"5.'- mm 5,. THE CAROLINA WATCHMAN. WlLfXL flTSWA&T, CL ul Pab. it lit Snbscriptlom Pries 11 it ywr strictly easst - EBisrsd u wcottd-elM mattar Jaa. 1Mb. IMS, at ths post oflee at Balis bury, N. CL, safer th act fit Cancnsn uf Uareh trd. It97. " Salisbury, N,C Feb. 12th, 1908. BIS HIGH POINT FIRE, Prize Winners. The winners of the twelve prizes given by the Belk-Harry Co., dur ing their ten day sale are as fol lows: First prize, pair of Selby's $8.50 shoes, E. S. Miller, of Mt. Ulla. Second prize, dozen 15o hose, Alice Mowory of Salisbury. Third prize, W. B. Erect Form Corset, J. W. Sides of Salisbury. Fourth prize, pair of blankets, F. D. Link of Salisbury, R. F: D. No. 7. Fifth prize, pair of President suspenders, Miss Mary Cauble, of Salisbury. Sixth prize, pair of Ejstoa. $1 shoes, W. H. Moulder, of Spen cer. " . Seventh prize, ladies $5 hat, P. A, Sloope of China Grove. Eighth prize, pair of ladies gloves, Mrs. G, W. Smith, Salis bury, R F. D. No. 2. Ninth prize, $2,50 hat, Mrs. C. P. Mulder, Salisbury. Tenth prize, pair of men's $3.50 pants, Mrs. Lottie Moore of Salis bury. Eleventh prize, $1.50 umbrella, Miss Nancy McDaniel, of Salis bury. Twelfth prize, Teddy Bear, J. M. Yost, of Salisbury, R. F. D. NO'2' Jt Cal. Hyde, of Cleveland township, died at his home near Barber Junction last Wednesday, of pneumonia, and his remains were interred at Third Creek Presbyterian, church "the following day. He was twice married, hav ing four children, two by first marriage and two by 'his living wife, who is a daughter of the late Rey. B. S. Krider. These have the sympathy of many friends. The Sodtbero Car Company's Building and - contents Destroyed Sonday Kight. A Hig-h Point special .of Satur-J day to the Charlotte Observer says: he' bijggst fire in the iistory of the cityTn dollars and cents oc curred here last nig-ht when the main plant of the Southern Car Company was destroyed by fire, together with all machinery. The loss is between $80,000 and $100,000, and covered by only one third insurance. There were 23 cars worth several thousand dollars each almost ready to go out, and these were also destroy ed; The origin of the fire is now unknown, but it is believed to have started m the cabinet room. The plant is located almost a mile from the business section of the city, and by the time the fire company arrived the mammoth building- was on fire all over and there was no chance to save it. Work was then directed to sav ing the new addition to the main plant, where a number of -cars were also in course of completion, Notwithstanding' ' the" lateness jof the hour the whole city; seem ed to be out to ; witness, thetbig fire, .which burned ' for : several hours. -.r ., 4; - . WAR IN THE EAST. which it Russia is Preparing to Oppose Tarklsb Ag--; - :; gression in Persia. : ' ; St. Petersburg, Feb. 8. The Russo-Turkish relations have en tered upon a menacing jhase Alarmed at the -unchecked Turk ish penetration of Persia and the mobilization injArmenia, the Rus sian government has decided to execute a formidable military de monstration in reply on the" Turko-Persian frontier, despatch ing there a compact expedition of 60,000 select troops from central Russia with full war equipment, and it is acting "with uncommon rapidity, witli-a view to overaw ing the Turks by a decisive exhi bition of force. The war office has drawn up plans of theexpedition and sub mitted them hurriedly for legisla tive enactment to the douma Fri -V The Salisbury Conclave of feep tasoph has installed the following RmiifflowlrWiBfiw ConioliliilBflrf Whereas it has pleasiad .-; AP, cMowery, ;TreasurerWL.:Kluttz, Financier T. J. Rabe. Provost W. F: Sides. Prelate-MrA; Corl. , Inspector Joseph Kramer. . Warden W. L. Palmer. Sentinel-R. S. Latter. ; TrusteesE. K. James, W. Huff and E. W. Burt. f' other buildinsrs and a string- of box cars standing on the side track were saved by the firemen orthe loss would have been at least double what it is. The cars caught fire twice, but ' were promptly put out. A large black horse belonging to the company was driven from the stables only to return at once and drop dead from the heat. The Southern Car Company was established in 1903 and the buildings were of brick . It was capitalized at $250,000 and was the only company making electric cars of its kind south of Wilming ton, Del. The officers of the company are: President, J. EJ wood Cox, vice-presitfent, E. A. Snow, secretary and treasurer, E. B. Briggs. The loss is a heavy one to the stockholders and High Point also, in that it was the only factory of its kind here.. But out of the ashes will arise a better arid larger plant, thia being given your correspondent ly Mr, Briggs today.' , officers whb'sf'ere rc46WlWtea'4 friend" and brbther," 'H. H der, therefore Be it 1 "V i Resolved, That Winona Counoil No. 18, Jr. O. U A. Mm-bow in humble submission to this divirie Providence, and, Resolved, That in the death of JBro. Lowder this council, and its members, has lost . a faithful friend find br ther, and Resolved,-That we extend to the family our most profound sympa thy, in this, their hour of sadness and grief , and further Resolved, That this council set aside a page in their history of the council, in loving remem b ranee of t bis tried, true and loy ai t rotner, and tnat a copy ol these resolutions be furnished the amily and the Salisbury and Al bemarle papers for publication. I T. D. Brown, -J3om J. H.' MoKenzib ( 0. B. Webb. O. inir to the scarcity' of cash, I ar.: off ering firstclass photos lowerthan ever before. I hate to cheap, but I need, tho money and. want to introduie our worKj mi. j ljinser is wail ing tu do your - ou tdoo; work, of all kinds, viewing, grouping, etc. High grade enlargements And frames.- PEDEN'S ART STUDIO pud for othr porposBi. THi fi fftam assembled is virtnally clos ed session. A representative of the war office briefly and impres sively outlined the Turkish pre paration of which Russia is fully informed and asked for an open credit for the maintenance of an army oi oy,uuu. ie met tne cry of economy by saying that Rus sia had expended blood and treas ure in Manehuria. in vain, owing to the initial backwardness inar mameut. The empire's prestige in the middle east, he said, is now also in the balance and Russia must be prepared to defend it. M. Guchkoff, leader of the Octoberist party, in a speech said that the majority in the douma were Russian patriots and willing to part with their "last shirt" to defend the fatherland. The com mittee in a high pitch of patriot ism passed . the appropriation unanimously. ..At the same session the war of fice obtained sanction for a fur ther item of $10,000,000 to create floating batteries along the Bal tiG eoast, which owing o the weakness of the navy, is at the mercy of Germany. Rowan County Is For State Prohibition. Rowan county, now cursed with the liquor traffic will give' a ma jority for State prohibition- and Lee county, the" baby of the nine ty-eight in North Carolina, will roll up a great big majority. Such is the news from men who know- T. H. Vanderford, of SalisburyJ was here yesterday, nd he says that Rowan county will give a ma jority for prohibition. "It is go ing to be a fight." he saidS "but the prohibition forces will win We have called off the local fight in Salisbury for prohibition, and vul lend erery energy V war4i carrying Rowan for prohibition in the State election of Mav. The State will go for prohibition by figures something like 50 000 to 60 000 andRowan will do its part." JNews ana Observer, Uth. The Jumping Off Place. uonsumption had me in its grasp ; and I had almost reached the jumping off place when I was advised to try Dr. King's New Dis oovery; ana 1 want to say r ght now, it saved my lite. Improve fment began with the first bottle. and after taking one dozen bottles 1 was a well and happy man again," says George Moore, of iinmesland, N. C. As a remedy ior cougns ana colds and hgaler p1 weak, sore lungs and for prevent ing pneumonia New Discovery "iB supreme, ouc and $1.00 at al Druggists. Trial bottle free. For Only $1,00 you can get a setting of eggs from O. O. Harmon nice large White Wyandotte, the great winter layers. P. O,, Mt Ulla, N, C, 2-12 eow 12t pd. Blit Men may come and men may go, bat I go on. forevpr.' Rothrook's Roller Mills. Gold Hill; N. C. 2-12 3m PHoi OS AT PANld TRICE S. 55 fir Walking Stick Souvenirs, made from. the original hewn Bills of the old Mansion House, burned Septem ber 6tb, '07, had be purchased at J. H. Reid's or PurceU's drugstore. De Witt's Carboliztd Witch Ha zel Salve is Dest for cuts, burns. boils, bruises and acratch.es. It is especial ly good for piles. Sold by James Plummer and all druggists. Mortgage Sale. " virtue of the power of sale vested in me as mortgagee and .trustee in a certain mortgage executed by William Broadway and wife, Henrietta Bioad way, on She 30fch day of March, 1906, and recorded in Hook 27 at pace 494 in h Register of Deeds of Mortgapes of Kowan Uounty ; said mortgage being to secure tne payment of certain promisory note and interest executed by -the mortgagers, and de fault having been made in payment of said note, I.D. O. Lingle. by virtue of -the above mentioned power of sale, will sell at Public - Auctioii, to the highest bidder, for cash, at "the Court House door in tne city or (Salisbury, on Uondaj, the 17th day of February, 1908, at twelve o'clock, M., the following described property : Beginning at a stake Earnhardt rear ner ana runs tnence H 214 & 2.80 chains to a stake a new corner, thence S 86 E 3.50 chains to a stake on old line, thence N 4 W 2.85 ehains to a stake, thence N 8Q W 3.50 chains to the beginning, containing one acre be the same more or less it being a lot of land deeded by lln Hall to s the said William Broadway Marsh 80, 1006, also all of our household and kitchen furniture 2 beds and cook stove, sewing machine (New Royal.) D. O. LINGLE, trustee. r Iq Flglit PreW6HlB That the liquor dealers of North " Carolina intend or jat least strong- V ly want to fight the enac.tmnt..QjL prohibition ih the ; coming " State ' election is' made' manifest byf a call to arms that has" iust beeu" made. The local- liquoreei association has issued a call to' i other liquor dealers in theV Stale, especially in towns like Sal wEury and Winston call for a" meeting' to be held in this city 'Monday February 10th, the object " being 1 to organize a State association, to affiliate with the National ' Liquor Dealers' Association, and,-u fight "agai st prohibition.-Avfli mington dispatch, 8th. ' q-zjii Cures Blood, Skin Diseases, Cancer, Greatest Blood Purifier Free. ;rid If your blood 1b Impure tilja. dlseaaed.lifrt . or fall of humors, If you have blood poison, cancer, carbuncles, eating sores, Bcrofola. eBnv zema, itching, risings and bumps, scabby, plmp.y, skin, bone pains,' catavrn', rhenma-jf, tlsm, or any blood or sktn disease, take Bo tanic Blood Balm. (B B B) Boo 9 all sores Ileal : ' aches and pains stop and tbe blood la made. fure and rich Druggists or by express $1 peri.' arge bottle Sample free by writing Blood Balm Co Atlanta, Oa. B B B is especially ad-: f vised for chronic, deep-seated cases, as it cures after all else f alia v-'ODV. Mortgage Sale. NORTH CAROLINA. Kowan County. to m. ti. Miner, ;ntry Taker for Rowan county:. The undersigned J. B. Kerns and W . B. Strachan, both of Rowan County, North Carolina, enter and lay claim to the following de-J scribed piece of parcel of land in Salis bury township, -Rowan County, State of North Carolina, the same being va cant and unapprropriated land, and subject to entry, viz: In Salisbury township about one and one-half miles east from Salisbury, N. C, adjoining the lands of John 8. Henderson on the north-east, west.-south'and by theChil son heirs on the east containing about lo acres, said land is on the south side of the Bringle Ferry public road, con taining by estimation 15 acres. En tered this 29th day of January. 1908. 1 J. B, KERNS, W. B. STACHAN. Witness : Walter H. Woodson, 4t, Timber and Farm Lands Wanted. Give full description in very particular. Proposition will be investigated withm two weeks if description is favorable. Give price. Address "LAND," care of Watchman By virtue of the power of sale vested in me as mortgagee and trustee in a certain mortgage exected by Adam Barnhart and wife, Rachael Barnhart, on the 8th day of October, 1904. and recorded in Book 24 at page 556 in Register of Deeds office, of Mortgages of Rowan County ; said mortgage being given to secure the payment of a-certain promisory note and interest exe cuted by the mortgagers and default having b en made in payment of said note, I, D. C. Lingle, by virtue of -the above mentioned power of sale, will sell at public auction, to the highest bidder, for cash, at the Court House door in the city of Salisbury, jon Monday, the 17th day of February, 1908, at twelve o clock, M., the following aescriDea property : - Beginning at a stake, Adam. Barn hart's corner, thence south, 8QU de grees 9.50 chs to a stake, thence south 14 degrees west to a stake 4,50 chs, thence north 86 degrees west 8.35 to a Btake, thence north 4 degrees east 4.50 to the beginning, containing 4 acres. Also another lot beginning at a stake on old corner,, thence south degrees west o 50 chs to a stake, thence south 86& degrees east 3 75 chs to stake, thence north 4) degrees east 5 oU chs to a stake,, thence north 86 degrees west 8.75 to the x beginning containing two acres more or less Being lot No. 5 in the divison of land of'Ephraim Heilig. See 'Book No. 94 page 131 in Register's office for Rowan Uounty. D. C. LINGLE, trustee REMEMBER US When you need a tooth xtnoto!L'v When yen need a tooth tretsdt v When you need a tilling, When you need a crown, " When youneed a bridge, ' c - When you need a plate, h 'xyuii When you need any kind of , ; DENTAL' W.ORK, ; we are doing the uusinkss, be cause we are doing first-class work at prices you can afford to pay. Dr. L. S. Fox, 122 No. Main St., Phone Noi 805, OfficeHours : 8 :80m to 12 :S0prny . 2 to orlo p mi 'BO YEARS' EXPERIENCE a Trade Marks, Designs Copyrights &c Anyone sending a sketch and description inny quickly ascertain oar opinion free whether an, invention is probably patentable. Commnnica-' ttons strictly con9dential. Hand book on Patents sent free. Oldest agency for securinspatenU. , Patents taken throneh Munn & Co. receive ' tpecial notice without charge, in the . Scientific American. A handsomely Ulnstrated weekly. Xianrest cir culation of any scienttfio toarnaL Terms, $4 a " -year; f our months, $1. Bold by all newsdealers. , Qrandi Wflce A25 F 8t. WubtnstOB. IX X,$-T 'j inn UWU in i 8 . LTOBlrSTOCK A BIG CLOTHING STOCK SACRIFICED AT AND BELOW COST. We have just finished inventoring our stock of Clothing, Hats and furnishings, and find we have still too heavy stock for this Season of the Year. We must reduce same, the knife goes in deeper, every suit in the House being marked down in plain figures. Prices lower for such qual ities than you have ever soen in the town before. Come in and buy a fall supply. You will save money. Every article in the House at cost excepting Stetson hats reserved. Hats at cost -r - Shirts at cost Shoes at cost Neckwear at cost Hosiery at cost Suspenders at cost Gloves at cost Suits at cost Fants at cost Fancy Vest at cost Boys Suits at cost Knee Pants at cost Overcoats at cost Eaincoats at cost Night Shirts at cost Pajamas at cost Overalls at cost Work Shirts at cost Corduroys at cost Underwear at cost Rubber Coats at cost UT THE Jlf EI- BEDUCED T0- '1-M4 hA f,;- .btiak jooooooooooood J u;:nll i wiiaJiii si

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