41 tie snarii That doesn't mean it We 0 0 0 O O 0 g are clippml 3 O u 0 0 V that we have 0 0 orrespondenee. CHRISTIANA. Christiana, Feb, jq Sickness is quite common in our comma njty. We learn that A. L. Lingle is reviewing his law course prepa ratory to taking the examination this fall. It will be recalled that some years ago Mr. Lingle took up the study of law under one of North Carolina's most honored and successful lawyers, and had about completed the course when he went into other business. We are glad to learn of this, and hope he will succeed for he is one among us and one in whom & client can put full confidence MrfLingle is an able and recog nized orator of the first distinct ion. Dr. Lverlv: "Lee give me the principal parts of Amo." Lee: (Lee to Park) "what verb did he say?," Park: "Damfino." Lee: "Damfino, Damfinare, Damfinavi, Damfiriatum. Since we Iftt wrote, several new branch lines have been added to the Independent Telephone Com pany. This company is gaining ground everywhere as it has noth ing behind it, to in nyway make it disagreeable or burdensome to the poorest man. It has been in Rowan only a short time, but has made wonderful strides towards putting every man in touch with his fellow man. There will be an exhibition at Rowan Academy this spring when school closes. School closes Fri day evening March 6. On Satur day following the exhibition will take place. On Saturday night the St. Marions will give a public debate. John Peeler and Miss Vida Trexler are teaching a very successful term of school there. One of the most remarkable per formances ever known to' man kind only recently came to our notice.. It is a case of Charley Lyerly of Granite Qnarry4 He . was very fond of . a girl ; yet heJ couldn't keep his heart down in his stomach, where it belonged, , when he tried to tell her. So he got a graphopbone with suitable records and gave it to her. Now all day long he has the machine to plead his cause and tell of his love. Wonderful indeed is the genius of man. We learn that there have been changes in the Nazareth's orphan home at Crescent. Prof, and Mrs. H. F. Frick of Crescent, have been placed in charge instead of Miss Abbot, who has been conducting it. " Xerxes. POOL . Pool, Feb. 10. R. Jones Reid is quite sick with cold and grippe, we learn, and does not seem to im prove very last, we nope to see him out soon. The little child of B. F. Lem- ley is very-sick and does not seem to improve. ; Love Morgan is kept in with a severe case of grippe and cold. Mack Morgan is erecting a new dwelling house on the place he re cently bought. A. B. Lisk and JarveyMorgan are doing the work for him. "v- The patrons of the Pond school ready for you & We still have on a district are getting out lumber to r3 a new 80n00 house. They had the misfortune to lose a lot of lumber by fire one day last week. All the flooring, boxing and a lot of other lumber was lost by the kiln catching on fire. Oar school is Ave weeks yet and will go out March 18th, '08. A play day may be given at the end of the school. We learn that Robert and Reather Morgan, sons of J. W. and J, N, C Morgan's will leave next week for California where they will join the U. S. army w ' m m uoys, you better loot betore you leap, as all places are not like home. We are having some bad weath er along now. Guess the ground hog and the last legislature are responsible for itr as the almanac got wrong, about the weather. Mr, and Mrs. Robv Crook have returned from a trip to Troy, N. C. where thev visited relations for a week. Duke Morgan will erect a new dwelling near here informed. soon, we are Mrs. Grant Burrage, of Salis bury, who has been visiting rel atives for a few days, has return ed home. John L. Williams is on the sick list and is confined to his room. J. L. Surratt has purchased a new talking machine and says he has some good records with it. Itemizes. COMMISSIONER HARTUAK SICK. GiBSlderable Sickness About. Building Telephone Lines. School Closed. Union Church, Feb. 10. School at Union Academy was to start up Monday morning, after two weeks stop on account of some little contageousnees, but after dud consideration it was decided not to have any more school this winter. There is much sickness in this community at present. P. A. Hartman is confined to his bed with grippe and ome othe maiady. We wish him a speedy recovery. Wm. P. Rufty has made good money hulling peas for D. L. Arey. in four days he got 1U or more bushels for his part. Mrs Minerva Poole has moved to her summer residence on the farm of A. L. Lyerly. C. M. Lyerly is building him a large potato house. He must, be going to raise them bthe load. John Barger and family visited at Alfred Goodman's Saturday night and Sunday. " Mrs. Minerva Poole is visiting her son, Wesley Poole, who is quite sick with bronchial trouble. Wm. Rnfkv went viaitino- anW would not say where she was going. Lm't that funny? A. L. Lyerly has about com pleted his phone line by install ing all ceder poles. J P. A. Hartman & Company have all their, poles up for their new line. It will soon be ready for service :. L. A, .Mahaley has come, home from Crescent Academy, where he had been attendingiohool.. -j now. hand several hundred pairs of G. A. aiid C. J. A. Lyerly visit ed Charlie Poole last Saturday night and report a "good time. Some of our neighbors attended the sale at Harper & Rrp.'s last Saturday in order to. buy some .bridles, but 'instead of bridles they bought collars, Hurrah for collars. Two prophet passed though our village, Saturday. One said he would live seventy-five years yet and is now about forty. The other' said he planted some, cedar posts and said they didn't last but a few years. We think they have, exaggerated. Our sympathy is extended to the bereaved prophets. The Hustles. A READIN6 CLUB ORGANIZED Mrs. Peninger Dead. Telephone Company About Ready For Business. Woodfeaf, Feb. 10. A. C. Gib bons is building a fancy two-story double L house on his farm near here and will soon be one of our citizens. Mrs. W. D. Penninger died last week after a brief illness and was buried at the Methodist church, the funeral being conducted by Revs. Spence and Hypes. ' J. R. A. Bailey, who was is rec in! to ecent- ly married, has moved nice new Residence. his The Woodleaf Telephone Co., hopes to have all wires connected and everything in shape by the 15th of February, if the weather permits. Owing to the bad weather but little farm work has been done during 1908. Mr. Editor what is the matter? There is seldom a month in which the Watchman does not reach us. It is the largest bundle o7 papers that comes to Woodleaf, the Post- mastersays, and we feel (awfully disappointed when we have to go two weekswithout the paper. We are unable, just at this time, to say why The Watchman should fail to reach Woodleaf every week, but will make it our business to look into the matter with a view of correcting the irregularity. Ed. Watchman. Yes, there are some sneakdogs, but the men who were up forhunt ing were gentlemen, and it has been proven by the written per mits that were sent them to come back to Woodleaf and hunt. Come up again gents,-we are glad to see you any old time. '. A reading club has been organ ized at our High "School. It is a very good move and ' we hope it may accomplish much good.. It meets every Wednesday night. Mrs. Minnie E. Brown has bought her a hew top buggy. It's leap year. i The health of the community is good. One-of-the-boys. tain fa the head pUn anywhen, bs Its ckhss. Fain la congestion, pain li blood pressure nothln elae usually. At least to says Dr. Sboop, and to Brova It he has created littlA olnk tablat. Thai - 5ned Br- Sfip'a Headacha Xabletr- epaxes blood pressure amy from pain centers. IU effect is cb&rmlns. nla&xlntrlT daHffhtfnl. flottlr. thqngh gafelj. It mrriy qm3lt flu blood etreo JKIOB. . ; U you have a headMhe.iVi blood preMora. : If lfi painful period with women. aameanta If Ton ara aleeolaaa. nrflMi atnom. if eonrestlon blood prenure. - That Burely is a I In lul IrvTW a V T- TT J 1 . . it In 20 minutes, and the tablet! simply distribute the unnatural blood pressure. Bruise your, finser, and doesnt rt ret red. and fwell. and pain youT OX eonrse It does. If s con rettion, blood pressure. You'll find it whera pain is always. If simply Common Sense. Va sell at 28 cents, and cheerfully reoommend Dty Shoop'a GRIMES DRUG CO. 9 QOOOMHOaQOOOOMMiOQ PAIN xleaclacne - Men's all wool Socks, worth 125 SOUTH MAIN STREET, Stitisfllli Uu iDjirsl. A. Privett, lumber inspector for theGaither Lumber Co., of States ville, was found tying noar the railroad track betwcm Salisbury and Spencer Satur.:y mrrnirg about 4 o?lock, by a railroad man. He was unconscious and blood was flowing from a gash on the right side of his head. The railroad man administered simple remedies and finally managed to get the in jured man to the Whitehead Stokes sanitorium whera he now lies in a serious condition, suffer ing with a fractured skull. From the appearance of the wound it, is thought that it was made by a heavy blow from a - monkey wrench. Mr. Privett was identified by a business card in his pocket and the depot agent at Spencer wired the Statesville agent to notify the Gaither Lumber Co., and Privet t'e family. The message was received Saturday and Wm. Gaither went to Salisbury and spent Sunday with Mr. Privett. Mr. Gaither says Mr. Privett has about regain ed consciousness and the physici ans say his condition is favorable. Privett claims that he was knook- i ed down early fcBM-suficbt bv an unknAwu mOnd rxrtibd of about $8, tKftthe mofoey he had on his person. V Mr. Privett's family consists of his wife and two or three small children who live in west States ville. He has been with the Gaither Lumber . Co., for some time as lumber inspector but was in Salisbury on personal business when the accident occurred. Statesville Landmark. When the baby is cross and has you worried and worn oat yon will find that a little Cascasweet, the well known remedy for babies and children, will quiet the little one in a short time. The ingredients are printed plainly on the bottle. Contains no opiates. Sold by James Plummer and all druggists. IC 8 Capital $20,000 00 Real Estate, Loans, Insurance ' 8ALISBURY, C Two. Valuable Farms For Sale. We offer for sale cheap the Captain Wilson Farm in South Rowan and near Mill Bridge ; con sists of about 120 acres including one of the very b-jst pieces of bot tom land in the State; has plenty of . timber: two stood dwelling houses, and is located in the best farming section of Rowan county ; it is known as the Old Wilson Place. For price and terms apply or write to our office. We also offer for quick sale a 46 acre farm three miles out of Salisbury; has good five room new dwelling good barns ; pas tures and lots fenced ; would make splendid dairy farm. Can be bought now for $1,500. . 4 Per Cent. We pay 4 per cent, on money in savings department, adding' the interest to the principal every 90 days, and offer every safe guard to the depositors. We also loan money on real es tate and personal security. TEE PEOPLES' BAIK AKD TRUST CO. D, R. Julian, J. D. Norwood, - President. Cashier. P H. Thompson, J. A. Pexlxb, V.-President. . - Teller. mis 25c to 35c. They are still goin SALISBURY, NORTH : Sile cl Valuable Lands lor Partition. : By virtue of an order obtained from the Clerk of -the Superior Court of Rowan County in the special -proceeding entitled D A. Beaver and Lafayette Beaver vs William Earnhardt and wife Alice Earnhardt et al., appointing the undersign ?d Commissioner to sell cer tain lands for partition, I will expose for sale at public auction for cash at the court house door iaSalisbury , N. C, on Saturday, March 7th, 1908, at the. hour of 12 M, the following de scribed lands: " ' Beginning at a Ptake, corner of No. 4, then north 25 chains to a stake on di vision line, corner to No. 4 thence W39t 5 chains to poplar on division, thence south 25 chains on the old line to post oak, thence east 5 chains on the old line to the beginning, containing 12 J acres. Another lot, beginning at stake, thence north 25 chains to stake on di vision line, corner to No. 10, thence west 20 chains on the division line to a stake, thence south 25 chains on line with No. 5 to stake on the original, lmce, thence east 20 chains on the old original line to the beginning,coiitairi-' ing 50 acres, the same being lots Nos 1, ! 2 and 3 in the division of the lands of A John Beaver. ' This Deo. 31st, 1907 JOHN L. RENDLEMA.N, , commissioner. , Charles W. Woodson, M. D., Medicine and Surgery. - Offers his Professional Services to the Public. Omce Phone 600 ; Res. 336 J OFFICE: Waciiom Bank Building. FOR SALE. Hour: Perfection, Straight, an Pancake; Hack- wheat Flour, Meal, Chops, Corn, Wheat and Oats,, Mixed Feed. Shuping Beos., Rock. CHICIilS AKD EGGS -FOR SALE. HAVE one dozen each of fine thor oughbred S. C. White - Leghorn and White Wyandotte Conker eli for sale, also eggs from the same breeds. Leghorn eggs at $1.00 for 15, Wyandotte eggs $1 50 for 15. Bhould you wi h nne chickens buy your eggs ana cockerels from me. Respectfully, GRANITE BELT POULTRY MM D. A. HODGE, Propr. Eoute3, - - - Salisbub7, N. C. THE STATE'S STRONGEST BANKING INSTITUTION. $600,000.00 capitai Over Five Million Dollars Assets 4 PER CENT. intesest guaranteea on money re maining three months in the Sav ing department, yet you can get your money when you want it. J Wachovia Loan & Trust Co., SaHsbury. Savings Bank Building. THE ROOSTER CRIED "I could swear if I tried That there goes a bonnet "With my tail feathers on it!' Something to erow about is our Sample Shoes at 67c on rthe dollar. Have-1 von seen our new arrivals in our Long Wear Shoes? - If not you're behind the times. -Better call on us today and maka your selection before the holiday rush. Our stock the lar gest in the city to pick from. PDPUUW PRICE fOOt WEAR UBH9 finUCTLf UOH WflGHOVIA LOnlj TROST CO V C8 at 15c a pair. - We are still giving away those splendid ppigket knives to all who pay a year's subscription, in advance, to The Oaeo lina Watchman, Pay up and get one for a Christmast gift. Southern Standard of Satisfaction - k. -- H0GLESS LARD Nature made ity and made it right, the just-right cooking-fat for all purposes, the economical substitute for butf ter. There's no indigestible hog-fat in it. It's the pride of the South, her leading agricultural contribution to international food-purity. ,; Ha 15 During September we will offer for CASH a number Two-Horse Wagons at cos. COST! Think of it. If you need a wagon now or expect to need one later yon will make money by pur chasing NOW. If you will investigate we can show you where you are saving at least 15 percent., and'a lit S'tle . later, more than that figure. THE WACOM; We offer for CASH only, at COST, are the Mitch ell, Virginia and- Barber. These wagons - have gained a reputation through MERIT only, and our 76 5"Jiu customers stana as a monument to this g tact. -Convince yourself as to the saving in price g .and quality of goods offered.' g The reason for the offer of Two Horse Wagons at COST a . ib that we desire to discontinne handling two-horse wagons and confine ourselves to the sale of One-horse Wagons fine p uuium graae uuggies II it ie BARGAINS YOU without fail. ' 115 E, Council Street : - S SALISBURY CAROLINA. 5 O 65 mm and Carriages, Mantels, Tile and Our Stock OF- SURREYS AND BUGGIES is large and compased of the latest styles and -are offerfd at prices to attract the most indifferent purchaser. ARE AFTER, see us at once - - - N. C. I A 1 "44 i i 3 ''C-C-- . J

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