1 v-';iL " -3 - DEATH OF UISS BELIE ST1REWALT. Another Golden Wedding-. Fanners Slill Holding Cotton. Wneit Looking Bad-. " South . BowantFeb. gMiBa Belle Sfeirewalt died early Monday morning, January j"2Tth at vJMt; Pleasant, where sh has been going to school. - OaeVweet-before her death she became ill with pneu monia and it was soon found that she could tnot 1 live long. -"Her death was a surprise and a. shook to her many friends as the news spread throughout the communi ty. She was a daughter of MtT aud MrsMoses Stirewalt who" HveTvery v industrious 7 one from the Martin W. Littleton defended HARRY THAW ACQUITTED. W000CH0PPERS UNION ORGANIZED. Theelleis la Working , to TCeep-Theia-1 Degenerate Is Still Held. Judge Dowling ? y ? selies and Families Wtnu.; - n eqclre Lnnaci Cosnilsslon ;UpdrKspeoiallnvitation"quitfr a The - second f-trial of 'Harry numberlofhends - calledupon Thaw Tor the -murder of Stanford John Shupin iFriday" afternoon .White in June of 1906;catne to "an (thecbld day) to oganiieinaa end. yesterday fwith verdict of effort to keep warm, and by work not guiltyiased upon-the defense ing "hd to-do this, they'cut of insanity. ' -1 - r i " -enough wood to'" warnv the entire i This verdict, was reached -after crowd several winters, provided the jury had' deliberated nearly they all Stay aroundDnelfireplace twenty-four hours." It came after Not'cohsidering- theweatherbne three weeks of testimony and two wouldjudge the crowd to be a days of speeches. District Attof- would iudka - the crowd- to" be a ney Jerome: prosecuted Thaw and at China Grve. She was IS years old, and never was one loved more than she. All who ever knew her learned to love an admire her. She is survived by a father and moth er, five brothers two- sisters and a host of friends who mourn her loss . The ' f uneral services took place last Tuesday at - Ebenezer Church, Rev. H. A. Trexler offi ciating -- '-c v Many farmers in thtsQommnni ty have not soldrtheir cotton yet. They are holding for higher prices which they hope to get in the near future. " :. - Wheat in our neighborhood is looking rather bad, owing to the severe coldweather. George Shupip and Miss Mary Urooaman wee unitea m ine noiy bonds of matrimony last Saturday in the neigborhood of St' John's church by a magistrate. : Both were from Mt. Hope church neigh borhood and well liked by all. Mr. Shaping purchased his license last Wednesday and had- not planned to get married before one, week af ter the purchase, but it came,, out in last week's papers that the li cense had been purchased by the contracting parties, so he at once began to plan the' escape. ; So well were his plans made that there was no suspicion till it was all over with. Mr. Shuping is about4 22 years of age while Miss Good man is only about 16. Rocker and a host of friends wish them a long and happy life. Last Monday January, 27th, Mr. and Mrs. Tobias Penninger celebrated the fiftieth year of their wedlock with a golden wedding. Their many f riends gathered in from all sides and made the oc casion a most pleasant one The bappy couple received many gifts which amounted upwards greatly in value. May many be the years they have yet to live and happy may they ber Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Taylor haee moved from China Grove to Georee Barker's place, in this community, where he will farm this summer. We wish him great 'success. Bold indeed must the humanity of a Honl be to steal chickens in daylight, and especially on Sun day. Sunday, January 26th, there were two chickens stolen from John Basmger, who lives near Rocks Grove . Church, and from Robert Josey who lives, near by. The- thieves also stole a pot to cook them in. Both Mr, singer and Mr. Josey were awa from home, and upon returning home that evening Mr. Basmger work they did as compared with him. " He made no appeal upon the number in tha crowd. the nnwritten law humbug, but At sundown" all hands collected argued straight out insanity and around the house and a spirit of won. ' good feeling ran through the en- Z.The Thaw case has been the tire assembly, where and . when most read, ijecause it was the most the Union' was organked with salacious things of recent crimes. the following officers and mem bers: A. W.-Shnjring. Pres; N. M. Barger, Sec ; P. A. Jackson, Jas. M. Castor, Julius Castor, Berlin Castor, . GeoW. Fespernian,' M. A. Holshouser, Jas: Nance, Jno. M; Bost, Daniel Jackson, ,Geo. 0. Fisher3has. TiMillerV Chas. R. Bostv Martin Shoe, Luther Shive, Deiby Barger,' ..Paul Deal, Geo. Troutman, :; Sampson Shuping, Jno. Stirewalt, . Edward Ritchie, Jno. ...Bame, - Gib ' Holshouser, David Barger . and J . Lawson Kluttz, active members and, The first atrial lasted three months, the second scarcely more than that number of weeks. It was a record breaker. -- r As soon as the' jury returned a verdict of not guilty. Mr. Little ton jmoved a discliarge. Judge Dowling refused upon the grounds that tjiere had been no testimony that Thaw has been or can be cured, of his insanity, and. that an outbreak is liable to occur at any time. Mr. Littleton will make another fight for the release of his client and the prisoner himself has been known to say that-he Jacob Holshouser, (92 years old) , would prefer death to commitment honorary. -..-"-'-..- tohe insane asylum. After installing officers and The Thaw trial has cost the initiating .members the meeting familyand the State of New York was consideredopen and "busi- oombinedhalf a million. Del ness of the Union" taken, up, phiri M. Delmas, who first defend Vital topics of the day were; ably ed him, is said to have received a discussed by th& pfficers and mem- fee ot $100,000 and the mental ex- bers. and after the possibilities I perts were paia nanasomeiy TWO SECONDS FOB LUNCH. One Meal Cait Be Uade of Tablets ef Con - ' "Vcsfttrttef 'Fool. ' ''?, T A-plansibl&TiotionNcherished by. a great many people is; thatlthe day is fas approaching when the human race ' will subsist, entirely on highly? concentrated fpod; the time occupied inr eating; the daily Tneals-will be sayed, it xls ; promis ed," by swallowing essence- and all Questions of fastidousness f food wilLbe banished, whila the dyspepsia arising , from an. ovet- ""ijse De Witt's Xittle . Early ,Ri- sers, pleasant -jutieiiiSKr - i ney are asy to take, old -by ' James riummeriaauroggisw - v HO WAM ACADEMY Rowan Academy Feb. S.GeOi B. Kesler has been quite sick, for a few days, also-Mrs. CA.-John son. W hope ..to seo them out soon again.. -; " , , H - Ji W.-Miller. has bought anoth er horse. Guess he means Jto ride ITie Greatest Possible Cotton Crop Wimm for their "services. The young mur derer is wealthy and the man he killed was the greatest arohitect in the United States. It was these circumstances that made the trial one of such surpassing interest to and probabilities for a "presiden tial candidate" were fully explain ed by the Secretary and his opin ion that 4 -Secretary Taf t will ure get the nomination" carried by a majority. At tnis 'point an in terruption occurred when the good everybody adies of the 'union had the tur- The young degenerate and idiot key, guinea and good things ready (has spent eighteen months in jail hey called : "ten oomend eat -V awaiting trial. He rinds a grbat andVhat they lid can be imagin- deal o smpathy throughout the " - .- - . . r I'i j it. J -t r. ed byt thinking of woodchoppers country aau tue euu ui ub m? eating supper after working hard stops the greatest space killer on . All A 1 A. MAAI t.n troAn warm ah aureuu mat some, - ' " We ara informed thatsome un- bulky and hastilyswallowed meal known person : tried to get into ill finally disappear. c" Wm. J. Cauble's house the 'other The idea of subsisting entirely night. He did ;not seeany'one on nothing but tablets of concen- hut heard then! at the door- When trated food"is of ooune utterly oat he see and her fellacious as The London Lancet Mit- QMie and mQthe points out, anoT plainly opposed. Visited at C. A. Johnson's Sun to sound physiological teaching, day, January, 26th. : : " Ruth, r" FoJbreakf ast.and for the evening meal we V must content.' -ourselves with food served in the 'good old-fashioned way, but - for lunchthe "quick lunch" of the busy man the tabloid meal to consist, of one or two tablets, washed down by a hasty gulp of milk or something stronger, is re ceiving serious consideration. Such a lunch would not require more than one or, two seconds for consumption, whereas thesquick est of "quick "lunches" of today cannot be eaten under five minute or so. There is no. danger that man kind will ever take entirely to tabloid foods. Such a dietetio consummation, The Lancot says, would probably end in the extinc tion of the human race by disease as a seqence of inanition. The fact the volume of food serves a definite purpose in the body. Highly concentrated .foods are prone to be very irritating to the digestive organs, and. they also tend to exhaust the ; secretory powers of the stomachy Concentrated meat essence com taiuing merelj,Ahe extractives of meat are. for example, the most the first meeting was a very suc cessful one as the' entire crowd "worked well .together' in perfect harmony and nothing .but th best feelines was shown in the W band of workers. - After a few-comments upon the name and otner mines dv in president, SYNOPSIS OF THE PROHIBKION BILL The Proilslon oftbe Bill on Which the Peo pie Will Vote in Ua. The question of piohipition has hn nracticall v settled!. It Will it was, moved and car- Because w make medicine for them. Westell them - all about Ayerfs Cherry Pectoral, an d Jthey p rescri b e it fo coughs, colds, bronchitis, con sumption. They trust it. Then you can affora to trust it. Ask your own doctor. The best kind of a teBtimonlal f "Sold iorover sixty year' tHwnnMaaMiMMi Kade by 3. 0. Ayn Oo I.owU, Xma. AIM muuAotanra of 9 SAKSAPAKI1XA. PILLS. HAIR VIGOR. W bvr no secret ! W publish the formalu of all oar medicines. Ayer's Pills greatly aid the Cherry Pectoral in breaking up a coldi EXECUTOR'S H0T1CE. T Having qualified as executor of tue last will and testament of Miss Mary Elizabeth Stallings, deceased, I hereby give notice to all her creditors to present their claims'to me or to my father, Dr; powerful exciters of gastic secre- J. N. Stallings, my agentJor this t on tliat We DOSSeSS. DUt WUen purpuaw. uu oj: umure tuo xbu uay - - m r i m -nr m r - - ..itlnvftlv thev avail ot January, or tnis notice - rf . will be plead in bar ot tneir re- uothingm the direction of real covefy. All persons indebted to nutrition and lead most likely to the deceased will please make pay- serious waste of tissue ; in a word, ment to said Lr. stallings, wno-is hereby authorized to ' receipt! or same. ROBERT E: STALLINGS, 6t executor of Mary E. Stallings. be submitted to a vote of the peo- ried that a meeting beuhad at each pie of the State on the first Thurs member'sliome at least once or day of next August. Hills to this until-enougu-woodwas cut for the Lffent were introduced in both winter and other pressing business branoheB o the Legislature today, but the water must be replaced to attended to. a ;w fuft Mn.nu. n rTflAT of nrARident and secre-1 . -. , - 1Ua11 Tnaprlo Tiicllt: Thft Sflnit.fl r a tit . - t in jiimcDa. i - . vj J . to starvation. When kept within reasonable limits the bulkness of fooci excites a healthy stimulus to the muscu lar fiction of the stomach and di gestive Organs, - Food must have so to speak, a physiological bal ias;tjefore if is acceptable to the digestibre processes. . The simplest way of reducing the bulk of most foods is by de priving them of - their natural moisture. Eight pounds of mut ton or beef would thus be reduced to two pounds ot dry substance, of the best possible, quality,' is" the aim of ; vvxjr diLCipiising couon planter. ' Ana -'itis as easy as rolling down" hill" if you only .use enough V Fertiltzeris r- v i.. -- . . . - . . - - luw reasou way you cannot do Just as well as Mr. James M. Swint, of Chipleyj Ga who used 600 lbs. per sSV 'acre of ViroiniaX'arrUa 1TArtn; v: i.w.i , He gathered one and a half bales of cotton r acre, and there were more bolls yet to open. This is the experience of hundreds f Mhrr rnffnr. planters. Gareful preparation of vour soiL and lihrai - - use of high grade Virginia-Carolina Fertilizers Ml surely "increase ywyieids per acre." Numerous un. i prejudiced authorities tell tow ft is done in the new y trgnua-vxouna j armers- xearHook or Almanac, : wuim may dc secureutrom your fertu- m ucaicr,orirom our nearest sales-office, w micicauug picture oi Mr. Swinfs cotton will be found in this Year Book; Viinia-Carolina Chemical Cot RkbaMed. Ve. Korfclk, Va. Cohnnbto,S.a AtUata,G4. : Dnrimn.N.C" 1artCTton.se. BriBmore, Md. Z Golambiis.Ga. StTUaah. G. Mootgooety, Ala. ttemphls, Tean. - cs EYES Constaritjy-in use while awakef subjected to the most exacting work, and the most delicate of any of the organs of the body, is it any wonder that they sometimes rebel?- " If von susDeet that vonr eves are ebelliuK, you . ... r - Onlyji Graduate Optician with every needful ap pliance should be permitted to examine your eyes. A little mistake may mean a big mistakein time; We examiner eye's accurately, fit glasses correctly t and charge for nothing but the glasses . Give db a trial. ' v C ORKI A W GREEIM, SALISBURY, , ? kpmOERi MARION, N. 0. OOOOOOOOOOOQOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOdOOOOOOoO Jan. 25, 1908. . X i- 1 C A. I n A. a large exteus ueiure iue uient (an be cooked or eaten. There are, of course, particular cases Kin roQ infrmW.ftrl bv Lone, of as. for example, in illness, in T . ii.TxL- uiu 1 ' which it is necessary that the diet ireaeiiruu iub uc ghould be -paring in quantity and MotlCB tO PatrOBS Of Rflral ROBteS. troduced by Dowd, of Mecklen- yet h'ghly nutritious m quality, . -1 4Ut in Koolfh t.ho non rt rrtifon ' . . I . ... PLIUU U VMV MWW . On cold mornings n is no easy i Durg. , " (,0U fnnda in nhvaioWicallv ab matter to rakfea, penny out of the . The bill for State. proniDition gurd, it not mischievous, Wash- corner of a mail box, and if the nrovides in the first section that ington Herald. carrier has on gloves, which he ijqUorgv8i1jlii be obtainable 'orhy Ba-Heenerally aoes, ne must raze, tnese on DrescnnUons from a pnysician f Persons whose diet is o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o OUE lig Rocluctioii Sale s Continues to Draw Crowds. The remarkable interest manifested in this, our 1 Greatest Reduction Sale, has indeed been very gratifying to know that jjur efforts towards value giving are appreciated. It makes us more eager than ever to Offer still greater bargains, and, for the balance of this week, we have arranged some extra Big Bargains. Many of which we cannot mention in our ads as-the quantity is too small and in other cases we are getting in goods every ;day which go right on sale. So it will pay to visit our store during this sale. , " - r com- 5 offhand lose some time in attend- from medical depository or d.mg posed of most wholesome foods ing to the matter., -Tha following I gtore . the physician specifying the are comparatively free from dis- 0 tmm nnatmftSfcAr lfl therefore r"r-- onniTaTlrnt fVlftt. TCinARl axda an A ft ft ortivp mpfita I liT Jinn I liUlU H u WW -. w I ftlllltllllU 1UU ;ww.W wmww ' - t .tW W1U HIV HVUT V J I ' I V I missed his ehiekens and Mr. Josey 1 timely and should be heeded every-i and liquors may be-made from 1 physically hiB pot. That night Mr. Josey's pot was returned and he says he does not know when it wa-returri-ed home. They searched .the woods nearby and found where the chickens thought where: Richfield, N. C, Jan. 2& Post- master John IU, iarnnarat- oi Richfield, N. 0., desires to call at- grapes, berries or fruits raised on tbfl lands of the makers or other persons and sold at the place of manufacture-only in Quantitiws of nhf. lfiRB than five sallons. the o mo Shoe Sale. Thousands of Dollars worth of Shoes go in this sale at Bargains Prices. tention o; the practice oi some n a . v. - - sv .afl no - i-i nil. r. 11111 w oi . i m. . a. r& s n 1111 u mj ' v uw. i were uuujwcvi. j-w jiaMv - - a . . v the guilty parties are cing loose coins in iuBir, uu premigeg or any oi iu umu wheat flake oelery & Hen's Clothing & Hats. known, and there will probably each time they desire to dispatcn Section 2jteines spmtious, vin be some action taken. letters instead of supplying them- onS and malt liquors. Last Friday night near 'the Uelves with postage in advance of . Section 8 prescribes fine or im- place where the chickens were ts. needs.' -lorisonment-for violation qtro m- . t I a - - stolen some mischievous, nair sav- Tu-B praotiCe imposes undue visions of the act. age person who liKes $o crawi pet- - ,r nn ;Q re. aAnt;on a makes place of deli ter than the majority, or people, v . v . . . . !S. r x- I ' f nnaa IVtina f mm . DflSfifl vara nl AAA nf Ruin. ,: rtaw Ad nn a to nnnona dors on tue uiuvius iuubo . i r'"v" r- - r tr m I ... ;. ... -. - il i lr :ui Shapine-KluttZ - Co., telephone and delays them on service i section o ma.e it line and cut the wire. Khmr routes. ' 1 : - J J procure wine for "religious or sac- Trexler-Deal-McCanless Co., is The postmasters- therefore ur- ramental services. ... "11 - il XI M. I - . . I,-'..--.'. . ' -.1 . putting up a saw mm. in taaj ffentlv reauests . that patrons of Section 6 allows commissioners liope enure neign.poinoca; L uiui r - i - ... r- . . - . and keep on hand a. supply of druggist from selling liquors. handv for the surrounding conn-Ufcamps. consistent with and in ad- Section 7. repeals all laws in try. We wish them great success J vanoe of their needs, i It is also conflict, and that none of the lo- with their machinery.. :Lorv deaifable that rural patrons cal and special acts for prohibi- George Barger, of China Grove, J a in xhftir mil boxes small de-1 tion now in force shall be repealed has been visiting relatives 0i n rif nn(1 ftr tin in htvr the? result of the elec- which to place ooins, when neces- tion. . : i -i aary, in : purchasing supplies of- ?Sotion 8 makes viol atioja of anj stamps. 1 s . ' v -. . s . r teature oi wo act a uiHueuwauui, Section -makes the law erxective f Wa Ttahir ia nrnuu and has I Jannarv. .. 1909. provided the ww liDii .uiiu wwv w -vm r - tr - . i -. . i t is wholesome, nounsning, ana cleanly. Made from the whole wheat berry. o to. cents a package. For sale by all Grocers in on community quite recently. Well, if it would happen to all as it did to two of -our citizens. there wonld be no use of prohibi tiou. They purchased half a gal lon of whiskev and upon drinking a little of it found that among its contents were a dead mouse and a dead bue. V; Plant Wood Garden Seeds FOR SUPERIOR VEGE TABLES &- FLOWERS. : ,ati worried and worn out you wjll majority of votes cast are find that a little Casoasweet. the ,against manufacture and sale of We learn that Mrs Paul Millet well known remedy for.babies and intoxicatingpiqu v. ; .; has been very sick" for the past children,' will quiet tfie little one I Section 1U, thavtne election week. We wish to her i a speedy . l .KnHi Ltinie: ' The inzredients shall be held on. Tuesday May recovery j .T nrinted nlaiaW on tte bottle.J6th next details the maohin- moved bacfci . - 'rAtt , w Ur Calvin Pethel has Our -business, both in Garcl en and Farm. Seeds, is one of the largest in this country, a rgBult due to the fact that , ? : - iU Quality is always bur Jl O iirsi consiaerauon. ( " We are headquarters. for r Grass and Clover Seeds, Seed i Oats, Seed Potatoes, Cow : ; r1eas, Sola Beans and ; . 5 1 other Farm Seeds.; Wood's Descriptive Catalogue 49 the best and most practical of seed : - catalogues. An tip-to-date and te-. o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o 'Men's 98c Hats, Special at. . . . 496 Men's $1 25 Hats, New Shafat. . . ... Q8c Men's $148 Hats, Newest Shapes at $1 19 Big lot of men's odd Pants, worth $1 25 and $1 50, sale pricfj. . .'.v. . . . Men's $2 00 fine Pants at. . . , . . , . ; Men's $2 50 Pants at. . . . . ........ Men's 50c Overalls at.. . . . .. .... Men's 85c Overalls at.. ...... .. . Boys' knee Pants at. . , . - Men's $4,00 and $500 Suits at. . . .' Men's $7. 50 suits at . . . . . : Men's fine Suits, made square'or ronnd, Cut extra nice, $10 00 Suits. Pipe- " Clftl fljk itrffm m -i . t e' 'T -)st Men's $12 50 and $13 50 u its at. :. . -9 99 Men's $15 00 and $160 Suits at. . " 1149 ' 99o $1 1 90 . 39o . 09o . 19p $240 4 99 Free Prizes. o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o We are expecting to have pme extra .'q gooda Gingham by the last "of the week T O Worth He and 8c in shorts, will be on Sale at 4c and 5c- Don't forget the fact that by "vots ing" (or dropping your name in a box) in the Dry- Groods side., you stand a chance of getting a nice Prize Free. 12V Bleachingat 9c. or, the balance of this Sale we Will sell Hill's Bleaching which is worth 12ic. . : : - Sale Price 9o .:. 1 i I aula k This Sale continues all this weekend tliis is an oppor- O; ; tuhity to buy your everyday needs at ; greatlRefluced X Prices. " , - . "' . . : " ;.. v.-.'iL"- i:::. s O - o o o o o o o o O cosraieea-amnonty on ail warden I - . M . f H i ilk U : ? I rII II iIIV News

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