h M V f A m m STAUP-MILLS RUNN1KS OVERTIME. lTH AT POSTD FtiCERU UMB J18 AlJli Mrs. Heori Earnfiarif OiefeU 8r!ffi Tie&e WHo Are In Arrears Host Pai ep or . and.Fewr Still SUUIng Abroad, MafapIrWiil liiailejggS Gold Hill, Feb, lb: Tito - two pA of3So stamp mills in our town have been gehV iplearegbin ran day and nig1ht ?tctnerpait prised some morning to find r that week regardless of the cold weath- theyare not receiving their paper er that has prevailed ; as per cnBtomV TheyCar behind Geo. McCarhes has recovered with their sulisc'siption, - but they from his recent attack and is" don't think it ; makes any differ again able to e out, his friends ence-thai, it is a matter which will be glad to learn. - oan just as well be attended after i everything Jelse is settled. In a Mrs. Amy Earnhardt, wife of few weeks, according to anew pos Henry Earnhardt, died last Sun- taj regulation, papers cannot cred day a week and was interred at it subscribers more tharr three the Holiness church cemetery, montn8 and as consequence the result of heart trouble. Her many papers'are striving" hard to daughters Mrs. Nell Scully of .New get their subscription list on a York, and Roxie Holshoaser.of paid-in-advanceis. We desire Lynchburg, Va.. were present dur- in this connection to reprint a ing her last illness. It is reported card which Postmaster Reynolds, that Henry Earnhardt and his 0f Winston-Salem, ; has caused to son. Will Earnhardt, will sellout be published in the Union" Re their farms here and migrate to publican. Greensboro Industrial Arizona. News. : V . ' La grippe is still afflicting its To The Publics There has been tims here, and we nave a few some intimation to me tnat tne 4at 7:80 p, m.; We hope to pee a good attendance as we expect some good speeches -- by some of: the brothers. E ubject :! "How jshall we- increaseour" Bro. : S. A.r Earnhardt, addressed the order at the last meeting.;' He .spoke on ".Brotherly Love.' His discourse was listened to very at. tentatively by ; all. , It Us ': to. be hoped more of the members will take an interest in these discourses and give us some interesting and instructive talks on the various subjects. Come out and bring other members with you nd have a good meeting. . Baetlktte. le." M i?ea of fever which seem doing nicely. - The pictures taken by my friend, who recently purchased a odak, reminds me of the song en- led "all ooons flook , alike to to be I newspapers in cutting off their subscribers who have not paid up was due to the newspapers them selves. This is not so at all. This is done under a ruling of, the post office department which classes the patron of a newspaper who does not nav as not a legitimate rvin Shaver last week made his subscriber, therefore not entitled ai trip Mumming on cigars fco the UBe of the maiis , - t obacco. I don't kaow wheth- Tne newspapers have had no he results will justify another nand in tni rujinj, 8o far as I isl of the same by the "knight know. All thev have to do is to of the grip or not. obey and the general publjc should Jno. S. Russell contemplates at once come to. their papers' as- selliug fertilizer here this spring, histance by paying up all past Will Jenkins, who is probably taking fever, had two hemorrhages yesterday, but is somewhat im proved today. The Southern Mining Co., has had a survey made for a switch to be built from the Southern Rail way line to their mine so as to get dues, for unless they do their pa pers must be discontinued after April 1. Respectfully, " C.JA. Reynolds. P, M. We "are inclined to think the nostoffice officials are going a-lit tle too far in this matter, but we are unable to cause a change in their coal, wood, etc., delivered at the ruling and are therefore oom- the mine. polled to submit. Yet there is no The ground is again white with reason why we should lose a single snow which is the fourth snow of subscriber for such a "reason. The the winter and I hope the . last. ruling goes into effect April 1st. Mike. 1 which gives two months in which one might pay up his subscription I alt . A A Use DeWitt's Little Early Ri- account. All gooa men expect to sers, pleasant little puis, x-aey i pay tueir ums uywjr, u uj uo- are easy to take. Sold by James iav. Come in and settle before Flammer and ail druggists. we send out anv bills. DUNN'S MOUNTAIN. LIBERTY X ROADS. Kev. Mr. Holland nas arnvea Dunn's Mountain, Feb 10. fromJAlaama and preached his Winter is at iaBt upon us, the first sermon at St. Mathew s liu- ercmnd hok seems determined theran church last bunday. Jno.' Morgan lis sick with some thing like blood poison at this writing. . . , to hold his own for a few "weeks yet. The school at this place has been closed for the past week on account of some of the children Hurrah, for Liberty school, having a breaking out on tneir teacher and students. Thy are hoodies, better known as the itch. going to have an old-t me exhibi- Necessary remedies are being used tion if nothing prevents. to cure this malady. The Bean Mining Co. is work- The nw desks for the Dunn's ing the Graf mine ,on . a small Mountain school have arrived at scale: but is expecting to put on last and are in place. They make : The SecoBtl: Temptation, f The nearest approach to the temptation of Christ by the devil that the world has ever seen per haps, is pictured in the diabolical proposal of Satan's strongest agent in' the jrorld, ; the liquor" power to" Christ's servants, the ministers of the gospel, in a letter sent to all preachers throughout the country a few days ago. It takes these men of God up on the mountan, as it were, "shows them all the kingdoms of the world, and asks them to join wit.h the liquor power in taking and holding these kingdoms for Satan This letter sets forth the most sacreligious and blasphemers views of the attitude of God and Christ toward this vile, damning stuff that iscaosing such untold misery'and woe on earth and that is dragging so many millions of souls to" an-eWnal hell. These emissaries of the devil have the bold effrontery to ask God's min isters fo join with them in perpet uating this awfnl curse on the human race a "National Model Restriction License." The pro posal is too disgusting, too horri ble to considet.for a moment. There is one thing, however, it hoped this preposterous offer will accomplish, and that is to 6tt he Ceri3tian people of our land thinking. When the Saviour was ed up into tne mountains his Arch-enemy knew that he was very weak from fasting. Is it not very probable that this enemy of souls, through his emissaries, sees the week condition of the church oday sees how so many of hat ministers hesitate to tackle this hydra-headed monster, liquor sees how so many, many of her members ally themselves with the iquof power and fight for perpt-4 nation of this damnable traffic see how her press stands almost silent, utteriug scarcely a word against this evil? Christians, it it any wonder these emissaries of Satan are bold? 0, that the church might put off its lethargy might purge its membership and bestir itself to fight this great est ot all evils 1 O that her mem- is more men soon. Miss Anna "Peeler bas resigned her position as clerk in" Mr. Tyack's store. Luther Eagle has succeded her, Mrs. Annie Earnhardt died Feb. 2nd at the age of 69 years, 7 months and 10 days. Mrs. Earn hardt was a consistent christian, she leaves a husband, six children, three brothers and a sister to inourn their loss. The interment took place at the Holiness church the school room look very nice. It is to be hoped these desks wil be tiken good care' of. ' lhe par ties disfiguring these desks should be held responsible fer same. Jrank L. Agner, Sr. J. C No. 195, Jr. 0. U. A. M., will at tend the Btate meeting at Win ston-Salem the J 8th, inst. Jno H. Tippett, Sr. "P. C, will go as alternate. Lewis I. Caubleis making al necessarypreparations to move to The funeral services were conduct- his new homeKnear Lower Stone ed by.Rev. W. C. Cruse. Geo. Trexler and P. M. Tyack are having telephones put in their homes. ' . Geo. Canup is opening up a large new-ground for fafm. this coming summer church Mr..Cauble has purcbas ed the Harris Bost - plantation We wish all the success jpbssible to a -man who . works hard an farms on a bigjseale. The good will of his friends here go with him, and we hope peace, and. hap Derjahipmigbt heed'tfie command of- tne Lordrl Come ; out from among tbenrand be. ye separate, and touch not thtf Unclean thing ! ' v - FAITH. Sidney R. Wyatt,:of the' U. S. A. writes back home that they have' arrived at .Fort Williams, Maine, -While on the water be got' sea sick. He saw one man take off his. coat and hat and stretching ouThis arms, said good bye and disappeared in water. That was the last - seen of him ; another fell overboard and that was the last seen of him. David D. Peeler is very low at his son's, George'Peeler's. Mr. and Mrs. John Jacobs, of Salisbury, are -visiting at Mr. an Mrs. L. M. Pealer, of Faith. Some northern people were out on the granite belt looking over the fine granite around Faith Sat urday. " Prospects for a lot of granite work are good for the coming" w summer, many inquiries are coming in asking prices-on -different kinds of granite work. Several-men are at work open ing up their quarries preparing for the summer work. Venus. Mills Cannot Afford to : Spin -Cotton at Y-AlocaL cotton dealerreturning today irom visiting the mills ,iii4 North anthCaroIirindS reports ., that ;m any - of the mills were going to shut down ; entirejy on account. of the continued tow price of yarn, . ... . ;. " '' ' -This gen tleman stated that the mills claimed that they were - los ing thre cents a pound on cOtt n bought at the present price and sold at the present price of yarns. There is absolutely no price what ever for cottorT at the present from the mills. It is the opinion- of those who are well posted on the conditions that the yarn market will be bet ter in a few days just as soon as the commission feel sure that the production will be considerably curtailed.-Tjmes-Democrat. . - NeighborEood Favorite. Mrs. E. D. Charles, of Harbor, Maine, speaking of Electric Bit ters, say 8: "It is a neighborhood favorite here with us." I de serves to be a favorito everywhere. It gives quick relief in dyspepsia, liver complaint, kidney derange ment, malnutrition, nervousness, weakness and general debility. Its action on the blood, as a thorougbr purifier makes it especially useful as a spring medicine. This grand alternative tonio is sold under guarantee at all drug stores. 50o. Safetv to lour otoc in Choice Selection: Of Graift i Jar of Coughing CI Wlkes Good ii Goods1" on the outside of a sack is an absolute guarantee that the grain on the inside is clean and sound. Our cleaning process removes all frash and grit, and our careful inspec tion insures quality. Sound and clean grain is as impor tant to the health of stock as good food is to you. We have been selling good grain nearly half a century, and the- quality "bas always been the best.w All mer chants know this. You can buy "Wilkes Good Goods1" at general stores. Sound grain means sound stock. won if m 8 QOO GOODS LSPDcl niNGHAM Hammer blows, steadily ap plied, break the hardest rock. Coughing, day after day, jars and tears the throat and lungs until the 'healthy tissues give way. Ayers Cherry Pectoral stops the coughing, and heals the torn membranes. The best kind op. testimonial . "Sold for over sixty years J' We had seyjeral cases of apron GingJaam in short lengths, bought for our sale, but it was delayed on railroad and didn't get here, except for the last two days, so we still have some left. It is worth 8c, but we will sell, while it lasts, at. 5C Another lot of same Gingham, but 'run a little narrow. It goes at : The persistent .eating ot improper food and too much food causes fermentation and the production of gases and add substances, finally failure of ttrength Irritable temper and chronic dyspepsia.;. ' j,-.'' "' ill 0 17I1EAT FLAKE CELERY m Is an improved wheat food, furnishing all the ele ments requisite for the nourishment and growth of the human body. Made from the whole grain of the wheat, the only cereal designed by nature for man's .proper subsistence. . - Palatable NutriHdus Easy of Digestion and Ready to Eat Cm b served hot Pit h a hot ovea for i few mlaates; er cook k holtteo auk. Wo H paekagt M'SSr. Ail Gtroeers . .- : paetan . mi THE ersett Undertaking Co Are Fully equipped With the latest Hearses, "dnmrch Truck and all supplies necessary for con--ducting funerals, and have a complete stock of all grades of Coffins. Gaskets and Burial Robes. Their Mr. R.VI. Davis and Mr. T. W. Summer sett can"be reached by rjhone at all times, night or day. Reputation Priceless "Good name in man or woman is the immediate jewel of tho soul." That is the proposition concerning repu tation as applied to human beings. But inanimate creation has reputation behind and it is either good or.bad. Gowan's Pneumonia Cure has been long enough before the people to secure a rating in the world's agency for reputation and- that rating is Al. It has made good. It has proven all its claims. It has never disappointed. It does all that is claimed for it, and the-claim is that It CURES anything where inflam mation is the seat of the-trouble. Pneumonia, Appen dicitis, Croup, Colds, Coughs INFLAMMATION does those things, and Gowan's puts it on the go. Being external it is as safe ast is certain. ' Keep it in the house. - NATURE'S 4Ct pinesa will abide with him in the Rev. Jas. Wilson will preachiit J future. Liberty next Sunday at 11 p. m. While working with the desks, We think the leap year is going at the school house Saturday last, to bring in big .harvests to "seme of the bachelors, as we saw one makiag a trip to the piney woods last Sunday evening. ' Just as this item is being pen ciled it is baud." snowing "to beat c the Billy. Grippe is sweeping the country, . Stop it with Preventics," before it gets deeply seated. To check early colds with these little Candy Cold Cure Tablets is surely sensi ble and safe. Preventics contain no Quinine, no laxative, nothing harsh or sickening. Pneumonia would never appear if eafly colds wre promptly broken, Also good for feverish children. Larcre box. 48 tablets. 25 cents. Vest pocket! noxes o cents." Sold by Grimes C. L Kesler had the misfortune to get hit near the. right eye by an old desk. He is badly disfigured, Mrs. M. J. Cauble and Mrs. N. B. Drury visited W. L, Cauble's Sunday last. Our merchant,. H. A. Earnhardt ih woariuff a broad smile now. It ia a big boy. Mrs., "Murray Trexler -is visiting her mother, Mrs.-H. A. Earnhardt . Horse swappers are plentiful, several having visited James Ho- rah for, the purpose of trading a 6-year-old for hiB fine dapple gray horse, 5 years old. SD, M, Kesler is buijding a new Jr. 0. UrA. M , iCbuncil No Made by 3. 0. Ayor Co.. lowju. mmam. SARSAPARILLA. PILLS. HAIR VIGOR. Wa have no -eeoreta ! Wo publish the formulas otfall ouipmedicinea. liners m DllinnenASS. const! Ration retard re covery. Cure these with Ayer's PH!s Plant Wood's Garden Seeds FOR' SUPERIOR VEGE TABLES & FLOWERS. Our business, both in Garden and Farm Seeds, is one of the largest in this country, a result ' due to the fact that- (U Quality is always our JJ r) iitsi consiaeraxiun. V We are-headquarters for Grass and Clover Seds, Seed Oats, Seed Potatoes, Cow Peas, Soja Beans and other Farm Seeds. Wood's Descriptive Catalogue 1b tire best and most practical of seed catalogues. Air up-to-date and re cognized authority on all Garden and Farm crops. Catalogue mailed free onjequest. Write for it. T. 7. WOOD & sens, SEEDSMEN, - Richmond, Ya I We are headquarts on Shoes of all kinds. - & , We have a big stock of Men's, Women's and X 'children's cheap, coarse shoes, to finish out the winter with. Jk ! BELK-HARRY CO. 5 THE EYES Constantly in use while awake, subjected loathe most exacting work, and the most delicate of any of the organs of the body, is it any wonder thg,t they -sometimes rebel? ' - If you suspect that your eyes are rebelling, you should have them attended to AT ONCE. , Only a Graduate Qpticiaff with, every needful ap pliance should "be permitted to examine your eyes. 4l little misfake may mesh a big mistake in time. We examine eyes accurately, fit glasses correctly, and charge for nothing but the glasses. Giv us a trial. ? - - CORMAN & GREEN, SALISBURY, ' SPENCEB, MARION, N. 0. GRFAT RLOOD TONMT Piedmont -Bedford .Concentrated Jron & Alum Wateri i Reprennting the Famous Bedford Alum & Iron Springs of Va.) contains 17 of the most powerful Mineral Tonics. k An 18-oz bottle contains all the minerals in a barrel of the average water. We furnish the minerals, you furnish the water. - We have certificatesJboth from the public and from emi nenfphysicians, telling: of its virtue in Dyspepsia Rheumatism, a large variety of Female Diseases Chronic Diarrhoea and Dysentery, General De bility, Anaemia Malaria Ulceration of the Throat Diabetes Piles Chronic Eczema, Ner vousness, Chronic Constipation and many show ing: the wonderful cures in that dreadful disease, Scro fula. Dr. T. L. Kabiss, for fifteen years a resident at the Springs, says: For ScrofvZa, that fearful destroyer of human health and happiness, we have-. in this water a remedy which neither science nor fortunate accident has hitherto "found an equal. It ia in this malady, and some forms of secondary and tertiary Syphilis, that this water when carried to its full alterative effect, displays its highest curative powers. In all forms of diseases peculiar to females, this water will be found to exert a curative influence second to none in Virginia, ' I have given your Concentrated Water a fair trial, and say with pleas tire I have been greatly benefited. For some years I have suffered more or less with Indigestion, followed by Constipation and other attendant ills. Within the past two months I have found such jelief from your remedy that I have improved in strength and weight; have eaten what I have not dared to do for a long time, and have done harder work than I have been able to do before-for years. . - , ' , Rev. OSOAE LITTLETOIT, Presiding Elder, Lynchburg, Va. Since 1894 I have been afflicted with Chronic Diarrhoea. About six months ago I commenced using your Concentrated Iron and Alum Water with the most wonderful and satisfactory results. For three or four years past I have been deprived of the privilege of visiting friends or going to church, as my trouble kept me in constant apprehension having lost almost entirely the control of my Jhowela ; but now I am happy to state that, after using about a half dozen bottles of your remedy I am entirely cured, not having used any for the last four months. I can confidently and most gladly recommend your remedy for Chronic Diarrhoea. , ' -' - - Capt. RTJFUS AMIS, Virgilina, V. I waj an intense sufferer for some months with Indigestion, and could nn raiifif from the ordinary remedies. During the month of January I an the use of your Concentrated Water, and one bottle has entirely re lieved me. I can now digest any diet arid am entirely free from suffering. T'fokft prvsii. pleasure in giving this testimonial. s - . Rev. H. M.. BLAIR, ' Editor -tf". C Christian Advocate, " Greensboro, N. O. I have used and prescribed waters'from several Iron and Alum Springs, but none of them begin to come up to your Concentrated Water in all. that goes to make the ideal alterative, strengthener, appetizer and restorative. It is at once & fine tonic and flesh-builder. Have advised several -recently tq try it, and always with fine and quick results. InJanuary I had a bottle sent from one of your dealers to a lady, with the understanding that if it did not at once improve her digestive apparatus, Iould pay thef 1.00 myself. She not only willingly paid the bill, but used a part of one-half dozen more bottles, and is now completely cured of a long and annoying Stomach Trouble. Thia aeema to be the case with all who try it. i T S. P. HILLIARD, M.D., - ' Rocky Mount, N. O. Sold aDdeMmmended bytT, W, Grimes Drug Co., Chest nut Hill Drfig uof;H. M. Cook Pharmacy. .' ". i . Drug Co. U 1 196, will meet Saturday evening i 5

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