it. :i - I I Wife f THECARfiJiLIAAVfiJilHfJAII. r r TtrTn'r,ii 'ii f PrbL James wrenn la iprepar 1 inff to hold a kifmess in Charltitfcal T I ' 1 1 -'Jsv cits: isra .r-; - s- v next juonaay ana -rae.saav.i Mrs. J. igitfli derson.f burtoriilrwili 'take pat7havihg the" parts of Diana ana Caeopatra respectively. Pjlast .hnrjdjaxj, John O-iwQconuptsja ,boating ho$t&jftJe4 iln his addres before the mem- "hers of the Virginia Legislature, Governor Glenn said that if his BraJmeroUiing, Qo.J3 andlm(-thi 'were closed to utterances engagea in anajwoauoorwun; vv . 3 .-Khjta44-WhQhn threatening an .his- attitpde; so muehBothuti hi Arrest : was, . later J cased , thiijgyw proaSdj ly "conduct. - - ' The ryadkin - passengers v train. frhich has been leaving at is cow nern ior soutnoonna No.jueh arrive at (jS if, the j latter v ia not late. iEliis will prove a great convenience' to passengers frorn tho north ho want to take the4 Yadkin train . . iJno. 'M. Beall, -who with his family, has v been ' Visiting his father, Capt. J. B. Beall, has " re turned to his poBji pi . duty. His family will , remain in Salisbury for some time. f against the liquor traffia he would ireajgn his gubernatorial position tomorrow xand renew, his ' fight against the monstet..; drink, , as a private individual. ' ' ''A small blaze, in. the boiler :r66m of the Vanderford Hotel, Friday f, ingjit. caused an alarm of fire' and some excitement for the 1 time, It was extinguished however before the firemen ar rived,; VrsX JBachard Henderson , who ha bwm crftieally for tome time pat m linproved so much, thaUand carried to Gold HUl yester mm. KILLED eteran Struck bi a Train Montfaj tiiBuiriieariMciweu. MWfl have received sT. W; Wood K Sons' Seed Catalogue, to ivu. J It is one of the ; handsomest : And nQst' complete of seed . atal0ges This catalogne:,K parfeiQnlaylyalf qable in the inforaio that, it gives - about sputheri seeds an 'i southern crops, akL' should be ' in the hands of - all; wr garderfers and farmers.. It will - be mailed free, upon request to T. W.. Wood & Pons, Kichmopdr Va ' The r'" i- .1": i Monday ? evening while ' Wiley EaQliftrdii vanl old , veteran and one of the county's -heading farm: ers, twas walking beside the -rail-, road track j just this side of Rock well, be was struck by the ' even ing passenger train, which' leaves Salisbury at 4 o'clockj ,and died from the results at 8:30 on the same evening. Whether Mr. Earnhardt heard a signal from the engine ' is not, known, at any rate he was unaware of the ap proach of , the train and as he walked beside the track, in pass ing, the step on the engine, which projects some, struck him in the back of the .bead, knocking, him unconscious,, in which condition he remained until death, relieved his sufferings. He was picked up bv the train crew and carried to Rockwell and was later brought to 1 Lo Calicoes at Salisbury, on the next incoming 1 10c Dark Outings at train, and taken to the Sanitar ium, where he was given the . .best surgical and medical attention, but to no avail. ' Mr. Eamhafdts remains were prepared for burial Empire s S p-e ci a 1 Bargains. Messrs. 1Ft M. -bompsonand D J illerlfitf b ktst'Thuisday for Florida to pejje!j8merj Rev 7dhnWaefied, f Tmerl j of this placejrasninsialed super intendent olBjarium Springs Or phanage last;i.,Wedoeadaj;, vice Rev. R. W J Boyd, who resigned on account fpf ill' health. Mr. Boyd ill' be field Agenfe-for the institution-; . - A. H". Price, Esq., formerly as sistandiitectv'attorneyffor the Western district of North Caro. lina4 whox has -been located in t Jaclo9jiUec ;Fla.f -forthepast yeajfs WiUiijsturii to Salisbury to resume the practice of law. KeCraige, son of the. late Kerxjaend Stahle Lin u,. son of T.?X), filmEsq,, have been lioensecltQ practice law by the Su preiiJeMlfPfth Carolina. , It fis trymatkale fact al. isburyi now has-' an occasional dru- 4 ..: It erworejni wilroad circles LEIWIW iWwee.n past County Superintendent of Health. WashiiiWni' atod: Atlanta -will! - tr, j ntiank to all those A larre number of trivial cases 1 Lot Cotton.Flannel at . . . 1 Lot Cotton Flannel at . . . lOo Cotton Flannel at 10c Grey Skirt Flannels at 10c Flannelettes reduoed to J Lot Light Outings ...... Big Bargains in Embroider ies at. 5 and 10c 50c day evening, where the funeral and interment will taVe place today. Mr. Earnhardt was about seven ty years df age and spent his life on the farm with the exception of four vears' service in the let North 1 Lot Blankets at, per pair, 1 Lot Blankets at, per pair, $1 25 Blankets Reduced to, per pair, $2 00 Blankets Reduced to, per pair, her recovary now seems certain. Owing to a defect in the steam heating of the opera house last Wednesday night "The Heir to the Hoorah'-' company failed to b-oon if. a onoooomont f.n tfio i aa rt. . . . , ,i ,v . , , Carolina Regiment during the ci rr iin t.monr. rT, nil r.hnaa vhn hH I a . " . I m I tn r I I a mi) a o rrri mri raw. o purchased seats for same. r.-iUr, u.- S t.. t i lUlblil Ul U1CU1UC1 Ul kJU. A oioi o uu- A. H. Pool, engineer on the Uheran church and a bravesoldier. Southern yards here, who has been He leaves a wife, three children connned to His nome for some Uwo boyB and one girl, and two time witn a masnei root, is aoie brothers to mourn his. loss. Hib $i 00 Comforts reduced to. to be but , again, we are glad to brothers are Robert L. Earnhardt, learn. nt SoUahnrv and Henrv Earn j Ui o Subscribe, for THBWATGHMAN andOa One. Salisbury's Oldest; Largest, rPT Cck vrl 4 v o AAA Am X mi .VW':--'.TM JMost'.Bellable and Most WidelyRead Newspaper, has just completed arrangements whereby, it ' can present to every one paying ONE DOLLAR IN ADVli0f dpTaVfuIi; yeaW subscripibn;. one o tie handsome and fiubstahtial knives illustrated belowV THE WATCHMAN, one'.fuil year. . . .$1.00 Your choice of any one of the good strong knives illustrated below, retail price, .50 Total retail price, Our price. for both, "paid in advance, Order by. Number. $1.50 $1.00 $1 19 89c $1 49 Comforts reduced to $1 ,19 10c Bleached Domestic and Cambric reduoed to. . . . 7C 4c ftH f-f 1 7c 4c Wi, . DC 7ic 7ic km mm 55c 98c 130 131 - m ' A It- "PI B ' ' 'U! J ':" 111 I Sit p 144 331 333 343 34? These Knives Retail for 50 cents anywhere and are fully worth the price and Guar anteed to equal any knives, of equal retail price and, with careful use, will outlast most makes. 1 Mm. M. E. Blalock. of Nof- hardt, of ttola ilill. . - ' I . n 1 : 3 j a v "7 i-t . n it . ... . . wood, daughter of the late R. H.r "amui" u . ,. . . aiJo vv e give a iuu year s supscnption to TtLJ VV A'A'UttM AN and your choice of one of Cowan, last week, sold her inter- Rowan SUDSriOr C0Wt In Session. Good Unbleached Domestic 5c iubbj kuivto w evry uu wuo paya a year s.fiupscriptlonnJN AJV AJNUU. iun.iviiivi It it is not conveniftnt. for vnn t.n rnll nt nT ffloQ tvh ,i est in the Cowan farm, on the hnar:nr nnrt nnn,1 flnv1 R1 Tintinr ttt 191 IRn :n 7"" v vrv"A Vt- xuuiubiiiK uuc ouiiar, aiiu Linclonton road six miles west of Monday with Judge Council pre- Cotton Batting, two for Salisbury, to J . M. Yost, of that B;;;nr Tn hi. Mm the iade neighborhood, the consideration spoke of the necessity of-a modern 10 baleB 8ewinS ootton for being l.ttUU. me tract contain- oourt hou8e for Rowan county aud 2 Spools Machine Cotton for ed 75 acres. . also to Dhvsicians failins to re-Ur tj:- i . " " i .vieu b, uauicB nuu vuuu . .. i i j ' t . a .t i The managers of ,r the Yadkin port oqnxagious atseases me ren's fast black hose for, per pair, v.' . . . . . I . - i. ahoisttyihancd. in Salisbury in--un U',nMinm. t.h fair nn the criminal docket have been mw fowellg-lpt, eaeh. iiA ' W- -' - I " WWJSfc W-Uk M VMW Wa - - - v ' tearCfeatlotte, i We trust this laBfc October. They mailed with disposed of none of them being of 1 Lot men's And boys'caps is tm it wotild bringanum- the 0hecksalso a note explaining special interest. . The grand jury L , . gmau bovs' suspend uerjcoBBiatuAooBruw w their deiay in payingthe pre- returned true oins ior muroer in ers at, per pair L--P m;-r.Vr.o nrx ononnnt. nf .ho TcnnrriB the CSB9 OI 11QQV DOSlian WDOI ' irr , ,.i ' i i a.i w u tTavmis o ;i Ladies' Heavy Knit Vests m H nerona n.nn Hi tti m htt. i rtT r. no Auon Riinn nfiincr nPHT.rnvea i huul j? isu& uiu i uu"vu - giipson hafOLiRvexi the contract J by fire. forUhe erectiocN)fi an auto garage , A on the corner ofte anEiBher-l ,aQQ : :MiafD1, . who killed Charles Neal near town stress. John KeSfierly, the conl aftliabtirv ftnd SneW. It i8ia January, all the parties being Ladiefl, Knit shawl Thi we will mail the knife to your address. IREMEMBEK, this.offejp is made only to those, who pay $1.00 in advance If you are in arrears,. you can get a knife paying up 'same and one year in advance. feend-ypur order by maiU inclosing money, order, check'or $1.00 bill, or call at office. the eiyrotoii i ? '' ORTH GAROLIfJA. '3 Soo. u,eto. DIGESTS WHAT YOU AT KSffoTo for Backacht-WaakKIdnsji trj De Wlfft Kldnei & filadder Pffit-Sure andSafs B. O. DeWITT COMEANT, CHICAGO, II-I- For sale by James Plummer and all Druggists. are tractor, is placingj. toaterial and thotlght thal a good any 0f them nees- theffreaperta, Thbuild infilfbV a tubwtantial - brick The grand jury is composed of Bi8 Line,. Ladies' Handker- cnieis aya m . AivAti lot.inn imp. or a - . tne toiiowing gennemen : Detective R. L. Earnhardt left McOombs, Jr., J. C. Kluttz, R . B. duced to SI 89 Tuesday evening for Gold Hill tj;iw pmi n t Rurr Jr a. L , It tie home of tne Dnaes whefe he wln spend a few days on Lowder John A. Locke, C. Q. , , . 0o motferJMrs. J. F. StansOtomj special cases Iwhich he is t.l. fl. B. tnhie. J fi. Jnl- Btrteiture. MiiE BVidge, this countyl Wednesday afternoon, Misil Enrin Was married to Prof-'Wj. LeiJiniODd. of Spartanburg, 81 G.', BeCWalsh, of Thyratira Preyr, :ing after. Sew Adiertlsements,, ian. J. T. Yarbrough, M. E. Mc- U 0 and $2 00 LadleB' and Knight, W. H. Burton, T. J. Lof tin, J. F. Livengood, R. S. Walk- W. B. Summerset, -the furni- er, 0. E. Ludwick and L. A. Ed- terian : church performing ne "D - " " ?v m - in fn r- n i'i tt i ; j. i ; ceremony, iney Spatailburg. will live" inr . Belk-Harry Co, Jbas just closed a r a-xt )7 T?r,TToi have a lot of good good at reduo- Arcanum celebrated its 57th an- tion sal. prices. nivmsacy Monday night . by Grimes, the druggist, says what spee$he and reireshsiti The he has to sayin a new ad this week SDealtorsI wen t aoo. xaeo, jr. Road what he says. KliftW,fJieT. Jf "7"W. The Snmmsreett Undertaking ffibr TH.Pso. a8 We.. Scheie lUl f. ji. inompson a weaiiny reai ni-oiwint. Jas. tv.M Mckenzie, jonn a. estate dealer of Salisbury, was here yesterday and left this morn ing at.l:20 after making a busi ness deal that is colossal in land, circles. Mr. ThomD8on ; has b&acted a Co., is ready to serve you when in Uracle with South Boston laud need. They will please you. owners whereby he comes into po- ThoEmmre Deoartment Store sessiou ot 1200 ocrea of land near . v I . -T . JJ? ior children's hats reduced to 39c $2 50 and 4 00 ladies' hats reduced to. $1 00 $4 00 and $5 00 Ladies.' hats reduced to $1 50 Choice of any hat in our Store for. $2 00 Grimes. Says: The B, uerbau(nd Raiy&ay. Col, ZP, Smith, editor of the n hifih does business in the Rougemont. It will be uaed American, the national organ t of buildineon the 1 corner speculative purposes and it is not Furs. We are almost giving away furs, are certainly loosing on them. Special price at $1 00 and up. and Chil dren's Coats thetfunior Order '-United Amen- , Q M , ,fiank BtreetB the intention of the Salisbury syn ad areas I . . . .. . ,'. 3.1. hmld a nib tlinm A 3ttU2",1"1"jW" r- -tjias an interesting aa in ioaay s - j : - - Ar nil 1qflinr anld at a bit? on te 5rincrnesf the order at Wat0HMANj anffer some Bpien. large portion of it will most likely Are old at a tne oourj nousgi ibu bu. . article at very low figures, oe usea ior iew, yoais willlipeak on the.samB Bubject at Tnia firm is entirely reliable and ranch, the exact purpose of the alunnitTht- .-..i-- v u men not yet being: disclosed. 0F-j-sT . wuswony. iu-- Mr. Thompson was accompanied Chas. A. Kluttz, thraugh his of good treatment and ra square fey Walter MoCanless.ex- Trinity, .nnMAU' J&s. Horah, iLq, nas deal, bee its aa, 1910. Youne McCanless ib a w rr t-. r rv . - I i inttltot snit'against the owner Jaoob Kidman-wants to eell I honeman of ftey'. Theatre W ej.cj overcoat, , BHit of clothe, an ge the old ones poTnt- ;ka nlft.v. the Ham-'-TLree . .u:n i 1 "014?tr. 5 J i a pair socjtB, gi Buiuoiuiug oioo. er8 Ladies' Suits In the newest and best styles. 'Special ( prices range from $5 98 to $20 00 Mofliaynight. He was forcedly GaBee nim and buy yourself rich. rhifhht cTaheVd V. WaUace Son8 probab,y wniw nf -B the largest clothing dealers in the a ootipon. - gtate, have a change of ad in this Ctfwaif Ba.iknow.xat: pftpej; , They are offering most all izen&f GleTelaM:--i6wipdie4. ; mens and boys' furnish- at lJi&nie near oieveiuu; j. uw-1 . at cost, you means an oppor- It is not necessary to add that a man with money enough to pur chase 1200 acres of land, -has too It will pay you to visit our store whenever you come to dav'Uof pneumcmia, after.;; an ! ;iinoMr rf fthnnt a week. He wasoul? 50 years old and leaves a w&iind five children. He wsas burfeiaV Christ's church, near Cle tunity to save money. -TV. Suffering and Dollars Saved. E. S. Leper, of Marilla.N. Y,, sayi " am a carpentar nd have mnch sence to tell what the con- fcailSDUry, as we are naving sideration was. Durham Herald, special sales every day. Stop that tickling Cough I Dr, Snoop's Cough Cure will surely stop it,, and with perfect safety. If is so thoroughly harmless, that Dr. Shoop tells mothers to use nothing else even with very young babies. The wholesome green leaves an'd tender stems of a lung healing mountainous shrub fur fnish the curative ' properties to 5Ti' ! j.. I. ' i l 1 1 k Mri? John Ildie&tftlff 1 tT W .Dr.hoop's CoughCnre: It calms 7 HtV?&-- dr..lBneklen'B vAimca iSalve., It has ftn(,l,i. h insitive herne in Wmm me sufferingid dollars. Itnhialmemprane. No opium, nSrnlrrjp nothing harsh llSav. iHhWr found.. Heals . iburns,,used to injure or suppress The Empire Department Storefe The public is entitled to it. It expects po lite attention and we make it our special con cern that patrons shall not be disappointed. Don't hesitate to come in. Should you mere ly want a stamp or a glance at our directory. We are glad to hare you get in the habit of coming in when you want anything, no mat ter what it is. You will be sure of pQlite at tention. Come in and ask us about ;the things that you see displayed in our window. We want your trade. Largest, Stock, Low est Prices at . GRIMES : DRUG STORE, 126 N. Main St., SM-PDRY , N. C. r cr fV-Tj .ml,ii .flrAa. n fiers. tevar sores, eczema uemana vr. onouu b. leayejl nusoauu uu - "Z . ;rl AwMrr:a. a t , ftttlof . .flrimAa, Dma Co. Con Mai and Bank Sts7 '' . '.I ,5. -.4 .-f-