The Carolina wktc: v A Home Newspaper Published in the Interest of jthe People and for Honesty in Governmental Affairs, ' IV. NO 8. Salisbury, N. C, Wednesday, -February 12th 1908. Wm, H, Stewart, Editor. t- STAESVILLE AND IREDELL COUNTY. Mr. Wakefield Now In Charge, at Barlus ; springs uiuauog6. new jaunuiBus Stateayille LftndmrCFeb.4-7. Will Dunlap, the negro who shot and dangerously iujuredTom F erguson, colored, at the - depot one night last summervwas arrest ed in Winston last week "and brought to Statesville by Police man Hartness, of Winston. He waived examination before Mayor Grier and was'senVto jailiriVde- fault of a $200 bond to await trial at next term of Superior Court. Mrs. E . . JB . Jiaker - died quite suddeuly Tuesday evening, 4th, at the home of hejMiaughter, Mrs ; Elizabeth Troutmau.iin Fallstown township. Mrs. Baker would have been 80jrears old in May. W. D. Cox died last night at 9 o'clock at the sanatorium and will be buried this afternoon at Oak wood cemetery. He was suffering from a 'complication of diseases r and it was realized some time ago that iie could not live. Deceased was about 46 years old aid is sur- viveu ay ma who auu ujud wiu- dren. Mra. Nannie Martin Butler, wife of James A. Butler, former county superintendent of schools, - died Tuesday night at 8 o'clock V; at her home in north" Statesville, v4 of pneumonia. She was ill only 5 ' about ten days and her condition was dangerous from, the first. . Mrs. Butler lacked but a d5y of :V v being 32 'years, Wednesday, 5th, V bftinor her birthday. Next Mon- day, 10th, would have - " tWUlfth anniversary of been the her mar- riage. . ' . - . . " ' Mr. and Mrs. D. E. Kennedy, who'haye been living in Rocky Mount for the past few years, are mZ2$i&i&11 neighbor ?hood. Thfiy wiUlaot return: to Rocky Mount but'will m ake their home in Salisbury. Mr. Kennedy is interested with his bTother-in-law, J. T. Brantley, in a machine for sandpapering furniture, a labor-saving device recently invent ed by Mr. Brantley, and Messrs. T ran tie v and Kennedy will devote their efforts to exploiting the ma chine, which it is expected will A a rftadv sale among furniture manufacturers. The Merchants & Farmers' Bank, the new banking institu tion, has secured temporary quar ters with the Statesville Realty & Investment Co. on Center street, and F. B. Bunch and J, A Knox, officials of the bank, are complet ing arrangements to open for bus iness. All of the capitol stock has been paid in an't the company has filed its report with the corpor ation commission. The certifi cate from the commission is ex pected today or tomorrow and the bank expects to open for business next Wednesday, 12th. The executive committee of the board of regents of the Barium Orphan's Home.W at the Home Tuesday and formally transferred the management of the institu-. turn from Rev. R. W. Boyd to Rev. John Wakefield. Mr. and Mrs. Wakefield are living at Barium, occupying the superin tendent's cottage. Mr. and Mrs. Boyd now make their home at their farm in the vicinity of Barium, Mr. Boyd will act as field agent, or finaLciaJ- agent, of the Home until next June visiting the churches and presenting the cause ot tne institutition. mr. B yd's name will always be con nected withe Presbyterian Or phans' Home at Barium. He has been the superintendent since the institution was established, about 20 years ago, and has labored zeal ously, and faithfully for its up building. Bert Barber, of Elton, Wis., says : 'I have only taken four do ses of your Kidney and Bladder Pills and they have done for me more than any other medicine has ever done I am still taking the pills as I want a perfect cure Mr. Barber refers to DeWitt's Kid ney and bladder Pills. They are sold by James Plnmmer and all didggists. , THE CRAPE BLACK ROT. When and How to Pretest other Vain able Bulletins. -. - This disease prevails in all parts i wn Carolina, in most sec tions of the State it is so bad that the grape crop is practically fuin ed unless the proper measures be taken to prevent the disease. The Blackrot is easily recogniz ed from th accompaiiying illus tration shoeing its most conspic uous charactersblaokeniug, dry ing and finally shriveling of the grapes in the clusters, Often all of them shrivel and dry in this way. Though the disease 4a sel dom noticed until the grape is badly shriveled, it may be seen earlier as a brown or black spot on the berry.; Before its appear ance upon the fruit at all it may be found as brown spots, one eighth to one-half "an ioch in diameter, on the leaves an twigs. Very -close examination of the diseased spots on twigs, leaves, or fruit, reveals the presence of very small pustules in great numbers. These pustules are the fruiting bodies of the fangns which is the cause of the black rot, and from these pustules issue immense num bers of spores which spread the disease. This disease can be prevented. If you saw black rot on your grapes last year it will almost cer tainly be there again this year, J unless you take steps to prevent it. Prevention is simple and stfre. It consists in spraytng your vines with the Bordeaux mixture, con- sisting-"? six pounds of bluestone, four pounds of lime and fifty gal lons of water The first applica tion, killing, the spores that are wintering on the bark and trellis, should be made before i the buds open: the . second, immediately before the blossoms appear ;t the bhird,Jjust after: blos8omingjithe fourth and fifth at intervals of ten to fourteen days thereafter. The cost of sprayings for an acre of grapes is about fifteen dol lars, including material and labor. The grapes saved will in value far exceed thiscost. . Now is the time of year to get your spray pump ready if you have one; to buy one if ne?d to; to prepare for the spraying needed during, the coming spring. If you need further information regarding spraying mixtures, how to piepare them, pumps, where to buy them, and what crops and when to spray, write to the North Carolina Experiment Station, West Raleigh, N. C, for Bui, 193 "Spraying Mixtures and Machin ery, When ai d How to Spray."' The following Bulletins of in terest to fruit growers may be se cured upon application : Bulletin 182. Apples in North Carolina. Bnlletin 184. Garden and Or ohard Fruits, their Culture and Marketing. - A. Bulletin 185. Black Rot of the Grane of North Carolina and its Treatment. Bulletin 186. Irsectand Fun gous Enemies of the Peach, Plum Cherry, Fig and Persimmon. Bulletin 187. Grapes and Small Fruit. Speedy Justice in Ssmpson. A special to the Charlotte Ob server says that Noah Britt, a negro, attempted to crminally as sault a young white giN in Samp son county Mondayljut was fright ened awav bv her screams. '-Two men pursued the negro and cap tured him. One of his captors, being a magistrate, conducted a preliminary hearing and then took the negro to Clinton. Court was in session, tne case was presented to the grand jury and a true bill returned. The negro was prompt ly tried, convicted and sentenced to 15 years n the p -nitentiary the day after the offence was commit ted. New Pastor at St, Matthew's, The Bev. C. K. Holland, of Ala bama, having accepted a call to St. Matthew's E. L. church, near Craven, this countyy. will preach hio tiror. ourmnn cr t.hQ acccsmn Sunday in 'February, v CONCORD AND CABARRUS COUNTY- Senator Oferman Introduces a Bill For a 60Ternment Building. Several Deaths1. Bucord rimes," Feb. -7. Many -friends in Concord and all .over Cabarrus count regret exceedingly to learn of the death of Peter B. Bost, a prominent cit izen of No. 10 township, which sad event occurred at the hospital in Salisbury last Tuerday afternoon. For several years Mr. Bost bad been affected uf heart trouble, and recently the affection" became so serious that he sought the best special medical treatment. As soon as the hospital authorities examined him thoroughly, how- ever, they pronounced ms case hopeless. His young wife, who before marriage was - Miss Jennie Hudson, and several relatives were at his bedside when he breathed his last. Mrs. M. L. Gurley died last Wednesday morning about 10 o'clock at her home at Forost Hill. Her young infant died about a week before. Her hus band survives her. She was only 17 yearB of age, and ias before marriage a Miss McClure, a sister of H, M. McClure, of Forest Hill. Ed. Johnson, who was convicted two 'years ago of breaking into and stealing from some cars at the depot, was this week pardoned by Governor Glenn, to' whom the matter was presented by represen tative Stickley. He was sent to the chain gang for four years, and had served half of the sentence. The pardon is given on the con dition that Johnson appear at the . May term of court and show good behavior. Robert W. Cope, an aged Con federate .veteran of No. 1 town ship, died last Friday1 at his home, towhich abeen confined for I Cope was a membeJofGen. Rn- us Jjarnnger s company, ko. r, 1st N. C. Cavalry, and was a good soldier. Xy Joe P. Fisher, a popular sales- 1 1 I ' 1 A man in tne ciotmng department of the Cannon & Fetzer Co., nd Miss Callye Wagg, of Statesville, will be married at the bride's home in that city next Wedne day evening, February 12, at 6 o'clock. Mrs. J. J. Yost, of No. 5 town ship.died last Saturday of pneu monia at her home. She was 60 years of age, and a woman much respected in the community. This A. is he third death that haB occur red within one year in this home, a son and a daughter having died within that time. An act was passed by the special session of the Legis lature to provide for the payment of burial expen ses of Confederate m t i n x 1 pensioners, lweniy aouars to ue fund uixm ! recommendation of chairman of pension' board. Concord is in tne tnroes ot an epidemic of the grip. There- are probably 1000 cases in the ci'-yi very lew iamiiies ueing exempt rom it. Geo. D.. Corl died at his home on uunaio Btreet last inursu&y v i j i i i i n i j night, of pneumonia. He was 47 years-old &pd leaves a wife and our children. Rev. J. M. Grier. D. D., arrived here last Friday with his family from Washington, N. C, where be had been pastor of the leading Presbyterian church for two years. On January 21,. Senator Over man introduced the following bill in the UnitedStates Senate: Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of thejnessof pneumonia, Mr. Rogers Tifori fl.tia nf America in Coni UUXUUU uv gress assembled, that the becre- taryjit the Treasury do, ana u i m . m WWW 1 Jl.M.aM herebv. authorized and directed to cause to be erected upon the Gov ernment site in the city of Con- c xr.v, namiin. a! C', T. T7 IS suitaDie Duuaiug, muiuuiiig u.c proof vaultsr heating and ventil ating apparatus, and approaches, on of the United btates postoffice and other government offices, at a lim- it of cost hot to exceed seventy GREATEST LUMBEMUT. Seme Steps Should be Taken to Prevent The Depletion of The Sopply. More lumber was ctit in the Uni ted States last year "than in any otner year mj . its aisuory ine enormousXmbunt of 37,550,736 board feet was! produced, and the mill value of this was $621,151; 338., In addition, there were pro duced ' 11,858,260,000 shingles, valued at $24,155,P55, and 3,812, 807,000 lath, valued at $11,490, 570. On the whole, it is : safe to say that the present annual lum bpr cut of the United Stales ap proximates 40 billidnifeet, and the total mill value oftho lum ber, lath, and shingles each year produced is not less ; than $700, 000000. These figures give some idea of how vast is the, lumber in dustry and how great is the de mand for its products. A glance at the kinds of lumber produced shows very clearly the passing of white pine and oak, one the greatest softwood and the oth er the greatest hardwood whidh the forest has ever grow Since 1889 the cut of white pine has alien off more than 40 per cent, while that of white oak has fallen Qff more than 36 per cent. Today yellow pine leads all oVher woods in amount cut, while Douglas fir and this will be a surprise to many comes second. Since 1899 the cut of Douglas fir has increas ed 186 per cent. Louisiaua is the oremost yellow pine State, with Texas, Mississippi, and Arkansas ol lowing in order. Washington produces by far the greatest amount of Douglas fir. A comparison oil the lumber- producing States shews that since 1899 there hjave beerfmany chang es in their relative rank. WaBh ing'tdh, which in 1899 stood aixth, now leads, wnile WMConsiriiwhicS ight years agfwd all ' Qthetais ndwd?heepeio4 O regonOuigiia.TWBiSfii Idaho, and Caif orpj made jat etride8 as lumber-ptoduoingStates though, on the other hand, the! amount produced in Michigan. Wisconsin, Minnesota, Georgia, Kentucky, Tennessee, Missouri, Indiana, tnd Ohio fell off any where from 29 to 54 per cent. The highest-priced native woods are walnut, hickory and ash, andn the cheapest are larch aud white fir. From the fact, however, that since 1899 the average increase in the price of lumber has been 9 per cent, it will not be long before cheap woods are few and far be tween. Figures upon the lumber cut of the United States in 1906 are con tained in Circular 122 of the For est Service, which can be had upon application to the Forester, U. S. Department of Agriculture, Wash ington. D. C. five thousand dollars. Miss Annie" Brumly, who has been teaching at the Barris school house in No. 9 township, was taken with smallpox a day or sosince, and on yesterday ,was taken to her home in the Poplar Tent neighborhood. The thirteen-year-old daughter cf Silas Overcash, who lives near Landis, died last week of diphth eria. So far as we can learn, there are no other cases, diphtheria in the neighborhood. . Reece Ira Long, of Concord, and Miss Mary Ella Barrier, of Rimer, were married Sunday afternoon at 3 o'clock at the home of the bride's parents, -News was received yesterday of the death of T. Miltou Rogers, at his home at Glass last Sunday morning after only a few days ill w s oi years oi age. ana leaveB nis thfl-mn,f. nrnmin:nt mM) of w Fa n r r nn n "vin n 1 I ri vAit I I r nr a a No 4 township, and was a mem her of the mercantile fLm of - ! Rogeis & Son If you have Catarrh, rid -ycur self of this repulsive disease. Ask - D Shoop. of Raoine. Wis., to - mail you f ree, a box of his Dr Shop's Oatarrh Remedy. Asim- Die. single test, will -surely tell you a Catarrh truth well worth your, khowing. Write today. - Don't suffer longer. LEXINGTON AND DAVIDSON "COUNTY. The CYImjnal and Civil Docket of the Su perior Gourt Crowded. Lexington Dispatch, Feb. 6th. : The trustees of the Liberty In stitute at Wallburg at their meet ing last week decided to replace the burned main building of the school with IS brick structure to cost $8,000. Burglars visited three houses in West Lexington Monday night and were very bold about it. The. February term of criminal and civil court for Davidson coun ty will convene on the fourth Monday, the 24th of this month. Judge Council will preside, hay ing ' recovered sufficiently to at- ten 1 to his duties . The docket is i very heavy this court. There are cne hundred and nineteen cases on the criminal docket. Amoner n the cases that will attract at tention is the one against Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Shoaf, who are charged. 'with brutality against the little Fields girl. There are exactly 27 caljea far retailing booze. The civil docket is also crowded there being 118 cases The civil 'case that will attract the most attention is the Fulton- Mock affair, in which $50,000 damages is asked. Another dam age suit of local interest is the case of Dr. ChaB. M. Clodfelter against the West Construction Company, for $20,000 damages for personal injuries. There are 52 suits against the railroads, most of them against the Southern, and nearly all of them "in forma pauperis," and many of them from other counties, a large num ber being from Rowan, Th last case involving right of way for the Southbound has been 8ettledlBO.jfar as Davidson county ii.f concerned. Others are still periding inAnson county. McMsy riight abobt 12- o'clock fitty destroyed the Arcadia High! bchoOJLbualding, . and all that it contained . It is thought that a defective fluev caused - the ' fire. The loss is about $1,000, without a cent of insurance. Two pianos, a new one and one that was not so good, were destroyed, with all books, desks, equipment, etc. The subject of the cost of living is a very tender one with the working people of the town just now. Few people cared what meat was a pound as long as there was plenty of work and at good wages. Now that times have tightened down, and in some homes the intake is growing peril ously near the outgo, and perhaps, even whilea republican is presi dent, the outgo is the biggest, people have come to look on a dollar as a good deal bigger than it was a few's hort months ago. All of which may cause an exodus to the farms, after a long period of traveling to town from the coun try. THOMASVILLE ITEMS. , Elizabeth R. Yow. Mrs. Elizabeth R. Yow. died Saturday-- morning about five o'clock from pneumonia from which she has suffered for, several days. She had been . in poor health since Thanksgiving and her death was not unexpected. Rev, Parker Holmes haB closed the contract with A.. W, Council, of High Poiu, for the brick to he used in building the new Metho dist church here and work on the new church will begin about March 1st, or as soon thereafter as the weather will permit. The new church will be built on the same lot as tne present cnurcn 1 . .1 . 1 aiid the position of the old church will- "e changed. Saturday morning about 1, fire was .discovered in the belting room of the Thomasville Spoke Works. It originated from a hot box. on the belting machine and but for the quick work on the part of the watchman the entire plant would have been burned to the ground. As it was, the loss wil n t amount to' more than $100. DeWitt's Carbolized Witch Ha zel Salve is best for cuts, burns boils, bruises and scratches. It is especially good for piles. Sold by -TV t . . James riummer ana an druggists THE BOTTOM OF THE MATTER. Those Who Thought They Had Hit Bottom . Have Another Tnink Coining. The following clipping from the nu' 1.1.1.- r ? -i ' vjruariubte vnrouicie ana communi cations go to show how the advo cates of whiskey take advantage of every "straw" that may come within their Teach, how good mO aan unwittingly lend them en couragement, and how careful one should guard his utterances : Religious papersas a rule preach widespread prohibition arguing for it in generalities, in which of course they are conscientious. -$X is not often that a church organ takes the following view, which is quoted from the Presbyterian Standard : The thing this paper is set to do and is devoting all of its eneivj giesm doing is afar bigger and, better thing than advocating pro hibition before the. legislature or before the suffragans of the State. Our work is confined to making good men. Just inproportion as we succeed will we have good citi zens and good citizens mean good laws about whiskey, ground peas, mineral water and every other thing. Our method is to beseech men in behalf .of Christ to be re conciled to God. That is the road we travel in reforming evils and maintaining good government. This statement will explain to all our intelligent and unprejudiced readers why we do .not use our columns to advocate the enact ment ot this and that law by our . 1 a . - State law makers in assembly." This strikes the bottom. Make good men and women and the pro hibition question will take care of itself. The old argument that morals cannot be legislated into people is correct it is a poor pol iy. toL, drive a man to dp right. And here is the proof that statm- tory prohibition is unwise. Char lotte .Chronicle, En. Pbksbttebian Stamdaro : Enclosed find a quotation frorp youf rpftpex :. by another pape which is t last in sympathy wTtB liquor. Ifc'ig clipped f rom a Salis bury paper ' which is controlled by the; liquor interests of the town. I nave no doubt that it will Be copied by every liquor organ in the state, and I am sure that every rum-seller and distiller in the world will endorse your views on not interfering in their awful traf fic in human souls. How do you like the fellowship? Christ says, "woe unto you when all (evil) men speak well of you, for so did their fathers to the fjtlse pro phets." "Come out from among them and be ye separate, saith the Lord." N T. SvWatson. Salisbury, N. C, FebTl-'08. Charlotte, N. C, Feb. 7. 1908. The Standard is not run to please fools, devils and diabolical, men. It is run for Christ's sake? We are not editing a secular paper, we are editing a religious paper. We represent the churchr TheState and the church must be kept se parate or our fabric must fall in revolution and ruin, uur x ene mies shall not be glad by seeing the Standard in Raleigh dickering with State legislation! We are perhaps more opposed to whiskey tlLtt anybody in the State. The editor from which you clip did riobl have sense enough to see our meaning. In haste. Yours frat., P. R. Law. I wish that I might talk with all sick ones ahout the actual cause of Stomach, Heart, and Kidney aiimjnts. 10 explain in person how weak btomach uerves leads to btomacb weakness. am sure would interest all. And it is the same' with weak Hearts or weax Kidneys 'inis is why tt -1 m 1 1 my prescription Dr. Shoop's Restorative so promptly reaches ailments of the Stomach, Heart and Kidneys. It is wrong to drag the Stomach or stimulate the Heart or Kidneys. These weak inside nerves simply need mare strength. My Restorative is the only prescription made expressly for these nerves.. Next to seeing you personally, will be to mail you free, my new booklet entitled, "What To Do." I will also send samples of my Restorative as well. Write for the book, today. It will surely interest you. Address Dr Shoop, Box 8, Racine, Wis. Grimes Drug Store, BOYCOTTING UNLAWFUL Important Decisions Affecting LaboMlnlons dj me supreme court. , , The United - States Supreme Court has filed another decision of importance bearing on labor union affairs. It was in a case appealed from Kentucky and was in effect that corporations ; engag ed in inter-S$ate commerce cannot . be restrained from discharging employes because they afa mem bers ow labor unions.nor from . discriminating against them for the same reason. - Section 10 .pf - whatiajenown asthe "arbitra tion act prohibits such discrimi nation andjis, indeed, the' most important section of that act of Congress. I The court did not deal with the other sections of the act. - The case came up on an appeal, affecting the discharge of an em ploye of the Louisville & Nash ville Railroad Company by the master mechanic of the road. Justice Harlan read the opinion of the court. He held in sum ming up that there is no con- nection between inter-State- car riers and labor organizations as to make it a crime for the carriers to discharge and employ or re fuse to employ him on the ground that he belongs to a labor union. Charlotte Chronicle. According to a Washington dis patch of February 3rd, another verdict rendered was in the ease of Lawlorvs. Loewe, the former a member of the Hatters' Union and the latter a hat manufacturer of Danbury, Conn. The case in volved the applicability of the seventh section of the Sherman anti-trust law to conspiracies by labor unions to boycott articles entering into inter-State trade. Under the terms of that provi sion the complaining party may collect three times amount of his loss if the chargers sustained. The union fought the case on the ground that the law inapplicable toKWCh-relmization but eort, : whose - opinion was: an. failed, to accept this ieaiid nit ffect heldihatvthev anions could not ipitmiS. igtirfrejjby " boycott.;. with thef ree exchange of commerce betwenr the -States. There was no dissenting opinion'. I - North Carolina's Giant. "I'll bet none of you folks know that the biggest man thajb eer lived was born and raised in North Carolina," said a- tar heel at the Hdffirian House the other night. "His existence and di mensions are vouched fof in the American Encyclopaedia says the New York Press. "His name was Miles Darden. He was seven feet, six inches high and in 1845 weighed 871 pounds. He was born in North Carolina in 1798 and died in Tennessee , Jan uary. 23, 1857. Until 1853 he was able to -go about his work in an active manner, but his weight in- creased so fast that after that year wnen ne wanted to move about he had to bes hauled in a two-horse wagon. In 1839 it was chronicled that his coat was but toned around three men each weighing more than 200 pounds, who walked together down the streets of Lexington, N. C. Atw his death iie is said to nave weigh ed net less than 1,000 pounds. His coffin was 8 feet long, Synches' deep, 82 inches across the breast, 18 across the head, and 14 across the feet. These measurements were taken at the time and are matters of historical record, Washington Herald. Everything taken into the stom ach should be digested fully with in a certain time. When you feel that your stomach is not in good order, that the food you have eat- en is not Deing digested, ta&e a good,' natural digestant that will do the work the digestive juices are not doing. The best remedy known today for all stomach troubles is Kodol, which is guar anteed to give prompt relief. It is a natural digestant ; it digests what you eat, it is pleasant to take and is sold here by James Plum mer and all druggists. A