7" wv;-- ft - ti v- 4 , . "7 V- f Irl ( M ; " AbsoIUteiy;Pure 1 Tho only balling povdcr madovtlth Royal Qrapo o Alum, No Limo Phosphate AUNT HETTY ON UATR1II0NY. She Tells lo Plain Words a Few of Life's Follies. x Now gills, said Aunt Hetty, put down your embroidery and worst ed work, do something sensible and stop building aircastles, and talking - of lovers , and honey moons ; it makes me sick, it's per fectly antimonial. Love is a farce -matrimony is a humbug, hus bands are domestic Napoleons, Nexoes, Alexanders, sighing for other hearts to conquer after thejv are sure of yours The honey moon is as short lived as a lucyfier matoh ; after that you may wear your wedding dress at the wash tub, and your night cap to the meet ing, and your husband wouldn't know it. ,You may pick up your own pocket handkerchief, help yourself to a chair, and split your gown across the back reaching over the table to get a piece of butter, while he is laying in his breakfast as if it was thejlast meal he should eat in the .world, when he gets through he will aid your digestion, (while you sipping your first cup of coffeo,) by inquiring what you'll have for dinner, whether the cold lamb was all ate yesterday ; if .the charcoal is all out, and what you gave for the last tea you bought. - Then he gets up from the table, lights his cigar with the evening's paper that you have nothad a chance to read ; gives two or three whiffs of smoke, sure to give you a headache for the afternoon, just as his coat tail is vanishing through the door, apologizes for not doing "that errand" for you yesterday thinks it doubtul if he can today "so pressed with busi: ness." : Hear of him at 11 o'clock, taking ice cream with some ladies at Vinton's while you are at home now lining his coat sleeves. Chil dren by the ear, oan't get out to take the air, feel crazy as a fly in a drum; husband come home at night, nods a "how dy'e do, Fan," boxes Charley's ears, stands little Fanny in the corner sits down in the warmest corner, puts his feet up overthe grate, shuttting out the fire, while the baby's little pugoose. grows blue with the cold, reads the newspaper all to himself, solaces his inner man with a cup ef tea and just as you are labroing under the hallu cinatin that he will ask you to take a mouthful of fresh air with nim, he puts on his dressing gown and begins to reckon the family expenses, alter which he lies down on the sofa, and you keep time with your needle, while he shores till 9 o'clock. Next morning ask him to leave 'a little money," he looks at you as if to be sure that you are in your right mind, draws a sigh long enough to inflate a pair of bellows, and asks you "what do - you want with it, and if a half dollar won't do." Gracious king 1 aB if those little shoes, and petticoats could be had for a half dollar ! Oh, girls 1 set your affection on cats, poodles, parrots or lap dogs -but not matrimony. It's the hardest way on earth of getting a living you never vknow when jrour work is done np. ' Think of carrying eight or nine' children through the measles, chicken pox, rash, mumps, and scarlet fever, someofem4wi.ee over; it makes my headachew think of it. Oh, " yon may scrimp, and save, and twist and turn, and dig, and delve, and economize, and die, and your husband will marry again, and take wjiat you, have saved to dress his second wife with, and she'll take your portrait for a fire-board ; but what's the use of talking? I'll warrant every one of you'll try it, the first chance you get; there's ft ' sort- of bewitchment about it, somehowi ; 1 I .wish one-half of the worjd warn t fools and to'ther half idiots, From an old paper. DOWN WITH TUBERCULOSIS." Is The Battle Cry io The South. Against This Breat Gahss of Death. Louisville, Kentucky. "Down with tuberculosis" is the new bat tle cry- which is being sounded through the cities of the South," asserts Director Iff. G. Routzahn of Chicago, in charge of the American Tuberculosis Exhibi tion, which has a record-making attendance of 84,000 in Louisville "The South is united with the North," continued Mr, Routzahn, l"in this warfare against the great est single cause of death since the world began. Following the suc cessful -exhibitions in Richmond and Louisville arrangements have been completed for continuing the Southern tour to include Lexing ton and the Kentucky Legislature in session at Franjtfort." "This traveling exhibit has al ready been - shown under three flags by the National Association for the study and Prevention of Tuberculosis. In the leading cit ies of Canada. Mexico and the States 600,000 people have visited this exhibition, thousands of ad dresses have been given, millions of printed matter have been circu lated and an enormous newspaper circulation of the simple, funda mental precautions in preserving health have enabled a tremendous number of people to learn how to avoid needless disease and perma ture death." "The southern campaign began with a six month's t-stay at the Jamestown Exposition. The first local exhibit was held at Rich hnond with a registered attend ance, notwithstanding holiday -distractions of 11,000 the week be fore Christmas. Louisville and Richmond have started the cam paign south of the Ohio with 1 mighty swing." "The county health officers 0$ the entire state were represented here at Louisville.' The" pupils of the upper grades of the public schools, and students in theologi cal, law and other special institu tions came -under leaderships of their teachers. The local com mercial organizations did great things towards awakening general interest. The health committee of the-.state federation of women's clubs held a conference and pre pared to enlist women's organiza tions throughout the state." "Operating from Nashville we hope to proclaim the glad tidings of relief from the Great White Plague to every city and town be tween Memphis on the Mississippi and Bristol way up in the moun tains. In Tennessee three points will be visited before starting for the gulf cities. With Tennessee and Kentucky hoMing unenviable rank next to California's excessive death rate from tuberculosis and with other states of the South in the next rank, - there is abundant reason for a far reaching agitation this winter." 1 ; x At times when you don't feel just right, when you have a . bad stomach, take something right away . that will assist digestion; not something that 'will stimulate for a time but -something that will positlvelydo the;: very work that the stomach . performs under ordinary and normal conditions, something that will make the food digest. To do this you must take a natural digestantlike Kodol for Dyspepsia. Kodolls a scientific preparation of vegetable .acids with natural digestants and con tains the sam juices found in a healthy- stomaon. Each dose will digest more than 8,000 grains of good food. It is sure to afford prompt relief ; it digests what you eat and is pleasant to take. Sold by James Plummer and all drug gists. , v r noijerasofir :. r'r ? ! Bah 1 " exclaimed ;.a. man An conversation about whiskey. , .Vlt makes me weary to hear men dia-cant-on. 'personal liberty' and democracy' and I'local- option, and all that. They .tell ; us each town should liave the right to vote on whiskey itself, because that is true democracy and local self gov ernment. I want to ask you ; if there is jaot a world more self gov ernment in allowing .the country contiguous tp a wet town to have some voice in the matter? Take Salisbury, for instance. AH the eonntry for 501 and more miles around that town is deluged with liquor, Salisbury gets the money, we get the hell of .it; Are we to be debarred from saying anything in a matter that effects us as much and more thanit does peo ple in Salisbury? Isn't it the very acme of local self government and democracy for the people living in counties surrounding Salisbury to have a Bay-so? V , OPEN AN ACCOUNT ; WITH THE ' ' -: (ifif'iniflimiui efli. SALISBURY, N. C, W. C CouGHENOUB, President, T. C. Linn, Vice-President, W. H. White, Cashier. Capital - - $50,000.00 Surplus, - - $40, 000.00 Dibectobs : John 9. Henderson, D. A. Atfell, T, C. Linn, H,N. Woodson, Burton CraigejjyS. Blackmer, waiter H. Woodson, W. B.- Strachan, A. H. Price, W. C. Coughenour. Every accommodation extended con sistent with safe banking. W. H. WHITE, Oashler. North Carolina, Rowan County. In Superior Court, Feb. Term, 1808. Caroline Smith ) vs. Notice of Summons. Millard Smith ) The defendant, Milliard Smith, will take notice that an action entitled as above has been commenced in the Su perior court of Rowan county by plain tiff for the purpose of securing a di vorce from the defendant, and the said defendant, Millard Smith, is required to appear at a court to be held in the court house in Salisbury, N. C, on the 3rd Monday before the 1st Monday in March, 1908, being the 10th day of February, 1908, and answer or demur to plaintiff's complaint, or the relief therein demanded will be granted. December 31st, 1907. J. F. MoCTJBBINS, c.S.c B. B. Mjlxxb , plaintiff's atty . 4t . . Cabbage Plants ted Witch Repairing. The undersigned is prepared to nave all your. Frost Proof Cab bage plants shipped to your near est express office ' any time from October toApnl for $1.50 per 1, 000 : you pay the express. Club lots will make the express lees on the 1000. He also has an experience o: more than 40 years in the Jewelry business and is better prepared now than ever. Yon can leave and get your watches with Mr. Wil Tavlor. Klutts & Rendleman's. with the Lyerly boys at Granite Quarry, with Jlr. P. Alex. Peeler, Faith; or you can send them di rect to our door by mail for a few cents. Cut this out and save it for reference long after it disap pears. Send all orders and worft as per above to R. L. BROWN, ll-6-18t. Salisbury, N. C, No. 6 Valuable Farm For Sale. I hereby offer fdr sale my farm of 58 acres on the .Stokes Ferry Public Road five miles. South-east 6f Salisbury, N, C. Good six room dwelling house, good - out buildings, good pasture and well watered. For price and term see, Lewis I. Cauble, R. F. D. No. 6, Salisbury, N. 0, This Sept. 18th 1907. tf Vhoreto Go to Buy When'in need of good, reliable, single or double wagon or buggy Home-made Harness don't fail to hunt up our place on- the corner of Innis and Lee Streets. w Wealso do Uret-class repairing on short notion and at reasonable prices. " Our line of Saddles, Collars, Bridles. Halt9rs. Whioa. RrnshM - Combs, Robes, Harness .- Oil and HARNESS! other norse supplies is always complete and ready for inspection-' . . ; We. solicit a portion of your patronage and invite you to call and see our stock. t If your horse is injured in any way get a bottle fefour Horse Liniment. No cure, no pay. Hartline & Go. Phone 488, ; 180 East Inniss St. :ICe8plngOpen Hoas8.-- , Everybody; is .welcome when we 'eel good; and we feel that way only when our digestive organs are working properly, Dr; Xing's New Life Pillt regulate, the action of stomach, liver and: bowels so perfectly one can't help feeling good when he uses these pills. 26c at all drug stores. When Farnltnre (J W. B. Samtnersett, 108 w. TisrrEs st. We Will V aslkets ByDiaiil and do 0 BELL-SUmr.lERSETT CO., A 11 108 West Mew PHONE 281. A WORD OF ADVICE TO FARMERS. You are no doubt fairly well satisfied with the prices which you are getting for your products, If,'in exchange for the money you receive for what you sell, you should need a few pieces of Furni ture, we would advise you to go to the Big Furniture Store: This store is lo cated in the Empire Block, near the Central Hotel. You will find there the "Best Prices to be had in Salisbury. If you doubt Jthis statement you can veri fy it yourself, if you will take the time to see them before you buy. T. E. WITHERSPOON & CO. . Sofferlng acil Dollars Saul - E. S. Leper, of Marilla. N."Y.. says : i am a carpenter and have had , mkuy severe cuts healed' by Bucklens 1 Arnica Salver It has saved me suffering and dollars. It is by far the best .healing salve I have ever found." -Heals burns,- sores, ulcers, fever sores. -eczema and piles. 25c at all druggists. , In seed IF x sell lanes Street. AND - Attention, is called to the fact that I have iust stocked my storeroom on WestTFisher Street, with a Fresh and Select line of JStaple and Fancy Groceries, Beef, Pork ana Salted Meats, and will keep in season Oysters, Game and Country Produce. When in need of anything in my line you are cordially invited to crive me a call when you have Country Produce to sell call on me and get the highest market price for same. Beef Cattle, Hogs and Sheep wanted. Be sure to find my before you buy or sell. place nisa: 121 WEST FISHER ST. SALISBURY, Nr C 1 W r Carriage, arid Wagbh BuildersV FAEH AKD mkfl WAGON. r DELIYEEY WAGONS, OPEN AND TOP, BEST QUALITY -MD STILE. v We "sellthe . celebrated Geo. Log. Wagons, fully warranted. Old Carriages and Buggies repaired, painted and made ' as good as new. ' ' ' " !' -. New Tops' made and . old Tops repaired. New Cushions ; furnished and old Cushions repaired.' NewJ)a8hes furnished and Old Frames Re-covered, ihibber Tires aSpecialty: steel tired wheels changed to Rubber Tires. Old rubber tires repaired. ; All kinds'of Wood and Iron W5rk done at short notice. We have skilled workmen in eaeh department. -- Surreys, Buggies and. Wagons for Sale. . Harness of all kinds made and , repaired. Call and get prices. J. O. WHITE & CO. M LAST YEAR PRICES. 71 I will sava you money if you will buy your win ter supplies from me. My stock is now one of the most complete in the city and having bought the greater part of it before the great advance in the market, and by so doing they cost less than they do now, so have marked them tor sale accordingly. Your time will be well spent if you give me a call be fore you buy. Below you will notice proof ofstatement above, A Grey Blanket for 25c A White Blanket for 35c three for $1.00 Other great values in Blankets from $1.50 to $10.00 per pair. In this lot the noted Klkin Blanket is included at a very low price. v Big lot of Outing, Flannelettes and Flannels left over from last season and the price has not been changed, so this alone speaks 'for the remarkable low prices on these goods. The same grade of these goodsthis year cost the merchant from 2c to 82o per yard more These prices will also apply to our line of Men's, Ladies' and Children's ItJiniKtaLoafv GLUT The best 25c Ladies' Vest in the State, real value 85c. Big liria-df Dress Ginghams at 8 1-3c, worth from 12c to 15c. . -' 7 - . Special one-lot of Waist Goods, worth anywhere 15c. my price 10c. One lot of short lengths in Percales, regular value 12 Jc, special for 10c per yard. Just received, one lot of Domestic, regular value of which is 8$o, my price 5c the yard. You cannot afford to misB this chance, it is one in a life time. Some Very Special Bargains in DRESS 71 75c values for 60c. 60c values for 50c. Several pieces of Fancy Serge Plaid, regular value any where, 85c, my price 25c. &Bte very special values in Ladies' andChildren's Hose. A 15 Cent Value for 10 Cents. - These were bought direct from the mills and at jobber's prices. Other-great values in all lines. ' 7 VI A f. OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO O O For Gifts, of Value and Merit O O GO -TO ' O o u. w. WKiunrSr o 5 TTTT1 A Tr TT A TTT3'T Q Household and Kitchen Furnishings. Look over this List and Consider their usefulness. See them and Consider their Cheapness and Beauty. Art Squares, Book Backs' and Cases, Beds weod, iron and brass,, aby Carriages, Curtains, Carpets, Clothes Baskets, Chiffoniers, Cot?, Chairs ofll kinds, - for children, " for office, Desks for office and ladies, Dining room turniture, Dining Tables, - Dinner and Tea Sets, Eazles, r Go-Carts, V Hall Racks, Hat Rack 8, Kitchen, Cabinets, o o o o o Remember the Substantial gifts ai the best and most Q lasting and also remember that you are invited to trade at q West Innes Street 6 E Nissen & Co's Farm and " - G OOD 1 O T3rt ATT TTTXTrkC! M31 Kitchen iSafes, Lamps for Table and Hall, Leather Furniture, Lounges, - Linoleum, Mission Furniture, Mission Clocks, Mirrors, " Mattings, Mattresses, Odd pieces of all Kinds, . Pictures and Picture Frames, Parlor Suits, Rockers all kinds and sizes, Rugs, -Sideboards. Toilet Sets, Umbrella Stands, " Furniture. Salisbury, N, 0 O is IN t h i: i 12 Is occocoooopooocooooooocDoooo'uooopoooogopp