men's, Ladies' and Children's 3LT jljl dL & 3r"2v e gl a? The best 25o Ladies' Vest in the State, real value 35c. Big line of Drejs Ginghams at 8 1-3c, worth from 12c to 15c. 7 Special one lot of Waist Goods, worth anywhere 15c. my price 10c. One lot of short lengths in Percales, regular value 12c, special for 10c per yard. Just received, one lot of Domestic, regular value of which is 8c, my price 5c the yatd. You cannot afford tQ miss this chancj, it is one in a life time. Some Very Special Bargains in S S CO O O S. 75c values for 60c. 60c values for 50c- Several pieces of Fancy Serge Plaid, regular value any- X) where, 35c, my price 25c. j l Some very special values in Ladies' and Children's Hose, 7 M M 3 VJ 7i M 7t M V i M -33 3 N A 15 Cent Value for 10 Cents. These were bought direct from the mills and at jobber's prices. Other great values in all lines. A W. WIBECfl wUwwlK8 sfslslaMKst l.1i(liKV OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOCOOOOOOOnon O For Gifts. of Value and Merit O O GO TO ' O o U. VY. WKlUITi'b, o HEADQUARTERS FOR ALL KINDS OF. X Household and Kitchen Furnishings. Look over this List and Consider their usefulness. See them and Consider their Cheapness and Beauty. Art Squares, Book Racks and Cases-, Beds worid, iron and brass Baby Carriages, Curtains, Carpets, Clothes Baskets, Chiffoniers, Cots, Chairs of all kinds, for children, " for office, , Desks fqr office and ladies, Dining room furniture. "Dining Tables, Dinner and Tea Sets, Eazles, Go-Carts, ' . " Hall Racks, Hat Racks, Kitchen Cabinets, o o o o o Kitchen i Safes, Lamps for Table and Hall, Leather Furniture, Louuges, Linoleum, Mission Furniture, Mission Clocks, Mirrors, Mattings, Mattresses, Odd Pieces of all Kinds, ' Pictures and Picture Frames, Parlor Suits, Rockers all kinds and. sizes, Rngs, Sideboards. Toilet Sets, Umbrella Stands, Wardrobes, Wicker Furniture.- Remember the Substantial sifts of tVlA hpflf. an A mnot lasting and also remember that you are invited to trade at West Innes Street. Salisbury, N, C. o o o o Subscribe to The Watchman. IN. 0. , o oooooopooooooeooooooooooo

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